Gay Erotic Stories

Harry & The Fraternity Nerds Part 2

by Bubblebuttluvr
05 Jul 2008

Bisexual College Days Exhibitionism Masturbation Muscle Orgies Underwear Action Voyeurism

It had been three months since Harry's girlfriend, Jenny, had talked him into wearing here sheer white lacey thong. The deal had been that if he would wear her thong all day she would finally give him head for the first time. Harry did it and then after a surprise football practice was called he wound up having the entire team plus the coach see him in her scant little panties.

Harry had always enjoyed wearing skimpy little bikini briefs. The smaller they were the more he liked ‘em. He liked them so small that his rock hard bubble butt would spill out the leg bands. Harry was a true exhibitionist. He love the attention that he got in the locker room at the gym as the other guys saw him in his tiny underwear. But ever since the day Harry had worn Jenny's thong he found that he really enjoyed wearing women's panties. The fabric was so much softer and the cut so much small and revealing. Harry found himself sneaking into Jenny's panty drawer so that she wouldn't know that he was wearing them.

Soon he started making trips to Victoria's Secret buying panties for himself. Silk, lace & mesh. Sheer and see thru bikinis & thongs--the smaller the better. Of course all the sales clerks assumed that they were for his girlfriend, only Harry knew the truth. He would be way too embarrassed to have anyone know he liked wearing women's panties.

He was a well muscled jock with six pack abs, big muscular chest, bulging biceps & an ass that ballooned out four inches from the rest of his big jock body. No one would believe that Harry got off on wearing women's underwear. Harry's face burned hot with embarrassment just thinking how humiliated he would be if anyone knew his fetish or even worse if anyone had ever actually seen him wearing sexy little under garments. Not even Jenny knew. It was one thing for him to do it as a dare in exchange for something from her but he was afraid that if she knew he enjoyed it she would break up with him. Not to mention the humiliation he would feel.

You would have thought that Harry's fears of being publicly humiliated would have made him much more understanding of others but this was not the case. Harry was the stereotypical frat boy. And he and all his fraternity brothers enjoyed nothing more than publicly humiliating those that they saw as different or weak.

It was just last week that Harry & his frat had played a particularly cruel prank on Seymor Manning, the president of another fraternity on campus. Seymour's frat was made up of all the guys on campus who would be considered nerds or geeks. They were computer geeks & physics majors--the kind of guys who wore plaids with strips and wouldn't be caught dead without pocket protectors. Most wore glasses and a few even had the stereotypical tape holding the broken frames together. That was something that always gave Harry a great chuckle. It was the classic nerd look from the movies. Something he assumed Hollywood had created but this group of guys were real and doing it. It made Harry laugh every time he saw it.

Anyway, Seymour was set to give a speech during a special parent’s weekend. He was on the platform at the podium and began his speech. Then from out of no where Harry, wearing a ski mask, came bolting out from behind the stage and ran up behind the unsuspecting young man. Before Seymour even knew what had happened Harry had yank his pants down to his ankles as he whispered in his ear, "This is from me and all my brothers at Omega Chi." But worse than that Harry hadn't just pulled down his pants but made sure to pull down his tightie whities as well leave poor Seymour completely exposed before the entire student body, faculty and all the visiting parents.

Seymour was a very lean and lanky young man. He couldn't have weighted more the 120 lbs. soaking wet but the club that swung between his legs was massive. Even flaccid it hung down at least a good nine inches and was as thick as a soda can. He wasn't very hairy even at 20 years old so there was just a dusting of peach fuzz on his lemon sized low hanging nuts and a few wisps above his cock.

There was a loud roar of laughter from the audience. Once Harry had pantsed the unsuspecting nerd he kept running and was gone before anyone could see who he was. His huge dong swung freely as he reached down and tried to cover himself with his hands but it was pointless, his manhood was so big he couldn't possibly hope to over it with just his hands. But, the sight of him trying instigated even more laughter.

He then bent down to pull up his pants but somehow they got caught up in his shoes and as he pulled up he lost his balance falling flat on his face. His small round bottom aimed at the laughing crowd. He then got on his knees to pull himself up and as he did he spread his scrawny thighs which caused his tiny ass cheeks to spread and he wound up flashing his pink button to the crowd, which got another huge laugh. Finally Seymour got to his feet and was able to pull up his pants, slipping his long fat prick down his thigh before fastening the button and running off stage.

No one may have seen who pantsed poor Seymour but he knew that voice. He knew it belonged to Harry and at that moment as his face glowed bright red with humiliation he vowed he would get revenge. And when he did it would be severe.

It was now a week after the prank that Harry had played on Seymour and all the campus was still laughing at Seymour's shame. All were shocked to see how well Seymour was hung and agreed that a dick that size on a guy that geeky was a total waste. It wasn't like he would get much chance to use it.

When Harry returned from class that day there was a manila envelope in the mail addressed to him with no return address. Harry open the envelope curious to find what was inside. What was inside were two smaller white envelopes. One felt rather light but the other felt as if there was something a little more substantial in it, it was this second envelope Harry opened first.

He tore the corner of the envelope carefully and let the contents fall into his hands. As he got a look at what he held Harry let out an audible gasp. It was seven full cover 4 x 5 photos of him. But not just any photos of him. These were special photos. These photos were all of him wearing his skimpy little panties. In the first he wore pink silk panties; in the second black cotton panties. The third had him in a pink, green & white stripped thong. In the forth he wore a yellow mesh French cut bikini. Number five had him in a white cotton thong with little blue flowers all over it. In the sixth he was in a red silk thong and in the last he wore purple fishnet panties with little black bows on either side.

Harry's face burned hot from embarrassment. He scooped up all the contents of the envelope and raced to his room, slamming and locking the door behind him. Once safely locked in Harry pulled out the photos again and took another look at them. He now realized that all of these photos were photos of him in the thongs and panties and had worn this past week. He then noticed that the pictures were all taken from inside his bedroom. How could this be?

All the pictures seemed to be taken from the same angle. In each shot Harry was standing in front of his mirror so that in the picture you could see his big round ass spilling from the panties as well as his package reflected in the mirror. And all the pics seemed to be taken from above. Harry looked across the room and up high. There was a vent directly across from his mirror. Harry grabbed the chair from his desk and pulled it over to the vent. He climbed up on the chair and pulled the cover from the vent. Inside there was a small wireless camera. Harry pulled it out and threw it to the floor. He then jumped off the chair pouncing on top of it smashing the cam.

He then tore open the second envelope and pulled out the single sheet of paper which simply read BE AT THE KAPPA CHI FRATERNITY HOUSE TONIGHT AT 9:00 OR THESE PICS AND MORE GET POSTED ON THE INTERNET!!!

Harry was in shock as he stared wide eyed at the "invitation". Seymour Manning had to be behind this to pay Harry back for his prank. He and his geeky brothers must have snuck into the house when no one was home and set up a cam in Harry's vent. Harry blushed uncontrollably as he thought about those fuckin' geek's seeing him in his sexy little panties; his huge butt cheeks pouring out the back of the itty bitty panties.

He couldn't believe what was happening to him. He was a star athlete on the school's football team. He was actually in school on a football scholarship. If these pics got out he would surely be kicked off the team in disgrace for bringing shame to the team and even if he wasn't he would surely be laughed off the team. And if got kicked off the team he would have to leave school.

Jenny would surely leave him. He hadn't even been able to tell her he was bisexual. If she found this out she would assume he was a cross dresser or totally gay or whatever, but whatever she thought he knew she would never understand how hot the sexy little panties made him feel--and how he was still all man. This could have an irreversible effect on the rest of his life if those pictures made it to the Internet. Harry knew he had no choice. He would have to do as the note said and try to reason with the nerds at Kappa Chi.


That night at 9:00 sharp Harry found himself knocking on the door of Kappa Chi. The door opened slowly to reveal a hooded figure all in black. Harry was incredibly uncomfortable. "I got a note asking me to stop by tonight at nine."

"Yes, said the hooded young man. President Manning is expecting you. Enter.", with that the figured stepped back so Harry could enter. The figure closed the door and Harry looked around. The hallway was dark with the exception of a few candles.

"Follow me.", stated the figure in a high pitched nasal voice. Harry recognized the voice of Wally, Kappa Chi's Vice President. Harry followed him down the hallway, the flames of the candles flickering as the past. At the end of the hallway was a pocket door. Wally reached out and slide the door open. They entered the room, which Harry realized was a living room. But all the furniture was pushed to either side of the room. All the lights were off and the room was lit by candle light.

At the far end of the room, at the end of a long red velvet runner there was a sort of throne. On the throne sat another hooded figure. Along each side of the runner there were five hard wood chairs. Each chair had a hooded figure seated in it.

Once inside Wally pulled the door shut. Harry looked around the room and realized that the walls were decorated with life sized posters of him. Life sized posters of him in his revealing panties. In the pics Harry wore the same seven different pairs of panties that he had worn in the photos he had received in the mail. However, there were many more shots adorning the walls. In one Harry was dressing. He was bent over getting ready to pull up his jeans; his ass was facing the camera. He wore a pink, green & white stripped thong, its little band disappearing between his meat ass cheeks. When Harry saw this he blushed and had to look away. He was furious, but also embarrassed. He didn't want to piss these nerds off for fear of what they would do next so he bit his tongue.

The figure on the throne stood up and removed his hood. It was Seymour Manning. "Thank you for coming," Seymour in that annoying high pitched whine he had.

Trying his best to disguise his displeasure Harry said, "It' not as if I had much choice."

"True," whined Seymour as the other hooded figures laughed.

Seymour spread his arms wide and asked, "So, what do you think of our art work?"

Breathing in deeply and trying to keep his cool and hide his embarrassment Harry said, "Interesting." There was a long pause where no one spoke. Finally harry broke the silence. "Look, Seymour, I'm sorry about the other day. It was a stupid prank. I shouldn't have done it. But, come on you can't post those pics of me on the Internet. It would be too humiliating for me. Please just give me the pictures and let’s just put this all behind us."

Seymour snapped, "Humiliating for you! Don't you think it was humiliating for me to have my pants yanked down in front of everyone like that--to be so exposed and have everyone see my wiener? People have been laughing at me all week. Calling me ape dick." protested Seymour. Everything Seymour said came out in a whine. Harry couldn't help but chuckle as Seymour referred to his manhood as a wiener. Most guys would say cock or dick but not nerdy Seymour, he called it a wiener.

Seymour caught Harry's chuckle and said, "Is there something funny Harry?"

"No." said Harry. "I really am sorry. Now can I please have the pictures?"

"Not so fast," said Seymour. "But if you do everything we tell you tonight, and I do mean absolutely everything, then I will see fit to give you back all the pictures from the camera we set up in your frat house."

"What do you have in mind?" asked Harry his face flush with embarrassment.

Harry pushed his thick black framed glasses up high on his nose. Harry noted that they were taped together in the middle. 'Typical', thought Harry. Seymour cleared his throat and then spoke, "It appears that you enjoy wearing women's underwear."

Harry blushed harder and tried to deny it, "No, that's jut something my girlfriend wanted me to do. It makes her hot."

"That's a lie." shrilled Seymour. "Why don't you turn around and look at the TV screen."

Somewhat puzzled Harry turned to see a 52" plasma TV on the wall. Seymour aimed a remote at the TV turning it on. The picture came to life before their eyes. It was Harry. He was lying back in his bed in his room wearing purple fishnet panties with black bows on either side. His cock and balls were pulled up over the waistband--his cock hard as granite. He was stroking hard and fast as he yanked on his shaved nuts. His head back and eyes closed as he moaned in ecstasy.

Harry looked at his image on the screen. His heart began to beat faster. His pulse raced; he couldn't believe his eyes.

Seymour spoke, "I bet you didn't realize that camera we installed in your vent not only takes still photos, but also video too. And since it was a straight feed from the cam to our computer here we have tons of digital video on you from this past week. You remember the day you pantsed me? Of course you do. It was that night while you and your brothers were at your football game that we snuck in and installed the cam."

Harry gulped as the realization that everything he did in that room of the past week had been viewed by these total losers.

"No, Harry, you say that you don't get off on wearing women's panties and that you only did it to please your girlfriend but she is no where in sight and you look like you are really getting off on them. We have other videos we could review if you like. This is just our favorite." stated Seymour.

"No!" pleaded Harry. "No we don't need to see anymore. In fact can you please turn this off." Harry's voice was not much more than a whimper at this point.

Seymour and his eleven frat brothers laughed at Harry's humiliation which only compounded it. Harry couldn't believe the situation he was in--all these scrawny weak nerds laughing at him. He had never been in this situation before. At 120 lbs Seymour was the heavy weight of this group. Normally Harry would beat the shit out of each of them but this time was different. If he did and they posted just one picture or video on the Internet he would be utterly humiliated, even more so than he was now.

Seymour clicked off the TV as he spoke. "Now as I stated before if you do as you are told I will give you all the files, footage & pics that we recorded in your room."

"Yes,yes; anything. Just name it and I'll do it. Please." begged Harry.

"Strip down to your panties."

"I-I-I'm not wearing panties." lied Harry.

"Don't lie. Just strip."

"You have to be kidding."

"Do I look like I'm kidding?", whined Seymour's nasal voice. "Do it or we post what we have on the Internet.

Harry knew he was beat. He just closed his eyes as he began to pull his sweatshirt off over his head and threw it to the floor. He then kicked off his boots and pulled off his socks. He looked pleadingly at Seymour begging him with his eyes not to make him do this but Seymour stood firm.

Again Harry closed his eyes in the vain attempt that this would somehow make him disappear but of course it didn't. He pushed his Levis down over his hips and pushed them down over his muscular thighs to reveal a pair of thin white nylon French cut panties with little pink hearts all over them. They rode up high over his big round booty; his smooth white cheeks spilling out from the scant underwear. Harry felt foolish.

As soon as they came into view there as a roar of laughter from all the men of Kappa Chi. Harry cursed himself as he stood there in just his tiny panties. He should have known better than to wear panties here tonight. But, he never expected this. He instinctively put his hands in front of his crotch in an attempt to conceal his shame. This only got a larger laugh from the men. Harry wanted to die from humiliation.

"I thought you said you weren't wearing panties today, Harry.", teased Seymour.

Harry just hung his head in shame.

"Now I want you to walk down the red carpet back and forth before all my brothers. Show off your panties to them. Give them a private fashion show."

Harry's eyes grew wide, "Please...!!!"

Seymour snapped his fingers as said, "Do it!"

Oh how Harry hated the sound of his whiney nasal voice. But he knew he had no choice. Harry began walking down the red velvet runner so that each brother could see him in his too small panties oh so sheer panties. The nerds all started to hoot and holler. They were catcalling Harry, treating him like a piece of meat. Harry's left nut popped out the leg band of the thin underwear as the back rode up and disappeared between his mountains of ass flesh. The geeks just kept laughing their heads off.

Harry now stood before the throne and Seymour. "Now shake that plump ass for my brothers." ordered Seymour.


"Now!" barked Seymour.

Defeated Harry's shoulders slumped as he began to shake his overstuff ass pillows at the hooting group of men. "That will do." said Seymour.

With that Seymour raised his arms and the ten brothers who were seated stood. Wally then made his way to Seymour's side. Seymour lowered his hands and as he did he parted his black robe. As he opened his robe Wally and the other ten brothers did likewise.

Harry's eyes grew large as he realized that Seymour and all his brothers were all pantless. Not only that but all twelve of them were hung like horses. Harry looked down the line from side to side at the ten men. He then looked at Seymour & Wally who stood before him. He had never seen so many well hung men in one place at the same time.

"You know that our fraternity is made up of the greatest minds on campus. What I am guessing you did not know is that not only must you have a 4.0 GPA to get in but your penis must also be 9"x 7" or greater." said Seymour is his annoying nasal voice.

Harry was speechless. He stood there before this group of scrawny monster-dicked nerds, his own full round booty pouring out the back of his tight little panties.

"Next I expect you to get on your knees and service each of my brothers orally." ordered Seymour.

"What...? You can't be serious."

"I am. Now get to work or we start posting what we have on you."

Harry knew he was beat. He felt like an ass standing before this group of losers in just a pair of panties, which were see thru and decorated with little pink hearts. On top of that Harry didn't suck dick. It was true he was bisexual but he was usually the one getting his dick sucked. Oh yes, he would fuck an ass but when it came to oral he only received he didn't give. And even if he was going to give he didn't want it to be on these geeks.

"Now stand before brother Franklin, drop to your knees and take him in your mouth."

Knowing he had no choice Harry made his way to Franklin and dropped to his knees. As he did all twelve brothers let their robes fall to the floor. They were truly an odd sight to behold. Each man wore either brown or black loafer with White knee gym socks. Most wore glasses and all had plastic pocket protectors in their shirt pockets. Several wore bow ties and a few wore sweater vests. No ones shirt matched his tie or his sweater vest. It was an array of mismatched clothing made of polyester. None of them wore pants and all were 9" in length or larger.

Harry was utterly humiliated as he took Franklin' cock in his hand. He began to lick it. As it began to grow Harry wondered if he would be able to fit it in his mouth. Franklin's dick head entered the muscular jock's mouth. Tears began to well up in Harry's eyes as the geek thrust his oversized prick down his throat.

Harry gagged and the men laughed. They then began talking about him as if he wasn't even in the room. He heard things like, "He looks so stupid with those hearts on his underwear." "The hearts aren't so bad but they are so small they can't contain him." and "Only a complete pussy would wear women's underwear." Now he was being called a pussy by this group of losers.

Franklin moaned as Harry worked his mouth over his engorged dong. Then the brothers started critiquing Harry's oral sex method. It was so humiliating to Harry to be talked about like an object without feelings.

Harry then started jacking Franklin's cock with his left hand as he continued to suck.

"I'm gonna cum.", droned Franklin. Harry tried to pull off his cock but Franklin grabbed his head and pulled him down on his brick hard cock. Harry's cheeks puffed out and his eyes grew wide as they started to water. Franklin let out a high pitched yell as his seed erupted from his fat dong. It was slimy and salty as it splashed against Harry's throat.

"Swallow!" yelled out Seymour.

His mouth still on Franklin's cock Harry's eyes looked toward Seymour to see if he was serious. Seymour's expression told Harry that he was. Harry gurgled as Franklin's load slide down his jock throat. Some leaked out and dribbled down his chin.

Franklin released Harry's head and he fell to the floor trying to catch his breath. The frat brothers laughed at Harry's shame. Harry wiped the cum from his chin as he crawled over to the next cock. This time he wasn't even given the chance to take the cock in his own mouth. His head was pulled back by his dirty blonde hair and a second cock was thrust in.

Harry felt like a $10 whore as his mouth was invaded. He knew he must look ridiculous in his scant panties sucking cock after massive cock. Harry's humiliation continued through out the evening. Some men came down his throat while others found it amusing to cum in his face giving him a protein based facial.

By the time Harry reached Seymour he had sucked eleven cocks. His hair was matted stiff with cum; his face and body also sticky with the man juices. And his belly full. Now he knelt before Seymour ready to service him but before he could take Seymour's cock Seymour stopped him. Harry was confused. Then Seymour turned his back to Harry, bent over and grabbed his ankles saying, "Eat my hiney bitch!"

“Hiney," thought Harry. Even when humiliating someone they sound like nerds!

Harry had never rimmed an ass before, though he liked it done to him. Harry place his hands on either cheek of the President of Kappa Chi. He stuck out his tongue and took aim at Seymour's brown button. Seymour moaned as Harry tongued his tight button. He licked up and down the ass crack. He then pushed his face in deeper as he began to make love to the nerd’s ass hole with his mouth. Seymour moaned loudly in that nasal tone of his.

Harry felt like he had reached the bottom of the barrel. He didn't know how much more degradation he could take. Then without warning Seymour pulled away and ordered Harry to get on his hands and knees.

"Why?" asked Harry.

"Because I'm gonna fuck you."

Harry shook his head rapidly and emphatically saying, "No. I can't. Your too big. You'll rip me open!" Harry felt like a complete loser begging this nerd not to fuck him with his donkey dick. Harry had never been fucked and certainly had no intention of starting with this massive prick.

"You'll do as I say or we will post our footage of you on the net tonight!" snapped Seymour.

Harry knew he had to take it so he accepted his fate. He began to pull down his thin panties.

"Wait!" said Seymour. "I like to fuck my bitches with their panties on."

All the brothers laughed as Harry glowed red with shame. He just sank to his hands and knees. Seymour came up behind him and grabbed the back of his nylon panties and tore a large hole in back of them. Harry felt so stupid as Seymour slapped his huge fleshy cheeks.

Next Seymour spit on his cock once and stroked it to lube it ever so slightly. He then grabbed Harry's hips and took aim at his virgin hole. Seymour began to thrust his super sized prick into Harry's tight hole. Harry screamed out and begged for mercy. He began pounding his fist on the floor yelling, "STOP!!! Take it out!!! You’re ripping me in two!!!"

Seymour just laughed at Harry's pleas and said, "I thought you were so big and tough. Are you saying that you can't even take a nerds penis?"

"NOOOOOOO!!!" yelled Harry. PLEASE!!!"

The whole frat laughed at Harry as he screamed out in pain. Seymour began to pick up speed and pound Harry even harder causing the deflated jock to cry out. Tears began to well up in his eyes as his virgin ass was roughly invaded for the first time.

Now the men who sat around watching Seymour use Harry for his pleasure began cheering him on encouraging him to pound poor Harry harder. Seymour slapped Harry' plump bottom as he slammed into him.

"Are you ready for it bitch!" yelled Seymour. "Are you ready to take my load?"

Harry never had a chance to reply because at that moment Seymour's cock exploded in a warm eruption of sticky man juice filling Harry's virgin hole for the first time. Seymour pulled out as Harry collapsed on the floor in a heap. Seymour made his way around to Harry's face and slapped him across it with his still hard cock. He then pressed his fat schlong to the defeated jocks lips and ordered him to clean off his penis with his mouth.

Harry looked Seymour in the eyes and opened his mouth. Seymour shoved his softening cock in. He could taste combination of Seymour's sour cum and his own ass on Seymour's manhood and he licked and sucked it clean.

Seymour pulled out his dong and said, "Very good. You follow instruction well. You may dress and leave." Harry rolled onto his stomach, the back of his panties ripped out and his plump rear on display. He looked up at Seymour and said, "Can I have all the pics and videos you shoot in my room? Please! I did everything you asked me to."

Seymour smirked, "Yes, you did." With that he walked over to a small table by the TV and picked up an enveloped containing all the pictures and files that had been shoot in Harry's bedroom. He handed the folder to Harry and said. "You may take the posters too."

Harry rose to his feet. He was completely deflated and humiliated. He looked down at himself and much to his surprise Harry realized that he was hard--and worse than that the front of his panties were covered in cum, his own cum. He hadn't even realized that he had ejaculated until this moment. His face burned hot from humiliation.

Wally noticed Harry's hard prick and pointed it out to the rest of the group who in turn laughed loudly. Then another guy shouted out, "He loved it. Look he came!" Harry tried t cover his dripping cock with his hands but it was too late. It had been noticed. The men of Kappa Chi watched Harry and continued to talk about him and laugh at his shame as he dressed and gathered up the posters, pictures and video files.

Without a word Harry left. He hoped no one was home at his frat house because he was still coated in cum from the top of his head to the tips of his toes. He had never endured such humiliation before but he made it through it and got back all the footage. He couldn't wait to get revenge on the nerds who had shamed him so.

What Harry was unaware of was the fact the entire encounter he had been forced to endure at the hands of Kappa Chi had been caught on video--his panty fashion show. All his dick sucking and even taking Seymour's cock up his ass, every last bit of it was caught on video. Of course Kappa Chi had lived up to their end of the bargain. They had told Harry that they would give him back all the footage that had been filmed in his bedroom. And they did. But, they said nothing about the new footage that they were filming. After all, the guys of Kappa Chi needed some guarantee that Harry wouldn't seek revenge.

The End


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Barry had had a love/hate relationship with his butt for as long as he could remember. There wasn't a time he could think of where his bottom wasn't much larger than average. And as he got older it just seemed to grow and grow even more. Then last year after a knee injury that laid him up for several months his ass grew to mythic proportions. It now measured at an incredible 45" and

Big Ass Humiliation: Trey Meets The School Bully

It seemed that no matter where Trey Fisher went he just didn't quit fit in. Trey had spent most of his 18 years being raised by his widowed father. Even as a small child he always preferred books to baseball. That combined with his shy quiet nature helped set him apart. Then there was his look. Trey had the look of the stereotypical nerd from a 1980's movie. He had a mop of unruly brown curls

Brad: Golf Course Spanking, Part 11

Brad Tomkins had dreaded making this call all day but, he knew he had to do it. Brad was in his freshman year of college and had lost another job due to his laziness and bad attitude. He had hoped to find another job before depleting his funds but had been unsuccessful. Now he had to call his father and ask to borrow some money. It wasn't that his father couldn't afford it. He could. And Brad

Brad: Memories of a High School Spanking - Part 1

Brad Tomkins knew that he was getting what he deserved. After all, it wasn't the first time this had happened. His ass had been getting him into trouble all his life. Even as a young teen he had such a big round ass that it was hard to find pants that fit him. It was in junior high that he learned the power of his big beefy globes. He'd hear the girls gasp as he walked by. They'd whisper

Brad: Spanked By The Groom Part 10

It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon and 19-year-old Brad Tomkins’ cousin, Mary Beth was getting married. Brad arose early so that he would make sure to be at the church on time. Mary Beth was Brad's favorite relative. There were six years between them in age and Brad had always looked up to her. She never made him feel like he was her annoying little cousin tagging along but instead always made

Brad: Grant Finally Gets A Whack At Brad Pt. 18

Grant arose first the next morning feeling surprisingly refreshed. The night before he had watched his best friend get his huge rump spanked by their twisted dorm supervisor, Mr. Marshall. Grant had discovered Brad's secret, he got off on being spanked. But Brad also learned Grant's, he was gay. Last night everything seemed okay but now in the light of day would things still be the same

Brad: Late For Wrestling Practice - Part 2

As Brad Tomkins sat waiting outside Coach Phillips’ office, he thought of a strategy. He’d been late for practice three times this past week and he knew what that meant. He was going to be kicked off the wrestling team. The coach had warned him before. Brad's problem was he that was used to coasting by on his good looks. At 19, he still had that good-looking boy-next-door look. He also

Brad: Naughty Choirboy 16

Brad look around the auditorium of St. Thomas Church. Today was his cousin Annabelle's wedding. He hadn't been back here since he left for college. There were lots of memories here. Brad's father, Lawrence, had been insistent that he be brought up with religion so the church had just always been there. It was something that Brad & his father did every week. It was routine. Brad never even thought

Brad: Over Dad's Knee For Breaking Curfew Part 9

Lawrence Tomkins rolled over in bed and look at the alarm clock. The large LCD display read 3:12 A.M. He couldn't believe how inconsiderate his son was. Yes, it was true that Brad was 19 years old and off at college but, he was now home for a few days over Christmas break. Lawrence had informed him that while he was visiting him Brad was expected to follow the same rules he had followed before

Brad: Spanked At High School Graduation Part 12

Nineteen year old Brad Tomkins just stood there staring with disgust at his side of the dorm room. It was a mess! He had only started his freshman year of college a few months ago and already his possessions seemed to be taking over his side of the room. He turned to looked at His best friend and roommates Grant's side of the room. It was neat as a pin. Grant and Brad had been friends since

Brad: Spanked At The Doctor's Office, Part 5

It was an unusually warm fall day as Brad Tomkins strode across campus from his dorm to Dr. Marky's office. Brad had been feeling run down and sluggish so Coach Phillips suggested getting a full physical. After all there was a big wrestling match coming up and Brad was his best wrestler, he couldn't sacrifice him. Brad knew he was just run down from studying all night for midterms, holding down a

Brad: Spanked At The Library Part 8

Brad Tomkins was a procrastinator. He had a paper due on General Patton Monday morning at 8:00 A.M. and he had barely begun. He would have to spend all weekend working on it. It was 15 minutes before the campus library closed and Brad needed to get a few books for research. He made his way to the counter and placed the three books he had chosen on the counter. Then panic set in, he couldn't find

Brad: Spanked By A Cop, Part 15

It was parents’ weekend at the university. Unfortunately due to some last minute business deal Brad Tomkin's father wouldn't be able to make the two hour drive up. But Grant's father would be able to make it. In fact Brad and Grant were waiting for Grants' father, Mr. Harper, to pick them up. He was stopping by to take them out to dinner. Grant's parents had divorced when he was young and he

Brad: Spanked By His Girlfriend's Father, Part 3

As Brad Tomkins drove along he couldn't believe his good luck. It was just one short week ago that Lana told him she never wanted to see him again and then this morning she called and said she wanted to see him this evening. It was on their last date that she decided that she didn't want to see him again. He had tried to force himself on her; she slapped him and stormed out of his dorm room as

Brad: Spanked By Santa - Part 13

Once again the holidays were rapidly approaching and once again Brad Tomkins had no money for gifts. And he had no one to blame but himself. Brad had quit another job on a whim. He had wanted to attend a concert but he had to work. When his boss wouldn't give him the night off he quit. Being nineteen years old and a freshman in college with a full class load Brad didn't have many options open to

Brad: Spanked For Sneaking In Part 17

Nineteen year old Brad Tomkins had been working at Luke's Hideaway for several weeks when without warning the University put a curfew into effect. It seemed that there were vandals on campus and to put an end to their late night shenanigans the Dean had put a midnight curfew in place, no exceptions. Therefore, Brad would have to quit his job at Luke's since the bar stayed open till

Brad: Spanked On The Job, Part 4

Brad Tomkins was spoiled. At age 19 he had it made. His Father paid his college tuition, which covered his room and board. And he even got an allowance. However, Brad wanted more to which Mr. Tomkins responded, "Get a job!" Which is exactly what Brad did. A local fast food place called, Burgers-N-More was hiring part time help and Brad landed the job. "It's not ideal," thought Brad but it's

Brad: Spanked Stripper, Part 14

It was that time again--the time where Brad Tomkins found himself short on cash. At nineteen Brad was in his first year of college and had already gone through a string of jobs. The simple truth of the matter was Brad was lazy and he tended to coast through life on his good looks and wrestlers body. Not to mention his big round booty, which he was not above wiggling to get what he wanted. So

Brad: Swim Spank Part 6

Brad Tomkins and his friend Grant had dates. Grant had a great idea. They would steal the keys to the college’s outdoor pool and go for a late night swim with the girls. The plan was simple Grant would distract Coach Dan Phillips while Brad stole the keys to the pool area. It worked perfectly. Coach Phillips never suspected a thing. That night after dinner Brad and Grant brought Betty and

Brad: Trick Or Spank Part 7

It was late October. It was also Brad Tomkins’ first year away at college and he was having the time of his life. The biggest sorority on campus was having their annual Halloween, masquerade party. Brad and his two buddies Grant and Kirk decided that they wanted to be part of it. They thought it would be a good way to meet new women. They only condition was that you had to come in costume.

Braydin, Spanked & Expelled

It wasn't as though Braydin were a bad guy really. He just has strong opinions and views. And no tolerance for those he deemed stupid. The problem was that he was an 18 year old high school senior and had no problem telling Mrs. Sloan, his fifty something year old English teacher, just what he thought of her. That is why on a Monday morning at 10:00 am he was sitting in front of Principal

Christopher's Forced Black Gang Bang Punishment

It had been a long day for Christopher. He had started with his company straight out of college and over the past 13 years had worked his way up the ladder. Now at 35 he was the head of his entire department. This was a good thing. But that meant lot of travel, which Christopher hated. So, that was a bad thing. He boarded the plane at 5:00 and made the two hour flight to the home

Controlling A Cop

It was a comfortable spring night as Officer Calloway made his way quietly around the side of the building. He was on night shift and had "fag" patrol, that's what all the officers called it. It seems that every night after the gay bars let out some of the men come to an alley behind an old donut shop. They park in the small lot and cruise one another. Some get into each other’s cars and fuck

Danny & Coach Davis: Coach Takes Control

Trevor Mannix was in a state. He had just come from picking up his 18 year old son Danny at the police station. It seems that Danny had been out doing some drinking with his buddies the night before and gotten pulled over for driving under the influence that coupled with the fact that he was under age had landed Danny in the drunk tank overnight and most of the next day. The judge hearing cases

Danny & Coach Davis: Spanked For Squirting Part 2

Coach Davis shut the door behind him before dropping into the hard back wooden chair behind his desk. It had been a long day for the high school gym teacher. He rose at five that morning and headed off to the gym to get a workout before school. Then he spent the rest of the day not only teaching his regular gym classes but also using his free periods to fill in for Mr. Tucker, who had called in

Danny & Coach Davis: Hotel Spanking, Part 3

Coach Davis was bent over at the waist, his large hairy nuts swinging freely between his thick thighs. His ample well rounded ass aimed toward the hotel room door. He stepped into the leg openings of his scant leopard print thong and pulled them up over his meaty thighs. Just as the thin band of his sexy little under garment disappeared between his mountains of ass flesh the door burst open and

Forgive Us Father

Father Ryan removed his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose. The pressure was building up and promising to be one massive headache. Today had been quit an active day at St. Augustine's University for Men, where he was Dean of Students. As he closed his eyes and applied pressure to his forehead he could feel everyone of his thirty-nine years. Most days Father Ryan enjoyed his work but

Frankie The Face Sitter - Troy's Punishment

Troy Banks stood before the mirror in the boys restroom at St. Martin's School For Boys. He straightened his tie and washed his hands as he looked in the mirror at his own reflection. What looked back at him was a perfectly sculpted jawline & dazzling blue eyes. His thick dirty blond was hanging down over one eye. All in all Troy was pleased at what looked back at him. Troy was an

Glen: Locked Out Part 1

Eighteen-year-old Glen Deaning loved Saturday mornings. As long as he could remember his parents always took Saturday mornings to go to The Farms Market to get fresh fruits and vegetables for the week. And for the past year his brother, Carl had been working the breakfast shift at the restaurant, which left Glen alone to enjoy his solitude. Something he didn't get to do very often. So, he really

Glen: Three Strikes, You're Out, Part 3

Eighteen year old Glen Deaning stuck his head into the hallway and called out, "Has anyone seen my baseball uniform!?" From downstairs in the living room Dean's brother Carl called back, "Yeah I saw it hanging in the basement!" From up above Carl could hear Dean's footsteps as he ran down the hall and the descended the stairs. Carl was sitting on the sofa eating a bowl of cereal and watching

Glen: Exposed At A Soccer Match

It had been a good season and it all came down to these last four minutes of the soccer match. Glen Deaning's High School soccer team, the Wolverines, were minutes away from scoring the biggest victory of the year. If they could triumph and beat the Hurricanes they would be able to go to the National Championship in Miami, Florida. Each young man wanted this and was working hard to achieve it.

Guido, Arrogant Muscle God Part 1

Arrogant, cocky & narcissistic were the three words that best described Guido Scarpelli. Though in his defense it was hard not to be arrogant when you looked like him. Dark sexy Italian good looks with short dark brown hair so dark it was almost black. Deep dark eyes set in a perfectly chiseled face.Then there was his body. He was 100% lean muscle. He had a perfect six pack and muscles that

Harry & The Fraternity Nerds Part 2

It had been three months since Harry's girlfriend, Jenny, had talked him into wearing here sheer white lacey thong. The deal had been that if he would wear her thong all day she would finally give him head for the first time. Harry did it and then after a surprise football practice was called he wound up having the entire team plus the coach see him in her scant little panties. Harry had

Harry, Fraternity Bitch, Part 3

It had been several weeks since Harry's encounter with Seymour & the men of Kappa Chi. At first the experience had humbled him. He was different. Much more subdued with less bravado. It was as if someone had let all the wind out of his sail. But as the weeks passed by his old arrogance can back with a vengeance. It was almost as if he were over compensating for the humiliation and ridicule

Harry: The Deal

"No way in hell!" Harry said as he got out of Jenny's bed and made his way across her dorm room. "Come on," pleaded Jenny who was still in bed under the covers. Shaking his head no, Harry bent down to pick his briefs from where he had thrown them on the floor the night before. He then began to work the small black cotton undergarment up over his well muscled thighs, pulling it over his

Harry: The Deal

"No way in hell!" Harry said as he got out of Jenny's bed and made his way across her dorm room. "Come on," pleaded Jenny who was still in bed under the covers. Shaking his head no, Harry bent down to pick his briefs from where he had thrown them on the floor the night before. He then began to work the small black cotton undergarment up over his well muscled thighs, pulling it over his

Humiliating Timmy - Strip Poker Spank Part 1

It was a typical Monday night for forty-five year old Tim Collins and his men. They were gathered around his dinning room table for their weekly game of strip poker. The whole idea for a weekly game of strip poker had started over twenty-two years ago when Tim was just a rookie on the Glendale police force. Tim wasn't much of a gambler in those days and as he sat in on the first poker game he

I'll Take A Side Of Ass

Isaiah had been working at Mike's Diner as a cook for nearly ten years. He didn't mind the job but he hated working the night shift. Nights were always slow and since they put in the new highway they had gotten even worse. The highway went right over the diner causing them to miss the little late night traffic they used to get. Isaiah couldn't figure out why Mike insisted on staying

Janitor's Bitch: Bitch In Training, Part 1

It was another late night at the office for Barry Spitzer. He had been working lots of late nights lately. It wasn't exactly that he minded. He didn't have a partner or any children to devote his time to. But, at the same time how would he ever meet anyone if he spent all his free time working over. But, he did hope that all his extra efforts would not go unnoticed by his boss Mr. Teiger.

K.Lo, Part Time BUTTler

I've know Kenny, who I refer to as K.Lo, for about 5 years now. As my story progresses you'll understand the nickname. Kenny started at the publishing company where I work as an intern while he was attending college. He was and is a good looking kid. No, he is not actually a kid he was 22 when I first met him but at 12 years his senior he seemed like a kid to me. He has wavy brown hair deep green

Kyle & His Father: Halloween Fright Night Part 5

It was Halloween. And once again the law firm where Jeff Hyatt practiced law was holding their annual Halloween Charity Masquerade Ball. Jeff & his late wife always loved Halloween and the two of them had passed their love of the holiday onto their now 19 year old son Kyle. Kyle and Jeff never missed the annual Masquerade Ball since the passing of Kyle's mother.This year Jeff opted to go as

Kyle & His Father: The Convenience Store Part 4

Attorney Jeff Hyatt & his 19 year old son Kyle were on their way from a charity affair that his law firm was sponsoring. It had been a black tie affair so both men were dressed to the nines in matching tuxedos. It was going on 2 AM as they drove along the highway. Jeff looked at the digital gas gage which was on the last bar and blinking. He knew he'd need gas before heading into the city

Kyle And His Father - The Taxi Driver

Jeff Hyatt rushed in the door from work in just enough time to shower and change before heading back out the door again. Jeff and his 19-year-old son, Kyle were meeting an old college friend of Jeff's for dinner tonight. Jeff's friend, Greg was celebrating his 40th birthday and the Hyatt men were taking him to dinner in one of the best restaurants in New York City. Jeff hated to drive into the

Kyle And His Father, Part 3 - A Drive In The Country

It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon as Jeff Hyatt and his 19-year-old son Kyle drove through the country. Jeff loved to take these long drives in the country and get away from the city for a while. Since he had made partner at his law firm these trips were becoming scarcer. So he treasured them all that much more. Plus it was a good time for him to get together with his Son and just talk and

Kyle, His Father & The Prowler

Kyle was awakened by a loud "THUD". He shot straight up in bed. "What?"he garbbled still half asleep. He looked around his room trying to focus still partly unaware was where he was. As he awoke he realized he was in his own room and that something had awoken him. He had heard a noise, that’s right a noise. But was it real or just part of a dream? Maybe it was his Father. He glanced at his alarm

Lance & His Stepdad: Joining Lloyd Part 3

Lance’s head was spinning after his crazy morning encounter with his new stepdad, Professor Lloyd Tuttle. He would soon learn that Lloyd came to breakfast every morning sporting his morning wood, went out side to get the paper in this state and proceeded with his day until his erection subsided. All of this was done with complete naïveté. His intent was not to flaunt his body. He truly

Lance & His Stepdad: Morning Wood Part 2

The rest of Lance’s first day home went pretty much the same with Lloyd, now naked except for his black nylon dress socks and sock garters, going about his afternoon and evening activities acting as if it was completely normal to be in this state in front of his stepson. And Lance’s mom, Gloria, seemed as oblivious as her new husband. But as odd as this all was Lance was enjoying the show

Lance & His Stepdad: The First Meeting

by BubbleButtLuvr Lance Harper knew when his mother remarried things would change but he had no idea just how much. His parents had divorced when he was quit young and his dad moved across country so most of his life it had just been him and his mother, Gloria. Then Lance went away to college. He was hesitant to leave his mother alone but she was insistent that he go. Within two

Master Peter and The Butler

Geoffrey pressed his ear to Peter's bedroom door. He could hear the shower running in Peter's private bathroom. He stood like that for several minutes listening to be certain that Peter was in the shower. Once he felt certain that Peter would not come out Geoffrey placed is white-gloved hand on the doorknob and turned slowly. The door eased open and Geoffrey crept silently into the room closing

Mr. Cromwell's Secret Exposed

At 39 years of age Oliver Cromwell was the youngest President that Hargrove Savings & Loan had ever had. But even at 39 Oliver had a better body than most men half his age. He stood a towering 6'3" and weighed 250lbs.His arms were an amazing 21" and his chest a staggering 52"; his waist 33" and his quads 28". And his ass, his ass ballooned out into a ridiculously huge 45" giving him a full foot

Officers Carter & Matthew: Hotel Spanking

It was the last day of the week long State Trooper Convention being held in South Beach and Officers Matthews & Carter were getting ready to check out shortly for their 1:00 P.M. flight back home. Their room was a complete mess. Dirty clothes were thrown all over the place. A pair of used multi-colored stripped bikini briefs hung from the a bed side lamp. Officer Jim Matthews arose from a sound

Officers Matthews & Carter: Roadside Discipline

If Officers Jim Matthews and Chad Carter had know what was in store for them they probably would never have pulled over the old rusty pick up with the Gay Pride sticker plainly placed in the back window of the cap on back. However not having the ability to see into the future they did pull it over and both men learned a lesson they would not soon forget. Officers Matthews & Carter had been

Officers Matthews & Carter: Visit To A Gay Beach

Officers Jim Matthews and Chad Carter were in South Miami Beach, Florida for their annual week long State Trooper Convention. It was the first day and the men got into town early. It was just after noon and they were already registered at the hotel and unpacked. The convention was scheduled to kick off that night at 7:00 P.M. with a Meet & Greet type dinner with the actual seminars and so forth

Rear End Window

I never used to think of myself as the kind of person who would spy on his neighbors. But, all that changed a few months ago. My name is Rob Miller. I live in an old brownstone in New York City, on the second floor. You know the kind, the ones where your back window faces the back window of your neighbor, with a courtyard in between. Those of you who have seen the classic movie Rear

Rear End Window

I never used to think of myself as the kind of person who would spy on his neighbors. But all that changed a few months ago. My name is Rob Miller. I live in an old brownstone in New York City on the second floor. You know the kind, the ones where your back window faces the back window of your neighbors with a court yard in between. Those of you who have seen Rear Window understand. And in some

Rear End Window, Part 2

It had been several weeks since I had been lucky enough to witness 18-year-old Dannny Macmillan's spanking at the hands of his father and I was convinced it was just that, a stroke of good luck. After the incident things remained the much the same, Danny would rise early and go for a run. He'd arrive home at 6:00 A.M. strip down to one of an assortment of skimpy bikini briefs that he owned and

Ricky & Mr Corrigan: Busted

Ricky has worked for me for the past six months and has been driving me into a wild sexual frenzy for just as long. Who am I? My name is Don Corrigan. I'm a 42 year old manager of an outfit called Pack-N-Move. We rent trucks and vans. Anyway, six months ago Ricky comes in for an interview. At 23 the kid is young enough to be my son. But, he's not and he's cute as hell. Jet black hair,

Scott's Bare Bottom Adventures: Moving In With Gary & His Son Jack

There is nothing particularly earth shattering about my story. My name is Scott. I grew up the Eastern part of the US. I'm 30's years old. I'm a bodybuilder/personal trainer. I stand about 5'10

Spanked Executive

"Hey watch what you’re doin', asshole! You just spilled your drink on me!” came the voice from the man in the seat next to where Mark was standing. Now at this point Mark could have apologized. Actually he should have apologized, but that was not Mark's style. Mark was conceited, arrogant and full of himself. To put it simply Mark was an asshole. Truth be told Mark had been this way his whole

The New Suit

Ian Marshall's cousin Marie was getting married. While Ian was not part of the wedding party he was still in need of a suit to wear to the ceremony. He hadn't worn a suit in over five years. In fact the last time he wore a suit was when he was fifteen and sang in the church Christmas pageant. He was now twenty three years old and had grown at least three inches. Being in his last year of college

Turning The Tables On Dad

Growing up all I ever heard was, "As long as you live under my roof you'll do as I say, young man!" Yeah my Father was very strict. Up until the time I moved out of his house, at age 22, I had to toe the line or accept the punishment. Punishment was always the same. Dad would make me strip to my briefs with my hands at my sides as he lectured me. Then I'd have to lie across his lap and take some


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