Gay Erotic Stories

High School Seniors: Joey and his cousing Tino

by TJ Tachet
11 Jan 2009

Tales From School

At school on Monday I bumped into Joey. I hadn’t seen him around for a couple weeks. I thought I’d act cool, and maybe a little disinterested.

“Hey T.J., what’s going on?” he said. He’d grown his dark hair a little longer since football season ended and the waviness covered the back collar of his shirt completely. He never failed to get me a little aroused just by the sound of his voice.

“Oh, hey Joey, how you doin’?” I took a deep breath to remind myself of how good his muscular body smelled. As always, a nice mix of soap, grass and Joey’s sweat. I smiled.

“Where you been dude?”

“Where have I been? Where have you been? I have at least been at school.”

“Well, yeah, I guess you’re right. The coaches set me up with a bunch of college recruiters to see if any of them will take a chance on me.”

“That’s great man, any good leads? Am I gonna be watching you quarterback some major college team on Saturday TV or something?”

Joey laughed. “Yeah I wish. Unfortunately our season sucked so badly this year, all of the big schools took a pass on me. But you know, something may work out, I’ve worked out for like a dozen B schools. Somebody will probably take me.”

“So you’re back in school for a while or what?” I asked.

“Yeah, and boy do I have a lot to make up. Do you want to try and hook up to like help me catch up on what I missed? I still have to graduate high school of course. Even the starting varsity football quarterback stud has to make a passing grade in all these bullshit courses.”

I laughed. “Somehow I think you’ll do just fine. If you want to hook up for some you know, tutoring in History or whatever, I’m available. In fact, I may reduce my fee.”

Joey smacked me on the shoulder. “No, you leave your fee right where it is. Maybe I’ll double it in fact.”

“You do that. How about tomorrow? After school; flag pole out front?”

“Deal. 3:30. I’ve got someone coming by to check out my arm earlier but I should be wrapped up by then.”

“Okay dude you’re on,” I said, trying extra hard to sound cool.

Joey turned and walked away and I wiped away a tiny bit of saliva from my lip. The boy could really get me going.

At 18, the two of us were definitely at the very top of our senior year in high school, Joey the high school stud that everybody wanted.

Me, I was the class smart aleck who hung out with the most popular guy in school not to be a letterman athlete, Will. And I was tutoring (and fucking) the most sought after letterman athlete, Joey. I was definitely in major lust with Will though Will didn’t know it. And I was in something else with Joey, and he knew it very well.

The rest of Monday and all of Tuesday couldn’t come fast enough. I went through the motions of paying attention in class but I wasn’t really. I was mostly thinking about my upcoming session with Joey. Did he really want to study? Naw.

Tuesday at 3:30 I showed up at the flag pole and sat down with my book bag. I was punctual. I had already decided that I was only going to wait around for Joey for three or four hours.

He showed up ten minutes later, but I couldn’t read his face.

“Sorry I’m late,” he said. “Ready?”

“Um, yeah, but what happened?” I asked.

“Oh nothin’, the usual. They just watch me throw and run and then they never say anything.”

“Oh,” I said.

“So where’s your bike? We can throw it in the back of my car.”

“It’s locked up, let’s just leave it. I’ll get it tomorrow if you’ll drop me off at home later.”

Joey smiled. “Hmm, we’ll see.”

When we got to Joey’s house, he put the key into the lock of his bedroom door and then stopped. Joey lived in a converted garage that had belonged to his brother before he went to college. My last time over had been after one of our games early in the season. I would never forget that night—I lost my virginity (female, male or otherwise) to Joey Collucci. Standing outside his door, Joey spun around and took my head in his hands. His strong forearms bulged as he drew me toward him. Our tongues met and Joey’s lips surrounded mine. I put my hands on his butt, it felt like steel through his sweats.

“I missed you dude,” Joey said, taking a breath.

“Um, yeah, me too,” I said grinning.

Behind his back, Joey turned the key in the lock and we fell into the doorway. I tossed my back pack on the floor and Joey flipped me around and pressed my arms against the wall with my hands in the air surrender-style. He put his mouth inside mine and his tongue explored every bit of my teeth and gums.

With my scrawny runner’s arms struggling against the thick Popeye-like muscles of Joey’s forearms, I wriggled away and slipped under his shoulder.

“Joey, come on man, shouldn’t we study at least a little?”

Joey caught me and slipped his hands inside my jeans and held my butt, one strong paw for each cheek. He lifted me up and our hips met.

“Later T.J., later. Right now we should just, you know, study each other.”

I cracked up. “Joey, that is such a stupid corny line!” I said.

He smiled and licked my ear. “So teach me better,” he said.

I spanked him and wriggled away again. I walked over to my book bag and picked it up. While I was bent over, Joey pushed my jeans down my hips and shoved his hand between the cheeks of my ass. My dick instantly sprung to life.

“Joey!” I was only half protesting.

Joey moved his crotch into position behind me and thrust his pelvis forward into my exposed butt. As I tried to move forward, Joey held his hands inside my pants and they slid the rest of the way down my legs. My cock popped free and Joey grabbed it and spun me around.

“T.J., just stop resisting me. You know you’re gonna lose this battle,” Joey joked.

“Okay Joey, you win.” I let all muscles relax and we both fell to the floor in a heap. I flipped onto my back and put my arms over my head and my legs in the end, my butt exposed, but my ankles bound by my pants. Joey slapped my butt and I yowled.

Joey rubbed my ass and the upper part of my legs with both hands. He kissed the underside of my scrotum and his scratchy beard made me jump.

“Ooh,” Joey said, “I found a spot.” He dove into my ass with even more intensity and I struggled to get away. I laughed and pleaded with him to stop. Finally, Joey settled down and pulled my shoes and socks and pants off of my legs. I tried to push my legs to the ground but Joey held firm and spread my cheeks wide apart. He wet his finger and rubbed it on the outside of my butthole. His other hand found my cock and his fingers mopped up some pre-cum on the head and rubbed it all around.

“Wow,” I said, “did I already cum?”

Joey laughed. “You will dude, but not yet. Sit still, I’m not done.”

“Can I at least put my legs down? I don’t think I can keep them up any longer,” I said.

Joey slapped my ass again. He spread my cheeks and pulled on my ball sack. He lowered his voice to a whisper, “No you can’t.”

Sounds came out of my mouth that neither one of us recognized, and Joey smacked my butt with his hand again. The sting hurt. But it hurt in a good way. My dick got harder and Joey seemed to know it, he grabbed me and pulled it back like a stick shift and put his mouth on the end. He put a finger up to my ass and pushed; in it slipped and I took a deep breath. Joey held it inside me for a few minutes while he went back to my blow job. After I loosened up, Joey pulled one finger out and replaced it with two.

“Oh god!” I said. Joey giggled and went back to sucking my cock.

Joey repeated what he had just done. I was tight at first, but then things softened up.

“Joey, that feels so fucking good,” I said.

Finally Joey let me put my legs come down and he lay down on top of me. We kissed and I felt his full weight squeezing me against the carpeting on the bedroom floor. He pushed my head back and tickled my neck with his beard. Joey held the top of my head and rammed his face into my neck. One hand slid up and down my dick and I thought I was going to cum right away.

Joey’s mouth found my ear and he took it inside his lips. I jumped a little with the sensation.

“Can I make love to you?” he asked.

He pulled his head back and looked into my eyes. I was scared but I smiled.

“Um, okay, that’s fine,” I said.

“Don’t worry,” he whispered, “I’ll go easy.”

I sighed. Somehow Joey got his fat cock inside my ass. At first, the pain was almost unbearable. But Joey went slow and just held me for a while so that I could get used to some new position. Pretty amazing to me was that my own cock stayed hard. While Joey wriggled his dick into me, he stroked my dick up and down. This proved to be a pretty good distraction and after a while I relaxed.

“So, what do you think?” Joey asked me once he had plunged all the way inside my virgin hole. I was still on my back with my legs in the air and Joey had gripped both my fit and laced his fingers between my toes.

I looked down at the action before I answered.

“Um, well, it’s good, I guess.”

Joey laughed and I felt his dick throb inside of me. “Okay, that’s all right for a first timer. At least you got me in there.”

“Um, you mean, not everybody can?” I was unsure what I was asking. Joey held his fingers to my lips to shush me and went back to grinding away. I went back to trying to relax.

Soon, our bodies became one and we came together.

“Oh god, T.J., oh god!” Joey moaned.

I just moaned but could say nothing. Joey’s mouth covered my lips and swallowed the rest of my screaming. Since Joey left his dick in, the pressure on my prostate put me way over the top and I shot all the way up to our necks. Joey laughed while he kept kissing. He kept his tongue inside my mouth as his dock slid out of my ass.

“Aagh!” I said into Joey’s mouth.

A few minutes later, Joey slid off me and lay beside me on his elbow. He rested his head in one hand used the other to smear sperm all over my chest. It had become a little more liquid in the few minutes since I’d cum.

“I might need a shower,” I said.

“You definitely need a shower.”

“Not yet though, I just want to lay here a minute.”

“Okay. Should I get the books?” Joey asked, joking.

“You do and it’s the last time you fuck me. Don’t move a muscle Joey,” I said.

For a little while, we both just lay there. It was winter and it had gotten dark outside.

“So Joey, do you think we can do this and still be like, you know, can we still be straight?”


“Really, you think we’re definitely not straight? We’re gay.”

“T.J. you’re totally gay. Me? I’m the starting varsity quarterback on our high school football team. I’m just part-way gay.”

I laughed. “Yeah, that makes sense.” Joey smiled and flipped me over so that he could hug me from behind and his greasy thick dick slipped between my very greasy ass cheeks. He held me like this and nuzzled my neck.

“I mean, we just are what we are, you know. It’s not like we have any choice in the matter,” Joey said.

“You think?”

“T.J., don’t worry about it. It’s no big deal!”

“Well I can’t believe you’re so comfortable with it. I mean, I know I like doing this. I know I like having sex with you.”

Joey kissed my ear again and then whispered into it. “And you like having sex with Andy too,” Joey laughed.

“Shut up. He’s just a sex maniac. He practically rapes me,” I said.

Joey was doubtful. “Uh huh, whatever you say.”

“Shut up!”

He kissed one of my ears and stuck a wet finger inside the other one. I got a little dizzy. Joey's tongue was trying to lick out my brian. His arms squeezed me tighter and I let myself fall back into his chest.

“T.J., you can have sex with whoever you want to have sex with. Just make sure you don’t forget about me too.”

I twisted my neck around to look at Joey’s face. He seemed serious and I kissed him on the chin since that’s all I could reach.

There was a knock at his bedroom door. My entire body tensed.

“Fuck,” he whispered. “Why does this happen with you?”

I smiled. “Um, what do I do?”

“Go in the bathroom! Quick!”

I jumped up, grabbed my socks, since that all I could find in that half-second, and scrambled to the bathroom. After I closed the door, I heard the knock on the door again. I quickly flipped on the shower and jumped in.

“Coming, coming, hold your horses,” Joey said.

I stood naked on the floor of Joey’s bathroom in the dark and tried not to breathe. The shower was making plenty of noise so I thought I'd just get in. I washed my greasy butt and let the water run over me before I scrubbed anything else.. I heard the door open and a muffled conversation too light for me to make anything out.

I heard muffled voices outside the bathroom door, and even some laughing.

After a minute or so, Joey opened the door and peeked in. He threw my jeans and underwear inside and told me to put them on and come out.

“Is he gone?” I whispered, but Joey closed the door before answering.

What the fuck?

I threw on my jeans and walked out of Joey’s bathroom shirtless. He was outside talking to somebody whose back was turned to me. As soon as he saw me, Joey smiled and interrupted the conversation.

“Hey T.J., I want you to meet my friend Tino. Tino, this is T.J.”

“Hi T.J., how’s it goin’?”

I felt a little silly being introduced to somebody since I was only wearing a pair of pants. But Tino looked so amazing I forgot all that immediately.

“Um, hi Tino, nice to meet you,” I said. Despite the awkward interruption, I meant it. Tino was a couple inches shorter than Joey and a little more thickly built but could have otherwise passed for Joey’s twin.

"Nice chest," Tino said. "Do you run?"

I nodded. Joey slapped Tino on the back. “Tino’s my cousin, T.J., he’s a couple years older and he’s the gonna be the starting QB at Loyola next year.”

Tino smiled and his bright white teeth drew me right in. He even had a couple of dimples when he smiled. Joey caught me looking at Tino maybe a moment too long and grabbed my head with his hand.

“Tino has been helping me with a few moves for all these college recruiters,” Joe said.

“Not that he needs much help, I think I’m mostly just keeping him loose,” Tino said. Tino was also dressed in sweats and his legs bulged inside them just like Joey’s.

I felt the need to add, “Yeah, I’m helping Joey with some boring old History and English, and I don’t think he needs much help there either. I just do it for the money,” I said and Joey laughed.

"Shirtless?" Tino asked. "You tutor Joey in classes and you don't wear shirts?"

I looked at Joey for help. He ignored the comment. “And Tino here knows I pay well.” They exchanged a look that I couldn’t figure out.

There was sort of a long pause. Joey broke it. “So, should we get a coke or something out of the house?”

“Well actually, if you guys need to work out or something, I could just split. I could call my mom to see if…” I said.

“No way, T.J., Joey says you give a killer massage. He says that he doesn’t think he could have gotten through all those daily workouts during the season without you.”

I turned a little red and smiled. My nipples were getting solid in the cool air of Joey's bedroom. I followed Tino's eyes as he noticed.

“Um, I don’t know about that, I’ve never really given anybody a massage before Joey,” I said.

Tino lifted up his shirt. He was tan and extremely well-built. I swallowed hard as I enjoyed the chance to check out Joey’s cousin. His chest was a little bit older version of Joey’s, very pronounced pecs and a nice dusting of dark hair. His abs rippled and there was a hairy road that disappeared down into his pants. Now we were all standing there without shirts.

“How could you deny yourself a chance to rub this?” Tino asked me with a smile.

“All right, all right, show’s over,” Joey said. “I’ve got T.J. a little locked up right now. We need to study. If you need a rub-down Tino, get in line, I found him first.”

Tino pulled his shirt back down. He looked at me. “Wednesday, 5:00, right here? What do you say T.J.?”

I looked at Joey again for help. He shrugged his shoulders and looked away.

“I think I need to check my schedule. But I know I’m clear on Friday. How about that? If you’re going to be in the neighborhood, we could even do it at my house.”

“Okay, you're on, runner boy,” Tino said. “I’ll get your address from Joseph.”

I smiled. “Joseph?”

Joey socked Tino in the bicep. “Nobody calls me that anymore except family.”

“I’m gonna go get a Coke,” Tino said. He threw his backpack over his shoulder and turned toward the door. He reached over to give my right nipple a light squeeze but I pulled away before he could.

“Okay,” I said, “nice meeting you.”

“See you Friday.”

“Tell my mom I’ll be in for dinner in a while,” Joey said. “We need to finish up a few things.”

Tino turned and smiled as he opened the door.

“Uh huh,” he said. He closed the door after him and Joey and I were by ourselves again.

“What was that about? Does he know about you?” I asked.

“Uh huh,” Joey said. “Who do you think I learned all that stuff from?”

I was shocked and blinked a couple times.

“You mean, he taught you football stuff or he taught you how something else, I mean like something sexual?” “Both,” Joey said. "Tino can throw the ball across the field with more powere than anybody I know. And he knows how to fuck!"

“Un-fucking-believable!” I said.

I thought about Friday. Joey’s lips curled up as he saw me thinking. My lips curled up too.


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