Gay Erotic Stories

Ethernal memory

by Jakdude
21 Jul 2010

Asian Delights

It’s already around 2 a.m. but Edgar could not close his eyes. There was nothing in his mind; and Edgar realized that he has nothing to worry about in his life, at least at that moment.

Edgar is a great guy in his forty. Common people regard that he has the achievements as a man in his life except he remains single. Yes, Edgar is a gay and he has decided not to marry a woman or spending his life with another guy as his life mate but stay on his own.

As an Indonesian, he grew up in a pretty democratic family. His family members, including his parents, have never asked him why he remained single. The guy, on the other hand, has never talked about his sexuality to his parents and siblings. “Don’t ask,” “don’t tell,” and “don’t act,” is what he believes as the best way regarding his sexuality.

Edgar, who is 180cm and 75 kg, is a nice-looking guy and many admire him to be with. That night, with nothing to do and nothing in his mind, he opened a drawer on his desk and picked up a photo album.

“Hmm I was that young,” Edgar recalled when looking at a series of pictures taken when he was a teenager.

His mind was returning to the period when he was studying, A photo reminded him of Iwang, a close friend whom he had his first sex.

As a nice-looking single man, Edgar is indeed a free man who can easily choose a guy who he wants to have sex with. This started when he was still very young after he had his first sex with Iwang.

At that time, he was a popular boy who was good at his class as well as extra curricula. Instead of the girls who really wanted to win Iwang’s heart, it was Edgar who stole his heath.

One night, Iwang and Edgar stayed over at Iwang’s home. Iwang parents were away out of town and they asked Edgar to stay with their son for a couple of days. And during the stay, the two accidentally run into some "experimentations."

Since then, Edgar identified himself as gay. He realized that since his first sexual experience with Iwang, he started to fancy other boys.

When he was older, Edgar understood there isn't any 'right' age for someone to decide or realize that they're gay or straight or bisexual, and that for some people it's much later than for others. He knew that there's no need to self label with sexuality right away, but in case, he was happy with his decision he made when he was young.

He believes that people with a homosexual orientation can express their sexuality in a variety of ways, and may or may not express it in their behaviors but in their feelings or identities. And it’s a free world; Edgar believes that everyone can have their own statements or theories.

Edgar kept on looking to the photo album. Sometimes he paid more attentions to some pictures, taking a very good look to recognize many guys.

“Ha ha haha… those guys. Oh my God so many? I think I’ve been slept with more than 100 guys since my first sex with Iwang in the junior high,” Edgar whispered to himself.

Edgar never counted or made any list of those guys he has been sexually involved. But for sure there were a long list in a period of 28 years. There were mutual sex activities, one-sided actions, one-night stands and other hits at saunas or swinger clubs.

Suddenly Edgar had a big smile on his face. He saw a picture a small but cute guy. It was Evan, the first guy Edgar had an anal sex with.

Edgar once took a ‘sabbatical’ for about four years in the university. At that time he had been involved with dozens of boys in school. But when he was 19 years, he just felt boredom with sex. He focused on his major and study. After graduation, he soon got a job at a multinational corporation. At the office he met Evan, a guy who was only a year older than him.

The two guys clicked instantly on their first meeting. They soon dated and had sex on their first date. But the anal sex happened after about two or three months after they had frequent sex.

“Hey, Evan, can I fuck you? Yesterday, I bought this kind of gel. It’s a lubricant for anal sex.

Evan looked hesitantly, but he did not say no.

Edgar did not waste any minute. He took the gel and put a drop in his finger and began touching Evan’s hole. Edgar’s cock was hard in Evan’s hand and he very slowly stroked it.

Their lips met together in a long French kiss and Edgar’s tongue wrapped around Evan’s tongue. Edgar’s hands were up and down Evan’s back. His hands reached down and he grabbed Evan’s tight firm ass. He let out a soft moan and bit Edgar’s lower lip.

He parted Evan’s lips and slid his finger in Evan’s asshole while sucking his nipples and fingering him slowly. Then Edgar placed his cock and touched the head to Evan’s hole and slowly went inside him.

Evan moaned so loud so Edgar slowed down and gently began to slide his shaft inside his asshole. Evan’s moans soon went from pain to pleasure and got more frequent as Edgar picked up the pace.

Evan ass was so tight that Edgar was scared his cock would rip his hole. Edgar grabbed him by his head with one hand and placed the other on his ass check as he began to thrust even faster. Evan began to yell my Edgar’s name and he told Edgar he wanted it deeper and harder so Edgar did just that.

Edgar moved all of his cock inside Evan and fucked him hard. Evan loved this and his moans were more intense than ever. Edgar was getting close to explode but he was holding back for Evan. Evan then let out a huge screaming that he was going to cum hard. Edgar fucked him so faster that his ass was red. Evan yelled and soon he came and his hot cum fell down the veil of the bed.

The two guys were both sweating all over, but they didn’t care. Evan sweet smell excited Edgar more; he plunged harder and harder into his hole until he could feel his balls beginning to boil. He was in position to pull out and shot a load on his but, Edgar’s balls were about to explode. It shot all over his ass and back and spilled onto his back also.

It was so romantic. Unfortunately, weeks after that the two guys split. Edgar is a slut by nature. He is never satisfied with one guy. He keeps on looking to sleep with new cute guys.

That night, Edgar suddenly felts so horny after recalling his first bareback experience with Evan. He then masturbated and fell to sleep.



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