Gay Erotic Stories

Alex's Journey

by Xanderb
11 Oct 2010

Bisexual Discreet Encounters

That first day, the first time I visited Gary, I arrived at his place a full fifteen minutes earlier than the agreed time for my arrival. That was enough time sitting in the car for me to get myself worked up into a bit of a nervous state – excited, anticipating, but still a bit nervous. I suppose I could have sent him a text message letting him know I was already there, but I just had this feeling of wanting to do everything right – including being punctual, arriving right on time.

Garry and I had exchanged a few messages on the on-line gay “dating” site to which I had signed up, and then swapped mobile phone numbers. That picture of that beautiful hard and thick cock had got my initial attention. And the photograph showing his stocky build and beefy frame. He had that physique of the mature man, once solid and muscular, now aging, but aging gracefully like a bottle of red wine that gets better with age. There had been quite a few text messages back and forward between us. He hadn’t sent me a face picture, but I had no need for that. I liked the attitude of the man that came across in those messages. Confident in his sexual prowess and knowledge with a strong ongoing zest for life. It had been a bit hard for me to concentrate on work that day. A few of those text messages from Gary had made my cock go hard anticipating what was likely to unfold following my arrival into the privacy of his home.

Some of Gary’s text messages had been terse, even abrupt – yet also somehow firm and directive– as if he was just being very clear as to what he liked, and giving me the chance to go with it, or change my mind if I thought what he was offering was not what I was looking for. I had developed this feeling during the day that I just wanted to experience all of what he had to share with me, to comply with his directions, and not make too many suggestions of my own.

Knocking on his door I heard his voice coming towards the door on the other side asking, “Is that you, Alex?”. “Yeah it’s me”, I replied.

“OK, the door is unlocked. I will go into the bedroom – you come in and get yourself ready and let me know when you are ready for me to come out to you” “OK, mate”.

I waited a minute and then walked inside the apartment. Another person might have been more curious to scan the apartment for indications of what sort of person lived here. But as for me – well, I could hardly be bothered checking out the place, there were other things I was so restless to check out!

As had been agreed in our previous messaging, I placed my newly purchased black leather blindfold on firmly and called out, “OK, boss – ready”. I don’t quite know where that word came from – it just popped out the first time. However, “Boss” was eventually to become a nickname I used for Gary interchangeably with his name, a word that I would often use to let him know that he was on the right wavelength for me.

I heard a door open and footsteps on the tiled floor, and then I felt two big rough hands take my hands and help me to my feet.

“Just walk slowly, I’m going to lead you into the bedroom” he said.

Wow, I thought, straight into the bedroom, no time for small talk – this is moving fast.

Once in the bedroom, I reached out and ran my hands over Gary’s shoulders and chest and then down onto his crotch, where I could feel an already swelling bulge.

“Do you like what you’re feeling there? I’m pretty sure you’re going to be more than satisfied with what you’re going to get today!”, he said with a deep voice and a bit of a chuckle.

When Gary’s hands touched my crotch, he found it already rock hard. “Hey, you are really on heat today, aren’t you?” he said, “You’d better let me do something about that!”

I allowed Gary to undress me until I was completely naked. He placed my hands upon his erect cock and in no time I was on my knees working his hard shaft. Picking up on my shallow breathing, Gary urged me to relax reassuring me that there was no rush.

“Just relax, today my cock is all yours to enjoy in whatever way you like – let’s just go slowly and gradually – there’s no need for the fast and furious - well maybe at the end, but not at the beginning!”, he said with another chuckle. Even though I was unable to see him, I was relaxing more as my hands explored parts of his body. I held his firm calf muscles in my hands and enjoyed the feel of them as well, while I worked his beautiful cock. I was feeling increasingly aroused by the feel of his stocky body, the sound of his voice, his attitude towards me, the whole vibe he was giving off.

While I worked his cock, Gary stroked my hair and rubbed my back and kept saying, “Relax, you’re all tense – just relax!” . Gradually I felt my breathing slow down as I enjoyed the hardness of his cock in my fingers and caressed it with my tongue.

Eventually, Gary asked me, “Mmm, so do you think you’re ready to feel my cock inside you yet?”

“Yes please” I said feeling like those words came out of my mouth like I was some sort of naïve teenaged boy rather than the grown man I was.

Gary lay me on my back on the bed and teased my hole with the tip of his hard shaft, and I thought for a moment that he was going to instantly enter me split me apart there and then.

But he knew a lot more about what he was doing and I was just the learner. Very gently, I felt him lube my cock up and then my balls, and then a well lubed finger gently entered and slowly massaged the tight muscle in my arse.

“Come on Alex, just relax – you’re way too up tight! I do like a tight arse, but you are going to have to learn to relax!”

After a few minutes, when my breathing was deeper and slower again, I felt his finger withdraw and then he positioned the tip of his hard cock against my tunnel portal.

Very slowly, he entered and I did gasp at first. Gary’s calm, deep voice kept saying, “It’s Ok . . I’m going slow . . .You’ve been wanting this for a long time . . .I don’t just want me to have a good time . . I want you to be satisfied as well . . . I know how to meet your need . . .I know exactly what you need . . . .just relax . . .and trust me”

Beginning to let go of the crazy thought that maybe his cock might rip me apart, I started to feel comfortable with the slow but persistent rhythm of that beautiful thick cock ever so slowly, just a millimetre at a time gradually probing deeper and deeper inside.

‘Wow, this feels so good to just let go and surrender like this,” I thought.

Suddenly, I felt the tip of Gary’s hard shaft touch this spot somewhere deep inside and it was like these little wave of energy travelled up my spine and into my brain. A release of some sort of pleasure chemical flooded my brain almost like I’d just taken a drug of some sort.

Responding, I reached out and place my hands on the boss’s hips and pulled him towards me wanting to guide him closer towards that target spot inside me he had reached. Each slow and measured thrust by the boss was touching THAT spot and waves of pleasure one after another seem to be flooding my brain. I let out a soft moan.

“Mmm, I can tell you’re really liking this”, Gary said and I noticed a slight increase in the depth and tempo of his moves. I let out a loud, long moan and a shudder went through my body, as I felt my legs go weak.

It was as if intense waves of pleasure were travelling up my spinal cord to my brain. Each of his thrusts felt like some injection of a drug that took away all pain and promised only pleasure. I moaned again, and suddenly Gary's motion changed from slow and persistent to fast and frenetic. I lay in a kind of trance fully surrendered and wishing I could feel like this forever.

Muscles in my legs begin to jerk involuntarily, as if part of me was protesting against what was happening. But when he slowed down briefly to see if I was okay, I felt like I was missing out on what had been so pleasurably overpowering only a few seconds before. I was asking him, please, not to stop. By this time, I couldn’t remain still and could hardly control my spasming body at all, but all I wanted was for him to hold my shaking legs tightly and to just keep touching that spot again and again and again.

“I knew you would be like this”, the boss said, as he continued working that spot inside me - behaving like a masseur who had finally found that tight spot in a client’s back and was now very focused on carefully on releasing all the tight tension a localised knot of muscular tightness.

“You know you remind me of another married bloke I used to see regularly – well semi-regularly – a few years ago. He was a nice bloke, a real decent fellow, a real family man and all – but there were times when this need for cock would just overpower him. He never suggested a blindfold or anything like that like you have. But the only times I ever saw him was late at night when he was on his way home from an evening shift. He always wanted me to have the house in total darkness when he arrived. And whenever he came, he was always full of this intense need just to surrender to another man’s cock. I guess I was a very fortunate bloke to be the one he had chosen to meet that need when he couldn’t resist it any longer. He would come, I would fuck him and he would leave. But sooner or later, he would be back again. I probably saw him twenty or thirty times over the two or three years we were in contact”.

I was trying to pay attention to what Gary was saying, but I was almost in a type of trance. The waves of pleasure rolling one after the other were so good it was like I could hardly be aware of anything except the feeling of that cock just opening me up, releasing me, making me let go completely.

But those words “Twenty or thirty times” did register, and I did think to myself, “Fuck, if you’re offering to do this to me twenty or thirty times, I’m up for it!!”

Suddenly the boss withdrew and I thought he was about to come. It had been great while it lasted, but I guess it has to come to an end. My legs were trembling involuntarily and the boss was holding them firmly in a way that helped calm me and feel trust towards him.

“Don’t worry, I’m not finished yet”, he said, “we’re just having a little break. That’s just the first level – I’ll take you to the next level in a little while”

“The next level”, I wondered, “so it gets even better than this”. That sounded almost too good to be true. Here I was blindfolded, relaxed, surrendered – I just wanted to be let go even more and be led up whatever garden path the boss wanted to take me!

Gary turned me over so I lay on my chest on the bed and I felt his hands begin to give me shoulders a firm massage.

“You know, at my age, a bloke don’t come quickly any more. I need to take my time. That has its’ benefits though. A longer slower journey but eventually the peak you reach is a higher one. And, well, to really shoot my full load, completely drain my balls, I need to fuck doggy position. That way I will be able to hold your buttocks tight and pull you towards me as I push my cock inside you, so I can go all the way in . . . and then all the way out . . .all the way in, all the way out, if you know what I mean. It also means that when I’m getting close to coming, I can shift gears into the fast and the furious mode for the last minute or two. That’s the way I need it to be, so first I’m just taking my time to be sure you completely warmed up and fully relaxed before we go for the big climax, eh!”. The boss chuckled and gave me a gentle slap on the bum as he said those last words.

“Well, I’d like to be able to fit in with all that and I reckon I could get used to it with a bit of practice, even if I can’t get it all together today”, I said.

“Well, you’re doing fine so far – actually you’re doing real good. I don’t think you’re going to have any problem”, said the boss.

After a few minutes of just lying there and letting the boss gently rub his hands up and down stroking my body as he seemed to need to do, the boss said, “Well, time to go to the next level, I reckon”.

The boss positioned me on all fours with my feet protruding over the edge of the bed, so he could stand behind me with his cock adjacent to my man hole. I felt his finger generously lubricate my crack with another large amount of cool gel. Then I felt the tip of his hard shaft abutted up against my hole which this time opened rather quickly to accommodate him.

“Mmm, that was quick and easy”, he chuckled, “You’re a fast learner”

“Well, I guess I found the first level was so good, I must be really wanting to find out about the second level!”, I said.

I could feel the boss gently opening me up again, and doing that same gradually deepening penetration he had done before, millimetre by millimetre. Except this time it was much a smoother and faster process; my level of relaxation was greater and I was anticipating eagerly the feeling of those waves of pleasure washing over me again.

In what seemed like only a few seconds, I could again feel the end of the boss’s hard shaft rhythmically and repeatedly jabbing its targeted spot inside me over and over and over, and I was again moaning in pleasure.

Very quickly the final few remaining traces of tension and resistance disappeared and instead in their place there was only this overwhelmingly simple desire to just fully yield and surrender. I felt the boss’s hands firmly grasp my buttocks on either side, pulling me decisively towards him, trying forcibly to maximise that little bit more the depth of his penetration deep inside me with each slow and measured thrust.

He took a couple of very deep breaths in close succession, and then, apparently holding his breath, tripled the pace at which he was thrusting his swollen, rock hard cock in and out of my hungry and willing arse.

I could feel his balls swinging back and forth in his scrotum and slapping up against my butt with each forward thrust. Fuck, this felt fucking fantastic! And then suddenly, he pulled out. With an enormous groan, he released a massive shower of cum which shot along the full length of my back. I could feel some of his cum trickling down the side of my neck and turned my head so I could breathe in deeply that aroma of his cum.

I collapsed onto the bed and he collapsed on top of me; his chest and my back were sliding against each other, both now being moisturised by the soothing cream of his cum.

Quickly, I gave my own cock what must have been at most half a dozen little tugs and released my own load onto the sheet underneath me.

“You know, you might think I’m exaggerating, but I think you just gave me the best fucking I ever had!”

“Well, no, I’m not surprised you said that. Cause you’re not the first bloke whose ever said that to me. I might be getting on a bit, but I reckon there’s a real art to fucking a man right, and I’ve given a lot of thought to learning that art. It’s a bit like playing a musical instrument – you got to be dedicated to learning how to do it. And also each instrument is also bit different, the more you play it, the better you get at bringing the best out of that instrument”.

“Mmm”, I thought to myself, “that sounds like an invite to come back for a repeat performance”

After a few moment of quiet and calm lying on the bed together, Gary stood up and returned a moment later to wipe my back off with a cloth. With me still blindfolded, he helped me to my feet and led me to the shower. “I’ve put your clothes on the hook, I’ll shut the bathroom door now. After you’ve showered and dressed let me know. I’ll guide you to the front door and then go into the other room and then you’ll be able to leave and we can keep the whole blindfold thing in place just like you’ve asked it to be”.

Showering myself, I felt this deep feeling of contentment and release inside. After I was dressed and blindfolded again, I called out to the boss; he opened the bathroom door and took my hands and led me blindly towards the front door. I nearly tripped over furniture and we both laughed about that. There was, even as I was leaving, an intoxicating feeling attached to being without sight and dependent on being guided by him. There was this lingering feeling of him being in control and me just having to learn to trust that he knew what he was doing and would guide me wherever I needed to go. As the front door shut behind me, I quickly removed my blindfold, showed it in my pocket, and walked off into the day.

That moment was a strange feeling like passing through a portal from one dimension into another. Only a minute ago I was blind, somewhat helpless, needing to be guided along and led – but also with this feeling of freedom to fully experience and express my deepest desires, to let go of my inhibitions, and to experience myself as surrendered and entrusted into the guidance and direction of another man. Now, instead I could again see, move about and act in the world as I wished – I was back to being the normal me, but I also felt that somewhere inside the normal me was changed never to be the same again. I sent a text message to him half an hour later, “Thanks for an amazing experience”.

“I enjoyed it very much myself” he replied.

My wife did say to me the next day, “Are you alright? You seem off in your own little world”. It was three days before we had sex again and I was still able to perform there and she was quite happy. I guess I was happy enough too, in an ordinary sort of way.

But as the week went by and I found myself often reliving that afternoon, mainly during that time of driving along the motorway for forty minutes every morning and afternoon. I relived my experience with the boss firstly with a kind of warm contentment at first, but then later with a mounting kind of longing.

I sent a text message to Gary, “I want to visit you again”

“With the blindfold again?”, he SMSed back.

“Yes”, I replied

“If thats what u need”, he replied.

Did I need it? Well, all I knew was that the thought of walking in the door of the boss’s flat without the blindfold did again raise a bit of anxiety. Whereas the thought of going back with the blindfold on again aroused mainly a feeling of anticipation and desire.

“I think I do need it”, I texted back.

“well I guess I be seeing u soon – even tho u wont b seeing me, LOL” came back the text from the boss.

“I will be feeling you tho. I think that’s what counts”, I texted back.

“yeah my cock right where u need it” came the reply.

Reading that text gave me an instant hard-on and ushered in a restless impatience to get together with the boss again just as soon as I could organise it.

Gary and I got together again – quite a few times actually. In some ways our first encounter had set the template for a kind of ritual that we followed every time. But although there was a repeated pattern in our encounters, I also noticed a kind of progression going on. The initial nervousness within me which seemed to be back every time upon my arrival was disappearing faster. We were both lasting longer. And there was also a kind of deepening of the experience. Gary’s lips touched mine, and I didn’t resist and turn my head away the way I had the first time.

In fact, I found myself welcoming his tongue in my mouth as much as his cock in my arse. And instead of just letting his hands feel my body all over, my hands also explored his body more, and I started to know all his curves and shape. It was as if I was using my hands to gradually build a map of his body in my mind. I knew exactly which parts of him were hairy and which were smooth, which parts were still hard and which parts were beginning to go soft and sag a bit as a result of the aging process. Sure, I loved that big and beautiful cock and thought it was the best damned part of him, but I was getting to know and like the rest of him as well. And each time it just felt that little bit better, enjoying the whole package and person and how it all fitted together.

Sure his body was the aging body of a mature man. But I liked it the way it was. I didn’t need it to be a perfect body, and I wanted to know it.

There was another element to our liaisons which Gary gradually introduced, but which I went along with. The tendency I had to pull myself off quickly and shoot my own load immediately after he had come (it never took long – I was so aroused!) was something which on some level Gary didn’t like. To me it seemed that it wasn’t that he didn’t like me coming, or even making myself come, but rather the element of taking matters into my own hands without consulting him. It was on my fourth visit that Gary announced he had some “friends” he wanted to introduce me to. For a minute I thought he had a couple of mates hidden in the other room, and I was about to be gang-banged. But the friends were just a pair of handcuffs that Gary placed on me.

“These are just to teach you to leave your own cock alone. I know that you need to shoot your own load too, but I want you to leave that in my hands” Our fucking went for longer that time, with several changes of position. With my hands, decommissioned so to speak, I felt my mouth and arse both working more intently to connect with Gary’s cock, and Gary’s hands gently and smoothly stroking my body more than usual as if to encourage me to relax with the feeling of greater vulnerability the handcuffs created.

And I realised I was slowly becoming even more at ease with Gary’s hands positioning my body wherever he wished, and his tongue exploring my body wherever he wished.

We don’t use the handcuffs every time. But I enjoy wearing them whenever Gary wants me too. And the ropes which Gary has used to tie my arms to the bed head a few times. I enjoy having my arms free, but I enjoy being restrained as well. It works best when I just go along with whatever Gary’s mood is on the day.

Gary and I didn’t really talk about this much as it all happened. We still don’t even really know a hell of a lot about each other, even today.

He knows I am a married man, but I’m not really sure what his take is on me being a married man going down this pathway in my 40’s. I have thought about talking to him about it, but whenever we get together it hasn’t seemed like the time and place for a lot of words – even though I am normally quite a verbal person.

I know Gary has other blokes he also gets together with – doesn’t bother me.

On the other hand, I think he’s figured that I’m pretty much going to keep coming his way and not look elsewhere, so long as he keeps being available. “When you’re on a good thing, stick with it” – I’ve always been that sort of bloke, in a lot of areas of life.

For sure, after this, there’s no way a quick pull with another bloke at a beat is ever going to meet this need inside of me for cock anymore. After going forward, you can’t go back. And I still don’t really know where I might go next from here, if I was to take the next step.

Sometimes, I wonder what it would be like to do away with the blindfold. But I’ve also grown used to this experience of regularly stepping through the portal into a different dimension, a different world in which although I might have chosen to make myself blind, I have also discovered a kind of freedom and a deep feeling of satisfaction I never knew before. It is probably true that there is an element of so-called “anonymous sex” in our encounters, in that we have never looked into each other’s eyes. Married men who also have sex with men are supposed to prefer casual, anonymous sex. I’d be lying if I said that wasn’t true of me. But, it also feels like Gary and I have also come to know each other in a particular way.

In that small world which we share I am – by my own choice - a blind person, but my other senses – of touch, of smell, of taste, and even of hearing – are all heightened.

It is as if, by taking away my eyes, I freed my other senses to take me on a journey I would not have otherwise gone on, and what a fantastic journey it has been.

I like to think Gary has enjoyed the journey too. That having a blindfolded buddy has also freed him to go some places he hasn’t been before either. The journey continues.


More Gay Erotic Stories from Xanderb

Alex's Journey

That first day, the first time I visited Gary, I arrived at his place a full fifteen minutes earlier than the agreed time for my arrival. That was enough time sitting in the car for me to get myself worked up into a bit of a nervous state – excited, anticipating, but still a bit nervous. I suppose I could have sent him a text message letting him know I was already there, but I just had this


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