Gay Erotic Stories

The Forced Milking of Ryan Connolly, Part 9

by GuyzGoNakieFiorMe
01 Nov 2010

Discipline S/M Straight Men, Gay Sex

Billy Lonnergan dreamed last night of finally meeting his idol, Xtreme fighter Ryan Connelly and going out for a beer with him, like they were best buds or something. Can you fucking imagine that, he thought to himself, actually getting to hang out with a true champion. Billy had gone to every match he could get to, and those he couldn't watch in person, he's watched on TV. He'd watched the lean, copper-haired fighter take down one opponent after the next, every muscle straining, unencumbered by even a spare ounce of body-fat. But had it been a dream… had it been…

SPLASH. A Bucket of ice water splashed across Billy Lonnergan's face, and he awoke with a start. WTF! It took a moment for his eyes to begin to focus and to realize that he wasn't where he expected to be. For Billy Lonergan was in an abyss of darkness, surrounded by nothing he could make out, almost blinded by intense arena lighting that his white-blonde lashes blinked against. His wrists were bound to a chain link fence at shoulder level, his ankles tethered to the fence at shoulder's width apart. The cold water had been a shock, but now it felt almost refreshing as he became more aware of the heat of the lights. The intense heat caused sweat to trickle down Billy's flanks, making wet pathways from the sun-bleached tufts of blond under his armpits down his sides, onto his obliques, and down into the furry golden nest of his pubes. It was only then that Billy Lonergan realized he was naked … naked, bound and helpless.

"Dude???" Billy called out into the darkness. "Bro, where am I and what's going on?"

A disembodied mechanical voice boomed.

"Welcome, Billy. I hope you enjoyed your nap." Billy could hear the hushed murmur of giggles surrounding him from a slight distance.

"My head is fucking splitting, man. I must have gotten ahold of some bad shit."

More laughter.

"No really, dude, can you untie my hands?"

"All in good time, Billy, All in good time," the voice responded, "and I promise you, we are GOING to have a good time."

Billy swallowed in fear. He didn't know what was going on, but he had a feeling in his gut that it wasn't good.

"Now Billy, let me answer some questions I'm sure you're wondering about. You made some very unfortunate comments last night, public comments, that were overheard by the WRONG people. You admitted that at school you enjoyed bullying some of the boys you perceived to be 'fags'. In fact, you bragged about beating at least one of them up."

"That…that was just talk, bro."

"Talk is cheap, Billy. And if you didn't really do it before, you're likely to try something unfortunate in the future. Bravado and beer make for a bad combination. So, we've decided to provide you with some preventative therapy. Think of this as an … intervention."

"That's cool, man, but I got peeps waiting for me so, if it's all right with you…"

"It's NOT all right!" the voice boomed, and Billy felt the restraints on his wrists and ankles tighten.

"Um…sure man…whatever you say."

"Now Billy, part of your therapy is going to involve teaching you that what 'fags' do is not abhorrent in the least. In fact it's quite pleasurable, once you've experienced it for yourself. So you WILL be experiencing it."

"Dude, I'm no faggot…I mean, I like girls."

"Today, you'll be 'liking' boys too. This arena is filled with gentlemen who would like the opportunity to help you overcome your prejudices. Isn't that nice? In fact, they are paying quite handsomely for the opportunity to help you. I'm sure you won't be rude and spurn their help. If you do, we'll have to discipline you. Our first four sponsors are ready to begin assisting you."

A spotlight intensified on Billy's face, obscuring the specific details of the men who stepped into the ring. All Billy could register was the feel of hands and mouths on his body.

Two of the men stood flanking his sides as two knelt at his feet. The two standing men traced their fingertips over Billy's bulging biceps, cupping their roundness, feeling their strength. Next their hands made their way to his chest, caressing the pale orbs of his pecs, tracing his pink-red nipples to hardness with their fingertips. Though he said nothing as his titpoints were teased with brushstrokes, gentle pinching, soft nibbles and wet suckling tongue-laps, his fat seven inch dick rose to attention slowly. As one of the men knelt below to take both of Billy's gold-tufted balls in his mouth, the other bean placing soft wet kisses on the knob of Billy's cock… each kiss allowing the the knob to penetrate and then fill his mouth. Billy bit his lip, trying to suppress any indication of pleasure, to the amusement and applause of the audience.

"That's it, fags, enjoy the show," Billy blurted out in anger, regretting it the minute the words left his lips.

"Gentlemen step away from our guest," the voice instructed. The men retreated a few steps and, without warning, a low-voltage electric current shot through the chain link fence making Billy Lonergan dance and thrash against his restraints.

"Apologize to our guests."

Billy's skin was tingling, and it took him a moment to form the words, "I'm sorry."

Another low voltage current hummed, sending Billy into spasms.

"I fucking said I was sorry."

"Sorry…for what?"

"Sorry you sad-assed faggots get your kicks by fucking with me."

The current hummed louder, causing Billy to scream.

"That was unfortunate, Billy. Unfortunate and stupid. Clearly we need to adjust our methods. Roll out the fuck machine."

A weird-looking machine was rolled into a spotlight a few feet in front of Billy Lonergan. It had pistons and gears, and at the end a long metal rod extended.

"What the fuck is that?", the shaken and dazed young blond asked.

"That is an automatic fucker, Billy… and since you are pretty fucked up, we thought it might be appropriate for you to experience it."

A rolling cart was rolled out next to it, with a lab-coated assistant standing in the shadows beside it. As if responding to a signal, the assistant whipped away a small cloth revealing an assortment of amazingly life-like sturdy silicon dildos ranging in size from 5 inches to ten.

"We don't want to seem unfair, Billy, so we'll let you choose which cock will fuck you."

"Sorry, bro, I don't do that shit. My ass is made for things to come out of, not go into."

"Now, Billy, most highways are designed to be ridden in both directions. In fact, we'll even show you how one of your heroes handled a similar situation."

The spotlights dimmed to darkness and on a huge screen directly in Billy's field of vision, he could see his idol, Ryan Connolly, trussed and oiled… the fuck machine poised to breech his virgin ass.

"No man, please don't do this," Ryan had begged. Terror-perspiration dripped from his face and streaked his freckled shoulders and chest. Billy watched as an un-seen hand smeared gooey lubricant over a 9 inch dildo that was already attached to the steel rod. "You want some in your ass?" the assistant asked.

"I don't want ANYTHING in my ass," Ryan hissed.

"If you take it dry, it will rip you apart"

"Ryan thought for a second. "Do it then," he hissed angrily.

The assistant squeezed oily liquid into the palm of his latex glove. Then dipped a finger into it and brought it to the soft pink pucker of Ryan Connelly's ass. He traced lube over the ass-lips, making them glisten, and Ryan tensed when he felt the finger almost tickling at his entrance.

"Relax," the assistant said in a calm voice as he massaged the jelly into Ryan's hole with soothing circles. Each circle brought a little more pressure until at last the tip of the assistant's finger had slipped inside. Ryan's back arched as the assistant finger-fucked him slowly. "Yes Ryan, that's a good boy. Take it." The assistant now had two fingers inside him. Ryan's pink nipples, as thick and pliant as gumdrops, were beginning to stiffen.

The machine was wheeled behind Ryan and in a moment the assistant's fingers slipped free from Ryan's oily chute and the fuck machine was placed against the prepped hole.

"Attach the milker to his cock"

"Attach the....what?" Ryan croaked, hoarsely.

"You Ryan, are nothing but a stud bull to us. A perfect specimen whose cock is designed to be used for pleasure and whose cum is perfect for breeding. You are going to be our fuck machine, Ryan. Every man in the room has paid for the chance to drink your load or to be inseminated by you ... and a few have paid for the privilege of breeding YOU. So, for the next few days, your universe will be one prolonged orgasm. You will cum again and again, on cue, for whoever is the highest bidder. You will fuck and be fucked. Do you understand?"


Laughter echoed thru the room. The laughter of DOZENS of men.

"Tether him to the machine".

The cart rolled forward and a slick silicone tube, the consistency of a woman's pussy, slipped over Ryan Connolly's cock. He shuddered. He felt the tube tighten to the perfect width, allowing just enough friction and drag to drive him insane with pleasure.

"Flip the swich". A click...then an electric whir and the silicon tube began to ride up and down the length of Ryan's cock. It gripped the throbbing dick slightly and then released. The tube was rigged to release lubricant after every four or five strokes, keeping the captive cock slick and moist.

"Oh fuck," Ryan moaned, surrendering to the blissful feelings as the machine purred around his cock. There was applause from the crowd as they watched Ryan go up on his toes to FUCK his fat dick into the vibrating tube that rode up and down the length of his cock. Ryan had never had a more perfect fuck -- just the right amount of pressure...perfectly wet... but after a moment or two he realized something. The restraints would not allow him to fuck any harder or faster than the speed he was going and the machine would not increase the tempo on its own. At this rate and speed, his cock would remain rigid and hard for closer to orgasm than he was now.

He began to sweat. "P-p-please..." he muttered.

"Yes?" the voice answered with a hint of laughter.

"Please...the machine is keeping me right on the edge. I gotta cum. Please, let me cum."

"Lets see what we can do to help you."

He heard the sound of a crank as something was raised from the cart behind him, and then, as the fingers slipped from his ass, he felt something thick and rubbery pressing at the entrance of his hole. The click of a switch and suddenly the 9 inch dildo was being forced into his ass, powered by a steel rod on a piston. "Oh fuck, noooooo"

"Don't even try to fight it, Ryan, or you could seriously damage yourself. Right now the best thing you could do would be to relax...and enjoy it."

The fat dildo split his ass cheeks, the steady pressure prying its way into virgin territory. He felt the solid width feed itself into his rectum one inch a time. Slow. Teasing. His captors wanted to make sure that he would feel every inch, and that its invasion would sear itself into his memory forever.

Ryan tried to get up on his squirm away from it...but he could only forestall the inevitable by a few seconds as the invading rubber cock burrowed its way deep inside him. The piston plunged the cock deep and then slowly pulled it free, leaving just the tip between Ryan's ass-lips. Then it began its journey forward again, mechanically raping the strapping irish fighter again and again.

Tears streamed down the face of the broken fighter's face, but his captor's could not tell if this signalled his defeat or the intensity of his pleasure. They could see Ryan's cock was now harder than it had ever been at any point in his forced captivity. His cock was oozing pre-cum and he was clearly on the verge of a massive orgasm.

There was a click of a switch from the cart behind, and the dildo in his ass began to fuck Ryan faster...every few seconds getting faster…faster.

With a click, the silicon tube's grip tightened and the speed increased.

"Oh fuck...oh fuck yes...", Ryan moaned as this body rushed up the incline towards a roller-coaster of orgasm. just as his orgasm was about to hit, another click and the machine turned off. "Nooooooooooooo"

"Fuck the machine Ryan...Fuck yourself. Make yourself cum for us," the voice chanted.

Using all of his strength, Ryan fucked into the silicon sleeve faster, faster...his cock a red-hot blur. An animal growl grew inside him and released as he sent an arc of cum SPLASHING into the tube, which fed into a plexiglass beaker held just out of view. Another thick splash of semen blasted against the walls of the tube...and another...and another, until the container was full. The silicon sleeve was slipped off and replaced by a hot mouth that slid balls deep down Ryan's spent, but still hard cock. "Oh fuck yes," he shuddered, spasming one last blast into the beaker.

"I'll bid $500" a voice said. "$750" "$1,000". Then silence. And the familiar voice said, "Sold to our third bidder. You get the honor of drinking our captive's very first milking load"

The lights came up on a terrified young Billy Lonergan who now knew exactly what to expect. Holy fuck, had he just witnessed his idol, Ryan Connolly being ass-fucked, his cumload cultivated, his cock tongued clean by the mouth of a man?

The fuck machine was in place behind him, and as the assistant prepared to lube Billy Lonergan's cock for the milker, he noticed something interesting. It was already rock hard.


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The Forced Milking of Ryan Connolly, Part 9

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