Gay Erotic Stories

A Governors Christmas - Dec 22nd

by DaneFin
30 Nov 2010

Man Meets His Man Neighbors Older/younger

The events in this story take place after my first encounter with the "Governor" as detailed in "On the Governors Staff".

In my first encounter with Mitch, friend and neighbor of my parents as well as Governor of my home state, we had a late night rendevous when he happened to be staying at the hotel where I worked.

I hadn't set out to have sex with him. His reaching out to me was more of a feeling of loss for his son and an emphatic need to release the love and grief. So what was just an instinctual need just to be close and feel loved moved to a deeper need for sexual release. His having never had sex with another man before created a newness in intimacy that he'd never had. It wasn't a "Father/Son" role play and until my hand encountered the hard-on hiding in his pants Mitch hadn't been an object of desire in my mind. But feeling the warmth of his cock made my mind do a 180 and had my cock lengthening down my shorts.

So, I sent my first load down his throat, the second all over his chest just after he had filled my ass with his thick fluid. His second load that night had been in the shower.

That had been our first and only time together and I thought the world would go on as before. My relationship with Mitch would change subtly, but as I rarely had seen the man for several years and hadn't planned on moving back home, I thought it would be a matter of two ships passing in the night. Definately something neither of us would probably ever share with anyone else. Me, out of respect for him, and him, out of fear of reprisal from those that had elected him.

Shortly after Thanksgiving a call from mom caught me by surprise when she said that they had invited Mitch over for Christmas dinner and he had accepted but only if he could host Christmas Eve at his house. She said that before Mitch had hung up he had said he hoped I would be around.

"Steven," she said. "It's been a hard year for him. I know you and Bobby were friends in High School and Mitch is really our friend but it would mean so much if you could be around. Could you do that," she asked "for me."

My heart started beating strongly and my dick quickly grew. It was a good thing we were talking over the phone otherwise she would have been seen I wasn't her baby boy anymore.

"Yeah, Mom." I answered. "I'd be happy to spend some time with Mitch."

"you're such a good boy." she said.

Little does she know how 'good' a boy I am.

After that call I wondered if we'd have a chance to be "together" again. I didn't hold much hope of being able to be with him alone. Being a busy man, I doubted he'd have much opportunity to get away from all the administrative demands.

Holidays not withstanding, the government still needed to run. With a new legislative session starting in a few weeks, the budget and other paperwork to be reviewed, I figured he'd only have a day or two before he'd be back at work full time and during the break only a few hours where maybe no-one would be around.

I'd take those few hours.

On December 19th, I got a card in the mail that didn't have a return address on it. When I opened it I found a card with a cartoon picture of Santa with a long list of names. A pencil in his hand and the caption above said, "Naughty, Nice, Nice, Naughty."

As I flipped it open, the inside caption read.


A handwritten message was below.

"You've been very nice. I'm sure I've got a present for you. But Santa wants a present in return."

It was signed, "M".

I immediately knew Mitch had sent it and while the next few days were spent doing some last minutes shopping and packing, my mind wandered to that one night. I arrived home just before suppertime on the 21st. Mom had the house all decorated, presents were under the tree and a festive air filled the house. I got settled in my old bedroom as Mom put the finishing touches on dinner. Not much had changed. A few of the old souveniers from my youth, a couple of trophy's, senior class picture, a few books. On the second floor, my room faced toward the street. I glanced out the window toward Mitch's house across the street. The rest of the houses on the block were lit, had decorations or lights in the yards, a Christmas tree shining through their large windows. But Mitch's house was quiet, a dark island amongst the holiday brightness.

Suddenly, as if on cue, several lights in the house lit and the garage door slowly opened. I glanced down the street at the approaching car. A quick glance at the man behind the steering wheel got my heart beating faster and a heavy pulse filled my groin. It was Mitch. I watched as he pulled into the garage and parked the car. The tail lights sending their red beam across the drive, as if they announced the arrival of the holidays on that dark island.

The car door opened and Mitch got out. He glanced across the street toward our house and I wondered if he could feel my attention. Suddenly, the garage door started to close and he was lost from my site.

I turned back toward my room and set about putting my clothes away and then worked on getting my laptop out and set up on my desk. Just as I was about to start it up and check my emails, the door bell rang down below and I could hear the muffled "Merry Christmas" from Mom and Dad and a distant muffled greeting in return. But I knew it had to be only one person and I was leaving my room even before my Dad's deep voice called me from the bottom of the stairs.

"Steve.." he started, "Oh," he said when he saw me at the top. "Mitch is here."

I came down the stairs and tried to assume a calm air, though my heart was pounding and I could feel the sweat start to break out."

"Hello Steve," Mitch said, his voice a rich mixture of tones. "It's great to see you again."

"You too, Governor Thompson." I said, and then he pulled me into a hug and wrapped his arms around me tightly. Maybe a little too tightly, and did I happen to feel his pelvis push into mine?

"I think you can call me Mitch." he said as I glanced up into his face and saw his wide smile and bright eyes. The quick little wink told me he was happy to be there and left me expecting something more in the future.

And then he pulled away and followed my Dad into the den. As I was about to follow Mom called for my help in the kitchen.

"Talking politics", Mom started, "as usual. Honey, be a dear and pull the roast out of the oven."

I grabbed the pot holders and envied Dad, alone with Mitch.

I sat across from Mitch during dinner. Mom to my right and Dad across from her, the large dinning room table really seemed too big for just four people, but I knew Mom had it set for Christmas dinner just days away. As dinner neared the end we sat at the table enjoying our wine. Mom had left the table and I could hear her in the kitchen. I leaned back in the chair and stretched out a little as the long drive had left me stiff and sore, and then my foot encountered Mitch's leg.

He and Dad were discussing a governmental agency and I slowly rubbed my foot up his leg. Mitch grabed his wine glass and took a quick sip. As my foot rose higher Mitch broke out into a light sweat.

He glanced at me and gave me a quick wink.

"Steve," he said, "your Dad should be in government."

I laughed and replied. "Dad's not the type." and finished thinking to myself. "I am. I'd be right down the throat of government."

"You wouldn't catch me within ten feet of an elected office." Dad responded.

"Richard," Mitch replied, "there are many levels of government. Many of which are not elected."

Mom came back into the room. "Who wants dessert?"

As the night wore on, I found myself fading. The long drive, large meal and wine had only made me more ready for bed.

That, and the sexual tension I felt building. As I got up to leave Mitch said, "Steve, if you're not busy tomorrow, I'd love to have your help on a few projects around my house. If I'm hosting Christmas Eve I need to deck the halls."

"Sure," I said, "What time?"

"Is eight too early?" he said.

"No, that's fine." I said. As I rose he stood up and came toward me. "It's great to see you again." and pulled me into another hug.

"Richard, you've got a great son here."

Leaving I went up to my room but left the lights off. I stripped off my clothes and stepped into the bathroom, As I brushed my teeth the motion of my brushing caused my cock to rub against the vanity. The cool feel of the marble top

against my hot skin caused it to lengthen. By the time I'd finished, my dick was hard as steel.

I gave him a playfull tug. "Not tonight my friend. We've got a busy day tomorrow."

As I slipped into bed my dick throbbed under the weight of the covers. I could feel a bead of wetness at the tip. Reaching down, I rubbed the precum into the head then brought my fingers up and sucked by juice. I rolled on my side, my hard on angled toward the mattress. Closing my eyes, I smiled, and visions of Mitch's hard cock and full, hairy balls danced in my head.

I was awaken by the bright sun in my eyes and the sounds of voices down below. Moving, I discovered the hair between my belly button and pubic were matted. Glancing down at the sheets I discovered a dozen or so small circles where the fabric had been discolored by my nightly emmissions. My cock stared up at me, like a pet that missed its owner after a long days absense. I wrapped my hand around its turgid mass and gave it a few strokes. The sensation was almost overwhelming, but I knew, at least I hoped, that more and better sensations awaited.

I glanced at the clock. 7:00 AM, in a little under an hour I'd be over at Mitch's. I knew he'd actually have some work that needed to be done, like decorating the tree and the house, but I hoped there'd be more.

I hopped in the shower, the warm blast of water cascading down my body. As I soaped and lathered every bit I hoped that today would bring some excitement. Grabbing the razor from the tub ledge I set about trimming up the hairs along my shaft.

I thought about shaving my ass, but remembered the uncomfortable feeling as it grew back and thought again.

I quickly dressed and went downstairs. The smell of coffee and cinnamon rolls filled the kitchen. I grabbed a mug from the cupboard and filled it with the steaming liquid.

"Morning dear," Mom said as she set about putting a roll on a small plate.

"Morning." I said. Awake, but not quite ready for conversation.

"It's so nice of you to help Mitch." she said. "We had a nice talk after you went to bed last night." She turned and looked at me. "He said he had a nice talk with you when he ran into you at the hotel." I swallowed hard.

"What else did he say?" I asked, knowing that it wouldn't have been any intimate details.

"Just that he glad to see you there, and that it really helped him put things into focus again."

"Really." I answered.

"Yes." she replied. "he said that the short time you had really helped him realize that he could move on."

Shortly before eight I grabbed my coat and walked across the street. As I neared Mitch's house I could see lights on in the inside and heard Christmas music.

I walked up the step and rang the door bell. Within seconds Mitch was at the door.

"Steve," he said as he pulled me in for a hug. "Thanks for coming over." He pulled me in the house and shut the door.

I glanced into the living room and saw boxes stacked to one side, marked with "Christmas". The christmas music was playing and the fireplace cast a warm feel about the house.

I felt Mitch's hand on my face and felt him pull me close again. He tipped his head and tentatively moved in to kiss. I responded by pressing my crotch into his and met his lips. Our teeth parted and tongues danced around each other. I dropped the jacket and wrapped my arms around him and grabbed his ass, pulling us closer together.

He broke away and grabbed my hand.

"We don't have much time." He said, dragging me toward the back of the house. "I've got a couple of designers coming over to decorate. They'll be here at 10."

Almost sprinting to the back, I started pulling the sweater and t-shirt off and unbuckled my belt. Mitch was doing the same. By the time we reached his bedroom we were half disrobed. A state which changed quickly as we threw our clothing on the floor and jumped into bed.

Free of restrictions our hands carressed each other. Our kisses passionate and deep. I felt his hardness pressing against mine. Felt the wet tip of his cock as it pressed against my skin and then felt his firm grasp as he grabbed our two tools in his hand and stroked up and down their length.

"I've.... missed... this." he said in broken words between our kisses. He broke our kiss and leaned down. His cock slipping away from mine but his strong hand squeezing my dick. And then his hot mouth took just the tip inside. I could feel the warmth, the heat as his tongue circled the head and caused me to throw my head back. My dick pulsed and he moaned as I fed him my precum.

With his mouth on my dick I felt his hand reaching up and tweaked my nipple.

I pulled him close to me and swung him around so that I could treat him to the same pleasure one of his hairy legs on either side of my head, balls dangling above my face. As he crouched above me his rod pierced my mouth and and as I swallowed him deep his passion grew and he took it out on my dick. I started to buck up forcing my dick deeper in his mouth, he responded by thrusting deeper.

I shuddered and raised my hips up and forced my dick all the way down his throat. He grabbed my waist and pulled me tight into him. I could feel his mouth and throat massaging my thick dick and each time he increased the suction I could feel more pre-cum oozing from my dick. I wouldn't last long if he kept that up and I could tell by the copious amount of juice he was pumping into me that he wouldn't last long either.

I ran my hand between his legs and found the war, hairy crevise of his ass and wormed a fingertip into his hole and gently circled just inside. His thrusting in my mouth increased. Each thrust harder and deeper than the previous. I sent my finger deeper and pressed against his prostate. I could feel his dick grow and pulse rewarding me with a stream of precum down my throat. I pulled back so only the tip of his cock was in my mouth and sent my finger deep again. He groand and sent another pulse of clear liquid into my mouth.

I abandoned his dick and pushed him forward a bit, his balls dragged across my face and I sucked one into my mouth then traded it for the other all the while I was stroking his long piece of meat. Mitch was bobbing up and down my cock. I could feel this mouth tighten across the head of my dick each time he backed off. He'd go deep and then pull back and suck hard while stroking me. He wrapped one arm around my ass and lifted me slightly bringing me closer to him.

It wouldn't be long before I'd be sending a load down his throat, not that he didn't deserve it, but I had different plans.

I pushed his balls aside and lifted my head and headed for his puckered hole. Lightly ringed with hairs it was the target for my tongue and as I went forward I pulled him back and sent it deep.

I felt the cooler air hit my dick, his weight shifted and started to push his ass back toward my tongue. My cock was abandoned, but pulsing a life of its own as this hot man rode my face.

"Fuck me," I heard, "You need to fuck me now" he said, lifting off my face he twisted around, grabbed my dick and aimed it for his man cunt.

The tip of my wet dick pressed against his wet hole, his body tensed and then relaxed as he sank down, the ridge of my dick just passing the muscle. He sank down fast, threw his head back and let out a deep groan. Then he started to ride me, faster and hard.

I provided a little thrust, but he was doing the work, he was fucking me. His hands found his nipples and he twisted and pinched them while he rode the connection between us. His tight, hot ass was sending me to the brink. Grabbing his bobbing cock I circled the shaft and started pumping it. Copious amounts of fluid were dripping from its head and I used his lube in my stroking.

He reached back with one hand and grabbed my balls, giving them a soft, then harder squeeze. I was nearing the end, his tight ass on my dick.

"I'm going to cum," he screamed, hunching forward. I started pounding his ass harder and wrapped a second hand around his cock head. He shuddered and sent volley after volley of cum into the air to land on my face and neck.

As his load slackened, mine began. With one final thrust up I and sent my load deep into his waiting ass. He sank back taking my full length. Draining every last drop. With his energy spent, Mitch leansed forward, our bodies pressing the load between us as we kissed. My cock, still in his ass, shrinking.

"I missed that." he said finally.

"Me too," I answered. While I have a friend that I occassionally hook up with, the sex wasn't as meaningfull as this encounter was.

"I've thought about this every day since that one night." He looked deep into my eyes. "At night I lay in bed, remembering it, and blast a hot load all over my chest wishing it were yours."

He glanced at the clock on the night stand.

"We've got about 20 minutes before they arrive." he looked reluctantly back."I suppose we should get presentable."

We rose and headed to the shower. We took turns soaping each other up as the warm water ran down our bodies. The double headed shower ensured we each had warm streams. As I washed Mitch his cock began to grow in my hand. I knelt in the tub and took him in my mouth once again. He quickly grew to full length and started feeding me more and more of his flesh. I grabbed his ass cheeks and pulled him closer until my nose was tickeled by his hair.

Reaching around I worked my finger between his cheeks and found the dark tunnel of his love chute that I had just filled. He groaned and I felt his rod grow thicker in my mouth. I pressed deep and heard him growl. That growl was followed by another hot load. Smaller than the one he'd just given me, but still as hot and thick.

He pulled out and looked down.

"You have definately made it onto Santa's nice list." His smile showed the pleasure he'd received.


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