Gay Erotic Stories

Zack Attack

by Cajunlover180
13 Dec 2010

Birthday Presents Older/younger Tales From School Teachers

Middle America. Suburban high school. Government teacher. Mid-30s single gay male. This is my life. My work consumes my life. Teaching is more than just a job to me; it really and truly is my life’s passion. Between grading papers, lesson planning, sponsoring school clubs, attending extracurricular events (including sporting competitions), and seeking out relevant professional development opportunities…in addition to the actual day-to-day in class times…I just don’t find, or at least allow myself, the time needed to explore a romantic life.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not an ugly old recluse. I have a decent social life, it just happens to be with other colleagues. Not much dating prospects there, and of course if finding “the man” were a major goal, I’m sure I’d make the effort to make time for dating. I just keep so busy with the “life passion” that I often don’t notice the “aloneness” of not having a romantic life.

Being in such a situation, however, does have one drawback. When the lustful moments arise it is often one of my students (I teach seniors) who becomes a temporary object of fantasy. I know it’s unethical to even think about them that way. But at the same time it’s just fantasy. I have never crossed the line with any of them. That could cost me the job I so love. Sometimes, to absolve my guilt for the inappropriate thoughts I’ll try to imagine what one of their fathers or older brothers might look like and then have a nice wank to this other person.

So, it was not totally out of character for me to allow some lustful thoughts to develop for Zack. One thing about Zack is noticeably different compared to most students who “catch my eye”. Typically I’m attracted to the all-American white jock type of kid; once in a while I’m drawn to think about the cute nerdy white kid. Zack, however, is a self-proclaimed “Halfrican American”…his mom is white and his dad is black. He’s not the first time I’ve noticed a non-white kid, but he soon became an object of fantasy which lasted longer than any previous ethnic minority had.

Beyond his wholesome good looks, there is much to his personality that just naturally draws people to him. He is smart, articulate, and cordial to his teachers and peers. He would always address me as “Teach”. If he saw me in the hall or in the cafeteria he would always say “hey Teach”. When he asked a question in class it would typically begin “So, Teach, I was wondering…”. It was not meant to be demeaning, but rather was, for him, a sign of respect that I was worthy of a nickname.

I tried my best not to allow my glances in his direction to turn into an inappropriate leer. I made sure that I didn’t allow my outside actions to betray the inner thoughts. Even though he is 18 and considered “legal”, it’s just not appropriate to give a student any form of a hint that other interests are present. Eventually the intensity of the fantasy began to wear off, especially as Fall Break, followed shortly by Thanksgiving Break, approached. Something about even a couple days off from school cranked my hormonal drive in favor of making time for visiting some adult clubs and chancing some adult male fun. Who knows, maybe even find that lasting romantic connection. So “Zack thoughts” weakened as I prepared for encounters with more suitable connections.

However, something strange happened the week after Thanksgiving. As I would look around the room I began to notice Zach staring back at me. As he would notice my gaze around the room linking on to his eyes he would smile. I smiled back to be polite, but by Wednesday his smiles became accompanied by a head nod; the type of nod someone you’re flirting with at a club might give as an expression of mutual attraction or “come hither you fine man”. I quickly dismissed it. There is no way that this young man is hitting on me. But Thursday came. During my lecture on the influence of minor political parties I caught him staring at me and licking his lips; later that class period his “come hither” head nod was accompanied by a set of puckered lips.

Damn, he was hitting on me. “Ok,” I said to myself, “keep your composure and make it through class”. It would have been awful to sprout wood as I’m lecturing on single-issue political parties. I kept my gaze from falling on Zach. If I could just avoid looking at him I could make it through. To my relief, my naughty thoughts were interrupted by a hand rising with a question. As I finished answering the question, another hand shot up…Zach’s. Well, it wasn’t just one hand, but both. What I thought was him raising his hand to ask a question was actually him stretching; I’m sure it was totally designed to capture the attention of my eyes. I did notice that as he stretched his arms, his green t-shirt raised just enough to expose his lower abs.

Oh my! That sight was enough to fuel the fires of fantasy that I would use later that night as I would jack-off. His cinnamon colored skin, his tight abs with the cute puckered belly button, the trace of dark hair leading down into his jeans. Damn! I was so glad that class was only minutes from being over. I would gather my things ASAP and head home to stroke out a large load.

As the class with Zach began on Friday I noticed that he wasn’t there. Whew! No worries of another round of his flirtatious behavior followed by an increase in my libido. And then…damn…ten minutes into class he comes bouncing in with a pass from his guidance counselor. As he handed me the pass, he allowed his fingers to graze my hand and it sent chills down my spine. His touch started a rise that I feared I couldn’t control.

Luckily for me, controlling such a rise wasn’t that big of an issue today. The students were working on a written assignment and I could stay seated behind my desk. If I sprouted hard wood and a student had a question I could always have them walk up to visit with me rather than me walk out amongst the students with a raging hard-on. I did have a routine of grading a few papers and then glancing around the room. Of course Zach would intentionally catch my attention and have another round of smiles, head nod and then either a wink or a kiss pucker. I would shake my head and return, as best I could to grading another paper.

A raised hand would also distract me from grading and I would ask the student with the question to come visit with me at my desk. And then I looked up with dread, Zach had a raised hand with a question. I motioned for him to come to my desk. As he leaned in to ask his question, which actually was a legitimate question about the assignment, he scent just captured my attention and I’m sure he noticed me taking a second whiff. I still don’t know what cologne he was wearing, but it was amazing. Additionally, while he was asking his question and I was answering, he had his hand on the back of my chair with his thumb caressing my back. Damn, his touch was magic.

But all too soon this encounter was over. Zach returned to his seat and I was, for a brief moment, relieved. However, as Zach turned to sit down…knowing that I was most likely looking at him…he paused to stretch his arms over his head. Yep, a similar exposure of his lower abdomen as yesterday. The only difference was that with him standing was that more skin was uncovered. I was in heaven and I definitely sprouted wood under my desk.

The bell rang and I was so relieved that he would be leaving. It was clearly obvious by now that Zach knew he had an effect on me. He knew that I was attracted and I just couldn’t tell if he was playing me or if he seriously had an attraction in return. But it didn’t matter right now. It was Friday and I was going to quickly pack my things, go home and wank off with thoughts of Zach, and then go hit a club to find some real action for the night and hopefully rid my thoughts of Zach for the rest of the weekend.

No such luck, within less than 2 minutes after the last student left the room I heard something I never thought I would hear “Hey Teach, you know what I’ve been thinking?” And then he walked right back into my classroom. As he did he grabbed the door knob and shut the door behind him.

Trying to act as normal as possible I responded “Tell me Zach, what have you been thinking.” I was sort of fearful what his response might be.

“Well Teach, it was my birthday last week (meaning he had turned 19 the week of Thanksgiving) and there was one present I didn’t get.”

“Oh Zach, well I’m sorry to hear that. What was it that you were wanting?” I was immediately kicking myself for asking that because of where his answer might be going.

“I want, well…er…I need…”

“Yes Zach?”

“I need to fuck you.”

Well there you go. He just blurted it out. He wasn’t playing me. He was horny for me too. Damn, what an awkward situation. Here is a hot young stud of a man telling me he wants to fuck me…but that would cross a line in the student-teacher relationship and could cost me my job. I had no response for him. I wanted him to fuck me or at least let me suck him. Hell, I’d have been totally willing to fuck him; his ass was cute enough. But I couldn’t verbalize an answer, especially not right there in my classroom.

Zach didn’t wait for an answer. As he continued to walk in my direction with me still seated in my desk chair he peeled off his light blue t-shirt. Upon arriving where I was sitting, he just straddled my legs and sat down on my lap. With my mouth still mute he leaned forward, embraced me in a tight hug and proceeded to lean in for a kiss. Nothing gentle about that kiss, his tongue pried my mouth open and danced with mine.

Not being able to speak and not trying to stop him even if I really wanted to, I just let Zack take control. I’m still not sure when or how, but I eventually realized that while still kissing me he had gotten us to both stand, had unbuckled my belt, unfastened and unzipped my pants, and had his hand inside my red boxer-briefs rubbing my ass. Damn this kid…no, this young man…was good. He finally broke the kiss so as to pull my shirt off. Zach then stepped back and with a majorly sultry look on his face gave a little dance while he removed his pants and black jock strap.

Damn, I was in such lust in the heat of the moment. I didn’t care who came walking in that door. I knew it wasn’t locked and that with it being Friday a janitor was bound to pop in earlier than other days of the week since the teachers were typically out of the building immediately after the students. I just didn’t care who would walk in and catch this naked hot fucking stud doing whatever he wanted to me.

Zach danced back toward me and pushed me back into my seat. He aimed his hard cock directly at my mouth. He knew that I wanted it. He knew I wanted to suck on his joy stick for as long as possible. Zack had an amazing cock; it was about 7 inches long, not too thick but not at all thin, and was uncut. I rarely play with uncut cock but something about this sexy “Halfrican” stud with his cinnamon colored skin just made me totally horny for his extra skin. My tongue snaked inside to add extra sensation as I worked his head. My fingers found his balls and I just massaged them to no end. I wanted this sexy stud to erupt in my mouth so I could taste his joy juice.

But just like Zack said when he walked in, he wanted to fuck me. I could feel his balls start to tighten and his dick getting harder and apparently Zach knew enough about what he was feeling to know he was about to blow his load. He abruptly pulled out of my mouth and said “Teach, your mouth is fucking hot and someday I’ll blow my load down your throat because I can tell you want to eat my cum. But right now I need your ass. Teach, hop up and bend over the desk.”

I did as instructed and only paused long enough to ask if he had a condom. Zach replied “Teach, I’ve never been with anyone else. You being my first was my only desired birthday present. I think my risk with what I’m about to do is so low that I don’t want to ruin it with a rubber. You cool with that?”

I didn’t respond and I guess he took that as a sign to proceed. The next thing I knew was that his cock, coated with my mouth juice, was sliding into my hole. I wanted it so bad…no, I needed it so bad that there was no resistance to him as he entered. I needed his cinnamon colored joy stick buried in my ass. And bury it he did.

Even after this encounter, Zach continues to claim that I was his first ever. He must have watched a lot of porn because he knew exactly what to do. He pounded me with me being face down on my desk. Then he slowed and eventually pulled out. I turned and looked so confused because I could tell he hadn’t cum yet.

“Teach, it’s not over. Don’t worry. Turn over on your back. I want to see you face as I cause you to have so much pleasure.”

So I did. Up on my desk on my back and back in to my ass Zack dove. Then he did something I didn’t expect him to do. He leaned down and kissed me. He kissed me while still fucking my ass. Then he leaned back up to get a better angle for plowing me, he grabbed my cock in his hand, and then went back to town on my ass.

He hit my prostate, that amazing male joy spot, with his cinnamon stick and soon I was cumming like crazy all over his hands. My eruption finally put Zack over the edge and I could feel his blasts deep inside of me, at least 8 of them.

Eventually he pulled out, leaned down to kiss me deep and passionately, helped me back to my feet and then started dressing. As he was tying his shoes he finally spoke “You know Teach, after the first day of school I was honestly hoping to wait until the end of the year to act on my desire for you. However, the closer and closer it got to my birthday I knew I just had to have you; I couldn’t wait. I promise you I will never ever tell anyone what happened here. I know you love your job and you are an awesome teacher, hell, you even make minor political parties sound fun.” And then he chuckled. “I know that what we just did shouldn’t have happened and I won’t try to repeat it again until the school year is over.” He then smiled as he concluded, “but I’d love a repeat session, maybe many of them, after I graduate.”

I smiled at Zach. I appreciated his honesty and understanding. I was also thankful that at the end of the current semester this class would be over and I would get a new batch of students. I knew that I would never be able to wait for a repeat until the end of the year if I still had Zack in class through May. I would still see Zack in the halls and cafeteria for the rest of the year and he always acted as if everything was normal and that nothing had ever happened. I appreciated him for that.

The night of graduation finally arrived. After the ceremony Zach sought me out. “Teach, here’s my phone number and e-mail. Please contact me, I need to see you again.”

After a week of waiting, I did finally contact him and we met for lunch. He told me about having been accepted to Yale and would be moving at the end of the summer. I was sad, not that he was accepted to a great university, but that whatever time we had left would be short. By the end of lunch, it was decided that I was going to cancel all of the conferences that I had planned to attend over the summer and that he and I would take a long road trip together. He convinced his parents that it was a group of friends wanting one last summer together before college and they let him go.

We had such an awesome time together and part of me did actually fall in love with him. After he left for Yale we kept in touch via letters and e-mails for a while, but eventually we lost contact. There will always be a special place in my heart for Zack and the attack that he had on my soul.


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Zack Attack

Middle America. Suburban high school. Government teacher. Mid-30s single gay male. This is my life. My work consumes my life. Teaching is more than just a job to me; it really and truly is my life’s passion. Between grading papers, lesson planning, sponsoring school clubs, attending extracurricular events (including sporting competitions), and seeking out relevant professional development


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