Gay Erotic Stories

Brother Simon's Habit

by Gaywarlock
14 Feb 2011

Men Of The Cloth Outdoor Sex


I have sinned! Oh, God forgive me, I have sinned! I have sinned against His most glorious Name! Guilt fills and wracks me. Guilt courses through my veins, flowing through every organ and every limb of my being. Guilt exudes from every pore and surrounds me: a halo of obscene presence around my body. My heart aches – heavy and overwrought as I am. How could I? How could I have perpetrated such a heinous crime against man and against my God? I am guilty. I am doomed to Hellfire everlasting. My body will burn in the Devil’s fire, his nymphs and satyrs cavorting around me in a parody of my sins. My flesh and bones will roast on the Devil’s spit and wither away, my soul shall be ripped open and tormented for time everlasting, my entire being: my body, my soul, my mind, all will be tortured beyond endurance and still the tortures will go on. Yet shall I have deserved my punishment? The Holy Gospels say it right, the realm’s laws say it right, the abbot say it right and mine own family, should they know, would say it right. Yet is it right? I think it harsh. Yet when I took my vows did I not agree to abide by God’s laws, to obey the Holy Word? I am only human after all. The mind may be strong but the flesh is weak. There are so many earthly temptations the Devil can choose and pick his weapons . . . and there is only one defence . . . Faith. And that is the nub of my problem . . . Faith . . . I don’t have enough . . . My faith is not strong enough. Recently I have found myself doubting every aspect, wondering if it’s all true. And that’s how it all started. Wandering in the fields and the woods surrounding the abbey alone with my thoughts, my mind wandered to my time up north. Three years ago I was a monk in a large northern abbey. The abbey had controlled many acres; it’s grounds providing employment to many of the local people. It had been through Brother James, the Supervisor of the Granges, that my fall from grace had began. When I had seen him lift up his habit and join the peasant people in the river helping them to regain their lost boat, I had lost my heart. He had tucked the lower folds of his habit into his girdle and had waded out to them, the cool water of the river splashing his sturdy thighs. I smiled as I recalled the scene. Two weeks after that first idea of attraction had entered my mind we became lovers in the full sense of the word. We would spend all our free time together. Brother James found an old abandoned hut near the edge of the woods that surrounded one of the abbey’s granges, which we made our own. It was there the abbot himself caught us. Three days later James was heading north to an abbey and I was heading south to this abbey. I hadn’t seen him since. That was three years ago. Since then I’ve been a model of behaviour. The abbot of this abbey knows my past indiscretion and as such has kept a close eye on me. But to reward my good behaviour he has recently made me Supervisor of the Granges – the exact same position my James had held. As such now I am required to travel the local area checking on the granges, which belong to the abbey. Granges are small farms, which are managed by the lay brothers and overseen by one of the full brothers. It was on one of these granges I met Ripley. He was overseeing the gathering of the harvest on the Batstock Grange about an hours ride to the west of the abbey. I’d set out at dawn in order to be early and had come upon the field where they were working as the sun burst over the tree-tops of the nearby wood which bordered the field. The light illuminated the field, bathing it in soft, early morning sunshine and silhouetting the shapes of the workers. At first I couldn’t tell who was in charge. All I could see were groups of men standing about drinking from earthen-ware jugs. As I rode into the field through the open five-bar gate one of the men detached himself from the nearest group and approached me. “Morning, Brother.” “Good morning,” I responded as I climbed down off my horse. As I turned to meet the man, I gasped. Before I could say anything else my breath caught in my throat and I began coughing. “You all right?” he asked stepping forward. I nodded. If only he knew it was him who had caused my coughing fit? I felt my cock stirring within the confines of my loose robe and prayed when, not if, I become erect it wouldn’t be too obvious. The man before me was striking, his body stunning. He was about six foot two and looked to have seen thirty-three summers, with a shock of hair black as the deepest night, parted on the right sweeping down over his left brow, the ends teasing his dark eyebrows. His light brown eyes complemented his dark hair perfectly and twinkled at me. They seemed so full of innocence I wondered if he knew the power he possessed. His face had fine bone structure, high and noble cheekbones setting off his powerfully chiselled jaw that, even at this time in the morning, had a dark growth of hair. His lips were full and red and reminded me so much of James I wanted to grab him and kiss him there and then in full view of everyone. As my coughing subsided the man stuck out his hand and introduced himself. “Ripley.” “Brother Simon,” I replied taking his hand and shaking it. He had a firm grip and as I looked I could see the muscles in his forearm, which was covered in fine dark hairs, ripple underneath his taut skin. “And you are?” “I run this grange, Brother.” “Then you are a lay brother?” I enquired for he certainly didn’t look like a lay brother. He was wearing a pair of old leggings which stopped just short of his ankles and were held up with a piece of rope tied tight around his narrow waist. The upper half of his body was covered in a coarse short-sleeved top, open at the neck revealing an amount of bare flesh for me to look at. “No, Brother,” he began softly, his voice rich and deep. “The Abbot put me in charge two year back as a trial like.” I must have looked confused for he raised his eyes skyward as if asking the Lord for help before he continued. “We work the land all year round and are as close to nature as you brothers are to God. He wanted to see if we could make them any more profitable if one of us were in charge.” “And have you?” “Aye, Brother Simon,” he said, a big smile breaking over his face, revealing a set of perfect white teeth and transforming it into one the angels would have been proud of. “Doubled this grange’s income last year. Abbot was very pleased.” That smile was beautiful. It was a beam of pure light and joy. A signal to the heavens and mankind that God’s creation can be, if not ideal, then almost perfect. I nodded and, because of his smile, knew I had lost the battle to control my erection. It was at this point, as my stiffened member was at full mast beginning to tent my habit that Ripley glanced down. To this day I know not what caused to him to look but I was glad he did. The change was sudden and all the more remarkable for it. The gentle twinkle in his light brown eyes changed and became a glint laced with wickedness. He turned and quickly looked at the other men in the field who were returning to work and, seeing no one looking, turned back to me, a wide smile parting his sensual lips. Ripley lowered his head, his shock of hair hiding his face. Then he raised it slightly, the hair parting so I could see his eyes and their wicked, evil yet delightful gleam. In this way he looked at me; coy, bashful and shy, like a youth just learning of his devastating good looks. Once again he broke into a huge grin and slowly reached for his groin. His grin changed to a smirk as he saw my shock. Grinning up at me from beneath his falling hair he smoothed his stomach and then massaged his groin, the heel of his hand kneading into his recesses as if he was making bread. I stood transfixed, watching as he cupped his growing flesh in his hand, pressing and caressing himself in front of me, unconcerned with anyone else seeing us. Brazenly he reached out and grabbed my erection, his fingers wrapping around my hardened member trapping it between his hand and my habit. I could feel the heat from his hand penetrating the material as he gently squeezed me, putting pressure on my hardened manhood. Breathing deeply my eyes closed with the pleasure he was creating. I could feel the desire radiate from my extended and hardened muscle, coursing through my veins filling my body with lust – another carnal sin which deep down as a monk sworn to chastity I knew I must resist. I’d broken my vows once and had been absolved, this time I knew there would be no forgiveness – if I were caught. My decision had been made in a split second. I was going to sin again. I had decided to give myself to him. And then he suddenly stopped. He released my member, stopped manipulating himself and raised his head. “Shall I show you the sights of the grange?” he asked, a boyish, cheeky smile on his face. Naturally I agreed. Ripley led me around the edge of the field towards the woods which grew on the far side. As I followed behind I tried to make out his body but the looseness of his clothing hid everything from sight; I did know he had broad shoulders and a narrow waist but that was all. The cool interior of the woods was a welcome relief from the sun that had been getting progressively hotter as we had talked. All around us stood trees with trunks so thick and gnarled they must have been old when the Romans walked the world. The undergrowth of this ancient, yet living forest was tangled and overgrown, the paths and tracks strewn with leaves and sticks, twigs and fungi. Ripley led me down little used tracks and paths, the overgrown scrub catching at my habit as if some force of good was trying to hold me back from the sin I was about to commit . . . again. I gasped as we broke from the dappled shade of the trees into a small clearing, the sunlight lighting the far side of the lush green grass. Ripley turned to me. “So Brother do you prefer to sodomize or be sodomized?” Ripley looked at me intently. To tell the truth I’d always liked it when James filled me; I preferred it to filling him. But I especially liked it when James pulled apart my cheeks and filled me . . . and then rode me hard. My face must have betrayed my thoughts because Ripley stepped forward and grinning, grabbed my hand. “Feel this, Brother,” he said, placing my hand against his groin, his warm brown eyes holding mine, “this is going to split you apart and fill you up.” I groaned as my fingers tightened around his erect member. “That’s it, Brother,” said Ripley, “squeeze it, feel it. Feel the core of inner strength,” his fingers tightened on my shoulders as he whispered, “Feel the muscle that’s going to rip you apart.” His firm lips found mine, pressing hard, forcing open my mouth so he could invade with his tongue. I returned Ripley’s kiss just as passionately as he offered it. I felt his hands grab my buttocks and followed his example. To my delight I found two mounds of superb tight muscle. I probed deeper into Ripley’s mouth as I pulled him hard against me, his stiff member pressing hard against my own. After a while Ripley pushed me away and made me sit on a nearby fallen log. “Ready for some fun, Brother?” Without waiting for an answer, Ripley began taking his clothes off. Once again the superb beauty of the man took my breath away. As he stood before me topless, his hands on his hips, he looked exquisite, like one of Michelangelo’s sculptures. Ripley’s shoulders were broad and wide. Bunched with muscle they looked powerful enough to lift me and bend me to his will. His upper arms were as wide as one of the surrounding tree’s branches and crossed with veins as blue and as winding as a river. His fingers, where they were splayed on his hips, were long and fine and looked to be very supple. His expansive chest was formed from two slabs of square, heavy muscle topped with two of the most suck-able nipples I’ve ever seen. It was smooth, not a hair in sight. The deep depression between his broad plateaus of muscle led down to his flat well-developed stomach, the ridges looking like a small mountain range. Ripley flashed his cheeky boyish grin once again and started to undo the rope holding his leggings up. I watched avidly – waiting for the moment when he would drop the material and would reveal himself to me. I didn’t have long to wait. He turned his back on me and slowly started to lower his trousers, wriggling his butt like a whore. I watched in great anticipation as he slowly lowered the material, the tops of his arse mounds coming into view. All of a sudden Ripley let the material go, his leggings falling to the floor in a heap around his ankles. And there it was. I was faced by one of the best sights I’d ever seen - Ripley’s arse. The tight mounds which I had earlier held in my hands glared openly at me. Two melon-sized spheres formed the collection of hard looking muscle lightly, covered in soft brown downy hair. Ripley’s taut peach of a bum took my breath away. Those finely rounded butt cheeks hid his tight manhole from view, guarding the entrance to his virtue the way Cerebus guards the way to Hades – where no doubt I would soon be going. I mentally shrugged and decided if that was where I was to go then so be it. With this gorgeous man standing bare arse naked before me I didn’t care. I licked my lips wondering what it would be like to sink my tongue between the firm cheeks and into the hair-lined crack. As if Ripley had been reading my thoughts he bent over and pulled apart his arse-cheeks, his long graceful fingers splayed wide on his firm buttocks. I lost my breath again as his small, tight pucker came into view. The object of my adoration stared at me and, looking back, I would swear it had winked at me. It was at that moment Ripley stood up and turned around. “Like what you see, Brother?” He breathed softly. How could I not? I thought. Before me stood a man naked as the day he was born with a body like Hercules - well-developed chest, shoulder and arm muscles, thighs as thick as the surrounding trees and sporting a long, thick penis which was cocked and obviously ready for action. Ripley took a few steps forward until he was standing right in front of me, his groin level with my face. Bobbing before me, sticking straight out from his flat stomach was his hardened manhood. I licked my lips. Bouncing around before me it was so tempting just to take it in my mouth and suck. Instead I examined Ripley’s throbbing member. Seven inches of solid man-muscle began at its broad base, narrowed slightly to form his long shaft and flared again at his glistening head, which was an angry, purple-red colour. His member was criss-crossed in blue veins like tributaries to a river and he was circumcised which I found strange yet intriguing. Was Ripley a Jew or was there some other reason for his missing cover? At that moment a pearl of pre-cum oozed from his cum-slit. Reaching out I took hold of his member, surprised at the weight. A groan escaped his lips as my thumb ran across his head wiping away his discharge. I leaned forward and planted a kiss on the very tip of Ripley’s elongated manhood. I could taste the sweetness of the pre-cum I had just wiped away and decided there and then that I wanted to taste this man’s creamy flow of life-giving seed. But not now. Now I needed him to take me and ride me hard. I needed him to pound away the guilt I was feeling, the guilt of committing carnal sin. “Fuck me!” I said squeezing Ripley’s dick and looking up into his spaniel-brown eyes. He grinned back at me and gently stroked a finger down my cheek. “Well, well,” he smirked, “that ain’t no language for a brother to use.” “I care not. Just, please, fuck me.” Throwing back his head he laughed to the sky, a kind of silvery peal. I squeezed his dick again to remind him I was still there. Reaching down he grasped me beneath the arms and raised me to my feet, pulling me hard against him. Our lips met once again and he kissed me longingly, his hand cupping my butt cheeks. “Ready?” he asked when he surfaced for air, flashing his charming, boyish smile at me. I nodded in answer to his question. Turning me around, Ripley made me kneel over the trunk of the fallen tree I had previously been sitting on, the grass still damp beneath my knees from the morning’s dew. Ripley knelt behind me and I shuddered like a newborn colt as I felt his hands on my thighs raising my habit. The material felt rough as Ripley pushed it further up my legs until it crested the rise of my buttock exposing me to the day and to the man I hoped was going to pleasure me beyond belief. Once my arse was in sight Ripley didn’t waste any time. As great as my need was to be fucked by this man, his need seemed greater. His fingers dug into my hips as his manly knee gently nudged apart my thighs before they travelled softly over the firm flesh of my butt cheeks. Grabbing my buttocks Ripley dug his thumbs into my crack pulling the firm mounds apart until the guardian of my portal was winking at the brightness of the daylight. Without hesitating Ripley spat on my fuck hole, which was aching with anticipation and dread. It had been three years since anything thicker than my fingers had been up me so I new this would hurt. I felt the heat radiating from his cock as he moved forward, slipping his great member between my cheeks, his cockhead lightly touching my guardian sphincter. “Ready, Brother?” I nodded in answer. Ripley began his assault on my pink, aching hole. I did my best to help, forcing my hole open trying to help him gain access. James had been wider then Ripley so I knew I could take what he had but for the last three years my butt had been virginal. Ripley increased the pressure against my ring, forcing the tip of his dick into my rosette. Again Ripley increased the pressure, his muscular hips pushing his dick forward, the head of his cock forcing apart the walls of my hole. The pain was excruciating. Sparks of pain like bolts of lightening shot through my body as instinctively my hole tightened and tried to shut out Ripley’s invading monster. Through the mist of pain I could feel the hot glands of his cockhead forcing open my sphincter and passing through into my most sacred of chambers. Sweat broke out on my forehead and my breath came in huge great gasps as I tried to accommodate the width of flesh that had just broken through my defences. I snorted and tossed my head like a stallion as Ripley began his journey up my back passage, his flared cockhead pushing aside the walls of my chute burying his cock inside me. When he had buried half of his length inside me he paused. “Get used to that, Brother,” he said, “before I split you apart with the rest.” Fear coursed through my body tightening my muscles, causing me to grip his cock hard. He let out a soft whimper and jabbed another of his seven inches into me. I panicked and wondered if he would tear me apart. Just before hysteria set in reason flooded my mind. James had been thicker than Ripley and I had taken him without being ripped open so therefore I should be able to accommodate Ripley with ease. I took deep breaths and willed myself to calm down. Just then Ripley decided to continue his advance into my arse. The mixture of pain and pleasure, which my body was feeling, soon gave way to pleasure alone as his monstrous cock filled my passage. I could feel every ridge and hollow of his cock as it moved within me. I thought it was never going to stop. I half expected his cockhead to come out of my mouth so long did it feel. I gasped in ecstasy as Ripley changed pace from the slow, long drive he had been using to short sharp jabs. Forcing more of his seven inches into me in staccato movements filled me again with a pleasure I thought I would never feel again. This was the first man to take me since James three years ago and suddenly all the longing and yearnings those three years had produced burst from their hiding places and flooded my body like the feelings of ecstasy Ripley was creating. They seemed to attack as a cohesive force taking control of my organs at one singular moment as if they had been waiting for a command and that command had come from Ripley. I gasped at a particularly vicious lunge by Ripley and brought all my senses to bear on what was happening. James was in the past, as much as I had loved him, he was history, Ripley was the here and now. I decided to try and make this the best coupling Ripley had had to date, after all I might be paying the ultimate price for it later by leaving the monastery and, when I die, going to Hell; then again after all that James and I did I’m probably going there anyway. Ripley was leaning over me, his tongue doing exquisite things to my ear and lobe as my senses came back to me. I could feel the thickness of his manhood within me from the roundness of his cockhead to the thickness of his base stretching wide my moist manhole. I squeezed the muscles of my arse hard, taking hold of his member firmly seemingly trying to rip it away from his body. “Fuck me!” I said just loud enough for him to hear, “hard.” And that’s exactly what he did. Ripley, far from being the angel I had first assumed him to be, became a devil. In one movement he pulled his member out of me, leaving my hole gaping wide like a tunnel mouth. It felt strange to be full of a man’s hard rod one moment and then for it to be gone the next. To tell the truth I didn’t like it. I wanted Ripley’s massive flesh pole back where it belonged. As if reading my thoughts that was exactly what Ripley did. Tearing into my arse with abandon Ripley, his hands on my hips holding me steady, rammed his length back into me, pushing his entire seven inches into me in one go. I gasped and groaned, gripping the tree beneath me hard, tossing my head back and sucking air, in an effort to remain conscious and not be overwhelmed by the feelings of pleasure radiating out from my arsehole. Ripley paused. I could feel his pendulous sack holding his life-giving globes, bouncing against my wide spread cheeks as he ground his thick nest of silky-soft hair against me. Before long the holiday was over. Ripley resumed his possession of my body. Moving in me slowly and gently. While it was nice it wasn’t what I wanted. I wanted it to be like it was with James. “Fuck me, hard!” I said again. Ripley complied immediately. Stepping up his pace he began to pound my arse, driving his stiff manhood into me; forcing me hard against the tree log with every thrust of his powerful hips. His swollen manhood seemed to move like lightening within the confines of my tight tunnel, so fast did it move. Pushing repeatedly through my guardian sphincter his hot, throbbing manhood plunged its way in and out of my being, coring open an entrance that I had thought sealed shut forever. Through the cloud of ecstasy, which was fogging my mind, I could hear the slapping of his loins against my arse, loud, like a clap, as the skin met forcefully. Accompanying the slap of flesh was the slurping and squishing of my arse juices and the groans and moans of a rutting male in the prime of his life. I knew from those moans, those sounds of bliss and elation that Ripley was nearing his climax. I was undecided – I wanted him to shoot his load into me; I wanted to feel the pulsing of his engorged member and the heat of his man-seed within me. Yet I wanted this to last forever. I wanted to have this man invading my body for as long as possible. In the end the decision was taken out of my hands. Within minutes Ripley increased his pace again, his breathing becoming irregular. And then it happened. Deep within my arse I felt his cock become stiffer and thicker and knew he was only moments away. With a bestial roar a lion would have been proud of, Ripley flooded my tunnel. Spasm after spasm wracked his manhood as he blasted forth his man-cream. Ripley continued to fuck me, smearing his love juice over the walls of my arse, continually pumping the hot liquid into me. I could feel it blasting all hot and thick and creamy. Moments after Ripley delivered he present I brought forth a fountain of my own. My member, hard and sensitive as it was after being rubbed forcefully against the coarse cloth of my habit, erupted, spewing my cum all over my groin and soaking the cloth. Ripley leant over me; the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest and the panting of his breath in my ear enough to remind me of the pleasure my body had caused this man. I smiled as he whispered, “Did you enjoy that, Brother?” “Yes,” I panted, totally exhausted.

That was three days ago. Since then my mind has thought of nothing else. The way he made me feel so good; the coupling and what went on afterwards will stay with me for the rest of my days. But unfortunately I have seriously sinned to the highest degree yet again. Without doubt my soul is now lost for all eternity. Surely there is no way possible for me to now ascend to the kingdom in the sky and take my place in the celestial house of God? God loves a sinner come back to the path of righteousness I know, but this is beyond all reasoning. I am beyond redemption. And in fact I have no wish to be redeemed. Reliving the events I realise I have nothing to feel guilty about. I may have broken my vows for a second time but what are they? – man-made rules. Who says I want to return to the path of righteousness? At present, even though I have sinned grievously, I am happy and content with Ripley. I have Confession this afternoon but I shan’t be divulging anything that happened three days ago. In fact, immediately after Confession, I have to check on progress at the Batstock Grange – and I am sincerely looking forward to it.

If you enjoyed, hated or were indifferent about this story please let me know by e-mailing Any comments, thoughts or ideas will be gratefully received. DISCLAIMER:This story is intended for those over the age of 18. It is a work of fiction containing descriptions of homosexual activity between two consenting adults. In the main any similarities to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental. Where it has been necessary to use actual business establishments, events or locales, this story in no way reflects the true policies of the establishment portrayed or the sexual orientation or preferences of its staff. Gay Warlock has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work. Copyright ¨ 2011 by Gay Warlock.


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