Gay Erotic Stories

The Janitor

by Michael Thomas
31 Mar 2011

Man Meets His Man Mature Older/younger Tales From School

The Janitor

I’ve had a gut-wrenching last couple of years. In fact, it is still painful to remember how things used to be. I met Matt when we were in college and things just seemed to click. After graduation, we moved in together. One thing led to another, and before you knew it - we were in love. Matt worked his way up the ladder in banking and was made a Sr. VP after six years. I, on the other hand, stuck to teaching. I love kids. (Well, at least MOST of them.) Teaching soon became less satisfying, and Matt suggested that I do something else in the private sector. I finally agreed, interviewed for a few positions and was offered several jobs. The one I found most interesting was working in Reservations for a major airline. When the offer came, I took it. The perks were great and enabled us to spend some time together in exotic locations around the world. What a mind-bending experience, being able to share the world with your “one and only.” I worked 2nd shift and Matt, being in banking worked normal business hours. One night, several hours after coming into work I really began to feel ill. I told my supervisor I was going home early, and he wished me well. I came home unexpectedly to find Matt in bed with another man. So ended our 9 year relationship. I know I could have made it ugly, but I didn’t. I was hurting so badly inside, I wanted to scream. But instead, I simply said. “I’ll be here to get my things on the weekend. It’d be wise if you weren’t here.” Matt was doing the crying now. “Please Mikey, it was just a fling. I’ve never been unfaithful before. It didn’t mean a thing.” “Matt,” I said, “everything has a price. You should have thought what this would cost before doing anything. You should have asked yourself if this “fling” was worth it.” I turned and left, got in my car and checked into a motel. I contracted some movers and the weekend came. Thankfully, Matt was not around and it’s probably a good thing – otherwise I might be writing this from jail. I put my furniture and things into storage, and decided I needed some time to myself. That was 2 ½ years ago. I moved back home to my parents intending to stay for only a few weeks or so. I’m glad my parents love me. Those weeks turned into a few years. For almost two years I came and went – sometimes I was gone for weeks and weeks at a time. I needed time to heal. Living off my savings, I drove all over the country. From Wisconsin, I drove down to Kentucky to visit my good friend Jeffery. We “met” someplace on the Internet, and after a year of “chatting” I surprised him with a visit. He’s been a Godsend in helping me keep my sanity at times. From Kentucky, I drove over to the Eastern seaboard and down to Florida. I travelled to Texas, New Mexico, California, and Canada. Too many places to name, but I certainly made use of the new camera I bought. It was in the summer of the 2nd year, that I decided that I had had enough. I returned to teaching high school in a small community about 200 miles from my folks. I rented a house five miles from town, out in the middle of beautiful dairy farm country. I settled into a routine that became comfortable for me. Puttering in the yard and garden, teasing my two cats, and feeling somewhat “whole” again. It became a habit for me to be up at 4.00 am, and usually at my desk an hour and a half later. Throwing myself into my work was therapy for me. I used the time to design exams, go through my teaching plans, and correct tests. I tried to get these things out of the way during the week so they wouldn’t hang over my head on the weekend. Steve, our school janitor was also an early riser. Steve was about 5’10” and looked like he weighed around 200 pounds. His arms were certainly muscular and were covered with grey hair that could only be referred to as a pelt. The collar of his T-shirt always had tufts of unruly chest hair poking through. He wore the typical faded forest green uniform. Double-breasted pockets on the shirt, and baggy pants that matched. He had a bit of a pot-belly, but who wouldn’t at his age? I pegged him to be around 60 or so. At least 30 years my senior. Steve wasn’t someone to win a beauty contest. His age left many opportunities for wrinkles to form, and Mother Nature never wasted those opportunities. Steve had deep creases in his forehead and very deep crinkly lines around his eyes that disappeared when he smiled and laughed. But Mother Nature was also kind to him. Steve had the most beautiful and penetrating pale blue eyes I had ever seen on a man, and a killer smile. Shortly after I started teaching and very early in the mornings, Steve would saunter into my classroom, bid me “Good morning.” and spend a few minutes making small talk. I didn’t think too much of it at first, but then I noticed that this was starting to move into the direction of a regular morning ritual. I didn’t want that. I was there to work. Steve was also beginning to make me a little nervous. During the day, on the occasions that I would run into him, he seemed overly-pleasant, and his looks lingered a little longer than what seemed normal to me. Perhaps I was becoming paranoid. I wasn’t able to read people anymore, like I used to. I guess that’s what happens to people like me. All of us, “happy hermits.” The dozen or so times that Steve came into my office in the mornings were making me increasingly more and more uncomfortable. Little things he did. For instance, leaning into the corner of my desk with his crotch– and how his cock and balls would become more visible. You wouldn’t know it to look at him, but when he arched his hips forward – those boxers weren’t holding back a thing. My palms started to sweat and I could feel beads of perspiration on my forehead after being around Steve for 5 minutes. The conversations were light. They were not sexual in nature. Everything was on the up and up. But my pulse would begin to race and my breath would catch in my throat whenever he “rested” his equipment on my desk’s corner. He always seemed to have a slight smile, as if he knew the effect he was having on me. Just the sheer sexuality he exuded was making me tremble, and I prayed to God that he didn’t notice. I hadn’t had sex since my break-up. In fact, I never even masturbated. Sex was something I never thought about any more. Until Steve. The 19th of December happened on a Friday. A typical Wisconsin winter’s day. We had had snow on the ground for about three weeks. A cold front had dropped down from Canada and it was the proverbial “Colder than a witch’s teat in a brass bra” morning when I woke up. But the morning was clear and I was looking forward to the weekend and the two new DVD’s I picked up from the Wal-Mart some 30 miles away. By 8.00 am the snow had started falling and the students were restless over a wrestling match scheduled that evening with a rival town. There’s nothing like high school sports in Wisconsin. By 9.00 am, the weather had turned downright nasty, and the snow kept falling and adding inches to the ground in record time. At noon, the school had closed and students were being bussed home as the driving conditions had deteriorated quickly. I was thankful for the early closing, it meant I could finish up grading the last exams, and put together next week’s lesson plan. I could now do this uninterrupted. “Hey, Mike. You might want to get a move on if you want to get home today.” my principal Mr. Johnson reminded me, after popping his head through the classroom door. “Yeah,” I said, “in a few more minutes.” “Have a good weekend!” and he was gone. Those few minutes turned into a few hours. “Omigosh!” I thought. “I’ve got to get home!” I flew out the door to my car in the parking lot. I always keep a broom in the trunk to remove snow. Living in Wisconsin, you learn these things. The snow had piled up so high; I could barely get my door open. I started the engine and slowly crept out of the teacher’s lot, and onto the main road. I was slipping all over the place, and soon the car got stuck in the snow. “This is hopeless.” I thought. I decided to go back to the school, at least I wouldn’t freeze to death. I managed to rock the car back and forth with my brakes and reverse and managed to turn the car around. I drove as far as the main doors of school and just plain stopped. Thank goodness, I had keys to get back in. Getting back into school, I must have looked like the abominable snowman. I had snow caked onto my moustache and eyelashes, snow on my head and all over my clothes…and I was cold. Really cold. I shucked off my hat, jacket and boots and let them drop to the floor where they later formed a good-sized puddle. I started off to my classroom and upon rounding the corner; I promptly walked into Steve – almost knocking him over. “Whoa!” he said, “what’s your hurry? What are YOU doing here?” “I could ask you the same thing,” I said. “I’m unable to get home tonight, so I’m staying here. The roads are impassable.” “Yeah, I know,” he said. “I only live a mile from here, but its white-out conditions out there. I’m bedding down here for the night, too.” Alarms bells started ringing in my head. “Oh, God,” I thought. “The two of us here all night…and we’re alone. Shit! What am I going to do now?” It isn’t easy being gay in a rural community. I am always keeping to myself and don’t need the harassment of small-minded people. Life can be made pretty tough with so many rednecks in the area. I know I shouldn’t be so judgemental but sadly, it’s the truth. Let’s just call it lack of worldly sophistication and education. Being “out”ed was really the biggest thing I feared. I don’t know if he was able to read my mind or see the concern in my face but Steve said, “Hey, don’t worry about anything. I’m all prepared for things, let me show you.” He took me down the stairs at the far end of the building where his office was. It literally got warmer as we descended the stairs, or was it me? Inside the office door was what looked at first like a miniature apartment. He had a desk, table, lamps, a stove and a small refrigerator. He even had some throw rugs on the cement floor. Behind the far wall, he had set up a weight bench and had a treadmill. “All the comforts of home, huh?” was all I managed. “Yeah well, there’s nobody waiting at home for me anymore. Wife died 6 years ago, and my kids are grown and gone. I spend a lot of time here, probably because I’m addicted to cable television. I don’t have that at MY house.” he laughed. “And I’ve got some extra blankets and pillows in that cabinet behind you. We can drag down some wrestling mats from the gym and we’ll be pretty comfortable, I even have a radio down here. You must be cold from being outside, do you want to hike up to the gym and take a warm shower?” “Yeah, I guess that would be OK. I’ll check back with you later, I know my way.” And with that I left him. I headed for the showers, found some clean towels and soon felt the soothing warmth of the water. “It’s amazing how good it feels to know I’m not out in that raging blizzard.” I thought. After the shower, I managed to find some clean gym trunks and a sweatshirt. I padded back down the hall to Steve’s office. He wasn’t inside, or so I thought at first. But all of a sudden, I heard some heavy breathing and short grunts. I peered around the wall to find Steve bench pressing what looked like a hefty amount of weight. He had changed out of his uniform and was wearing a pair of black shorts and a white muscle T-shirt. I waited for him to finish and said, “Thanks for the shower idea, it felt great.” He slowly looked me over and I could feel myself flush. “Do you lift weights at all?” he asked. “You look like you’re in pretty good shape.” “No,” I said, “I don’t know the first thing about weightlifting.” “Well, let me show you a few things. Here, lie down here.” he instructed. I resumed his former position, and he went about removing some of the weight on the barbells. “This should be about right,” he said. “I’m going to stand over you to spot the weights. Go ahead now, lift.” Steve was standing over me, his thighs on each side of my head. I was panicking like there was no tomorrow. Above me were this huge sack of balls and the end of his uncut cock peeking out of the bottom of his baggy shorts. I could feel myself stirring. And I couldn’t keep my eyes off his equipment. As he moved, his equipment moved. I managed to lift a set of 10 reps, and said I needed to quit. I moved off the bench and Steve promptly replaced me. “You should try this,” he said, moving two free weights from his lateral sides to the centre of his chest. I couldn’t help being mesmerised by the spread of his thighs, and how hairy his legs were. The forms and whorls the hair made on his legs looked as though they could have been brushed by an artist, into place. I could see one large ball on one side of his shorts and about two inches of long foreskin on the other side. I was now going into panic mode, big time. My hands were sweating; I could feel my heart beating in my chest. Steve’s T-shirt pulled away from his shorts, and his stomach looked like a carpet of dark and grey fur. The more he lifted the wider his stance on the floor. More and more of his cock started showing, and I became very flushed. “Now you try it,” he said, as he scooted off the bench. “Naw, I don’t think so,” I said, “I’m a little tired.” “Nonsense, lie down,” he commanded. Again, I took my place on the bench. Steve said, “You’re probably hot from wearing a sweatshirt.” He reached down and literally tugged it off my body. “Doesn’t that feel better?” I was so flabbergasted, I couldn’t speak. I started imitating him using the free weights, and suddenly he got down on one knee and put his hand on my stomach. “You’ve got a nice flat stomach.” “Thanks.” I muttered. “And nice legs,” as he moved his hands down my shorts and started feeling my thighs. “You don’t need these,” he said, as he suddenly straddled the bench and tugged my shorts down. He lifted each of my legs and in a moment they were gone. I was stunned and shocked. I didn’t know what to do. Suddenly Steve was lying on top of me, holding me down. “Do you know how long I’ve dreamed of something like this happening?” “What?” I sputtered. “I’ve wanted to do this for the longest time.” And he bent down and kissed me. He kissed my lips, my cheeks, he nuzzled my neck. My heart was racing like all hell, and I felt that the moment was nothing short of being surreal. His kisses were firm, his tongue exploring. I left all sense of shock behind me, and began to respond to his kisses. Tongues touching, lips meshing together, bodies yearning to become one. I could feel my cock getting hard, and all the years of denial melting away. I was kissing him back, our tongues exploring, as if it were the most natural of things to be doing. It was if we had been intimate for years. He stood up, disrobed and pulled me over to the gym mats he had gotten while I showered. He straddled my face on one knee, and slowly fed his cock to me. I reached up and pulled the foreskin back. He smelled of Ivory soap. Every bit of him. I started licking his ball sack and stroking his cock. With every slow stroke his cock seemed to grow in length and thicken. I took him into my mouth, and slowly sucked the end of his cock. His cock became very hard and his foreskin had slipped over the head of his cock. It was no longer able to provide shelter to the sensitivity of his cock’s head and my probing tongue. I took his cock into my mouth and swallowed deeply. Slowly letting him withdraw, and quickly swallowing again. I began a rhythm that had previously been forgotten, but had now returned. I could smell the sweat in his pubic hair. It was a manly, warm and sensual smell. I pulled his cock out of my mouth, and began to lick his balls. One at a time, I struggled to completely engulf them. They were large, very hairy, and they swung very low. Steve quickly turned an about face and we were in a “69” position. I, on my back, and he straddling me. He started to suck my cock and knead my balls. I put my hands on his buttocks and slowly pulled him towards me. I spread his buttocks wide and pulled his furry ass to my face. I slowly tongued circles around his asshole. As I did so, he seemed to engulf my cock deeper and deeper. I lightly licked his asshole and he groaned, “God, that feels so good.” He pulled my legs apart and pulling them back towards him, he proceeded to lick my balls and tongue my ass. The feeling was incredible. I pushed up and barely managed to swallow his cock. His cock head was slathered with pre-cum. It tasted sweetly. We rolled onto our sides and began to continue in earnest our pent up needs. I lightly fingered Steve’s ass, and he seemed to mirror every movement I made. I was not going to last long at this rate. I’ve never been one for getting fucked, but all of a sudden – I wanted him in the worst way. He had quickly gotten up and returned with a small tube of KY. And get this!! He asked if he could fuck me!! I rolled onto my stomach. He bent down and grasping my hips, raised my buttocks up. He began to rim my ass like there was no tomorrow. Between the tongue fucking and the light fingering I was afraid I was going to ejaculate before he could even enter me. Steve stood up over me and bent his knees, bringing his cock to my ass. I could feel how big it was, and suddenly I thought, “Oh, God, this is going to hurt. What the hell were you thinking? You don’t even LIKE getting fucked.” But Steve didn’t enter me at first. He brought his chest down to my back and reaching forward he tilted my head, and started kissing the side of my face again. He was nuzzling my neck and slow growling sounds of passion began with his slow entry. “Ooh, God,” I thought. “Ooh, God.” He entered my ass slowly, taking care not to hurt me. In return, I flexed my ass muscles to keep him in check. Every flexing movement took his breath for a moment. Soon he was deep inside of me, and he began to slowly fuck me. My cock was twitching with every stroke. I could feel my jism building, gaining an urgency for release. “It has been YEARS! Look what I’ve been missing!” I thought. Steve’s tempo began to increase along with his breathing. His moaning became louder and louder. I kept encouraging him, moaning and groaning myself. We were both caught up in the rapture. Suddenly I could feel Steve tighten and plow deep into my ass. He stayed there and I could feel his cock pulsing. Pulsing with the release of hot jism. My cock sprayed at the same moment, covering the mat with an incredible amount of cum. We stayed locked in this position for almost five minutes. Neither one of us wanting to move. Steve moved a year ago. He moved in with me. We’ve been lovers right from that first snow-bound night. And now, I no longer feel like I’m just existing. Now, I feel like I’m alive. “I’ve loved you since the first moment I ever saw you.” he has told me. I smile and laughingly say, “I can almost say the same thing.”


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