Gay Erotic Stories

Sooner Than It Seems Life Turns Around Part 3

by Dre99
20 Jul 2011

College Days

Sorry to keep you waiting guys, I've been soooooo busy..

Disclaimer: blah..blah..blah.. I know you know all the rules, so I will just say, enjoy!

This is my first story, and probably the only series. And I know it's not perfect, but you can help me by telling me in , I love to hear from you!

Anyway, thanks for encouraging me to keep writing. But you should know I like to make it slowly but steady (and also romantic). It's not a rush sex or something. I hope you understand.

Oh yeah, one more thing, you guys really should download Hillary Duff's song 'Someone's Watching Over Me', it inspires me a lot!

And I'm sorry guys, there will be a changes in this story: Mason's age, I think it will be nicer if he's younger, so I make him as a three-year-old boy. Hope you don't mind.

* * * * * Sooner Than It Seems Life Turns Around Part 3 By Dre

The next days went on like usual, nothing special. I met some new friends, but I was always looking forward to see Matt, even we just smiled to each other from distance.

It was Friday, and that was the first time I went to cafetaria during lunchbreak. Usually I just sat at the outside and read my novel. The cafetaria was incredibly crowded, by various people. Cheerleaders, football players, wrestler, dance club member, chess club member, some nerds, some geeks, religion club member, gymnasts, etc, etc, and etc...I made it to the counter, but sadly, I couldn't find any seat, again. I just kept walking around, looking for an available seat.

Well, I found one, next to the trash bin, so geek. And I didn't see any other option, so I think I was meant to be a loser here. Gave up, I started walking to my loser-seat, when he called me. "Dre!!", I moved my eyes around, looking for my Greek God, I was more than sure it was his voice. Then our eyes met, and we smiled. He waved his hand as a sign for me to join him, or I should say them.

I was more than happy to sit near him, but he wasn't alone. There were five of them, two girls and three boys, including Matt. I froze, when I found out that they were all football players, and cheerleaders. And in my mind, from what I saw in the movie, cheerleaders were always a bitch, the school queen, the other girls' nightmare. And here I am, a new kid, a loser, and I was about to sit next to school's rulers. I was considering myself to walk away.

I was so lost in my mind, then one of the girls spoke, "Hey, you can sit down now. There's still enough place.", and she smiled. Well, that was new, I thought none of them would even notice that I was there. That blonde girl had a perfect smile. She was beautiful, she reminds me of... Ashley. My throat suddenly closed.

Then Matt pulled my arm and forced me to sit. "Just sit.", he said and smiled. Then everybody laughed. It was really embarassing. "Dre,", Matt continued, "Meet my friends Cory, Finn, Heather, and Brittany.", he said, pointing at one to another. They were all smiling when Matt introduced their names. Surprisingly, those were warm smiles, not the "hey I'm fabulous and you're a loser, so get lost" smiles.

So that blonde girl was Brittany. And she did look like Ashley. He did ponytail on her hair, typical cheerleaders style. And she wore a cheerleading outfit that suited her well. Every straight guy and lesbian girl in this school must go crazy about her.

Then there was another cheerleader, Heather. She was a typical girl-next-door type, but she also looked pretty. She was brunette. And any stereotype about blonde girl is fool must be very false. Because Heather was the one who sure looked stupid. Not Brittany, Brittany's is smart, if I could say.

Cory, from what I saw I could tell he had Latino in his blood. And it's freaking amazing! I mean, look at those eyes, those skin, those black hair, I was hypnotized, and... wait, I really shouldn't think about it, I had my dream man right next to me. The other things, even the world doesn't mean anything anymore.

And then there was Finn, another cute guy. He was well-built, just like the other men. I was sure he was the sloppy one, the one who act without thinking, or maybe thinking while acting, same thing. I was also sure that he was Matt's best friend, best of the best i think. Like Batman and Robin.

I didn't even hear Cory talked to me, I was so lost in my mind. " to Dre!!", he waved his hand in front of me.

"Oh I'm sorry, what?", great, I must be looked like an idiot.

"I said, where are you from?"

"I came from Miami.", I smiled.

"Miami? It's like you moved from side to side!", Finn said, shocked. "I mean, you moved to LA? East coast to west coast? That's thousands miles away!", he exclaimed.

"Besides,", Brittany said, "Miami is also great, nice beaches, too."

"No bitches are nice, Britt.", Heather said innocently.

"I said beaches, H, not bitches.", Brittany said, looking at Heather with the 'I can't believe you're so stupid' look.

"What's the different? You only said bitches twice.", Heather said, still innocently.

"It's beaches, H, beaches. You know, sand? And sea? And surfing? Bikinis?", Cory said.

"Have you ever been there?", teased Finn, laughing, Matt laughed too. Well, I think I will like these guys.

"Aaahh!!! Beaches!!!", Heather shouted, the whole cafetaria must be looking at her. But it seemed like she didn't care. "Why didn't you tell me?", she looked at Brittany, and again, innocently. The other guys just shaking their heads, Brittany put her hand on the forehead. They couldn't believe the stupidity of the friend that they love. I smiled. These guys rocks.

"So, Dre.", Heather continued. "Why did you move here?"

My smile disappeared. I frozed, again. God, not this talk please. Should I tell my sad-story to them? I'm affraid it would only bring a bad memory to me. I tried so hard not to remember that. But... these are my new friends, well, I hope so. What would they thinking?

Matt talked, for the first time. "Eehhm, guys, I think it's a sensitive topic we have here.", he looked at me, with knowing face. He's so sweet, he knew me. But they would find out, however, sooner or later, so I think they deserved to know.

"No, Matt, it's fine.", I said, and then there I was, telling my tale, my unhappy-ending-tale, for the second time. I didn't see their face, mostly because I prefer to look at the table, trying to look as tough as possible.

"We're really sorry, Dre.", Brittany said, squeezing my hands on the table.

"It must be hard for you, dude.", Finn said.

I just smiled, it's a weak smile.

"Hey you really should hang out with us, Dre, you know. We can cheer you up! You know, like a salad, we'll make each other complete. Cory's the tomato, Finn will be the cucumber, Matt will be the sauce, with Brittany as the finishing touch, you know, like fresh fruit or something.", Heather said.

"Eew, did you just represented us as a salad? It's not a good way to cheer up, H, it's a shortcut to throw up.", Cory said, unbelieve.

"Are you hungry, H?", Finn teased her, again.

"Kind of.", Heather answered innocently. Gosh, without her, these group won't be awesome.

"I'm a finishing touch?", Brittany said, but she's also laughing. "Then what are you, miss salad-freak?"

"Well, I can be the bowl, or the plate, whatever.", Heather said. Matt shaked his head unbelievebly.

I braved myself to talk. "Miss-Heather-who-just-called-us-with-salad-names say what? A bowl? I thought you will be the one who eat us." I smiled. Then they're all laughing. Heather blushed. I'm really starting to love these guys.

The bell rang, the lunch-time was over. Just one more hour until scholl dismissed. My new friends walk with me in the corridor, before Brittany and Cory gone to their class. Heather would be in the same class with me, I didn't realize before. So Heather was in the same age with me. I wondered how can she fit in with these guys so fast? "Hey Dre, I will go to my locker first, see you at class!!", Heather said, running toward her locker. I waved my hand.

It was just the three of us, Matt, Finn, and me. "Hey Matt, I'm gonna go to the restroom. Catch you in class!", Finn said, walking away.

"Uh-huh.", Matt answered, still walking with me.

Well, it made just the two of us. My heart started beating so fast. Oh my God. "Well, you should get going otherwise you'll be late.", I said. I can't believe what I was saying. I didn't want him to leave! Where was that come from? My mouth had is crazy, apparently.

"There's still enough time", he smiled. Gosh, not that smiled. My knees weakened. "Besides, what if you can't open your locker again? You'll need some help.", he grinned widely.

I blushed. "Hey, it's been a week, you know, and no locker-problem.", I defend myself, still blushing.

"I know, I know", he said. "I just want to be with you, is that wrong?"

I couldn't believe my ear, did he just said that he wants to be with me? Answer, silly, answer him!! "No, not at all", I smiled. It would be even better if you never leave me, I said in my head.

"Uhm, Dre?", he asked.


"It's friday night.", he's trying to find the perfect sentence. I wait. "And me and my friends usually go out in friday night. You want to join us?"

That's an invitation, great. "I'd love to, Matt, your friends are awesome, just like you,", I can't believe my mouth, did I just say that? I really hope Matt didn't hear the last thing, I better continue. "But what about Mason? I still have to..."

Matt cut me, "Take him with you.", he shrugged his shoulders.

"Wait, are you sure? What about your friends? Their night probably will be ruined by a three-year-old boy and his babysitter.", I pointed myself. "Besides, they don't know about Mason yet... Oh my God!! I forgot to tell them that I moved to LA with Mason!! Instead I told them my sad-story. Gosh I'm so stupid, I'm pathetic.", I sighed, how could I forget about Mason?

"No you're not stupid Dre. You're just,..well, I could tell that telling that story must be hard for you, I could see it in your face back then. So it's common if a few things slipped of your mind, if you're under pressure. No big deal.", he explained. This guy is really nice, I already fell for him.

"Are you sure?", I asked, again, I wasn't sure myself.

"A hundred percent.", he smiled. "I'm sure they will be happy to see you and Mason."

"Well, fine, I'll go.", I smiled.

"Great, I'll pick you up at seven.", he started walking to his class.

"Wait, what? You're gonna pick me up? I mean, pick us up?"

"Duh! You'll be with a baby, Dre, I won't let you walk.", he raised his eyebrows.

"I was thinking I would take a taxi."

"No taxi. Like I said, you'll be with a baby. You'll come with me.", that's a statement. Unbreakable statement. Does this guy really care about me? That's so sweet.

"Well, okay then.", I smiled. Inside, I was so excited.

"Perfect, see you then.", then he walked toward his class.

I really couldn't believe anything would be different in just a day. I was more than happy. I couldn't help but smiled for the rest of the day. Heather looked me unbelievebly in the class. I didn't listen to the class, I thought about the night.

Finally, it's time to go home. I rushed to my house. I couldn't wait to tell Mason. I hope he will understand me. Just one thing on my mind: what will I wear tonight?

I changed like a dozen times. I'm really confused. What should I wear? Shirt? T-shirt? Long sleeve? Short sleeve? Jeans? Shorts? Casual? Modest? Well, finally I pick casual but trendy. I put on the navy blue long sleeve Zara shirt, and my Giordano long pants. Mom said that blue suits me well. As for Mason, I chose a jeans and a burberry shirt. He looks so adorable.

The night has come, and I'm waiting for Matt. Mason is on my arms. "Drey? Where we go?", he asked me.

"Well, actually I don't know, either. I just know that we will go with my new friends, Lil-Ems."

"They nice?", he asked.

"They're very nice.", I nodded.

"Yaeyy!!", Mason raised his arms, clapping his hands. I smiled. Then I heard a car in front of the house.

"Let's go, Lil-Ems!". I was going to reach the door, when the doorbell rang. I opened it. There, standing my dream-Greek-God, beautifully. He wears a t-shirt, and then a shirt on it, unbuttoned. And those khaki pants suits that perfect legs, perfectly. And that smile, oh my God.

"Hi.", was all that I could say.

"Hi.", he replied. That dimples, gosh...

"The guy on McDonalds!!!", Mason exclaimed, smiling widely.

"Hi Mason.", Matt smiled.

"The guy has a name, Mason. It's Matthew.", I told Mason.

"'Matt' is fine, Dre.", Matt told me.

"Macchew!", Mason said, and then smiled.

"But I like Macchew better. It's cute.", Matt said, grinning at me. "Shall we go?"

To my bed? Of course! "Sure.", shaking away those mind.

We're in his car, he drives Volvo, good choice. I sit next to him, while he's driving, with Mason on my lap, touching everything in front of him.

"Mason, don't break anything.", I said to him. He pouted, because it means I stopped him playing with Matt's football ball.

"Nah, that's fine.", Matt smiled. "He likes it, maybe he will be a football player one day." Well, we're like Mason's parents, talking about Mason's future. Isn't it cute? But dream will be just a dream. Wake up, moron, Matt doesn't have anything special with you!

"You think? He can't even eat by himself.", I teased him.

"Well, what do you think I was?", Matt asked. "I was a baby, too."

And I'm sure a thousand percent, the most adorable baby in the world, I said in my head. "Good opinion.", I smiled. "Well, where are we going, exactly?", I asked him.

"To the best restaurant in town.", he smiled, and before I know it, the car stopped. We're here.

* * * * *

Part four is coming soon. And feedbacks are always more than welcome in

Cheers! .Dre.


More Gay Erotic Stories from Dre99

Sooner Than It Seems Life Turns Around Part 1

Disclaimer: blah..blah..blah..I know you know all the rules, so I will just say, enjoy!This is my first story, and probably the only series. And I know it's not perfect, but you can help me by telling me in heyitsdre99@yahoo.comI love to hear from you!* * * * *Sooner Than It Seems Life Turns AroundBy DreI wake when the sun hit me right in the face. I always love morning.I

Sooner Than It Seems Life Turns Around Part 2

Disclaimer: blah..blah..blah.. I know you know all the rules, so I will just say, enjoy!This is my first story, and probably the only series. And I know it's not perfect, but you can help me by telling me in , I love to hear from you!Anyway, thanks for encouraging me to keep writing. But you should know I like to make it slowly but steady (and also romantic). It's not

Sooner Than It Seems Life Turns Around Part 3

Sorry to keep you waiting guys, I've been soooooo busy..Disclaimer: blah..blah..blah.. I know you know all the rules, so I willjust say, enjoy!This is my first story, and probably the only series. And I know it's notperfect, but you can help me by telling me in , Ilove to hear from you!Anyway, thanks for encouraging me to keep writing. But you should know I


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