Gay Erotic Stories

Carnival Connection

by Wannabee1952
14 Feb 2012

Chance Encounters Romance

It took a few minutes to walk from my car to the brightly lit street, as I came closer I could smell the odors of cooking and hear the carnival style noises filling the night air.

Why I wanted to be near people I didn’t know but it was better than sitting at home and feeling sorry for myself, also I could eat a fast meal alone and wouldn’t stand out as I would in a restaurant.

So I walked along feeling sorry for myself and moved down the street past the carnival games. It was a Tuesday and the number of people weren’t like the weekends, you actually had room to move stop and look at the games. At least until some carny was too insistent about spending your money and you moved on.

Edward had been part of my life for several years we had met in our jobs and developed a deep relationship filled with some great sex and a casual but solid basis.

Or so I had thought.

He was on a business trip in Philadelphia and I decided to surprise him on the weekend, me nude in his bed with a glass of champagne in my hand what could be better?

When I walked in I found out, a cheap looking gym addict was standing posing in front of his mirror. Muscles (probably steroid induced) and a shaven head (cock too) about three inches taller than me looked startled and then smiled.

“Did Eddie send you up?” He asked as if Eddie always sent up mature business types.

It wasn’t a good scene and the bald one hid in the bathroom while Edward and I broke up.

But that was a month ago, a long month with no sex, no humor, and very little to tell one day from another. A drone of Television and music the tried to keep me distracted. A few of our friends did the same dinner invitations, calls to meet them for drinks most I turned down as they expected.

Tonight was different the walls were closing in on me and I had heard that an italian carnival was a few towns over from me, I decided to go there for dinner and some air.

The music was loud and the laughter helped somewhat but I still wasn’t relaxing.

I stopped at one stand and purchased an Italian hero and an iced tea looking at a family group helping some organization out cooking and sweating for lazy souls like me.

A dark eyed girl smiled and I nodded, grasping napkins and such. I was startled when she approached and said in a very masculine voice “We are brewing more tea would you care for something else or would you like to wait?”

I looked at those almost black eyes, “Oh I would love some iced tea, I’ll gladly wait.”

He gave a short smile and walked back chatting in Italian to the matriarch who looked over his shoulder and smiled at me.

I took my hero and moved to a table where I was out of the way but able to watch the stand, and yes I was watching the dark eyed young fellow.

He was about five seven light build, dark curly hair light complexion and wore a white shirt and jeans, a used apron over it while he puttered among the grills and oil pots.

I am forty -seven and he must have been into his thirties, so I didn’t feel too dirty watching his tight younger butt move and bend as he worked. Of course I felt better than I had in weeks.

The sandwich was excellent and I ate slowly watching the crowds also slowly enjoying being out and being among people.

Food and a sexy male a few yards away fro me no doubt helped a great deal.

A few minutes he walked over with my iced tea and a bright smile, I guess I hadn’t offended him with my initial look.

“Here you are nice and cold, when you are done have some of my Aunties Tiramissu, you’ll love it, it’s so thick and creamy.”

I smiled back, “I could stand here all night and just watch.”

He laughed “What a waste of a night, me I have to work, you well you can do whatever you want...”

He winked and sauntered back to the stand his Auntie smiling broadly at me and waving.

Oh if she only knew what I was thinking, naughty naughty.

I smiled at myself realizing I had become aroused by the incident, something out of my youth. I hadn’t acted like that in years and years.

The tea tasted excellent strong and fresh the breeze over the school parking lot was cool, and I felt good even if I felt lonely and sorry for myself.

However as I ate and drank I noticed he black eyed volunteer glancing over his shoulder in my direction.

He worked diligently serving customers with a smile and chatting with them regardless of age getting that connection that caused more than a few smiles.

His Aunt was chatting to him, looked up and waved at me as I was disposing of my paper goods.

She motioned for me to come over and I could see him laughing behind her back.

I walked over and thanked her for the good food and the fresh brewed tea. She handed me a plate filled with the creamy rich Tiramissu.

She spoke to the young man in Italian and he stared at me, “My Aunt wants you to have a delicious dessert because you have been looking at all the girls and are by yourself tonight.”

I took the dish and bowed at the waist to the romantic older lady, “Graze” I mumbled. She smile and patted the young mans back handing him a plate also.

He slipped under the counter and walked towards some tables in the darker section of the carnival where the beer was sold.

Only once he glanced over his shoulder at me, I didn’t ignore it.

He was standing at a waist high table his apron off and tossed on a nearby chair, even in the dark i had the impression of a full bulge beneath his slacks, but then I felt erect myself.

I walked up to the table, “Do you mind?”

“Not at all in fact I would have been very upset had you walked off in the other direction.”

I sipped my drink, “Really why?”

He laughed, “Because I always meet strong sexy men when I am wearing and apron and splattered with grease, why should tonight be different.”

I looked down at the table, “Well I see you don’t have your apron on right now.”

Then I looked him in the eye hoping he understood what that meant.

He licked of his plastic spoon, “Oh, I feel absolutely naked, and don’t snicker you are pushing the limits of your khakis right now.” I patted his hand, “So I guess that is over with we both understand each other and you aren’t put off by my age.”

He leaned back the shirt was opened down a few buttons and I saw the tanned chest.

“I love men your age, always have, now do you have a story to tell?”

For the next few minutes I told him of the breakup and he humored me by not making lewd comments when I arrived at the hotel room scene.

“Terrible that someone would do that to anyone.” He shook his dark curly head and I wanted to see it in the moonlight in my bedroom.

“Now you,” I said as I lighted a cigarette, and offered him one.

“Well I live with my Aunt for the past ten years one of her kids my parents died and I love the lady dearly and don’t want to hurt her.”

I nodded knowing what he meant.

“I have never had a long term relationship other that with the man who first showed me I was in love with men.”

“Who was that?” I asked, thinking he would give me the awful story of some cleric or scout leader.

“It was a neighbor, his wife dead, we always helped him with dinners and such, that's my Aunt. Then one day I was helping him move some furniture and found some magazines behind it.”

I smiled, “It wasn’t Playboy or one of those, was it?”

He smiled back blushing slightly, “No, but nothing too hard core just nude men quite tame really.”

I nodded my story was similar, but ancient so I just listened.

“He was shocked and upset, but I had the feeling, not that upset, when I acted curious about them. It progressed from there until we were lovers.”

I patted his shoulder, knowing the older man was probably gone or he had his own awful story about a breakup.

“Care for a drink?” I asked.

He nodded no. He picked up his apron, and looked at me, “I would love to see you again.”

I laughed, “ It’s too bad you aren’t finished for the night.”

An evil grin crept into his eyes, “I am, Auntie wants me to enjoy myself, for a little while and it is a slow night”

My stomach tightened in anticipation, “Would you like to come by my house?”

He stood back adjusting his shirt, his bulge a dark target in the dim electric lights, “Sure I’ll follow in my car so I can get home on my own.”

The drive is a blank in my mind, suddenly I was opening my door, disarming my alarm system and he was walking in looking around my kitchen.

“Very nice, you know we don’t live that far away on Diamond Street.”

I walked to the counter where I had my espresso machine, “What would you like?”

He smiled and walked into my arms kissing me.

I hugged him to me feeling the tight younger body mesh with mine our bulges pressing cocks finding one another.

The smell of the carnival was wafting around him and we kissed for a long time tongues exploring and playing my eyes opening and starting at his fine cheekbones and long lashes, tight against me.

At last we broke,”Could I shower, I must smell like a zeppole!”

I laughed, “I wouldn’t know, but sure you were working, let me get you some towels and show you the way.”

Leading him upstairs to the master bath I felt his eyes on me. This time I glanced over my shoulder.

He smiled, “Nice ass take your time.”

I smiled to myself wiggled a little, and opened the doors and turned on the lights.

“Very nice and thank you very much.”

He was already stripping the shirt from his well formed body and turning the water on in the shower.

He grinned at me, “We don’t know our names, do we?” I let out a laugh I hadn’t felt in ages. “My God you are right, we don’t!”

He was in his tight full brief, laughing also. Then he bowed at the waist “Tony, pleased to meet you.”

I clicked my heels and bowed also , “Martin here, pleased to make your acquaintance Tony.”

I thrust out my hand and Tony took it and grabbed me again in a hug that pressed him into me.

“Join me Martin, please?”

“Why not, I haven’t done that in ages and I could use a shower.”

A moment later I was naked folding my clothes in my bedroom and listening to Tony as he adjusted the water for us.

I put away my last photo of Edward, I wondered what my smile looked like when I closed the drawer on him.

Turning I walked into the bathroom and looked at the tanned sleek body of tony and wondered what I was doing naked with him in my house.

Then I laughed grabbed him and we began to kiss and slowly move into the spray of water.

Water ran over us as he collapsed into my arms his hands were everywhere as was his mouth and his body pressed so tight to mine I felt as if no water could touch it.

Of course I could feel his cock pressing against my belly and I hoped he noticed mine growing even harder as I ground against him.

I opened my eyes and saw his closed a wonderful smile on his face and I pressed my mouth harder to his and forced my tongue into him as his nails ran down my back.

We backed up laughing and smiling while we actually washed our cocks bobbing as we soaped each other off and did all the grabbing that a shower together allows between two lovers.

As we toweled each other off we chatted idly about the carnival and our families, carefully avoiding sex and recent lovers.

I am not the most masculine of men, and I noticed he was a bit more feminine in his voice and actions than me. I wondered if that would be a problem.

He was laughing and drying his legs as I watched his very tight ass, this was going to be interesting.

“Would you care for a drink or anything to eat?”

Tony looked thoughtful for a second, “Yes for you I would like a glass of wine in a big glass, white?’

I smiled and walked into the living room where I kept a wine rack. He was blow drying something I didn’t bother with any longer as my hair thinned.

I poured two glasses of a nice Italian Pinot Grigo, in deference to Tony, carried them into the bedroom, I also dimmed the lights and lit a candle or two for effect.

My erection was raging, pre cum on my tip as I sipped a little of the wine waiting for Tony to make his appearance.

I turned on my CD player with some soft instrumental music for background noise, still no Tony.

Walking to the bathroom door “Are you all right Tony? I have our wine.”

He slowly opened the door and looked wonderful dark eyes with long long lashes a full chest no hair pink nipples, that I wanted to play with and suck.

I had showered with him so I knew his secrets but the damp hair on his belly looked gorgeous and I wanted to kneel and start licking him.

“Tony, is there anything wrong I mean we can dress and have a drink and just talk.”

He smiled “No it’s just I get so nervous when I am with someone new, I am sorry but it’s always been like this.”

I walked over handed him the glass and put my arm around his shoulder, “Say no more let’s have our wine by the fire and chat awhile before we do anything else.’

He seemed to relax and sipped the wine, “This is very good Martin.”

I nodded, Thank you I had a case sent after we... I mean, I visited the vineyard.”

He sat on the couch legs crossed, our erections softening somewhat from the chatter and relaxation.

Tony gave me a cute smile and pushed me backwards towards the easy chair.

Sighing I literally collapsed into the chair, my legs spread around my younger lover. He was expert with his tongue passing it over my pee hole stroking his tongue on my tender underside and I knew he was hearing the effect of his actions.

Then he nuzzled me and started licking and tasting my sack was groaning in passion my fingers running through his hair guiding his mouth on me I guess but I didn’t care he was swallowing my entire sack and his nose pressing into me.

I felt as if I was going to cum then and there.

We broke his wet mouth smiling rose up in front of me and crushed down onto mine again our bodies pressing.

“Let’s go to bed?” I said as we hugged.

Nude on my lap, I kissed him, reached underneath and lifted him, looking down I saw his eyes closed trusting me as I carried him to the bed.

I put him down and slid next to him kissing his body all over as he lay there. Toes, legs, knees, slowly taking my time watching him squirm as I tickled him, hearing him gasp when I reached a very good spot.

Tony’s eyes were half closed he was chewing on his lower lip as I ministered to him.

My hands roaming his body as my mouth played with him.

“Oh Martin” he was sighing and squirming on the bed under my mouth as I parted his legs. His cock hard and thrusting upwards, but I tried to stay away from it exciting him other places instead.

Of course my fingers trailed around him over the smooth shaven belly and balls.

He was mumbling my name in breathy gasps, I felt so excited by him, I couldn’t believe I had met him so accidentally.

My hands stroked and played under his arms making him move even more.

Slowly I kissed my way to his erection and licked my way up and down the hot hard flesh. Kissed his sack and licked deeply his balls and made him move as I played with him.

Tony was rather passive as we lay in bed; unlike his first hugs and kisses and I wondered if I had caused this.

Looking up from his cock I saw his eyes closed and his fingers tugging on his nipples his mouth half opened and neck arched back.

He seemed all right.

I wiggled above him and looked down on my young, soon to be lover, placed my cock on his belly his near mine and we began to hug and squirm ourselves even more excitedly.

Covering his face in kisses as we ground together, lightly on his closed eyes harder on his ears and neck grasping and pulling him to me as my passion built.

Tony’s noises were soft muffled as I pumped on his belly feeling his cock hard near mine.

I broke to catch my breath and check on him.

I lightly ran my finger on his face, “Tony are you all right, have I done something wrong?”

His eyes opened and i saw they were moist with tears, that soon tracked down his cheeks.

“I am sorry Martin, so very sorry, I just can’t handle someone as tender and loving as you are, I don’t know how to respond.”

I laughed, “Darling you responded very well in the shower and when you pushed me back in the chair.”

He laughed sniffled and wiped his eyes, “Oh I put up a front but I don’t know how to love a man.”

I could hear the clunk as that statement fell between the two of us, and it wasn’t going away until we did something other than kid about it.

Moving next to him I put an arm around him protectively, patting him softly, “Whatever do you mean by that, you don’t mean you haven’t had sex with a man do you?”

He laughed “Oh I don’t mean that not at all, I mean I never had a relationship I enjoyed before.

I laughed but felt a twinge, not really looking to get into a relationship at this moment.

He caught it in my eyes, “Oh damn after I heard you talk and saw you I wanted you so much, but I knew you wouldn’t want me.”

Sniffling I saw tears run down his cheek.

“Tony we don’t know anything yet we have barely kissed we took one shower together, I might be the dullest person you have ever been naked with.”

That at least made him smile.

I kissed the tear away, perhaps too romantic but it seemed the right thing to do.

His hands tugged at me and pulled me closer his gasps as he sucked on my tongue hard and needy.

No need for talk after that we moved into an area of passion everyone knows, when the body leads the way.

In the next hour we learned our secrets and satisfied ourselves to the point of becoming sore.

At that point we laughed and had more wine huddled together by the candles and talked like new lovers. Hands roaming over one another reassuring each other it was real and we were with another lover that was so sexy.


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Carnival Connection

It took a few minutes to walk from my car to the brightly lit street, as I came closer I could smell the odors of cooking and hear the carnival style noises filling the night air.Why I wanted to be near people I didn’t know but it was better than sitting at home and feeling sorry for myself, also I could eat a fast meal alone and wouldn’t stand out as I would in a restaurant.So I

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