Gay Erotic Stories

Massage from Str8 Jay

by Secondtier
13 Jun 2014

Bisexual First Time Sexual Identity Discovery Straight Men, Gay Sex Surprise

After a crazy month as an account manager in an advertising agency, I was nearing my limit. Working 16 hour days, no lunch breaks, exceptional stress levels, and a super demanding client were all combining to make me an absolute mess. My body felt like it had been crammed inside an airtight container for way too long… I needed some ‘me’ time. At 36 years old, I was used to spending more time in the gym than my schedule had allowed me during this past month, and I felt that my muscles really needed to be woken up.

I’ve been a workaholic all of my life. Hours with a therapist I saw briefly a few years ago seemed to conclude that I was trying to fill some unspoken, subconscious void in my life with stupid amounts of work. Sure, I was doing well at the agency, and was their top account manager, but I knew it was probably overkill when even the owner repeatedly told me to ‘take it down a notch’ and take more vacation time.

But this morning’s client meeting was still fresh in my mind, as I think it had been the first time that I felt like I was either going to pass out from exhaustion, or slap the arrogant client out of frustration. Yup….I was definitely nearing my limits.

I told my assistant not to disturb me for the next hour, and closed the door to my office. I wasn't quite sure what I needed, I just knew that I needed something physical and relaxing for myself. I’m 5’10, 165, in good shape with a runner’s build and great tone. I turned to my computer, opened up Craigslist, and started scanning online ads in the “therapeutic massage” section. In the past, I've always gone to women for massages at my chiropractor's office... thought that today I needed the stronger hands of a male and my brother-in-law had mentioned that he found some great therapists by checking online.

My attention was piqued when I saw an ad for a massage guy whose place seemed to be pretty close to my office. He seemed to meet all of my criteria: he noted that he worked on a massage table, which is mandatory for me. I once had a massage from a masseuse who worked on a sloppy futon bed, and I swore never to do that again - I think I left more tense that time than when I walked in. This guy’s ad also stated that he did deep bodywork, offered 90 minute sessions, and had great experience.

This guy interestingly noted that he was a model, which seemed a little weird to me, considering that it was posted under the therapeutic massage categories. Part of me wondered if it might have been his way of attracting more female clients… but then part of me wondered if it might have been his way of attracting gay or bisexual male clients . Like I said, I've never had a massage from a male before, and actually hadn't had any m2m contact except for some circle jerks back in high school.

Not wanting to lose the momentum of this moment, I immediately e-mailed “Jay” to see if was available for later that day. I continued to scan some other ads, and tried to contact the strong-looking Hungarian female massage therapist whose hands looked like meat hooks. When I noticed a response in my inbox from Jay, I was surprised when I felt a small smile creep across my face.

Turns out that he was available to see me within the hour, as another client had reportedly cancelled. We exchanged a few quick e-mails, confirming his apartment number and a few other details. He asked about previous massage experience, injuries, age, and general health profile. My assistant was startled when I told her I was leaving for the rest of the day, and it was only 4 pm.... but I think she knew that I was close to imploding. I quickly showered in the office gym facilities, and made my way over to Jay’s place.

It was with a weird mixture of excitement and apprehension that I buzzed up to his apartment. I’m generally totally in control of myself in any situation that I find myself in, but for some reason today, everything felt a little tentative, as I kept mentally scanning back to the details of this massage guy’s ad. He actually didn’t speak over the intercom, but just buzzed me in. Damn, I hoped this wasn’t a huge mistake.

Jay met me at his apartment door with a huge grin and an amazing handshake. Easy to see why this guy could model. He was stunning. He was a little shorter than me at 5’8, with startling blue eyes, short brown hair, a trimmed goatee, and beautifully tanned skin. He was wearing a tight white T-shirt that showed off his incredible chest, biceps, triceps….and loose grey cotton pants. I would say he was in his mid-20s.

He led me into his massage room, which was an incredibly warm and sun filled atrium at the front of his apartment, overlooking the lake. I did notice a few clues in the place that lead me to believe he lived with a woman (high-heels under the coffee table, make-up on the kitchen counter…). He asked me again if I had any health concerns that he should be aware of, and then gave me a glass of cool water to sip on. He seemed completely relaxed and comfortable with himself, and there was no sexual energy in the room from him. I, on the other hand, found him incredibly attractive and wondered how I would be able to keep myself under control while under his hands. Again, I’ve spent most of my adult life in bed with sporadic girlfriends, who always seemed to tire of my busy work life, although a couple of them had told me my lack of interest in them sexually had left them feeling less than desirable. I never knew quite how to respond to those kinds of comments.

Anyway, Jay closed the blinds in the massage room and told me to undress to my comfort level, pointing to a hanger on the back of the door for my clothes. He told me to lie face down on the table when undressed, and then he went out, softly closing the door behind him as he went. It wasn’t until after he had left that I realized there was no draping sheet on the massage table...just a fitted bottom sheet. Damn, how the hell was I going to manage not reacting as he worked my body? I’ve always popped a hard-on when getting massaged by women, but could at least hide it under a sheet. Now my hard cock would be flapping in the wind if I did pop wood. Was it just me or was it getting warmer in here?

I quickly jumped out of my suit, and plopped myself down on the table, stomach down, as he had instructed. A few minutes later, Jay knocked on the door and came back into the room. I kept reminding myself that I was there for relaxation, and not to keep obsessing about this very hot young man kneading my muscles.

He told me that he had been training locally for massage therapy, but started travelling with modelling contracts internationally, so had quit school. He was now back in Chicago after 2 years of crazy travel, and wanted to get back into massage school to finish his last year. In the meantime, these massages were paying bills, even though he apologized that he couldn’t give me a legit receipt for insurance purposes. I didn’t care – I just needed my muscles worked over. He said that his girlfriend was the one who had encouraged him to start advertising on- line, so in deed, Jay was a straight boy. I just contented myself with the thought that I was about to get a good, well-deserved massage.

He turned off the overhead lights, lit what must have been a dozen pillared candles, set up his I-Pod to what turned out to be a great chilled jazz set, and got to work. He placed both hands on my middle back, took 3 or 4 deep breaths in, and then instructed me to follow his breathing pattern. I already started to feel less tense, and made a conscious decision to just let myself go and not think about anything for the next 90 mins. Who cared if my bubble butt was in view for all to see? no clue that this would anything but a great, professional massage.

He started on my lower back, working with deep, flowing movements up into my middle back. He worked the left side, then crossed to the other side of the table and did the same on the left side. His work was very fluid and deep, and he would slow to give extra attention to particularly tight muscles around my shoulder blades. Next he seemed to get down on his knees and work my left, then right, arm…efficiently and effectively pulling the tension out of my muscled biceps and triceps. He did great work on my hands too, which no other massage therapist had done before.

Through the whole in the headrest, I could see his beautiful feet, and found myself almost laughing at loud at the fact that I had even NOTICED his feet?? What was going on here? In his deep yet mellow voice, he asked me if I was doing ok so far. I mumbled a “yes, mate” and realized that this was the most relaxed I had been in months. I was totally content.

He moved from my upper torso and, after oiling his hands again, moved to my legs. Years of cycling have given me great legs and glutes, but they’ve also been my most sensitive areas. I was pleased when he started at my left foot, moving up my calf, and then onto the hamstring. His touch was never tentative or nervous; he approached each muscle group with determination. But damn if he wasn’t making a huge “c” out of both of his hands and running them all the way up the outside and inside of my leg, right into the space between my leg and balls?! It felt so good, and I knew I was going to get hard in a second. Yup. That’s all it took. One second later, I felt the blood surge into my flaccid dick that was pointing south between my legs. He kept at it, really getting in there, and I couldn’t help from getting goose bumps whenever he accidentally touched my scrotum. This went on for a good 5 minutes….he was driving me insane.

He took his hands off my legs, took a gulp of water from his water bottle, and then brought his hands down onto my ass cheeks with renewed vigour. This straight guy was kneading my buttocks like they were mounds of dough he was very angry with. Occasionally, he’d grab both at the same time so that my crack was open and exposed to air for a few seconds and I thought I’d shoot right then and then. My cock was chafing against the table underneath me, and I didn’t know how to stop the oncoming orgasm. Did I even want to stop it?

As if reading my thoughts, Jay abruptly stopped his work on my ass. I actually heard myself exhale a huge sigh, as I has been apparently holding my breath. I was just about to thank him for the most satisfying massage when he casually said, “ok, I’d like for you to roll onto your back so I can continue the front”.

My heart skipped a beat. How in the hell was I supposed to roll over and have this straight boy see my hard-on. I delayed a few seconds by pretending to stretch my arms, while thinking of old ladies in cold showers, but that erection was NOT going down. Well, I rationalized that since he didn’t cover me with a sheet to begin with, then he was maybe used to seeing an occasional hard-on. He asked me again to roll over….and so, while keeping my eyes shut so as to not see his expression, I flipped onto my back and felt my cock spring up from my stomach and point towards the stars. Damn, this was awkward.

Jay didn’t seem to notice. Well, at least he didn’t comment on my dick as he started working my pecs. It was just then that I realized I was leaking pre-cum. This could NOT get more embarrassing. I could feel its cool wetness slide down my shaft and start to puddle in what remains of my trimmed pubes. Jay finished the pecs, and moved on to my abdomen, which by this time, was heaving with excitement and fear. But again, he just kept on massaging me, seemingly oblivious to my state of near-explosion.

And just when I thought things could not get more intense….they did. He moved from my abs down onto both sides of my upper thighs at the same time, doing long strokes from my stomach to my thighs repetitively. My cock was bobbing to the left, then to the right, then to the left. It even slapped him in the wrist once, and I’m sure that left a smudge of pre-cum on him. I felt the beginning of the orgasm once again, and knew I was not going to be able to stop this geyser when all of a sudden, he stops, smiles, and says “I hope you enjoyed your massage. Nameste.” And then he was out the door?!!? What the hell??

I gripped my cock with my right hand and blew what must have been the biggest load in years after about 3 strokes. I covered my abs and pecs, and one shot landed on the corner of my mouth. It was such an incredible release, especially after that amazingly deep massage.

I soaked up the cum in a handful of tissues, and quickly got dressed before Jay came back to ask how I had enjoyed it. This guy was so chilled out. I told him that it was probably the best massage I had ever had (it so was!) and complimented him on the deep work he had done. I paid him, and added an insane tip, as he lead me to the front door. His smile was sincere and warm, and when he said that he would welcome me back for another visit, I told him he could count on it.

I got outside and leaned against the wall. What the hell just happened? A straight guy just spent 90 mins prodding every muscle and crevice of my body, but seemingly without sexual intent. I had spent most of the last 45 mins hard as a rock, leaking like a sieve? Was it supposed to go further? Did I want it to go further? I decided I was too zombied out to think clearly and stumbled home.

A week passed. I had to go back…as I had almost convinced myself I had imagined the whole thing. I called Jay up on a Saturday morning, and he said that he could see me at noon, as his girlfriend had a yoga class then and the place would be free. I showered, whacking one out while in there, so to lessen the chances of me popping wood during the massage.

I showed up at Jay’s place right on time. And damn it, it was a total repeat of the first massage! Me naked, me hard, me leaking…..and him being totally professional. He finished off again by working my hip flexors, right next to my towering cock….and then he says “I hope you enjoyed your massage. Nameste” And left the room?? A quick gripping of my cock shot ropes of cum over my chest, and I left, once again, bewildered.

It was about 3 weeks later when I got a text from Jay. I was in a meeting when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I glanced to see who it was and was surprised to see a text from Jay, asking if I would like another massage. I knew what I wanted from the massage, but I knew what he was offering, and so I declined. I couldn’t deal with one more session of all my hot straight boy fantasies and him not even noticing that I was about to explode.

He texted twice more over the following month, so I began to think he might be in need of the money the massage business generated. I decided to take a chance….and if he said no, well, that’d be the end of it. So when he texted a week later, I texted back “I’d love to come for another session but feel kind of embarrassed when I’m naked and you’re fully clothed. Any chance you would undress as well?”

I hit ‘send’ with all kinds of anxiety….and then waited for a reply. 30 seconds later, he sent a text back that said “Sorry, mate, but I’m str8 and not into guys”. Cringing, I apologized for asking and said I hope I didn’t make him too uncomfortable with my question. He didn’t reply. And there goes that, I though.

It was about 2 weeks later when I got another text on a Saturday morning from Jay. He asked if I was up for a massage. And I replied that I didn’t want to meet up unless he felt comfortable with both of us being naked. He surprised the hell out of me by texting back that he had been thinking about it and it would probably be ok if he got naked too. Damn! I was going to see that hot body without clothes after all! He asked if I’d be ok paying an extra $30 for that privilege, which I agreed to without reservation.

So an hour later, I was knocking on his door. Sure, I felt a little weird, having negotiated him into being naked…but not weird enough to not go through with it. He met me at the door with loose-fitting track pants and a black fitted tee. And that smile. Damn, that boy was hot.

He made no mention of our agreement as he led me to the massage room. He suggested I get undresses while he went to grab some water. My cock was bouncing as I quickly shed my clothes and hopped on the table. I made sure to point my cock downwards so a) give it some room to breathe, and b) let him see it! He tapped on the door and came in, and I resisted the urge to lift my head off the cradle to see if he was naked…now that I knew he was going to be naked, I wanted to prolong my anticipation. Jay made a little small talk as he got himself set up in the room. I was excited and nervous….and I think I might have flinched when I felt what was DEFINITELY the bare skin of his leg touching my hand as he manoeuvred around the table.

His massage was, as always, excellent. Deep work on the back muscles, long flowing strokes on the legs, and great trigger point work on my glutes. It was all going well when he positioned himself at the head of the table, and I could see his naked legs and feet through the hole in the headrest as I was still on my stomach. When he squatted down to really get into the neck massage, I could not believe my eyes. This god not only was beautiful, but also had a slab of meat like I had only ever seen in porn when some poor girl was being split in two by a monster cock. It was beautiful!! No exaggerating when I say it was at least 7” uncut soft. A trim patch of pubic hair framed it nicely. His legs looked hairless, which was a surprise for me.

As he worked my neck, I was transfixed on his dick. I could only dream of taking it in my mouth…but given that he was straight and likely only naked to make a few extra bucks, I had little confidence that would happen. Not ten seconds later, as if reading my mind, that slab of cock started to stiffen! I blinked, thinking it might have just been my perspective through the massage table headrest. But dammit, no! It was ballooning up to freak-show proportions, and was bobbing up and down with each massage stroke on my neck. It must have grown to a solid 10”, and the hood was still covering the head. I had never seen anything like it, and knew at that very moment that I definitely had to have it in my mouth.

After 5 mins of neck work, he told me to flip over. I couldn’t find the words to speak, so I slowly turned onto my back. My dick had been pouring out pre-cum for the last 5 mins, and the sheet under my cock was clinging to me because of it. Damn….made it to my back and felt the air on my totally engorged cock. I opened my eyes for a second as Jay started working on my pecs, and was delighted to see that fat cock of his in my peripheral vision. I decided to play it cool and not make a move just yet….pretending that we were just 2 guys who happened to be naked in the same room together.

That pretence fell away when he moved to my abdomen and, with a mighty slap, dropped his hard cock in my outstretched hand. I gasped, and let myself get used to the heftiness of it before I gently squeezed it. Jay moaned a little and kept on massaging my abs. I thought I was going to shoot any second, but then without a word, he moved on to my legs and dragged that hard cock out of my hand and out of reach. He worked my legs for a good 10 mins, and when I opened my eyes a few times, he looked like he was concentrating on solving some complex problem. I hoped he wasn’t having second thoughts….and was wondering where this was going to lead to next when he uttered those 7 words I had been dreading: “I hope you enjoyed your massage. Nameste.”

That was it? He was done? Damn, he was a tough nut to crack…..but then I opened my eyes and saw him smiling down at me, with his cock an inch above my lips. Needing no further invitation, I lifted my head and gave his foreskin a tentative swipe with my tongue, not breaking eye contact. I wanted to see his reaction to make sure this was ok with him. He closed his eyes and tilted his head back…and I knew it was mine to suck! I lifted my head off the table and, not exactly sure how I was going to do this, managed to coax all 10 inches of that cock into my throat. Yes, I gagged. More than once. I had never had a cock in my mouth before. But I was sure not going to let this opportunity pass me by. He was gyrating his heads, holding the sides of my head, and I had his plump ass cheeks in my hands. Fuck, this was heaven. I let go of one of his ass melons are grabbed my own leaky cock. I started pumping it furiously as I felt his pubes tickle my upper lip.

In pure synchronicity, we both started to blow our loads at the same time. I was about to pull it out of his mouth when I felt him grab the back of my head and keep me mounted on his cock. A second later, a gush of surprisingly sweet cum hit my tonsils, followed by 7 or 8 more spurts. I fought to swallow, realizing that I was shooting 3 or 4 feet into the air myself. His body was still convulsing 30 secs later when he finally let his cock plop out of my mouth, while I felt my own load go cool on my chest.

“Fuccccccccck” was all he could say. “That was the best blowjob I have EVER had in my life, dude. My girlfriend thinks she sucks me off well…but it is nothing compared to what happened just now. Damn!”

He giggled, shook his head, and walked out of the room. And I realized that I now needed man sex more than ever. I had a lot of time to make up! And I think massage sessions with Jay might just be a big part of my new life.


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Massage from Str8 Jay

After a crazy month as an account manager in an advertising agency, I was nearing my limit. Working 16 hour days, no lunch breaks, exceptional stress levels, and a super demanding client were all combining to make me an absolute mess. My body felt like it had been crammed inside an airtight container for way too long… I needed some ‘me’ time. At 36 years old, I was used to spending more


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