Gay Erotic Stories

The Red Rose!

by Tjr
25 Dec 2012

College Days Fetish Initiations Interracial

'The Red Rose!' TJ Ryder

Jan was in the locker room at the University's giant olympic pool building and a little nervous about the day's divisional final match and trying not to think about anything else, but it wasn't easy for several distracting reasons.

One of which was just coming out of the showers by the tapping of his cane. His blind roommate Robin decided to take advantage of Jan's Friday afternoon swimming team events to go swimming himself. This way he had a guide and a ride back and forth. Robin stayed close to the lockers and the benches as he put one hand out.

"Over here, Robin!"

"I know, just scoping it out! We are supposed to wear bathing suits aren't we?"

"Fuck yes, why do you even ask?"

"Iv'e heard that in some places in America like the Y boys don't wear suits!"

"Oh, well, definitely slip one on. Sorry, but all I had was an extra swim team one, kind of skimpy!"

Robin felt it in his palm, and frowned. "It's practically nothing!"

"Light and sheer, less drag. The pool is roped off before the match, public uses the left side, you got about an hour!"

"Excellent, you coming?"

"I'll be along in a few minutes, waiting for a phone call from da Prez!"

"What have you done now?" The president of Omega Fraternity rarely deals directly with the fraternity brothers, especially white pledges.

"Nothing, some kind of favor he wants. I got an email from Lattrell about a new pledge who is some kind of legacy, even though he's white, so I don't see how that's even possible but the prez wants to talk to me special!"

"Yeah, what's he like?"

"Smart, good looking, ex foster home kid. Best thing is he's blonde AND green eyed, like me!" He chuckled.

"I see, your'e planning on using him to distract your own nefarious activities!"

"You got it! So we pick him up after the match and take him to Omega for tonight's usual Friday drag dance?"

"Yup, three blondes in one car. Two with green eyes, the possibilities are infinite!" Robin was moving off, leaving his dark glasses in Jan's locker.

"Use the tunnel on the left side, it's narrow! I'll be out there as soon as I handle this call!"

Robin didn't mind narrow passages, the echoes giving him a good 'view' of his surroundings so he was moving quickly. He had to stand aside as a pair of swimmers came the other side.

One laughed, "better go back kid, Monstro's coming!"

"What did you say?" Robin said to the retreating laughter. Shrugging, he plodded on, one hand touching the wall and his other with his cane sweeping the tile floor, and heard a heavy footstep echoing and approaching, and even felt a difference in the air pressure, a breeze that was in his face getting weaker as if something was blocking it. The footsteps came closer and closer and it seemed like whoever it was actually expected him to back up, but why should he do that? He had a right to be there. He took classes at the U and had a student ID. Finally the huge presence stopped very close and he knew it was meant to intimidate him.

A deep powerful negroe bass voice grunted impatiently. "Come on, willya, don't play games awraht?"

"Um, excuse me, but why can't we simply just pass?"

He heard footsteps behind enter the tunnel but then stop and retreat the way they came. Robin did not like bullies!

"Look come on, your'e blocking traffic!"

"Excuse me, but I am not blocking anyone, it appears that YOU are blocking me!"

"What, you callin me out with just a club? Won't work lemme tellya! Come on, just get out of the way!"

Robin set his jaw firmly and took a deep breath. Voices from behind him advised him with some laughing to come on back.

"It appears, sir, that you do indeed have everyone cowed but not me, I assure you. I am telling you that I AM going forward, so please make room!"

The giant black bull looked down with surprise at the slight blonde boy as he raised his right palm and held it out, feeling for his presence tentatively.

Robin was surprised as he moved his open palm out trying to find a space, didn't seem to one big enough! That was odd!

'Maybe my senses are a bit off in this cramped space!'

Finally he moved his palm to what he thought was the center of mass, and he thought perhaps someone was moving some furniture, but no, it was warm, he felt it! Slowly he put his hand on Monstro's sternum, and he gasped. He was real, and from side to side!

Watching the boy, Monstro flinched at the soft hand on his sternum lightly touch, not push, and saw his blank blue eyes, not knowing what to do. People watching from both ends now, eveyone yelling for the boy to back up. Then he saw the cane, not a club, and he realized the boy was blind!

"Aw jeez, forget it. Come on boy, I'm backing up and I can't even turn around!"

"No, you don't have to, " Robin said. "Just hitch over and I can slip through fine!" And soon, with a lot of body contact astonishing both of them, Robin was through.

As he emerged from the tunnel he heard heavy footsteps again, and turned and found a wall for his back, preparing for the worst. He felt the huge presence in front of him again.

The deep rumbling voice again. "Is'e sorry about that boy, ah dint know! Figured you for pullin a prank! Damn tunnel too small!" He admired the way the boy was standing preparing to defend himself.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Robin smiled, putting out a hand, touching a huge forearm.

"Well, partially my fault also, not intentionally. Did you have to go to the other end to turn around?"

"Yup, just wanted to explain it! Is'e just used to everyone backin away from me!"

"I am happy you did. I thought I was familiar with super jocks at Omega House but ...!"

Monstro smiled. "That's right, I used to see you with Jermaine dint I? Ah don know why I dint put it together earlier. Ah seen you on campus!"

"Really, well, you probably know Jermaine has gone off and signed up with the pros!"

"I know, tole him it was a mistake but I understand a brutha gotta make it while he can!"

"And you, just a second while I get in the pool please, you coming?"

"I, ah, I wasn't... but, well, why not?"

Two jocks came by and one laughed. "Monstro, your'e going to overflow the pool!"

The black giant groaned but forced a smile as he followed Robin down the steel ladder into the pool.

"Is that really your name?" Robin asked, putting his cane on the tile to the left of the ladder so he could find it when he got out!

"I'm used to it since fifth grade! Mah name is Jerome Montrose, so they shortened it to Monstro, you know, after the whale?"


"Y'know, the cartoon, Pinocchio?"

"Cartoon?" Robin cocked his head. "I have heard that but I thought it was like a silly kind of movie!"

Paddling around in the water, Robin smiled, "Wow, your'e big but not at all fat are you?"

"Neither are you, but how can you tell about me?"

"Because now that wer'e in deep water your head is same height as mine. Fat floats! What exactly is your sport if I may ask?"

"Weightlifting, and some olympic events like shotputting!"

"Surprised you don't do wrestling or football!"

"Ah don lahk to hurt nobody! But ah got along with Jermaine awraht, mebbe the only stud on campus wan't afraid of me!"

Robin smiled in his direction. "Can you swim, Jerome?"

"How do you know I can't?" The boy fascinated him in his observations and attitude.

"Your'e standing on the bottom!"

"How do you know this?" A splash near them as Jan surfaced.

"Don't bother to ask, I don't know how he does it most of the time. How's it goin, Monstro?"

"oh hey Jan, you guys know each other then?"

"Wer'e roommates at Omega," Robin explained.

Jan said he had to swim some practice laps before the match.

As the two remained in the water, Robin treading and Jerome standing still, Robin broke the silence.

"Um, Jerome, I prefer that to Monstro if you don't mind! Listen, I have to take advantage of this and do some swimming!"

"Sure, natch!"

"B-but, if you like I will be watching the swim meet before Jan and I go back to Omega!"


Robin smiled, "just an expression! By the way are you in Omega?"

"No, pledged it once but didn't follow up!" Robin absorbed that for a few seconds, knowing it was a come on from this shy giant!

"Okay, then you know we have friday night dances. Ever been to one?"

"No, um, well, once is all!"

"Okay, um, well, if you come tonight, we pledges all have to attend, we can talk some more!"

"Is this like, are you asking me for a date?" Jerome asked.

Robin paused for a second and smiled, "yes, why not?"

"Haw haw, ah don know about no dance...!" He moved off and as he heard him get out of the pool, he began trying to swim laps, wondering why anyone says the things they do.

An hour later Jan was panting by the side of the pool, having won his first event, came in second on the next one, as he looked around the crowd in the bleachers. There was Robin way up in back sitting by himself, somehow looking at him. Lot more people than usual because it was divisional finals, even some of Bolus athletic department and reps from Omega house. Wardell and Deon even were there, the fraternity's masters at arms and chief disciplinarians, whose laps Jan had laid over countless times, but not tonight, he thought, not only having no demerits but the added bonus of bringing in another new pledge, this new boy he'd meet later today.

Wardell was standing over him with a big grin.

"Hey boy, be in yo best interest to lose this next free style!"

Jan looked up at him. "Most likely anyway. Lamont Jackson's the best freestyle 100 in the division! You know that!"

"Yeah well, his coach made a bet with the prez. The loser gets spanked and used as a fucktoy all night!"

Jan gasped, "The prez would never do that..." he said uncertainly, knowing what a rabid sports fan the prez was, and now he had a second request from on top for the night.

He groaned, and put a hand over his growing boner just as he heard tv networks announcing the beginning of the next event.

"Fuck boy, better get in position and get ready!"

'One thing I am not is a quitter," Jan said, but the submissiveness of losing to that magnificent stud Lamont was making images in his head. Didn't even know he was gay and now this! Adjusting his goggles, taking a deep breath on the starting blocks, his cock still half hard, making some fans and girls laugh and giggle, he blushed. "I really need all this to happen!"

'Focus, focus, deep breath, deep breath!" Robin's voice out of all the others telling him to win!

As soon as he hit the water a little late he knew he would lose, and now all thoughts gone except the race. Shouldn't even have tried a third event, too close together, can't win, must not lose, focus. Fortunately he did the kickoff perfect.

Cheering and screaming, and finally, the touch, looking around he saw other touches then, several, and Lamont's gasping and gleaming black face, the only black swimmer in the division final, a huge adonis like stud with big hands and feet, unlike Jan's smallish slender physique.

He wanted to say something but so out of breath, can't even pull himself over the edge, finally Wardell yanked him over.

"Good job, boy!"

"I won?"

"A millisecond, but still a winner! Guess you won't get the paddle tonight!

Still panting, he smiled, "was all bullshit wasn't it?"

"Of course! But we gwine paddle yo butt anyway and use you as a fucktoy as a reward!"

Laughing, Jan walked over and sat on the bench for the rest of the meet.

Riding in the borrowed car, Robin asked how far it was to meet this new boy because he was hungry.

"Your'e fucking hungry! I could eat a horse! We pick up the kid in a bit and go to some restaurant. Coach gave me some spending money!"

"Good! Now what about this boy, you no doubt talked to the prez!"

"Oh yeahh, kind of sad story, complicated, boy's an orphan from parents from Holland who got killed after they came to America. Been in foster care. Now he's finished high school and planning on the U and Bolus and pledging Omega cuz he's broke just like us!"

"You said he was a legacy. That means he has an Omega relative, but he's a white boy?"

"Well, it's kind of a stretch, but his last foster parent was a single man, a Bolus/Omega jock. Turns out this dude plucks cute white boys out of the system soon as they turn legal age cuz he got contacts in social services and then, well, he swaps em for a new one every year. Omega had a pledge from him a few years ago. The prez says he's an ex pro ballplayer from ten years ago. He's afraid the kid if he's like the last one, well, is kind of broken up by the splitup.

"Oh boy, so we have to do some therapy over dinner and then take him to the drag dance tonight as a pledge?"

"I don't know. His 'uncle' dropped him off with a suitcase at a local halfway house and he's expecting us!"


The halfway house had a sign-in register, it was mostly for ex cons, mostly black and older, but down the stairs came a boy looking so much like Jan, dressed as a boy, carrying a suitcase, even his hair was long although not the same shade. But his eyes were green! Jan had a lot of hope! The boy gave a thin smile and shook hands.

Robin stayed in the car and he nodded to him also.

Driving down the road, Jan said they were going to stop at a restaurant to eat, but the boy just nodded.

At a chain restaurant, Jan wanted to do a table, but Robin said a corner booth, and soon the boy was between then, as a middle aged waitress came over and smiled.

"Wow, three blondes in a booth, like the title of a song!" As she took the order.

"So, how are you doing, um, Travis?"

"I'm doing okay!"

"Looking forward to college? Glad to get rid of high school?"

"I know what your'e doing, I understand. Youv'e been ordered to check me out. See if I'm damaged goods for Omega!"

"Oh well, it's just...!" Robin put a hand on his wrist.

"Your'e right Travis. What do YOU want to do and Jan and I will try to help you?" Jan gave him a frown and nodded.

"Your'e free and legally an adult. You can do whatever you want!" He added.

"Well, you might think it's wrong, but I am willing to go to Omega and to the U, and I'll do what I have to do. I have no real options, but the main reason is... well, if you really have to know... you have a right to know anyway. It's really a waste of time!"

"Why,.. you just said...!"

Robin interrupted, 'let him talk, Jan. Order some drinks too!"

"I'm not old enough!"

"Neither are we. Jan, pull out some of your phoney ID's please!"

After a sip of tequila, the boy making a face.

"Wow, Tyrone sometimes gave me some whiskey but this, wow...!"

After they ate although Travis just picked at his hamburger, and had a second drink, it was getting dark outside. Robin hinted to Jan they just wait him out.

"I really don't understand it!" he finally said. "I did everything he wanted. From the very beginning when he went to the foster home and picked me out. He was soo big, so muscled up and almost jet black, he had this big smile, you know, and I went with him to this private room where we could talk. Well, he had this kind of prepared speech, like I knew he always gave to new prospects!

"Look boy, I know you had some hard knocks, but you know the system got no place for a white boy who looks like you. Just lissen up. Don't talk for a bit. Lemme speak! Lissen to mah offer. I got yo medical report, yo grades, real good, now ah want to be fair, so ah gots mah own stats. We bofe clean! At least fo now an far as ah'm concerned I plan to stay dat way. I just got room in mah pad fo one boy, las one moved out months ago. Ah got rules and we bofe got chores to do. If you disobey ah use a paddle! Ah enjoy usin it too, might as well be up front! But ah'm fair. Follow mah rules an ah take care of you through finishing high school and help yo get to yo next step, don have to worry bout gangs or rapists or foster home bullies or disease. Just have to take care of mah needs, you get it, boy? Ah just want to lay it out fo you!"

"Well, I admit he put it right on the table for you!" Jan remarked.

Travis nodded, looking down at the table. "I was kind of surprised he was so frank about it all, but I had a look at the system already, knew what the alternatives were. He was imposing, scary at first, but the social worker said he had a good record so it sounds like he was safe and the guidance counselor at this school said he was okay, kind of reluctantly I thought, but she was this young black woman who had issues of her own!"

"I guess we know what your decision was!"

He nodded. "Wasn't any! I figured it was just for a few months and better than anything else. I'd do my job and he'd take care of me. I never had sex with anyone, let alone a man. I mean I had played some kid games, but, he wasn't surprised when I accepted and we signed some forms and soon I was in his car, actually a truck. I was afraid he was some kind of pimp or drug dealer, but no, and he had this two bedroom apartment by a park in a mostly upperclass area. So the school I was going to was going to be good. I looked forward to it. In the cab with him I had to keep glancing at him, though, and he said something right away that threw me I might as well tell you, because I know tonight is drag dance at Omega and you want to know what I think about that!

"Now boy, when we go out at night, in public I mean, has anyone got yo into a dress yet?"

"A dress?" I was shocked.

"Yup, figured it was no. Never mind cuz I got some second hand dresses, figured they fit too! You know, just maintainin mah image. At home you can dress the way you please, well, within some rules!"

"Oh, um, okay, sir!" I wondered what the rules were.

"And ...well, we get to it later boy!"

'Yes sir!" And he just sort of smiled most of the rest of the way.

"I don't know what I expected but the apartment was very clean and also very bachelor, even though it appeared it had been let go a bit since the last boy!"

"He went through the unit, explained the cleaning and laundry and food preparation, even though I didn't know much about it. He gave me a list and it was also on a clipboard in the kitchen. He showed me his bedroom, and then we walked over to the other one, which was his work studio. I didn't expect that, it had a drafting table and some computers. He also said the living room couch was a foldout, which was going to be my bed. He said he didn't work nights, so I could use his studio for studying, had computers and everything. At night sometimes we'd go out, watched movies, or just tv, played tapes and relaxed, but business was business during the day!" Jan watched him reminisce, and handed him another shot of tequila, which he sipped, and thought the story was over until he spoke again, not to anyone in particular, more like to himself.

"He fucked me that first night!" he admitted. "Not hard or anything, kind of a lead in. He said after 9 pm I was his 'boy' as he put it. I had a kind of uniform too. White lace panties, many different kinds of pairs in different colors. And sandals. He also wore a similar pair, and he was so HUNG I could not believe it! He grinned at my expression, and put his hand on my shoulder, telling me not to worry, he goes pretty slow. But he said it was important to get down to basics up front, is how he put it. I think he was right, cuz if I had time to think about it I might have just bolted.

We had a few beers on the couch while he put in some porno tapes, all gay, mostly interracial. He put his huge arm over me as we sat close, and I watched his huge cock swell up in the panties. In between movies he asked me about my plans, classes, colleges, but his huge right hand closed about my penis as it swelled, squeezing it. He told me to do the same thing.

"Oh yeah, boy, forgot one thing. When wer'e alone, like now, you call me Master, got it? Outside, sir or even Uncle or Tyrone, course usually you'll be in a dress!"

"Yes sir, um, Master!"

"That's a good boy, open your mouth now, stick out your tongue!" I did so, and he peered in, checking out my gums and teeth like a horse, like he owned me. I had also noticed some props, a wooden paddle, crops, leather dog collar and leash, dog food bowl but there was no dog. And his hand and the movies were making me groan, and then he kissed me, hard. He had me pull his panties down and touch his naked huge black drooling cock, and do other stuff, and he pulled out a tube of vaseline, and I was shivering in fear now, but the whiskey helped, and soon I was getting it! It did hurt, even though he did go slow.

"Yeah ah need dis, ah habin been needin dis boy, yo tight awyahhhhhh real tight!"'

I did cry out, I know, but it still kept me hard. He came hard and fast, I was face down on the carpet, my elbows gave out, and soon I was panting on the floor, my face red, his cum running out of me. After that he helped me to my feet and showed me my next duty. Showering together. Showed me how I was to help him, washing him, everywhere, him first, and then, to my surprise, he did me, more of an inspection at first I think. He got hard again at that, but he saved that for the next day!" He stopped talking then.

"Wow, fast and furious as they say!" Jan said.

"Yeah, I agree," Robin added. "How did you feel about all that?"

"Was weird, but I didn't seem to mind. I was so scared in the beginning I was relieved it wasn't as bad as I thought! I didn't get off myself though, and I was sore for a few days. He showed me exercises to help which I did!"

"Anyway, after all that, he said good night and went into his room. I rolled out the couch bed and put my clothes into the drawers he told me were mine. Next morning, all business and smiles. He made breakfast but he told me he was going to teach me how to cook, and then drove me to register at my new school!"

"Wait a sec, Trav," Jan interrupted. "What's all this telling you at this point about 'uncle' Tyrone?"

Travis nodded, "I know what your'e saying, and I'm not entirely nieve. While he waited in the lobby as I talked to the assistant principal, showing my proof of residence and past grades, got a look around the place, I decided I made the right choice. I was going to do my end of the bargain cuz it looks like Tyrone was keeping his. Everyone knew him. He even supported the football and basketball team as an unpaid assistant coach. When I came back out he nodded and smiled as he saw I had everything done."

"On the way back he said I had a few days before classes began, told me about the sports program. Said if I lettered in a varsity sport or some extracurricular activity it would help my scholarship chances for college!"

"I know that, sir, but Iv'e never been in any sport! Some soccer and swimming is all!"

"Any good?"

"Um, fair is all! More time in the water, they took us to the Y every other day and we swam laps!"

"Okay, Briarwood has swimming in the winter and soccer already starting! Do whatever you want for fun, but for colleges you gotta letter in a varsity program and youre' too small and slight for any of the big sports!"

"Well, " I was surprised he was thinking so much ahead, but of course I wasn't the first boy he ran this program with. I told him I thought swimming was my best shot and he nodded.

"Good, give your first semester a chance to hit the grades and get adjusted and prepare to get on the team!"

I wasn't sure how we were going to do that but he seemed to already working on a plan. When we got home I started the chores, and he was pretty patient, but there was so much to remember I knew I was going to forget something. And then he got some phone calls and had to get to work in his office, and also said sometimes he went out. After he came back while I was using the vacuum cleaner on the living rug he had taken me on last night, wearing only the bikini lace panties and feeling really stupid because he was fully dressed, I didn't hear him standing and looked around and saw him smiling at me. I turned it off.


"I think you gwine work out, boy!"

"That made me feel good and I was surprised I wanted his approval."

That night on the couch he threw a regular movie in, not porn. and gave me a chance to pick it from a big collection. But he was naked and I stared at his huge half hard cock and big balls again. And he said it was time to 'expand my boundaries' or something like that. I was scared again and it didn't help to see his toys out. Soon I was wearing the dog collar and he kept one end of the leash on a loop around his wrist. Then he sat down naked on the couch, huge legs spread. Half stroking himself as he smiled at me, licking his big full lips.

"C'mere boy!" I sat besides him, close enough for our thighs to touch.

His huge arm around me, and my hand on his thigh and I was getting hard. He reached around to this little refrigerator and took out a bottle, but it wasn't whiskey. It was a cold drink, he called it his special recipe. He told me not to worry, it wasn't drugged! It was good, and he taught me later how to make it. Lots of sex herbs and vitamins and animo acids and I'll tell you I don't know if it was the scene or the stuff but it made a big boost in me. Sometimes I felt like a walking hardon, even more than an average teenage boy! In fact I began to feel it soon after I digested it, and I knew like the previous night he wanted me to touch him. He said he was going to show me massage therapy, come in handy for sports as well as sex.

I was so horney, my panties were getting stained, I reached over and fondled his giant cock and balls, something I hadn't done, I don't even remember the movie much. Sometimes he would absently squeeze my nipple, twisting it, grinning as I squirmed. Sometimes he would take my whole genital sack in his huge hand, gently squeezing it, as if weighing the sperm inside.

After the movie we were talking and also kind of making out, him mostly kissing me, but a couple of times I was moaning as he stroked me and kissed his muscular chest.

"Boy!" he said, tilting up my chin, "you ain't earned a spankin yet, ah usual give a pass until you learn everythin, but ah need to know yo limits, best to get it out of the way, doncha think?" He grinned at that and I swallowed and nodded.

"(gulp) Y-yes Master!" was all I could croak. But first he had me just kneel facing his crotch, and showed me how I should kiss and lick every inch of his huge scrotum and hardon. The taste and fragrance and incredible throbbing power was overwhelming and I was lost in doing this worship until he moved me back, making me kneel and had my head between his thighs.

"Awyheahh, boy, Ise doing this jus to show who the Master is, yo got to learn this!"

"Y-yes sir!"

"But ah'm going to make it easy for you, haw, haw, give you a taste first!" And with that he had me spread for him and I was more ready or accepting or something, but he hurt still but it was much better, and when he slipped inside and held it, I wanted him to stroke and cum in me, but he pulled out. And then I was told to lie over his lap and earn it! So I did! I was surprised it hurt but also my bottom felt this warmth, squirming around, feeling his rock in my stomach, and I tried not to cry but I did. I hadn't cried like that in I don't know how long. I cried and sobbed and begged him to stop!" Evenually he did and soon I was straddling him and kissing him fiercely, my cock against his belly, his huge organ brushing my red bottom and buttcrack.

Still crying I slipped my tongue into his huge lips.

'That's it boy, go ahead and cry. Yo need this donchu?"

"Yes, yes, (sob) thank you, master!" I reached in back to help the giant cock slide in, needing it now, and soon he was pushing and helping and I gasped, impaled on the giant black log. He bounced me like a puppet, and this time he bottomed out, making me cry out again, and when I felt his warm cream flood me, I felt something else, and saw white sperm drops hit his black face, as he gasped and panted, and it was my cum. The orgasm was so intense I don't remember even him disconnecting from me, I was just crumpled on the couch with my head on his lap and he was watching a new movie, drinking a cold beer from the refrigerator and his huge hand was on my neck.

I sat up, still attached to his wrist on the leash from my collar. "I fainted, master?"

"Naw, just fell asleep is all!" I think I did faint, and I did a couple more times after that too. I couldn't have been out long because my anus was still drooling and when he stood up so I could find one of his sandals under the couch, I felt more drops from his seeping cock land on my red sore bottom.

He handed me some ointment for my butt, and soon we were close on the couch again, as I used a damp towel to clean his chest and belly and my own groin after I cleaned him.

"I'm sorry, master, I didn't mean to...!"

"Don't be sorry, boy. I spected to taste you as much as yo taste me, just, haw haw, not so soon!" I realized he was talking about my tasting his sperm then, not just the presperm I had licked from his knob. By the flood in my anus I didn't know how I could ever drink that much without choking! I didn't know that was the next thing coming, but not that night!

"Sounds like he was rushing you!" Robin said.

Travis nodded, "I had the feeling he usually had more time before his boy goes off to school so he could, indoctrinate him more or something! Even so we got to do pretty much everything in those first few days and I was getting hooked as much as he was even then. He drove me to school the first time in his truck and by then I was used to sitting closer to him with my hand on his thigh if I felt like it, and I usually did.

As he stopped at the circular driveway to drop me off like lots of other 'parents' I turned the handle of the door and turned and looked at him.

'Um sir?"

"Don't be scared boy, your'e a good student. Just be friendly and you'll fit right in. This ain't Detroit!" He said this a little impatiently. He knew I wasn't pausing because I was scared. The first unspoken rule I found out and I broke it. I just nodded and got out. Well school was good, and I made some friends and after a couple of weeks with him driving me and picking me up, he gave me this used motorbike, giving me more freedom. Later he said I needed to get my driver's license so I could help him in his work. That was more freedom. I had a key to his place in a month. I was studying hard, he was working hard. I met friends after school at the mall. Some girls were flirting with me, and there was talk about a homecoming dance! But I couldn't think of anything else.

We learned everything about each other's bodies. I drank him dry after worshipping him, and he used me like a storage of energy, sucking me slowly and deeply, making me pass out the second time.

I massaged his back when he had trouble, helped him deliver one of his hand made computers to a client; he found a coach to correct my swimming stroke so I could make the varsity. We also went out, me in drag, something else new. Not a lot but sometimes.

First time I loved the feeling not of being in a dress so much, but that we seemed like a couple to the world, even though we were interracial. We could go out to dinner and a movie, hold hands, kiss in public. In the truck I sat next to him. Yes, I did get spanked at least once a week and mostly I deserved it but mostly he just enjoyed doing it on a regular basis, keeping me in my place as he put it!

The best time was when we went on a vacation to this gay friendly, clothing optional beach in Cancun. Laughing and fooling around in the surf and on the sand like well, lovers! I knew a lot about him then, and this was something he had never done with anyone else. But I was beginning to break more of his unspoken rules.

"Oh yeah, " Jan said, thinking of his own experience. "Those rules!" Travis looked at him and sadly smiled.

"I guess you know! Well, first off, we had fights like any couple I guess, not real fights, but well, disagreements. I lost my temper a couple of times and he did too, but we made up. I also stood my ground on a few silly things and his neck swelled up but he accepted it. That isn't what did it! Well after a few months I was getting more aggressive. At dinners out I would hold hands and kiss one of his hands. On drives I would sit next to him and kiss his neck and stroke him. But the first big rule break was when I said I wanted to sleep with him at night!"

"Oh boy!" Robin groaned.

"Yup, and it wasn't like he didn't want to either. I know he did! In fact a couple of times we just ended up in his bedroom by sort of accident and woke up there. This was during a period when we were really busy, both of us, and the extra time to make the couch bed every day I felt was stupid, and I said so! He spanked me and I still said so. Then later, when he had to go to this seminar and I had to stay in school, and he returned, I told him I missed him! He looked real uncomfortable, but I knew he missed me just as much. I knew it! He let me sleep with him that night. We slept together the next few nights too. Time was passing and soon I'd be going off and I wanted to talk about that, but he didn't. He wouldn't talk about it. We had an argument.

Then he began doing things to build a wall between us, add another person. A fuck buddy of his came over and they both took me after getting drunk. I was hurt, physically and emotionally, but accepted it. He would sometimes be cruel to me and say things he never did before. But at night he would hold me closer!"

"He probably brought that man in to shock you, maybe make you want to leave him!" Jan advised. "Maybe he was trying to do you a favor, kid!"

"Yeah, well, time came when he said he was going to drive me over to the halfway house where I was going to wait till arrangements were made for me to attend the U and Bolus, and live in Omega. We were sitting on the living room rug, naked and having made love. And he pulled out all these forms I had to look at. I knew it was coming and all, but well, I'm listening and trying to think but I couldn't think of anything except that soon I'm going to be gone and he will be alone and I noticed tears landing on the papers, my tears, and he just got uncomfortable and got up and walked out, said he had work to do! Then he went into his office and shut the door."

Jan cleared his throat.

"He was being strong for your sake, look at it that way!"

Travis shook his head. "No, he did love me! Even if he couldn't say it! I never expected to fall in love, especially with a man. I knew nothing about love or men. I didn't want to fall in love. But I did fall in love, and he did too!" He paused at that! "Ahem, well," Robin said, "but now your'e alone and he's gone! I know the type, we both do. He IS gone! Soon he'll, I know this hurts, but he'll get another boy!"

"If I knew that, maybe I could move on somehow. But I have this feeling it's not over. Like he could come out here to get me any time!" Jan and Robin looked at each other. He weakly smiled at faces. reactio

"I know you think I'm crazy, but, well, what the hell, maybe your'e right! Let's go to Omega House and maybe it is time to move on!"

"Now your'e beginning to wise up, good thinking, Travis!"


An hour later Travis was settled into a spare room unpacking and getting ready for the drag dance after meeting some of the openly admiring and lusting black jock bruthas, where he was polite and friendly but still distracted and a little sad.

Jan was checking himself in the mirror applying lip gloss for the first time and making a few mistakes.

"That's new," Robin remarked as he pulled up a stocking up nearly to his hemline. "Because of the flowers? Who'd send you a bouquet anyway?"

Jan looked in the mirror, seeing the perfect red rose and smiled. Robin of course smelled it.

"You don't think I'm worth flowers? I don't know who sent it, didn't have a card. Lattrell said some dummy delivery boy came to the door and just said give this to the blonde white boy. Probably figured couldn't be more than one blonde here! I mean who would send it to you? You can't even see it!"

"I knew they were there, didn't I?" He sniffed deeply, "what kind are they?"

"One single red rose! Now that shows a lot of class and sensitivity! And that rules out everyone at Omega!"

"Yeah..., maybe it was, well, never mind!"

"Why" Jan said, turning to see him slip on his mini dress and straighten it out, "What have you been up to. Meet someone new!"

"I, um, sort of invited someone new to come to the dance tonight!"



"At the swim meet? (groan) Not Monstro was it?"

"Jerome is actually very sensitive!" he said defensively, he said as he sniffed the nose.

Jan returned to check his image, shaking his head. "Just make sure your'e on top!"

They picked up Travis in his off-pink mini dress and nylons and went downstairs where they met some more big black fraternity bruthas, but Jan noticed Travis always looking around for someone even while replying politely to the flirtations.

"So, Travis, by the way, do you have a girly type name!" Lattrell said.

"Um, Master, um, Tyrone just called me honey," he said with a blush.

'Can't use that. How about Travvy!" The boy nodded and gave a slight shrug. "Now, hang out with Jan and Robin if you can. Listen to them, theyr'e your pledge sponsors!"

"Yes sir!"

After he returned to the two other blondes, the large empty dining area filling up, music playing, some 'gyrls' already taking dances, they watched Travis get picked first, like most new meat does, and he danced pretty good too, seemed to be smiling and having a good time.

"I told him not to accept any dates for a while, not to go upstairs with anyone, but actually I kind of wish he would and get over it!"

"I feel that way myself! When he realizes his knight in shining armor isn't coming he might just crack up!"

"Yeah...and then what?"

"Then what what?" The two giant masters at arms came over with big grins.

"Oh brother...!" Jan sighed. "I thought you guys were just kidding!"

"Do we ever do that? haw haw!"


An hour later Jan was still being bounced, now soaked with sweat, the huge black cocks in his mouth and up his butt slowing down, having already cum once both of them. He slipped his mouth off Deon's cock, swallowed, kissed the underside, making him shiver, and also squeezed his butt muscles, making Wardell slow down. He really wanted to get back to the dance and couldn't get the idea of the fantasy lover with the red rose from his head, and the only way was to wear these studs out instead of the other way around, the way it usually was. Many times he just found himself unconscious and alone with sperm running from every orifice but tonight, he had other plans. Maybe the kid's talk about love and all was getting to him. Maybe his own knight in shining armor was downstairs looking for him right now. That made him work harder, and soon, keeping both of the men in suspense, made them spray and pump harder and harder. He creamed himself all over his belly, gulping and swallowing, Wardell pulling out eventually and collapsing on the bed. Then Deon, moaning because his cock knob was too sensitive, and collapsing besides his roommate, leaving a panting sweating Jan to put a hand on the bedstead to prevent him fainting, as he took deep breaths.

'First time, (gasp) first time," he thought 'I fucked you guys out instead of the other way around!'

Getting shakily on weak knees off the bed, gently so they didn't wake and reach for him, he grabbed his clothes and shoes and crept out the door to go to the bathroom and take a quick shower. Dressing quickly and touching up his hair, looking at his watch he realized the dance was almost over!

Running downstairs he looked around, making sure everyone saw him, passing up a dance with guys he already knew. Robin and Travis were slow dancing with big black studs, Robin was smiling and Travis had his head on a brawny shoulder, but after the dance he smiled, thanked him for the dance, and walked back over to Robin who was using his cane to find the refreshment counter.

"Aw, Jan," Travis smiled as Robin took his elbow, "what happened to you?"

"What's the matter?"

'Oh, well, your lip is puffy and your lipstick is smudged and you have suck marks on your neck!"

Robin also walked over guided by their voices

"Okay, great! Um, see anyone new tonight!"

Robin shook his head sadly, "afraid not!"

Jan slugged down a lite beer, using a napkin to touch his lipstick and puffy lip afterwards.

"I can see Monstro's not here!"

Travis laughed, "Monstro like the whale?"

"He's a very sensitive soul, just big and I guess a little shy!"

"So Travis, meet anyone interesting?"

"Don't worry, I'm not dating yet! I did meet some nice men but I don't think it would be fair to them!"

Neither Jan or Robin commented.

"Well I guess Monstro, um, Jerome, didn't send the rose then!"

Travis asked him what rose, and then quickly went upstairs.

"What was that about?" Robin asked.

"I guess he's upset, poor kid. Better leave him alone!"

"Good thing the dance is almost over then!" But soon Travis was back downstairs carrying his one suitcase. He put it under the table.

"Leaving already?"

"I don't want him to think I'm that easy. We need to talk first!"

Robin put a hand on his shoulder. "Look, Travis, wev'e all been there. That's the way a lot of these bucks act with us! Keep your expectations in line with them!"

"He's right Trav, better you accept it now!"

The boy nodded and looked around. "I'm sorry for leaving like this. Tell Lattrell and the guys I really appreciate the opportunity to be a pledge, it does look like a nice place!"

Then he turned around and walked to the other end of the dance floor, which was mostly clearing out.

"Wow, talk about denial!"

"What can we do? We both told him the score! Maybe he needs counseling!"

"I know,... hmmm, who's that he's talking to now?" He always did things like that to Robin who was blind.

The big black bull in a faded red t shirt of a old Bolus Varsity team stretched over hard muscle stood near the doorway, and watched Travis approach him with his suitcase. He smiled, seeing how radiant the boy was in the pink miniskirt he had bought for him.

The boy stopped a few feet away and leaned against the wall, putting the suitcase down, one eyebrow arched. The big man moved closer, leaned against the wall. Both said nothing! Travis looked up at him.

"Are you okay, Master?"

"I guess I am now, boy! Question is Are WE okay?"

Travis nodded, "that IS the question isn't it?" He looked up and searched Tyrone's face.

"What happened?"

"When you left, I didn't know till that first night and I fought it hard as I could! You took everythin out! haw haw, ah might as well live in de street. Why not, dint care about nothin anyway! Tried to ride it out! His voice caught, shaking with emotion.

"Ah dint have no home no more, just a shell. Home was wherever you was and what I do, well, I made you cry an threw you out!"

Travis moved closer and put up a hand to his face, "shhh, , he said softly, 'don't you cry, Master! Wer'e okay now! Listen to me! Wer'e okay!"

Twenty feet away Jan and Robin listened with open mouths!

"Look at me," the bull smiled, cupping Travis' butt with his big hands, "like a lil baby. Was yo worried ah wouldn't come? Ah sent the rose!"

Travis smiled, tears forming. "I was beginning to, a little!" As they softly kissed!

Jan and Robin looked at each other. "Is there some divine mystery that we just don't get?"

The End


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A Kiss is Just a Kiss! tj ryder From 'Escape to Jamaica!

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'The Red Rose!' TJ Ryder Jan was in the locker room at the University's giantolympic pool building and a little nervous about the day'sdivisional final match and trying not to think aboutanything else, but it wasn't easy for several distractingreasons. One of which was just coming out of the showers by the


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