Gay Erotic Stories

My Life With Prince Harry: Chapter 8

by Kyler79
04 Feb 2013

Celebrity Fantasy

My Life with Prince Harry: Chapter 8 Kyle Frank Please note I don't know Prince Harry personally or know his true sexual orientation. Furthermore, this story is 100% complete fiction and in no way to insinuate his sexuality or anything of the like. Lastly, this story contains male to male sex, so if this offends you, you are too young to be reading this, or, you are not into these kinds of things please leave now. Thank you and please enjoy this tale.

After grabbing a quick bite, you guessed it, at McDonald’s; we went back to Kensington Palace to get ready for the charity concert. Once we were safely inside the door, I swung my prince around and held him in a bear hug. If we were fighting he would probably have quickly snapped his head forward and broke my nose but, instead, he moved his head forward and gently kissed me on the end of the nose. “Is there a reason why you have me all trussed up”, he asks with a slight grin. “The better to ravish you says the big bad wolf”, I replied looking into his beautiful eyes. “Errrrrr! We could have a slight problem then, don’t you think?” “I don’t know about a problem at the moment since you can’t offer any resistance.” “Who says I want to, Mr. big bad wolf. But, you realize of course, that so long as you have me in this bear hug, you can’t ravish me and I think that would be a real shame”, he said in a sudden fit of laughter. I loosened my arms and moved them up to where I had them around his neck. “Do you think I could get on with the ravishing now?” “Oh, by all means”, he cooed leaning in for a kiss. The last words out of my mouth before they were sealed by my prince’s lips were “floor, couch, bed, bath or shower?” Well, it was Harry who actually chose the shower. I’m not a bath man. As long as there’s running hot water, I’m a shower man. Harry, on the other hand, periodically loves to lie about and luxuriate in a bath. Harry once told me, while he was soaking in a bath of course, that there are stories told of the great Winston Churchill who would periodically take to his bath. He is supposed to have a great sheet wrapped around him and over the bath to keep in the heat and a little sort of table laid over the bath in front of him. It is said that he would often read his correspondence or write some of his wartime speeches in the bath while shriveling to a prune. One of the stories is that while he was getting out of his bath, President Roosevelt walked in on him. And, Churchill being Churchill is supposed to have looked at the President and said “You see I have nothing to hide.” Well, while I cannot say that I yet know all of Harry’s secrets, I’m pretty convinced that Harry’s never going to write any speeches while lying about in his bath but he might very well draw a bath so that he can soak out all the aches and pains as a result of one of those polo matches of his. But to my North American way of thinking, there’s simply nothing quite like two people sharing and fucking in a lovely hot shower wrapped in an envelope of steam. And play we did only while I had started off with the intention of ravishing his ass, the tables had somehow been turned. After he had fucked my poor ass, not once but twice, we were standing with me finally ending up behind him holding him to me with his head resting on my shoulder, when he started on renovations. Now I ask you, who in their right freakin' mind, just when you are about to get the ramming of your life turns off the charge by raising that all important matter of renovations? “Fuck, Harry”, I barked. “What bloody renovations are we talking about here and is this the proper moment?” I asked now feeling my once rigid cock slowly deflating. Trying to recapture the moment, I lowered my head like the pouncing vampire to latch onto that big throbbing vein in his neck. ‘Hmmmmm”, he purred. “If you’re going to be permanent around here, we’re going to have to have some renovations done just as soon as Will and Catherine’s new digs are ready.” And, wouldn’t you know it? The gods of whatever were definitely against me getting my nut because just as I felt my almighty sword rising to the occasion and I was lining it up to drive it into that warm sheath which is Harry’s delicious ass, didn’t the second deflating moment come along. “Aaahem. Everything is ready, Sir”, came the definitely masculine voice on the other side of the partially opened bathroom door. When we walked into the residence I was quite sure there had been no-one else. As far as I knew, we were supposed to be alone. Why close and lock doors? Only, it seemed we weren’t alone after all. “What the …….?” I asked Harry who had straightened up and turned to give me a kiss on the cheek. “Time to go Mr. big bad woof. No nooky for you today. Maybe later”, he laughed stepping out of the shower and grabbing a towel. What choice, I ask you. What choice did I have but to turn off the water and follow him? Wrapping a towel around my waist, I followed Harry into the bedroom only to face not only Harry but another man who stood near the door. Harry walked over to the man, and then turned to me. “Keaton, I would like you to meet Tristan. He’s Welsh but I never hold that against him.” “Hi Tristan”, I said stepping up to the younger man and shaking his hand. “Tristan works for my father but he comes over to look after me when I have these events to attend. “Where do you come from in Wales, Tristan?” I asked. “From Aberystwyth, Sir,” was the reply wrapped in a rather thick accent. “Hmmmmmmm, that’s on Cardigan Bay isn’t it?” I asked studying the younger man’s face. “Why, yes Sir. Have you ever been there?” “Actually, I had dinner there once. A friend of mine who was serving in the Royal Marines came from Cardiff. He once took me on a camping holiday in the Snowdonia National Park. One afternoon after I became so fed up with his cooking skills we walked out and drove to the Castle Hotel in Aberystwyth. It being cold and damp, we stayed there two nights before going back to the Park.” I was so interested in talking with this chap that I hadn’t realized that as we chatted, Harry was just standing there watching the two of us until he decided to jump into the conversation at my expense. “You had better be careful Tristan, this here is the Big bad woof.” said the Prince with a low chuckle. It didn’t seem to bother Harry or, for that matter Tristan, that Harry was standing in the middle of the room drying off with no concern at all that his big bits and pieces were on display. If I were the jealous type, I might have reached the conclusion that there was some kind of personal history between these two. It was Tristan who shook me out of my thought process as he handed Harry some piece of clothing. “Would that be woof as in Lupo or wolf as in fangs, Sir”, asked the gentleman’s servant not missing a beat as he now busied himself helping Harry put in his cufflinks. “Well he started out as the big bad wolf earlier this afternoon but ended up as the big disappointed woof before we were so rudely interrupted.” laughed the Prince as he sat on the end of the bed to tie his shoes. Being the professional he was, and after helping Harry to tie his bow tie, he calmly walked over to me and began giving me a hand dressing as well. “Sorry to have interrupted, Sir. But this evening you have a schedule to keep.” “What’s a Lupo?” I asked looking at the two with a frown. “Oh! That’s right. You haven’t met him yet.” quipped Harry. “He’s just the most important little sod in Will and Kate’s household.” “What’s he talking about?” I asked now addressing myself to Tristan. “Ah, yes, Sir. I can see you have not had the pleasure of meeting him. Lupo is the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s newly acquired black cocker spaniel. He’s cute, cuddly and furry. Don’t you think Lupo and the big bad woof will get along, Sir?” he asked addressing Harry while straightening my bow tie. “From the little I’ve seen, he might even be the same breed”, said the man-servant muttering in reference to Keaton’s body hair as he started moving around the room picking up after us. “Tristan, Tristan. Yes! He’s big, cuddly and hairy. But, unfortunately, he’s spoken for and I’m working on house training him”, replied the Prince as he fiddled with his red hair in front of the mirror. As I watched him wrestle with his mop, I promised myself that I would buy him a comb but I’m sure, even if I did, he’d have no idea what to do with it. “I’m sure, Sir, that if you need a little help in the house training, you’ll call on me”, Tristan said as he continued moving around the bedroom picking up our discarded clothes and wet towels. “Did I just hear what I thought I heard?” I asked Harry as I followed him out of the bedroom into the sitting room. “That depends on what you think you heard?” quipped Harry. “I stopped in the center of the room, put my hands on my hips. “I think I was just called a dog and the footman or whatever the hell he is just offered us a threesome.” Harry turned towards me. The expression on his face hardened somewhat. He wasn’t mad but I could tell I was going to be told off. “That footman or whatever he is, as you call him”, he said, “is a household man servant who was hired after he retired from the military to assist Wills and me. Tristan is bloody good at what he does and Wills and I couldn’t do without him. He’s going on 32 but looks younger and because you couldn’t see it, I just want you to know that as a member of the Welsh Guards, of which my father has served as Royal Colonel since 1975, he lost part of his leg in Afghanistan to an improvised explosive device. And, in case you’re still wondering. Yes, he’s gay. Did I answer all your questions?” “You missed the explanation of the dog.” I replied rather sheepishly as I looked over to Tristan who seemed as shocked as I was over Harry’s outburst. But Harry is just Harry. He might always try to appear every inch the soldier but when it comes to those serving, he is their strongest defender. To take the sting out of his rebuke, he walking over to me and gave me a brushing kiss on the lips as he passed me by on his way to the door, “Besides, Tristan’s right”, he said looking over his shoulder towards the bedroom door at Tristan, “you make a lovely woof and I am so happy you’re my woof.” He moved just fast enough to escape my clutches as I reached for him. “Do you know if Catherine is ready, Tristan?” he called out to the man servant carrying on as if the little incident of just moments ago had never happened. As far as Harry was concerned I had stepped out of line and he had let me know that he valued those who served him. As for Tristan, he just seemed to take everything in stride. “I shall call over and let her know you are on your way, Sir,” came the reply as Tristan appeared from the bedroom. As I started to follow Harry I made a detour to where Tristan was standing in the doorway and bent my head a little to give him a peck on the cheek, “I’m sorry for insulting you. We’ll have to talk about this help you’ve offered.” “I took no offense, Sir. And as for the help I offered, I am always at His Royal Highness’s service, Sir.” came the cheeky reply. Gawd, I thought, that man has a smile that would make butter melt in your mouth. I surmised that, in his own way, Tristan was telling me that nothing whatsoever was going to happen unless Harry said so and I was happy with that. I followed my Prince out the door but just before I closed the door behind me, I stopped and looked at him. “Cut the Sir stuff, Tristan. Harry’s the Sir. Me, I’m just like you, so please call me Keaton.” Before Tristan could respond, I closed the door to follow my Prince. Meeting Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge was really special. She is just such a beautiful and very down to earth person. There certainly is no question in my mind that this Lady, with a capitol “L”, has won the hearts of the world simply because of the way she can make you so comfortable. I, when everything boils down, I’m only a bodyguard. If she knows anything at all about the lover part, she never let on. To her, I was a guest in her temporary home and while the maid assisted her to make sure everything was in its proper place, she chatted to the two of us as if we were long lost friends. Well, Harry was her brother-in-law for heaven’s sake but me? Harry told her all about the visit with his Granddad and my possibly having a future retirement home somewhere in the Indian Ocean. They both got a laugh out of it but Harry quickly following on the heels of a comment made by Catherine who did recommend that I do my homework because, as she said, one of these days, when I meet the old Duke again, he’ll ask. And, as she pointed out, once is fine but committing the same mistake a second time would definitely send my stock down in the old Duke’s scale of things. Harry, taking advantage of the situation, just couldn’t let it go. In his hysterics, he made reference to the fact that the Chagos Archipelago, of which Diego Garcia is a part, gets an average of 100 inches of rain a year but unlike my homeland, he told me that I should pack my wellies rather than my skates because January is the wettest month of the year over there. Did I ever mention that Harry was not the brightest candle in school? He did well but he’s never been overly scholastical because his first love, ever since he was knee high to a grasshopper, has always been the military. But, what I don’t get is how he can pull all the most useless and unimportant information imaginable right out of the air and slap you in the head with it. While those two were laughing their fool heads off and I stood looking like a beet at the height of the growing season, one of the gentlemen (I swear, there are more invisible servants in the Royal Service than physical beings) opened the door and in loped the baby of this royal household. Lupo, the wolf in Italian, is anything but. Here we are both of us standing around in tuxedos and Kate in a beautiful powder blue ball gown, and Lupo the wolf wants to play. Actually, if I were wearing jeans at the time, I would have fallen to the floor and rolled around with him. Gawd, he’s beautiful with his midnight black coat. Black on black isn’t a problem but, had Kate and Wills decided on a Samoyed, we’d have been trying to get the white hair off our tuxes for hours. Fortunately, someone distracted Lupo with a dog treat and off he went. At the appointed time, remembering that everything runs according to specific timetables, a footman informed us that the car was ready. Well, the car was indeed ready but so too were the two additional vehicles and the motorcycle outrider. This time the three of us were in the back of the car with the driver and one PPO up front and two cars following. On the short trip to the Royal Albert Hall, the Prince and I discussed the purpose of this evening’s charitable event but, in reality, there was not so much of a discussion as there was a lecture by Harry. He outlined in the broadest terms what he was going to say to the press while, as he was talking, Catherine embellished the lecture with little tidbits of added information. She also made it very clear that she would leave everything about the press to Harry. I let the PPO in front know that it was her job to get Catherine into a sheltered environment while I would stay with Harry as he took on the press corps before entering the Hall. From the briefing notes and discussions with staff I had always assumed, because they have a common household staff with the Prince of Wales, that the brothers had mutual interests and to some extent they do. And yet, this particular concert was being held in aid of the Tusk Trust which is a Prince William charity and Sentebale which is a Prince Harry charity. What I didn’t know, or pick up from the briefing notes, is that all of the interests and patronages of the Royal brothers are under one umbrella called “the Princes Charities Forum”. This is an initiative started by Prince William and Prince Harry in 2006 as a way of bringing together their charitable interests to develop synergies between the 20 or so organizations they support. Bloody hell, I support one or two charities on a personal basis, I cannot imagine how they find the time with one flying Search & Rescue missions off the coast of Wales and the other in training to fly Apache helicopters to support 20 or so. Harry looked at me with a twinkle in his eye and politely informed me that he and his brother had a very light load to carry. He then went on to inform me that his late Great Grandmother, Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, supported or lent her name to over 340, give or take a few, charities together with a number of Regiments over the course of her long lifetime. As if he planned it to end on that note the car turned onto Kensington Gore and came to a stop at the bottom of the red carpet. Gentlemen stepped up on both sides of the car, to open the doors. The PPO for Catherine was out of her seat in a flash and stood by as the smiling Duchess exited to loud cheers and thunderous applause. She turned towards the waiting crowds but, if she had the intention of doing a walk-about, that wasn’t going to happen as the PPO steered her toward the doors leading to the lobby area and those waiting to greet her. But she did turn and waved to the cheering crowd. Not forgetting the people watching through the battery of cameras, she turned and waved to them too as she was slowly but intently guided to the lobby area. Harry exited next with me directly behind him. He, too, waved to the crowd and at the first sound of the word “Sir?” Harry walked cautiously towards the waiting bank of press reporters. Actually the impromptu press conference went along quite well. The reporters were respectful and Harry answered all the questions put to him about the work of the Tusk Trust and Sentebale. I had periodically glanced over at the door and when I saw Meredith Ogilvie Thompson, the Executive Director of the Tusk Trust and Cathy Ferrier, the newly appointed Chief Executive Officer of Sentebale step outside, I knew it was time to go. And just as I was about to lead the Prince off, at that moment the question came. What I thought was last question came from a reporter from the ABC News, It really summed up what Harry had been saying about his and his brother’s support for their African projects. The reporter asked, “Has Sentebale become your mission, Sir?” Harry was being purely Harry when he replied, “Sentebale will be around for the rest of my life unless something drastic happens to me. But my mission is to continue that for as long as I can for the children of Lesotho.” Harry then turned to the group of reporters and cameramen and simply said “Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.” It was at that moment that the reporter waiting for his opening took it, “Sir, can you tell us if any of your security people snatched a camera recently?” “I don’t know anything about a camera”, replied Harry truthfully. As much as I tried to disengage him and begin moving him towards the entrance, he stood firm waiting for the next part of the question. “They say, Sir, that there were some pretty incriminating photos on that camera. Some might even call them risqué. Do you know where the camera and its film are now?” During the time the young reporter was asking his question I leaned in and whispered into Harry’s ear that the camera had accidentally fallen into the car as he was getting into it and that it had been turned over to the Police. Harry, not wanting the press to draw anything from the camera incident that might detract from the charity event, but at the same time wanting the press to know that he was not going to be intimidated by them, calmly looked directly into the young reporter’s eyes while everyone else waited on his every word. He responded with, “I do not know who ‘they’ are”, he said emphasizing the word “they”. “But again”, he went on, “I can confirm for you that I, personally, do not know anything about a camera but if I did which I do not, I would have turned it over to the police and ensured it was returned to its rightful owner.” One thing you have to know about Harry. He, like his brother, is well aware of the hazing the press gave their deceased mother. As the two young Princes mature, they are slowly becoming more comfortable in their relationships with the press. It is well known, even by the members of the press, that Harry keeps a mental list of those reporters who annoyed him. The very fact that he did not brush the reporter off indicated that there was no question in anyone’s mind that this chap was going on to that list. Then turning away from the young reporter but turning to the remainder of the press corps, he again thanked them for their interest in the Tusk Trust and Sentebale. I did not give that particular reporter or anyone else, for that matter, the opportunity to ask any more questions because I immediately ushered Harry across the way to greet Meredith and Cathy. After Harry made his way down the line and the introductions including that of Bahlakoana Manyanye, the newly appointed Executive Director of Sentebale in Lesotho who had flown in for this event, the Prince and the Duchess of Cambridge were shown to the Royal Box. After the Anthem was played, there was a thunderous applause by the over 5,000 people in attendance and the show got underway.

After the show, we quickly headed to the car, as I didn’t want to have a repeat performance of the question from the “reporter” from earlier that evening. Catherine’s PPO ushered her quickly to the car. But, of course Harry being Harry, he had attempted to stop to answer some questions from the gaggle of reporters that had gathered outside. Harry had attempted to answer some of the questions. But, I had intervened by saying, “Prince Harry will not be answering anymore questions tonight. Thank you all for coming tonight.” With that, I placed my hand on Harry’s back and ushered him into the car. Once we were safely in the car we headed off to drop off Catherine and head back home. We arrived at Catherine’s home and we said our good byes and she and her PPO exited the car. Once we were certain that she was safely inside, the car took off again heading to our home. Since we were still not alone in the back of the car, we sat in silence until we arrived home. Once we were safely in our apartment, I made sure to lock the door as to not be disturbed like we were earlier. I walked to where Harry had been sitting on the couch and said to him, “Remember your question earlier about renovations. Well, let’s get that out of the way before I ravish your hot little body. I’m quite frankly a little horned up from seeing you in that little monkey suit all evening and don’t want to be interrupted like earlier.” “Okay,” replied Harry. “Well, the first thing I’d like to suggest is a larger freestanding shower with large rain shower heads on each end, the sprays that are set around the walls, and, a steam setting. Also, I want the large rain head in the middle of the top, and, a couple of handheld showerheads with different massage settings on them. I have always had that to be my dream shower. That way it would be luxurious and give us some more room to be able to have some fun in.” “Done,” he replied “Secondly, I want a large claw foot bathtub that we both can fit into since I know you love to soak in a tub for whatever reason I still have yet to figure out.” “Done.” “Thirdly, I want a large walk in closet. This trying to find something to wear in this closet isn’t any fun. I want to be able to peruse everything at one time.” “Done. Anything else you want princess?” “Hmmmm… first you call me a dog and now I’m a princess? Is there anything else you want to call me?” “Well, you are sounding a bit princess like at the moment.” “Well, since you have mentioned it, I want to have a California king sized four poster bed. I have always wanted one of those and think it will fit beautifully in the bedroom. Lastly, I might want a little larger kitchen space. I love to cook and would like to have some place that I can do that for you. Preferentially with state of the art stove and refrigerator.” “Done.” “If I come up with anything further I will let you know. Can we get on with the ravishing now?” “Let me write these down and forward them to the proper persons.” Harry walks over to the desk and writes down my suggestions for our renovations for our digs once the Duke’s and Duchess’s new digs are ready for them. Once he is finished writing, I walk over to the desk, spin him around and lock lips with him. To be continued.


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My Life With Prince Harry: Chapter 8

My Life with Prince Harry: Chapter 8Kyle Frank Please note I don't know Prince Harry personally or know his true sexual orientation. Furthermore, this story is 100% complete fiction and in no way to insinuate his sexuality or anything of the like. Lastly, this story contains male to male sex, so if this offends you, you are too young to be reading this, or,


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