Gay Erotic Stories

Straight Military Muscle Stud

by Selorsoj
05 Aug 2013

First Time Military Muscle Straight Men, Gay Sex True Stories

This is a true story of how a military stud let me have him for a night. This was the first and only time I’ve made it with a straight guy.

I’m one who believes all the “straight guys” who get it on with dudes are gay or bi and simply can’t deal with it. I don’t blame them nor hold a grudge nor judge. I’m just sayin. However, I’m not so sure about my military buddy. I really do think he’s straight. The following events happened in the late 2000s at my brother’s wedding. Names are real. Some detail left vague.

First, a little backstory on how this came to pass. My brother left home in late 1990s to join the military. I wouldn’t describe us as extremely close. He traveled the world and a couple years later I went off to college. When he settled down, it was a 6 hour flight from home so it was a few years until I visited him. He was definitely living the military life. When we talked on the phone he would tell me crazy stories of how much he and his military buds would drink, the fights they would get into, and of the girls they would fuck both foreign and domestic.

I however, wasn’t a wild guy. I was closeted though college and until my early twenties, was rather tall and lanky. Definitely one who got teased in high school. I got into lifting weights, though, and by my mid-twenties, I started to come into my own and began to have friends and strangers alike tell me I’m an attractive guy.

After college, I continued to work out because I’m a sucker for a guy with muscles. I figured, “look like what you want to get.” Today I’m 6’2”, 200 pounds and pretty athletic looking. With dark hair, scruff, and a good smile, let’s just say I don’t get teased anymore. I’ve had strangers approach me to ask if they could feel my muscles which lets me know my hard work paid off.

After I came out to my family, my brother and I actually got a bit closer simply because we could talk openly about both our relationships, not just his. Of course my comments about guys grosses him out, in an endearing way, so I give him as much crap about it as I can.

In 2004, I went to visit him. This is where I met his military friends. You of course have preconceived notions about military guys, but disappointingly, I didn’t find any of them attractive. I love a beefy guy with a good set of pecs and a nice big muscled ass. His friends were none of that. It was obvious that some of them were a little uneasy around me initially, but by day two I was just one of the guys playing poker, etc.

For a fun evening, my brother and his girlfriend and their collective friends decided to take me to the gay bar in their town. It was going to be all people I had met plus one more guy: Steve. Most of the guys hadn’t been there before and wanted to leave as soon as we walked in, but my bro made them humor me. Steve showed up late. Honestly, all I recall from that first meeting is that he had a tank top on and that my brother said he knew that Steve had been to that bar before. It was a mixed bar, really, so I didn’t think much of it. He spent most of the time dancing with the girls in our group. I’m not sure if we even spoke ten words to each other. It was all so unassuming. Of all my brother’s friends, though, Steve looked like he actually used the gym on base. And if I was in a pinch, I would have opted for Steve. He was in decent shape, maybe 6’ tall, short dark hair, sharp jaw, kinda bad-ass looking; though nothing amazing as I don’t really recall too much about him that night. We left shortly after and that was that.

Fast forward to the late 2000s. My brother had a destination wedding and we were to spend a week in the sun before the date. Three of his military buds went, including Steve. The 5 of us guys were staying at a different hotel from everyone else because we knew we might get a little crazier than the rest of the family. We had two double queen rooms, my bro and I in one, and his 3 military buds in the other room.

The first night, we went out for a reunion drink. I could tell Steve had been working out. He had a hoodie on as it was relatively cool, but I could tell he had filled out a bit. His pecs were visible through the thick material of his top. I immediately noted I needed to pick up my straight persona more because these guys were definitely military dudes. They hadn’t changed a bit.

The next morning, we went out to sit in the sun and shoot tequila. As soon as Steve walked out of his room in his tank top it was very obvious he had been hitting the gym. “Holy shit,” I thought, “This guy must have put on 20 lbs of muscle.” He was now no longer forgettable. He was sporting nice cantaloupe sized shoulders, big firm biceps with a few new tattoos on them, and from what I could tell, my favorites: a nice big chest and great muscled ass. Walking behind him, I couldn’t take my eyes away from his beautiful ass which was lifting and bouncing with every step he took.

As we planned to get a few drinks on a patio somewhere, it came out that Steve had been sober for 8 months. It was simply a personal decision as he felt he needed a break from the crazy life. However, he was planning to end his hiatus that week.

A few drinks in, we all got a little more lively and I remember Steve reporting that he was feeling his alcohol a little more because it had been so long since he had an alcoholic beverage. Conversation flowed between the guys’ shared memories and sex. It was what I would assume is normal military banter. As the guys gave each other shit, it came to light that Steve was apparently proud of his cock, as evidenced by his history of taking his dick out and waving it around. All the guys groaned as if it were something they’ve all seen way too many times. I figured the way the booze was flowing there was a chance I might be so lucky to see this muscle stud’s cock.

The next day, the five of us got drunk off tequila shooters and found ourselves back in one of the hotel rooms, mid-day, drinking more and joking around. Most of us were shirtless including Steve. I had my sunglasses on through the day so I got to stare at his hot body whenever I wanted. His big pecs and perfectly proportionate nipples took the brunt of my attention. Eventually, everyone got wild enough, wrestling, pillow fighting, etc, that Steve found the moment to whip out his dick and threatened to beat people with it. Who knows why. Everyone was yelling and trying to get away. I grabbed my camera and told him if he did it I was going to take pictures of the whole thing. Nothing phased him. He unzipped his fly and flopped out his tool. With my bro and his buds right there, I couldn’t do anything but laugh and snap some pictures. His huge shaft protruded out from under his tight, shaved stomach. He wasn’t hard, but it almost looked like he was. It had to be 5 inches long in whatever state it was in. to my surprise, he also had a big ol’ prince albert dangling on the end of his large cockhead. Steve waved his heavy tool around a bit as the guys continued to hide and throw things at him. I just sat in my chair and enjoyed the moment.

The following night was the bachelor party. I don’t remember too much of the night except for we went to a strip club. A strip club in a non-first-world country. I feared the worst. Surprisingly, it was nicer than most of the places we had been to. I remember getting my brother a private dance. Some of the other guys did as well. Later, it came to light that Steve actually messed around with one of them. Gross, but more power to ya’, buddy.

Status quo the following day and night. We rested in the sun during the day and drank by evening. It was the night before the wedding and my brother stayed with his fiancé’s family at a different hotel because they had to do errands for the wedding. It was pretty late and some of the guys wanted to stay out later. Steve and I were pretty drunk and somehow the two of us ended up walking back to the hotel together. We only had one room key which meant we would be staying in the same room. Because of the drinking, I don’t really remember what was said but I do remember initially, talking about Steve’s past and decision to stop drinking for a while. The guy was a little more sensitive and real that they all let on.

In his stupor, Steve eventually said, “Let’s go back to the strip club and find some girls to fuck.” To which I replied, “Why would I want to do that? Besides we have no way of getting there and we are drunk enough as it is.”

Steve eventually agreed to head back to the room, despite repeated comments about wanting to fuck some bitches. The next think I remember, we had made it back to the room. He crashed on one bed and fell onto the other. We didn’t even turn the lights on. He kept talking about wanting to find girls.

“Steve, I’m not going back out there,” I said.

He replied, “But I’m horny.”

Was this guy expressing he was willing to play? I had no idea and didn’t really get any vide earlier. Never before had I ever thought I would get it on with a straight guy, but if there ever was a chance, this was it. Without inhibition, I went for it.

Not exact quotes, but the next could seconds went something like: Me: “Why do you wanna find a girl? Guys give better head anyway.” Steve: “I’ve heard that. I don’t think I would care if it’s a guy or a girl, I just like sex.” Me: “Care to find out if it’s true?” Steve: (after a pause, either because he was thinking or due to his inebriation) “Sure.”

Holy shit! This straight, 6 foot tall, muscled military bad ass was going to let me suck his huge pierced cock. My stomach was in knots. But I was feeling abnormally confident. I vividly remember the rest of the night.

“Come over here, then,” I said. He responded with, “You come over here.”

I didn’t hesitate. I got up and walked over to the foot of his bed. He was lying on his back on top of the covers in his boxers. The only light was from what little could get through the curtains. Steve’s muscled chest, hard abs, and thick legs lain before me.

I went straight for his dick. I pulled off his boxers and his beautiful semi-hard cock was right in front of my mouth. He had very little pubic hair and his balls were shaved. I took his shaft in my hand and even semi-hard, his dick was longer than my hand. I took the tip in in mouth, prince albert and all, and began to service this muscle stud. As his cock grew to full size, I knew I wasn’t going to be able to deep throat him without puncturing a lung, but I kept at it. He moaned a little as my wet tongue round its way down to his big hairless sack, glided up his muscled thigh, and back to his cock. My other hand found its way to his balls and I pressed my thumb into his taint to stimulate his prostate from the outside while my other hand worked its way past his smooth six pack to his big pecs. I played with his hard nipple, which, at this point, pointed straight down from the ledge of his well-defined chest.

Steve’s moaning increased as I played with his taint so I figured I would take it a step further. I lifted one of his legs so his foot was on the bed, exposing an absolutely beautiful pink hairless asshole that begged to be licked.

I was a little tickled inside that this straight guy shaved his ass, but it only gave my tongue easier access. “Have you ever had anyone eat your ass?” I asked. He didn’t reply. Frankly, it was a rhetorical question. I was about to devour this stud’s hot hole.

I worked my way down his balls, over his raised taint, and grazed the edge of his sweet hole. I heard him take in a small gasp of air. That was all I needed. I dove in. I lifted his cheeks off the bed so his virgin ass was in my face and, open mouthed, took his rim cherry. My tongue worked its way around and deep inside his hole and along the sides onto his round ass, only to dive back into his hole. I was in heaven. I could tell he liked it too because his heavy breathing was only interrupted by moaning.

Very shortly Steve’s weight became an issue for my arm and I put him back down. “Roll over,” I commanded. Steve didn’t fight it. He flipped over onto his stomach and in the low light, his perfect ass looked up at me from the bed. His skin was smooth, soft yet firm, and ready to be chewed on. Again I knelt down, positioning myself at the end of the bed.

I grabbed Steve’s hard dick and pulled it back. There was my favorite image of a man: hard dick sticking out between two muscled legs, topped by a great set of balls hanging from his taint. His taint begging to be licked, only second to his hot muscled hole nestled between his two beefy ass cheeks.

I took my time taking in the view before I descended upon his ass. For the next 15 minutes Steve let me lick, chew, and finger his hole, moaning the whole time. I was in heaven. I had long since kicked off my boxers as well and had myself on the edge of cumming, enjoying this incredibly erotic night.

Steve was loving it. He was extremely drunk, but was able to gyrate his ass enough to let me know when I was doing something he liked. Then he dropped the bomb: “I want you to fuck me,” he said.

I contemplated it for a sec, then, straight laced me, knowing that just the night before had been with some girl --and who knows where she had been—I decided against it.

I told him “No, you’re gonna lay here just like this while I go take a piss. Then I’m going to come back here and eat your ass until I cum all over you.”

Again, he didn’t protest. I came back from the toilet, knelt down again, and got back to this man’s hole. Within a couple minutes I felt my orgasm approaching. I have a pretty explosive cum shot and I wanted to soak this stud in my juice. I stood up over him and let it fly. My cum shot across the bed onto his upper back and Steve just moaned. He was rock hard, but I didn’t care and didn’t even ask if I could help him finish. I had just used this stud to get off.

“Thanks.” Was all I said.

I went bed and passed out, smiling, I’m sure. It was all rather surreal and rather unlike me.

The next morning, I woke up, Steve was still sleeping, and I went down to the hotel pool to find the other guys sitting in and around the pool. My brother was there too. We hung out for a bit, talking about the previous night. Out of nowhere, Steve appeared on the balcony overlooking the pool, and yelled out, “Your brother corn-holed me last night!”

The place erupted into chaos. They looked to me for affirmation or denial. I said “I didn’t corn-hole him, just gave him a rim job and came all over him.” That only set the guys off more. They pretty much thought it was hilarious. The rest of the wedding went off without a hitch and strangely, there wasn’t even the slightest bit of tension between Steve and I. I he was drunk enough that he didn’t remember too much about it.

If I had the chance to do it again, I would have spent more time licking and sucking his upper body and chest. I also would have tried to kiss him to see if he reciprocated. I’m not disappointed I didn’t fuck him simply from a ‘safety’ factor. All in all, though, it was one of the hottest experiences I’ve had.

Today we are facebook friends. I check up on his pics every now and then and we exchange messages infrequently (which is more than we do with a lot of our facebook ‘friends’, I guess). I know he did a true bodybuilding show not too long after my brother’s wedding, got married, and has a kid now.

Straight or bi? Probably bi-curious though I think his days of messing around are behind him. Lucky me.


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Straight Military Muscle Stud

This is a true story of how a military stud let me have him for a night. This was the first and only time I’ve made it with a straight guy.I’m one who believes all the “straight guys” who get it on with dudes are gay or bi and simply can’t deal with it. I don’t blame them nor hold a grudge nor judge. I’m just sayin. However, I’m not so sure about my military buddy. I really do think he’s


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