Gay Erotic Stories

A Father Son Story part 5

by Horny4Daddy
19 Sep 2013

Camping Family Fun Friends

The cabin in the woods

When Dad suggested we go for a long weekend at the cabin I wondered if somehow he had picked up on the image in my head at the moment he had fully entered me. A psychic link at the moment we had connected so intimately.

I awoke next to Dad at the cabin my head filled with a mix of surreal images like pieces of a puzzle that I tried to piece together. The more I tried to piece them together the less they made sense.

I got up and made my way to the kitchen walking through the small family room with the free standing wood burning stove.

Like a flashback some of the images from my dream appeared like ghosts of the past in front of me. My Uncle sat on the couch in front of the wood burner wearing white y fronts, a white string vest and black socks. One hand holding a cigar as the other rubbed against his crutch.

There at his socked feet was my nephew naked on his back, one socked foot covering his mouth and nose as he stroked his dick.

Had I witnessed this once upon a time but been too confused to acknowledge what was happening. Or was this a trick of my mind conjured up by nothing more than a twisted imagination.

I made coffee and sat out on the decking looking out into the woods listening to the sound of the early morning birds.

When Dad awoke he came to join me outside naked in the morning breeze as we drunk our coffee together. He put his arm around me and we kissed. I pondered on asking him about Uncle Terry but thought better of it. Fate works in mysterious ways...

We had met up with Father and Son Daniel and Thomas whilst fishing at the lake and had hit it off straight away. My Dad had talked Daniel into joining us swimming at the river in the woods which was not such a hard sell on such a hot sunny day.

Daniel was in his mid 50’s with a good head of well groomed silver hair a lean build and very handsome. Even in his casual clothes he had that executive air about him.

His son Thomas was my age with dark blonde hair with the boy next door kind of look and a slim build. His tank top exposed some tribal ink down over his shoulder and his biceps that I gathered from our conversation was part of his defiant youth. He and his father had not always been able to see eye to eye but now were in a transition phase where they each were attempting to build bridges.

“So what do you think Son, kindred spirits?” Dad asked as we drove back to the cabin with Thomas and his Dad following in the car behind

“Well I could not help but notice his son taking a good look at your cock at the urinal trough in the toilets” I said with a laugh

“Yeah his old man was chatty and glancing down a few times too. Not to mention he was easily talked into the idea of a naked swim”

“Yeah I noticed it did not take much hard sell to convince him” I replied

“You think they have already bonded?” I asked curiously

“No I don’t get that impression. But I get the vibe they have both battled their feelings. They just need a catalyst to have them released”

“Well the river is an ideal spot. Always struck me as a magical space” I said closing my eyes and picturing the idyllic setting with the tall trees on one side and the cliff face standing tall on the other. The river nestled between whispering as it flowed over the river bed of small stones and moved around the numerous large boulders

“I know what you mean” Dad said and we both fell into a calm silence. We parked the cars at the cabin grabbed a few beers and made our way through the woods towards where the river was.

We reached the clearing where the trees over hung the river offering a dappled light onto the ground bellow. We clambered down the grass and moss bank to the sandy nook that was perfect to lie out on and I watched their faces as Daniel and Thomas looked around in awe of the natural beauty

“Truly amazing” Daniel said looking around taking in the scenery

“It is. It feels like a world away from anywhere doesn’t it” Dad said as he unbuckled the belt on his shorts and began to unzip his fly

“It sure is that” Daniel replied looking around to see my Dad already dropping his shorts to the ground exposing his tight whites and kicking his shorts away before unbuttoning his shirt.

“Well we should go for a swim” Daniel added as he fumbled with his own belt.

Thomas looked a little less comfortable even as I started to quickly undress. He unbuttoned his shirt button by button as he looked over at his and my Dad. My Dad who was already slipping out of his underwear before he stood hands stretching up to the sky attempting to hide nothing as his semi arousal did not go unnoticed by our company

“This is a wonderful place to be” Dad said stretching his hands up high as his cock hung away from his body

I saw Thomas’s pupils dilate as he focused first on my Dads crutch and then his own Dad as Daniel let his striped boxers drop before kicking them away.

His Dad's flaccid cock was thinner then my Dads but the tapered foreskin that hung over the tip of his cock head was just as long as was his shaft at about 5 inches in total soft. His balls were small and hung coated in a thick layer of salt and pepper hair and the same colouring in the crown of tangled hair that sat above his cock. “Let’s get in that water I can hear it calling me” Daniel shouted making a quick dash for the water closely followed by my Dad.

They splashed around like juveniles occasionally ducking under the deeper water. I stood in my underwear looking over at Thomas as he made slow work of undoing his shorts

“You alright?” I asked

“Yeah sure Thomas replied nervously

“You don’t look alright” I said giving him a concerned caring look

“I think I just need a bit of time before I take my shorts off. You know” Thomas replied looking a little flustered

I smiled pulling off my shorts and underwear in one move and letting my fully aroused cock bounce free of the confines of my clothing

“Yeah well getting naked always gets me boned up too” I said with a smile and a wink as he looked down at my erection

“You not bothered about your old man seeing you like that?” Thomas asked his eyes darting over to the water where our fathers splashed each other

“It is the most natural thing in the world. What is the big deal we all get them right” I said looking down at my cock as it bounced away like a spring and then looking back up with a proud look

“Yeah well my mother is a bit prudish about such things”

“And your Dad?”

I could see him thinking as he looked at his Dad in the water naked with my Dad as they wrestled

“I thought he was too” Thomas replied now questioning what he thought he knew about his father

“Sounds like you need to get to know each other better. This is the perfect place for rebirths and new beginnings. At the heart of mother nature were birth and life is abundant and nobody will judge your naked body. Or your huge boner” I said looking down at his shorts and grinning at the obvious bulge.

There was a pause and Thomas looked around at the trees and up at the blue sky and then back over where our fathers continued to play

“Come on Thomas!” His Dad shouted as he motioned with his hand “Fuck it” Thomas said pushing down his shorts and tangled underwear before standing upright and proud

“Fuck it, new beginnings” He added as his extra large cock stood at a nearly 90 degree angle, the tightly pulled foreskin drawn back enough to expose the top third of his cock head that already leaked pre cum

“Celebration of our bodies. Can I just say you have a fuckin huge cock”

“Piss off” Thomas laughed looking relaxed at last in his own skin, his face transformed from the anxious worried lad to the grown confident man.

“Let’s get in that water” Thomas said grinning from ear to ear like a weight had been lifted

“Last one in the deep end has to suck dick” I added making a dash for the water

“Fuck you” Thomas laughed grabbing my shoulder in an attempt to slow me down as he run behind me his large cock bouncing as he moved. Seeing Thomas interact with his Dad in the river was totally different to how they had interacted earlier that day while fishing. The removal of clothes had stripped back the barriers between them and they were relaxed and at ease laughing and joking.

I felt Dad grab my shoulder before his arms wrapped tight around me, his erect cock pushing against the crack of my ass concealed by the water that was passed our waists.

“Is it me or have we started something?” Dad asked in my ear as he watched the two men over my shoulder

“We opened a door and they walked through” I replied gripping my Dads hands in place welcoming his public display of affection that did not go unnoticed by Thomas and his father as they looked over and smiled. Daniel wrapped his arm around his Sons shoulder and kissed him on the forehead

“This is truly an amazing place” Daniel said beaming ear to ear

“AMAZING!” Daniel added tilting his head back and shouting to the heavens as loud as he could

“It gets better!” My Dad shouted back his hard cock pressing against me as he kissed me on the neck a few times in what must have looked like a very affectionate moment.

“I think they are curious” Dad whispered and nibbled my ear lobe gently

“Thomas is hung like a fuckin horse” I added

“I know. I saw when he was at the urinal next to me”

“That was flaccid. You should see the extended version”

“Really now”

“He had a full on woody from watching you and his old man strip off on the bank”

“Sweet” Dad replied in a mischievous tone nibbling my ear again

“Let me just say that would seriously bring tears to your eyes”

“I like a challenge”

“Well it will certainly be that. But I suspect not a challenge to get him aroused and interested”

“Oh they are both interested” Dad added his hand reaching down grabbing my hard cock and beginning to stroke slowly

“Daniel got all stiffed up the first moment we got close in the water. He is gagging for it” Dad continued as his hand gripped tight around my cock

“So how do we go forward?” I asked curious at how we would get things started

“Patiently. Things will play out. We just have to put things in place and let things take care of themselves. I will suggest a few drinks at the cabin and a sleep over once they have had a few. You can sleep with monster cock boy and I will sleep with his Dad”

“Sleep?” I replied

“Yeah well I suspect there won’t be much of that for me. He is gonna be over me like a rash. I can see it in his eyes that there are some seriously repressed dirty thoughts behind those sexy green eyes”

“That sexy muscular ass” I commented

“Can’t say I noticed” Dad said with a snigger

“I bet he is a right dirty bugger. You reckon they know I am playing with your cock under water?” Dad asked in a devilish tone

“They might put two and two together when you let go and I go and stand on the bank with a full on woody”

Dad squeezed my cock harder stroking my length

“You prick tease” Dad said thrusting against me again before loosening his grip and stepping back

“I had better let you go and do your thing Son”

“And I will let you do yours. Gets me so hard thinking of you fucking Daniel”

“Well maybe we will have to put on a show for you and show you how it’s done”

“Maybe it will be the two Son’s teaching the old men a few tricks” I said with a cheeky smile

Dad give me a look and I knew if it was not for the fact I was in the water he would have took the opportunity to slap my ass hard.

Daniel kissed his son on the forehead again as they stood side to side, each one had an arm around the other as they watched us with curious eyes and I made my way to the bank, the water quickly getting below waist level exposing my rock hard dick.

I turned and faced them as I stood on the sand giving them something more to think about...


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