Gay Erotic Stories

Replacement Bros pt2

by Solo_DR
12 Nov 2013

Black and Beautiful Family Fun Hairy Interracial Straight Men, Gay Sex

Replacement Bro... The Prequel. / Sequel


Hi my name is Sean. And I'm a sex addict. "Hi Sean", the room erupts. Well this here is the story of my sexual life.

Ever since I could remember I'd always been curious about the human body and more then comfortable with my own. Well this is part two so you should already know my specs. But I'll reiterate if you missed them. I'm 6'2" 170lbs. Very lean, and tight. I guess I'm a bit of a pretty boy, like my bro and pops. You remember my bro Shane, don't you. Well like I said I can remember always being fascinated with the human body. I guess it started at home. My family had never really been too shy around each other. And my brother and I were practically twins so we slept in the bed together till I was about 10 and he 11. But this isn't one of those types of stories. But I will say my bro and my dad were the first to catch my glances.

As a kid I was a bit progressive. I had always liked girls, since I was maybe 3. And I found out I liked boys too but not until much later in locker rooms at school. But I had always consider myself straight and only pursued girls. Until that fateful spring break; but you know about that.

Growing up my bro and I seemed to only have female friends. And our favorite games to play with them were always house and doctor. We'd play house with them so that eventually we could get them half naked and become doctors and give them full exams. [Kid games are definitely learning tools for adult life]. Well anyway we had built up at bit of a reputation with our game play. And were now known as those really cute, but nasty bros. But it only seemed to bother the other boys in the neighborhood.

Well as we got older my bro began to take advantage of our rep, and had a string of different girl "friends". And I usually got a vip view of his escapades; seeing that we shared a room. But I in my teen years I had grown a bit shy and stuck up; especially when it came to girls. By the time I was 18 my brother Shane was the only friend I had, guy or girl. But my curiosity,and freedom with my body remained.


Well after my first experience with Jason, I was hooked. And I'd be lying if I didn't say I had fallen for him. So I decided to transfer schools and move back to DC to be closer to him. But what I didn't know was that Jason didn't feel the same. What we had done was only a one time spur of the moment thing for him. So my move back home was completely in vain.

For a while I would just sulk around, not doing much, just keeping to myself. I was for lack of better wording, completely heart broken, and all over another man. I couldn't believe what I was going through. I was so depressed, and now that my bro was always busy with his fiancée, I had nobody. But the whole time my mom kept reassuring me that I was way too pretty to be down, and I should go out and try to find a nice pretty girl to cheer me up. She had no idea why I was down but, to my mom it didn't matter. She was just like that. She hated for her pretty boys not to be the happiest they could be.

After a while I stopped sulking and decided to take my mom's advice. And before long Jason was just a mistake of the past that I was willing to do what ever it took to forget. And if that meant screwing every girl in DC; I was more than willing. And I pretty much did. Pretty soon I had become just like my bro Shane, before he settled down. I was cocky, arrogant; and girls were just my private toys to play with whenever I wanted. But Jason was still always in the back of my mind. Well that was until...

I was dating this new girl Anna. She was latin, and very exotic. And her body was amazing. Picture a splice between JLo and Shakira, only a thousand times sexier. Anna and I had only been messing around with each other for about a month before I moved into her place. Sex with her was the best I ever had, except for that one time with you know who. But none the less she kept me satisfied.

A month into us living together Anna told me her cousin Jesus would be coming to town and he'd be spending the week on our sofa. I was a totally uneasy about it. I had barely been living with her and she was already inviting relatives to visit. And worst thing about it was the dude barely even spoke English. He was from Puerto Rico and only knew enough English to have the most basic of conversations. And Anna worked early most days, so I'd be left alone in the house with this guy I didn't know and could barely talk to. I decided that I was going to be as rude to him as I possibly could. Maybe that would be just enough to make him leave early.

The night his flight came in Anna went to pick him up. I decided I was gonna go out and stay out late. I didn't even want to meet the guy. When I got home the house was completely dark. I walked passed the living room to our bedroom. As I passed the sofa I could see from the moon light shining through the window, that it was occupied. Jesus was sprawled out on the couch, snoring very loud. Other than a very manly looking leg thrown over the back of the couch, he was completely covered, so I didn't get to see his face.

I walked into my bedroom and as I begin to get undressed for bed I decided I was going to start my plan to get Jesus out early right then and there. I figured what guy would want to hear a female relative of his being fucked senseless in the next room. And Anna could get loud. So I crept into bed completely naked, stroking my dick into stiffness. I began to move strategically behind Anna to gain optimal positioning. Then all of a sudden I realize she was wearing pjs. Which completely shocked me; sense we both usually slept naked. I whispered in her ear " baby take your clothes off." She woke up slightly, then pushed me off telling me not while her cousin's in the other room. My plan backfired. I was now boiling. This little fucker was now ruining my sex life, and I hadn't even met him yet. I had to get him out. For the next few hours I just laid there on my side completely naked and pissed until I dozed off.

When I woke up the next morning Anna was already gone. I rolled over and found a note in her place. It read "Baby please be nice to Jesus, and make him feel welcomed. Te amo papi". I balled the note up and threw it on the floor. I had every intention of doing the absolute opposite of what the note asked of me... I got out of bed and threw one of Anna's robes on. It was a pink flowery looking thing, that barely fit me. I looked ridiculous in it. I was still naked, and the thing barely closed, but it was ok. I figured maybe my nudity might offend Jesus enough that he'd leave. I walked into the living room, my dick bouncing in and out of the little pink robe. Jesus was still sleeping, only now curled up in a fetal position. I took a seat in the little space that was left on the sofa under Jesus' feet. His head was now sticking out of the covers and I for the first time got to see his face. He was actually a good looking kid. He had this really curly dark brown hair that almost reached his shoulders. And a barely there naturally shaped beard and mustache that framed his otherwise young looking face quite well. He looked just like Anna but with a beard. But his cuteness wouldn't deviate me from my plan.

I opened my robe more, so my whole body was completely visible. Then I grabbed the tv remote and flicked it on. I didn't care what was on, my only objective was to turn the volume up as loud as it could, to wake him. Once the volume reached its max, Jesus jumped straight up. He rubbed his eyes and sat up. Then he notice me, and my naked body. He tried not to stare as he introduced himself. But I made it impossible for him not to. He reached his hand out to shake mine, but I left him hanging. He put his hand down, still trying not to stare and accidentally he brushed my knee. I jumped up and took advantage of his mistake "What are you trying to touch my dick. You a homo" He jumped back in fear. He must have said "no no no, I'm sorry" a hundred times. The real fear in his eyes made me back off a little, so I closed my robe and sat down. Then I tried to pretend that I wanted to get to know him.

He began telling me about himself, and his and Anna's family. I interrupted him every so often in a really harsh tone, questioning his story; as if I was a reporter and had heard a different version of events. But he would continue talking, unfazed by my interruptions. He had this really soft way he spoke, but with an obvious latin accent. His English was actually way better than Anna had led on. He was practically fluent. This made me start loosen up more about him being here, and I was actually starting to enjoy and take a little bit of a real interest in what he was saying. Then I interrupted him again " you play guitar?" I had for the first time noticed the guitar leaning against the wall in the corner of the room. He told me he did play and that he was here in DC to audition for some music school. I forget the name of the school though, "something something Preparatory". Then I asked him to play something.

He got up and walked over and grabbed the guitar. I couldn't help but check him out while he was strapping the instrument to himself. He was wearing some blue and white striped boxers and a tight little white wife beater, so I had a good view. He was kind of a small guy, maybe 5'7 5'8. He couldn't have been more than 160lbs. But he seemed to be all muscle. Very compact in stature but all muscle. His legs forearm, and chest had this light coating of dark hair. He was kind of a hairy kid. Later on I found out he was almost 19, but between his beard, his body hair, and his muscles you'd guess he'd be at least my age [25] or older. But like I said he had a very cute, kiddish, almost feminine face.

He started playing. Something about love, and stars, then it broke out into Spanish and all I could understand was "Te amo bebe"[I love you babe]. Something Anna always said to me while we made love. He smiled at me in the middle of that lyric. My dick couldn't help but start tingling. When he finished, I stood up clapping all enthusiastically like a school girl at the concert of some teen heart throb; which Jesus definitely was. He walked back over to me laughing, smiling, and thanking me as he removed the guitar from his chest. I didn't realize that while I was deep in applause, my robe had reopened and I was now on display again, only now my dick my semi hard. I covered myself and took my seat when I realized how foolish I looked. Here I was a grown man sitting here being serenaded by some little kid. And my live in girlfriends, male cousin at that. I had to compose myself. By then I had completely forgot about my previous plans.

Then he walked over and sit next to me, continuing to thank me for my applause. He told me I was a cool dude and he was glad his cousin had somebody like me. The kid talked so sweet to me, even after I had been such a dick to him earlier. We continued to chat about this or that. I was really starting to get used to this kid, so much so that every morning that week we'd sit there together on that sofa and chat [scantily clad] until I had to go to work. I felt like this kid could stay here forever now.

Well on the day before he was to go back to Puerto Rico, it was more of the same. Anna left early, and Jesus and I hung out until I had to get ready for work. I got up from the couch and headed straight for the bathroom. Before I got to the door I let my underwear drop to the floor and I stepped out of them and into the bathroom. I had long since gotten over my slight little attraction to Jesus and I would now at least wear underwear or something around him. Plus the kid was too innocent and obviously completely straight. So even my slight nudity was a none factor now.

Well once in the shower I realized I forgot a towel. I quickly ran to my bedroom to grab one, trying desperately not to wet the floor too much. On my way back to the bathroom, towel now wrapped around me, I realized the underwear I left in the hallway floor was now gone. I thought nothing of it, figured I must have just brought them in the bathroom after all. But I looked down the hall into the living room and I could see Jesus on the couch with his head leaning back and my underwear laying flat on his face. He was just sitting there getting off on the smell of my dirty shorts. As he breathed in my scent one last time, I sneaked up behind him and snatched the underwear off his face. He was red with embarrassment. I walked around the couch till I was directly in front of him. "What the fuck are you doing." The awkwardness that went away the first day was now back. This kid that I had become accustomed to as a little bro was sitting here getting off on the smell of my dirty drawls. He was almost shaking in fear and embarrassment. I began to berate him like any big bro would if they caught his little bro doing something like this. I guess I was moving around to much during my teasing, because my towel suddenly dropped to the floor. I tried to reach down for it but before I could Jesus' lips were wrapped around my dick. I almost pushed him away but it just felt so good. It was so wet and so warm. And the kid was actually taking me deep. I was impress. Anna wasn't even this skilled. My eyes were rolling in the back of my head. I grabbed his head with both hands to keep from falling as his lips moved back and forth. Eventually my hands got stuck in his curly locks. Rather than making things awkward or making him stop, I took every advantage of our position. Holding his head still I began slowly fucking his mouth, then his throat. He barely gaged on my 9.5" of dark meat. Before long I felt myself cumming directly down his throat and he swallowed it all. I eased out of his mouth, then leaned down and kissed him on the lips as I picked up my towel. We parted lips and I walked away saying " I gotta go get ready for work." He stared at my naked ass as I walked away from him. By the time I reached the bathroom he wasn't trailing far behind me. Then in the deepest, most sensual voice I'd ever heard from him he ask "Can I make love to you?"

Part 3... The sequel concludes.

I looked Jesus directly in the eye. He almost looked as if he wanted to cry when the question was out. I said nothing, but my mind was spinning. A blow job was one thing but how far was I willing to go with this kid. I mean I had only myself been with one other guy and I was the one who did the fucking. And look how things turned out........... Both Jason and Anna and all the other girls I've fucked over the years faces started flooding my mind. The passion in their eyes, the ecstasy of their collective moans rang loud in my head. Then Anna's "Te amo bebe" cut threw, as if she was right there with us. Then suddenly Jesus' song began to play in my head. My dick regained its stiffness and I decided to through caution to the wind. I pulled Jesus into the bathroom by his shirt. He was already removing his shorts. His 7" was swinging and stiffening with every step I pulled him. I lifted his shirt over his head and led him into the shower. Once in there our lips met again as a cascade of water hit both our waiting bodies. I turned around so my bare ass was facing him. I grabbed his dick and tried to lead it to my waiting hole, but I was way too tall and it seemed out of reach. I tried to bend over a little but the slipping and sliding in the shower made it more than uncomfortable. Jesus remained patient but persistent in his pursuit. He whispered to me seductively, "Why don't we take this to the bedroom." I grabbed him by the hand and we made our way to the bedroom leaving a trail of water with every step we took. Once in the room, I got on the bed and on all fours. I spread myself open to him. He stood there behind me, but the height difference was still too much. His frustration with our situation made him decide to take control. He grabbed me by my hips and flipped me over on my back with incredible force. I didn't know the kid had that much power in him. He then climbed up between my long legs, our hard dicks and torsos pressed against one another. I take back control but only for a second, as I grab him by his curly hair and forced my tongue into his mouth. Then he positioned his dick at my hole while our tongues were still connected. He forced himself in me. It hurt at first, but a good hurt. He began pumping himself in and out deep into me. It felt amazing. Our lips were still together and our tongues were now in an all out war. Suddenly Jesus retreated. He sat up so he was now sprawled out on his knees under me. His hard dick never leaving my tight hole. He then placed is now strong with lust arms around my back and pulled me up as well. I positioned myself so I was too on my knees but straddling his muscled thighs. He then pulled me closer to him, his arms around me holding me tight. I then begin riding him as he held me and thrust deeper inside. I was now bouncing up and down on his rock hard dick. It was throbbing with ever thrust. It felt so good. Jesus was now moaning hard like he was the one being fucked " Te amo bebe". Then he let me drop down to the bed and he really began fucking me. He was thrusting harder and harder into me. It felt so amazing. I felt so vulnerable, so weak with another man thrusting inside me. I lay there with my arms thrown above my head as he fucked me for dear life. I began moaning hard and loud. He was thrusting in me so hard that I lost myself and started moaning " oh Te amo bebe, Te amo papi, Te amo [GEEEEEEE- sus]. I then felt him tensing up and soon he was exploding deep inside me. He collapsed on top of me. Our lips met again. Then he laid his head on my chest as I held him and he whispered "Yo también te quiero papi" [I love you too papi]. And we laid there. I never did make it to work that day or the next. On the next day Jesus went back to Puerto Rico, and again I was losing another bro.


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