Gay Erotic Stories

Peter`s model-job: part1

by Quicky
04 Nov 2014

Bondage S/M

Peter`s model-job: part 1 - a young jock became deceived and wakes up in bondage (That is the boy, I had in mind) author`s note: Please pardon my perhaps confusing diction, I am not experienced in writing in English. Hope you can enjoy it, nevertheless! Please sent me criticisms or suggestions: Peter was the proud of his high school, he won a lot of sport competitions, but the success didn't change him. Most of his teammates were typical arrogant high school jocks, just Pete didn't took part by bullying the nerds, even protected them. That made him respected by all pupils. Additional he had a muscular body, which he showed whenever there was an excuse (like hot sun shining or sweat), just for the girls of course and he was cute as a button. Maybe a little bit too cute, his sweet face looked too boyish for many girls (like a 15 year old, but he was 19), who preferred a more masculine look. All the more his male admirers, on the other side, liked him for this even more. He wasn't a homophobic, it just wasn`t his case.

One day he took part on a benefit marathon, a lot of people came, spectators of all ages, photographers and a few rich donators. Peter liked this busy atmosphere and had no idea that one of the main financier had an eye on the boy. Sitting, in the VIP-area of the stands, Claus Shipper checked Pete out, with a greedy glance in the eyes, he whispered: "You must be mine!"

After the run many pictures were taken and one of the photographer, brown curly hair, in his mid-twenties, approached Pete and said: "Nice run, young man! Can I take a few pics of you?" Pete felt overwhelmed but also flattered: "Yes, ...of course. Do I have to pose in a special way?" "No, no, just smiling!" The photographer introduced himself by taking pictures, he seemed very friendly: "I´m Jimmy and are working for a health care magazine. Would it be okay for you, if I note the name of your school and yours for the article?" "Sure, it is the Churchill High School and my name is Peter Corner." "Fine! ... I see you have big upper arm muscles, you surly workout a lot! Could you take of your shirt, please!" Pete was not very skeptical and did as told. He proudly presented his well muscled torso and flat abs for the very excited photographer: "Very nice, very nice ... indeed! As I thought! Just perfect!" Pete blushed and smiled even wider. After a few more pictures, Jimmy switched off the camera: "Hey, Pete, I know this is very rapid, but I really think you have model skills, which shouldn`t be wasted! If we could meet here again, at the forest, in three days, I would bring a few colleagues and a better camera. Then we could take a photo-set for your application!" Peter had never thought of himself as model, but maybe as part-time-job, a little extra money... "Okay, why not. I will be there!" Jimmy smiled: "I`m looking forward, Pete!"

Three days after the marathon nothing reminds on the many people, who stood on the grass, outside the town. Again it was a very hot summer day, so Peter waited in the shadows of the trees. A dust cloud was following the green van, which slowly drove in Pete`s direction. With a big smile in the face, Jimmy got out of the windowless van: "Hi, Pete, good to see you again! Are you ready?" Peter nodded: "I think so! Who are they?" He pointed on the two followers of Jimmy, two muscle man, who looked like bulls, very big, the left one was as tall as Pete and the right one even taller, both had grim faces behind their beards. "Oh, this is Joe and Mike, just ignore them, they take care of the technology stuff!" Peter was not completely convinced, they didn´t seemed like computer nerds and why two of them. But they built up a small table with chairs and sat down behind a laptop. "Can we start?", asked Jimmy, who nervously followed Pete`s gaze. "Errr..., yes, of course!"

The session was similar like three days ago, with an open shirt, he posed for the camera in different perspectives and Jimmy made him more compliments for his extraordinary body. After an hour, Jimmy he had enough pics. "Do you really think I have a chance to be applied?" "Sure, ... I can even offer you a small job today, even paid. Come!" Jimmy lead the boy to the back side of the van and showed him an iron rack, which looked like a collar attached with two handcuffs on each side: "I have a little bit bondage gear, which must be showcased. I would pay you 60 dollars!" Peter wanted the 60 bucks, but this whole situation felt strange, the van, the muscle guys slowly standing up behind him... "Errr... no, sorry, Jim! I don`t think that`s a good idea!", said Pete, making a step backwards. Jimmy looked worrying and a little bit desperate: "Then maybe 600 dollars!" Now Peter was convinced something was wrong. The two guys came closer and bigger one, Mike, said: "Nice try, Jimmy, now we continue!" Suddenly the two bulls gripped the high school jock and pressed a cloth above his mound and nose. Pete smelled something chemical, he became weaker and weaker and finally blacked out.

As Peter regained consciousness, he felt the cold iron of the rack, on his neck and wrists, totally immobilized. He stared on the top of the van, felt that he must lie on a soft mattress and the bouncing around him must mean the van was driving. Peter tried to speak but a red-ball-gag in his mouth prevented this. He tried to stand up but his ankles were also cuffed and connected with an iron bar, which spread his legs. Someone had removed his shirt, because he felt cold air on his bare chest, for his relief, he noticed his shorts were still in place.

Suddenly Mike appeared in Peter`s field of vision, with an evil grin: "Hey ... Awaken? So fast?!" Peter struggled against his restraints, result less. Fractious the boy stared up to the guy above, who grinned even more, as he laid himself beside the muscular jock: "Meanwhile, cutie, you surly has figured out that you won`t become a model, instead you will soon be the sex-toy of our boss. Your body will endure a lot of sexual teasing for his entertainment!" "And we will help him!", said Joe, who suddenly appeared on the other side of Pete`s vision. With this words the two started two lick the boys nipples. Their beards tickled over the bare boy-chest. Peter screamed in his gag, he felt so humiliated, with two fags sucking on his nipples and he could do nothing to stop them. He mounded in his gag and squirmed but it has no use. Their tongues travelled over his pecs, stopped and started digging in his armpits. Pete could not help starting to giggle as his ticklish pits were greedy penetrated. Additionally their hands begun to pinch his sweet brown nipples. The helpless boy´s muscles flexed and this even increased the lust of his kidnappers. But also Pete felt an unwillingly arousal in his shorts, which puzzled him, ... he was straight, damn!

Mike must somehow noticed it and his giant hand started to fondle the semi-erect penis through the thin fabric of his shorts. Peter became even more ashamed, but nobody cared. Instead Joe´s arm also went down: "Would you mind if I join there, too?!" His fat fingers slowly entered the pants... The desperate jock wildly struggled as the first time in his life, another man touched his uncut cock. Obviously jealous of the fact, that his buddy first directly touched the boy´s dick, Mike's grip through the fabric tightened, trying to hold as much as possible. With a playful grin and two hands, Joe tried to loosen the grip of his concurrent. Now Mike`s second hand joined the other two, inside the moaning boy's trousers. Their game continued and became a small fight for the dominion of the hot jock`s cock. In this tangle of hands Pete`s penis became harder and harder. Finally Mike and Joe laughed, as the shorts were ripped apart, by their mushrooming game and exposed the throbbing cock of their victim, resting on his tensed abs.

"Wow, what a big cock, you has hidden in your pants, kid!", said Mike respectful. "The longer the dick, the more we have to torture!", added Joe with a sadistic smile and begun with jerking their moaning property. Meanwhile Mike pinched Peters nipples between his enormous fingers... hard, ... very hard. The jock`s muscular body extremely tensed and his moaning became damped screaming. For one minute the boy struggled, then Mike had mercy and released the nipples, instead he licked Pete`s abs. So the jock's attention focused on his jerked cock. Joe`s warm hand, which seemed to be experienced with unwanted orgasms, increased its speed. The boy`s breath became faster, too. The ejaculation came closer and closer... And then,... suddenly Joe`s hand let off the boy`s cock! Hell, this perverts should let him cum! His protest could not be understood behind the gag. His hips lifted and lowered, desperately fucking in the air. Useless! Finally Peter`s throbbing cock rested on his abs, wet by Mike`s saliva. Deeply breathing he looked up and saw the two guys giving each other a high-five. Joe reached in his pocket and showed Peter a two-finger-broad metal ring, which he attached on the teen's balls. The weight of the ring drew Pete`s testicles down, while Mike`s hand tightly griped the young boy`s cock again. By turns they continued jerking the helpless jock, bringing him to the edge of orgasm, but denied it... again and again!

After the fourth time the bouncing of the van vanished and Mike bowed down in front of Peter`s face: "Seems, we are there, kid!" Joe reached for a hellgates- device, a device of seven steel rings attached to each other, in the form of an erect cock. It had a normal size, but for Peter`s cock it still was too small... so he thought! His kidnappers pushed and squeezed the big, veiny cock in the device, ignoring his loud moaning. At the same time his foreskin was moved down by the rings and displayed his purple glans. The upper ring, directly under the glans, was bigger than the other ones and Mike shoved two tiny batteries in it. Joe hold up a control device and pressed one of the many buttons. Instantly the upper cockring awoke, starting to vibrate. The boy`s arousal grew and the cold steel dug into the captured penis! Then it stopped and Mike attached a leather collar around the boys`s neck with the same kind of batteries in it, just working different. Joe pressed another button and the collar gave the boy an electric shock. It was intense and extremely painful, because the electricity centered in the metal devices, the iron rack holding his neck and wrists and the steel device around his genitals. "This happens, if you make trouble, little one!", said Joe with a diabolic smile.

The two men opened the rack, without thinking Peter tried instantly to escape, but Mike balled his fist and punched the jock hard in his six-pack. At the same time Joe activated the shock-collar, the pain was too much and the moaning boy fell back on the mattress.

"You aren`t a quick-learner, little pup! ... Now listen carefully, we will now bind your hands and if you make trouble, you will regret it! ... Understood?", threatened Joe and removed the ball-gag. Pete had a feeling that even if he cooperates, he will regret it, too. But he had no choose and said against all resistances in his mind: "Yes, ... Sir!" "Oh,... did you just said Sir, maybe you will learn faster as I thought.", said Joe. Mike tied the jock`s hands behind his back with a thin iron chain. With a bigger one he encircled the muscle boy`s torso three times so that his impressive chest and his big upper arms were showed off to their best advantage. The cold iron on his nude skin made Pete shivering. Finally they removed the pole between his legs and made him stood, inside the van.

There he was, Peter, the proud of his high school, winner of so many sport competitions, now tied up with cold chains, which rested on his flexing muscles. Standing surrounded by two big, sadistic guys, Joe behind him with the control device and a black riding crop, stroking between his tensed boyass-cheeks. Mike, on the jock`s right side, fondling the purple cockhead, with thumb and index- finger, bowed forward and whispered in the boy`s ear: "Are you ready to meet your master, boy toy?!" In the seven-rings of the hellgate-cage, the jock`s cock stood in full erection, pressing flesh against steel and Peter knew never before in his young life, he was harder!


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