Gay Erotic Stories


by Patrick buckley
09 Apr 2015

Gay Erotic Stories


This is a gentle love story. If you are into hectic sex this is not for you. Chapter One: Thirty eight years ago I met Darian, while at college with his fiancé Taryn. They were childhood sweethearts, and became engaged prior to her first year of college. They had decided that they would delay their marriage till sometime after she finished her college degree. Taryn and I hit it off at college from day one because we had the same sense of humor. Although we got on famously she did not know I was gay. It was clear that she was totally in love with Darian, so our friendship never had any ulterior “romantic” undertones. Later that year I finally met Darian. Taryn and I ascended the stairs to the main building at the university after one of our lectures, and Darian was standing at the top of the stairs awaiting us. He was 6’ tall and was totally stunning. He had a dark complexion with expressive light brown eyes, and the most intoxicating smile I had ever seen. His black hair was very short because he was doing his national service at the time. He had broad masculine hands and an engaging personality. Our meeting was fairly brief and the two of them wandered off shortly after. I would not see Darian again for several months. Darian finished his national service at the end of that year, and he and Taryn spent six weeks with her dad’s family in Italy during her end of year summer vacation. I did not return to college the following year, as it simply was not for me, and started working early January. Taryn and I however stayed in touch telephonically, and around March she invited me to her parent’s home for dinner one Saturday evening. I rang the doorbell and a hefty attractive man opened the front door. When he saw the perplexed look on my face he laughed and invited me in, reintroducing himself as Darian. As we walked in he continued laughing as he told Taryn that I had not recognized him. The reason for my confusion was that Darian had put on at least thirty pounds during their visit to Italy. Apparently the cuisine has agreed with him, and with her family’s incessant “need to feed”, he had obliged them by consuming all that had been put before him. His new found bulkiness had not distracted from his good looks although his face was a lot rounder. Bigger as he was, he was still very sexy. I also met Taryn’s mom and dad for the first time that evening. They were charming, and we had a wonderful time together. Darian was now working in his dad’s business apparently. We saw each other several times over the following two years. When Taryn graduated from college her dad bought her an apartment, and she started working for her dad in his furniture company. Taryn and Darian had also decided to postpone their marriage for another year or two. Every three to four months I would join them for dinner at her apartment, and I have to divulge that she was a very poor chef. For a person of Italian extraction, screwing up pasta was beyond my comprehension. Enjoying their company however compensated for her culinary misdemeanors. Taryn was quite a “princess” and was rather demanding. Darian was a laidback no nonsense kind of guy, and it always amazed me how these two opposites had found one another. She was into the arts, and he was into all kinds of sports. When I eventually met Darian’s dad who was even more of a “no-nonsense” man than his son, I wondered how Taryn and Darian’s relationship would ever endure. It was therefore no surprise to me when she invited to dinner one evening, to tell me that she and Darian had broken up. I remained friends with both, and although I saw a lot more of her. I did however see Darian from time to time. Chapter Two: I finally moved into my own apartment after years of living in residential hotels. One evening shortly after I had moved in Darian visited my apartment. He had never been much of a chatter box, and was able to spend prolonged periods in company without uttering a word. Silence was not a problem for him. It had been disconcerting for me when I first got to know him, however I had come to accept this personality trait and eventually felt relaxed with it. That evening we sat listening to music and just having a quiet vibe. At one point in the evening I observed him fixedly staring at me. The words he spoke next blew me away completely. He said; “if you were a woman, I’d fuck you”. I have never been so gob smacked in my entire life. Being quite late in the evening he left soon after. A few months later I decided to “come out” to all my friends. I had started frequenting gay clubs and bars, having finally decided to embrace my sexual orientation. Remarkably Taryn and Darian always remained friends with each other despite their breakup, and this friendship would endure for decades. Although I saw very little of Darian over the next few years, Taryn and I would see each other every couple of months. I always believed that my homosexuality may have been the catalyst for my dwindling interaction with Darian. I met my lifelong partner James a while later. All my friends took to James graciously, and Taryn liked him from day one. Taryn however would have relationships with three of the biggest arseholes I ever met over the next couple of years. The bust-up with the first of the three arseholes had James and I amused beyond words. Stephen apparently had a penis the size of one’s small finger, and this was not acceptable to her. She told us that after Darian, who was “huge” in the penis department, she found sex with Stephen totally ungratifying. What even amused us more was that Stephen’s mother had begged her to reconsider even though she was fully aware of Stephen’s dilemma. Ernie, the second of the arseholes was the most pretentious idiot I had ever met. He was “camper” that any gay man that James and I had ever met. Everything he spoke about had a famous name or a label of some sort. To our horror she actually became engaged to him. When she finally decided to breakup with him after seeing the light, he apparently became quite belligerent. Taryn’s dad evidently dealt with Ernie rather “forcefully” and the situation was quickly resolved. We were ecstatic to see the end of him, labels and all. Prior to Taryn meeting arsehole number three, Darian visited us one evening at a home that James and I had recently bought. James thought Darian was one the sexiest men he had ever seen. It was a really lovely evening and after Darian left I told James in confidence about the “if you were a woman” story. James looked at me incredulously and said that I was an idiot. He would definitely have taken that “discussion” to the next level. I just smiled and had a good laugh. Arsehole number three was a man named Doug. Within six months Taryn and Doug were married. At the wedding James and I were placed at a table with Darian, and his new fiancé Trixie. Darian and Trixie were also married shortly after. Emigration suddenly became the new game in town. Taryn and Doug moved to England and Darian and Trixie to Australia. I would not see Darian for another thirty three years. We lost contact completely, and all news about him came via Taryn. Apparently he had two boys with Trixie. We later learnt that their marriage had ended, and that he apparently retained custody of the boys. We did visit Taryn in the UK twice, and the less said of that the better. Doug was a complete prick, and she left him shortly after our second visit. She emigrated for a second time to the USA and married a fairly innocuous man named Saul. At the ripe old age of forty-five she finally gave birth to a boy named Wilson. Taryn and Saul did visit us once when Wilson was four. It was quite an ordeal, and proved to me that parents of their age should not have children as Wilson was totally overindulged. Other than that emails every two months, birthday and Xmas cards defined our friendship. Darian also once visited Taryn in the USA years later, and according to her communication had become obese. Chapter Three: After thirty eight years of knowing one another I got a shocking email from Taryn. Darian had cancer, and was undergoing treatment. He had also lost quite a bit of weight due to this ordeal. Although he had played a very small part in my existence over the past four decades, I always remembered him fondly as he been part of a very special time in my life. I was very sad to read the bad news about him. After a few months she emailed to say that his treatment had gone very well, and that he was in remission. I could not have been happier. A month or so later Taryn emailed to say Darian would be visiting his sister who lived in my neck of the woods, and had asked for my email address. As far as my life at this time was concerned, James and I had moved to a coastal town in the southern part of the country after my early retirement. We then acquired a second home slightly inland from the coast. James spent most of his time at our “second home” which was a “live in gallery” that James owned and ran. I would join him every second week at that home. Our main home at the coast where I predominantly resided was sixty miles away from the gallery. I enjoyed alternating between the two, and it gave James and I our own space when we got on each other’s nerves. After thirty four years together we were comfortable with this arrangement. Having just returned to our main home after a week away, I got a surprise email from Darian asking if he could spend Thursday to Saturday of that week with me. Totally delighted I replied that it would be no problem at all. At 11h00 that Thursday morning the doorbell rang. As I opened the door that smile I remembered from decades before graced my eyes. We had never been physically demonstrative years before, but for some inexplicable reason we embraced each other enthusiastically. He was still quite hefty but not obese any longer. His traumatic ordeal had obviously reduced his weight very dramatically. We both had tears in our eyes as we sat down in the lounge and started chatting. Darian’s head was totally bald. Apparently once his hair had fallen out due to the treatment, he took to the new look. It suited him as had a beautifully shaped head. Of course I did most of the talking which was always par for the course with Darian. He did however contribute somewhat to the conversation as we shared our history of the past three decades. After a light lunch I showed him the splendors of the town where I lived, for the rest of the afternoon. That evening he said he would love to have a pizza. Fortunately there was an excellent pizzeria down the road. We retired to bed early that evening after dinner, as Darian seemed exhausted. The following day we spent the morning at the beach before having lunch. He was more communicative than I had ever remembered him being during the day. He told me that he had been extremely lonely in the past few years. Both his boys were grown-up and living their own lives. He never thought of remarrying, and had stopped dating years before. Although his former obesity bothered him, he had been in such a rut, that he just couldn’t find the energy to do anything about it. He was leading a totally sexless existence. I made supper for us that evening, and we sat around chatting till late. After we went to bed, I continued reading an excellent book I was busy with. I looked up at one point and observed him standing in my doorway, wearing boxer shorts. He asked if he could join me on the bed, and I motioned for him to do so. In typical Darian fashion he quietly stared at me for quite some time. He then asked if I remembered him visiting me in my original apartment. I nodded. He asked if I remembered what he had said to me that night. I nodded and repeated the phrase from years ago; “if you were a woman, I’d fuck you”. He smiled. He then moved towards me and kissed me on the lips. He got up, lifted the duvet, and got into bed with me. Chapter Four: He moved his body half onto mine and started passionately kissing me. After a while he lifted his body to remove his boxer shorts. I always slept nude so that was not a task I had to perform. Next pulled me to the middle of the bed and pushing my legs apart with his knees got directly on top of me. We continued kissing in this fashion for quite some time. Whispering in my ear he asked if I had any lubrication. I motioned to the upper drawer of the pedestal next to my bed. As he lifted his body to retrieve the lube, I finally got a look at what Taryn had referred to as “huge”. She was not kidding. His very thick cut cock was the biggest penis I had ever seen. I started to feel a little apprehensive, but had every intention of following through. He placed the tube of lubrication on the bed next to us, and lowered himself back onto me. We continued kissing for quite some time. He eventually lifted his body onto his knees and began applying the lube to his cock. He asked me pull my legs back then applied the lube to my arse, gently inserting a finger into me. Soon he placed the head of his penis on my hole and slowly started pushing forward. The pain was intense as he broke through my sphincter. He entered me very slowly, but firmly. By the time he was balls-deep in me the agony had subsided quite a bit. In that upright position he started rocking to and fro as he made love to me. As I started relaxing the sensation of his penetration was becoming awesome. I had never been stretched to this capacity ever before, and was sure that I wouldn’t be able to walk properly the following day. Soon he lowered his body as he continued thrusting, and kissed me passionately. After twenty minutes he started grunting loudly as he ejaculated into me for over a minute. He continued lying on top of me as we both panted while recovering our composure. Amazingly he remained hard. After several minutes he lifted his body and told me to turn onto my stomach. Without skipping a beat, he reentered me and round two was underway. Every so often he would simply hold still for a minute or so, before continuing to thrust into me. All the while he kept nibbling and kissing my ears and neck. Round two lasted for forty stunning minutes. As he started coming, he lifted onto his arms, and plunged wildly. I came at the same time, and had never had an orgasm that was as incredible as that. Exhausted, we were soon asleep. The following morning I enjoyed round three. Having relished being on my stomach before, I opted for that option. The intensity of his penetration also escalated during this session, and much of the time was spent with his body lifted onto his arms. I had to place the pillow between my head and the headboard to avoid injury. We again managed to coordinate our ejaculations. We showered once done, and were eating breakfast shortly after. Sadly he had to be back with his sister for lunch, and left at around 10h30. We hugged and kissed before he left. It strangely felt like a circle of some sort had been completed. Darian and I never saw each other again. I also did not confess my sins to James, because there simply seemed to be no point. I also did not want to risk news of my episode with Darian ever getting back to Taryn’s ears. “Let sleeping dogs lie” as the say in the classics.


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