Gay Erotic Stories

Carl and Coach Winchester's Big Ass

by Bill Bottomley
16 Jun 2015

Exhibitionism Gym Workouts Older/younger Tales From School Tales From The Locker Room Teachers Underwear Action

Coach Winchester was hot- there as no denying it. At 35, with tanned skin and powerful frame, the guy was built like a mule. He scared the guys in truth- the way he looked them up and down, towering over them with hand casually on hip, explaining the rules of soccer, wearing hotpants basically- to show off his huge ass, and intimidating the teenagers with his thickly haired things and fat bulge lolling as he paced the line, He stopped square at Carl “What was I saying Mr Chambers?” “Erm…” stuttered Carl, one of the bigger boys. “The offside rule?” He looked up at Mister Winchester, eye to nipple. Coach momentarily bounced a giant tit in Carl’s face which made his mind go blank. “And what IS the offside rule, Mr Chambers? Maybe you could explain it to us?” “Ummm replied Carl. “See me after class” Mr W interrupted, “you’ve earned yourself an extra 30 mins of P.E.”

The indoor soccer game duly started, and the guys generally got into it. Mr W joined Team A, tackling and all the while shouting at the players. When a goal was scored, Coach would give the scorer a hard manly slap on the ass. Though it was in fact Coach’s ass which was the butt of so many jokes in the school, and which produced mixed feelings amongst the boys. Some of them went weirdly quiet around it and tried not to look at it. Others stared wide-eyed and others caught glimpses when they thought no-one was looking. Coach was wearing his typical outfit; stretchy blue vest pulled over his big hairy pecs, tucked into the waistband of his white short shorts, which from the front looked just about legal coupled with the long sports socks pulled up to the knee. But from the back, the guy was a walking air balloon. Mr W’s ass wasn’t just big, it was surely the work of a deranged plastic surgeon, as if two beach balls had been implanted up there, along with fat injections and a layer of whale blubber. The white nylon shorty shorts were disgusting; rising obscenely above his ass line, so all the boys could see where thick hairy thighs met the bottom part of Sir’s big hairless rump.

As he played soccer with the boys, his enormous bouncing bottom could not be avoided. The guys crashed into it, swerved to avoid it, accidentally brushed up against it, (and when playing rugby squarely landed on the big fat thing). It was so gargantuan, you could actually see it from the front. On occasions when headmaster took assembly, the teachers stood in line at the front of the congregated pupils, Mr Winchester always stood facing the crowd in smart shirt and tie, with his hands held behind him in an effort to hide the mancheeks, but the way his slacks widened at the hip and curved away from him, you knew the guy had a massive ass. God knows where he bought his pants, but they must’ve been made specially with stretchy material, coz from the top they looked like grey tights pulled over basketballs, but from the bottom they looked like normal slacks.

With 5 minutes to go until the end of the game, Mr W scored, flashing a smile to the team as he strode back midfield. One of the boys absentmindedly slapped the Coach on the top shelf of his backside as he joggled past. Not that he seemed to mind, he even hitched the shorts up higher to reveal more hairy thigh out front and more giant tan ass out back. Coach blew the whistle to call full-time and the guys hit the showers. Except Carl of course. “OK, Carl, you can help me clear up and then we’re gonna do some exercises.” Carl helped Mr W gather the training balls and nets into the store-room, trying to conceal the hard-on in his shorts. Coach bent over to pick up the nets and balls, his shorts rode up flashing a whole ton of ass to his teenage student, quietly farting in the process, as he scrabbled around gathering the balls and putting them into the net, his fuckloaves now on clear display, quivering like butterscotch cheesecake. He grunted, then another fart, and this time Carl noticed a dark wet patch of sweat on his shorts, round about where his asshole might be.

“Ok, we’re gonna start with some stretching” he boomed as he turned around –“follow me”. Carl followed Coach’s obscene bottom up to the end of the gymnasium. Then with a “follow what I’m doing” Mr W slowly started doing the splits, feeling his way across the floor with his stretched out legs. Carl watched from behind trying to copy him. “Can you feel the burn on the inside of legs, Carl? Just do exactly as I do, slowly spread your feet apart and keep your back straight.” His heavy buttcakes wobbled as he lowered down, and then both cheeks hit the floor with a loud thud. The shorts rode up to an obscenity, digging in diagonally, causing his ass flesh to squeeze out rudely at the bottom. The cheeks were so big they eclipsed the whole of his lower back.

“You see that?” he asked. Carl coughed, “Um, yeah, but I can’t do it”. Coach waddled over to where Carl stood trying to stretch his legs, and got behind him, crouching down. He slapped his hand on the floor. “Try to sit on my hand” he said helpfully. “Just lower yourself down, and when you’ve made contact, you’re there” “Ok” said Carl.

Carl eventually loosened himself up to spread his legs wide enough and lower himself to the point where he could feel the heat from Mr Winchester’s big hairy hand under his nuts, but couldn’t lower himself down far enough to actually sit on it. “Ow” shouted Carl, this really hurts! I can’t do it” Coach suggested they switch positions. “Here, you try. Lay your hand on the floor”. Carl did as instructed. Coach turned away from him again, showing off the serious wedgie he had developed. Again, Coach lowered himself slowly, grunting in pain as the little white shorts dug even further into his shaking fuckglobes. “Here, let me shuck these, they’re a pain in the ass” he said as he bent over like a slut and pulled down his hotpants in front of Carl’s speechless face. The guy wore a white thong underneath, dug deep in-between the man’s giant naked tanned melons. Carl must’ve been staring coz Coach said “It’s a sports thong, Carl”.

Coach Winchester’s fat ass was even more impressive naked than it was clothed. It was an eyeful- like two mutant peaches. They wobbled up and down and side to side like crazy, independent of the rest of him. Carl just kept his hand on the floor while Mr W straddled it and lowered further and further, his giant naked ass going lower and lower, bouncing like a pair of knockers with each juddering descent. Coach looked back over behind his butt melons “you okay back there?” he asked. “Uh-huh” answered Carl and with an “Ok”, Mr Winchester came down with a final splat on the floor, his heavy warm naked ass smothering Carl’s hand.

Carl was dumbstruck and thought me might come in his pants. The aftershock of the thud was still rippling across Sir’s gigantic rump when Carl felt a hot sensation on his hand and heard a parping sound. “Sorry about that” said Mr W, “you can remove your hand now”. Carl tried to pull his hand from under Mr W’s big behind, but it was trapped. “I can’t Sir”. “-Oh, sorry” replied Coach, and lifted his fat cakes to release a triangle of dank air. Carl retracted his hand. “Can you see how it’s done now, Carl?” Coach asked. “Um, I think so” replied Carl, his eyes fixated on Sir’s fat naked buttocks. “Why don’t you feel my quads to get a sense of how stretched they need to be?” “Come round to face me”. Reluctantly Carl moved to face Mr W, who smiled at him in full splits mode, still wearing his blue vest with the straps covering his nipples and the front of his meshy white pouch crudely stretching round his heavy drooling schlong.

Carl tentatively put a hand on Sir’s hairy brown thigh. “See?” said Mr W, “you gotta keep this muscle stretched and flat”; “feel the calves”. Carl moved in closer, his face nearer Mr W’s chest and neck, he could smell Sir’s cologne and minty breath. The fuzzy thighs and sock-covered calves felt tremendously powerful and masculine. The stink of Sir’s dick was wafting up to the boy’s nostrils. Carl looked down- the man’s chubby tool was curled up like a sleeping snake on big bull balls, encased in a stinky white pouch.

“Do the glutes have to be stretched too?” asked Carl with a new confidence, now that he was openly feeling up his teacher’s legs. “Oh, a bit- the underside, yes” replied Mr W. “Have a feel and find where the stretch is”. Carl hesitantly reached both hands back behind his teacher, leaning in his face closer to Sir’s big titty chest mounds to get better access. He laid his hands on the top of the warm voluminous globes which bulged out massively. “Oh, you’re gonna have to feel harder than that Mister Chambers” said Coach. “Surely you’ve noticed that I have a very large bottom?” “Yes” replied Carl. “I mean no, Sir”. “It’s OK Carl” said Coach. “I know it’s a real big’un. You really need to squeeze my buttocks damn hard to feel the muscle underneath all that fat”. “Then you’ll realise how the bottom of my bottom is really stretched out, but the top is not engaged in this pose”. As instructed, Carl grabbed as much of his teacher’s ass as possible in each hand and gripped as hard as he could, so the butt fat squeezed between his boyish fingers.

Coach grinned and put his hands behind his head, showing off his hairy pits while his pupil openly groped his teacher’s huge behind. “I think I can feel the stretch now, Sir”. “You can?” Carl dug around a bit more, his fingers nearing the man’s huge crack. Coach clearly loved feeling the boy’s hands all over his fat exposed fuckloaves. Carl felt up Mister Winchester’s sweaty crack real good, lingering his probing fingers around Sir’s damp anus. “ok” barked Coach, “let’s call it a day. Time to hit the showers”.

The older man bounced along to the locker room, with Carl following him, all the while staring at his teacher’s humungous cakes either side of the white thong, bobbing all over the place in their fat naked glory. He sniffed his fingers which stank of Sir’s bunghole. Once inside, Carl slowly took off his sweats, while Sir pulled the tight blue singlet over his head, revealing his big hairy tits and thick brown nipples and then turned away from Carl shoving his fatass out like a whore, and pulled down his stained little thong which fell to the floor in a dirty stained heap.

Carl put his hand over his raging erection as he made his way to the showers, hoping that Mr W didn’t catch sight of his erect cock now standing to its full 8” attention. Mister W followed soon after, long cock and balls bouncing and huge ass quivering out back. His ass finally stopped shaking when he stopped at the shower next to Carl. He carried on soaping himself, pretending not to notice the boy’s staring. Carl couldn’t believe he was only two feet away from his naked teacher, and if Coach turned away from him, his ass would protrude completely into his body space.

“We’ll get you doing the splits by the end of the month, Chambers” “-If you say so, Sir” mumbled Carl, still trying to cover his erect cock. Mister W now towered over him, soaping up his big tits which heaved under the running water. Sir took a momentary shake of his thick knob and bull balls, as if to show off his packet to the younger man. He seemed not to notice Carl’s embarrassment in the showers, and almost looked like he was enjoying putting on a show, making his pupil feel nervous. He kept Carl in a conversation about sports while he soaped up his foot- long dick, enjoying the heavy sway of his baby-making gonads between his legs.

Then he turned his attention to his own ass loaves, squeezing out the shower gel in his palms then reaching back to the mega melons, running his thick hands all over them while talking sports. He really soaped up the naked cakes like a pro, kneading them and digging into the deep deep cavern, causing loud squelching noises which were mixed with a couple of wet slimy farts.

“I gotta clean out my chute” he casually announced, and switched the mixer to the hand hose which he took off the bracket and shoved it up behind him, the ass cheeks squelching and slopping loudly as he buried the long slim showerhead up where the sun doesn’t shine. Carl looked on amazed and just let his hands fall free beside him putting his dick on show, while he watched his teacher’s face squirm in discomfort as he pushed the shower head between the thick fuckglobes and up his shitter.

The sound of the shower turned to a soft gurgle, and Mr W’s face eased back to normal as his shitchute flooded with warm water. He started a conversation with Carl about this season’s football tournament, and possible contenders for the team. The whole time he talked he faced Carl swinging his fat dick slowly side to side, while the hose was stuck deep up his fat ass, which gurgled and spat water on the tiled floor.

In the middle of a sentence about this summer’s swim team, Mister W turned around revealing his wet jumbo asscheeks to the onlooking boy, then reached behind grabbing each fat melon, making a WHOOH! sound of relief while he felt up his own meat sacks, then bent over , stuck out his fat globes, and with a moan, shot a clean line of water out of his pussy, spraying down the wall and leaving Carl dumbstruck. The water shot out in straight lines down the long communal shower enclosure, Mr Wichester’s’s hands rested on his thighs as he shot stream after stream of cuntwater, arching his back and really sticking his humungous buttcakes out as far as he could.

He was still in fuck-me position as he whistled in relief, then turned and asked “Ever seen that before?” “No, Sir” replied Carl, unable to move. “it’s a great way to clean out your love canal- I mean, snatch. You know, your kazoo.” Carl stuttered…“Oh, I’m sure. I mean, I guess you have to look after your bottom Mister Winchester”. –“Well, we all do, Carl, and with buttocks this fuckin big, I really need to look after my crack. It can get pretty musky down there”. Sir bent at the waist to pick up his shower gel. The older man jutted out his rapeable bum balloons right in his pupil’s face, but all Carl could see was the dark pitch-black valley in between.

When the men went back to the locker room to dry themselves, Carl’s erection was finally subsiding. He thanked the Lord, though Mr W seemed not to notice, or if he did, he didn’t mind. Carl guessed that Coach must be pretty used to arousing sexy feelings wherever he went. It was impossible to strut around with an ass that outrageously large, round and perfect and not command attention. Carl was bare ass naked, still drying off, while Sir was rooting around his locker looking for his briefs.

Mister Winchester picked a pair of little stripey blue and white mini-briefs from his locker. The conversation carried on all the while, now asking Carl what subjects he was planning to study at college. Carl could hardly keep track of what he was saying as Sir fixed his piercing eyes on him while pulling up the little briefs over his thick dick and fat nuts, arranging them into a packet and giving the bulge a squeeze. He then turned around and pulled the little high-waisted knickers over his ass planets, pulling and picking, patting and smoothing over the huge posterior, to make sure they fit just perfect. “Carl, are these briefs covering my asscrack? Carl’s eyes widened again and his dick stiffened as he came closer to his teacher’s massive ass. “No Sir, I think they’re a bit too small” Mister W chuckled dryly. “No Carl, they are normal knickers- I mean panties- I mean briefs- but it’s my extremely large asscrack and big buttcheeks which stretch the underwear. And my large genitals. Can you give me a hand?” Carl approached Coach’s butt boulders and knelt down as he grabbed with both hands at the waistband trying to pull the panties across the expansive valley. He smoothed down the material feeling the warm blubber buns which were firm and fat at the same time. Both big cheeks smelt faintly of male scent shower gel, but as he dared reach under the bottom as it disappeared between the older man’s thighs, he definitely caught a whiff of male pussy.

He couldn’t stop thinking about diving in face first, the gigantic meat melons were gently quivering in his face, so he tried to stop looking at the mega tan fucky cakes. But then Sir did something unexpected, he slapped his own big butt hard which caused both globes to jiggle just as Carl stood up, and as Sir turned his head around to thank him for adjusting his briefs, Carl splattered his teenage seed all over the man’s plump ass. “Fuck!” he exclaimed as round after round of jizz shot in spasms over the giant pantied buttocks, making a mess of Mister Winchester’s underwear and splattered across the fat globes of exposed ass flesh. Coach looked back at the mess “What the…?” Carl looked back kat him sheepishly, then back down at the defiled asscakes“-I’m so sorry Sir, I didn’t know that was going to happen – but I’ve been looking at your big butt and I can’t help it”. Mister Winchester shook his head, looking at Carl in bewilderment. Drops of cum were dripping all over his mammoth buttcakes like sticky sauce dripping over two giant scoops of ice-cream.

“Well, you’d better help me clear up this mess Mister Chambers. You’d better take these briefs off me and wash your goo off them. And I’ll need help to rinse all this semen off my buttocks. Now back to the showers, I’m expecting you to clean my buttocks thoroughly, and with buttocks this size, we’ll be stuck here for another half hour.” Carl greedily followed Sir’s angry bouncing buttocks back to the shower room, licking his lips at the prospect of getting extra personal with Coach.



More Gay Erotic Stories from Bill Bottomley

Carl and Coach Winchester's Big Ass

Coach Winchester was hot- there as no denying it. At 35, with tanned skin and powerful frame, the guy was built like a mule. He scared the guys in truth- the way he looked them up and down, towering over them with hand casually on hip, explaining the rules of soccer, wearing hotpants basically- to show off his huge ass, and intimidating the teenagers with his thickly haired things and fat


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