Gay Erotic Stories

Jogging Along the River - the Next Adventure

by Dickandy50
29 Sep 2015

Gay Erotic Stories

The following is original and for adults only and the subject of imagination of others and involves bondage, water sports play, and femdom play.

Jogging Along the River – The Next Session Tony’s & My Training Session

It was a few weeks after I’d met up with Jeff for a jog and our session in the woods where we’d met Tony and Jack. Tony was the more adventuresome one and I looked forward to meeting up with him again. In the meantime, Jeff and I had enjoyed getting together a couple times a week for our jogs together and the chance to have some fun. During one of these jogs, Jeff mentioned that his wife Jan wanted to meet me and that he should invite me over one night instead of going jogging.

It sounded like a plan to me so Jeff and I set up the following Saturday night when, instead of our usual jog, I’d just go over to his place. He said that we could play some then as well and that Jan wouldn’t mind and would probably enjoy watching. She might even join in the fun. He told me to wear my usual outfit, that his wife wanted to see another guy dressed like her husband. My wife knew that when I usually went out that I could be gone for up to a few hours. Once I figured out what was going on, I’d clue her in.

Saturday night finally came and I got ready in my usual way with a good cleanout, plug, ring, and my split shorts without a liner. It was warm enough that I didn’t have to worry about a shirt – it would just get in the way anyway.

I jogged around to Jeff’s place. It was about 11 when I arrived. The house was dark except for a small night light in the living room. We both lived in two-story townhouses so it wasn’t unusual that everyone’s downstairs was dark. The inside door was already open and just the combination storm door was closed. I knocked lightly on the storm door and tried it. It was unlocked, so I just went in. It wouldn’t be out of the ordinary as far as the neighbors would be concerned since Jeff usually jogged late and I’m sure they had seen me before meeting up with him for our jogs. Of course, if they were really nosey, they would notice that we didn’t leave on our jog as usual – unless we left out the back door instead – yeh, that would work as an excuse.

Jeff came down the stairs and met me on the bottom landing. He surprised me because he was naked except for his cock ring. He closed the inside door and told me to take off my shorts and shoes and follow him upstairs. His wife was waiting for us up there. I kicked off my shoes and dropped my shorts right there at the bottom of the stairs. Jeff turned to go back upstairs and that’s when I noticed that he was also wearing his plug. The difference was that this seemed to be a much larger plug than he normally wore when jogging.

I asked him about it and he just said that since we weren’t going to jog, that Jan recommended he wear the largest one they owned. There was little doubt that he was definitely filled. I envied him and hoped that maybe they had a second large one laying around that I could use.

He told me that Jan was up in the playroom they had set up and that I was in for a surprise. I wasn’t sure what he meant by playroom or what surprise I could expect. I soon found out when we got to the head of the stairs.

Our houses were laid out the same way with the master bedroom at the rear and the rest of the bedrooms in the front. I had thought we would be using the master, but at the head of the stairs Jeff turned toward the front of the house. The door was closed to the larger of the bedrooms and I saw light coming from under the door.

Jeff opened the door and the first thing I noticed was that the room was outfitted as a full dungeon and was dimly lit. The next thing stopped me in my tracks. Standing there in a full leather body harness was Jan, a beautiful brunette. There was no doubt that she enjoyed seeing my reaction and that this wasn’t the first time she’d worn the outfit. Because of our plugs and rings, we were both sporting major hardons which Jan obviously appreciated.

Once I got over the first shock, I took the time to look over their “playroom.” There were rings and pulleys in the ceiling and the walls; rubber pads on the floor; and a bondage chair that allowed the bottom to be strictly controlled with his or her legs held wide open to give total control to the top. There was a bondage stockade with a fucking rod that I had only dreamed of enjoying. There was also a spanking/bondage bench. Plus there was a sheet covered bench that was set up and appeared to have something or someone laying on it. That was definitely of interest. It was about 24 inches off the ground so that you could straddle it if you wanted.

I looked at Jeff and Jan. He was just standing there with a smile on his face while she noted my surprise and my interest in the sheet covered bench. With that, Jan said that she thought that I would be interested in what was under the sheet and that I should remember their playmate. With that, she reached down, grabbed the sheet and threw it in a corner.

What was under the sheet was a naked guy strapped down to a bench that appeared to be homemade. It looked as if it was made up of some 2x4’s that together were just wide enough to fully support a guy’s chest with his arms hanging straight down over the edges. It was padded and covered in rubber, which was a pretty good idea since, judging by his wet body; I suspect that he had been sweating for some time. He was strapped down at his chest, waist, each thigh, and each ankle. His arms were hanging down the side of the bench and they were strapped to the legs supporting the bench.

What was striking was that even though he was secured to the bench, additional duct tape had been applied to his ass in a way that appeared to be just attached to each of his butt cheeks and then pulled down and taped off. What this did is spread his ass cheeks apart exposing his nice asshole. The tape was strong enough that he couldn’t flex his cheeks and close off his ass. That gave full and unfettered access and there wasn’t anything he could do about it.

I was enjoying the view and thinking of all the things I’d love to do with that young firm body when Jan, noting my interest, reached down and grabbed him by his hair and raised his head enough for me to see that it was Tony, our playmate from the woods. He had a ball gag in his mouth and, judging by his eyes, he didn’t seem surprised to see me, nor was he embarrassed in any way. I could tell he was realizing that he had gotten in possibly over his head, but was game.

Jeff then explained that he had met up with Tony a couple times on the trail and they had played. He said that he’d felt out Tony to see just how adventuresome he really was. Jeff had known that he liked water sports and bondage, so he’d invited Tony over to play with him and Jan. Their first session was a test case to see if he’d work out as their bottom. This was now their second session together, but it was going to be a long term session – unbeknownst to Tony.

I asked Jeff what he meant by long term and he explained that Tony had arrived on Friday night expecting a regular session, but Jeff knew that Tony wasn’t expected by anyone for the rest of the weekend, not even by his roommate Jack. Tony let it slip that he had told roommate Jack that he was going to be tied up for awhile and would see him Sunday night. He was expecting to only have the session Friday night and then he would take off for the weekend in the city to see what else he could find. Tony just didn’t know how tied up he would be.

This time they had started their normal session as usual, by getting cleaned out. In preparation for this session, Jeff had told Tony to try to keep to a liquid diet from at least Thursday morning on and drink plenty of water – that it would make the cleanout easier. Jeff told me that Jan had done the cleanout of both himself and Tony. That is when Jan broke in and said that since the session was going to be such a long one, it required a deep high colonic to fully flush out the bowels. She said she was licensed to administer colonics and then held up an extra long colon tube that had to be at least three feet long. She said it was a really filling experience that she enjoyed administering and offered up that she would be glad to help me out as well if I needed it. I just smiled at that and I think she read what I meant by the slight upturn in her mouth, but she went on to say that she had hooked the colon tube up to the faucet. That way, once it was fully fed into them, the ensuing water flow really flushed them out.

Jan could tell that I was a bit confused wondering how she managed to do such a cleanout like the normal fill and dumps that most of us use. She said that she used a smaller bondage chair that they had fashioned that fit in the bathtub. Once the bottom was filled and emptied the first time the normal way with a red bag, he would then be placed in the chair and strapped in. Jan could then get in the tub with him and slowly feed the long colon tube into him with the water continuing to flow. What came out would just go down the drain. Once done, they could just be showered off. In Tony’s case, he just didn’t realize that this was to ensure he was cleaned out for the whole weekend, not just an overnight session. As Jan said, he could always be cleaned out again during the weekend if need be.

Jan then said that they had all enjoyed their time together so far – even when she had completely shaved Tony including his asshole. He didn’t like it, but really didn’t have anything to say about it. Besides, she wanted him as bald as Jeff. I’d noticed that in our sessions and just assumed he was naturally bare except of course for the pubic hair around his cock and balls that was obviously shaved. Now I realized that that was part of their games and he was kept shaved at all times. Now it was Tony’s turn.

Jeff than went on to explain that once he and Tony were cleaned out and shaved, their session began. Tony was first strapped into the bondage chair with his head secured to the upright, his arms secured behind his back and his legs spread and secured to the two angled leg supports that extended out at about a 45 degree angle. This exposed his cock, balls, and ass to full access and use whether he wanted it or not.

This is when he had his ass loosened up and a fairly large plug worked in. Then Tony discovered what it was like to have his balls stretched and to have a Foley catheter inserted. Once it was inflated, it couldn’t be removed until it was deflated. He had never had anything pushed up his cock so this was definitely a new experience for him. It was then that he was told that he was there to satisfy Jeff, Jan, and anyone else that wanted him. He would not be allowed to cum until he was allowed. The Foley catheter would keep him drained or it could be closed off so he’d retain urine and increase the pain. The cath would be placed into a jug suspended from his balls so that he would weigh down his own balls as well as catch his urine for recycling.

Tony was then led over to the bench and strapped down for use and that is where he had been since. Jeff could tell that I was wondering about bodily functions for such a long session. He said that between the liquid diet and the deep cleaning, they hadn’t had to worry about his ass, and as far as his urine, he said that that was taken care of.

With that I guess I had a strange look wondering about the cath, because Jan told me to bend down and take a look at how she had taken care of that problem. I leaned down and could see that they had built in a padded hole that allowed full access to Tony’s cock and balls. I also saw that Jan had tied a plastic jug to Tony’s balls and it was partially filled with urine. What was feeding the jug was the catheter that Jan had inserted into Tony to keep him drained. Jan suggested that while I was down there, I could taste his drip if I wanted to. It didn’t take much encouragement for me to crawl under the bench, grab Tony’s cock and pull the cath out of the jug and then suck on the cath. There was drainage in the tube and my sucking brought even more out of his bladder. It really tasted sweet but intense. I then just reinserted the cath into the jug.

With the niceties done, Jan than said for us to begin. She said that she liked what she saw in me and asked whether I had cleaned myself out. I told her yes, that my wife had helped. Jan also noted that I was trimmed fairly close and offered up that she’d be glad to shave me if I wanted. I declined but said that possibly during another session. But I said that I was game for a further deep cleaning – it sounded intense just by itself.

With that, Jan brightened up and said for me to come into the bathroom with her. She still had the smaller bondage chair in the tub from when she’d cleaned out Jeff and Tony. It was a pretty simple affair. Just three legs supporting a triangle of wood all made out of 2x2’s. The rear leg extended vertically above the triangle seat about three feet so that the guy’s back and head could be fully secured as well. There were Velcro straps attached to the front of the triangle seat to secure the bottom’s legs wide and straps at the waist and neck to secure the guy to the upright rear leg. Jan secured me in and then told me to put my hands behind my back and the rear upright. Jan then wrapped a Velcro strap around my wrists. I wasn’t going anywhere then. My legs were spread and my ass, cock, and balls were fully exposed. I suddenly had the same thought cross my mind that I’m sure Tony had cross his. I’d just given up total control of the situation. Jan then said that she would be right back, that she had something to do and she might have a surprise for me. That left me wondering even more.

She was gone for what seemed like a long time, but was probably only a couple minutes. When she returned, she was completely naked and had taken off the leather harness. She told me that she had called my wife and told her what she was about to do. She asked my wife if she wanted to come over and help, but my wife had declined. My wife said she would enjoy me when I got back home whenever. She had also asked her if she could shave me fully and my wife had given her permission. That was really a surprise to me and I knew that I was not going to get out of it now. Especially when my wife basically gave permission for me to be involved in the long session as well.

With that, Jan got her gear out and crawled in the tub and squatted in front of me. Her face was nearly even with my crotch. She asked if I had to go to the bathroom at all. I told her that I needed to piss. She told me to hold it and that we would take care of that later. She turned on and tempered the water in the tub, diverted it to the shower shot which then fed the colon tube. She reached under and grabbed the plug that I had been wearing this whole time and she slowly worked it out of me. Before my ass closed up, she was ready with the tube and started to slowly feed it into me. I felt her insert something else as well and found out later she had inserted a second tube right next to the colon tube to keep the sphincter open enough to permit outflow. As she worked it in and out going deeper each time, I could feel it doing its work. Because I was secured to the upright, I couldn’t look down to see what was going on, but she kept saying that it was working good.

After about five minutes, she said that we were just about done – that she had inserted most of the tube into me and it was flowing pretty clean. She then asked if I still needed to piss. I said yes and with the tube inside me rubbing against my sphincter and prostate, it made me have to piss even more. She said to just go ahead and piss, she didn’t mind since we were both dressed for it. It didn’t take much encouragement and I started to piss. The flow was strong and hit Jan in the chest. I could look down enough to see it hit and trickle down toward her crotch. She just looked up, smiled, and leaned forward and took my cock in her mouth and began to drink her fill. Hell, it felt so good. I just wish that she’d finish me off but that wasn’t her plan.

I finished pissing in her mouth and she swallowed it all. Then she just sat up and said thanks, she liked that. She then started pulling the tube out of my ass and once it was fully out, she left the second tube inserted so I’d drain. Then she set about shaving me fully. She used a battery operated wet razor to remove all the longer hair, then shaved me. She knew what she was doing especially with a guy strapped down as I was. Obviously she had done this many times. It took about a half hour for her to finish shaving me fully and then we both showered off together. It was such a strange sensation to be completely hairless except for my head and to really feel cleaned out. Before we joined Jeff, Jan reinserted the plug back in me.

Jeff finally broke in and asked if we were finally done and what did I think of the process. I told him it was great, although I wasn’t sure once Jan had me secured in the chair. Jeff said that Tony had the same comments and was I ready to share Tony’s ass, that he’d already enjoyed it and left a couple cum and piss loads in him.

I told him Jan had already drained my bladder for me but that I could slowly build up again, especially if I could lick Tony’s asshole and maybe suck out some of Jeff’s loads. He just told me to have at it and if I wanted, I could then just straddle Tony and plant my cock in his accessible asshole. That’s why he built the bench the way he did. It made for a much more intense fuck that way, especially when the partner was secured down.

With that I dove down and started to lick and suck on Tony’s asshole and those fine cheeks. He tried to clench them, but wasn’t able to work against the tape. He eventually got into the rimming and seemed to really enjoy it, especially once I started to lap up the cum and piss he was drooling. It was just sweet and bitter at the same time – nothing like sucking Jeff’s cock by proxy.

As I worked on Tony’s ass, I could feel Jeff and Jan manhandling my body including my cock and balls. I could also feel Jan trying to pull out my butt plug. I let her pull it free, not sure what to expect. I assumed that she just wanted to put in a larger one, but then I felt her handing Jeff’s cock and aiming it into my ass. It didn’t take much and Jeff had planted his hard cock to the hilt inside me. I then felt Jeff lean over my back and tell me to move up and fuck Tony. I didn’t need any more encouragement.

We shimmied up Tony’s body and with the loads that Jeff had already planted inside Tony, it was fairly easy for me to slide my cock inside him. Tony was trying to tighten up his ass and grasp my cock but he couldn’t. It was definitely a great sensation to be able to fully plant it deep and feel Jeff’s deep in me at the same time.

We were slowly working up a rhythm and Tony was just grunting on the receiving end and seemed to be really enjoying it. I know I sure was. That’s when I felt Jan’s hands grabbing hold of my balls and putting some kind of a cinch on them. She did the same to Jeff and then she secured our balls together so that we couldn’t separate. She then put a strap around our waists to further hold us together. There was no way that I was going to be able to escape Jeff’s jack-hammering cock nor anything he wanted to deposit in me.

Our pounding bodies built speed and started to really hammer away. It was an incredible sensation, almost like being pounded by a permanently attached moving butt plug, but with the side benefits. With our pounding movements, we pulled on each other’s balls since they were attached together. We both blew at the same time – Jeff inside me and me inside Tony. The only one who didn’t get off was Tony. Even Jan was able to get off while watching us go at it.

Once we settled down some, I heard Jeff ask if I had to piss. I told him that I could probably muster up some if he could. He said that he wanted me to contribute to Tony as well and help fill him up.

We lay there for what seemed like just a couple minutes, and I suddenly felt what only could be Jeff starting to piss in me. It felt great and was just enough to help trigger my piss load into Tony, who just lay there and groaned. We lay there coupled together for awhile fully enjoying the sensations. That’s when Jan came over and started to put thigh cuffs on me. I didn’t think much of it and figured it was just some of their games. Once the thigh cuffs were on me, Jeff told me to keep inserted in Tony, but let’s sit up while straddling him as best as our coupled balls would let us. Once we’d done that, Jeff grabbed my wrists and held them down to my thighs while Jan buckled them to the thigh cuffs.

With that move, Jeff and I were coupled and he could continue to fuck me or piss in me whenever he wanted for as long as he wanted. Jeff asked me if I liked it and I said yes. He told me that that is what he’d done to Tony last night to put him down on the bench. Tonight it was my turn and he steered me over to the spanking/bondage bench. We had to waddle some, but we never disconnected. When we were standing behind the bench, Jeff bent over and I didn’t have much choice but to do it as well. When I was belly down on the bench, Jan came over and strapped my upper body to the bench. Then she undid each of my wrists one at a time and secured the forearms down to the arm rests. Once I was secured, she undid the waste belt that was holding Jeff and I together. Then the only thing holding us together were the ball cinches.

Jeff had me put my legs up on the kneeling rests and Jan strapped those down. So here I was in a kneeling position where I couldn’t move, but my crotch was totally exposed for use by anyone – at least once Jeff was out of the way. Jan took care of that when she came over with scissors and clipped the tie that was connecting my ball cinch to Jeff’s cinch. Jan then inserted a larger butt plug than I was used to. It sure wasn’t the one that I’d arrived with. It took some work, but it finally slid past the sphincter and trapped all Jeff’s cum and piss inside me.

That is when I found out that I was going to suffer the same as Tony. Jan pulled out a Foley catheter, lubed it up, and began to insert it. I wasn’t ready for that, but didn’t have any choice since I couldn’t move at all. I could feel when it broke into the bladder and feel the release of the little bit of urine that had accumulated. Jan quickly inflated the Foley and pulled to ensure it was secure. To make sure it was draining, she pulled my cock back with the cath, leaned down, and sucked on the cath – success. She also had a plastic jug ready to catch whatever came out after that and she secured that to my ball cinch. I was going to weight down my own balls just like Tony, unless someone helped fill the jug with their own.

It looked like this was going to be a long night for both Tony and I. I just couldn’t figure out what else could happen that hadn’t already. Jeff could only be good for so many loads, just like myself. But he and Jan had something else in mind. Since Jan had spoken to my wife, I knew that my wife wouldn’t be expecting me home any time soon, possibly not until sometime Sunday. While Jan had been inserting my cath, Jeff had been on the phone in the other room. I just couldn’t hear what he was saying. I soon found out.

About ten minutes later, I heard a knock downstairs and heard someone coming into the house. I looked over to Tony, and he had what could only be described as a very concerned face. Then I knew this was a surprise to him too. I heard Jeff go down the stairs and knew that he was still naked. It had to be someone he knew. It was, and we soon had the chance to find out who it was. While Jeff was busy downstairs, Jan took the time to insert a ball gag in my mouth and secure it.

We heard them coming up the stairs and could hear quiet voices talking back and forth. More than one person had arrived and we just didn’t know how many. About that point Jeff walked into the room followed by two other guys who were naked as well. They both said hi to Jan. Jeff turned to them and asked them if he was lying when he said he had a surprise for them. With that, he told them that every hole in the room, especially ours, were theirs for whatever and however they wanted.

Jeff told Tony and I that the guys were two of his jogging buddies and they had played in the woods as well. They had also played with he and Jan before too. The first was John. He was a powerful black fella with a beautiful dusky complexion and a piece of meat hanging between his legs that sure justified all I’d ever heard about black men. The other guy was Jason. He was a blond Adonis with a trim, firm body and a nice sized cock swinging between his legs as well.

Jason went straight for Tony, which left me for John. I was beginning to be thankful that Jan had pushed the larger plug into me before. Jason looked over at Jeff and said that he liked how he had secured Tony with his ass open. That was the same way that Jeff had done him up during one of his visits. Jason wasted no time and dove down on Tony’s ass and started rimming him. He told Jeff thanks for leaving the deposits – he appreciated it. Jeff told him that the last deposit was mine. Jason just said sweet and went back to rimming.

John hadn’t wasted any time either and moved over to me. I was glad now that Jan had inserted the ball gag. He was feeling my whole body to get an idea of what he had to play with. All he said was that he was going to enjoy this a lot and hoped that I wasn’t in too much pain when he got done. I was in no position to argue. Keep in mind that these two guys had cocks bigger than either Tony or I had ever taken before – guess Jeff wanted us to experience it just like he had.

John kneeled down behind me and started rimming my ass around the plug and manhandling my cock and balls. Damn that felt good. Then I felt him pulling on the plug to work it out. No sooner did it release, then he had his tongue thrusting into my hole. Damn, that felt even better. But I knew what was coming. About that point is when John pulled back, looked over to Jason, and asked him if he was ready? Jason looked over and said hell yes, now that he’d sucked out enough to make room.

Both of them stood up with raging hardons - John behind me and Jason straddling Tony. They both lined up those cocks with our asses and John just said NOW. They both then drove their monsters home in one thrust. Both of our reactions were the same – we tried to scream from the sudden penetration but it was no use with the gags. They both bottomed out and held themselves in to let us adjust. Then they started their rides and they sure as hell enjoyed the ride.

I looked over at Tony and he was looking at me. There was no doubt that we were getting reamed really good. I knew it and Tony sure as hell seemed to. But what caught my attention was Jeff behind Jason. He was holding a large plug and was lining it up with Jason’s ass. Hell he was going to plug Jason while Jason fucked Tony – that had to be one great sensation. About the time he pushed it into Jason, I felt John suddenly lunge further into me and grunt. That’s when I realized that Jan was behind John and was pushing a large plug into him at the same time. Damn what a team!

Their pace really picked up then and I could tell they were getting close to blowing their loads in us. Both of them were breathing heavy and thrusting away. It was amazing that they both arrived at their climax at the same time and drove it home. I felt like I was getting a cum enema. Once he had unloaded, John just lay down on my back just as Jason did to Tony. I suspected what was coming next and I wasn’t disappointed. It was great to feel his cum shooting deep inside, but then I felt him start to piss in me. Not sure how much his bladder held, I was glad that Jan was there to wipe up the excess and that there was a rubber sheet on the floor.

No sooner had John finished and withdrawn, then Jan pushed my plug back in. Jason continued to lie on Tony and enjoy the sensation and his body. Jason finally withdrew from Tony and stood back up. Both John and Jason thanked Jeff and Jan for the invitation to the party, and Jeff invited them back anytime. With that, Jeff and Jan knelt in front of John and Jason and cleaned off their cocks with their mouths and drained out anything left. Once they were done and had gotten up, the guys said they were going to go take a jog and would bring the plugs back later. Jeff and Jan said thanks, and John and Jason turned to us and said thanks guys – hope you enjoyed the ride as much as we did. Then they left the room and took off. Easy cum – easy go.

Jeff turned to us and said that he hoped we enjoyed their surprise. We both nodded yes. With that, Jeff said that he and Jan were going to bed. It had been a long day and they would see us in the morning. Before they just closed the door and left us strapped to our benches, Jeff went over to Tony and pushed a plug into him just in case any of the juices tried to leak out. After having been fucked so much, Tony took it without a wimper. We now knew just what was in store for us the rest of the night. We couldn’t even compare notes. It didn’t take long and we were both asleep.

I’m not sure what time in the morning we were woken up. I suspected that it was just breaking light from what I could see reflecting in the door when Jeff came in. He said that it was time to change positions for Tony and started unstrapping him. Before he had totally freed him, he secured his wrists behind his back so he wasn’t going anywhere. It took some for Tony to be able to stand since he had been on the bench since Friday nite.

Jeff led him over to the bondage chair and had him sit down. Then he was resecured in that chair with his plug still in and his legs spread wide and strapped in. Jeff had put a clamp on Tony’s catheter before letting him up and unhooked the jug from Tony’s balls. Once in the chair, the jug was reattached, Tony’s arms were secured behind his back, and the ball gag was removed. Then Jeff put his cath tube back in the jug which now was about half full and was definitely putting some pressure on Tony’s balls. I know that mine was as well.

Tony right away wanted to know how much longer his session was going to last. Jeff told him that he would be released that evening in time to get back to the barracks and get a good night’s sleep. He and Jan had more planned for him that day.

Then Jeff turned to me and said that I wasn’t quite ready to be released yet. He needed to get off and it was my turn. Besides, he needed to send me home with a present for my wife. He first asked Tony if he was thirsty yet. Tony said he was and Jeff said he could have a choice – drain the jug hung from his balls, or drain Jeff’s bladder. Tony told Jeff to come over and he’d do him. Of course, I knew what that would do – just add to what eventually Tony was going to pass into his jug and weigh him even further.

Jeff went over to him and released his neck strap so Tony could lean over and drain Jeff. He was definitely learning his lessons because he didn’t even hesitate. Once Jeff was done, he came over to me and said that now it was my turn, but not for a drink. He needed to get off and my ass would do fine.

He came around behind me and started working the plug out that had been in all night. Obviously there was a lot of pent up cum and piss behind it from last night. Jeff grabbed a pan and held it under me while he pulled out the plug. Sure enough, some came out. Jeff didn’t waste any time putting that aside and entering me. He rode with gusto for sure and it wasn’t long and he had deposited his seed in me. He backed out and grabbed the plug and pushed it in and said that I could take his present home to my wife.

He then started to undo my straps and release me. Before I could get up, he unhooked the jug from my balls and plugged the cath that I’d worn since last night. It was a relief to have the jug removed from my balls because it had been slowly filling throughout the night and had gotten nearly half full, the same as Tony’s. Jeff didn’t offer me a drink but just set the jug aside. I wasn’t going to ask questions at that point. Jeff said that I was to keep the cath and plug in until I got home. That I could just go downstairs and put my shorts and shoes on and go back home. My wife was waiting and it was early enough on a Sunday morning that noone would probably see me. He said he’d call me later that evening.

I removed the ball gag and thanked them both for a fine session and that I looked forward to our next one. Not sure where Jan was, I just went downstairs, put the shorts and shoes on and left. It was early enough that the sun was just rising, so there wasn’t any activity going on as I jogged back home except for a couple dedicated joggers who were out for their early morning jogs. I hoped that they just assumed that I had been out for an early jog as well.

When I got back to the house, my wife was waiting for me. She just said that she hoped I had fun and to get naked. She wanted to see the shave job and what else Jan had done to me. I didn’t need any further encouragement and kicked off my shoes and dropped my shorts. She just looked at it and then said she liked it. She told me to come over to her and let her feel how smooth I was. I didn’t need anything further to convince me since I hadn’t shot since last night and could still feel the loads in me behind the plug.

She grabbed my cock and balls and played with them some while rubbing a finger over the tip of the catheter that stuck out. She said she liked that too and if I liked it, we’d have to play more with caths. With that, she pulled out the plug from the cath and put my cock into her mouth and just let it drain. Then she started to suck and jerk me off. It didn’t take much and I was shooting around the cath as best as I could. We moved our session upstairs and had an enjoyable day just playing with whatever we wanted to do.

Later that evening I got a call from Jeff. He said that Tony had been released finally and left with his new clean body and his ass filled and plugged. I asked Jeff what Tony thought of the session and Jeff said that he finally admitted that he really liked it, especially being secured down and repeatedly fucked and he was looking forward to the next session. Jeff told me that John and Jason had returned about mid-morning. They had been out jogging and were still plugged themselves. They wanted to return the plugs as well as play again. By that time, Tony had been taken out of the bondage chair and was secured to the spanking/kneeling bench – the same one that they had me secured to last night.

They both enjoyed using his ass again, this time without the tape holding his ass open. They also enjoyed the chance to fuck both Jeff and Jan before leaving. I asked him who got who and Jeff said that he’d enjoyed Jason’s loads and Jan enjoyed John’s. In fact they were still enjoying them and Jan was getting ready to do another cleanout of Jeff. Some guys have all the luck.


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