Gay Erotic Stories


by Whiplash43
06 Apr 2016

Exotic Friends Gay Erotic Stories Military Sexual Identity Discovery

It all began way back in 1963 when i was in the service and in training for four months. . I wondered how in the hell did i ever make it in the serve anyhow as i knew i was gay but they never asked me. When i went to basic we were told if we gave them any trouble we would spend time in a prison and we would not like it. Somehow i made it through basic and then tech training in Mississippi. There i got to know a nice lady who worked in the office at the base and she said if you want to we could date once and awhile. I said why not but i knew i would be on the look out for guys off the base when i was with her. After three months of training i was told i was being sent to nam the war zone and before i could even stay goodby to her i was on a plane heading for the west coast and then over seas. We had a couple of days in Seattle before taking the plane to the Philippines. I wondered around town for a few hours and then i discovered adult book stores and i went in hoping not to find any of my fellow buddies there. I went into a booth and sat down wanting to see a cock or two and someone sucking on it. As i sat there i noticed something come thru the wall on the right side of the room. I looked and it was a cock a black cock and he said come honey suck it you know you want this huge thing in your sweet mouth. I put more money in the slot and walked over to the wall and felt the cock with my hand and it was huge and i did not know if my mouth would take it but i got to my knees and opened my mouth and let it slide in. I began to suck it and he said oh yeah baby oh that feels so good wish i had you at home 24/7. I thought boy would i be right in heaven sucking this thing that much. His cock grew and grew and he said i want that pussy of yours honey may i come in and i said no i dont do that but he said you want it dont you baby? I said oh yeah i want it bad but if if hurts me i will get into trouble and i am leaving in the morning. He said ok let me in and you can just suck it real good. I opened the door and he came in waving his cock in my face like he knew i would really want it after i saw it totally naked. He was tall but not fat and i like that. He said nice body sweet thing why dont you let me show you how much my cock wants that ass of yours and i said again no i cant. He waved his cock at me and i got down and began sucking on it again and it tasted so good i wanted to have it in my pussy but i knew better as i would not leave tomorrow if i did. After a long time of me sucking on his wonderful cock he shot his cum down my throat by shoving my head to his body and holding it there. I swallowed and swallowed and when he let up i got to taste it and it was real tasty. He put his cock back in his pants and said here call me if you get into town again honey and i said oh yes sir i will you can count on that sir. He laugh at how i was talking and i knew why but i did not care as i got his cum in my body anyhow. I stayed for another two suck jobs before running out of money and leaving to go back to the base and to bed for the night. I was asked why i was so long and i said i had found kin in town and i visited them for the day sorry i got in late sir. He said well get some rest as you fly out at 5am so be up and ready son. I fell asleep right after i got in the bunk and before i knew it i was woke up and told to get ready. At 5am we boarded the military plane and was off to the Philippines and then Nam. We landed in Nam the next day and right away we heard explosions and gun shots. I was assigned to the office on base and there i was told that i would be working in the records department. I was told were a bomb was and if i ever thought we would be overrun by the cong i was to blow up the records. I hated the idea of blowing anyone up even the enemy but i knew if it came to it i would press the button and flee fast. I worked for a year on the records of all the members of the men on the base even the officers. Over that time i got to know some of them good even a officer or two who was nice would treat me like a buddy instead of a lower class airman. On my last day there i told them all goodby and i boarded the plane to head home back to America the land of the free and the home of the brave. As we flew i thought of all the men who was under the seats in the luggage compartment as they had been killed in action. I cried while i was alone wondering why did a gay man like me not get killed. When the plane landed and we got discharged i went to a church and got down and thanked the lord for sparing me. I was there for a half hour and as i knelt and prayed to him a man said son can i offer you some solace for your loss. I said oh no i did not lose anything sir i am thanking him for not letting me get killed while i was in harms way sir. He said oh you just came back from the war and i said yes sir and now i am thinking god for his kindest. The man said well son if you ever needed anything just let me know i have many friends and they will help you if they can. I got up and walking on my plastic leg and my good leg i went out of the church and found my way to Seattle. Some how i still had the number of the man from a year ago and i called him. He said why sure come over and i said where are you sir and he told me his address. I got on a trolley and followed his directions and i got to his place in a half hour. I rang the bell on the door and this white female came to the door and said welcome sir come in my master is expecting you sir. I thought what master and i am not a sir i am Ben the gay man. She held the door open for me and i walked in and she watched me limping a little. We entered the living room and he was there sitting on a big recliner chair. He got up and said well hello honey how are you and i said i am okey sir but i have something to tell you sir. He said he hoped it wasnt that i went straight and i said no sir but you may not like it anyhow. He said well what is it baby and i said well let me show you sir and i dropped my pants and when he saw my missing leg he said what the hell happened hon. I said i was being chased by the cong and i fell down and the bastard stuck a sword into it and twisted it and it got infected and they cut it off. He said you can suck a cock cant you and i said i think so i have not had one to suck for a year now. He said well come here then and he lowered his shorts and his cock dropped down and i got down on my good leg and removed my plastic one and started sucking his cock right there in front of his guest and the female. I knew after i tasted his cock that i was were i belonged never to leave his sight i hoped.


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It all began way back in 1963 when i was in the service and in training for four months. . I wondered how in the hell did i ever make it in the serve anyhow as i knew i was gay but they never asked me. When i went to basic we were told if we gave them any trouble we would spend time in a prison and we would not like it. Somehow i made it through basic and then tech training in Mississippi.


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