Gay Erotic Stories

Locker Room Blues - Part 5

by Cheshiregay
14 Jul 2021

College Days Cops Exhibitionism Gay Erotic Stories Men's Clubs Parties To Remember Tales From The Locker Room

This story is part 5, and the final part, of the locker room blues series.

In part 1, Tim had dared himself to get naked in the university locker room, throwing his kit away in the bin in the hope that he would find some kit left behind to go home in. His plans went badly wrong, was caught by the security guard, and his tutor, finally driving off bare assed naked in his car home at midnight after an interview with the police.

Part 2 has Tim trying to get home but being stopped by police several times, the police all knowing who Tim was, and using him as entertainment on the night shift. Except after the last stop, Tim gets offered a lift by two rednecks in their pickup truck.

In part 3, Tim finds himself as a shaved naked house boi to a group of six redneck men living in the remote hills above San Diego, who are also grooming Tim as a submissive sex toy to use to relieve their needs.

In parts 3 & 4, Tim makes himself at home as a shaved naked house boi and gets used to his role

So, part 5….

Kyle looks up from his desk, “Sarg, I erm, think I might have a lead”.

Sarg looks over at Kyle, ‘Yeah, really, Kyle, you think so, or you know so, which is it?’

Kyle ignores the barbed comment from his boss, ‘This guy, looks like the Tim that is missing, Sarg. Here, what do you think?’

Kyle goes over and shows Sarg the blown-up pic of Tim, naked, smiling into the camera.

‘Yep, that’s him for sure. Where is he? How do you have this pic, Kyle?’

‘Well, its kinda embarrassing, Sarg. It’s on a meetup site’.

‘Look, kid, I know you’re gay. This is the 21st century. It’s no big deal. So this Tim, is he is advertising on a gay hookup site, is that it?’

‘Well it’s a bit more hardcore than that, Sarg. And it’s someone else advertising him. For a party this weekend. As the main attraction, in fact.’

Sarg raises his eyebrows, ‘Well you learn something new everyday. So you're into this 'hardcore' stuff, are you Kyle?’

Kyle blushes bright red and stammers out, ‘No, not normally, Sarg’.

‘Hey, it’s none of my business what you get up to out of hours. And respect where it’s due, you’ve got a lead on this missing Tim character, where we had none. Have you hatched a plan?’ Sarg looks over at the blushing Kyle.

‘I thought I could attend the party. Scope it out, find out where he is, if he’s ok or needs rescuing, you know……’

‘So, like, you’re prepared to go to this party? Beyond the call of duty, I’d say, but great. Do we trail you? Offer you on-the-ground support? Or at least put some trackers on your vehicle?’ asked Sarg.

‘Erm trackers would be a good idea, Sarg. Though it’s not guaranteed I could get into the party. It’s by invitation only.’

‘Well what are you waiting for? Get yourself invited, damn it. You can even do that on company time, Kyle. Well done kid.’

Kyle gets back to his desk and messages the contact on recon. There is a reply within seconds, ’So you interested in the party eh? U got pix?’

Kyle types ‘Yeah, here's a couple of me’ and waits for what seems like forever.

‘Very nice. But are they you? I need proof it’s you, boy. How about you send me a nice friendly picture, like?’

‘But I’m at work. Kinda awkward, you know’.

‘Well there’s no law against going to the john, is there? Get your sweet ass along there and give me a pic. Now, boy, right now.’

‘Erm, I reckon I can do that, sure.’

Kyle whispers to Sarg, ‘I need to prove it’s me. You know, take a pic.’

Sarg looks up form his desk, confused at first, “Oh OK, no problem, Kyle. Just do what you gotta do to get yourself to the party.’

As Kyle enters the police station locker room, he gets another message, ‘You still there boy? I need to see today’s goods. Understand? Strip and pic me, boy.’

Thankfully, thinks Kyle, the locker room is empty. He strips off and takes a nude selfie against the lockers and sends it.

‘Very nice. Now, get yourself hard by a window and send me that pic. Just to prove these ain’t stock pics.’

Kyle doesn’t take long to get hard, he was already chubbing up. He can’t quite believe he is doing this in the locker room at the police station in work time, with Sarg’s approval. He gets himself nice and hard and sends the pic.

‘Mmm, that is very nice, boy. Now how about you bend right over and send me a pick of your sweet boi pussy?’

Kyle shakes his head in disbelief. What the fuck was he doing? He is normally a top, but this guy just seems to ooze dominance. And Kyle knows he has just got to get to this party. Kyle can’t help himself but reply, ’Yes Sir.’

‘Sir, eh? That’s a good boy. You’re definitely going the right way to get an invite, boy.’

Kyle bends right over and takes a pic of his ass and sends it.

‘Damn boy, that’s one mighty fine boi pussy you got there. Bet your friends get a lot of pleasure from that. Yeah, you can come to the party, that’s for sure. It’s this Friday. I will send directions an hour beforehand. Now promise me you will come, and not mess me about?’

‘Yes Sir, I will be there for sure.’

‘Ok, one more thing for me, Kyle. No, make that two. I want to see you jerk off right now on video and then I don’t want you to cum til friday night. Oh, and a third thing. I need you to shave everything from the neck down off. Can you do that for me, boy? You want to come to the party, don’t you?’

Kyle’s hand is already wrapped around his cock stroking it, he’s so horned up, ‘Erm yeah, Sir, I really do want to come to the party. Yes Sir, sure, yes, why not.’

‘Yes, why not indeed. Good boy. Great attitude. Now face the camera and give me your best cum shot, boy. You alone there, boy?’

‘Yes Sir.’

‘Good. Now jerk n cum for your ticket to the party, boy’.

Kyle does as he is told and is soon shooting his load in front of the camera.

‘Very nice, boy. Now, remember, don’t cum again before the party. And remember to shave every hair off below the neck. You got that? Damn you’re a mighty pretty boy.’

Kyle’s face is flushed when he returns to his desk some twenty minutes after leaving it.

‘Everything ok, Kyle?’

“Yes Sir, erm, Sarg. I got myself invited to the party.’

Sarg looks up briefly and nods, ‘Well done, kid.’ Kyle thinks to himself that Sarg doesn’t need to know about the jerk off to camera, the no cumming rule, the body shaving that he needed to do to get to the party. No need for all the details.

Two days later, a freshly body-shaved Kyle is kitted out with a tracker device in his car and a smaller tracker unit on his leather belt. Kyle had already received the message with the coordinates of where he had to be at for 7pm exactly, with a warning that if he was late he would miss the party.

Kyle takes the road out of San Diego up into the foothills inland. The road soon turns to dirt track. Kyle sees four cars ahead of him as his satnav tells him he has arrived at his destination. He’s five minutes early. Two other cars arrive soon after him. The men in the various cars all sit in their vehicles, not socialising, so Kyle stays in his car too. After a ten minute wait, a van arrives. The other men seemed to recognise it and get out of their cars, instantly becoming friendly and speaking. Kyle gets out nervously. He notices that he is by far the youngest there, by about fifteen years at a minimum.

The van passenger door opens and a stocky man gets out and walks towards Kyle, ‘So you must be the boy we saw on those pics and video. Now, we need proof that you gone and done what you were told to before we head off, so why don’t you strip down and put all your clothes in the trunk of your car?’ All eyes turns to take a closer look at Kyle. Kyle knows he doesn’t have any choice if he wants to get to the party and speak to Tim, so he starts to do exactly what the man has told him to do. There’s a silence as Kyle strips off naked, depositing his clothes in his trunk, knowing that the tracker for the car and in his belt would lead to this place, not where the party is. ‘I see you did what you were told to do, very nice, boy, very smooth. Now let me lock your car for you and I will take responsibility for your car keys, since you got no pockets on you. OK, everyone in the van. You, boy, blindfolded, cos its your first time.’

The blindfolded Kyle is led to the van and sat down on the bench seat. Kyle sits there quietly, hearing comments and feeling hands roaming across him. He soon becomes hard at the attention he is getting on the journey. This is not going to plan, he thinks to himself, anxious about the trackers in his car, and not on him, but he is now committed to speaking to the missing lad and finding out out how he was. After a journey of some twenty minutes, the van comes to a stop and Kyle is manhandled out of the van and into the main shack where the beers are all lined up. Kyle’s blindfold is ripped off him. He blinks and looks around and sees twenty pairs of eyes on him.

Then he sees Tim, naked, casually serving beers to the arriving men, ‘Phew, at least I’m in the right place.’

Someone shouts at Kyle, ‘Go on, boy. Don’t just stand there. Help your friend out with serving us men the beers.’

Kyle doesn’t reply but goes over to Tim and whispers a ‘Hi’.

‘Hi’, replies Tim, taking in Kyle’s smooth body, ‘I didn’t know there was going to be another boy here tonight.’

‘Lol, no, I guess I didn’t know I was going to arrive bare assed naked either. All my clothes are in my car at the rendezvous point’, answered Kyle, taking in the fact that Tim thought Kyle was another boy, not a guest, like the men they were gathering beers for.

‘Ah, cool, so you’re naked like me for the duration, eh? I’m Tim, by the way’.


‘Boys, stop chatting over there like a couple of housewives and bring us the beers.’

‘Yes Sir’, replies Kyle and the two naked boys hand out the beers as the men ogle their bodies and slap their asses.

They collect empties and head off to the kitchen for more beers. While alone in the kitchen, Kyle whispers, ‘Tim. Shhhh, but I’m police. I’m here to check up on your disappearance. Find out if you’re ok or not. I mean you look ok. Are you?’

Tim looks over Kyle’s shoulder, at the door, ‘Police? WTF? Really? You don’t look like any police officer I’ve met’, remembering his naked ride back the gym a few weeks earlier, ‘Like, where’s your badge?’

Kyle grins, ‘Haha, you got me there, not on me. You can search me if you want. But look, I’m serious. Are you here against your will? You just disappeared off the face of the earth the other week. We’ve been looking for you but no trace.’

Tim is taking it in, the police are worried about him - they even sent one here - one of the sexiest ones he had ever seen, for sure, to check up on him, ‘Hey, it wasn’t my idea at first, you know, but I’ve got used to it. It’s cool. They treat me ok. They’re good guys really.’

Kyle takes in Tim’s answer, ‘Thats why I’m here, to check up on you. If you’re good to stay then that’s cool’.

‘Boys, get your fine asses out here with some chilled beers. Now!’

They come back into the main room and hand out more beers.

Al stands up and talks to the men, ‘OK, so before this auction of ours tonight, why dont we get ourselves acquainted with these two. We had promised one for you, but now it seems we have two to entertain you and for you to bid for. But before you handle the goods. We’re going to let you see what they can get up to.’

Al looks over at Kyle and Tim, ‘Ain’t that right, boys?’

Kyle and Tim look at each other in confusion, Kyle taking the lead, ‘Erm, not sure what you mean, Sir.’

Al laughs, ‘Oh, I’m sure you do. Just get friendly, like, you know, a bit like you did at your office the other day. Just ignore us watching you. How about you start with some hugs and kisses?’

Kyle looks over at Tim, thinking to himself that he is supposed to be rescuing this guy, not making out with him, and certainly not in front of twenty guys. The decision is made by Tim, who comes forward and hugs Kyle. Kyle hesitantly embraces Tim, and their bodies become one.

Kyle whispers, ‘You ok with this?’

Tim nods and kisses Kyle, tongues meeting, bodies close together, their dicks hardening against each other. The room settles to watch the two boys. Men are rubbing their own crotches and there are a few phones recording the boys.

Kyle and Tim are hard for each other. Tim knows the score, having been here for a few weeks, and trained well by Mike. Tim knows what is expected of him. To put on a horny show to up the bidding. Mike had told him he gets five percent of the bid price to add to his payoff fund. Tim reaches down between them and takes Kyle’s seven inches in his hand and starts to gently stroke it.

Kyle lets out a gentle moan. He knows he has to go through with this if he isn’t going to blow his cover. Though he is afraid he is going to blow something else. Tim’s hand feels so good around his cock. He looks into Tim’s eyes as if to reassure him that this is all ok.

Tim steps away so that their hard cocks are now fully on show to the room. Tim stroking Kyle, and then Tim drops to his knees and takes Kyle’s cock deep down his throat.

There are cheers around the room, ‘Yeah, boys, go for it.’

Tim doesn’t need any encouragement, he is enjoying the feel of Kyle’s hard cock down his throat, the taste of Kyle’s leaking precum, and he has grown more than used to sucking dick in front of the house. Tim’s hands grab Kyle’s plentiful buns and squeeze them as he sucks.

Kyle is a bit phased. Yeah, he’s been to a few parties but has never been the centre of attention like this before, never the floor show. It’s all new to him. Yet, Tim seems to be expertly sucking on him and he is so rock hard at Tim’s attention on him. Kyle thinks to himself, ‘Damn, this is one motherfucker horny scenario. Fuck, I’m glad I’m here.’

One of the guests turns to Al, speaking loudly, “How about you get this new boy to fuck the daylights out of the boy we came to bid for? That would be awesome.’

Al laughs, ‘Yeah, you’re one step ahead of me on that. Boy, you heard the guest’, pointing at Kyle, ‘How about you prep your partner with your tongue then fuck his sweet ass for us?’

Kyle looks down at Tim, who is still on his knees with Kyle’s cock buried deep down his throat, and senses that Tim wants this, wants Kyle’s cock inside him. Kyle watches as his cock reappears out of Tim’s mouth and Tim gets up and then lies down on his back on a table and pulls his legs right up. Ready. Waiting. For Kyle. Smiling at Kyle as if to say, ‘My ass is yours. Fuck me. Seed me’.

Kyle tugs on his cock, and drops down, his tongue onto Tim’s boi pussy, wetting it, licking it, pushing in, opening Tim up, getting Tim ready for a fuck. It’s not long before Kyle reckons Tim is ready for him and he moves up, kisses Tim, and presses his cock against Tim’s pussy.

Tim letting Kyle in. Looking up at Kyle, into his deep blue eyes. There is lust between them. Tim can sense Kyle wants him, and Tim wants Kyle. Tim wants Kyle’s seed inside him.

Kyle gets hold of Tim’s legs and starts to thrust deep into Tim. The men crowd round, watching, cheering them on. Some with their own cocks out, wanking as they watch Kyle fuck Tim. Tim on his back. Kyle slamming into Tim. Tim’s dick leaking precum over his abs. Someone starts to tweak Kyle’s nips as he fucks Tim. A finger slipping between his ass cheeks, fingering his hole. It’s all too much. Kyle shouts out as he shoots his load into Tim, pressing his cock deep into Tim. Resting there.

Men shouting, ‘Yes. Good fuck, boy. Now get the bitch to clean you up’.

Kyle is still high from the most intense fuck he has had for ages. He gets up onto the table, straddles Tim, and places his cummy cock into Tim’s open mouth. Kyle watches Tim licking his cum off his cock. Behind him, someone is handling Tim’s cock, stroking it, moving it, pressing it against Kyle’s exposed ass. Hands are on Kyle’s hips, encouraging him to sit back onto Tim’s cock. For Tim to fuck Kyle, for Kyle to ride Tim’s cock. Kyle feels himself opening and Tim enter him. His own cock still hard, but now licked clean. Kyle pushes down, feeling Tim deep inside him now. Kyle resting on Tim’s abs.

‘That’s it, cowboy, ride your bitch home’.

Tim looks up as Kyle rides his cock. Kyle’s cock slapping on Tim’s abs as he rides Tim. It doesn’t take long before Tim shouts out in ecstasy and shoots his seed into Kyle. Kyle dismounts and licks Tim clean.

Al shouts out, ‘OK, OK, now you’ve seen what these boys are capable of. It’s time for your pre-auction inspection.’

Kyle and Tim are made to stand in the middle of the room. They are blindfolded and have their hands tied behind their backs. They stand there as the men come round, close up. Hearing their comments, what the unknown voices might want to do to them if they won the auction. Feeling hands tugging on their cocks, squeezing their balls, tweaking their nips, slapping their asses, fingering their holes.

After a good thirty minutes of Tim and Kyle being handled and groped, Al shouts out, ‘OK, that’s enough handling of the goods. Take your seats and we can start the auction.’

The men all sit down, Kyle and Tim, still blindfolded, and hands tied behind them, now fully erect, on show in front of them.

Al stands close to the boys, ‘OK, so several of you have come up to me and said you were interested in bidding for the pair of these fine specimens of American youth. So, let’s see if you hit the reserve for the two of them together. If not, then we can always bid for them separately. Let’s see how the bidding goes, eh? See if there is demand for the pair, not for the night, but for the weekend, or even longer, depending on the price you’re willing to pay. I’ve got a couple of bidders ready online too, so tonight is going to be interesting.’

Tim and Kyle both stand there, taking in what Al is saying, and are shocked by prospect of a weekend - or longer - use. It was only supposed to be for the evening. And only for Tim. This was not in the plan for either of them, yet, they are silent. They know they should not say anything. They stand still, unseeing, seen, not just in the room, but also on the internet.

Al hushes the room, ‘OK. Let’s start the bidding at $100 for the pair of them for the evening.’

Bids come in quick and fast and it is soon up to $600 for the pair for the evening. Then a bid comes in over the internet, $1,000 for them both for the weekend.

Al smiles, ‘OK, new we are getting serious. Bidding for the pair of them for the weekend, I’ve got $1,000. Any higher bids out there?’

A few men in the room shake their heads, too much money for them even if the goods are so fucking gorgeous. However, there are enough with the money to keep the bidding going.

Minutes later, Al is grinning, ‘Great bidding so far. We currently have $4,500 from Wayne, in the room, for the pair of them for the weekend. Is that the final bid? Or is anyone willing to offer more?’

Al continues, ‘$6,000 from Chas, an internet bidder. Do we have any other bids?’

There is a long pause, before Al shouts, ‘Final bid accepted. $6,000 from Chas, for the two of them for the weekend. Bidding over. Why don’t you men enjoy the goods until Chas send over to collect them? You can tease them, edge them, play with them, but just don’t make them cum.’

The men get up and crowd round Tim and Kyle, groping them and each other. Al goes to the laptop and chats with Chas about the collection.

An hour later, a truck arrives at the compound. Al and Mike lead Tim and Kyle out to the truck, still naked and blindfolded and hands tied behind them, and sit them in the back of the truck.

Mike talks to them both, ‘Just a short ride for you both. Gotta keep you blindfolded so that you don’t know where Chas lives, you understand, don’t you? They’ll take those off when you get there. Have fun, don’t let us down, now. We’ll see you back here Sunday evening around 9pm.’

Mike slams the door shut and the truck drives off. The guests are soon driven back to the rendezvous point for their drive home. Kyle’s car is the only one left there.

Later, the group are all sat round, drinking a beer and smoking weed. Al grins, ‘$6,000, wow, what a night. Fucking awesome, eh? Best takings yet. Mike, you better take down the details of the party, and delete the recon user profile. And guys, we need to get out there and search the streets for a new house boi, now that Tim has been sold off. Tomorrow night, after the bars close. Should be easy pickings. Oh, yeah, and we need to ditch the car that Kyle was in too. Perhaps we need to pick two boys up tomorrow. Selling two at a time seems like the way to go.’

So, this story happened because a reader emailed me with a start of a story and a request, ‘Maybe you would like to write the ending?’ I liked what he had written. I wanted to pick up and continue. I hope you enjoyed the story. If you have the start of a story that you want me to continue then get in touch with your idea at and we will see what happens from there.


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