Gay Erotic Stories

Precious Cargo, Part 1

by Spankscotty
13 Dec 2002

Bondage Fetish Older/younger Sex On The Road

I had my hand on the old gentleman's office door when someone touched my shoulder. I spun, fast, hand on my Beretta, and my eyes met the face of the most beautiful young male I'd ever seen. The face was oval-shaped, framed by a mop of thick, black hair, which tumbled over his forehead and across his thick-browed eyes. Shaded by an almost girlish set of lashes, his pupils were deep, black pools surrounded by warm brown irises. They were set, like perfect gemstones, by high cheekbones and a dimpled chin. He had a nose like the young Al Pacino's, and he flared his nostrils in a way that could certainly be described as seductive.

His mouth, which smiled secretively, was wide and sensual, the lips thick and full. His body, thin and lithe, was muscled but supple. Thin waist. Strong thighs encased in a pair of skin-tight white trousers that clung to every bulge and ripple of his lovely dark skin. Crotch full. Pants tight. I had the feeling he knew very well what his body looked like, and dressed to show it off. It had to be Paulo. He looked about 15, but I knew he was 18. Paulo s grandfather was a rich old wine merchant, retired to Arizona. He d made too many enemies, on both sides of the law. That was why I was there. An especially dangerous crime lord had threatened his life, and the old man was set on getting his grandson safely across the border to a safe haven California. I had a reputation for moving human cargo carefully and efficiently, and I was promised a very pretty amount of untaxed income if I delivered Paulo to his mother in San Francisco. I knew that Paulo s father, the old man’s son, had been gunned down by a different set of enemies two years ago. I knew that the kid s mother was safely squirreled away in San Francisco, living quite happily under an assumed name. I knew that Paulo had wanted to go to his mother, and that his mother wanted him with her. I knew that no one had threatened the boy's life, but the old man wasn't leaving anything to chance. I knew a great deal about him, but apparently not everything . I'd never seen his photo, so I wasn't aware of how gorgeous the boy was until this moment, for one thing. Nor had I known until I stared helplessly into his dark eyes that Paulo liked men. That wasn't something the old man himself knew himself, if I was any judge. But the way Paulo bored into me with his eyes told me more than any dossier his ever could. "You the guy they sent to take me home?" he whispered in a husky baritone voice. I nodded, keeping my eyes locked with his. You could lose yourself in eyes like these: willingly surrender time and space as you fell into the deep, dangerous waters within. He grinned, and stepped closer. "Great. You're hot."

I blushed, and the boy touched my chest with his hand. The press of his palm seared its way onto my left tit and he leaned close. Another husky whisper, thick with sex:, "Then we'll have some fun, huh?" I could just imagine. And imagining made my armpits damp. Trying to look coolly professional, I took his hand from my chest and said, "Fun isn't part of the deal, Paulo." He lowered his eyes to my crotch, which had assumed a subtle but noticeable prominence since our eyes had met. He looked up again and grinned, slyly. I swallowed, stammering a whispered reply, feverish with newly minted possibilities, "We'll see, kid. First let's get the hell out of here. Okay?" He grinned again, put a finger to his delicious mouth to indicate a secret between us, and then placed the fingertip on my lips. I expected him to take it away, but when he didn't, I drew his finger inside my mouth, rolling my tongue along its slender length. He winked then and, slipping his finger from my lips, padded away down the hall, giving me a nice, long look at the sway of his perfectly rounded 18 year-old's buttocks as they swung slightly in the tight, white trousers. I took a deep breath, shut my eyes, counted to five, silently commanded my cock to contract, and knocked on the door. ********************

"I don't want him out of your sight. Not for a minute. If he goes to take a crap, I want you there to hand him the toilet paper. You got that?” I had my own image of that little incident in my head, but I all I said was, "Sure." I got up to leave. "One more thing." I turned back. "I'm giving you an innocent boy. I expect him to return to California an innocent boy!" "I don't know what you mean, sir." "You do, paisan, but I'll spell it out for you. I've heard the stories, I know your kind. A boy like this, sixteen years old-- virgin,” he added with emphasis. “You think he's got to be made a man on your watch. So understand me--you don't take Paulo to any whores. It’s not part of your job to give him that kind of experience. No women, capiche?"

I smiled to myself. If the boy's suggestive attitude to me was any indication, the old man didn't know his Paulo, not at all. Innocent? The kid had experience already, I was sure, just as I knew it had nothing to do with girls. I wondered whom he'd been with. A tutor? Some randy priest? Maybe a gardener on his grandfather's estate? Probably had his cherry popped by the time he was 13. It was a pleasant thought.

And as for letting someone else into Paulo's tight pants--especially a woman--that was the last thing I wanted to do anyway. I wanted that pleasure for myself. So my reply skirted lying--just barely! "Right, I said. No women." I got my last instructions from the old man, paid him the proper respect, and left the room. Unless I was much mistaken, Paulo didn't give a cold linguini about the opposite sex. No women, the old man had said. All right. But he hadn't said a word about men. He didn't say anything about Paulo giving himself to me.

******************** As we drove toward the California state line, I watched the road, not the kid. But I couldn't get the sight of him walking away in those tight white pants out of my head. I didn't need to look at him; I had him memorized--from the shock of black hair that fell down over his large eyebrows to the perfect roundness of his lovely backside. Now and then, I could feel his eyes on me, but ignored it. It wasn't time. Yet. Sweat trickled down my underarms and the back of my neck, even with the van's air conditioner on full-blast. We were on the lonely stretch of desert highway. Two-lane blacktop and flat as far as the eye could see. No other cars on the horizon in front of us or behind. It had been like this all the way. Even though I thought we had left Arizona without being followed, I surveyed the road with care. No ambush was possible without my seeing it at least a mile in advance.

I started to relax a little on that score. But when the boy’s hand fell on my crotch, some tension returned all right. Fast. I turned now and stared at him. His wide black eyes were hooded by heavy lids, their luxurious lashes giving him a look he knew was seductive. He'd used it before, I bet. Bedroom eyes. I'd also bet it had worked. It sure as hell worked on me. I slowed the van down. "Keep going fast", he said. I activated the cruise control and lifted my foot from the accelerator. I thought I knew what he had in mind; the last thing I needed was to floor the gas in a moment of uncontrolled passion and precipitate a high-speed accident. His body leaned toward me and his head went to my lap. Busy hands undid my zipper and buckle and snaps. Warm breath hit the cotton briefs that covered my excited penis. A damp heat suffused my cock as the boy began lapping through the cotton cloth. I put one hand on his head, playing with his gorgeous silken hair while he worked my dick and balls out of my briefs. I gasped as I felt the tip of his tongue touch my naked cock-head. My hand slid down his back and rested on his lovely bottom. He scooted closer, playing with my balls now, sucking them, licking them, taking first one and then the other in his mouth. I tried to keep my left hand on the wheel and my foot off the gas pedal, and found myself gripping his right butt-cheek like a vise.

"Ow!", he cried.

I relaxed my grip. Sorry," was all I managed.

"No problem, man," he grinned up at me. "I don t mind it rough. Just warn me, okay? I stared at him in amazement--an innocent boy, indeed!

I slid my hand beneath him and felt his full erection straining in the tight pants. Unzipping his fly and unsnapping the button, I began to work his pants off, sliding them off his hot little butt. He lay on his side, at an angle, and his clean white shorts showed a large bulge at the crotch. I put my hand around it, squeezing and stroking him. Drops of semen began to form on the cotton, and I squirreled my hand under the elastic above his astonishing ass.

I felt his hot butt-flesh, kneaded his buns; he responded by redoubling his attack on my cock. He was really blowing me now, his mouth making a serious assault on the sensitive underside of my dick-head, teasing me with fiendish accuracy. I gasped and my ass rose off the seat. After this bit of exquisite torture, he opened his throat and took me in, the entire shaft, until his nose was buried deep in my pubic hair. I gripped his butt and he moaned sharply. I had been more than correct in my assumptions about Paulo; the kid not only dug guys, he knew how to please them. He'd swallowed my cock-shaft like a pro. I slid his briefs off his gorgeous seat slowly, marveling at the beautifully rounded, muscled, tan wonder of his amazing ass. Perfectly round bubble-butt, not an ounce of excess fat--twin brown half-moons of utter, hairless, beauty. When I traced the line between his butt-cheeks with my forefinger, he spread them wide and pushed his bottom against my hand, gasping.

I thrust my finger into my mouth, got it slick and moved it down between his cheeks, grazing the hot, hairless butt-cunt with my finger. He thrust his backside at me again, moaning. I slowly dug my way inside his warm boy-pussy, delighting in the way he clenched his ass down on my intruding finger. I was just able to penetrate his hot hole and begin to caress his prostate when he began to gasp and shudder. His asshole clamped down on my finger. I damn near drove us off the road. The more I teased him open, the further I explored his clutching butthole, the more frenzied his dick licking became. His head was bobbing up and down now as his tongue and teeth consumed me. Trying to hold off, I came anyway, his mouth a velvet trap around my rigid cock.

I could feel the hot liquid against my leg as it exploded from his dick, still bunched up in the front of his shorts, shooting inside them, not completely absorbed by the cotton. Droplets began to soak into my trouser leg. His sphincter clamped down on my finger, and I could feel his prostate pumping away, fast and hard. He swallowed my cum and licked every drop away from my agonizingly sensitive dick-head. Then he looked up at me and grinned. I smiled back at him as my finger slowly slid from his happy little tan hiney. I ruffled his hair affectionately. He sat up, sliding close to me, and found my lips with his luscious mouth. I kissed his sweet lips and placed my arm around his shoulder. Sneaking downward, I let it linger at his lap. The limp bulge began to grow again, thumping against my leg. I looked at him, astonished at the recuperative power of youth.

He laughed. "Find someplace to stop, okay?" he smiled. I laughed. "Baby, you're a mind-reader." An old run-down gas station loomed in the brief distance and I sped toward it. Sure enough, it was unoccupied. The garage doors were so covered by years of dust as to be impenetrable to sight. There was no lock on the door, and I managed to get it open fairly easily. I jumped into the van, drove in, parked, shut the engine off, and scurried outside again. I found a large tree branch nearby and used it to sweep our tire tracks from the dusty driveway, my heart pumping fast and sweat covering my palms. So far, I hadn't even seen his randy little cock, and I was dying to get my hands on it. When I was sure the garage was secure and our tracks eliminated, I scurried back to our trysting place. By now, my own cock had fully revived. I could hardly wait. I closed the garage door carefully and tried looking out its grimy windows. I couldn't see out, so I was satisfied that no one could see in, either. I considered hanging an old blanket up, but then decided I wanted those panes the way they were. I could see at least well enough through the accumulated dirt to discern an approaching car, even if the occupants would be unable to see inside, and in case of a rout, we needed every advantage we could get. My cock was straining against my trousers, and I stripped off my shirt before climbing into the van again. Then I remembered the old man. Shit. I sighed. Business was business. I pulled out my cellular phone and dialed the number the boy's grandfather had given me. Since we didn't want to take a chance of any calls to the estate being intercepted, the old man had given me the number of his maid's brother, who lived across the county. I gave the guy a coded message, indicating that all was well and that the delivery was on schedule. The brother was to take my message and give it to his sister by hand. The maid would then deliver it to the boy's grandfather. It sounds like something out of a bad spy thriller, but a kid's life was at stake. Mine, too. The boy was waiting for me in the back when I hung up. Sitting on the floor, grinning, he had coyly piled his clothing on his lap, tantalizing me with the rest of his dark nakedness. I checked to make sure the safety on my gun was on and laid it away from us. Then I knelt and kissed his big lips greedily, running my hands along the contours of his gorgeous copper skin. His arms were silken, muscled, and I broke the kiss long enough to nuzzle his sweet neck. He reached for my zipper again and I dove my face into his warm chest, licking his nipples into hard nibs and then tugging at them with my teeth. He threw back his head, purring, and his busy hands by now having undone my trousers once more. I stepped out of them, kicked off my shoes and held him, kissing his lovely mouth. Breaking the kiss, I pulled his clothes away from his lap and gazed at his nakedness. He leaned back against the spare tire, his legs spread to reveal his mouth-watering young penis. It stood up, pointing toward his belly, his balls, bound tight in his dust-colored scrotum, hanging beneath it. Uncut, the angry pink head of his cock had escaped its fleshy hood, and I took hold of it, rubbing the skin up and down its length, pulling the hood over his cock-head and down again, lying down to nuzzle his hot, hairless balls with my lips. He sighed loudly and spread his hairless legs wider, giving me access to his astonishing young butt. I licked my way from his tight ballsac toward his bright puckered boy-twat. Kissing the sweet perspiration from his thighs, I dove my tongue against the exquisite contours of his pulsing, twitching boy-cunt. He groaned, as I pressed inward, parting his butt-lips and delving deep inside his funky heat with my tongue. His legs circled my shoulders, and I reached one hand up to pull on his nipples as I ate his delightful young butthole. He tugged at his dick in ecstasy, tightening his hot hole on my tongue. I pulled my lips from his butt with regret, and he sighed heavily when my tongue withdrew. But I quickly replaced it with an agile index finger, teasing his cunt-lips open, relaxing his sphincter, and digging dexterously toward his little knot of a prostate. Lingering there, I massaged it gently, keeping an eye on his cock. As soon as it began to leak a glistening drop of pre-cum, I pulled out of his luscious butthole . "Fuck me, man!" he pleaded with a husky rasp. My dick ached to have him. Taking my hand from his tits, I fumbled with a condom before furiously globbing KY on his now well-prepared butthole and on my throbbing, leaking cock. Positioning myself, I aimed toward his boy-twat and, just as my cock-head touched his tight little hole, he suddenly thrust his hips toward me and pushed me inside him. In one quick movement, I was buried inside his agonizingly hot boy-hole, my balls gently lapping at his lovely, hairless buttcheeks.

He gasped a command, "Fuck me, man! Fuck me!”

No further instructions were necessary. I began to fuck his splendid asshole, gently at first. But he wasn't satisfied. “C'mon, dude!” he groaned, “Fuck me hard!" As his movements beneath me increased, his butt shoving back on my prong, forcing me further up his sweet boy-cunt, I knew he wanted it not only harder, but also faster. Rougher.

"Harder, man! Harder! Oh, yeah--fuck me!" I began to really pump now, pistoning in and almost out of his slick, smooth vessel, my balls slapping his butt-cakes furiously, until I felt the walls of his asshole contract suddenly, sensed his oncoming orgasm, and thrust one final time up his oily boy-twat. He screamed out in pleasure, gripping my hair, and I felt a flood of heated cum explode from his cock and hit my belly. It sent me over the top. I poured out my love then, pulsing wave after pulsing wave of hot jizz flooding his butt, seeking out his lips with mine, kissing his frenziedly until my passion spent itself and I slipped slowly, reluctantly, out of his wonderful butt-hole. We lay kissing until sleep overwhelmed us.

******************** When I awoke, my hand reaching out to caress his head, it landed on air. I was wide-awake instantly, listening intently for sound. Had someone come into the shed while we slept? Had he been taken? My head swam with terror. And I felt something else, a deep pang of loss and grief. Was I falling in love with this kid? I'd never been especially interested in young guys. My sex life had always involved men my age or slightly younger. But that experience had never brought me love. I was resigned to living alone, to filling the void I tried to pretend I didn't feel with sex. There was no reason to think that this little escapade was any different. I was used to being a loner. Hell, in my line of work, it was almost a prerequisite. Swiftly but silently, I got out of the van by the back door and looked around me, half-expecting to find his bloody, garroted corpse at my feet. It was still night, and I didn't dare pick up a flashlight for fear the light would be seen from outside. As I searched the dark, dank building, reason began to flood back. If he had been abducted, or even killed, would I have been left alone?

It seemed highly unlikely. No, they would have played with me, tortured me, and killed me slowly and painfully, perhaps while the boy looked on, helpless. Then a thought chilled my body: what if my search was the beginning of it all? What if this was just a game they were playing? I stopped then, tense and sweating with cold terror. My every sense became alert, heightened. And then I heard it. A whisper. "I'm here," it said softly. I went to the sound. I found his body with my hands and gripped his arm tightly. Relief flooded my soul. Relief and something else. Something like--joy. "God damn it! You almost gave me heart failure, you little brat!” My eyes were adjusting to the dark and I looked at him fully now, both panic and relief slowly fading away. Some dusty moonlight had seeped into the garage from one of the filthy windows, and I could see that he was naked. His penis was aroused again, half-hard and pulsing away from his flat belly. “What the hell are you doing?"

"Look what I found," his voice trembled with excitement. Despite my terror and the irritation I now felt with him, his face was so beautiful that I smiled. I grabbed his cock and pulled him to me. He grinned as his prick twitched in my hand. When he was closer, I let go of his dick, reached behind him and slapped his tight young butt playfully. "You like to spank, huh?” he giggled. “Good!”

He was standing by a small platform under what I now saw to be an old, dusty motor winch. Long strands of heavy chain hung above his head. What the hell--?

“You ever have a fantasy that you never dared dream would come true?," he whispered. His eyes gleamed with anticipation. "Sure, but --" "Wanna hear my fantasy?” I could barely speak. I nodded instead. “I wanna be turned over a stud’s knee. I want him to spank my butt and then chain me up and fuck me as hard as he can." My palms were wet, my mouth dry. I stared at him, then at the chains, then back down to his excited face. His eyes searched for approval, and his young cock danced above his tight balls. I swatted his hot little bottom again. "You dirty little fucker," I murmured, amazed and yet beginning to feel the thrill of his fantasy infuse my loins. "That's the idea," he grinned.

I took his face in my hands and kissed him.

"C'mon," he whispered urgently, gripping my hand.


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