Gay Erotic Stories

70s Jake

by 70sman
29 Sep 2015


I was walking to the bookstore on a cool fall afternoon searching for a good read when i glanced my eyes on a 25 year old hot stud of a guy, oh man he was hot! This guy was sexy as hell, his description was something out of a 70s magazine as a matter of fact this guy looked like he stepped out of a time warp lol I mean the way he was dressed, he wore tight black high waisted denim bellbottoms, skinny shiny black belt and a polyester red butterfly collar shirt buttoned down to reveal his smooth tan olive skin muscular chest, he was wearing gold chain with a big medallion.

On his feet was a pair of shiny black cowhide platform boots, with bump toes, and 3inch soles with towering 6inch heels! He had on a shiny black 70s short leather jacket, his hairstyle was something to see also, he wore a slick black pompadour, his features as I said was smooth olive tanned skin, he looked Italian, but with dark features his eyebrows were thick, he had a sharp nose, his face was square jawed, his eyes were so piercing the color of blue like a light sky blue, oh man he was hot to me, and my groin.

I studied his every move, I know its crazy but what he was wearing, and everything about him got me going. He sat down at the bookstore, and I sat at a angle where I could observe his muscular build in his tight 70s clothing, from staring down at his polished platform boots that the light glared off of, to his muscular legs, to his squared jawed beautiful face, as I was staring, he got stares from a couple of guys who were pointing , and laughing at him probably because of his attire, these guys looked like trouble, they made loud comments like "Look at this gay fool." one commented, Im sure the 70s stud heard everything but he just continued looking down at his book, so these two guys tried to draw attention to the 70s stud, but ended up getting themselves kicked out of the bookstore. The hot stud was done with the book he was reading, and was ready to leave, my heart was pounding, and I decided I had to follow this guy to see where he lived, so that's what I did, I mean he could catch me following him, but oh well I thought Id do it anyways, the 70s stud made his way to the cashier, and paid for his book he was looking at, and made his way out the door, I followed behind him, I could hear the loud echoes from his platformed feet on the pavement, it turned me on there I was walking behind him with a raging hard on!

As he was approaching his car, the two guys earlier in the bookstore confronted the 70s stud, one was in front of him, the other one behind him whistling "Hey Bitch where are you going? the 70s stud stopped, and stared at the both of them when the one behind him was now in front of him like his asshole pal, I heard the sexy 70s stud say "Look dudes I don't want no trouble , or hurt anybody just let me get to my car, cool? the one thug said "Damn! for a bitch you got a heavy voice." And oh he had a sexy voice very masculine, and deep I thought to myself, "Nah, man we want your wallet give it to us bitch.

The 70s stud just stared in silence, until the one punk snatched his book he just bought out of his hand, the other pulled out a knife, and pointed at the 70s stud, and said"Id love to carve your pretty ass face bitch, cut out those blue eyes of yours!" The thug then pushed the 70s stud, and the other thug drew his fist to the 70s stud's face, the 70s stud blocked the fist, and bend his arm, I could hear it snap, the stud then brought a hard fist to the punk's jaw, as he went backwards to the ground, the other thug wrapped his arm around the stud's neck, and tried to bring the knife to the stud's face, but the stud followed up with a hard donkey heel kick to the punk's balls that hard 6inch platform heel connected hard, I could hear the punk scream in agony and fell to the ground clutching his manhood. The 70s stud gave him a hard kick to the face while he was on the ground knocked him out cold, then the other broken jawed punk decided to swing, and he missed, then the stud gave him a punch to the stomach, then another hard hit to his face, as he fell unconcious.

The stud stared down at the thugs, shaking his head and said "You shouldn't have fuck with me, now you're bleeding and in pain." The stud picked up his purchased book, and made his way to his car, as i hurried up, and jumped into mine. The stud got into a vintage 1975 polished black corvette, this dude was 70s all the way. lol even his car! i followed him to about a few miles from the bookstore, he got out of the car and so did I, he lived in a pretty safe area of San Francisco, I thought could he be gay? or straight?because the area he lived in was predominately a gay area. He walked his sexy walk up to the door, his platformed feet echoing on the concrete. I just stared and watched him go into his apartment. I waited all afternoon hoping to see if he came out of his apartment,and when the evening hit, I saw him come out of his apartment heading towards his car but he was dressed differently this time, the stud changed into a 70s white 3 piece suit , with a black shirt gold chains on his chest, and the platforms he wore looked like shiny two tone gray and black lace ups with a pointy toes and 6inch stacked cuban heels!

The stud looked like Tony Manero himself, oh man he looks even hotter than before, my cock rigid from his look, and the thought of how he kicked those thugs ass man he got me horny, so i followed the stud to a retro gay club called The Teaser. the 70s stud pulled up and got out of his corvette, and made his way to the club door, i followed of course Im sure I wasn't dressed for the club but hey Im a hunk of a guy too, me being a hot muscular African American, i wore jeans , and sneakers but i was still let in, I tried to find my 70s stud among all other studs dressed in 70s clothing I was so turned on by it the look, and all I guess it was a fetish I have. Jive Talking by the Bee Gees was glaring on the system, I walked the club trying to find him, but it was so crowded, I got frustrated, and decided to go to the bathroom, I went to the stall to take a leak, and I heard loud thuds on the tile floor, as I released myself then the sounds of feet stopped, I then went to the mirror, and washed my hands, when the 70s stud was right behind me, I could smell the radiance of his cologne, very expensive, I stared at the mirror and he was very close to my ass, so close I could feel his cock on my ass.

"Ok, man I'm here, now." he said to me with his sexy whispering voice, my heart starts pounding, my legs feel like they are buckling, I was paralyzed I couldn't even speak I was so excited, his soft hand rubbed my hard groin,"Well, well you have been horny for me all day, I know you followed me man, I know you were checking me out.' I said "No man, I didn't follow you. 'I gulped. " Sure you did man, I saw you, and I knew you saw me kick ass with those pricks earlier, and you followed me home, dude it's cool.' He stared at the mirror I was staring at his icy blue eyes were even more beautiful up close, so hypnotizing.

"I say let's have some drinks, and chat about it.' he said to me, so we both found a table, and we ordered drinks, I said "you look so sexy dude. he smiled with a wide grin of beautiful white teeth, and sexy dimples, "Thanks sexy, you know a lot of guys don't like the look, but I find it me because I'm different, always have been the look turns me on all together, guess you could say I turn myself on. he laughs. "Well, I like it, I told him, he smiled looking at me with those sexy light blue eyes. 'My name is Brian." I told him. He then said "Im Jake, my man cool to meet you.'

Finally his name i thought, so we chatted for awhile then decided to go to his place since I know where it was so we took our cars there, and he took me into his apartment building the echoes of his high heeled feet turning me on, he opened up his apartment, and it was sexy place, he had black and white furniture throughout his place. I said "Wow, dude cool place why the black, and white furnishings? He looked at me , and grinned "Those are my two favorite colors, my man, and I also love the combination. "Have a seat. he told me, then I sat down with a hard on watching him walking, the hard echoes of his cuban heels on the hardwood shiny floors of his apartment. I asked him "Why the 70s look? He then sat next to me after putting drinks down on the table, and said"Im turned on by the look,so Ive always wanted emulate it, it's sexy, and different don't you like it? I said Fuck yeah, it's sexy your muscular body in that 70s tight suit it gets me going, as well as your platformed feet.' He smiled, and said" Yeah? I said, Yes, Im really turned on by guys with that look, and especially guys who wear mens style of heels. He stared at me, then smirked I can see that right now." putting his platformed foot on his knee, and looking down at my manhood, so do my platforms turn you on dude? I gulped shaking a bit with a "Yes.

Cool, he said "Wanna feel the leather of my shoe and heel? I said, "Yes." I rubbed his shoe, and he told me, "All my platform shoes are custom made as well as my 70s gear.He then took his hand and rubbed my cock, oh man I was hard, so hard, he was as well, he then put his foot down and kneel in front of me staring with his icy light blue eyes, and kissed me deeply, and then rubbing my cock and balls in my denim jeans, and unzipped my pants staring at my hard 9inch, and then his lips connected to my cock, the warmth of his sexy Italian lips, my cock throbbed so much the warmth of his mouth felt so good he stopped, and said "Do me sexy." he sat up on the couch, and I unzipped his white pants, and he wasn't wearing any undies, his cock was huge and thick, and long at 11inches my thick lips drenched his cock with my warmness, and was so enjoying it, taking it in as well as his balls, I could see his head lean back, his eyes closing taking it all in. He then told me he wanted my hole, I told him "Fuck me with you in the 70s gear and cuban heeled shoes."

He smiled, and turned me over with my ass exposed, and then he plugged my hole with his warm 11 inch member, and thrusts slowly then he pumped faster, oh man it felt good that warm cock opening my hole, I screamed out "Fuck, yeah, awww shit! I can hear his grunts saying"Jake is going to cum in you baby, ready? I said"Yes, please. He says"Here I cum sexy, AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH fuck the streams of his man juice inside my hole, dripping, the shot very heavy, and hard. He then said to me"I want you to cum in my mouth, sexy ok? I said ok.

Jake stood me up, and then he went down on me, myself seeing him in that tight sexy 70s white suit, those sexy 6inch heeled platforms sticking out while he is on his knees. "Oh man, I said, here I cum, Fuck, ah, ah, ah, ah! Jake taking all my semen in his mouth down his throat those crystal blue eyes looking up at me. Jake then stood up, and took me to his bedroom where we fucked all night, I shot in buckets after seeing him out of his clothes, his smooth very muscular ripped body he was so tanned, he came several times as well. the next morning Jake, and I said our goodbyes but fuck, Ill never experience what i experience with Jake.

He will be always known as 70s Jake.



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70s Jake

I was walking to the bookstore on a cool fall afternoon searching for a good read when i glanced my eyes on a 25 year old hot stud of a guy, oh man he was hot! This guy was sexy as hell, his description was something out of a 70s magazine as a matter of fact this guy looked like he stepped out of a time warp lol I mean the way he was dressed, he wore tight black high waisted denim bellbottoms,

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Mexican Obsession Part 5

The next morning we both awaken from our passionate night together. "Buenos Dios, Mijo in a sexy masculine voice, Alejandro says. I say, "Good morning." "Last night, was great, Mijo. Alejandro says to me with that beautiful dimpled smile. "Yes, I enjoyed it, a lot." I said to Alejandro. I said to him with a kiss "Let's take a shower, and clean up." "Gladly Mijo, I'll rub your back if you

Mexican Obsession Part 6

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Mexican Obsession Part 7

" Si, senor I'm ready. I say to Alejandro, we leave as we are walking I'm looking Alejandro up, and down his muscular build wrapped in that tight leather outfit. "there's my car, get in." I look at Alejandro's ride, and it is a cool sleek 1975 black corvette convertible, black leather seats. "Damn, Man you got a cool ass ride!" I say to him with excitement. "Thanks, Mijo I just washed,

Mexican Obsession Part 9

As I get out of Alejandro's car, my mind got to racing on how I saw another side to Alejandro, and maybe I may need to cool things off with him. I enter into my hotel room, and the phone rings, and it's John, his sexy voice tells me "Hey babe, where you been I've been trying to reach you, and the front desk kept ringing your phone to no avail." "What's going, on?" John asks. "John , I

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