Gay Erotic Stories

Sultan Days - Part 5

by Blucollar 2
06 May 2004

Arm Pits Exhibitionism Family Fun Fetish Jockstraps Outdoor Sex

It was about noon. Tony went back to finish the caulking around the pool before Jake got back. We both left our shorts on the railing of the deck. Since he wasn't doing anything too dangerous, Tony said he liked to stay naked. I liked him staying naked too. I told him that I might as well enjoy it while it lasts also.

I went inside, found some hamburger meat and decided to make the guys burgers for lunch. Jake should be back within the half hour. I went on the deck and asked Tony if he liked burgers.

"Heck yeah, bud,” he quipped. “Who doesn't?"

"Cool,” I replied. “You think Jake would want one as well?"

"Yeah, Tim. He likes a lot of meat too!"

We both laughed at that remark. I prepared the burgers and got them on the grill, being careful to keep my cock away from the heat. I’d never done this naked before.

Just as the burgers were done, Jake’s truck came into the park. I turned and saw him at the wheel of his truck with a big ol’ grin on his face.

Then I heard him say, "Hot damn. Two young hunks enjoying the spring heat! I guess I don't need these anymore."

He got out of the truck and let his shorts fall off and threw them into the bed of the pickup.

"And your dad said to be careful around you since he didn't know how you would feel about being naked,” he continued. “It looks like you feel just fine about it."

"Well let’s not let my dad know that yet. I am not ready to come out to him yet in any capacity," I said with a smile.

Jake just looked at me puzzled and Tony came up to him and told him something in such a low voice I couldn't hear.

Jake said, "Okay, bud. Your secret is safe with us. Just promise me a taste of what Tony got sometime before our job’s finished here!"

"That's the sort of trade I can accommodate. Now get up here and eat this food before it cools off."

In addition to the burgers, I had made salads for us and added chips to the plates. I found that dad had all the condiments made in the fridge. We sat up on the deck and talked and finished eating.

Jake said that he and Tony had to finish the pump for the pool so they could fill it tomorrow. They went off to the pump house and I cleaned up the dishes. It was great hanging out nude with a couple gay guys through lunch. I was kinda bummed that I would have to put on shorts soon for dad's arrival.

About two o'clock the guys came back to the deck and said they were done. There was nothing else to do except let the caulk dry. They would be back at 6 a.m. to filling the pool after they sweep it out. Then they would test the equipment. It should be ready to swim in the day after that.

"That's great guys,” I said. “Wish you could stick around though."

"Yeah. We do, too. But, we have one more thing to do today for a couple in Cat City. It's gonna take us a couple of hours. So we gotta get going. Not gonna put shorts back on ‘til we hit Indio though!"

We all laughed and hugged our good-byes.

After the guys left I sat down on a deck lounger and started to read a surfing magazine that dad had. I dozed off. The next thing I knew I heard someone clear their throat.

“Uh, son. Tim, I'm home."

I started to wake up slowly. Then opened my eyes. Standing over me was my dad.

“Hi, dad," I said. Then I realized I’d never got dressed. "Oh…um, dad. I'm sorry. I must have fallen asleep. Um I guess..."

"So. Tim. Why are you naked?" he asked.

"…I guess...well..." I stammered.

"What time did Tony and Jake leave?"

"Umm…2 o’clock, I think."

"Well, it’s only 2:45. When did you get naked?"

"Well, dad…I guess after they left…?"


"Well, no. Not really. Tony told me they took their breaks in the raw and asked if I minded. I told him no. Then he said that I could join him if I wanted. So I did."

"Okay. I see. Did Jake get naked, too?"

"When he got back, he did."

"Got back? You and Tony were alone?"

"Yeah. Jake had to go to Indio for a part."

"Okay. I need a beer. Tim, you want one?"

"Sure, dad."

I didn't know what dad was thinking. He didn't look pissed, just kinda perplexed. He came back out with two longnecks and handed one to me. I had since put the magazine on my lap.

"Did Tony or Jake tell you anything about themselves, Tim?"

"Yeah. We talked over lunch. I made them burgers. They also told me you enjoyed being naked, too."

"They did? That all they told you about me son?"

"Yeah, pop. They seemed to get quiet when I told them I didn't know that."

"Okay. Well, um...Tim?"

"Yeah, dad?"

"I guess you don't mind the naked thing, right?"

"Well, guess I kinda enjoy it. Is that okay, dad?"

"Yeah. It’s okay, son. Let me get us a couple more beers."

Gary went off and got two more long necks. When he returned, he’d left his shirt inside. "So, what did Tony and Jake tell you about themselves?"

"Well, I guess your asking me if I know that they are gay. Yeah, dad they told me."

"You’re okay with that, son? They are around here a lot. I don't want you to get freaked out or anything."

"Nah, dad. They're really cool. I like them a lot. I guess Tony is closer to my age. I haven't figured out how old Jake is."

"You’re right. Tony is 21. But, Jake is 32. He is closer to my age. So, did you guys eat lunch naked, too?"

"Yeah, dad. We did. You mad?" " No son. How can I be mad when I have done the same thing?"

It was then that I noticed that Dad's shorts had tented up a bit.

"I'll be back with some more beers son,” he said, then turned away from me quickly and went into the mobile home.

Now I was getting hard. Thank goodness for the magazine. When dad came back it looked as though he had gone down already or that he adjusted himself better.

"So, Tim. I guess we're not going anywhere since we are already on your third and my fourth beers. Is that okay with you?"

"Yea dad. We have plenty to eat and drink here. No need to go anywhere."

Dad swallowed the beer he had and went in to get another one. He was drinking them faster than I had ever seen him before.

Dad came back out and looked at me in the eyes for a while. Then said, "I guess we get to swim in a couple days."

"Yeah. Jake said they are ready to fill it tomorrow. It looks great. Well, the pool looks great. The grounds around it are still an eyesore."

"They are good boys though. They'll get ‘er done."

We sat there and drank for a few. Dad had finished his fifth and I had downed my third.

"I'll be right back son," he said.

I was so hard under that magazine. I know dad could tell. I wish I knew what he was thinking. He came back out and handed me another bottle of beer.

"Damn, son. It’s hot already…and it’s only the end of May. I guess it’s a good thing that you’re okay with being naked. It’s the only way to survive out here in the summer. I stink too!" Dad said as he lifted his arm and smelled his pit.

My boner reacted and almost threw the magazine off my lap. I also noticed dad was getting more relaxed. He was a bit buzzed now.

"So, son?"

"Yeah, pop?"

"When you and Tony were alone. Did he…well, did he try anything?"

"What do you mean, dad?"

Even though I knew exactly what he meant, I had to play stupid. Dad had one hand on his beer bottle and the other hand between his legs. He wasn't moving it or anything, but I think he was hiding his boner.

"Well, son, you know he's gay. Did he try any moves on you?"

"You mean sexually, dad?"

"Yes, son."

What was I gonna do now? I didn't want to lie to him. My dad and I were pretty close. I didn't want to ruin it. But, I wasn't sure I was ready to come out to him either. And, if I didn't come out and told him that Tony did try something then he would be mad at Tony. The only thing to do was to tell the truth.

"Well, dad, after we got naked and were sitting on the deck...."

"Yes, son, go on. Take it slowly son..."

It must have been a reflex, but dad started rubbing himself through his shorts.

"Well, we were eating oranges...and...well..."

"What, son? You were eating oranges. Then what?"

"Well, don't be mad, dad..."

"I won't be mad son. Unless Tony hurt you in some way, I won't be mad."

"No, dad. Tony didn't do anything wrong. He was very nice to me the whole time." "Okay. I believe you. What happened, son?"

"Well, Tony took one half of his orange and squeezed it over my cock."

"What did he do that for?"

"Well, he said that was how he liked his morning orange juice"

"What? What do you mean that’s how he likes his...oh, shit! He went down on you son?"

"Yeah, dad."

"Are you okay? Did this upset you? I shouldn't have left you alone..."

"No, dad. It’s okay. I didn't know when I would have the balls to tell you this dad. I guess now is as good a time as any. Don't hate me, dad. I love you too much for you to hate me."

"Why would I hate you, boy? You nuts? I could never hate you. I consider you not only my pride and joy, but my best friend as well. Don't ever think I could hate you. Now, what do you have to tell me that you're so worried about?"

"…dad, I'm...I guess what I'm trying to say is…"

"Spit it out, boy"

"I'm gay dad. I'm queer!"

I waited for dad's reaction. I was sure this manly man was gonna go off the deep end knowing that his 'pride and joy' was nothing but a queer.

Dad stood up. He came over to where I was laying and sat down next to me. He leaned over and lifted my upper body into his arms. He held onto me very tight at first then let go just a little bit.

"So am I, son. So am I,” he declared.

What? I couldn't believe what I just heard. No way.

"So are you ‘what’, dad?"

"I'm gay too, son. I always was. Your mom and I were an accident. I was always gay. I always thought deep down that you might be too. But, could never be sure. I didn't want you to be embarrassed of me. So, I kept my life to myself. I love you, son…more than you will ever know."

"So, dad, you're okay that I am queer?"

"Are you okay that I am, son?"

"Yeah, dad. I can't believe it. But, I guess it’s actually great!"

"Do you mind that I am basically a nudist too, son?"

"That part I am real happy about. I hate clothes. In fact, why are you in shorts now?"

At that dad stood up and let his fall. He sat back down and looked at me.

"Okay. Now, tell me what happened with Tony."

I gave him all the details then. “After I ate his ass, he asked me to fuck him. He was dirty. But, it was hot. I loved fuckin’ him."

I looked down and dad was hard.

"So, you have fucked before?"

"Just some buddies from school. And, the wrestling coach once just before school let out."

"Have you ever been fucked, son?"

“No, dad. Everybody wants me to fuck them. They see my cock and I never get the chance to be fucked."

"A chip off the old block. So, you're okay with everything then?"

"Yeah, dad. Seeing you naked is a dream come true, too"

"What do you mean, son?"

"I have to admit that you were jack-off material for me over the past couple of years, pop. I had dreams about my hot construction straight dad…well, so I thought, and the hot clothes he always wears. I was always hiding my boners around you."

"You have the hots for your old man, son?"

"Yeah, dad. I do. That piss you off?"

"No, son. It doesn't. I guess the feeling is mutual though. Does that make you uncomfortable?"

"Heck no, dad. Dad, can I kiss you?"

"You mean really kiss me…tongue and all?"

"Yeah, dad. I mean tongue, ass and all."

"You sure, son? Once we start something like this, I don't want you to regret it down the road. You have to be sure you want this."

I looked up at him, put my hand behind his neck and pulled his face to mine. There was no resistance. He parted his lips as they met mine and our tongues found each other. We kissed for a while as we explored each other with our hands. The magazine had finally fallen from my lap.

We then released our mouths and I went for his nipples. I sucked each one. Then, I lifted his arms and licked each of his pits. I laid him done on the lounger and cleaned off his sweat. Next, I went down to his balls and took each one in my mouth. I licked the area between his balls and his ass.

Just as I was ready to spread his legs, dad said, "Tim, give me a sec. I gotta piss bad."

"Then do it, pop. Let it go."

He looked shocked at first, until he saw the fire in my eyes. His cock started letting go of the golden flow. I quickly took it into my mouth and swallowed every drop. As the flow was subsiding, his cock started to get hard again.

I sucked for a while, before I went back to his ass. It was sweaty and musky from the hot day. I cleaned it as well as I could. I stuck my tongue in his hole as deep as I could.

Dad was starting to shiver and moan. "Son, stop. There is nothing more than I would want right now for you to fuck me. But, I think you need someone to fuck you. Let me do to you what you are doing to me."

Chapter Six: Tim loses his cherry.


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Life Upside Down, Part 11

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Life Upside Down, Part 12

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Life Upside Down, Part 13

"You got a stink of your own. You like it too, don't you?" Carl said. I was getting nervous. I didn't know where he was going with this. We had been sitting on the porch long enough for me to get a good buzz from the beer and the sun was just about to go down. I looked over at Carl. He had a beer in one hand and his other hand in his crotch. It looked like his fingers were under his balls.

Life Upside Down, Part 14

Carl and I could barely move from the porch to the bed. We were both spent. When we did finally fall into bed Carl pulled me close to him and we spooned. Just before I fell asleep I heard Carl say, "There's nothing better than family" then I was gone. The next morning I had overslept. The clock next to the bed said it was 9:30. I never slept that long at my Mom's house much less since. I

Life Upside Down, Part 4

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Life Upside Down, Part 5

Wednesday morning it was hard to get up. I woke up to find myself alone in my dad's bed. I looked at the clock and it read 6:45. Shit I was late. I ran down to the garage butt naked and ran to the office to get dressed. In the background I heard my dad laughing. "Sleep in boy?" "Guess I had a bit too much last night dad". "Yeah, well we ought to not skip dinner anymore son. I didn't feel all that

Life Upside Down, Part 6

Dad took me to bed Friday night but I fell asleep right away. A mixture of beer and emotions I guess got the best of me. Saturday I woke to the sound of the lawn tractor outside. I looked out the window and dad was on the tractor with just cutoffs on. I looked at the clock and it was 7:30. Damn I over slept. I got up grabbed a cup of coffee out of the kitchen and went out to the deck. It was

Life Upside Down, Part 8

Talking about my life changing. After the shed I changed completely. I gave myself completely to my dad. We left the shed that afternoon feeling very spent. My ass felt like it had been raped by a football team. We both smelled pretty bad and we were a bit shit faced as well. We went up to the deck and opened a couple more beers . "Son, I'm not gonna lie to you. I can't think of a better time

Life Upsidedown, Part 7: The shed

"Yeah son, clean me up good. Daddy's been sweating up a storm for you. Do the other pit now." I moved to the other side it being even muskier than the other. I was lost in his smell and the taste. I felt myself rock hard in my shorts. Dad was stepping out of his shorts now and starting to unbutton mine. "Might as well be comfortable boy." I couldn't agree more. "Nothing like

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Spoiled Rotten, Part 1

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Spoiled Rotten, Part 3

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Spoiled Rotten, Part 4

When we finally made it home from Santa Fe Dad said he was beat. He said he likes to get up at around 5:30 and be at the shop by 6:30 as he opens it at 7:00. He said I could sleep in if I wanted but he expected me at the shop no later than 8:00 am. So here it was 8:30 pm and Dad was going to bed. So much for the beer and deck chat I was hoping for. So I grabbed a couple of books that looked

Sultan Days - Part 1

In the spring of 1996, I was still living with my mother in Santa Monica. We lived in one of those high-rise buildings built in the 50's. It was since retrofitted for the numerous quakes we get and seems like a sound, but dated, building. That doesn't stop it from being one of the more expensive dumps in the area. The size of the apartments gives the building a reputation as one of the

Sultan Days - Part 2

After our trip to San Diego, I settled in for the last week of school until summer vacation. Dad said he would pick me up on Monday, so I could have a weekend with my friends before I was gone for the summer. All sports were over for the year. But, I still went to the weight room every day. Dad said he would include a weight room at the park, so we both wouldn't have to miss any workouts.

Sultan Days - Part 3

I didn't have a chance to meet up with the coach again before I left for the summer. I did call him though on the Saturday before I left. He said he would probably be going to Palm Springs for a weekend getaway at the beginning and the end of the summer. So, I gave him my cell number and we planned on meeting up in Palm Springs in a few weeks. He told me about the hot gay resorts there and

Sultan Days - Part 4

Tuesday morning, I woke up with a slight hangover and cotton-mouthed. Dad and I enjoyed some time on the deck the night before. We had dinner and beers, just like he promised. I looked at the clock and saw it was 9:30a.m. Shit! I’d overslept. Not that we were doing anything, but I never sleep past seven. I got up and put on some loose cutoffs I had in a bag. I walked out to the

Sultan Days - Part 5

It was about noon. Tony went back to finish the caulking around the pool before Jake got back. We both left our shorts on the railing of the deck. Since he wasn't doing anything too dangerous, Tony said he liked to stay naked. I liked him staying naked too. I told him that I might as well enjoy it while it lasts also. I went inside, found some hamburger meat and decided to make the guys

Sultan Days - Part 6

"Let me do what you're doing to me Tim," with that dad helped me stand up. He brought me over to the deck's railing and told me to lean on it. He got on his knees behind me and started eating my ass. He spread my cheeks wide and tried to get his whole face up my ass. I couldn't believe this was happening. I loved every second of it. I couldn't see anything behind me. All I had to look at was the

Sultan Days - Part 7

After I made the coffee I took it out on the deck where dad was still sitting. The boys, Jake and Tony, were still fiddling with the pool. They had since taken off their shorts though and were both in jockstraps. They still had some work to do in the pump room and wanted to be safe. Jake and Tony both came up for some coffee but then headed back down for the pump house with their cups. I

The Mechanics, Part 1

I live on one of those country roads where some houses are right on top of one another and some houses seem a football field away. Our house is right on top of another house on the right side, but there is no house on the left side for what seems to be one of those football fields. The house on the right belonged to an old man that died a year or so ago. It along with a fully operational

The Mechanics, Part 2

The next morning dad had to leave for three days to take care of some lines up state. We had agreed the night before that I would sleep in his room from now on. Nothing much happened after what happened on the deck. We simply had dinner then climbed into bed and held each other before going to sleep. In the morning I felt dad kiss my forehead then he got up and dressed for work and filled an

The Mechanics, Part 3

The next morning I woke to the phone ringing. It was my dad. He asked me to go to my Aunt's house and help her move some stuff around. From the way it sounded it was gonna’ be an all day thing. I agreed and asked how the trip was. He said things should wrap up in the morning and he may be home just after lunch. I said that would be great and put my imagination to work. I went to my aunt’s and

The Mechanics, Part 4

Dad and I were lying on the floor exhausted from our long greeting to each other after his trip. As I hugged my dad there was a knock at the front door. Dad got up fast and asked if I would get it as he went back to the bathroom. I got up and instead of looking for my shorts I just answered it by pokin’ out my head. I opened the door and it was Troy from next door. Troy only had on his usual cut

Third Shift, Part 1

In the mid-eighties I was hired on at a auto assembly plant in the Midwest. I was twenty at the time and pretty naive. I thought the world was my oyster but then discovered I would have to work for a living and that sucked. I was used to being spoiled and having fun. I lettered in wrestling in High School and decided that college was not for me. I sort of screwed around for a couple of years then

Third Shift, Part 3

Jake and I got up and went straight to the kitchen for the coffee. After it was made we sat and talked a bit. Still naked--it felt great to be this open. "You know you don't have to wear nothing under the uniform boy. It gets damn hot in that building sometimes. All that the handbook says is that we wear the uniform. Most guys go natural underneath." Jake volunteered. "Well I did notice

Third Shift, Part Two

"Boy you look hungry!" Jake said with a grin from ear to ear. I was lost in the moment. All of a sudden Jake stood up and went into the house. The arms of his uniform had untied and the coveralls were riding just above his ass. The front of the coveralls were barely zipped up anymore. A few minutes later Jake return with some chips and a jar of salsa. "Don't have much around here other than

Trailer On The Farm, Part 1

My mother and I had been living in a double wide on the property my grandfather left her for as long as I could remember. My name is Tyler. My real dad died in a car accident when I was a baby and it was just mom and I. Mom worked as a waitress in a Redneck type bar and grill in town. She usually worked nights so I really didn’t have much supervision for a long time. When I was about 12 she

Trailer On The Farm, Part 2

After that day at the apartments I started noticing things a lot more. I started also to realize how hot my stepfather was. Everything about the dude was turning me on. Hell he was only 32 and looked like he was in his late twenties. By the middle of the summer we had actually become pretty good friends. I was sure Jake was clueless about how much I watched him and wanted him. I did notice

Trailer On The Farm, Part 3

I woke up the next morning in a slight haze. I began to remember what happened on the deck last night and couldn’t believe it. Jake seemed to be saying that he wanted to get closer to me. I wanted to be sure that's what he was saying before I acted on it. I didn’t want to screw up and have him hating his queer stepson. I got up and went to the bathroom to take a piss. I heard Jake in the

Trailer On The Farm, Part 4

We were able to take Friday off like we thought. I got to sleep in and woke around 8:30. I heard some noise coming from the kitchen so I headed in there. It was Jake, bare assed as I was, making coffee. He looked over and told me to sit and get the sleep out of my eyes. The hell with the sleep--I couldn't get him out of my eyes. As the coffee was brewing Jake sat across from me and told me we

Uncle Moves In, Part 1

My parents divorced when I was young and I lived with my dad ever since. They were barely eighteen when they married and had me a month later. So dad was pretty young still. Dad was a construction worker and was masculine as hell. Things were pretty open around the house and it was often that I would see dad near naked or naked around the house or out on the deck. Our house was in the woods off a

Uncle Moves In, Part 2

I was outside feeding the dogs when I saw my uncle’s truck pull into the drive. He jumped out of the truck with a beer in hand and nothing but well-worn cargo shorts on. He yelled out, "Hey boy," when he saw me. "You sure have grown up!" (I hadn’t seen my uncle in about four years myself, even though dad had been fishing and camping with him through out those years.) Just then my dad appeared

Uncle Moves In, Part 3

I was barely able to understand what he was saying, but there was my uncle already in shorts at 6 am in the morning telling me it was time to go fishing. I really didn’t think he meant this early, but I slowly got out of bed and headed to the shower...he said, “Don’t bother...we can take a dip in the pond.” So I pulled on some shorts and sneakers and followed him out to the truck. He already had

Uncle Moves In, Part 4

One Saturday my dad went to work for some overtime and that left my Uncle and I to do the chores around the house. I had just gotten through mowing and was putting the tractor away when I noticed Jeb behind the barn. Jeb was a couple years my junior and lived on the property next door. His house was actually about a half mile from ours but he was still our neighbor. I waved him over and asked


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