Gay Erotic Stories

Pretty Boys, You Never Know

by AA
24 Feb 1998

College Days

It was in the beginning of '98. I had been working all night at the college paper, at which I am an editor. It was about 10:30PM when Charlene, our sports-reporter, and I decided to go for a drink. We went to a bar downtown that I'd never been to before. When we entered the jam-packed country and western bar we were in a really good mood. The bar had a nice atmosphere. We had some luck and managed to get a table. I was about to offer Charlene a drink, when she recognized some guys at the bar, and after some yelling and waving on her part they decided to join our table. They introduced themselves as Mark and Lenyll. They both looked like they were somewhere in their early twenties. Usually I'm not someone who looks at every guy's physic that way as soon as I meet someone, but this night I just had 'that' mood and so I started to examine Lenyll a bit. He was a tall black guy and looked really though. He looked like he took care of his appearance well and he was dressed in some stylish green shirt. I usually like black guys so I couldn't help but stare at him first. Though his big lips and short hair looked attractive to me, there was something about him that made me decide he wasn't really my type. He seemed to have just a little too much interest in Charlene anyway - they were having a lively conversation - when Mark, who sat next to me, started talking to me. "You work with Charlene for the paper?" was the trivial question he posted to start a conversation. Somewhat surprised I turned my head to the brown-haired guy beside me. Looking right in the most gorgeous eyes I'd ever seen, I forgot about his trivial question right away. Mark smiled at me as he was obviously expecting an answer. When I got myself together I excused myself and asked what, he just said. "Never mind, " he said, obviously amused by my clumsy reaction. "You guys been working all night?" This guy had a smile that at that time made my want to kiss him right then and there. But by that time I already knew I was sitting next to a really cute guy and so I managed to give him a proper answer. We started a trivial conversation and this way I found out that he was the quarterback of our college-team (which for all I knew, meant that he was quite a guy within the team). He studied political science and was originally from Arizona. He seemed quite intelligent for a football player, and to my own surprise I began to feel myself quite attracted to this guy. This happens to me quite often with straight guys. I've learned to enjoy their company while not having any high hopes or wild fantasies. So I just looked at him and enjoyed the sight of his broad chin, the way he wore his shirt really well, and once again his gorgeous eyes. He had a nice big mouth with shiny white teeth, and every time he smiled I felt something funny in my stomach. "Hey by the way, you want a drink?" he asked me. Lenyll, who must have overheard what Mark was saying, jumped in right and said, "Yes, let us by you guys a drink. What do you want?" After they took our orders they went back to the bar to get us some drinks. Charlene turned to me and said: "That guy you were talking to is the quarterback of the Sky Walkers. He's really going to make it big. But I'm sure you really don't care." With a somewhat teasing voice she added, "Though you look like you were quite interested in this guy. He's cute isn't he?" Hmm, so I was that obvious. Lenyll and Mark came back with four drinks. Mark gave me my Baileys and started talking again right away. I had a feeling that he liked my company. It just really clicked. Not in a romantic way of course, since this guy was straight as could be, that was obvious. We were just having a good time. After a while he came to ask me if I had a girlfriend. Suddenly the conversation of Charlene and Lenyll stopped and I felt Charlene looking at me, probably curious if I would reveal my sexual preference to them. I smiled and said to Mark that I was not involved at this moment. Though I never keep it a secret, I didn't see any reason why I should mention now that I would never have a girlfriend. To my surprise Charlene added: "Such a pity. When there are so many pretty boys waiting for you". Now what was this about? Though she made it look like a casual remark, it was a clear attempt of her to reveal my sexual identity to these guys. Not that I really cared, I just felt it was a pretty stupid remark for her to make. Mark didn't seem to care either. He just offered us another drink. "No, let me get some" was my reaction but Mark told me I could get us the next one. And so Mark and Lenyll were off again. "Now what was that about?" I asked Charlene. She didn't even bother to pretend she didn't know what I was talking about. "Oh sorry. I didn't know you minded". "I don't mind. It's just... well, never mind." When Mark and Lenyll came back, we talked some more and had a couple more drinks. Before I noticed, Charlene was standing next to me with her coat on and told me she was going home. She gave me a hug and then she was off. Though I was enjoying the evening and the company of these two football guys, I said it would be best to go home also. Mark answered: "You're sure? I was just about to offer you some real Russian vodka I have in my room. I took it with me on my trip to Moscow last summer." Though I knew I had a busy day the next morning, I couldn't help but want to stay with these guys a little longer. So a minute later I walked with them to Marks apartment which was two blocks away. I was sitting on one couch with a glass of Russian vodka in my hand, while Mark and Lenyll where sitting right in front of me on a different couch. "So, you don't have a boyfriend at the moment?" Mark now frankly asked. I was feeling comfortable and I honestly replied that I wasn't seeing anybody at the moment since I was too busy with school, and with the paper. "That's not a very good excuse," Lenyll replied. Mark continued: "Hey you know... there's something that you really shouldn't spread around. Apart from us, only Charlene knows, and well..." Maybe I'm a bit naive, but at that time I didn't have a clue about what they were about to tell me. "Lenyll and I are lovers you know", Mark said. I was stunned. I had been enjoying the looks of Mark all evening but I didn't even consider the possibility that he could be gay. Both of them actually. Two hunky football players in a country bar - who'd have guessed? They must have noticed the disbelieving look on my face, and to prove what they were saying they got close together and started kissing. After a minute they turned to me again. "You're not jealous are you?" Lenyll asked. He must've noticed my interest in Mark also, like Charlene. "I think he's jealous, Mark," Lenyll turned to Mark, "I don't think he should be. What do you think?" Then the two studs walked over to my couch and each sat at a side of me. Before I could say anything, Mark had put his hand under my shirt and started caressing my chest while his lips got close to mine. I felt a shivering inside. I didn't expect anything like this to happen at all. And since I was quite new to this game I felt a bit unsure of what to do. "Just relax buddy" Lenyll whispered in my ear, "Let Mark take care of you. I know you want him. Is it OK if I touch you too?" I was in such a state that I really couldn't answer but fortunately Lenyll understood me anyway. He went down to the floor and moved right in front of me. As I felt Mark's hands play with my hair and his mouth make love to my ear, Lenyll started rubbing my legs and slowly put them apart to make some room for him to get closer. Mark started saying things that didn't make a lot of sense, but his dark voice really turned me on. "Whattcha gonna get - do you know? I know, and it's going to be gooood". He was now playing with my nipples and I was amazed how sensitive they were. Lenyll was getting closer and closer while he was still rubbing my legs. Then he was so close that he was almost at my crotch. Feeling him get to that point I all of a sudden had some doubt if I wanted this or not. It was all going so fast, it was so unexpected. I looked at the strong black man between my legs and looking at him, I felt even more warm and excited. Yes, I decided that I wanted this. I made the decision right in time, because now Lenyll gently started rubbing my crotch. He should now be able to feel my hard-on. This feeling was real intimate. Mark started to moan a bit while he was now kissing my neck, and this sound could really make me come right then if I weren't so damn tense. "You've got quite a thing in here" Lenyll said as he was feeling the outline of my manhood though my pants. "I'm dying to hold it in my hand dude. I'll be real good to it". Mark rose up and, giving Lenyll one of his gorgeous smiles, he said: "Hey Len, take it easy will you. Don't you notice how tense this boy is. He must be green as grass. Let's just take it slow with this little newspaper boy". He then turned his face to mine again and said: "Don't worry kid, just relax. There's no need to do anything but enjoy..." He stopped for a bit and then exclaimed loudly: "Dammit, kid, you turn me on!" He kissed me full on my mouth and tried to get his tongue in. I didn't realize first what he was trying, but once I did I early let him in and our tongues started to fool around. I was a bit puzzled with the taste of his mouth: though it wasn't a nice odor, I liked what he did and I felt like I could kiss him like this forever. Lenyll seemed to notice this too and impatiently he whispered to Mark: "Come on Mark, let's undress this guy. I don't want to wait no more". Mark let go of my mouth and looked me in the eye like he was looking right into my soul. "I want you kid. And I know you want me." Mark was now pulling off my sweater. "You just got the thing. Come on, let us see your beautiful body" Lenyll seemed to agree: "Yeah!". Mark took of my sweater and then my shirt. It was once again a new kind of excitement to sit there in my bare chest while these guys where looking at me. Lenyll went back on the couch again and - with Mark on the left and Lenyll on the right - they started to feel my chest. "He's looking good, don't you think?" "Yeah, you're a sexy stud, newspaper boy!". I looked down and saw Lenyll's black hands rubbing my belly while Mark seemed to enjoy my nipples as he was softly pinching them. Just as I felt I started to think straight again they started the next step and I lost my mind again in the stream of what was happening. Right before my face, Mark and Lenyll kissed shortly. "OK, Lenyll, go for it now" Mark took Lenyll's hand and shove it into my pants. Lenyll tried to grab my hardon but there was not enough room in my pants for him to do so. Fortunately, Mark bowed down and started to open my jeans and unzip my fly, to give enough room to the tall black hand of Lenyll. Lenyll laughed, obviously enjoying what he was doing. "OK, Len, feel his thing now. Is it good? It looks pretty good to me." Lenyll was grinning at me as he felt my dick all over while he took it out of my boxers. Meanwhile, Mark was taking off my shoes and pulling down my pants all the way. When he was finished, Lenyll was playing gently with my balls. Now Mark was sitting in front of me and said with a winning smile on his face "Now your gonna enjoy kid. Yeah!" and then he put his face over my cock. My God! This feeling was awesome! I let out a cry and couldn't help but moan as Mark was working his tongue on my cock head. He knew some tricks there but was clever enough to pause just in time to prevent me from coming. "Yeah, you like that cock sucker, huh?" Lenyll said while his hand started to rub my belly again and he turned as he felt it was his time kiss me. I had lost my free will by now and couldn't to anything but let them do what they want. This was paradise, no doubt. Mark was shoving my dick in and out of this mouth while he tried to play with my balls at the same time. They were extremely touchy by now but since Lenyll was playing with my tongue I couldn't say or do anything. So I tried to relax and that made the feeling better as I heard Mark make smacking sounds below. Mark finished by kissing my belly button and then - with a relaxed and self-confident attitude - he started talking to Lenyll again. "This boy tasted good, man! Did you see this dick? Here, come on Len, take it! It's yours." Lenyll went down also and they were both inspecting my manly pride that had turned sensitive like hell by now. The both started licking it as if it were a lollipop. As I opened my eyes to see for a second, I felt my dick stiffening just a little harder because of the sight of this brown-haired guy and his black boyfriend treating my penis as if it were candy. When I almost couldn't take it anymore and felt my balls were about to explode, Mark and Lenyll went back on the couch and sat next to me. There I was, all nude and ready to cum, sitting between two still fully dressed but awesome looking football players. Lenyll put a hand down on my chest and said "Hey kid, you're still alright? We're not done yet, you know. There's plenty more we want to do with you. You like that? He,he... I know what you like. You like Mark, huh? I saw that horny look you gave him at the bar. You've got a good taste you know. He is a handsome guy, yeah. And he's yours you know. In fact, why don't you go and take of his clothes? He would like that you know. He's dying for it, look at him!". I looked at Mark and while he didn't say anything his look confirmed what Lenyll was saying. I turned over on the couch and started to unbutton his shirt. I was trembling a little bit while I looked at Mark. This time he wasn't smiling, he had a horny kind of tension in his eyes. I took off his shirt and saw his broad chest appear. It had a little hair on it, and was perfectly shaped. What a muscles! I started to rub it and he started to moan. In the corner of my eye, I saw Lenyll undress himself. His black chest was shiny and smooth, and only now I could see how strong he really was. He took down his pants and, when he noticed I was looking at him now instead of at Mark, he walked up to me, just wearing his boxer shorts. His dick head was popping up right on the top of it and seeing him tip in back in his boxers gave me a funny feeling. "Hey kid, take off my boxers will you" he said. He stood before me and I took down his boxers. What I revealed was too good to believe. His cock was not only longer then I expected, it was also incredibly thick and it was kind of flat. It was a curious but good looking dick this man packed. I forgot about the brown eyes stud beside me for a second as I was hypnotized by this fat picker. I took the shaft in my hands, just to feel it. I couldn't help but say "oh". Remembering what these guys just done to my willie, I stuck out my tongue and with the tip of it I went down the shaft of this gigantic cock that was attached to this well build Negro. I put my hands on his muscled black butt . "Yeah kid, go for it. My dick is your dick. Yeah!", Mark now couldn't really control himself anymore and shouted "Hey kid! Take that bone! Let me see you suck that nigger! Come on, come on! You like it! Make him cum. Taste that boy!" While Mark continued to encourage me, I felt on the top of the world with this tall guy standing in front of me moaning and while he closed his eyes I could see him bite his lips. I took his cock head in my mouth and started to suck it. I slid my right hand from his butt to his loosely hanging balls and pinched them very softly. Lenyll slowly moved is hips back and forth. He was fucking my face and I liked it. Boy, did I like it! His fat cock filled my mouth but he didn't seem to be satisfied with that. With every move he made he pushed just a little bit harder. I looked at this muscled brown chest in front of me and tried to get my thong around his dick. Al of a sudden I felt Marks arm around my belly. He was getting a grip on me. He moved behind me on the couch and so I felt the button of his jeans in my back. When I pulled back to let Lenyll's cock out of my mouth it sort of jumped up and down a bit. It was a real horny sight. I looked by the packs of muscles up and saw Lenyll looking at me. I smiled at him but turned around to unzip Marks pants. He was giving me that winning smile again. I was head over heals. Mark was sitting with his knees on the couch and so it was a bit of a trick to pull off his jeans, but I managed. He had dark boxers and there was a wet spot on it. So he liked it that much already huh? Now he just had to see what I had going for him. I took out his dick and started to jack him of real slow. His dick wasn't very large, but it wasn't small either. As soon as I start pulling his dick he moaned deeply. Good, he seemed to enjoy it. While my hands kept jacking him off, I bent forward with him sitting on the back of the couch and took his head in my mouth. His cock had a sort of sweet taste to it. While I fumbled my thong around I felt Lenyll grab my behind. Lenyll slapped his cock on my back and then gently slide it into my ass. I panicked. I didn't expect this. I didn't even consider this would happen. I had never been fucked before and I was kind of angry he just took me without getting my silent approval first. But then the feeling became too intense for me to think. Man, it hurt! I felt this tall black guy going in and out of me, but after a while it felt so good. Looking up I saw Mark looking very tense. So I started to lick his balls. Mark put one hand on my head and with the other he started to jack off. Lenyll was making sounds like he involved in a heavy battle. Mark was jacking faster and faster, and all of a sudden he shouted "watch out". I looked up and felt Mark spewing his sperm all over my face. Oops. I felt Lenyll pulling back and then I felt a line of his warm cum over my back. The sounds that these guys made! Wouldn't it be awesome if I would cum right now also? But no, it didn't work just like that. Fortunately, Mark got himself together again. He pulled me on the ground and as I lay on my back I could feel Lenyll's cum between me and the floor. Mark then started jacking me and said: "Come on kid, let it go Yeah. I'll make you cum. I'm man enough for that. Yeah." While I looked into his brown eyes and listened to his dark voice saying these horny things to me, I couldn't take it any longer and had the best orgasm I ever had. Mark and Lenyll laughed softly as I came, lying on the floor with Mark lying half on top of me, jacking me off and this big brown boy scrutinizing me from 6 feet higher. We went to the shower to have some more fun there, but hey, I gotta keep some part to myself you know.


More Gay Erotic Stories from AA

Pretty Boys, You Never Know

It was in the beginning of '98. I had been working all night at the college paper, at which I am an editor. It was about 10:30PM when Charlene, our sports-reporter, and I decided to go for a drink. We went to a bar downtown that I'd never been to before. When we entered the jam-packed country and western bar we were in a really good mood. The bar had a nice atmosphere. We had


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