Gay Erotic Stories

Barracks Door

by Marcus
08 Sep 2024

Just For Fun--Jokes/Poems

Barracks Door

The manager hired a new secretary. He was young, smart, handsome and polite.

One day while taking dictation, he noticed the manager’s fly was open. When he was leaving the room, he courteously said, "Oh, by the way sir, did you know that your barracks door is open?"

The manager did not understand the secretary’s remark, but later on he happened to look down and saw that his zipper was open. He decided to have some fun with his new employee.

Calling him in, he asked, "By the way Mr. Jones, when you saw my barrack’s door open, did you also see a soldier standing at attention?"

The secretary, who was also quite witty, replied, "Why no, sir. All I saw was a little, disabled veteran sitting on two duffel bags."


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