Gay Erotic Stories

First Night

by Alfredo247
07 Mar 2005

Older/younger Romance

Inside the lodge it was freezing cold and Javier had me light the fire while he unloaded the bike. Dancing flames lit the room when, at last, we settled next to each other on the sofa. Javier opened a brandy bottle. “To warm us from the inside,” he said as he passed me a glass, and soon it was surging through our veins.

From a small box Javier took a paper and I watched as he expertly rolled a joint. So protected had been my life that this was all new and wonderfully exciting. Javier put the thin tapering tube in his lips and a matched flared in his long slender fingers. He inhaled a deep breath and held it; the blue smoke from the joint curled in to the air and filled the room with an aroma that once sensed is never forgotten. Javier had to teach me how to smoke.

“Inhale very slowly,” he instructed, pressing my abdomen, and raising the joint to my lips. “Then hold it and let it seep into your lungs.” My first attempt ended abruptly in a fit of violent coughing, but the second proceeded more successfully. A quiet calm embraced us. But in a few minutes the combined effect of the brandy and the marijuana made my head begin the spin and my body to shake. Javier brought a blanket to cover us, and I lay my head on his chest and I felt the heat of his body flowing into me. As he gently caressed my hair, the dizziness retreated and I fell into a doze.

How long we lay like that I do not know, hovering, suspended in time. Perhaps it was only a minute or may be it was an hour till I emerge. But now my body pulsated with life. It was if every hair on my head could feel Javier’s hand stroke it, and the brush of his hand against my cheek was the caress of a thousand feathers. What exquisite pleasure when I felt his strong hand take mine and place it directly on his sex. With the alcohol and all those complex molecules now rushing through my veins, all my natural reserve disappeared as my fingers explored his shape through the cloth of his pants

Very slowly his cock thickened to my touch. He lay back; his eyes were closed. He seemed to abandon himself to me. I unfastened his belt and opened his pants. He let me peal away all that at kept me from his soft warm skin. Under the protection only of the blanket, my hands slowly and deliberately explored his body. They scanned each undulation of abdomen and torso, searched each curve and corner, found all the folded secret places. His soft sighs translated his pleasure. My fingers played on the hair of his pectoral mounds, on his small and hard nipples, between his legs, in the warm and tender intimacy of his perineum. I caressed his testicles, round and smooth in their lose sack. Now my hand took up his imposing erect sex, and I wondered at its hardness, its size, the grace and beauty of it wide flaring crown. For a moment I drew back to lower my own pants and to liberate my trapped penis.

He then opened his eyes and turned to me and brought his lips to mine and we kissed a kiss whose memory will always live in me. It was at once, sweet and imperious, abandoned and possessive. Shy and inexpert I tried to respond, as his tongue and lips devoured me. His embrace was the catalyst for the marijuana in my body. It released my languid body to him. His hands went under my thick sweater of white wool and directly to my chest and neck. His tenders taunt drove me to new and crazy heights till I knew if he were to just touch my penis I would cum.

So many fires now burned and heated the room. Javier threw off the blanket that covered us and the flames painted our naked bodies glowing amber. I gazed at his penis magnificent in its erection then closed my eyes to sear it in my soul. In my private darkness I felt his gaze on me traveling over my naked body. I stretched and opened myself to him thrilling that he admired my thighs, my chest, my waist, my sex. For the first time I felt beautiful and the subject of desire, and what delight I took in showing him, twisting and stretching my naked form to give him pleasure. I revealed for him my small tight testicles, my aching cock, my long curving back and round soft buttocks.

Suddenly, out to the darkness, we heard hurried steps then heavy blows pounded on the door. We started up right. Panicked I grabbed the blanket and pulled it round me as Javier jumped to his feet. Hastily untangling his pants, he thrust his legs into them and stuffed in his tumescing cock. Stumbling to the door, he and threw a jacket on his shoulders. I listened to an excited voice outside but unable to make out more than a muffled word or two. I heard Javier’s too but what did hey say? I strained to pick up the other unfamiliar rural tongue but without success. I was relieved at last to hear calmer tone, and then a chuckle replaced the panicked flurry. I eased back in the sofa confident that Javier was in control.

The door opened a crack and his face appeared, “I will be a half hour,” he said with a wink “just wait for me”. I settled back on the sofa and pulled the blanket round me like a silk cocoon. I watched the roaring flames leap from the logs and let my hand rove over my naked body. The joint lay cold and half smoked before me. I took it between my fingers and a match brought it back to glowing life. Peaceful, now I inhaled it deep, and felt it penetrate and take hold. I watched the smoke curl upwards, pulling me along, drawing out my nascent thoughts.

My sexual experiences to this had been confined to frantic masturbation in bathrooms or the imagined privacy of my bed. My education in sex gleaned from the wild imaginings of schoolboys overheard in whispered, furtive conversations in change rooms and sports fields. I knew the words and used them as if I understood, but in truth all was a mystery. The female form was the sexless shape of cold white marble statues. The male organ I only knew from the one now rolling in my fingers. The idea of anal intercourse seemed a grotesque impossibility... till now.

As I lay there, gently giving pleasure to my body, the image of the smooth perfection of Javier’s cock took hold in my drifting thoughts and soon possessed then. In those silent moments came my revelation. The smooth curving tip was designed for insertion; the long ribbed shaft was made for expansion, the black curling bush to titillate soft white buttocks. In those smooth curving oval eggs was the semen, lava hot, to erupt and forge new life. There, silently, as I gently stroked my sex under the silky softness of the blanket, the dawn of revelation came to me. I saw what must be, the source of my fulfillment, my destiny. It was to feel Javier’s cock penetrate me, opening me to his masculinity, seeding me with his essence, taking me as his own. It was so simple; I saw so clearly now and a state of peace and calm descended on me as I lay there beside the raging fire.

I heard Javier’s footsteps on the stairs and turned to the door. His grinning face appeared. “It is all settled,” he said, “We won’t be disturbed again”. I watched intently him as he calmly and unashamedly as he stripped off his jacket and pants and once more revealed his nakedness to me. I opened my arms receive him. His body was icy against me as I offered him my burning soul. His cold fingers sought me out again as if to remind me where we had been. Our lips fused in a long tender encircling embrace. I felt him hard against me and our passions surge once more. I drew back to look at him. As I gazed into his eyes, I slowly untangled his arms from me and twisted my body, offering him my soft white buttocks. My smile answered his questioning look. No words were needed, our bodies understood. I felt him rise up behind me, kneeling to open my willing buttocks. I felt the cold night air invade that private recess and then and the tip of his tongue caress my most intimate space. I felt his tongue enter me and gasped at the exquisite pleasure of it, arching my back and spreading my hips for him.

Next he slipped his finger between my lips, and let my suck till saliva flowed. Soft and moist it slid from my mouth and traveled down my back and sought that place his tongue had left. I felt at once its press against me. I contracted at this unaccustomed assault. He playfully bit my neck and instantly I gave way and his finger insinuated my hole. I breathed deep as he penetrated me slow, groaning as I felt him inside me at last. My muscles contracted again and he retreated, kissing me till I relaxed, and then mounted a new assault till he possessed me full. I gasped, my body contorted in ecstasy as he slid far inside me awakening pleasures I had never dreamed.

At length I felt his finger sliding from me and knew what lay ahead. I feared there would be pain. But fist there was only pleasure of his slick penis massaged the crease between my buttocks seeking its special home. I felt it press, I contracted, and I could not help it. He pulled back, caressing my smooth buttocks, and then pressing once again - this time not to be denied. I cried out in a mixture of pleasure and pain as the head of his cock entered me. I felt it, gripped it under the head, holding him in me. He spoke to me softly, urging me to relax, telling me how good his cock felt inside as his hands made love to my body. He taught me how to release and draw him in till at last I felt the wiry brush of his pubic hair against my buttocks.

Inside my sheath he waited patiently for me to grow accustomed to his size. His body twisted behind me and then I sensed the aroma of marijuana on my nostrils again. He pressed the joint to my lips to let me draw a deep, deep draft. Like sculptures, frozen in place, we waited for it to grip us to. His cock was planted deep in my ass and I felt it swell and throb. Then he commenced a gentle soothing rocking and, with each press, his cock began to slide. The motion built and soon became a deep probing thrust as my willing ass rose to meet it each wave of indescribable pleasure. Our bodies glistened with sweat became one wild pulsating animal abandoned to the lust of cock and ass. I felt his urgency increase; his thighs slapped my ass, his cock stabbing deeply into me. Then I felt his body tense and his cock explode: pumping its seed inside me. Thick and hard he came, gasping with each spasm till at last his sweating body collapsed its full weight on me. There we lay immobilized, his cock I knew still oozing its precious juice inside me. Then, at last, I felt him slip out soft and his semen flowing from me making a rivulet down my thigh.

“It is that way my love,” whispered Javier to me. “Are you happy my boy?”

“Yes,” I answered, “I never thought that I could be so happy,” and I turned my head to offer him my lips with the gratitude of a lover.


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