
387 Free Gay Erotic Stories in Discipline

Gay Erotic Story

Better than Him

by Stepiquno Toglio

In Philadelphia, Pa, there was guy, named “Wade,” who described to be 5’11” tall, lean fit twink-size Caucasian had dirty blonde hair and shiny skin, and aged 23 years old. He was soon to be graduating in the ending of spring season from Art Institute of Philadelphia as willing to work as game designer for to make mature videos as such as general porn videos for. Someone already knew who Wade is...

Gay Erotic Story

Barry's Big Butt Revenge

by Bubblebuttluvr

Barry had had a love/hate relationship with his butt for as long as he could remember. There wasn't a time he could think of where his bottom wasn't much larger than average. And as he got older it just seemed to grow and grow even more. Then last year after a knee injury that laid him up for several months his ass grew to mythic proportions. It now measured at an incredible 45" and...

Gay Erotic Story

Beautiful Hell

by Stepiquno Toglio

On small heaven island where Akio and Lucifer spent their time to stay together for 50 years, Lucifer was in control by his lover, Akio. He teaches Lucifer how to be mature and well-trained. They didn’t get older as if they just still looked same since they were entering into heaven. Lucifer watched the ocean waved as his new favorite hobby made after he was being out of hell by Akio’s wisdom....

Gay Erotic Story

Old man turned me into a cocksucker

by steveperry

Ive been sucking cock for thirty years ever since some dirty old man caught me looking at his big cock and told me to get on my knees and suck him off. I couldn't believe how much it turned me on to be used like some slut by an old man in public and he could see it and started calling me a filthy little cocksucking faggot. I was so turned on I shot my load all over the floor without...

Gay Erotic Story

Braydin, Spanked & Expelled

by Bubblebuttluvr

It wasn't as though Braydin were a bad guy really. He just has strong opinions and views. And no tolerance for those he deemed stupid. The problem was that he was an 18 year old high school senior and had no problem telling Mrs. Sloan, his fifty something year old English teacher, just what he thought of her. That is why on a Monday morning at 10:00 am he was sitting in front of Principal...

Gay Erotic Story

Eine harte Lektion

by FreeBird

Eine harte LektionIch war überaus froh, dass diese lästige Konferenz auf die mich meine Firma geschickt hatte schon ein Tag früher vorbei war als geplant. Ich saß im Auto und konnte es gar nicht abwarten endlich wieder zuhause bei meinem Sohn Leon zu sein. Seit dem Tod seiner Mutter vor acht Jahren waren wir nicht mehr so lange Zeit getrennt gewesen, gut es war zwar nur knapp eine...

Gay Erotic Story

My Neighbor

by rledge11

Every day she would fly into the parking lot in a shiny new BMW, throw on the brakes, and back into the carport next to my truck. She lived above me so I could hear her going up the stairs to her room where she lived by herself. She usually turned on some music with a good beat to it and by the sounds of it was going through a pretty good workout.When I would see her walking to the...

Gay Erotic Story

Der Samenspender, Teil 46_neu

by steve19

Die Boxer fielen und wurden von den Wärtern in hohem Bogen nach hinten geworfen; alle 20 Jungs standen nun in einer Reihe und präsentierten ihre nackten Körper; wir wussten, wie wir zu stehen hatten. Beine leicht gespreizt, Arme hinter dem Kopf nach hinten gezogen, sodass alles zu sehen war: Ich wusste, dass mein Bolzen zumindest halbsteif nach vorne zeigte, und aus den Augenwinkeln sah ich,...

Gay Erotic Story

Mein Opa, der Sexsklave 2

by FreeBird

Mein Opa, der Sexsklave 2Manchmal kommt es mir so vor als wäre es erst Gestern gewesen als ich die geheime Identität meines Opas entdeckt hatte. Ich kann mich noch gut erinnern wie irritierend es für mich war zu erfahren, dass mein Opa ein Sexsklave ist und sich von einem Meister im Internet öffentlich vorführen lies. Dieser Umstand hatte mein Weltbild als naiver, gerade erst 18 Jahre...

Gay Erotic Story

Matthew 3. Punished

by circumnavigate9

This was intense. Matthew walked into the sports hall to find just about every senior boy sitting on the stands in anticipation. In front of them stood Coach Walden and the new guy who had held his towel for him when he jerked off in the locker room in front his team mates last week. He knew this was what the gathering was about: the coach had told all the senior boys they’re encouraged to...

Gay Erotic Story

Ms. Domina and Bobby

by benthar

It was out of the blue and quite honestly, I suspected that it was a hoax. The website is called Fetlife and it is a “dating” site for kinky people but not many are looking for a married, middle aged man, yet this woman was contacting me to gauge my interest in some kink play. I immediately sent her an answer that I was fairly inexperienced and MARRIED. I had done so kinky play, naked house...

Gay Erotic Story

Good Horny Lucifer

by Stepiquno Toglio

In a most beautiful heaven, one gentleman was handsomely made by Jehovah called Lucifer. He was too gorgeous and genius than someone would be. Jehovah, as God, made something so perfect. Lucifer over-investigated God’s secret which caused Lucifer wondered about people’s right to be do something whatever they like to do. He felt that those people can’t obey God forever. He asked God about their...

Gay Erotic Story

A Hunky-Model Russian

by Stepiquno Toglio

At an afternoon in Moscow, Russia, the museum was called Kremlin, where people liked to learn about Russia history. But one tourist, as modeling agent from Europe, who wanted more than just to learn. He wanted to find guy who has potential to become model to put it in the fashion world. It was difficult for him to search then discover future model. Before he discovered, he enjoyed sightseeing...

Gay Erotic Story

Brad: Grant Finally Gets A Whack At Brad Pt. 18

by Bubblebuttluvr

Grant arose first the next morning feeling surprisingly refreshed. The night before he had watched his best friend get his huge rump spanked by their twisted dorm supervisor, Mr. Marshall. Grant had discovered Brad's secret, he got off on being spanked. But Brad also learned Grant's, he was gay. Last night everything seemed okay but now in the light of day would things still be the same...

Gay Erotic Story

Public Stripper (Stripping Straight Men in Public), Part 1

by Sebastian

He'd heard about people who did awful things to others. He'd heard about atrocities inflicted with sadistic pleasure on others, about serial killers and the like. He'd heard and read about them with intense distaste. He tried, nonetheless, just for a moment in his mind to relieve these acts of their morally reprehensible nature, to pretend for just a moment that they were just acts or...

Gay Erotic Story

Max & Alex, Part 1

by Sebastian

This is a story about two straight men. Both are in their late teens, and both study at the same university. Alex is extremely popular, both with men and with women. He’s athletic and attractive to the extent that he’s even done some modelling work. He’s a keen member of the soccer and athletics teams. He’s one of those people that others tend to envy, born with good looks and a wide...

Gay Erotic Story

Web Cam Lust

by WinstonManly

Jordan tried to remember just when he had gotten started doing web-cam sex with Ronald, the older man he had met through a gay on-line chat site. It had to have been at least six months ago. At least that.Jordan had never really thought of himself as...

Gay Erotic Story

How I Became His Bottom Bitch

by teachmedeepthroat

i had just moved to Hartford, CT for a low paying job at one of the large insurance companies. looking for apartments sucks. i was having trouble finding a one bedroom in my range and even met a couple possible roommates. a lot of people weren't even calling me back. i was about to call one of the possible roommates when my phone rang. it was an 860 area code. i answered. it was a...

Gay Erotic Story

Using My Straight Neighbour Against His Will

by Sebastian

Using My Straight Neighbour Against His WillI'm not going to tell you how I did it. What’s important to anyone reading this is that it worked and I got what I wanted. If I were to reveal my methods… the legal consequences don’t even bare thinking about. I'm a middle-aged man with a taste in young men. All kinds of young men. Very often they’re straight, and I never see that as an...

Gay Erotic Story

Mistaken identity-[F-16]-part-2-of-4

by charles-smythe

Mistaken IdentityPart-2-of-4.The small girl’s eyes dilated and her nostrils flared when the lady pressed the tip of the vibrator through the metal ring and between her lips. Screams turned to a groan as she felt it being slowly pressed home, going deeper into her body, shoving tissue aside and stretching her like never before. Along with the fullness was a deep and powerful vibration that...

Gay Erotic Story

Von Geilem Hengst entjungfert

by Releone

Es war einer dieser dunklen, tristen Herbsttage an denen man eigentlich den ganzen Tag nicht so recht weiß was man tun soll. Ich war gerade 19 geworden, hatte vor kurzem mein Abi gemacht und jetzt jede Menge Zeit. Das Studium würde erst im Oktober beginnen und die viele Freizeit wollte ich dazu nutzen meine Erfahrungen mit Männern zu intensivieren. Seit ich als Jugendlicher gemerkt hatte, dass...

Gay Erotic Story

Mein Opa, der Sexsklave

by FreeBird

Die Geschichte die ich euch jetzt erzähle ist so abgefahren, dass ich sie selbst noch gar nicht richtig glauben kann und das obwohl ich sie erst vor wenigen Tagen so erlebt habe! Aber am besten falle ich nicht gleich mit der Tür ins Haus und erzähle euch erst mal etwas von mir: Mein Name ist Moritz Wang und ich bin 18 Jahre alt. Ich bin Halbasiate, genauer gesagt kommt mein Vater aus...

Gay Erotic Story


by bobapple

In a previous story, taken verbatim from an online profile about SUCKING DICK & SWALLOWING JIZZ, it also had a section on deep-throating. I think it's worth sharing too:Train your throat to relax. Here's how: Step One: Figure out your trigger point. Start by touching the tip of your tongue with your finger. Keep advancing to the point where you first begin to gag. That's your trigger point....

Gay Erotic Story

Goldlöckchen und die drei Bären

by FreeBird

Stuart Miller hatte schon immer die Fähigkeit sich in Schwierigkeiten zu bringen. Schon als er noch in der Grundschule war zog er immer den Ärger von Lehrern und Eltern auf sich. Das lag vor allem daran, dass er immer schnell die Beherrschung verlor. Es verging kein Tag an dem er sich nicht von irgendeinem Mitschüler geärgert fühlte und diesem zur Strafe ein paar Schläge oder Tritte...

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