Gay Erotic Stories

Bicycle Part 6

by Xbiwriter
15 Jun 2000


The radio crackled to life. It was the sheriff calling from his chopper. I could see its lights when it cleared the hillside. At that moment, Carl fired at the craft and they took evasive action. They flew down hill staying close to the trees, turned and came back around the hill and approached from the other side. They put down in back of the house. Four deputies and the sheriff got out. "What's he got?" He asked. "He's got my Springfield 30-'06. It had only three cartridges in it, but he may have picked up the box, in that case he would have ten. He has used two at least. One shot that got William and one shot at your chopper. He is distraught about a girl who told him she didn't want to marry him. I don't think he is very familiar with firearms, but I do not know him that well." "We will wait him out if we can. Who was the woman?" "This is Bea the woman in question, sheriff." "What do you know about this man, young lady?" "Not much, I lived with him in NYC for just three or four weeks. He treated me good sometimes, while other times, he was a monster. I would run away when that happened. I think he was in the Army or Marines. He spoke of it as though he had been in the fighting, but he is not old enough is he?" I spoke up, "He is not old enough to have been in Vietnam, but maybe he was in something else." "He's trapped down by the river now. My men have located him behind some large rocks. We can take him out at any time. Do you want to talk to him. It is not murder yet, but it could be much worse." "Let's go then. I'll see what I can do." "Take this vest. It might not be much, but it is the best we can do." "Bea, you stay here. I do not want anything to happen to you." Moving as fast as the darkness allowed, we were soon at the falls and in the moon light I caught the gleam of my rifle barrel sticking up. I walked to the river's edge in plain site of Carl. "Carl!" I shouted, "You are in a bad situation. The police have you surrounded. You may as well give up." With my last word came a rifle shot from across the river that struck me in my right upper thigh, knocking me down. Immediately, the sound of automatic fire erupted from three directions, followed by a dull scream. I heard my rifle fall down on the rocks. Shortly, one of the deputies shouted, "He's down sir! I think he's dead. We haven't found his weapon." "OK, Let's get out of here. We'll be back in the morning. I'm leaving Eric with you just in case" He turned and went to the chopper where the pilot was warming up for take off. He waved as the chopper cleared the house. Bea ran up to me, crying. "He wasn't so bad was he Sven?" "No Honey, not so bad, just mixed up I guess. That's the way things go when you do not communicate properly. This is a hard lesson to learn and it cost some one their life. What are you going to do?" "I'll stay with you, Sven, if you'll have me. Your bleeding. Why didn't you go with them to the hospital?" I looked at my leg and the hole in my shorts. There was blood all over my upper leg and running down onto my foot. "Let's get up to the house and you can fix it for me, Bea." "If I fix it, you would probably die of gangrene! I don't know nothing about doctoring nobody. I hardly know how to use a band aid." Eric, Mira and Jana helped me up to the house and lay me down in the parlor on an old sheet. Mira brought hot water and watched as Jana carefully washed the wound. It was just a strong grazing wound just broke the skin, but it sure was sore. After ointment and dressing, I went into the bedroom. Mira bent over in front of Eric the deputy and he could see everything as she did not wear panties. He commented, "I like your outfit girl!" Mira laughed. "Oh! Excuse me. I did not see you standing there." "No need to apologize, I liked the view. Do all you ladies dress like that?" "No. Some do not wear anything. This is a clothing optional site. Most of us are artist's models, so it doesn't mean much to us how we dress. We don't think of our bodies as dirty like some people." "I didn't mean there was anything wrong with it. One doesn't see that very often. I don't think I'd ever get use to it." Jana came in with a baby doll top and no bottom. "Mira, have you seen the panties that go with this? Hi guy! What's your name?" Jana looked Eric up and down. "You must work out a lot from the looks of your body. I work out some myself. Can you tell?" She turned about to show her body to Eric. Eric stuttered a little, then answered, "I'm Eric and Yes, I like to work out. I go four times a week but do heavy lifts only one day. You look real fine, girl. I teach also. Would you like to be in my class. Maybe you could help me teach? That way it would be free for you. Do you live here?" "I'm only going to be here for a few more weeks. Want to come with me and we'll talk about it?" Eric followed Jana to one of the tents. When they got there, Jana zipped the door closed and turned to Eric and gave him a big kiss, pressing herself firmly against the bulge on the front of his trousers. He put his strong arms under her ass and pulled her to him. After the kissing slowed, he lifted the baby doll gown over her head. Jana undid his utility belt, then his pants, and there was his jock strap, groaning to hold in his stiff cock.. She pulled the strap over to one side releasing his hard meat. Planting a sweet kiss right on the end made Eric jump. He laughed and let her continue. She sucked it a little, then asked him to lay down on his back so she could climb on. Only moments passed before he came in a steady stream of cum right up into her hot pussy. She screamed in delight and squeezed his cock hard while she came too. She collapsed on top of him. They did not stay long, Eric straightened himself out and dressed quickly. "I wouldn't want to get caught like this on duty. I am supposed to be on duty you know." "Don't worry no one comes up here. There is no one around this place for miles." Eric shoved her to one side and left the tent. He stood outside for a moment looking about, trying to look professional. Mira called from the porch, "Hey copper, how was it? I'm next you know!" Steve and Jana walked up to Eric and asked, "Well what do you think of the place so far?" Nude, Bea pushed past him to go into the tent. Eric was flustered and did not know what to say. I followed behind Bea to ask her to come into the studio so I could finish the sketch that I had begun for the last mural. Kathy was waiting for her there. Bea found the silk throw she was looking for and turned into my arms. I put my arms around her and kissed her tenderly. She started a soft sobbing. I held her close until she gained her composure. Eric looked into the tent but made no comment. He went up on the porch and picked up his automatic weapon he had left leaning against the porch column and stood at attention as we passed. I laughed, why should we fear while Eric is here! The thought ran through my mind while I positioned Steve, Kathy, Jana, and Bea in the set. Fred was watching Steve who was watching me for directions. I would really like to have another good male figure in the set. I wonder if Eric, Hmmmm...... I called Kathy to me and whispered in her ear, "Do you suppose you could talk Eric into modeling with you and the others for about fifteen minutes?" "I can try. Are you going to pay him?" "If he asks I will, but don't say anything, this is just a sketch to see if it will work. I do not have to have him. I could do it in two parts with you playing on both sides. Now if I..... Kathy left before I finished explaining my thoughts. Eric turned as she approached him. She was nude with the silk throw over her shoulders. "Hi," he said. Kathy smiled at him. "Can I ask you a question?" "Sure!" "Have you done any modeling, you know posing?" "We have poses we do in body building contests. I've done that." "Would you like to pose with me for some sketches? Sven would like to do some pictures of you. OK?" "I am supposed to stay on guard." "For what? Carl is dead isn't he? There is no one else." "Well OK I guess." Kathy led him by the hand like a little boy going to school for the first time from the porch in to the studio. "Do I have to take my clothes off?" I spoke up, "If you are uncomfortable, leave your underwear on." "I ain't got no underwear. All I got is a jockstrap." "That will be just fine. Now I want you to stand right over there with Kathy......" I went on to explain the pose while he undressed. He looked around at everyone and saw no one was wearing anything, so he took everything off. I took several pictures and made a few changes, when Bea and Kathy let out a blood curdling scream. They pointed behind me. There sitting propped against the doorway was what was left of Carl. He had my rifle. His face was partly missing and he blubbered something unintelligible as he leveled the rifle at Bea who was standing at the back of the set. Eric shouted, "Get down!" Carl moved the rifle toward Eric who ran for his clothes, grabbed them and dove through the window which was open. There was a dull thud as he landed on the concrete shuffleboard. Then everything got quiet. Carl was nodding off and at those moments would let the rifle point to the floor. Fred noticed this and when ever Carl closed his eyes he would move toward the other door that led to the kitchen. The girls eased themselves away from Bea just in case he may fire at her. I made a jump toward Carl throwing a stool ahead of me. It distracted him and the rifle fired into the ceiling. I landed on top of him, knocking him back. Mira grabbed the rifle and ran. Bea came over to Carl. She kneeled down near him. "I'm sorry, Carl, but I just couldn't live with you the way you've been treating me. I do not want to be hit or made fun of. I'm sorry if I hurt you. Can you forgive me?" She reached out her hand and straightened his messed up hair. She cried. Moving closer she held him in her arms and he breathed his last while staring up into her tear filled eyes. Mira came back with a sheet and we covered Carl up. Then went out looking for Eric. We found him laying on the shuffleboard court, out cold. He had a real big knot on his forehead. We all picked him up and carried him in to the bedroom. The girls all started to tease his cock. It would quiver whenever one of them would touch it. I noticed a slight movement around Eric's eyes. He was awake and enjoying the girls antics. His peter hardened after a little while and stood straight up. The girls giggled as they took turns touching it. Jana leaned over and took it in her mouth. Eric jumped when Mira touched his ass hole, causing Jana's teeth to scrape on Eric's cock. He recoiled from Jana's teeth and sat up. "What do you think your doing?" he asked. Jana just laughed. Mira said, "Having a little fun with you, but I guess you don't like girls." "I like them fine one at a time and at my own pace. I'm not a toy anyone can play with whenever they want. How would you like it?" Eric tried to act indignant. "Ya! Right! I'd love it any time anyplace! I've had it a few times and loved every minute of it." Mira turned from him and climbed off the bed following the others. Eric got up found his clothes and got dressed. Fred whispered to Mira and winked at me and Steve. I looked at Steve in wonder. He just shrugged his shoulders. Mira led Fred outside, we followed them. They looked back over their shoulder at us and motioned for us to hurry and catch up with them. When we did, Fred said he had a surprise for us. In the stable we climbed to the loft where there was still some hay. Mira put down a comforter she was carrying and plopped onto her back. Fred took off the shorts he had on and really surprised us with a huge boner. It was straight and strong, a beauty about eight or nine inches. Mira said, "Honey, I'm waiting. Please, Honey, it's been so long." Fred kneeled between her legs and carefully slid his stiff cock into Mira's waiting cunt. She moaned with pleasure. "Oh Honey, That feels so good. Do it like you used to Sweetie." Fred started a slow motion back and forth and side to side. "That's it, Honey. Now a little faster. Good Honey keep going, keep going, Oh Honey, your so good. I really missed that sweet cock of yours." Fred started to slow when Steve's hands caressed his nice round ass and slipped in to touch his ass hole. "Fred, do you like this?" Steve asked. "Ya, would you fuck me, Please?" Fred leaned fully forward so Steve could get his cock in his ass hole. It took a little while because no one brought any lubrication, so he used spit instead. I watched for awhile, playing with my cock, when Mira took hold of my ankle getting my attention. She said, "Stand over here and Fred will suck you off." Fred agreed and took my hand and led me around in front of him. I kneeled and he gobbled up my stiff prick to the end and held it there for quite awhile. I thought it would choke him and backed off a little. Fred put his hand around on my ass and held me close awhile longer. Then started a slow in and out, with tongue twirling and flicking about the end. It felt really good. Then Fred stopped. Shuttered. Then let out a long low moan and collapsed on top of Mira, letting go of my cock and causing Steve to loose his position. "Come on Fred, this is no time to stop!" Steve groaned. I looked at Fred's eyes in the dim light and could see they were not right. Mira said, "Honey, get off me. You feel just like dead weight." She squirmed out from under him and we rolled him onto his back. He was starting to turn blue! He was not breathing. I started CPR. I told Steve to get Eric to call for help right away. Mira started to cry and wailed, "Oh my baby." I told her to be quiet and start breathing for Fred. Like a real trooper she snapped out of it and we set up and assembly line of people taking turns pumping Fred's chest while another breathed for him. A cough from Fred alerted us to his changing condition. He started to breath on his own. "Wow! What happened?" he asked. "You passed out on us. Have you been taking your medicines?" "No, I lost them on the way up here and I meant to go to town and have them renewed." We got him down from the loft about the time that the chopper from the hospital arrived. They took Fred and Mira, Eric and Carl's dead body and left. I said, "Now's the time for a stiff drink. I'm bushed." Bea handed me a glass of sweet red wine that was chilled just right. "Thanks, Honey. How did you know?" "I'm a mind reader." She laughed. "My father always wanted a glass after he worked hard. I thought you might like one also." The End! Chet


More Gay Erotic Stories from Xbiwriter

Bicycle Part 1

Chapter One The noise startled me and I jumped to one side, in time to avoid being run down by an wayward bicycle. It wasn't uncontrolled long, as it slammed into the barbed wire of the pasture fence and a sturdy post. The rider was thrown along the fence for a short ways and ended up tangled in the broken wire. I was on my way to the house from the creek where I had been

Bicycle Part 2

The Next Day Chapter Two During the rest of that evening and whenever I awoke that night, I checked on my patient. Only once did he arouse enough to mumble something, then fell back asleep. Next morning, he was sitting up. He smiled when I asked if he was hungry. I laughed at the sorry spectacle he made sitting there with the robe hanging open and patches of bandage most everywhere.

Bicycle Part 3

Part Three Another Day This is the day I should finish my mural. The people that want it for their store are coming this afternoon late. It will require a lot of Japan dryer to get it dry enough to move. I had a quick breakfast, while the girls cleaned up and got right on to the set. They were waiting as I came in. Kathy had made up the palette for me with most of the colors I

Bicycle Part 4

My paintings were coming along and Steve was healing nicely. He still could not use his hands very well and was going to need some reconstruction. He will have a long scar on his abdomen. Every morning, he and the girls jog down to the falls and bathe, then they race back up the hill to the house. Steve seldom loses that race. His is very strongly developed from his bicycling, and

Bicycle Part 5

Next morning, after washing up and grabbing a cup of coffee, I went out on the porch. There was nothing to see because everything was shrouded in dense fog. No one was stirring. Only the horses were at the fence for their sugar. I turned to go back in the house and was startled by a deep voice, "Good Morning Mr. Sven. Did you sleep well?" It was Fred who was sitting on the swing.

Bicycle Part 6

The radio crackled to life. It was the sheriff calling from his chopper. I could see its lights when it cleared the hillside. At that moment, Carl fired at the craft and they took evasive action. They flew down hill staying close to the trees, turned and came back around the hill and approached from the other side. They put down in back of the house. Four deputies and the sheriff


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