Gay Erotic Stories

But I'm Too Old For Another Spanking, Dad!

by Jackson Collins
06 Feb 2001


Well, it’s been about a week since my dad “punished” me for hosing his computer down with my jizz (hee hee) by giving me a spanking—and then fucking me and cumming all over my face. We haven’t seen each other much since it happened, with him going to work (he leaves even earlier than usual to workout at the gym) and me going to school. But when we’ve crossed paths, like in the hallway on our way to bed, we don’t really look at each other. A lot has gone through my mind and I have a lot of questions I want to ask him, like, has he had sex with guys before and does he STILL have sex with guys and does he consider himself gay or bisexual and does mom know and does he feel weird about having sex with ME and…just tons of things. But we don’t say anything, we just keep a distance from each other and maybe nod or say “G’ night.” But yesterday, something happened that totally blew me away and answered some of the questions I had. I went to school this morning as usual. I have two classes on Fridays: a math class in the morning and an art history class late in the day at 5 P.M. That means that class lets out at 6:30 and I get home at 7. My dad is always home by then and mom is out of town this week—again—so when I pulled into the driveway, I was surprised to see a strange car parked behind my dad’s. Once inside the house, I couldn’t hear anything—but then I closed the door and took a few steps inside. I was overcome with the smell of cigar smoke. I heard some low voices, then some laughter. I followed the sounds through the front room and past the kitchen and there, in the family room, was my dad and some guy sitting in dad’s big padded library chairs. This man looked to be a little older than my dad by ten years or so—it’s hard to tell. He was mostly bald on top but compensated for it by shaving his head down to just stubble that actually made him look pretty hot. He had a dark reddish/brown moustache with a little silver streaked through it. He noticed me in the doorway before dad and looked up at me with intense dark green eyes. He and dad had taken their jackets off and tossed them on the floor so I could see this guy had a bit of a beer gut. His tie draped on it nicely and it just added to the raw masculinity he was projecting. A long cigar stuck straight out from his mouth, his lips puckered around it. When this guy looked over at me, my dad followed his gaze and said, “Well, look who’s home.” The stranger stood to shake my hand and my dad said, “Jack, you remember Don Huber, don’t you? From my office…” The man grabbed my hand and squeezed hard and suddenly I DID remember. Mr. Haber and dad used to go golfing years ago and I had met him once at a Christmas party my folks threw when I was little. I hadn’t seen him in 6 or 7 years. He looked pretty different to me…burlier, sexier. And I probably looked really different to him…like, grown up. I said, “Oh, yeah…I didn’t recognize you. How are you Mr. Haber?” He took the cigar from his mouth, blew smoke up over his head and said, “Great, Jack, how about you? How’s school? Your dad here has been telling me you’ve been…pretty busy lately.” “Yeah, well, I have a full load, so…” “Yeah, I hear you do.” After an awkward silence, I finally said, “Well, I’ll get upstairs to my room and study. Nice seeing you again.” As I turned to leave, my dad quietly said, “Where are you going Jackson?” My heart jumped. He called me Jackson. “I was gonna go to my room…” “No you’re not. You’re not going anywhere.” My eyes darted back and forth between my dad and Mr. Haber. “What do you mean, dad?” “You think you can get away with it again?” I grinned nervously at Mr. Haber. “I don’t know what you’re talking about dad.” “You know god damned well what I’m talking about.” I stood in complete silence. He couldn’t be talking about his computer again, not right here, not right now, in front of Mr. Haber. Dad said, “You used my computer again last night after I specifically told you that you could not.” I DID use it but I was REALLY careful…shit, how did he know? “And I already punished you for it once. Didn’t I.” I looked at Mr. Haber, then back to my dad; my jaw was moving but I couldn’t make a sound. I didn’t know what to do or to say. Then dad raised his voice. “DIDN’T I.” He startled me and I blurted out, “Yes, you did.” “Did what?…” I could feel myself turning red as I glanced at Mr. Haber, swallowed hard and said, “You spanked me.” I was sweating from embarrassment. “Go on, tell Mr. Haber how I spanked you.” “Dad, please…come on…” “TELL him.” “…over his knee. He spanked me over his knee.” I couldn’t look Mr. Haber in the face. I was so ashamed. “And what did I have you do before I put you across my knee?” “Y—you—you made me pull my pants down.” Dad looked over at Mr. Haber and said, “But he didn’t want to. Tell Mr. Haber why you didn’t want to pull your pants down, Jackson…” I couldn’t believe my dad was doing this to me in front of a stranger. Why? Was THIS my punishment, being totally humiliated? My only comfort was knowing that he couldn’t go much further because he wouldn’t want Mr. Haber to know what we had done. “Well? Mr. Haber is waiting, Jackson…” “I didn’t want to pull my pants down because—because—” My dad said, “Look at Mr. Haber when you talk to him, Jackson.” I looked up and almost cried as I softly said, “because I…I…had an erection.” Mr. Haber was looking directly at me, twisting his cigar in his mouth. He was sitting well back in the chair, relaxed, and his legs were spread really wide. “That’s right, you had a hard-on but I spanked you anyway and it obviously didn’t make an impression on you. So we’re going to have to keep punishing you until you learn your lesson.” Oh my god! I panicked. Was this what this was all leading up to? Was I going to be spanked IN FRONT OF Mr. Haber? My dad continued. “Now, tell us what you were looking at on my computer last night. And don’t lie because I can go right over there and pull up the history…” I hung my head and started to speak but my dad bellowed, “NOPE! You look at US when you’re talking.” I tried to remember what websites I visited. “…Just some porn sites, dad…please…can you just spank me later? I swear I’ll never do it again. I’ve learned my lesson.” He ignored me. “What KIND of porn sites, Jackson. Describe them to us.” “…Sites with…sites that are…that show naked men.” “Aaah, naked MEN?” Why was he doing this, I wondered? “And what are these naked men doing?” “They’re having sex with each other. Sucking each other. And fucking. Fucking each other.” “And what else did you look at?” I sighed. “A site about jock straps. Real guys send in pictures of themselves in their jock straps…masturbating in them or peeing in them and getting fucked in them.” Then I felt my dick start to go bone. It filled up partially and moved around in my baggy cargo pants, making a little tent. I had been looking mostly at my dad when I was talking because I was too nervous to look at Mr. Haber. But I finally glanced over at him and saw that his cock was hard and snaking along the inside seam of his pants. Wow, I thought, Mr. Haber got hard from my descriptions! And he was looking at the tent in my cargo pants. My dad said, “Is that all?” “Yes…” “I can go right over to the computer and check. Matter of fact, I think I’ll do that.” “NO…wait, please…all right, I’ll tell you…I went back to that site that shows dudes cumming on other dude’s faces and bodies.” “Aaah, I thought so. You liked that one, didn’t you?” Dad turned to Mr. Haber and continued, “It was all pictures of guys with semen in their mouths or on their faces.” Mr. Haber eyed me up and down. Dad stood up. There was an obvious bulge in his pants, bunched up to the right. “All right, Jackson. You know what’s coming…drop ‘em.” But here I was in the same situation as last time. Was I going to be spanked—and only spanked? My dad and I couldn’t do anything in front of Mr. Haber. “Um, dad…I can’t—“ “Oh, you have another hard-on? I forgot, you like this…maybe Mr. Haber should take your pants down, hmmm? Maybe THAT would teach you a lesson. Walk over to Mr. Haber, Jackson. Go ahead, Don, yank ‘em off. I’m gonna need him bare-assed for this.” I walked over to Mr. Haber who slid forward in his chair and sat at the edge of his seat. He anchored his cigar back in the center of his mouth, making an almost obscene pucker, so he could have both hands free. He reached out, hooked his fingers in my pants and gave me a good jerk towards him. I stumbled but he held me up by my waistband. Once he unbuttoned and unzipped my baggy pants, they just dropped off. My cock was real hard by now and Mr. Haber pulled my boxers aside until my pole poked out of the fly. He and my dad laughed at me. Then he grabbed the bottom edge of my boxers and yanked down hard. My cock was pulled down and released quickly when he did that and it flew back up, hitting my stomach with a ‘thwack.’ They laughed even more. “Now walk over to the desk and lean over with your ass out, Jackson.” I bent to pick up my boxers and pants so I could walk across the room but my dad said, “NO! Leave ‘em down.” Humiliated, I waddled over to the desk, taking small steps as best I could with my boxers and pants binding my legs together. I leaned forward over the desk, and placed my palms down on either side of the computer. I heard my dad walk up behind me but then…nothing. Just rustling. I turned to see what was happening. My dad had removed his tie and was rolling up his cuffs. He pushed me and said, “TURN AROUND.” I resumed my position and waited. Another long pause. Then SMACK. A good strong swat on my left cheek. I jumped ‘cause it stung like hell. Another long pause. It was driving me crazy…I couldn’t see what he was doing and I couldn’t tell when the next one was coming. SMACK. He kept me shaking, quivering, wondering. Each spank was a shock and jolted my body. He stopped at 12, just as my tears were welling up, grabbed me by the neck and growled, “Put your hands on your head and go show Mr.Haber your nice red ass.” I shuffled over to Mr. Haber, my hands on my head, as ordered. My cock was totally rigid now and wagging back and forth. Even though I was ashamed to be waddling around, arms raised, parading a hard-on in front of two grown men who were completely clothed and laughing at me, I couldn’t help myself and a drop of precum dripped down, swaying back and forth with each step. When I reached Mr. Haber, he narrowed his eyes and said, “Turn around.” I obeyed and showed him my glowing cheeks. Mr. Haber inspected me, touched my ass gently, rubbed each cheek, and then abruptly pulled my ass apart, cleaving my backside open. He pulled so hard and so far, my ass lips stretched side to side and my pucker opened for him. Then he pushed my cheeks together as hard as he could, squashing them around and announced to my dad, “Nope, I think he could use another round.” “I think you’re right Don. He needs to learn to do what his father tells him. Back over here, Jackson” I waddled back to the desk but this time, instead of long pauses in between spanks, he hauled off and gave me another 12 all at once. I felt like I was being electrocuted as my body twitched and spasmed with each smack. He stopped and my ass felt like it was on fire. “All right, Don,” my dad huffed, “how about now?” He gave me a little shove toward Mr. Haber, who inspected me again. His decision: “No, still not done.” “Then why don’t you see if you can teach him a lesson, Don?” “Well, I’ll give it a try, Jack.” Mr. Haber grabbed my wrist and twisted it, forcing me to him. He laid me down across his lap diagonally, with my head along the right side of his body and my ass balanced on his left leg. He hooked his right arm around my waist and shocked me when he grabbed my rock hard rod in his fist. He took a deep breath, raised his left arm and gave me the first swat. It felt different from my dad. Mr. Haber hit harder. I think he flattened his palm out more and his hands seemed bigger. I twitched and he milked my bone like he was milking a cow. He had a firm grip on my dick and, fuck-- felt good. SMACK. He milked me some more. I groaned and pushed my cock deeper into his fist but he tightened his grip into a vice, and said, “Oh, no you don’t…this is a spanking young man. Your father told me about you, not being able to control your cock. So no humping my hand. Don’t move your dick around, you hear me? You understand?” “Yes, Mr. Haber, I’m sorry,” I grunted from the back of the chair. SMACK. And then another. And another. And in between, he pulled on my udder, milking precum out of me. I was sure there was a big pool of it on the floor between his legs. He stopped at 20 for both of us to catch our breath. My cheeks were nearly numb. Mr. Haber said, “Okay, time for a little rest. You earned it, Jackson.” He massaged my ass softly, sweetly, soothing the pain. He dipped his middle finger in between my crack and stroked at my hole, very gently, occasionally moving his finger around it in a little circle. God, it felt great. Involuntarily, I fucked my rod into his fist again. He squeezed it agonizingly hard and said, “Ah-ah…what did I tell you about your cock?” I sighed. “Sorry Mr. Haber.” He answered, “Sorry Mr. Haber, what…” “Sorry Mr. Haber, SIR…” “Good boy…” he said and he resumed soothing my sweaty puckered hole. I wanted him to push his finger in me, not just massage the rim. “Well, I can see he responds better to you than he does to me…” my dad said. “Maybe, maybe not. Let’s see.” Mr. Haber stood up and I scrambled to get to my feet. He looked at me and ordered me to take off his tie, then his shirt. I nearly got my nut right there when I saw his rough furry chest and long pink nipples poking out of the carpet of fur. They looked like little cocks. He grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me to his right tit and said, “Suck. And undo my pants.” I reached down, without taking my mouth off his tit, and unbuttoned and unzipped him. His pants dropped and he easily stepped out of them. He wasn’t wearing any underwear and his big ‘ol schlong was nice and plump and excited. It was a fat fucker with lots of bumps and ridges. So he stood there naked except for his black socks and black lace up shoes. He pulled me from his chest and said, “Okay, Jackson. Now to earn your dad’s trust again…bend over and grab your ankles.” I did as I was ordered, anxious to see if I was getting a finger in my ass or more spankings. Mr. Haber signaled my dad and they bath walked up to my ass, dad on my left, Mr. Haber on my right. I felt Mr. Haber’s hands grab my waist and my dad actually took a step back to wind up for the spanking I was going to get. He hit me so hard, I would’ve been knocked across the room if Mr. Haber hadn’t been there to steady me. I let out a yell. My dad took another step back and wound up again. The pain spread through my body, down to the tip of my hard dick. “AAAHHH!” I cried out. “And one more—one for each time I caught you at my computer,” dad said. I was dazed after the last blow, and Mr. Haber said, “I think he’s starting to learn his lesson.” “Well, let’s see if he’ll do what his father tells him to do now. Reach back and spread your asscheeks, Jackson. Show us your hole. That’s right. What a good boy. Now push it out, Jackson. Push out that little bung hole.” When I did, my dad said, “There ya go, Don.” I heard a sucking sound and then felt Mr. Haber insert his thick middle finger into my opening. It was delicious to finally have something in me and I groaned softly. I heard my dad whisper to Mr. Haber, “See, Don? What did I tell you?” Then he told me to stand up. I did but Mr. Haber didn’t remove his finger. He wiggled another one up there as my dad told me to let Mr. Haber’s fingers stay in me for as long as he wanted to keep them there. My dad stepped to me and ordered me to undress him. I stripped him down to his socks and shoes, just like Mr. Haber, who then said, “We’re going to sit back down now.” “You stay on Don’s fingers, you hear me Jackson?” “Yes, sir. I’ll stay on them sir.” They walked back to the padded library chairs and I high-stepped along side Mr. Haber, keeping close to him so his fingers wouldn’t pop out. They sat down and Mr. Haber added another finger up my chute—that made three—and said, “Okay, where were we before Jackson got home?” “Um…oh, yes, right…so, like I was saying, the partnership was dissolved because of—” And they actually talked business and totally ignored me while I stood impaled on my dad’s business partner’s fingers. They sat there with their mighty man cocks at half-mast, extending beyond the edge of the seat. Both dad and Mr. Haber have long ball sacs that hung off their chairs completely. Well, actually Mr. Haber had one ball on the leather and one ball off. It was so fuckin’ hot. My bone was leaking like crazy and I wanted to grab it and stroke it off so bad but I knew I would get in trouble for that. My ass was sore enough and I didn’t think I could handle any more spankings. After 10minutes or so of conversation, Mr. Haber twisted his three fingers around in my ass and I squealed. A blob of precum oozed out and hung in a rope. “Oooooo, look at that. I think your boy likes this,” said Mr. Haber. “Yeah, he does, Don…” dad said with a chuckle. “Do it again.” Another twist of his fuckin’ fat fingers and I nearly passed out, it felt so good. My knees buckled and Mr. Haber caught me. “Whoa there, slick…you need to get off your feet. We’ve put you through a lot. Why don’t you kneel down here in front of ol’ Mr. Haber, huh Jackson?” I did as he parted his legs wide. “Now be a real good boy and put my penis in your mouth while I talk to your father and make it feel good, okay Jackson?” I gulped it down and sucked it ‘til it was totally hard. His head fell backward, he moaned and ran his fingers through my hair. “Aaah, what a good boy,” he whispered. “So the investment return won’t be anything like—” Dad continued to talk about work. Mr. Haber listened but didn’t say much. He nodded a lot. After another 10 minutes or so, my dad nudged me with his foot and announced, “Okay, kiddo, time to work on your dad.” He spread his legs, picked up his meat and shook it a few times, plumping it up and getting it ready for my mouth. I turned and positioned myself between my dad’s legs and sucked him like I sucked Mr. Haber. “Oh yeah…suck on your dad’s dick…is that as much as you can take, Jackson?” I shook my head and grunted no. “See how much of my long cock you can take. Can you take it all? Try, Jackson. Give it a try,” my dad cooed. I swooped down and ALMOST got it all. “It’s okay kiddo, try again,” he said as he mussed up my hair. “I know you can do it.” Another few passes and I had the thing buried in me down to his pubes. “Oh, fuck yeah, Jackson…oh, Don, isn’t he great?” my dad moaned. “Yeah, he sure is.” “Fuck, I wish I would’ve found his little porny sites earlier. We could’ve been having a great time with him instead of by ourselves.” So Mr. Haber and dad had been fucking? COOL. For how long, I wondered. “Awww, such a good cocksucker. Ya know, Don, I think my son REALLY loves cock. And cock snot, too. I think he REALLY gets off on that.” “Maybe we should let him shoot. We rode him pretty hard tonight.” My dad leaned down near my ear and asked, “Would you like to get off, Jackson? Would you like it if Don and I let you get off?” I shook my head ‘yes’ vigorously and increased the tempo on my dad’s pole. He chuckled and said, “All right, all right…get off my cock and lay down on the floor here.” I positioned myself between their chairs and dad said, “We want to watch you masturbate, son. Will you do that? Will you do that for us? Huh?” “Yes, dad…I want to. Please let me jerk off.” “Okay, then get some of Don’s spit for lube and go to it.” Mr. Haber leaned out from his chair, I cupped my hand and he swished his mouth a few times. He opened his mouth and a huge glob of gelatinous spit slowly dropped down into my palm. I immediately massaged it into my cock, paying special attention to the area under my head. My breathing increased and became ragged as I slid my fist up and down my slick pole. I looked up at them and they were both smoking their cigars, calmly watching me, their cocks pointing up and straining. They looked so sexy like that, just eyeing me, not saying anything. I wanted to give them a good show so I used both fists and bucked my hips. Dad said, “Would you like me and Don to squirt semen on your face, Jackson? Would you like us to cum on you? Hmmm?” “Oh, yes, dad, I’d like that. Please dad…I wanna cum when you and Mr. Haber blow…can I? Can I please?” “Okay, Jackson, okay…” he chuckled in that fatherly way again. So they knelt down on either side of my face, spat on their meat and started to jack. I was mesmerized. I thrashed my head from side to side, trying to see them both. Their cocks were so beautiful…so fat and hard and fleshy. I flicked my tongue out every now and then to get a taste. And they smelled good too. They smelled like a man’s crotch should smell. I was getting very close and they were picking up the pace too. Suddenly dad and Mr. Haber came together over me and kissed, their tongues slobbering and twisting. A little spit dripped onto my chin. Kissing must have done it for them because I was immediately showered—no, hosed down—by hot jizz from both sides. Their cum was amazing…dad’s was thick and clung to my cheek and jaw but Mr. Haber’s cum was like melted wax. It flowed everywhere. This put ME over the edge so I yelled out, “I’m gonna cum!” I was just about to shoot when Dad and Mr. Haber, reached down, grabbed my legs and flipped them over my head so my cock was aiming directly at my face. SPURT. On my forehead. SPURT. I got my eyes and nose. SPURT. Bullseye! Right in my open mouth. They pulled my legs down and wiped their cock heads on my lips, cleaning the dregs of their fuck juice off of their piss slits. Dad said, “So are you gonna play with my computer again?” “Only when you’re around dad. There’s some sites I’d like to show you.” My dad laughed and said, “Maybe Don would like to see them too.” “Okay then…there’s this one amazing site that—” Mr. Haber said, “Don’t TELL us, SHOW us!” “Okay!” So we gathered ‘round the computer and… I welcome feedback about this story or discussions about spanking in general. Write me with your experiences or fantasies at:


More Gay Erotic Stories from Jackson Collins

But I'm Too Old For a Spanking, Dad!

My name is Jack. I’m 19, I go to college and I still live at home with my folks. My brother moved out when he was 18 and I was 12 so it’s been just dad, mom and me here for several years. I am gay and have always known it but my family doesn’t. Well, my brother does but that’s a long story that maybe I will type up for the brother section. But my mom and certainly not my dad knew

But I'm Too Old For Another Spanking, Dad!

Well, it’s been about a week since my dad “punished” me for hosing his computer down with my jizz (hee hee) by giving me a spanking—and then fucking me and cumming all over my face. We haven’t seen each other much since it happened, with him going to work (he leaves even earlier than usual to workout at the gym) and me going to school. But when we’ve crossed paths, like in the


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