Gay Erotic Stories

Muscle Stud's Eyes Are Opened, Part 2

by SolidRod
22 Feb 2002

Muscle Straight Men, Gay Sex

“Hey, it’s ‘bout time you rolled over. Come on, I am just about ready to go eat breakfast without you. Get up.” Steve’s manner implies that he wants to pretend that nothing happened last night. I look up at his godly body in the morning light. He is still wet with droplets of shower water clinging to his bare body. His damp towel is thin leaving the clear outline of his sizeable manhood visible to me. I am paralyzed by my attraction to his muscularity and my hesitance to rise naked out of his bed. With trepidation I slide closer to the edge of the bed. In the small space of this room, if I am going to get up and go to the bathroom, then I will have to walk around Steve to get there. I consider how the night has changed me. Never before have I been concerned about walking naked around another man. Having four brothers there wasn’t any modesty in our house. The football locker room got rid of any I had left. It’s not modesty holding me back: It’s the feelings of guilt and knowledge that I have done something that will change me forever. “Well, what ya waitin’ for Dude?” “All right.” I really have no choice. I have to piss like a racehorse and the urge is overcoming my hesitancy to be naked next to him. He isn’t going anywhere. In fact, he adds to my anxiety by turning next to the foot of the bed and removing his towel. So, I guess he’s just going about the business of starting the day, and getting dressed. Since he’s not concerned about stripping naked in front me, I wonder to myself what’s my fuckin’ problem? Man, I need to get a grip this morning. He definitely wants to act like nothing’s happened. I want to jump up quickly and get out of the room. But I look up and see his broad back no more than a foot away. My eyes refuse to release this sight. His protruding round, hairy gluts now eye level to me as I sit on the edge of the bed. He turns at his waist looking me in the eye. “Are you sick? I just assumed that you were okay cause I’ve never known you to have a hangover.” “No, no I’m fine.” I half-smile. The man is such a sight to behold. His wet sandy blond hair looks golden in the morning light. Curling much tighter now than after he combs and dries it. His occupation allows him to let it grow several inches down his shoulders. His face is angular and handsome. Freckles dot his dark complexion. His green eyes shine like crystals at me. His toothy grin is crooked. The effect gives him a somewhat silly appearance when he smiles. His eyeteeth are long, giving his mouth a sensual quality. His smile raises my spirits. The dimples on his cheeks match those on his lower back. He starts to slide on a pair of bikini briefs. As he bends I am greeted to the sight of his spreading ass giving me a view of his pink hole. The low hangers between his legs are stretched downward by the weight of his balls. The sac is smooth with a pinkish hue on white veiny skin. His scrotum does not hang low enough to block my view of the head of his thick cock hanging down in front. It takes him only a few seconds to pull his underwear on. But each second is etched in my mind suspending each individual movement into a detailed and unforgettable memory. Rising back up he turns around towards me. I am not excited, at least not sexually. I am entranced maybe, but like when you view a stunning work of art. And that’s it. I realize my attraction to Steve’s body is based in an appreciation of beautiful things. I am not gay; I tell myself. I just have the natural affinity any human would find in such a stunning stature. I look up impressed with the smooth dark skin tightly pulled against distinctly outlined abdominals. It occurs to me that Steve is naturally hairy, but it is shaved away. Having seen him dressed in workout clothes or at least underwear most of the time, his skin looks natural to me smooth and hairless. However his ass, which I have just inspected more closely than I ever could my own, is covered with thick hair that is so light in color you would not see it from any distance. Suddenly, it occurs to me that I am staring directly at his mid section. I haven’t been focusing on his meaty cock that is lying underneath his briefs and running across his upper thigh. But he might think I am. I lower my head and rub my forehead. I’ve gotta piss. I finally stand and stretch unconsciously. Steve places a hand casually on my shoulder. “Don’t worry ‘bout last night partner. We’ll just forget it ever happened.” I feel my body relax from a tension I didn’t even realize was there. I nod looking directly in his eyes and smile. Now the urge to relieve my bladder is almost painful and I step away to the bathroom. Showered and dressed in Steve’s clothes we leave for breakfast. I am satisfied that I haven’t lost a friend. Our conversation is relaxed and easy as always. That afternoon we meet Joe at the gym for our workout. Steve is an animal lifting. He is pushing Joe and me hard. It is leg day and we cannot keep up with his monster lifts. I am exhausted by the time we’re finished. In the sauna, I feel strangely uncomfortable. Like most lifters, we typically sit naked on our towels. Showing off is a natural element of building your body. Each of us have desirable builds and bigger than average dicks. We’re a little cocky. Hell, Joe’s a lot cocky. For my partners and me the attention we receive, even from other dudes, is appreciated. It helps motivate us. But today I cannot keep my mind from reflecting on the sexual encounter of the night before. My cock swells slightly in spite of my efforts to keep it flaccid. I am at least successful in preventing my manhood from raising noticeably in front my friends. As he loves to do, Joe is relaying the events of his sexual encounter from the night before. He is sharing details of the energetic blowjob he received upon his arrival home. I am quiet and resting my head against the sauna wall. Joe asks about our evening and Steve explains that we were too tired to do anything except go to bed. I glance at Steve noticing the thickness in his cock. He isn’t attempting to hide himself whatsoever. Joe’s stories often got all of us a little excited. His relaxed, thickened manhood is lying like a slap of sausage across his thigh. His quads and hamstrings are thick and defined from the pounding they received in our workout. With his waist so narrow his body appears to balloon below it. “Have you ever done so much on a leg day, Steve?” I ask. “I sure-as-hell haven’t,” answers Joe. “No, this was a hellava day for me, dudes.” My girl remains sick in bed. So after a perfunctory visit, I head over to Joe’s house. Eating grilled chicken and rice for the thousandth time, we settle down in the living room for a while. Joe replays a tape of a recent bodybuilding show. We will stay until his fuck for the night comes by. Watching the tape I find myself looking at the men in a different way than ever before. Sure I am admiring their muscular development but I am also checking out the thickness of their cocks pulled tightly against their thighs by their posing suits. Conflicting thoughts run through my mind. I close my eyes wondering what the hell’s happening to me. I am not gay, but I want to see more. I want them to strip down and show us everything. I try to make my mind focus on them the way I had before last night. The more I watch the more I can’t help but think of having sex with the massive men on stage. Damn, I’ve got to stop. I get up and head to the kitchen looking for a beer. Joe doesn’t have any. “Dude, free day is over,” Joe reminds me. “We can smoke some,” Steve offers. But the smoke is at his apartment. As we leave, Joe’s girl pulls in the drive and he goes to meet her. We wait to see if he will join us, but he waves us on. Steve seems completely comfortable. There is no sign that last night’s events are bothering him at all. I tell myself to just let it go. Steve is talking about the size of the deltoids on one of the show participants. I remember the guy and comment that his legs are asymmetrical; they’re just too small for the rest of him. He agrees and concludes that is why the guy lost to a smaller competitor. Back at his apartment, Steve asks if there’s something wrong. “You’ve been off to yourself all day.” “Sorry. I’m getting sore from the workout and I’m tired from last night.” I want to take back the last part of my statement but it’s too late. I was referring to the drinking and partying, but Steve may have thought I am thinking of something else. “Oh it’s okay. Let’s smoke some and you’ll feel better.” He’s right. Shortly, I’m feeling good. With a slight buzz running across my body, the tension is gone. Steve spends all of his extra money on video and stereo equipment. He likes jazz so it plays softly while porn stars fuck each other like monkeys on an oversized TV screen. Three guys stand side-by-side as a woman licks and sucks their cocks. I notice that they have to touch each other to accommodate her. In fact, she pulls two cocks in her mouth at one time, so that the two men have their cocks pressed together. The third is so close that his dick is next to her cheek. I fantasize about being there with my cock next to another and the sides of my body pressing firmly against the two men. “You want to go out tonight?” It’s Steve asking the obvious question. It is Saturday night and still early. “I’m sorry, Dude, you go on. I’m just too tired.” It occurs to me that if Steve leaves I can jerk off to the movie. My tool has grown rigid in my workout pants, only my tight underwear keeping it from tenting them. Then I realize it is Steve’s underwear that I am wearing. That thought excites me and I feel a little pre-cum drip out the head of my cock. I think to myself that I should go home. But other than my cock, my body is limp from the exhaustion of a hard workout and smoking. “Nah, I’m worn out too.” And he looks it. Steve’s big frame is laid out in his recliner. He looks tired. I have lain back on the couch. Steve stretches raising his hips before settling back in the chair. I notice the outline of his clearly hard erection through the material of his thin shorts and underwear. The movie becomes monotonous as we continue to smoke. Without conversation I feel my eyes get heavy. I remember thinking I should leave so as not to impose on Steve another night. Then I awaken. The room is dark. I am still lying on the couch, but covered in a blanket supplied by Steve. He apparently removed my shoes before going on to bed himself. My clothes are damp with sweat as I sit up groggy. I need to piss and realize that I must go through Steve’s bedroom to get to the only bathroom in his small apartment. Standing I feel certain that he’s probably asleep and if I am quiet I can piss and head on home. Moving slowly and softly I step into his bedroom. He is snoring softly, laid back in his big bed. He is naked. Only a thin, almost transparent sheet covers his manly body. His cock forms a rounded fold in the material. I pass by stepping into the bathroom. Relieving myself in the dim light of a nightlight, my cock is heavy from a pipe dream erection but soft enough to let me finish my business. It occurs to me that I can change back into my dirty clothes from the night before. This way I can leave the clothes Steve loaned me and wear the others for the short ride home. I strip down while looking through his hamper. But my clothes are not in the hamper. They must still be in the bedroom just outside the bathroom door. I step out to look for them. In the moonlight I can see pretty well, but it’s hard to tell which clothes are mine. I try to recall what I was wearing. My eyes are drawn to Steve lying in bed. His body is so still. His only movement is his massive chest rising with each breath. His nipples are firm points of dark brown skin. His right arm lays bent above his head, and his left lays across is abdomen. His left hand moves down his body underneath the sheet. He scratches his balls and tugs on his dick. Then as he turns slightly the hand comes out and pulls the sheet away. Now the sheet covers only his lower legs and his able albeit flaccid manhood is exposed. I want to touch him to feel the firm contours of his body. My cock is swelling at this thought and I recognize that, like the night before, I could wake him appearing to be some kind of perverted voyeur. I force myself to look again on the floor for my clothes. They are next to the bed. I step the short distance closer to the bed and bend down to pick up my jeans. “What are you doing?” It is Steve. He is looking at my naked body bent over next to his bed with curiosity and a hint of annoyance. “Sorry to wake you. I am picking up my clothes.” “Dude we can clean the house tomorrow.” “No. I want to put them on and go home.” Steve glances at the alarm clock. “Dude, it’s three in the morning and tomorrow is Sunday. Just climb in here and you can get them tomorrow.” There is more annoyance in his voice. Does he want to have sex again? Should I go back to the couch? Steve turns over on his side adjusts his pillow and pulls the sheet up. Nope he is going back to sleep. Good, he’s not suggesting sex. The sheet does not cover much. In his half sleepy state, he has left his bare ass exposed. Good thing that my chubby was hidden from his view when I was bending over to pick up my jeans. The bed is inviting and there is plenty of room, so my desire for rest overcomes my inhibitions and I climb in. To get in I have to step over him and due to his size rub across his side. But he sleeps unbothered. Once in the soft comfort of his bed, I quickly fall asleep again. I awake in the early minutes of dawn. A filtered blueness is across the room. I can feel Steve pressed against me. My back is to his front. We are both naked and his nine-inch dick is rock hard and pressing into the folds of my ass. His right arm cradles my body next to his. His snoring breath is warm against my neck. I can feel strands of his long hair between his chest and my back. We lay uncovered as the perfectly cool air of a summer morning complements our shared body heat. My cock throbs with its typical morning erection. Like most men, I have always enjoyed sex in the morning due to the unique solid thickness in my cock when I wake up. But I can’t do it this morning at least not until I can get in the bathroom to jerk off. If I have sex with Steve a second night in a row, then he is bound to assume that I have been a lying, closeted, gay man the entire time he has known me. The deceit alone would kill our friendship. I try to pull his arm off of me but instead he pulls me tighter. The movement slides his cock farther into my ass and his hips shudder slightly in response to the stimulation. “Leave me alone baby, I want to sleep,” Steve says to the imagined woman he believes to be next to him. I try to pull away again and am surprised with the force of his pulling me back to him. The guy is strong. Steve moves his other arm around me and forces his body on top of mine. He is clamping me against him. I have the strength to throw him off, but that would certainly wake him. I have to do something because I am wide-awake and have no desire to lay here mashed against the mattress by Steve. So I decide to try to slowly push him over on his back. I move him most of the way before his reflexes stop us. Still he holds me tight and he continues to press his hard cock against me. Now my back is literally laying on his front with his arms holding me against him. I must wake him. “Steve,” I half whisper. “Yeah, baby.” “It’s me, not your girlfriend. Let me go.” Steve releases me slightly so that I can turn and face him to climb over and out of bed. His eyes open slightly and he grimaces. “Hey Dude.” His dry voice cracks out a greeting and his mouth offers a wry smile. But his arms return their grip and he pulls me down onto his chest. Rock hard, my cock makes contact with the top of his hip as my body is pressed against him. His eyes have closed again. “Dude, let me go.” He does not release me. I move my hands to his biceps to get leverage. As I grip them I feel the thickness of round solid muscle. I do not push away and instead massage the head of the muscle underneath the skin. I try to reach my hand all the way around his upper arm, but cannot. His tricep tightens as his hand glides down my body to my right glut. He stirs slightly rubbing my ass. He seems to know what he’s doing, but doesn’t want to wake up to do it. His fingers feel good as they knead my ample buttocks. “Are you so horny we gotta do it this early in the morning?” Half-awake Steve assumes that I am waking him for sex. But his response implies that he is willing, but just wants more sleep. Still resisting the drive inside me to have sex and fearing that I may lose my best friend, I summon the last bit of determination left in me. His eyes open almost all the way; their beauty captivates me. “Dude, we don’t have to do anything. I’m just trying to get up.” I am pulling away, needing to free myself before I lose control. “Come on, don’t leave me.” He massages my ass and lifts his head slightly into my neck. “One more time won’t hurt you, I promise.” I cannot resist. Steve’s body is consuming my mind and my desire burns in my gut. I want to feel his Herculean manliness. My cock begs for attention and my lust is overpowering. I lean into him and move my left leg between his legs; spreading them open. Then comes my right and our cocks now rest directly on top of each other. “Yes, dude, go for it,” Steve whispers. I begin to lick his neck while gyrating my hips slowly. Our hard cocks rub each other’s and our bellies. The stubble has grown on his face overnight. The whiskers scratch my tongue and my mouth. I move my mouth around to lick and suck his earlobes and he moans in pleasure. In spite of his manly size and hardness, I begin feeling like I am making love, but never have I felt this level of passion with a woman. Unable to resist the desire, I lift my mouth from his neck and firmly kiss his lips. His mouth opens to accept my tongue, and the force of his kiss reminds me that he is a man. He is passionate, but assertive. It is such an odd feeling, such a different kiss than I have ever experienced before. But the pleasure is indescribable. Leaving his mouth I move down his neck to his rounded pecs. The nipples are hard as I bite them lightly and suck them hard. “Fuck yeah, that’s it!” Steve’s voice is rising and he begins to grind back against my cock with his. Resistance and hesitance are gone. I want his cock in my mouth no matter the consequences. With just the tip of my tongue I lick down his body. I trace the deep crevice running down his stomach. Licking and circling each abdominal muscle, I am nearing his belly button. Instead I reach the top of his thick manhood first. The deep red hood is now clearly visible in the morning light. The throbbing veins run just beneath the skin. I lick the underside of his long, thick pole. Licking his smooth balls I can feel the bumps where he has shaved the hair. I take one, then the other of his heavy testicles into my mouth. “Goddamn, suck my balls, yes that is fuckin’ great,” Steve almost yells and draws my attention away from his manhood. He is looking at me with excitement and intense pleasure in his eyes. He moves a hand to the back of my head running his fingers through my hair. I return my attention to his cock now arching in excitement in front of me. I can feel the contractions of Steve’s scrotum. Releasing his nuts, I lick my way back to the top of the magnificent cock. I wrap my lips around the head and flick my tongue along the ridge. I am giving head for only the second time in my life, but I am a guy: I know what feels good. Expanding the depth I begin to glide my lips up and down his vast manhood sucking hard and flattening my tongue against the sensitive underside of his cock. The taunt ridges of his engorged phallus are stimulating my tongue. He is beginning to buck harder against my mouth. His hand is pressing my head down as he sits up on his side freeing his hips to fuck my waiting throat. His legs are spread so I reach between them and run my fingers between his heavy cheeks. Finding his waiting hole I begin rubbing it. Steve is pushing back against my hand in his ass and then forward into my mouth with his cock. “Yeah, yeah, dude, suck that big cock my man! You like that dick! You like that ass! It’s yours!” Steve is breathing heavy now and moaning so loudly I think he is going to wake the neighbors. But hell, they’re probably used to him screaming out during morning sex. My index finger presses the tight hole in his ass. His anus resists, but I force it in. Steve’s bucking gains momentum with my entry and I begin to massage inside him. His ass surprises me by opening further and I slide in a second finger. I have fingered and fucked several asses before, just not a guy. So I have some experience with what I am doing. My mind begins to envision my hard cock fucking his tight ass. Reaching up with my right hand I grab his cock, and move my tongue back to his balls. As he fucks my hand, I lick the under side of his balls, moving my hungry tongue around to the sensitive skin behind. I lick and suck the hairy line running from his balls up his ass crack. Steve lifts his leg higher to give me better access. This is all the encouragement that I need. Removing my fingers for inside his asshole, my now free hand tugs his ass and he rolls on his belly. Steve pulls his knees up pointing his ass in the air and his waiting glory hole to my face. I continue to jerk him off as my tongue flicks his hole. Circling the target I cannot resist driving my tongue into bull’s-eye. Steve presses hard against me. I am lubing him with every ounce of saliva in my mouth. “Of fuck yes, lick that hole…give me your tongue!” I cannot wait any longer. Rising up I place the head of my cock against his open ass. I hesitate for a moment. Looking down at his long back and waiting ass, I again see the distinct line of thick hair that Steve does not shave from his glutes. Then, pushing slowly the head of my solid rod enters Steve’s waiting pink asshole. “AAHHH! Give me that cock dude, I want you to fuck my ass raw!” My cock feels the tightest grip of my life as I lower my body down on his back. His sphincter closes on me until I think I may not be able to fuck him without additional lube. I take his cock back in my hand and wait a little to see if he can relax. “Fuck man, your cock is so big!” Steve is grunting. Then he pushes his ass back against me, and my cock can wait no more. Starting slowly I pick speed and before long I am fucking him like a dog. My hand keeps pace with my dick jerking Steve and fucking him in rhythm. The ecstasy of having this god of a man underneath me with my cock pounding his ass is driving me crazy. Waves of heat are flowing through me as I ride him. His asshole is so tight the pressures of sensations on my marble cock are beyond any I have felt before. I am fucking a man. He is a solid mountain of muscle writhing beneath my solid body. I can see the separations in his large glutes built solid and round through years of swats. His ass is gyrating in mounting pleasure as my thick tool plows in and out of his body. I am getting almost full strides with my downward arching sex hammer plunging and withdrawing from his bubble mounds of flesh. I hold tightly to his narrow waist and pound my entire midsection back and forth. The feelings of pleasure and sexual tension course through me making me dizzy with delight. I brace myself with my rigid cock and pull my feet up. Now I can swat behind this man and slam his ass with a full free range of motion. I cannot imagine sex better than I am having at this moment. “Yes, buddy, fuck my ass!” Then the moment comes. I try to hold back the mounting pressure, but the stimulation is too strong, the craving too hot. My balls contract as rivers of hot cum roll up my cock and fly out my pulsating head. Filling Steve’s ass with my spunk, he twists and raises his head in rapture. “Give me that hot cum! I want it all! Fuck me stud! Yeah!” I continue to buck his ass, and pump his meat. As my balls are finally drained my cock remains tightly locked in his ass in the sheer delight of its best orgasm ever. I can feel the pre-cum start to flow out Steve’s cock, and I want to taste his sweet jism. Keeping my hard cock in his ass I turn and lift his leg over my shoulder; bending down I pull his massive manhood into my mouth. “Yes suck my cock with your hard dick up my ass!” As soon as my mouth engulfs the head of his cock, Steve lets loose with a flood of cum down my throat. I hungrily devour his seed licking and swallowing every ounce. Completely spent, I pull my dick out and fall down beside my friend and lover. “Dude that was awesome!” Steve exclaims. Then rolling on top of me he kisses me deeply. His cum still coating the inside of my mouth. “Man, Steve, I’ve never done anything like that with a guy. It was the best sex of my life.” “Glad to hear you say that. I don’t want to have to beg it out of you next time.” “Steve, I don’t think…” “Fuck Dude, don’t tell me you don’t want to do it again.” “It’s just that I, well I, don’t know…” “It’s all right. We’re still going to be buds. Don’t worry. I like having sex with a guy once in a while.” “You’ve done this before?” “Only a few times a year. And that’s the truth. Once I fuck you, you’ll see that it satisfies a need that only another man can give you. I like it every month or so. I still like the women, but sometimes I want to be fucked by a big studly guy like yourself.” “Once you fuck me?” To be continued…


More Gay Erotic Stories from SolidRod

Muscle Stud's Eyes Are Opened

Ten years ago I was 28. I spent all of my spare time weight training. I truly loved lifting and building my body. Time in the gym relieved the heavy stress that I experienced on my job. I needed the release each day. And the results were apparent on my body. I have light brown hair, dark green eyes, and a very dark complexion. I look tanned even during winter. At 6’ 2”, I carried

Muscle Stud's Eyes Are Opened, Part 2

“Hey, it’s ‘bout time you rolled over. Come on, I am just about ready to go eat breakfast without you. Get up.” Steve’s manner implies that he wants to pretend that nothing happened last night. I look up at his godly body in the morning light. He is still wet with droplets of shower water clinging to his bare body. His damp towel is thin leaving the clear outline of his sizeable


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