Gay Erotic Stories

On My Own

by Randy Mason
18 Jan 2002


THE SPANKING What is a cute guy doing home alone on a Saturday night? Watching porn, jerking off and going to bed early? Looking in the mirror at my naked body and hard cock, I told myself ‘I should be a hot commodity.’ Later that evening, I woke up with somebody shaking my head violently. “Wake up you free-loading son-of-a-bitch!” my dad was shouting. He had been drinking, and I knew he became abusive when he was drunk. I sleep nude, and he had thrown back the bed covers leaving me naked. “Where is my rent money?” he asked. I told him I got paid on Tuesday and would give it to him then. “I’ve heard that before; you have money put away and I want it now.” I started to repeat my reasons when he slapped me across the face. He was a big, powerful man with the strength of a bear. I could taste my own blood, so I decided not to fight him. “You are NOT too old to get a good old fashioned spanking,” he slurred. “Lie across daddy’s lap, and I don’t want to hear any whimpering or crying from you.” The first blow across my butt stung like hell, but I was determined not to show my pain. As he continued to spank me blow after blow, the pain became intense. After the like the tenth blow to the same spot, I turned into a whimpering, sniveling kid. At 18 a guy is not supposed to cry and plead, but I was doing it. “Mr. Big Shot,” he called me. “You are just a no-count cry baby.” I guess he feared the neighbors would call the police after hearing my screams, so he quit and had a few more swigs out of his ‘courage’ bottle. “Let’s see how you look,” he said as he turned on the lights. “That sweet ass of yours is not quite red enough to have taught you a lesson, so you are going to get five more licks without screaming out.” “Ok.” I promised not to make any noise. He put the full force of his strong arm into the next five blows. I buried my head in the pillow and took the whipping. I couldn’t stop my screams, but the pillow muffled them. “Either I get the rent money Tuesday or you get whipped again,” he threatened. “Next time, I am going to use a cane on you, and you know how that hurts.” Picking up his bottle, he staggered out of the room. I cried myself to sleep. Early the next morning, I awakened feeling my butt burning. I went into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. My ass was still red, but there was no bleeding. If his threat of ‘using a cane on me next time’ were to come true, my ass would be covered with blood from the skin split by the cane. This would leave permanent scars. I saw him do this to my older brother, and his cane marks never went away. I pulled on my jeans even though it hurt a lot. Stuffing some of my belongings into a plastic bag, I said goodbye to my room. On the way out, I thought of one last remembrance for my dad. He was lying on his bed, fully clothed, and still passed out. I had not had my morning piss yet, and I was about to burst. Where better than on him? I squirted him from head to toe soaking his clothes and his hair. I gave special attention to his open snoring mouth. He coughed and spit up the yellow fluid, but never woke up. After running dry, I left, never to return. I was on my own now. MY FIRST JOB The $200 I had in my pocket was not going to last long. I remembered that my friend Steve had just bought a new car. His job must be paying well, so I went by to see him. First, I asked if he was dealing in drugs. “Absolutely not: too risky.” He told me he worked for himself, made good money, made his customers happy, and enjoyed the work. Perfect. “Tell me all about it,” I asked. “I am a prostitute,” he said, “But I don’t recommend this for you. Instead, I suggest you do what I did at first to learn the ropes.” He assured me that there was no risk and no physical contact. “Be a male model,” he urged. “Not as much money but you will still do okay and there will be no risk. Here’s what you do.” He explained how I should dress, where to offer myself, how to negotiate with the client and how to act during the modeling session. It sounded okay, but I told him I wanted a regular job and thanked him. His parting words were, “Think about it and call me if you are interested. You have the perfect face and body for the job.” After a week of looking for jobs and finding nothing that was suitable, my $200 ran out. I called Steve and said, “Let’s try it.” He agreed and we went shopping for working clothes: Black boots, tight fitting jeans, briefs that barely covered my butt, and a loose fitting colorful shirt. He told me to meet him at a certain location. “Don’t wear an undershirt and leave your shirt open to the waist.” The jeans were too tight, but they did show off my trim round ass. The blousy shirt made my butt look even better and the open shirt showed off my tight pecs. Looking in the mirror, I asked myself if I was going to appear in public looking like this. I did want to eat, so the answer was ‘yes.’ Steve was at the pick-up location as arranged and soon had a customer. After a brief conversation, he came back to me and said, “I’m pimping for you this first time. This guy is a regular and is a nice guy. All you have to do is be nice to him, smile a lot, position yourself so your shirt is open exposing your chest, and listen to what he has to say while pretending to be interested. You will know when it is time to starting stripping. Go slow, especially when you begin to drop your briefs. Try to think of something sexy so you have a semi-hard to pop out. Do whatever you think he will like. Play with your nipples, bend over and show your ass hole, stroke your cock gently. He will masturbate himself as you show off, and soon he will shoot. Put on your clothes right away, collect your money and ask him to drive you back to where he picked you up.” It all happened just as Steve said. Without hesitation he paid me the $50 plus a $20 tip. Driving back home, I was really feeling good about my new job and myself. It was all that Steve promised. I resolved to spend more time working on my arms and pecs. My cock did just fine without any coaxing. MY JOB My new business was going fine. I met a lot of nice guys and nothing unusual happened. Sometimes, they wanted to photograph me, and I liked the admiration. I was working on my body and was proud to show it off. Sometimes I would let the client strip me and fondle my genitals while wearing only my briefs. But, there was never a physical contact. This was the ultimate in safe sex. I once saw my naked body on an Internet web site, and I really did look sexy. Maybe I was a star! What I was doing brought in good money, but got boring. Steve would tell me about some of the wild sex parties he participated in. He made it sound like so much fun. I longed to do something like that. I nagged him until he said, “Okay, I’ll arrange a scene for you. But you must assure me this is what you want and will go along with the action.” “Great. I’m ready to go!” I eagerly exclaimed. Steve explained, “You will not know when it will happen and what it will be. Do you agree to this? Are you really up to this?” I responded eagerly, “This is just what I need – excitement.” Nothing more was said about this and as weeks passed and nothing happened, I thought Steve had forgotten about the deal. THE ‘RAPE’ A guy I had not seen before picked me up one evening. He seemed Okay; laughed a lot and seemed a bit shy. We had a beer shortly after arriving at his place. I swear the bottle was sealed and I broke the seal. Apparently not: I got real woozy, and when I woke up, I had been stripped naked and tied spread-eagle on a bed, butt up. There was a second man present. They were laughing and making sport of my naked body. “Let’s stick a candle up his ass and light it,” one suggested. “Well he is awake – let the fun begin.” He felt my butt while sticking his finger into my ass hole. “Tight,” he exclaimed, “just the way we like it.” They stripped and opened a tube of KY. One generously greased my ass while the other rolled a condom down his erect penis. He finger-fucked me for a while as he listened to me begging for them to stop. As he positioned himself above my butt, spread my cheeks, and began to press his cock at the entrance to my hole, I began to sob and begged him not to fuck me. They thought it was great sport when tears began to run down my cheeks. “My goodness, a true virgin. This calls for an extra big tip!” His cock got even harder as he pressed it into my ass working to get past the sphincter muscle. It hurt like hell and I was screaming and wiggling my butt. The other guy was flashing away with his camera, especially at photographing the expressions of pain on my face. Once the cockhead passed the sphincter, he shoved it in with one swift trust. I almost passed out with the pain. He pumped away, occasionally slapping my butt hard. My crying gave way to moaning as I became more used to having a dick inside me. And the stimulation to my prostate gland was beginning to feel good. The other guy took his turn. He had a bigger cock, and the intense pain started again, but soon subsided. After what seemed like an hour of fucking me, he withdrew and stood up. “We are having all the fun and this asshole isn’t having any,” he noted. The other agreed. They loosened the ropes slightly and placed a pillow under me at my waist and another just below my cock so that my pubic area was elevated above the bed. “Let’s see if his prostate works. Sometimes on these queers it doesn’t.” Lots of laughs followed. One stuck his finger up my ass and began to massage my prostate. It did feel good and I felt my cock beginning to swell. The other guy took photos of my cock as it became erect and the pre-seminal fluid began to flow. “Remember, according to the agreement we can’t touch his dick, so you will just have to relieve him by massaging that walnut inside his ass.” They took turns bringing me close to a climax, and then quitting until my cock got soft. After a few times doing this, I begged for them to finish me off. The man with the camera suggested, “Suck my dick and we will let you shoot.” I was so crazed with desire that I agreed to suck him off. His dick had become flaccid, but once it was in my mouth, it began to swell. As he pumped away, it got harder and harder, and I could taste the precum. Then, sticking it in my mouth as far as he could, he pumped his load down my throat. Spurt after spurt after spurt - would he never stop? He pulled his cock out as I coughed up some cum, but I had swallowed most of it. Now it was my turn to get relieved. I felt a finger deep in my rectum that began massaging my prostate. “His walnut is really getting hard,” the masseur gleefully announced. “He is about ready to cum. Put your hand under his cock and catch his load,” he told his partner. I was in ecstasy. In a few moments, I exploded like never before. There was a period of silence as I came back down to earth. “That will make some great pictures – what a show!” the cameraman complemented. “What shall I do with his cum?” “Let him lick it out of your hand,” the other replied. He held his hand to my lips and threatened to use his belt on my already red ass. I lapped up my own cum while they made the most degrading jokes you can imagine. The guy who had not had release yet, mounted my ass and begin fucking me. Since I had ejaculated, the pain and humiliation was even worse than before. Finally he dropped his load. He showed me his condom with seamen inside and threatened to make me eat it, but he never did. They each took $100 bills out, folded them into a tight wad, put they inside a condom and stuck the condom deep into my ass. Then, they stuck a butt plug into my “twat” so ‘I wouldn’t lose my money.’ As a final act of humiliation, one man held me while the other took a hair clipper and shaved off all my pubic hair – all around my cock, balls, and ass. My clothes went into a bag with my curly hair clippings sprinkled on top. They tied my hands behind my back and bound my ankles allowing me to take small steps. Then I was lead to their car naked. While one drove to the spot where they picked me up, the other fondled my dick until I had a hard-on. When we arrived, my wrist and leg bonds were removed and I was shoved out of the car naked with an erection. My clothes bag was tossed out after me. After taking a few more flash pictures, they sped off. The ‘regulars’ (male prostitutes) at the pickup corner were laughing their asses off at what they saw. One grabbed my clothes bag and ran. I ran after him and when I just about caught up, he tossed it to another guy. Remember the old childhood days of ‘toss his school book’? This was more like ‘watch the naked boy run.’ “What happened to your pubic hair?” one asked. “You expect to get tricks looking like that?” The ‘toss’ game went on until I was exhausted. I tripped over the curb and fell down. I was so tired and humiliated that I broke into crying and sobbing. What a sight: sitting naked on the curb, a skinned knee and crying my eyes out. They had compassion and helped me get dressed and one guy drove me home. THE HOMECOMING Fortunately, my house keys were still in my pocket. I opened the door and turned on the light. Across the hallway was a banner reading “Chris – not a virgin anymore!” Balloons filled the room. Steve and a few of our friends were waiting on me to return. “Did you like your birthday present?” Steve quizzed. That’s right, it was my birthday – 19 today. I broke into a mix of laughter and crying with joy and went around hugging all the guys. We popped open the Champaign and had a great party that evening. I will never forget it. P.S. What Steve and the rest of my friends didn’t know was that this one prostitute had warned me about this little initiation type thing that they like to pull on novices, such as I was. But he warned me that I had to play along or I’d never be accepted as part of the “gang”. And this gang not only were the only friends I had, but we served to protect each other and watch each other’s asses should anything really go wrong. The truth was: I had loved every minute of that ordeal. I could have done without the humiliation thing; certainly without the shaved nuts; but I knew I was being tested, and I knew it would all be for the best. And it was. To this day, nothing does it for me like some rough butt fucking. I received the prints and negatives from the picture-taking session in the mail. They are treasured possessions of my youth and some great guys I had for friends. I never found out who those guys were whom Steve had hired, and I never asked. I did keep the $200; I still have it, condom and all. In case you are wondering: ‘no pretty young boys were hurt in the enactment of this scene,’ as they say in the movies.


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More Gay Erotic Stories from Randy Mason

On My Own

THE SPANKING What is a cute guy doing home alone on a Saturday night? Watching porn, jerking off and going to bed early? Looking in the mirror at my naked body and hard cock, I told myself ‘I should be a hot commodity.’ Later that evening, I woke up with somebody shaking my head violently. “Wake up you free-loading son-of-a-bitch!” my dad was shouting. He had been drinking, and I


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