Gay Erotic Stories

Paying For College

by Charlie Daniels
21 Jan 2002

College Days

Back a couple of years ago, I found -- or should I say it found me? -- a great way to make extra money for college. I was in my sophomore year. The previous spring, I had rushed. At the time I considered myself straight. I had a girlfriend and thought that she was the one for me. I had had a couple of gay experiences, most forced upon me during hell week the spring before. Hell week started with stunts like having to unzip, remove (if they had clothes on at the time) and hold another pledge’s dick while he took a piss. This was especially embarrassing in public restrooms. One day we day to walk to and from classes with our hand down the front of another pledge's pants, while someone else had their hand down mine; we were not allowed to wear underwear that day. Another thing we had to do each morning prior to showering was to give one of our fellow pledges a full bag enema. These things led to both shaving another guy and being shaved from the neck down; then on to having to kiss the pledge master's ass, to having to jerk off another pledge. On the third day of hell week we were finally assigned a big brother. By the end of that day, I believe each of the ten pledges had sucked off his big brother. The next morning before leaving the house, each big brother inserted a butt plug in his pledge, which remained in all day until that night when it was replaced by the big brother’s dick. By the end of the week each of us had sucked and been fucked by several different cocks. Some of the big brothers would trade pledges. Some even would give a pledge to a non-frat friend. My big brother, Paul, had a little party for several high school friends. I was the entertainment. Paul took great pride in preparing me for this party. He put a cock ring on me and dressed me in a red satin g-string and matching bow tie. He then bent me over and wrote on my ass, "fuckhole." When his friends first arrived, I was to serve them drinks. Once everyone was there (four in total) and had their drinks, I had to go to each and ask if "I could have the pleasure of sucking your dick." The first guy was a real asshole and kept saying, "What did you say? I can't hear you." Soon I was shouting as I asked him to let me suck his dick. There was poetic justice in this: he had a very small dick. I don't think it was over 5" and very thin. It reminded me of a fat man's finger. Once the guy said yes I could suck his dick, Paul had instructed me to first help them undress completely, then go about sucking them off until they told me to stop or until they came. Then move on to the next guy. As I started to suck the last cock, Paul came up behind me, which I did not see, and forced his dick in my ass. In one thrust, he buried his dick all the way in my ass. I damn near bit the dick in my mouth. The other guys cheered. So here I was sucking one guy and being fucked by another. When Paul was done, he had me suck him again and someone else took his place at my ass. Before the night was over I had sucked each of them twice and been fucked by each of them. The final night of hell week included being stripped and blindfolded then forced to our knees. As we kneeled there, various guys walked by and had us suck on them, but only for a minute and never to the point of cumming. I imagined that each of the forty brothers was marching by each of the ten of us. I guess they thought there was some bonding in the fact that each brother placed his dick in each pledge's mouth. Next we were laid on our backs and instructed to hold our legs in the air. Of course we were still blindfolded so we could not see the large dildos our big brothers were carrying toward us. After a few words from our president, our big brothers forced the dildos up our asses to the hilt. We all screamed in pain. There was nothing gentle or kind about it. The room filled with laughter. After about 5 minutes, we were told to remove the blindfolds so we could see the dildo in our ass. I was stunned to see the size of the dildo that Paul pulled out of my ass: It was 10 inches long and 3 inches wide. Once it was out, the president instructed us to stand, which was difficult. Then our big brothers presented the dildos as a gift from them to us. Each big brother had to go out and pick out a dildo for their pledge and then signed the dildo. I believe that the big brothers tried to outdo each other as to the size of the dildo. The president then said, “Congratulations; you have made it.” Everyone cheered. All of the bothers started to hug each of the pledges. The president then reminded us that we are still the low men on the totem pole until the new pledges next year. Which meant we were still expected to service our big brother every now and then, but nothing like hell week. I ended up giving Paul a blowjob every couple of weeks. If he didn't pick up some girl at the bars, he would call me to get his rocks off. He never fucked me after hell week. He joked about it often, but never did. It was usually a quick blowjob when he was drunk. I took all of this as just a bonding experience. I kept the same girlfriend through the rest of the year and all of the summer. I figured all of the brothers went through the same thing I did. And almost all of the brothers had girlfriends. So it wasn't a queer thing. One thing that they don't tell you is belonging to a frat is very expensive: Not only the fees, but also all of the other activities. You know the weekends at the beach, spring break, out to the clubs. And it is expected that you will participate. All frat brothers do all things together. Well I had not taken that into account and was soon through all of my savings. I had worked two jobs that summer in hopes of having enough money to maintain my membership in the frat. If they thought you weren't socializing with them, they would throw you out. I figured after what I had gone through, I was sticking it out. I paid my dues. I degraded myself to the point of sucking cock and taking it up the ass. After all, I would have the opportunity to be a big brother. I wanted to get my turn at controlling a pledge. By the end of the first half of the first semester of my sophomore year, I was nearly broke. And the frat was planning a weekend trip to the mountains. I couldn't afford to go. I talked to Paul about this. I was afraid they would get rid of me if I didn't go. He helped me to come up with a lame reason as to why I couldn't go. Then he suggested that I was stressing over my finances too much. He said I should go out and have a good time. I said I couldn't afford to go out. That is when he suggested that I go to this bar downtown. He added a lot of traveling business men hang out there. It is about the only bar downtown not attached to a hotel and not a college hang out. He told me that a lot of the guys there are lonely and looking for someone to talk to instead of just drinking alone. He told me that they would more than likely buy me drinks and if I were lucky, even dinner. He then handed me a black silk shirt and told me to wear black pants with the shirt. He added that it was a fancy place and t-shirts were not allowed. He then handed me $5 for my first drink and told me to be there before seven, adding, and "travelers don't stay out late." So I saw off my frat brothers. I couldn't decide if I should go out or not. But by 5:00 I was feeling very depressed and decided what the hell, if nothing else I could have one drink and leave. I jumped in the shower and got dressed. I arrived at the bar about 6:15. This was an old stately kind of bar. Every guy there was at lease 35 and they all were dressed in dark suits. Almost all of the guys were sitting by themselves. I went up to the bar and ordered a beer. A few minutes later a guy came in to the bar. He looked to be about 35 or so. He appeared to workout a lot. Of course he was wearing a dark suit. He came to the bar and set next to me. The bartender asked what he wanted. He ordered vodka neat and added, "And whatever this young man is having." The bartender brought us the drinks. I thanked the man. We introduced ourselves and started having small talk. He talked about his work and his home. He said he traveled a lot and often for extended periods of time. He added that he was never sure where to go out to have a good time. He always ended up in stuffy old bars because that is where the hotels direct him. We chatted for a while. He then brought me dinner. Throughout the evening, he kept buying more drinks. After dinner he suggested we go into the other room at the bar and enjoy a cigar and brandy. I had never smoked a cigar before. I choked at first. Then David showed me how to do it and suggested I not take such big puffs. By this time I was feeling very light-headed. I had not realized that it was nearly 11 pm. David suggested that we should go someplace more lively. At this point I was feeling no pain, so I agreed. I bragged how I knew all of the hot spots in town. He asked if we could run to his hotel room first so he could change out of his suit. So off we went. His hotel was just a couple of blocks away. It was one of those hotels that you stay in for extended periods of time. It had a living room, a full kitchen and a separate bedroom. When we got to his room, he got me a drink and said he would be ready in a minute. I sat on the couch and took a couple of swigs of my dink. I was really buzzing now and I started to doze. The room started to spin and I passed out. The next thing I remembered was waking up to a weird feeling in my groin. As I came to I heard David say did you have a nice nap. As my eyes focused, I realized what the weird feeling was; David had stripped off my clothing and was shaving my groin. He was wearing a leather harness and a leather jock. I started to struggle and realized that I was tied down spread eagle on the bed. David said, "Easy, you don't want me to cut off your balls." I started to ask what the fuck he was doing. I told him I'm not gay. David told me to relax and enjoy it. But I kept going on about how he was a faggot and that he needed to untie me. David calmly squeezed my balls and said, “We can do this the easy way or the hard way, but one more word and I am going to gag you.” "What!" I exclaimed and he said that's it. He grabbed my tighty whities and told me to open my mouth. When I refused, he squeezed my balls. He squeezed harder and harder until I opened my mouth. He shoved my underwear in my mouth and then put tape over the top to keep it there. He took his time in shaving me. He then untied my legs and told me to roll over. I began to thrash around; he warned me to cooperate. He grabbed my legs and with little effort twisted me, forcing me face down on the bed. As he tied my legs, I continued to struggle. Once both were tied, he said, I warned you and with that he smacked my ass with a paddle. I screamed as loud as I could through the underwear in my mouth. He proceeded to give me twenty-five more swats. When he finished, he said that he had warned me and next time he would not take it easy on me. Next he started to rub my ass as if he was admiring his handiwork. He then, without warning, poked his finger into my ass. "Nice and tight; that’s very good," he said. Then he shoved a second finger in my ass. He worked his fingers in and out and soon had three fingers in me. He withdrew his fingers and walked over to the side of the bed so I could see him. He said, "I wanted to let you see what is coming next." And with that he removed his leather jock. His dick was huge. I immediately had images of that dildo from hell week. He wasn't even fully erect and his dick was 10 inches long. He stood there and played with his dick for a while. He then moved closer and started to rub his dick all over my face and hair. He started to say things like, "You like that big dick, don't you?" He went around behind me and asked, "Do you want it quick and fast or slow and easy?" I tried to plead with him through my gag. He said, "Oh quick and fast. Great!" And with that he buried his monster cock in my ass. I had never experienced pain like that before. I was sure he tore my ass up and that I were bleeding. The pain was very intense. I think I passed out for while. When I came to, David was still riding my ass. My shit hole felt as if it was on fire. He kept going. I didn't think he would ever stop. After what seemed to be hours, I felt his dick start to swell even larger and then he thrust hard and deep and with that I felt his cum gushing inside of me. He collapsed on top of me. He whispered in my ear, "That was great. I love your ass." He climbed off of me, moved to my head, pointed his dick at my face and continued to cum on my face. When the fluid stopped flowing, he wiped his dick clean in my hair and on my face. Then he told me he had a little gift for me. He left the room and returned a minute later wearing a white terry cloth robe. He kneeled on the bed between my legs and pushed a large object up my ass. I guessed it was a butt plug because it was narrow at the base. He then quickly untied me and told me to stand. When I didn't move fast enough for him, he grabbed me and put me on my feet. He then half dragged me to the door. At the door, he ripped the tape off of my face. He then opened the door pushed me out, causing me to fall and threw my clothes on top of me. He then reached into the pocket of his robe and threw down some money. He turned and closed the door. I heard the deadbolt click. I lay there in a daze for a few minutes, then realized that I was lying naked in the hallway of a hotel. I spit out the underwear still in my mouth and quickly put my pants on, leaving the butt plug in my ass. I was afraid to remove it there because someone could enter the hall at anytime. I put my shirt on but didn't button it. I slipped my loafers on and put my socks in my pockets. I then picked up the money he threw at me: four $100 bills. I was shocked. I stood, which was really difficult. It took me a few minutes to make my way down the hallway to the elevator. I was surprised to find someone on the elevator at this late hour. It was a young guy from room service who looked to be about 19. He looked me over and smiled. I started to button my shirt. He asked, "Can I ask you a question? Did you just come from room 5D?" "What? Ahh yea I guess that was the room number. Why?" "Did he leave you with a gift?" "I guess you can call it that." I thought he was referring to the money. He then said, "I get off in ten minutes. I will pay you $50 bucks if you will wait and let me lick his cum off your face and suck it out of your ass." This kid was a good-looking kid. It was clear that he worked out and he had a killer smile. I thought that he could get any guy or girl he wanted, why would he pay me to lick some other guy’s cum off of me? He sensed my hesitation and said, "That guy cums more than any one I know and it is the sweetest cum I have ever tasted. I really enjoy sucking his cum out of a guy's ass. And there is always plenty there because of the butt plug. What do you say?" I figured at this point what do I have to lose and I didn't think this guy was going to let me leave the hotel without agreeing. So I agreed. He told me to follow him to the employee dressing room when we got to the first floor. It was small and with a couch and some lockers. He told me to get comfortable and that he would be back in just a minute. He then assured me that no one would come into the room at this hour. So he left to finish up. I decided to get undressed to save time. I really wanted to get home, but my desire for the $50 was greater. As I undressed, it was the first time I noticed that I was rock hard. My dick appeared to be larger than it had ever been before. I started to stroke my dick. My young friend entered the room and said, "You couldn't wait for me?" And within 30 seconds, he had stripped naked. He started to lick the now dried cum off of the side of my face. It was a great feeling. I had not noticed in the elevator, but he had his tongue pierced. He then proceeded to run his hands through my hair. When he came to a dried clump of David's cum, he would suck it out. I thought this kid was the most cum loving person I knew to go to this length to get just a little bit of cum. But he was dedicated to what he was doing. Next he asked me to slide down on the couch so my ass would just be over the edge. He kneeled in front of me and started to like around my asshole. He paused and said. "Newly shaved?" and went back to work. He then started to twist the butt plug. "This is more than likely going to hurt, but the longer you leave this in the more it will hurt to remove it." And with that, he pulled it out. It sent chills throughout my body. My rectum felt like it was on fire all over again. That butt plug wasn't out of my ass for more than a second, before I felt his tongue licking my hole. He was rather loud as he sucked the cum out of my ass. I had never been rimmed before. But what that kid could do with his pierced tongue was paradise. I had never had such a sensation before. He was able to get his tongue deep in my hole. As he ate out my ass, he started to jerk my very hard dick. I think he sensed that I was about to cum and stopped for a while. After about 15 or 20 minutes, he moved his way from my ass to my balls. Again this was a first for me. I have licked my frat brother's balls, but I had never had any one ever suck on my balls. He took one ball in his mouth at a time. It was an incredible feeling. He then took my cock down his throat. This boy knew what he was doing. I loved the feeling. My girlfriend's head could not even compare to this guy's. Within seconds I was filling his throat with my cum. I came so much I didn't think I would stop. He held my dick in his mouth until it was flaccid. As he continued to worship my cock, he had started to jerk his own cock. As he was getting close to exploding, he released my cock from his mouth and leaned back. This kid had a thick cock. I watched as his cum begin to shoot; it had to shoot at least three feet high. Some of his cum landed on my legs and the floor. He quickly licked the cum off of my legs and then moved down and licked his own cum off the floor. After a few minutes of just lying there, he stood up and said thanks. I started to get dress as he walked over to a locker. He opened the locker and pulled out a wallet. He walked over to me and handed me two twenties and a ten. He added, "If you ever see the guy in 5D again, be sure to visit me after you’re done. Just ask for Sean." He picked up the butt plug that he pulled out of my ass, licked it clean and handed it to me saying, "You may need this again." He started to dress and I headed for the door. He then said, "Hold on, I almost forgot: the clerk at the front desk was looking for a guy in a silk black shirt. He has a note for you. I told him I would get it to you." He handed me an envelope and I left. As I walked out of the hotel, I read the note: "Thanks for a great evening. Meet me tomorrow night at the corner of 10th and Main at 9 pm. I will make it worth your while and I promise I won't drug you first. David." I woke up the next day after noon. My body ached. My wrist and ankles were sore from the ropes. And my ass still burned. The odd thing was I woke up with an incredible hard-on. My dick stayed hard the whole afternoon. I kept thinking about the previous night. In one day I had made $450, that was a week’s worth of working two jobs this past summer. I couldn't help to think what David meant by "make it worth your while." I was sure I did not want his large dick in my ass again. But a little pain for $400 may be worth it. I decided I would see how the pain in my ass was by then. I also decided to try an enema to see if it would help with the pain. I figured the cool water would help the burning sensation. I went about the task at hand and I was right. The cool water helped a great deal. I took one full bag and after a few minutes expelled it. I then took another bag. I didn't have the urge to go so I refilled the bag and took the second full bag. I had only ever taken one bag before (we had to each day during hell week before we could shower). This really felt great. I had decided that I really could use the money and would go. 10th and Main was not a very good section of downtown, though it was only about 10 blocks from David's hotel. I decided that I would go very casual. I wore my jock and sweats. I put the butt plug David gave me the night before in the pocket of my jacket. I arrived at the corner about 8:50. David was standing outside of a sleazy hotel talking to a group of men. When he saw me, he came over and told me that he was here in town to supervise a special project for his company. The company had sent a crew with him. They were already in town for two weeks and they expected at least two more weeks. "I have found that if I keep the guys happy, they work harder and faster. They don't go out every night getting drunk and not showing up at work. Keeping them happy means getting their rocks off. So I have a deal for you: I will give you $75 for each of my crew that you give a blowjob to. I have a total of 8 guys." "I told you I wasn't queer. If I didn't need the money I would not have shown up." "So we have a deal. Great. When you're done here come and see me at my hotel." He then pointed to the group of guys. I went over to them and they led me into a hotel room. This place was very different from David's hotel. It smelled, had small windows and there were two double beds in the room. One of the black guys said, "I'm first." With that he dropped his pants and sat on the bed. His dick was already hard. It was about 7.5" long. I have never sucked a black cock before. All of my frat brothers were white. It took about 15 minutes for him to shoot his load. I did my best to swallow it all down. When he finished shooting, I stood and turned to see the other seven guys had already shed their clothing and most were stroking their dicks. After the third guy, my jaw was extremely sore. I was not sure that I would be able to suck all of them. But in the back of my mind I was adding the dollars up. I kept saying to myself, “$600. $600.” After about three hours, I finished sucking the last guy. My jaw was sore, my knees hurt and my stomach was turning from swallowing so much cum. Without saying a word, I stood and headed for the door. One of the Hispanic guys asked, "Don't we get your ass?" I responded "No," and headed out the door. I was rather fearful that they, like their boss, would just take what they wanted. As I headed down the hall, one of the guys called out, "I'll give twenty-five buck if you let me fuck your ass." I turned to look and saw this guy standing in the public hallway with nothing on below the waist. I just kept going. I hustled up to David's room. He answered the door wearing his leather jock and harness. "I was starting to worry about you. Come in and have a beer. How did it go?" I said, "Fine, but I would rather have a soda or something." He pointed to the kitchen and told me to help myself. I grabbed a soda and walked into the living room. He was sitting on the couch sipping his drink. "Did you have a good time?" "No, I don't enjoy sucking dicks. I told you I just need the money." "That's a shame. I have a friend of yours in the bedroom and I was hoping to watch you suck his dick; of course I would pay you. From the tent in your pants I am guessing that you might even enjoy it. Hell I am sure your friend would even be willing to help you with that hard-on." I got up and walked in to the bedroom. I thought, hell that's another $75 and I even get my dick sucked. But I couldn't figure out who David was referring to. As I walked into the bedroom, I saw Sean, shaved clean and tied spread eagle on the bed. David said, "You do remember Sean don't you?" I nodded. He then told me to undress and to get on top of him. I straddled his body and took the first close look at his cock. I took Sean's thick cock into my mouth; I slowly massaged his dick with my mouth. David grabbed my dick and fed it to Sean. We were there on the bed 69ing. As we were doing this, David was rubbing my ass. He pushed at, but never forced his finger, in my ass. As he did this I desired to have his dick in my ass. David then climbed to the other end of the bed. I reached out and tugged his jock down. As soon as his dick was free, I leaned over and started to suck it. His dick was incredible. It was thicker than Sean's, but much longer. He was at least 10" long. I unfortunately was not able to take his entire dick down my throat. But it was not for the lack of trying. After a few minutes he said, "I brought you in here to suck on Sean, not me." With that he pulled his dick out of my mouth and pushed my head back toward Sean's piece of meat. David went around to my ass once again and said, "It's a shame that you didn't wear my gift. I thought for a second and said, "It's in my coat pocket." He got up and went to get it. I then felt something cold at my ass. With one push David had shoved his dick up my ass. I was relieved to have his dick in my ass. I was feeling empty without it. I also did not have near the pain now that I had last night. I actually liked the feeling. So here I was hovering over Sean who was tied down to the bed with his dick in my mouth and my dick in his mouth and David was fucking my ass. I think that Sean got very excited seeing this from his vantage point and shoot his load in my mouth. Soon I was shooting in his. And as I finished shooting, David exploded in my ass. As David exited me, he told me to sit on Sean's face. Sean went to work sucking Davis's juices out of my ass. Sean was a master at rimming. I could have stayed there all night. But David came in, again wearing that white terry robe and handed me a wad of money. "It's time for you to leave; Sean and I are still getting to know each other. Maybe we could do some business next Thursday." He then handed me the butt plug and said, "Whenever we get together, I expect that you will be wearing this. You should arrive with it up your ass and leave with it in the same spot." As I got ready to insert it, I noticed that his initials were on the end of it. I slipped it in. Gathered my clothes, dressed and left. As I headed out, I counted the wad of cash. There was a cool grand. I was in heaven. I was flying extremely high I was not even on anything. I had a hard time concentrating during the week. I could not wait for Thursday. When I got home from class on Thursday, there was a message from David saying, "My guys are in great need of relief. Can you go there and take care of whatever they need, and then swing by my hotel. They should be there any time after six. Thanks." I couldn't wait. I was so excited. I figured I have to suck the 8 guys off before I could have David's dick up my ass. And I would make a shit load of money. I decided to take a shower and then to clean my back door out well. Again I wore a jock and sweats. And I inserted the butt plug before I left. I was at the crew's hotel by 6:05. I was too excited to wait any longer. I found the guys hanging out on the corner. As I approached, they started to cheer and call for me to suck their dick. We got to their room and all of them had their pants off in the flash of an eye. I knelt down in front of one of them and started to suck. I was in a hurry so I was sucking hard trying to make him cum quicker. It seemed to work on the first couple of guys. As I was sucking on the third guy, the first guy I sucked, a rather larger black man started to rub his hands all over my clothed body. At first I thought nothing of it. I wanted to get done and leave. But soon his hands were at my ass. And that is when I started to worry. I tried to re-position myself so he couldn't feel the end of the plug. But I was not able to move quickly enough. He said, "What the fuck? This little queer is holding out on us." Soon all of the guys were holding me down and pulling my clothes off. Once I was only wearing my jock, one of the guys grabbed the plug and ripped it out of me. The guy who initiated this said, "Tonight I am having a piece of ass." He positioned himself between my legs and pushed the head of his dick in my hole. The other guys continued to hold me down. The black guy fucking me pushed his full dick in my ass slowly. Once he was all the way in, the other black guy who was holding my shoulder climbed above my head and told me to suck his dick. As his dick grew harder, it was difficult to suck him. So he told me to get up on all fours. Then the two black guys went back to work on my mouth and ass. Those eight guys had me every way imaginable. I think everyone of them had at least two times at my ass. They had their way with me for over 3 hours. It was nonstop. As soon as one dumped his load, another replaced him. At one point I was lifted to the bed where I lay on my back with my ass half hanging off the bed. As the last guy was pulling out of my ass, the black guy who started this pushed his soft dick in my ass. It was so stretched out that he had no problem getting it in. Then I started to feel a warm fluid flowing up my ass. This son of a bitch was pissing in me. When he finished, he pushed in my butt plug, pulled off my jock and said, "Mr. David is waiting for you. He expects you to be carrying my piss back to him. You better get your ass over there. By the way: we are keeping your jock as a souvenir." I started to look for my cloths. They were all ripped up. I put them on and headed out the door. I could feel some of the piss running down my leg, so I started to run. I got to his room and rang the bell. He answered the door wearing only a studded cock ring. He instructed me to strip right there. I was still in the hall and he was naked with the door open. I did as he asked. He instructed me to bend over and he felt for the plug. "Very good; Sean is waiting for you in the Jacuzzi tub. I understand that you have some special juices for him." I entered the bathroom and stood over Sean. He was naked except for a dog collar lying in the empty tub. David told me to stand over Sean and for Sean to pull out my plug. David then had me squat over Sean's face and he told me to release. Sean did his best to drink much of the piss and cum mixture. Once the flow slowed, Sean started to rim out my ass. David said he liked the way that looked and with that started to piss on the two of us. He had a strong stream. He aimed for our faces and made sure he hit my mouth. When he was done pissing, he stuck his ass in my face and told me to start rimming. I was surprised at the taste of his ass. I expected it to be gross, but it wasn't. After a few minutes, he turned and I sucked on his dick. He grabbed my head and forced most of his dick down my throat. At first I gagged, but quickly adjusted. I relaxed my throat and he then pushed the last few inches down my throat. He face fucked me as Sean continued to rim me. Once David's cum flowed down my throat, we showered and went into the living room. David said, "I would like to hire you. You and Sean can be my personal assistants as long as I am in town. That should be a couple of more weeks, and then I'll be back in a few months. I'll pay you two grand a week." I said that I needed to continue to go to classes and participate in the frat. David responded, "You can go to classes. I need you at night. And don't worry about your frat; I will work that out. I will want you staying here with me." I agreed. He spent the rest of the night alternating between fucking me and Sean. The next day, I went home, changed clothes went to class, leaving the butt plug in all day. After class, I packed a few things. As I was packing, I came across the shirt Paul lent me a week ago. So I decided to return it to him. I took it to the Frat house and went up to his room. He wasn't in so I decided to go in and leave it for him. As I did, I noticed an object in one of his opened drawers. I investigated further and found a hidden butt plug. It was the same size as the one in my ass. Then I saw the initials on the bottom of it. At that point Paul walked in. I knew then that Paul had set me up. I thanked him with a blowjob.


More Gay Erotic Stories from Charlie Daniels

Paying For College

Back a couple of years ago, I found -- or should I say it found me? -- a great way to make extra money for college. I was in my sophomore year. The previous spring, I had rushed. At the time I considered myself straight. I had a girlfriend and thought that she was the one for me. I had had a couple of gay experiences, most forced upon me during hell week the spring before. Hell

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