Gay Erotic Stories

Nick and Noah, Part 6

by Iainleather
12 Nov 2002

Gay Erotic Stories Novellas

"This whole 'Mike' question has me really worried!" said Nick as he and Noah drove home after leaving Jim at his flat. "For the life of me, I just can't imagine why Michael would lie to us about Jim being missing. He must have known we would go looking for Jim, even call in the police. Hell, Michael almost invited us to search for Jim. If he was involved in murdering Geoff, then why would he want us or the police involved?"

"I don't know," muttered Noah. "But Jim was absolutely adamant that he had spoken to Mike and told him that he would be out of town for a week. Yet Michael was really convincing when he told me how worried he was about Jim being missing. One of them has to be lying. At the moment, I'm inclined to believe Jim, although as you said, I can't think what the connection is between Michael and Geoff."

Nick looked vacantly out of the car window. "Maybe we should confront Michael about it, right now!" he said. "Do you know his home address?"

"Umm, yes," responded Noah. "He has a house in Redfern. I've been there to pick him up or drop him off a couple of times."

"Well?" Nick was all for taking some kind of action right at that moment.

"Okay," Noah conceded. "We'll drive over there and see if he's home, and what he has to say for himself."

***** Michael was ecstatic as he writhed beneath the tall, thin man whose cock was buried deep in his arse. He gasped as its owner thrust down hard and filled his body before coming to rest within and on top of him. The two steadied for a moment, catching their breath as the first twitches of arousal washed through them and the pain of the sudden penetration retreated from Michael's rear. Michael opened his eyes and looked at the body covering him, shaved and smooth from neck to toe. There was something incredibly erotic about the way his partner insisted on completely removing all traces of body hair.

"Yeah, that's it, baby. Fuck me!" he hissed, and with an acknowledging grunt the other man began to move, in and out, slowly at first then faster and faster. Michael clasped his hands on his lover's cheeks, drawing him in as he pumped at Michael's body. Michael felt his sphincter clench and relax with each motion, felt the long thin tube of flesh invade his bowel as he hunched into it, and groaned with blissful surrender. It had been more than two weeks since he had enjoyed the company of his occasional lover, and on their last meeting they had fought over his friend's lack of commitment and interest in a third party, but Michael had taken some steps to solve that problem, and now his partner was back in his bed and in his body, and he could not be happier.

Michael was in love with this man. Lost in unreasoning infatuation, and being fucked by him now left him aching with joy both physically and emotionally. He failed to comprehend completely that the other person did not share his view of the relationship, and saw Michael as nothing more than an enjoyable diversion whilst waiting for someone else, someone who would fulfill the needs he truly felt. In fact, he felt some scorn for the man beneath him, a pitiable soul whose sexual urges were plain and simple, but satisfying enough on an interim basis.

"Oh, yesss! That's it!" gasped Michael as they locked together, humping and sweating. His partner pounded into him now, harder and deeper, their fucking increasing in tempo and ferocity as they each began to breathe more quickly. Waves of pleasure engulfed Michael as he felt his chute opened and punched, the bed rocking wildly in time with their movements. He was close, oh so close, as he trembled to the thundering power of the cock filling him and the emotional high of having this lover of his fucking him once again. His hand slid down his belly and came into contact with his own leaking, aching tool, and he began to squeeze and jerk at himself as his partner continued to humph and strain while he fucked the prostate form below him.

With a yelp of release, Michael felt his orgasm explode, and the hot creamy jizz spurt from his cock and cover his hand and his gut. He clenched his arse tightly around the heated spear of cock that pierced him and his body twitched with release. His partner continued to fuck him unabated, not slowing or changing his pace, but pounding on relentlessly as Michael came again and again. When finally Michael's eruptions slowed and then stopped, the other man pulled himself from Michael's body unceremoniously and yanked away the condom sheathing his prick. Sitting back on his haunches, he grabbed his penis with one hand, the other hand going to his own chest where he pinched hard at his nipples, his eyes closed tightly. He flailed at his meat, pumping vigorously, and whispered breathlessly to some unseen, imagined partner.

"Yeah, do it, treat me bad!" he mumbled between his teeth. "Use me like your bitch and hurt me!"

A few more seconds of his combined hissing and tugging at himself, and a stream of cum flew from his cock, depositing itself on Michael's body. Michael watched in bemused fascination as his friend ejaculated, eyes still firmly shut, body tensed and quivering, until suddenly the other man collapsed, drained and finished.

"Why can't you get off while looking at me, thinking about me?" Michael asked, the hurt and irritation in his voice obvious.

"Why can't you be a little more adventurous? Try some leather, or some rope some time? How about hand-cuffing me to the bed, and fucking me for a change, instead of me fucking you?" his partner asked in a voice surprisingly deep for such a small frame.

"Don't start again! You know I'm not into all that kinky shit!"

"Oh, piss off, Mikey!" the other spat at him with annoyance. "You're so, … so 'vanilla'!"

The thin man rolled off the bed and headed for the bathroom, waving a hand dismissively at Michael.

"Where are you going?" Michael demanded.

"I'm going to clean up, and dress, and then I'm out of here!" And with that he slammed the door.

Michael lay there on the bed, the euphoria of a few minutes ago dissipating like some wispy fog. He sobbed silently to himself, wondering why he was being treated so badly. It was the other man again--he knew it! But he'd show him! Michael was sure that the one he loved would forget this 'third party' if only Michael could prove that this other guy was playing around himself. He just needed a little more time.

Half an hour later, the bedroom door was flung open, and Michael looked up from his morose thoughts to behold his friend transformed. Dressed in his usual style, the other man looked down his nose at Michael.

"I'm going now," he stated quietly.

"Stay, please?" Michael pleaded.

"No! I have a date to meet up with the girls for drinks."

"When will I see you again?"

"When I'm ready. Don't be so clingy Michael. It's really annoying," he said in an incongruously gravelly voice.

"I know where you're going - back to 'him'! …" the word came out ice like. "… but you're just another trick to him. He doesn't give a shit about you, but I love you! Can't you see he's making you look like a fool!"

Michael's one-time lover looked at him with a wry smile. "You stupid little shit! Whether I go back to that two-timing son-of-a-bitch or not is of no concern to you. As a matter of fact, I certainly will NOT be seeing him ever again, and I plan on not seeing you either! He was just a passing fancy; you're just too much of a twit for me to bear, so bugger off!" He turned to go, reaching for the final item of dress. "And Michael? Don't bother calling because you bore me and you piss me off! I don't want to hear from you again, ever. Do you understand?"

Michael's face screwed up in alarmed agony. "Jerry, I'm sorry! Forgive me, please?"

The look of amused irritation on the other face was instantly replaced with a blinding fury. "How many times have I told you? I hate that name! Don't ever call me that again. In fact, don't ever call me anything ever again!" With hands trembling in anger he pulled the tall blonde wig down onto his head, and brushed at the creases in his sequined cocktail dress. Without a word, he/she exited Michael's house, slamming the door behind her.

"Fuck you too, Lena!" Michael screamed at the retreating figure, before he collapsed back onto the bed, his body wracked with sobs.


"That's the place!" said Noah, pointing to a nondescript house on the other side of the street. Nick looked at it curiously as Noah drove past and began to turn the car around to come back and park outside. As they finished their turn, Nick saw the door open and a tall blonde woman leave, slamming the door behind her.

"Hey, Noah," he said in a mixture of surprise and amazement, "Is that who I think it is?"

Noah's mouth opened as he saw the person Nick indicated. "Lena!" he said.

"Shit!" was Nick's considered response. "What on earth is she doing here?"

"I don't know," said Noah, "but it looks like she's not very happy, and in a hurry to leave as well!"

"Now what do we do?" asked Nick in confusion. "Do we still go and see Mike about his conversation with Jim, or do we get out of here?"

Noah sat a moment considering this new twist. "I can't see how Lena fits into all of this, but I think we really should confront Michael about it; find out what he has to say for himself."

As they knocked on Michael's front door, they heard a wail from within, and looked at each other in surprise. Suddenly the door was flung open and Michael called out, "Lena, darling, I'm sorr…"

He stopped dead in his tracks as he saw Nick and Noah standing there, and the colour drained from his face. "Oh fuck!"

"Er, is this a bad time?" said Nick, averting his eyes from Michael's naked body. Noah too, looked quickly away, and as Michael realised he was nude, he turned beet red with embarrassment.

"Sorry, guys," he stammered out. "Umm, come on in, I'll just throw some clothes on."

The two men stepped into his living room, and sat in uncomfortable silence as Michael disappeared into the bedroom and hastily dressed. They had both clearly seen the remnants of tears on his face, and had sensed his confusion and upset.

A little more composed, but still disheveled, Michael returned to them within minutes. "Sorry, guys," he said again. "What are you doing here?"

Noah looked at him, still uncertain. "We've found Jim," he began.

"Oh!" was Michael's only reply, no hint of what he felt on his face.

"He's been in some serious danger," Noah went on. "He went away for a few days with someone he met, but he's home now."

Noah studied Michael's face, watching for some reaction. He was disappointed to see nothing but boredom, perhaps a sense of not caring.

"So how was that 'dangerous'?" Michael asked.

"The guy he was with - Geoffrey Renouf …" Nick spoke now, and thought he saw Michael almost snarl at the mention of Geoff's name, "… has been killed!"

That got a response. Michael looked up quickly, first at Nick, then at Noah, disbelief on his face. "What?" he said quickly.

"Jim met a guy called Geoffrey Renouf a few weeks ago. They went away for a week to Geoff's place in the country, but while they were there, yesterday, someone shot and killed Geoff," Nick stated quietly and matter-of-factly.

The blood drained from Michael's face, and his mouth hung open. He tried to say something, but nothing came out. His eyes flickered wildly from Nick to Noah and around the room, to the door and down to the floor.

"Mike? Mike? Are you okay?" Noah asked, concerned at the reaction. Still Michael said nothing. "I think he's gone into shock!" Noah said to Nick. "Help me get him to lie down. See if you can find a blanket to cover him and I'll get some water."

The two quickly eased Michael into a horizontal position on the lounge, and Nick threw a light covering over him while Noah held a glass of water to his lips. "Michael? Michael!" he called in a low tone.

Michael shook his head, and slowly his eyes came back into focus as he struggled to sit upright, as if fighting his way out of some deep dark place. "Noah," he said in a whisper, "is Jim alright?"

"Yes, yes, he's fine. A little upset, but physically okay." Noah sat back, relieved, and Nick offered to get them all a drink.

"Mike," Noah said quietly but firmly, "we need to talk!"

Mike nodded, still looking a little absent, and took the drink Nick held out to him. Noah waited as Michael sipped, then went on.

"As you know, Nick and I spent several days trying to find Jim when he didn't show up for work." Michael looked at them with a hint of guilt but remained quiet. "When we finally found him, we also found the body of his friend. The police have obviously been involved, and for a while Jim was a suspect for murder." Michael's eyes widened at this news.

"He's been cleared now," Noah added quickly, "but there are still a lot of unanswered questions, and we think you know a lot more about this whole business."

Michael began to protest, but Nick silenced him.

"Michael," Nick said firmly, looking him directly in the eye, "Jim told us he rang you last Sunday to tell you he was going to be away from work for a week, yet you told us he was missing without trace or explanation." Before Michael could respond, Nick went on. "And we just saw Lena, the drag queen, leaving here. We know she knows - sorry, knew - Jim's friend, Geoff. She was the one who gave us his name, and that was how we found them."

Michael sat, his head down, looking at the floor again. He began to shake slightly. Noah took up the conversation again.

"Michael, tell us what you know," he said. "It all has to come out in the end. Maybe we can help you."

Michael sobbed quietly to himself for a few seconds then lifted his eyes with a resigned look. "I don't know anything about a shooting," he said. "I just thought you would find Jim with Geoff, you know, together! That way I would have proof that Geoff was cheating."

"Cheating? Cheating on whom?" Nick asked.


Nick and Noah exchanged curious glances. "Why on earth would you care whether Geoff was cheating on Lena? I didn't even know they were supposed to be seeing each other."

"Because if I had proof he was cheating on her then I thought she would dump him, and come back to me!"

"To you?" Nick almost exploded with amazement, and Noah sat in silence, dumbfounded by Michael's words.

"I have been seeing Lena - his real name is Jerry, but he hates it, insists on being called Lena - on and off for about two months. I was in love with him, guys, truly in love. But he didn't feel the same way. He kept going off and finding other men." Michael began to sob again, but continued his story through his tears. "He, or she - that's what she prefers - started seeing this Geoffrey Renouf about four weeks ago. Told me all about him! For god's sake, she practically rubbed it in my face. Told me how she likes it when he ties her up, or handcuffs her and fucks her! She actually wanted me to do the same. I told her I wasn't into that kind of thing. She laughed at me!" Nick and Noah could see him becoming angry now.

"She claimed she was madly in love with him, that she wasn't going to see me anymore. I followed her, and saw her with him at the 'Shift' last Sunday night. And get this: Jim Richards was with them. I couldn't believe it, especially after Jim had rung me that afternoon to tell me he'd met some great guy and was going away for a few days with him. When they left, Jim went with Geoff, and Lena went home alone. That was when I thought I had a plan: if I told you Jim was 'missing' I knew you'd find him, and I would have proof to show Lena that Geoff was seeing someone else, and she would come back to me!"

He began to cry in earnest at that, and Noah's heart went out to him. "Mike, it's okay. I wish I could make things better for you."

"I'm so sorry, guys," he sobbed. "I didn't mean to cause you so much trouble, but I was desperate to get her back." He looked up wildly, suddenly struck by another thought. "But I didn't kill Geoff! I didn't want anything to happen to him, honest. I just wanted Lena to forget him, that's all. You have to believe me!"

"We do, we do believe you!" said Nick reassuringly. "But you have to admit, the cops are going to look differently at it. They will say you had the motive for getting rid of him."

"Well, that's gone now!" Michael said with vengeance.

"Huh, what do you mean?"

"I told her - just now, that I knew she was going back to him, and that Geoff was cheating on her. But she already knew. She told me she wouldn't be seeing him ever again, and that she never wanted to see me either!"

Noah and Nick looked at each other with surprise. This was something they hadn't anticipated.

"I don't understand," Noah said. "If she knew about Geoff and Jim, then why did she tell us how to contact Geoff that night when we saw her?"

"I'm wondering if she was somehow involved in this murder?" added Nick. "What if she is the one who killed Geoff?"

"When did you say he was shot?" asked Michael.

"Yesterday, some time in the middle of the day."

"Mmmmm," Michael muttered beneath his breath. "Maybe. She had been ignoring me, refusing to return my calls, for two weeks. Then yesterday afternoon, about 5.30, she rang to say she was feeling lonely, wanted to know if I would like to get together. She came over, and stayed until just before you guys arrived."

"I think she knows a lot more about what happened to Geoff!" Noah stated with conviction. "And I think the police will want to have a chat with her!"


"I don't think we need to let on about your plan to have us find Jim, or your wanting to get Lena back, at this stage!" Noah warned Michael as they drove to the Police Centre after phoning to tell Det. Roarty that they were coming to see him with some information about a suspect. "Let's just tell him what Lena said about 'taking care' of things, and let him talk to her about it?"

"Okay," Michael agreed readily. He was already nervous enough about having to approach the police, without wanting to think too carefully about what he should or shouldn't say, and whether or not he might incriminate himself. "In fact, Noah," he said on further reflection, "why don't you do all the talking, and I'll just back up what you have to say?"

"Very well! Just don't panic. Try to relax." Noah sounded much less concerned than he felt. He was almost certain that Lena had either killed Geoff, or had a very direct part in his murder, and at this point he knew he would be much happier if he knew the police were doing the serious investigating rather than he and Nick. He had begun to think in the last few hours that they were starting to get in over their heads, and that this was something better left to the professionals.

One more time, they were ushered into the tiny room just off the reception area, and after a wait of ten or fifteen minutes, a very tired looking Detective Roarty made his appearance.

"Gentlemen," he said when he entered the room. "I hear you have some serious information for me!" He tried to smile, but his face was drawn.

"That's right," responded Noah. "This is Michael Stevens. He works with both Jim Richards and me. We've done some asking around and some digging of our own, and it turns out that Michael knows someone who we think is very much involved in this shooting of Mr. Renouf."

"Really?" asked Roarty with little interest. "And why is that?"

"Michael knows someone who was recently 'involved' with Geoff Renouf. He had dumped this person, and the person told Michael that they wouldn't be seeing Geoff ever again!" Noah said, emphasising his words.

"You keep on saying 'this person' as if it's a mystery," Roarty noted, barely able to stifle a yawn. "What's the problem? Do you know who it is or not?"

Noah began to get annoyed. He had the distinct impression that the detective was not taking them seriously, even that he was irritated by them.

"Nothing," he snapped coolly. "Just that the person is a drag queen. Her name is 'Lena Gainstme'. As a man his real name is Jerry."

The policeman's eyes widened momentarily, and then he began to laugh. "A drag queen? Ha! Somehow I think you've missed the point," he said with a tired shake of his head. "Do you have any serious evidence that this poor drag queen was involved?"

Noah looked at Michael, who shook his head in the negative.

"Well, it doesn't matter much anyway," Roarty said. "We've had a positive match on the fingerprints we found on the gun, and we know who we're looking for. The killer is a known 'hit-man' - he is usually used by some of the loan sharks around town. And we have found that Mr. Renouf owed quite a lot of money, so it would appear that your friend, Jim, and this mysterious drag queen, were all just incidental to a professional killing. Even Mr. Renouf's mother has confirmed that people were looking for him for money."

Noah looked at him silently. Michael said nothing, but gaped. Nick began to protest when Roarty held up his hand for silence again.

"Listen," he said condescendingly. "I know you were concerned about your friend, and I think you did a very good job, for civilians, in finding the property. But your friend is safe now, and we know the identity of the killer. We just have to find him. We're talking about a well-planned murder here, not some cat-fight where someone has been beaten over the head with a hand-bag! So why don't you just forget about the whole thing and leave it to the people whose job it is to deal with this kind of stuff? If you go asking too many questions you'll end up tipping off the suspect that we're after him, or you'll get yourself into trouble or worse."

He stood up and began to show them the door. "We appreciate your help, but this is a matter for the experts. Leave it to the police now, and go home to your nice comfortable lives." Before they could protest, he had almost pushed them out of the place and turned his back on them.


"What the fuck was that?" exploded Nick as they stood outside the Police Centre in confused amazement.

"That, my friend," said Noah, "… was a right royal brush-off, and not a very subtle one either!"

"It was as if we were nothing more than dog-shit on his shoes!" said Nick, getting angrier by the second. "Just what I would expect from the police. It's all so easy now. They have a killer who fits in neatly with their pre-conceived ideas, and so there's no need to look at it any closer. Case closed, go away!"

"There's more to it than that," Noah stated. “He says they've got the killer - or at least they know who it is, but they haven't actually caught him yet, and Roarty didn't want us getting involved any more. It was all too quick, too easy. I can't help thinking there's something more that we're missing!"

"There's definitely something going on here, and I don't think I like the smell of it," stated Nick.

"I think we should try to talk to Lena," Noah observed. "Although I have no idea at all how we're going to get her to take us into her confidence enough to get any useful information out of her."

Michael, who up until now had said nothing, suddenly began to smile. "I think I have an idea," he said enigmatically.


More Gay Erotic Stories from Iainleather

Dark Stone, Chapter 1

Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don’t have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST! This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk. This

Dark Stone, Chapter 2

Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don’t have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST!!! This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk.

Dark Stone, Chapter 3

Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don’t have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST!!! This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk.

Dark Stone, Chapter 4

Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don’t have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST!!! This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk.

Dark Stone, Chapter 5

Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don’t have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST!!! This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk.

Dark Stone, Chapter 6

Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don’t have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST!!! This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk.

Dark Stone, Chapter 7

Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don’t have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST!!! This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk.

Dark Stone, Chapter 8

Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don’t have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST! This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk. This

Dark Stone, Chapter 9

This story is a fantasy, it is not real and only happened in my imagination. YOU MUST REMEMBER that in the real world, you can DIE from having unsafe sex. It is your right and your duty to make sure that condoms are always used, whether you are giving or receiving. It doesn’t matter how good looking or how ugly he is, and it doesn’t matter whether you are top or bottom, USE A CONDOM! Copyright

Family Christmas, Part 1

Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don’t have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST!!! This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk.

Joy To The World, Part 1

Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don’t have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST!!! I would like to acknowledge the inspiration, ideas, and assistance I received for this story from Joy. It's really OUR story - I just had the privilege of putting it down in words. All comments will be passed on to him. This is a work of

Joy To The World, Part 2

[Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don’t have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST!!! This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to

Joy To The World, Part 3

Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don’t have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST!!! This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to

Joy To The World, Part 4

This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily. I hope you enjoy my work, and if you have any comments, or ideas that may inspire new work, please feel free to

Joy To The World, Part 5

Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don’t have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST! This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk.

Joy To The World, Part 6

Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don’t have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST! This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk.

Joy To The World, Part 7

Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don’t have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST! This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk. This

Joy To The World, Part 8

Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don’t have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST! This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk.

Joy To The World, Part 9

Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don’t have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST! This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk.

Joy To The World, Part10

Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don’t have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST! This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk. This

Nick and Noah, Part 5

Nick and Noah were almost home, with Noah driving much more slowly than he had on their trip north, when Indiana suddenly started barking, and scrabbling at the jacket lying on the seat beside him. It was Jim's jacket, and Nick looked puzzled for a few seconds, wondering why the dog had become so agitated, when he heard the muffled tones of a mobile phone. Leaning over and retrieving the

Nick and Noah, Part 6

"This whole 'Mike' question has me really worried!" said Nick as he and Noah drove home after leaving Jim at his flat. "For the life of me, I just can't imagine why Michael would lie to us about Jim being missing. He must have known we would go looking for Jim, even call in the police. Hell, Michael almost invited us to search for Jim. If he was involved in murdering Geoff, then why would he want

Nick and Noah, Part 7

Nick, Noah and Michael made their way back to Michael's house after leaving the Police Centre, still baffled by the attitude of the police. "Maybe we should just leave it?" Nick asked, almost to himself. "The cops seem to have identified the killer, and they just aren't interested in anything else." Noah was silent for a moment before replying, "I would agree with you, and just let it ride,


Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don’t have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST! This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk.


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