Gay Erotic Stories

Pool Hall Pickup

by Kikrguy
19 Mar 2005

College Days Straight Men, Gay Sex

It was great that my buddy Jim had gotten another job. We were all working our way through college, and Jim had been looking for a better job for quite a while. Finally, he’d gotten hired as a bartender at a new billiard parlor, and all our friends were getting together to see the new place and christen his new position.

We all came in separately as we got out of class or got off work, and I have to admit, I was really impressed with the place. It looked just like a Victorian billiard parlor, the tables were new and clean, and the bar itself was really beautiful. We all ordered a few pitchers of beer, giving Jim a little hell and a big tip, then went to go play pool.

The tables were great, actual big billiard tables rather than the small ones you usually find tucked away in the back room of most bars. There were several of us, so we played a couple of team games and a few one on ones. The main reason I was there was to drink some beer and have a good time with buds.

Not being blind, though, I had noticed the two guys playing at the table right next to us. No self-respecting (albeit closeted at the time) gay male would have missed them. One was a cute, stocky blonde with a high-and-tight military haircut and bright green eyes that lit up at the friendly banter he and his buddy were sharing while they played their game. I figured he must belong to the Corps of Cadets at Texas A&M, where we were all students. He had some great thighs, broad shoulders, and muscular arms that showed he worked out regularly. He also had freckles sprinkled across his face, giving him pretty much an all-American football jock look. The other guy was just as obviously not a member of the Corps, with longer brown hair and dark eyes. He had a bit of a swagger, due to his bowed legs, and it was obvious from the way he walked that he had spent a good deal of time on horseback. Both were dressed much the same way we all were in the late 80’s here in Texas. Wrangler jeans starched so hard they would stand up by themselves, Justin Roper boots, and polo shirts. Looking at those two, I saw the reason why we dressed that way. Man, I couldn’t decide which one filled out their jeans better, although the blonde had an edge in the ass department. They both had nice bulges snaking down their right and left legs, respectively.

As I said, my group of friends was there to help Jim get his new job off to a good start, and we were definitely buying our fair share of beers. Over the course of the night, I know I myself had at least a six-pack, if not more, so I was feeling no pain. Of course, between the beers Jim was bringing rounds of shots as well. The more I relaxed and noticed the pair at the next table, the more it became obvious to me that the darker haired guy had noticed that I was staring a little too much. If I wasn’t mistaken, there was some growth in the front of those jeans, as well. Closeted I might have been, but I generally went for what I wanted, and I decided to go for this guy.

Throughout the evening, depending on when our morning classes started and when some of my group either got off work or had to work in the morning, the size of our group fluctuated. Finally, it was down to Cory and I, and he was leaving as he had to TA a lab class at ten a.m. I went over to the bar and had another beer, shooting the breeze with Jim, basically waiting for my chance, building up the nerve to talk to this guy. I was keeping an eye on the pair, and I was finally rewarded when I saw them returning their equipment and paying for their time at the table. They walked out the door together, and I told Jim goodnight and followed. I was hoping that outside they would split up and go to their individual trucks. I thought if I could get the dark-headed guy separated from his buddy, I’d have a better chance at getting some action. No such luck, though, as they were laughing and talking together on the way to the parking lot. When the door to the bar closed behind me, the brunette looked back, and when he saw me, I noticed that he did slow down and finally stopped in the lot, still talking and joking with his buddy. I knew I was right when they stopped, and I kept walking until I was beside them. The brunette guy gets credit for breaking the ice.

“Howdy!” he said. Sounds corny, I know, but its one of our traditions. The blonde turned and saw me there.

“Hey, guys, what goin’ on?” My sparkling wit had them spellbound.

“Not a whole lot. We were just talking about maybe grabbing a few beers and going back to my dorm room for a while. I’m not ready to put it up for the night.” I could have listened to this guy talk all night.

“Yeah, I’m out after lights out as it is, so there’s no reason to come creeping in and wake my rack mate.” This was blondie, confirming my suspicion that he was in the Corps.

“Well, I hope you all have a friend who works at a convenience store, cause its after hours.” I could see that this was going to work my way, if I played it right.

“Oh, man, that’s right! It’s Wednesday night! Damn, I forgot about that.” Blondie again.

“Yeah, I guess we’ll have to give up on that, Greg,” said the brunette. ”Oh, hey, the name’s Forrest,” he said to me, sticking out his hand, “and this is my buddy, Greg.”

“I’m Ronny,” I said, shaking his hand. Our clutch lasted a little longer than it had to, and my eyes were still on his as I turned and shook hands with Greg. I knew something would work out then, if it could. “You know, guys, I’ve got some beer at my apartment, and I’m not ready to lay it down for the night, either. Y’all are welcome to come on over and hang out for a while, even spend the night if you want.” I was thinking that maybe this might appeal to Greg, who didn’t want to chance being caught sneaking into the Corps dorms after lights out. At the same time, I wasn’t sure how I could get anything going with Forrest if Greg was there. No doubt, Greg was hot as hell and looked like he packed a nice package, but I wasn’t getting a vibe from him. More realistically, from the look on his face when I suggested they come over, Greg figured something was up, and he didn’t seem to particularly like it.

Forrest made my night by saying, “Hell, yeah, now you’re talking! Where’s your truck? We’ll follow you.”

“It’s that yellow GMC, right over there,” I told them, pointing it out in the lot. “My place is over behind Sorority Row, so its right down the street from here.” I walked over to my truck, and I could hear a somewhat heated discussion going on in the lot behind me as I walked away. I got in my pickup and as I pulled out, I saw them both getting into a black Ford extended cab. I waved as I drove by, and Forrest waved back from behind the wheel as his lights came on. They pulled out of their space, and I proceeded down the street towards home. I checked the rear view mirror, and they were following me. Man, I was starting to get excited.

I got home and they pulled into the space a little ways down from me. I walked up to the door and unlocked it. Turning around, I saw them walking up towards me. Man, what the hell was I getting myself into? I walked on into the apartment, and turned on some lights. It was a nice place, not grand, but a townhouse apartment, 2 bed 2 bath, more than I could afford alone. My roommate was a girl from Chicago whose parents were glad she had found a gay roommate. Hey, so I was out to a few people. Either way, she was in Austin for the weekend visiting her boyfriend, so it was just my new friends and I for the night.

The guys walked in, and I showed them the way to the living room. They followed me in and I turned on some lights and the TV. I handed the remote to Greg, and told them I’d grab us some beer. On my way to the kitchen, I could hear a whispered conversation going on behind my back. I wasn’t sure, but I thought I heard Greg whisper, “Come on, man, let’s get out of here. This guys…” and that’s all I heard before I walked into the kitchen. I took my time, giving them time to work it out. Whatever happened or didn’t happen, I didn’t want to be on the receiving end of an ass-kicking. I finally walked into the room carrying a beer for each of us, acting as though nothing was going on. We watched something on TV, couldn’t say what it was, but we all sat there in silence at first. I figured I’d better build some bridges, and so I concentrated on Greg, asking him questions about where he was from, his major, all the normal college stuff. Both he and Forrest were juniors, and had known each other their whole lives, growing up in the same small town in west Texas. Greg finally warmed up and began telling stories about he and Forrest, and soon we were all laughing and joking around. Greg indicated that he needed another beer, and I told them both to make themselves at home.

“Anybody else need another one?” Greg asked as he walked out of the room. Forrest and I both said yes.

The minute he disappeared down the hallway, Forrest turned to me and took the bull by the horns. “Man, I’m hoping to get Greg to go for it, too. Please don’t tell me I read you wrong. I’d sure enjoy some action tonight.” While I was used to going after what I wanted, I had rarely been met head-on in such a way. Before I could answer, Greg came back in with the beers and another story. He really was a funny guy.

While Greg was telling me the true story of how he had been awakened in a field by Satan (it turned out Satan was the name of a pet bull belonging to a neighbor, but it was a hilarious story), Forrest stood up and said, “Man, its time to drain the lizard.”

Without glancing at him, I told him the bathroom was at the head of the stairs. He walked on up, and Greg continued his story. At the conclusion, we both noticed that Forrest still wasn’t back.

“I’m gonna go see if he got lost. You want another beer while I’m up?” I asked Greg. He said sure, and I walked up the stairs, hollering out, “Hey, Forrest, did you fall in?” I heard some laughter, and walked on up the stairs. The door to the bathroom was open and I poked my head around it and said “Boo!”

Forrest was staring at his reflection in the mirror, and he jumped when I came around the corner. I asked, “What’s up? Something wrong?”

Forrest just looked at me, then he walked past me and yelled down the stairs, “Hey, Greg, get your butt up here.” I wasn’t sure what was going on, but it was obvious that Forrest was taking charge.

“Whatcha need, man?” I heard Greg say as he walked up stairs. Something about the tone of his voice, though, told me he knew more about what was going to happen than perhaps I did.

“Which is your room?” Forrest asked me. I pointed to my bedroom, and as he walked in, he asked, “Who’s the other room belong to? Anybody we need to worry about?” I shook my head no, and he nodded.

I was standing just inside the door, and Forrest had walked up to the head of my bed and Greg was standing at the foot. I turned on the light, but Forrest vetoed that and asked if I had a lamp or something. I had to admit, it was turning me on that he was so in charge. Not demanding, just going for what he wanted. I switched off the light and turned on the light on the landing of the staircase.

“Yeah, man, that’s more like it. Good enough you can tell what’s going on.” I saw the dim light shine off his teeth as he smiled. Then he took off his shirt, and there I was looking at a well-defined, smooth chest. Starting at his navel there was a happy trail. I couldn’t wait to see where it went. He unbuckled his belt, and stopped with his hands on his hips. “Man, come on, Greg. I promise you, you’re gonna love it.”

I had almost forgotten Greg, as I stared at Forrest. Greg leaned back against the footboard of the bad and began taking off his boots. I turned back to Forrest, and he saw the question in my eyes. While he took off his own boots, he told me, “Our boy here ain’t never messed around before. I’ve told him its great to get a BJ from a guy, ‘cause they know what feels good.” Needless to say, my interest in ol’ Greg just went up several notches. Who doesn’t want to be a guy’s first? As Greg straightened up from taking off his boots, I walked over to him and stood in front of him. I’m sure he thought I was about to kiss him, as he started to draw his head back a bit and shake his head. I knew that was too much for a guy who wasn’t even sure he wanted to do this, so I just reached forward and grabbed his shirt and began untucking it. As I pulled it over his head, his arms fell to his side, and I noticed from the corner of my eye that Forrest was standing there, watching us. As I had pulled Greg’s shirt off, and while his arms were raised, I had caught the scent of him. Healthy young male mixed with a hint of cologne, he smelled clean and hot and excited and a little scared. I reached out and placed my hand on his chest, and began to rub my hand across it. After a couple of trips, I felt his nipples begin to harden against my palm, and his eyelids drooped a bit. That’s when I knew he was relaxing. I looked at my hand, and I noticed that his entire body was covered in freckles. I had never seen someone with so many freckles, and I have to admit, I had never considered it before, but it was incredibly intense for some reason. I placed my hands on his hips, and Greg opened his eyes. I ran my hands up his sides, and raised his arms again. There was a puzzled look on his face as I ran my hands to the ends of his arms, and folded them behind his head. Forrest had unzipped his pants, but had stopped undressing, sitting on my bed and watching my progress intensely. After I got Greg’s hands behind his head, I leant in toward his left nipple, and began slowly licking it, nipping it with my lips and licking slow circles around it. His chest quivered a bit, and I looked up at him. Greg still looked a bit unsettled, but I was beginning to see, in the back of his eyes, an ember begin to smoulder. I was turning this straight guy on!

I went back to work on his nipple, then licked across his chest to his right nipple. It was hard and ready, and I heard a quiet groan in the back of his throat. I ventured further over, and dove into his pit. To be as smooth as his chest was, not a hair to be seen, he had some major pit hair! Man, I went to work, really working on that pit, licking and sucking, tasting his sweat and smelling his man-scent. I could feel his body as it swayed into me, and that’s when I ran my hand down his belly to the front of his pants. I was greeted by something very hard, pointing toward his left hip. I pulled back and looked over at Forrest, sitting on my bed with his jeans open and his hand down the front of his jockeys. He was staring at us.

“I think he’s starting to believe you,” I told him.

Forrest smiled and stood up, pushed his jeans down and stepped out of them. When he stood up, the light fell across him and I was pleasantly surprised to see the pole tenting out the front of his underwear.

“Who’s a big boy, then?” I asked. Forrest smiled and pulled down his white undies, his hard cock flopping up to slap his belly. Man, was he hung! He had to have been 8 inches, maybe a bit more, and from the collar of skin around the head, he was obviously uncut. I couldn’t wait to get my mouth wrapped around it, but it was a difficult choice: a gorgeous, thick, uncut cock, or a virgin? Decisions, decisions…

I turned back to Greg, and took his hand. I noticed that he was staring at Forrest’s cock, too, and I wondered if this might really get interesting. Right now, though, I was figuring out how to get these cocks into my mouth. I led Greg to the side of the bed, and unbuttoned his jeans. He looked down at me, on my knees in front of him, and just stared. His arms were just hanging at his sides, and I noticed that he was looking back and forth between what my hands were doing and Forrest’s hand slowly stroking up and down that meat. After unzipping his jeans, I pulled them down and, as he stepped out of them, his boxers parted and his hard cock popped out. It was a beauty, perfectly straight, the same thickness from beginning to end, with a nice mushroom head. Greg was just as obviously cut. I pulled down his boxers, and his cock flipped up and hit him in the belly with a loud smack, leaving a spot of juice below his navel. I couldn’t help but notice also that even though his chest was hairless and smooth, his hairy pits were a better indication from the waist down. Man, his bush around his cock was a wild forest of hair, and his legs were covered with thick, wiry blonde hairs. Running my hand up the inside of his thighs, I felt that his ass was covered in a pelt of the same blonde hair. I pushed him toward the bed, and he sat with his back against the footboard, facing Forrest.

So there I was, with these two hot, horny young guys, nekkid and in my bed! Man, I shucked my clothes without much grace, down to my own jockeys, and got down on my knees beside the bed between them both.

“So which one do you want first?” Forrest asked. Greg kind of giggled, and then Forrest laughed, and so did I. Why not? Here we were, three young, horny guys about to have some fun and get off. What else did you need? I leaned forward, and began kissing the inside of Forrest’s thigh. I made my way up to his nuts, and he leaned back as I reached under his sac and held it up so I could swab it well. Forrest jabbed his hips out and moaned. Greg asked, “Forrest, is he doing it? Is it in his mouth?” and then I started licking up his shaft, tasting his tangy syrup. “Not yet, Greg, but damn he’s making it feel good!” he answered. As I got to the head, I licked around the ridge quickly with my tongue, and was rewarded with a big flex and another groan. “I’ll get back to you on that,” I told him.

Then I turned to Greg. His whole body was shivering, I suppose from nerves, but I’m sure some of it was just being turned-on. I ran my hand up his thigh, and cupped his balls. I could feel the dense hair against the back of my hand as I held them. As I bent to his crotch, Greg leaned back and slid his hips forward a bit, and his knee hit Forrest’s. I leaned in and began to lick his balls, reaching up to tweak a nipple. I wanted him to feel as much pleasure as possible, because I feared he would shoot off the minute I took him in my mouth. Man, there was something intoxicating about the smell of this guy. He smelled so clean and hot, sweaty but not dirty, just that hot man smell coming from between his legs. Guess he smelled so strong because of all the hair. I really wanted to dive in there and rim that ass, but I was afraid to turn him off. So I contented myself with licking his sac, taking one nut into my mouth at a time and bathing them with my tongue.

“Man, what the hell are you doing? Shit, Forrest, man, it feels so damn good. He’s not even on my dick, yet. Man, I think I’m gonna cum.” I pulled back quick and gently pulled down on his nuts, calming him down that way and also by pinching a nipple a little hard to distract him. “Oh, man, that hurts,” he said, pulling away from my hand.

“Sorry, Greg, I just didn’t want you to cum yet. It gets better, I promise,” I reassured him. I realized, looking into his eyes, that his statement was just that, a statement, not a complaint. I remember thinking that maybe this guy has a little bit of freak in him.

I turned to Forrest, and I noticed that he was watching me service Greg, stroking his meat, and grinning at Greg’s reaction. “You like that, huh?” he said, laughing a little under his breath. He had caught the inflection as well. He jumped a little when I knocked his hand away from his cock.

“That’s my territory tonight. You just sit there and enjoy.”

Forrest smiled down at me and said, “Go for it, man. Its all yours for as long as you want it,” spreading his arms wide to signal his surrender.

Greg perked up, and asked, “Is he gonna take it this time?”

“I don’t know what he’s gonna do, but I’ll bet whatever it is, I enjoy it!” Forrest responded.

I didn’t disappoint. I licked around his ridge, tasting some more of his pre-cum and getting lost in the taste of him. Then I took him in my mouth, sliding my lips down his shaft, holding it tightly with my tongue. As I started my descent, Forrest was letting out a low groan, that was gradually getting louder and louder. By the time I was halfway down, I tightened up my lips on the shaft and began to use my tongue against the underside of his head, using the point to flick back and forth across the point where the underside of the head joins the shaft.

As Forrest’s groaning grew louder, Greg began asking, “Is he doing it, Forrest? Is he sucking your cock?” The room was fairly dark, as I said, and I suppose my head was throwing a shadow over Forrest’s crotch. I felt hot breath, and opening my eyes I noticed that Greg was right beside me, watching my mouth as it traveled down his buddy’s shaft. His eyes were bugged out, and I figured, what the hell, let him watch. I closed my eyes again and redoubled my efforts, taking in more of his shaft and still working on the head. Forrest’s hips began to involuntarily jump each time I flicked him, and I knew I was getting to him. His thick cock was swelling even bigger, and I circled his ball sac with my hand and pulled down, to slow him down. Then I stopped the tongue action and just started sliding down his shaft. I wasn’t sure I could do it, but I was going to try. I could still feel Greg’s breath on the side of my face, and I knew he was right there. I began to feel Forrest’s pubic hair on my nose, and I knew it was almost there.

That’s when the announcement came. “Man, Forrest, he’s got almost all of your cock in his mouth! Forrest, look, man, look!”

Forrest picked his head up and looked down at me. “Oh, yeah, buddy, that’s what I like to see. Man, that’s hot, seeing my big hard cock disappear down somebody’s throat. Shit, man, I knew you’d know how to treat me right.” I felt his hand on the back of my head, and then I started to slowly ascend his shaft, finally getting to the head and circling it once more with my tongue. Down, and up, slowly taking him in and then letting him glide across my tightened lips. Then I noticed that Greg was still right there, staring at Forrest’s cock, not more than four inches away. Forrest had thrown his head back again, and wasn’t looking. With my hand around his nut sac, I pulled down again and let his cock pop out of my mouth, pointing it at Greg’s mouth. His eyes followed it as though he was hypnotized. The head was less than an inch from his open mouth. Suddenly, his eyes darted to me, then his mouth shut and he sat back quickly. Guess he wasn’t quite ready to take that step yet.

To prove his masculinity, he leaned forward and put his hand on the back of my head, pulling it toward his crotch and telling me, “ Go ahead man, I’m ready for it. Do it, take my dick in your mouth and suck me.” He slid his hips a bit more forward on the bed, and that’s when I realized that Forrest had straightened out his leg, and that it was laying over Greg’s thigh. Forrest had looked down when Greg spoke, aroused from his state of bliss by the tone of authority in Greg’s voice. There was no doubt, confused he might be about his desires, but Greg was definitely all man. He pulled me forward, pushing down on the base of his cock with his thumb until it was pointed right at my mouth. I opened my lips and gently took him in. At the touch of my lips, Greg hissed and took in a deep breath.

“Greg, man, damn, you should see your chest,” Forrest said, “ You can see all the muscles standing out. See what I mean? Told ya’ it was gonna beat anything you ever felt! He working you with that tongue, yet?” Forrest reached out and ran his hand up and down Greg’s bicep, squeezing it. I was being very gentle, just a few quick touches with my tongue, sucking him lightly to prolong the pleasure. In his ecstasy, he was still holding the back of my head, holding me down on his meat but limiting my movement. That was good, too, because it contained the stimulation. I finally took a few good hard swipes with my tongue, sucked him to the base and then quickly drew back as he thrust his hips in a jerk. I was afraid that was it, but Greg froze and groaned, while Forrest cooed at him, “Whoa there, buddy. Not yet. Let’s let it go on for a while. Take a deep breath, come on, calm down.” Greg did take a deep breath, blowing it out hard between pursed lips. It was almost more than I could take. That scent had gotten me again, and I swore before the night was over I was gonna chew on his ass until it fell apart!

I was still bent down close to Greg’s cock, as I hadn’t wanted to miss a drop if he couldn’t stop in time. I felt something moist poke my cheek, and I turned my head to see that Forrest’s cock was right there. Between the two of them moving forward and leaning back, humping their hips into my face, their crotches had moved closer together. Their balls were almost touching now. Forrest’s left leg was still on the floor, and somehow Greg’s right leg had gotten on Forrest’s left thigh, near his hip. Greg’s left leg was cocked up, his knee raised, and Forrest’s right leg was underneath it. As I looked down at them, it struck me that the combined heat and scent rising from their crotches was driving me wild. My God, I was so into all this that I still had my jockeys on! They were so wet with pre-cum, and so much had run out of my cock and into my pubic hair, that it was slimy. They were both watching me, Greg waiting for me to get back to work, Forrest with a bit of appreciation. I grabbed each of their cocks in my hands. As I stroked up and down them, slowly, almost as if I willed it, both of them raised up on their hands and pushed themselves forward until their balls were rubbing together.

“Go ahead, put ‘em together,” Forrest said. Greg’s eyes got big around again, and I grabbed them both with both hands. What a hot sight! Two steaming hot guys with dripping wet cocks being rubbed together! Like Campbell’s soup, it was “Mmmm, Mmmm, Good!” but I didn’t think I’d see this flavor on a label anytime soon. I bent over, and Greg spouted, ” Man, he’s gonna do us both at once?!?”

“Just lean back and enjoy it, man,” Forrest replied. “Show me how much you want our cocks, Ronnie.”

I did just that. Granted, Forrest was a bit longer, but with Greg’s hip twisted a bit by the way they were sitting he just about made up for that. Greg was about the same thickness as Forrest, and that’s where my real problem came in. I could barely squeeze my lips around both of them, but I managed to do it. While I traced around their heads with my tongue, I was stroking up and down their shafts. Greg was starting to shift his hips up and down, and I knew he was enjoying rubbing his cock against his buddy. Then, something occurred to me. Hell, I’d been working on this uncut cock, and I had been completely ignoring that foreskin! So I pulled off them suddenly.

“What’s wrong?” Forrest asked.

“Why’d you stop?” Greg wanted to know. I knew he was getting off on this.

I just smiled and asked Forrest to scoot back up a bit. He did, and when he did, I pulled his foreskin all the way up on his prick. Oh, yeah, there was more than enough. While I had his foreskin pulled forward, I stuck my tongue inside and licked around his head a few times, making sure I was dropping plenty of spit inside there to get it nice and juicy. It didn’t need much, what with all his pre-cum. Then I pulled his cock down until it was pointed at Greg. With my other hand, I pulled Greg’s cock down until the heads were right together.

“Oh, man, I never tried this,” Forrest stated, excitement making his voice raise a level or two.

“What’s gonna happen?” Greg asked, even as he threw his head back from feeling the head of his cock rubbing against Forrest’s. I lined them up, and then pushed Forrest’s foreskin up over the head of Greg’s dick. Just like I figured, that was all it took for Greg to go off.

“Oh, holy shit, man, what the fuck? Don’t, stop, man I’m gonna…” and that trailed off into a series of grunts and hip jerks. His cock was swelling, and I knew he was over the edge. I immediately pulled their cocks apart and took him deep into my throat. I could feel his cock flex once, twice, and on the third time I could feel him spurt his first load of cum into my throat, feeling as though it spit hard against the back of my throat. He shot again and again, grunting with each shot. I swallowed and continued to suck him. He tasted like he smelled, hot and fresh and musky. He finally finished cumming, and I decided to give him as much as he could stand. I nursed on his cock, licking lightly around the head and bobbing my head up and down on him, bringing on wave after wave of aftershocks.

Forrest noticed what I was doing, and began to encourage Greg and me. “Yeah, Ronnie, keep on doing it. Greg, man, hold on, he’s gonna make you curl your toes!” Greg began to try to push me away, but Forrest held his arms. It was more than he thought he could stand, and his body began to involuntarily shake and shudder with each stroke up and down his cock my lips made. He would raise his hips up and pull them down, pulling his hips back to get away from the overwhelming pleasure/pain, but thrusting his hips forward on the downbeat. Finally it was all too much for him, and he jerked away from Forrest’s hands and pushed my head away.

He was breathing almost violently hard, and he lay back and swallowed, then looked over at us and smiled. We all started laughing, and he volunteered, “Man, that tickled so damn much after I shot, it was awesome!” We laughed a bit more, then, as his breathing calmed, it dawned on him that Forrest hadn’t gotten off. He reached over, and grabbed Forrest’s cock, aiming it at my mouth and pushing me down on him with the order, “Do it for my buddy now, man.”

I didn’t have to be told twice. I also noted that Forrest had jumped a bit when he felt Greg’s hand grab him. I sensed Forrest was up for a bit more, but I could sense that he wasn’t quite ready for his pal to know how into this he was. So, as I descended on that juicy, pre-cum wet dick, tasting that familiar flavor once more, I brought my hand up under my chin, pushing Greg’s hand away. I held his cock in such a way that my left index finger was up alongside the tube underneath his shaft. I took a few slides on that throat tickler, getting my finger nice and wet in the process. When I knew it was lubed up, I took my hand and went up behind his balls. From Greg’s point of view, I hoped it looked as though I was working his nuts. Instead, I slid my finger along his taint and then up and around that puckered entrance. The minute my finger circled his hole, his head shot up and he looked at me. It was a look that said, “Shit man, you got me all figured out.” He just smiled a wide smile, and said, “Go for it, man.” I slowly entered his ass with my finger, tonguing around inside his foreskin and working on that head with my tongue. I began to feel around, and then I found it. That hard, little walnut-shaped pleasure button. I circled it with my finger, bringing more and more pressure to bear, with my finger and with my tongue. His hips began to undulate, thrusting his ass back on my finger and his prick down my throat. His meat was swelling, and suddenly he jerked up and said, “Take it man, here it comes, gonna cream your throat, swallow it man, drink my juice!” And juice me he did! His cum was much different, thicker and creamier, and it didn’t shoot out like Greg’s. It just kinda poured out in streams, almost like a slow-motion piss of man-cream. I savored the taste, rolling it around my tongue as I continued to work his dick, licking and bobbing my head. He reached up and held onto the headboard, his body tense and stiff, his toes pointed, and breath coming in and out of his nose in great blasts. Greg was there, running his hand up and down Forrest’s thigh, encouraging him in his turn.

“Hold on, man, you feel that? Feels like its kinda burning, but it feels good, too, huh?”

I kept sucking him, still running my finger around his prostate, until he finally let go of the headboard and grabbed my head.

“No more, man, no more for now,” he said as he pulled my head off his cock. “Fuck, man, that was unbelievable!”

I smiled at him, and he took a deep breath and exhaled, ran his fingers through his hair, and looked at me and laughed. I started licking and kissing the inside of his thigh, and Forrest just laid there with his eyes closed and soaked it all up. I laid my head on his thigh, the smell from his crotch rising in my face. We sat there for a while, until Forrest’s breath returned to normal. Then he moved and looked down at me. I saw his eyes flicker in the light, and I turned to see Greg, crashed against the footboard. Snoring lightly, he was out of it.

Forrest smiled at me and ruffled my hair. “Let’s take a hint from him, and get some shut eye.”

We woke Greg enough to get him laying the correct way in the bed, and I lay down next to him, with Forrest on the other side of me. I still had not cum, but that was okay at the time. Man, I was exhausted after taking care of both of them. I reached into my jockeys and began fondling my hard cock. Forrest turned on his side facing me, took his hand and tweaked my nose, then let his hand fall on my chest. He grinned at me as I closed my eyes and drifted for a moment.

I don’t know how long I laid there, but I drifted off for a while. Could have been fifteen minutes, could have been a couple of hours. It was still dark. The light from the landing was still spreading its soft glow over the three of us, and the parking lot lamps were casting their light in through the window as well. I woke with a start, and an almost instant, “Shhh!,” so I didn’t move. I still felt a hand on my cock, but it wasn’t mine. One of my hands was behind my head, and the other was holding on to Forrest’s forearm as it lay across me. I looked over and saw that Forrest was awake and smiling at me. My eyes flowed across his shoulder and down his arm, until I saw his hand in my jockeys. Just then, he pulled his hand out and brought it to his lips, licking his fingers clean of all the goo my cock had been pumping out.

“You taste good. Shit man, I’ve never seen anybody pump out so much pre-cum!” he whispered to me. I wondered why he was whispering, so I looked to the other side, and noticed Greg laying, snoring softly, dead to the world. He looked so innocent lying there. I had been right. Forrest was WAY more into all this than his buddy. Slowly, I turned on my side to face Forrest, and reached for his cock. Needless to say, he was hard as a rock, and dripping as well. While we felt of each other, becoming more familiar with each other’s bodies and dicks, I got the full story out of Forrest.

He and Greg had grown up together, it was true, but they hadn’t been close until they got into college. Greg’s family owned the ranch where Forrest had grown up, Forrest’s father working for Greg’s dad. They had known each other to speak, but they moved in different circles. Even in high school, Greg had moved with the jocks and cheerleaders, while Forrest had had to work after school to help out at home. When they moved to College Station, they had run into each other on campus, and something had struck a chord. Perhaps being from the same spot did count for something. They had gotten to know each other better, and eventually became good friends.

As far as sex was concerned, Forrest had ‘matured early,’ a polite saying we use here in the South to explain the fact that a young man grew a big ol’ cock at a young age. Forrest’s father couldn’t help noticing the size of his son’s endowment, and one day he had taken Forrest out to help round up some cattle. While on this trip, he had talked Forrest into showing him his meat. Seems that Forrest’s dad didn’t have quite the endowment of his son, and he was fascinated by the length and thickness of it. So fascinated that before long, while Forrest was sleeping under the stars, he was awakened to find his father’s lips fastened around his hard cock. He had shot off immediately, but that started a pattern that was to continue for some time. Forrest would be awakened on many occasions to find his father had sneaked into his room and swallowed his dick.

I had to make Forrest stop teasing my cock for a minute. I wanted to hear the entire story, and I was about to shoot as the image of Forrest laying under the stars with his father sucking on his beautiful prick burned itself into my brain. I noticed that Forrest was checking over my shoulder on occasion, afraid Greg would wake up and hear what we were talking about. Finally, I calmed down a bit, and Forrest resumed both his stroking of my cock, and his story.

As he got older, he began to notice that his father would spend some time up at the horse barn, occasionally spending the night. One night, while Forrest was in high school, he had snuck out and followed his dad up there. The horse barn had some living quarters in it, but there hadn’t been enough work on the ranch to keep hired hands for years. Forrest sneaked up to the barn and peeked in a window, only to discover his dad and a couple of his buddies from town, all naked and playing with each other. He had been shocked at the sight, and pulled back from the window and ran all the way home. Later, when Forrest was at home lying in bed, he jerked off a couple of times before going to sleep.

On another occasion, Forrest had come across a cowboy named David, who he knew from the area, bathing in the creek. Forrest was able to watch him from some bushes, as he washed and then walked out of the water. Seeing that fully grown man nude in full daylight was almost more than he could stand. The cowboy had looked around to see if anyone was around, then he’d laid down and drowsed in the sun with his hat over his face. While he was asleep, he evidently had a good dream, as his cock began to fill out and stood up straight from his loins. Forrest couldn’t help himself, and he snuck out of his hiding place and eased himself over. Slowly, he crept up, until he was finally near enough to the young man that he could touch him. Forrest enjoyed looking at his body, wanting to touch him because the young man’s chest was covered with hair, so different from Forrest’s own. He reached his hand out, and ran his hand softly across David’s chest. When the cowboy didn’t move, Forrest became more bold and felt of his chest again, this time rubbing his hand up and down his belly. On one down stroke, the back of Forrest’s hand hit the young man’s hard dick, and it bobbed and jerked in reaction. There was a string of pre-cum dripping from his cockhead and forming a pool on his belly, and Forrest couldn’t stop himself from putting his finger in the nectar and tasting it. It had a light, slick feeling, and almost no taste, but a smell he’d noticed from smelling himself. The young man shifted, and Forrest almost ran away, but then he mumbled something and snored softly. The barriers were down now that Forrest was sure the young cowboy was asleep, and he decided to discover why his father enjoyed sucking. He bent forward, taking the young man’s cock into his mouth, and licking around it a few times. When the young man didn’t awaken, merely moved his hips a little, Forrest took him into his mouth and proceeded to slide up and down his meat. The young man began to move his hips, and all of a sudden was shooting a big load of cum into his mouth! It was so sudden, Forrest had let the cock fall from his lips as it continued to shoot, and spit out the cum he had in his mouth on the man’s belly. Forrest stood up, and he began to walk away, stunned by what he had done. As he looked back, he thought he saw the young cowboy’s hat move, but he wasn’t sure.

This time it was Forrest who stopped my hand. Seems like the memory of the cowboy got to him a bit. When he was calmed down, Forrest finished up. Other than that, Forrest had only met a couple of guys on occasion, in a way similar to the way in which we had met, and gotten blow-jobs from a few of them. He had always admired Greg, though, and as they became friends, he began trying to figure a way of getting him to play around. Tonight was the first time he’d ever gotten Greg to do anything, and he was pleased with what he had accomplished. I didn’t tell him about the way Greg had been so close to his cock, but I guessed that maybe that interest was returned.

Forrest and I had been stroking each other’s cocks, slowly, teasing us along. I was hotter than a firecracker, not having cum yet, but I wanted another taste of his meat. The way we were lying, the only thing for me to do was to sit up, spin around, and lay back down, putting us into a 69. I disturbed Greg a little, but he just turned on his side facing away from us and was soon back asleep. I have to admit, the sight of his ass as he lay facing away from me was tempting, but I already had a hot, dripping cock in front of my face, so what choice did I have? I took my time again, exploring his prick, licking it all over, sucking it down my throat and laving it with my tongue, twisting my head in a corkscrew motion as I sucked up and down his shaft, pulling on his foreskin lightly with my teeth and licking around the cup formed inside his skin when I pulled it up. In the meantime, Forrest was stroking me, slowly, exploring my body as well. Then I felt it. His tongue, gently licking across my head and getting a taste of my dick, looking for the flavor of my pre-cum. It was only for a second, and I pulled off his piece and looked down at him. He was looking over at Greg, and I shifted my gaze to him as well. He was still peacefully asleep, facing the door. Gradually, Forrest became bolder, licking my shaft, tasting it, taking it into his mouth. It was obvious that, while he had told me some of his story, either he’d left some things out, or he was a born cocksucker. Man, he didn’t have any trouble pleasing me, and before long we both had a mouthful, and were quietly moaning around the meat in our mouths. It didn’t take me long before a fire lit at the base of my cock and I began spraying his throat with a load of cum torn from my balls that blew my mind. Man, I almost drowned him with my shots, and, when I finished, he looked down at me. In the light from the window, there was a glisten under his nose. I asked him if he was alright, he smiled and said that he had choked for a minute, and cum had come out his nose! It was gross, but funny at the time. We smiled, and I worked on him a minute more, before I felt Greg roll over again. Worried that Greg might have heard us, Forrest began to lose his hard on. I didn’t have to worry about that, though, as when Greg rolled over on his back, he revealed that, awake or not, his dick was definitely ready for round two!

I rubbed the inside of Forrest’s thigh, and he looked at me. I smiled a smile of reassurance and moved from him and took Greg in my hand. I began to stroke his meat, marveling at the difference between a cut and an uncut cock. I picked it up and stroked it up and down in the dim light, so that Forrest could see and enjoy it. Greg didn’t seem disturbed, so I stroked it a bit more, until I saw a gleam in the eye of Greg’s prick. I rubbed my finger in it, and turned to see Forrest up on one elbow, leaning toward me to see more clearly. His other hand slowly fisted his cock. I held my hand out to him, putting my finger near his mouth. He sniffed it, and then locked eyes with me. He opened his mouth, and tasted his buddy for the first time. I did notice that his hand sped up a bit for a moment. I turned back to Greg, and slowly began circling the head of his cock with my tongue sticking out, doing as much as I could to make sure that Forrest could see me. I backed off and ran my finger up the tube along the bottom of Greg’s cock, then wiped the pre-cum off on my finger, again offering it to Forrest. This time when I turned I noticed that he had moved closer, and he eagerly took my finger in his mouth, licking it and sucking it almost like a cock. He was definitely getting into this even more. The fact that Greg lay there, his arms over his head, snoring softly, only added to the experience for him. To make more room for Forrest, I got up on my knees and bent over Greg, sucking him into my mouth once more. Slowly sliding up and down on his meat, I noticed that Forrest had taken me up on my unspoken offer and had moved closer. Now, I could feel his breath on my face as I played the skin flute. I backed off again, running my finger up the tube on his underside again, but this time, as the goo was glistening in his pee-slit, I bent his cock over and offered it to Forrest. He was staring at it as I aimed it as his face, and then looked in my eyes. He glanced up at Greg’s face, but he seemed to still be out of it. Feeling safer, he slowly stuck out his tongue and tasted his buddy’s juice straight from the source. One lick, and Forrest was lost. Man, I was already hard again from sucking Greg, but seeing Forrest take his buddy’s meat was enough to make me cum again, which I tried hard to keep from doing. Forrest was being gentle, taking care not to wake Greg. He brought his adoration of his buddy into his work, and he was doing a hell of a job. Greg began to move his hips, and his legs spread. He dug his heels into the mattress so he could fuck up into that mouth that was bringing him so much pleasure. It began to dawn on me that Greg was getting way too into it for him to be asleep. He was making little “uh...uh…uh” noises, high pitched and quiet, as he humped up into his buddy’s mouth. I took advantage of this, and bent down and took his balls into my mouth. Greg’s only response was to spread his legs wider, bending his knees and planting his feet close to those hairy buns. I looked up, and Greg’s arm was now thrown across his eyes, blocking his vision. I knew then he was definitely awake, and knew what was going on. I couldn’t resist any longer and, locking eyes one more time with Forrest, dove into the forest of golden hair between his thighs, licking and sucking, working my tongue along his crack, tasting his musky sweat. He still smelled so clean, even down there, it was just the scent of a horny young man looking to get a nut. My tongue hit his wrinkled hole, and as I licked around it I felt it pucker, then begin to pulsate. I pulled back up just in time to see Forrest’s cheeks puff out, and I knew he was shooting a few buckets of man juice into his buddy’s mouth. I looked past Forrest’s head and thought I saw a glimmer from the light reflecting off Greg’s eyes. It was just an instant, and then I saw Forrest swallow and let Greg’s thick meat flop out of his mouth and land with a soft splat on his belly. Greg’s head turned and he brought a hand to his face to rub his eyes. Forrest immediately jumped back and lie down on his side, facing away from Greg and feigning sleep. By the time Greg had ‘rubbed the sleep from his eyes,’ and ‘awakened,’ he saw was me sitting there, finishing myself off and popping a nut of cum on myself. He grinned at me, and I looked at Forrest’s back. He looked over at Forrest, then back at me, then smiled again and got out of bed. He walked into the bathroom and took a piss, then came back to bed. He lie down beside me, as I had lain down again by the time he got back. He leaned into my ear and whispered, “That sure felt great, you down there licking between my legs. Reckon Forrest heard us?”

I just stared at him, and wondered at it all. There was no doubt in my mind that he had been awake for most, if not all, of the last blowjob he had gotten. He had to have realized that there were two mouths working on him. Who else did he think it was? I just chuckled to myself and rolled over against Greg, throwing my arm over his chest. I took a chance and kissed him on the cheek, and he made a satisfied grunt and grabbed onto my arm and squeezed it. When he felt me hardening against his thigh, he rolled onto his side away from me, raised his leg, reached between them with his hand, and placed my cock between his hairy thighs. Man, that wiry hair was doing a hell of a number on my hard dick, but I was too worn out to do anything other than enjoy the feeling. Then he grabbed my hand and placed it on his hardening cock, and settled in. We lay like that for a few minutes, getting comfortable and relaxed, when I felt the bed move again. Forrest rolled over against my back, and without thinking, I raised my leg, and his hard cock nestled between my legs, up beside my balls. Sweaty, hot, smelling of cum and man, Forrest’s arm crossed over us both and fell on Greg’s nipple, teasing it softly as we three drifted off to a satisfied sleep.

If you liked the story, tell me about it! E-mail me at


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Pool Hall Pickup, Part 2

If you didn't read part one, I've just finished getting one guy off, and he told me to make his buddy feel as good. I didn’t have to be told twice. I also noted that Forrest had jumped a bit when he felt Greg’s hand grab him. I sensed Forrest was up for a bit more, but I could sense that he wasn’t quite ready for his pal to know how into this he was. So, as I descended on that juicy,

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