Gay Erotic Stories

Chris and I

by Ryan023
18 May 2005

College Days Frottage Hairy

Junior year of college was odd. I was coming out to myself and my friends and I was switching majors and living arrangements. I was living in a dorm- with mostly underclassmen. My RA, Chris, was also a junior and a beacon of maturity, well, and other things. He was pretty hot. Being kind of shy, I rarely instigated conversations with him, as I didn't know a whole lot about him. As the year wore on I saw more of him and we got to know each other.

We saw each other at the campus gym. He favored sleeveless shirts and tight boxer briefs or spandex under loose gym shorts. I was a basic t-shirt and shorts kind of guy. We began to make arrangements to go to the gym together after a class we had together too. Here's a run down of my growing attraction for him:

I once knocked and entered his room to find him wrapped in a towel- he just showered. His body was wet as he was trying to hurry up and change to get to a night class. Chris is built but not over-muscled. His next door handsome good looks were genuine as was his body- natural but strong and fit if that makes sense. He is about 6'2", maybe around 180lbs as he has some solid mass, not flabby. His chest is amazing. His pecs glide out into flat round slabs. His nipples are a perfect size-large and sensitive, and his abs are visible and stomach muscles are toned around them. While he had a good amount of chest hair it was neat and trimmed I guess. Hair clustered in between his pecs and fanned out across his pecs and around his nipples. It flowed down to his abs, where it fanned again across his stomach and around his naval and spread down into the towel. His navel is set in between his stomach muscles. His arms are big and his back is smooth and strong gliding to his hips perfection. He really is amazing to look at.

I was stunned when I saw him, as it was my first time to see his body. He excused himself and explained he had to run. I turned around a second to give him privacy as we talked and he said okay and I tuned to see him in a pair of solid black boxers, not too tight but still not big loose boxers. He was slipping a tanktop over his head. I was hard at the sight of seeing his chest and arm muscles work and the look of the shirt stretching across his strong body. He smelled like musky fresh deodorant. He threw some jeans and a button up shirt on as we finished making dinner plans and we left- he to class and me to my room too, well, I'm sure you can guess.

I also saw him shaving with just some cute trunk briefs on in the shared bathroom on the floor. I didn't stay, just passed through to the can but I wanted to linger and absorb his body. Again, his chest hair and entire body surprised me when I saw him. The water from his shaving ran down his chest, patting his pec hair down. His shoulders and back moved as he shaved. I think he saw the look on my face and perhaps knew I was into him. That was my fear anyway so I stayed away from him for a few days after that.

Finally, at the end of the year, some friends and I were going to move into an apartment (finally) and we needed another person so I asked Chris if he was interested. At that point we'd become good friends, classmates, workout buddies, and meal pals. I knew some of his friends and he knew some of mine. To not ask him would have been weird. However, during this time, he did not know I was gay- as most of my friends also didn't know--including my new roommates.

Fall the next year came and we all moved in. The night second night there Chris unpacked an entertainment center he got from someone. Our apartment was sweltering- so frigg'n hot and the center was in a lot of pieces and a bit trashy so fixing it together was not easy. Chris stripped off his shirt at one point and worked shirtless. I was in heaven. His shorts rode low and I could see the top of his tight trunk briefs- white. He worked the screw gun and wiped sweat from his face. His chest and back were wet from sweat. I was wearing a tight old small t-shirt I ripped the sleeves off of- since we were cleaning and setting things up all day. Chris asked how I could keep my shirt on in the heat. I agreed and tried to pull it off my body but it was stuck to my flesh from the sweat and heat. I'll never forget the feel of this.

Chris put the screw gun down and stepped right in front of me. He grabbed at the shoulder hems of the shirt and tried to yank it off my with my arms crossed and up trying to pull the hems. We must have looked ridiculous. He then grabbed the front of the collar and yanked and the front of my shirt ripped, exposing the top of my pecs, creating a "V" rip. We laughed and I put my arms down. Chris stepped closer, took each side of the rip and ripped my shirt down my chest and stomach until it was completely torn on the front. His body breathed heavily as did mine from the pulling and we sort of looked at each other for a second- I know now that we were both turned on.

I made some joke about ripping my shirt and slipped the fabric off. My body was also wet with sweat. From good genes and working out and intramural sports I was also toned and in good shape. I had some blond hair across my pecs and a line around my navel but am mostly smooth. I'm 5'8" and 145lbs- dirty blond hair and a baby face. Chris always teases me about getting carded.

Anyway, later for a group roommates picture (there were 6 of us total) in front of the built entertainment center, I knelt in front and Chris stood behind me and put his hands on my shoulders. His large hands were hot. By that point we'd out on shirts again.

Chris and I became better friends and he even had a girlfriend for awhile. She was great- very nice, smart, funny, and hot. She could also keep up with us guys. The relationship ended though after a few months. Chris never talked about it. After, he began volunteering as a student cop/ trainee at different events and he began bartending.

He would come home and sit on my bed and tell me about what he had seen that night from customers or drunken students. I was often in bed with just boxers on and he often took off his shirt and undid his belt while talking. I loved these moments of chatting and being comfortable enough to be half naked. I loved seeing his hips glide into the top of his underwear and watch him stretch and laugh. One night after lifting drunken students into an ambulance he complained of a sore back. He unbuttoned his shirt and leaned against the door frame of my room stretching in his uniform blue pants and a white tank top. His hand held back tried to pinpoint a sore spot on his lower back. I was at the computer in a pair of gym shorts. "Let me try." I said and I stood behind him and placed my hands on his lower back. His back was warm and the white fabric was tight against his skin. I worked his lower back- up to his rib cage and down to the top of his white briefs. I bravely worked up to his bare shoulders, cupped them and needed the clenched muscles there. I gripped the sides of his shoulders and worked my hands in and out. He stretched again, bringing his back into contact with my chest and body. He groaned loudly. "Feel good or in pain?" I asked.

He signed and said, “Both!" while trying to laugh. My hands has slipped to his arm pits and worked the walls of muscles there. My fingers felt the edges of his wife beater stretched across under his arms pits where his pecs began. I so wanted to dive my hands under the shirt and stroke his body but I didn't dare.

"Thanks dude" he said and slowly walked down the hall into his room. He added, "Wait until you hear about tonight." I followed his voice into his room where he was undoing his pants. They slipped to the floor and Chris stood there in his white briefs and tanktop. I could see how tense and in pain his body was in as he sat on the bed. His briefs rode up and I could see his sizable package in between his muscles hairy thighs.

"Not only did we have to haul drunken freshmen into ambulances, but we had to break up a fight in the bar." As Chris tried to stretch on his bed, he explained that a chair was thrown at him and he had to chase down the guy who did it. "Why the hell do I do this, I don't even want to be a cop, I just thought it would be interesting." I didn't know what to say as I was staring at his…well…the whole package. I said something about quitting.

"Can you try making my back loose again?" I knew when he asked he wasn't sure if this was too far, he seemed hesitant so I replied matter-of-factly, “sure.” He lay down on his bed on his stomach. I sat on his left side next to him and began to work his lower back again. His ass was solid and cute under his briefs. His thighs were hairy and met his tight ass just under the leg holes of his briefs.

I slipped my hands under his tanktop and rubbed either side of his spine, pushing the shirt up. He grunted and I asked if things were okay. He gave a breathy, "Yeah" and I continued working my way up. When I hit his shoulders and the fabric was bunched up around my wrists and arms and arched his back up reached back with his hands and pulled his tank off over his head. He said, "There..." and settled back down. I now had full run of his back. I worked my hands over his warm back, feeling the muscles under his skin. I worked down to his waist and gripped his sides, pointing my hands down towards his front. I even began to feel some of the hair around his naval. I stopped, not wanting, but REALLY wanting to go farther. I rubbed my hands up and down his thick thighs, my hands rubbing up and down the silky hair on his legs. I wanted to go in between his thighs and feel his briefs on my hands but I was still scared he's freak out.

His body at rest lay out before me was heavenly and I didn't want to ruin this chance. I stopped and stripped off my shirt and socks. In this pause he thanked me for the attention and said he felt better. He said my hands were magic. His voice was low and tired sounding and he talked muffled through his pillow. He told me I could keep going if I wanted to, so of course I did. I got more comfortable, resting both of my knees on both sides of his thighs- my body straddling his. Before I closed his door and locked it- to make sure we wouldn't get caught in an uncompromising situation. He had the single room in our apartment since the rest of us knew each other and my other roomies did not originally know Chris.

I again massaged his shoulders and worked my hands down into his pecs, and past, feeling the edges of his pec muscles. I could feel the small scattered hairs there and I worked my hands down his sides, feeling the edges of his chest and stomach. A shiver rippled through his body and he moved his hips a bit, making his briefs move across his ass. My hands were now slightly under him at his waist band. I felt it with my finger and just stayed there for a bit. He breathed heavily and I dipped the tips of my fingers just under his waist band under him.

I felt a wall of muscle and scatterings of hair. I flowed my fingers up back and around under his waist band back to his butt. I then splayed my hands across his back roughly up and down; my crotch now settled onto his ass from straddling him for so long. My hardon was resting on his ass through my gym shorts. I sat more, putting more weight on him and Chris just sighed slightly moving his head on his pillow. I then realized that he might be asleep. I reached back and turned the lamp off on his desk, the only light that was on. I shifted up, thinking I'd run and masturbate in my room when he muttered, "Stay" quietly. I leaned in making sure he wasn't just sighing again. My bare chest now touched his back, the hair on my chest energized by his warm skin barely touching him, my crotch poking into his ass as I leaned in.

"Stay here" he said again. Feeling very confused now, I didn't know what to do. I leaned and moved my right leg so it joined the right on the other side of his body. Chris shifted to his left leaving a small gap in between him and the wall. I lay down next to him, our bodies now fully pressed into each other side by side. I then shifted up so my head was on the pillow next to his. In the process my gym shorts moved down and half my crotch, covered in my tight white boxer briefs was now showing. I laid one of my arms across his back, allowing my chest to be pressed into his side and arm pit. It was there that we fell asleep.

The next morning, I was awakened by his shift onto his back. He breathed deeply and said, "Hey." I put one of my arms across his chest, making it look by accident. I still couldn't conceive that he was into me even though he asked me to sleep with him. He was gorgeous in the morning. His stubble was thicker, his hair messed up, and his body warm and cuddly. My hand cupped his right pec, my palm feeling the round muscle and hair, his nipple pointed into my hand. He breathed deep, sat up, showing part of his cute ass crack and hauled himself out of bed. He stretched and groaned, I sort of pretended to sleep and checked out his backside again, the briefs hugging his middle his shoulders narrowing into his waist which flowed into his strong bare legs. Chris then grabbed some clothes and a towel and said, "I’m going to shower and meet someone from class."

I took this as a sign to leave so when he went into the shower I went back to my room; my roommate apparently slept at his girlfriend's house. I crawled into my bed and went back asleep. Later when I woke up, I was full of questions and lingering images and feelings of his body. We didn't talk about it. Days went by and we followed our routines of going to the gym, classes, etc.

One night, all the rest of the guys were gone a few weeks before graduation. Chris was getting ready for another shift- I was working on a big paper. I was at the sink when Chris came out of the shower, again, wrapped in a towel. He was indeed a god! He was wet and smelled of soap. His hair was spikey and of course his body was great to watch with his muscles moving on his back, arms, and chest. He wore a small silver necklace around his neck which looked hot with his bare body. Chris began to shave. When done he leaned back and stroked his chest unconsciously. I realized that this was the first night since sleeping together that our roommates were all gone again for the night- it doesn't happen very often.

We chatted about my paper, etc. He continued to stroke his chest and stomach and I tried not to show that I was watching while washing and drying my hands. He then asked, “Have you ever thought about shaving your chest?"

I was surprised by this. "Um, no, I haven't, I guess I don't really see myself having a lot of chest hair. Why do you think about it?"

"You've got some." he said. With that he reached over to my shirt and grinned. "I guess I don't need to rip another one of your shirts". He grabbed it by the hem and lifted it up. I obliged and raised my hands up and flipped it off. I was wearing wind pants and white boxer briefs again- Calvin’s with a pocket for my crotch- which feels nice.

"Yeah, you've got some- I wouldn't call you smooth" he said. His palm reached out and placed itself in between my pecs. His hand was warm and rough on my skin. His hand slipped to the left and felt the underside of my pecs and his fingers grazed my nipple. His fingers felt the hair there and moved down towards my navel and abs. The hair there was thicker and he rotated his hand and felt it with the back of his hand, looking at my chest.

I grabbed his hand and felt his fingers, then spread my hand up his arm to my shoulder- moving him so his body was facing mine. My hands then moved to the top of his chest where his light scattering of hair started. I pushed my hand down his pecs, feeling the hair get a little denser and his chest harder. I ran my hands down his torso and up again, rubbing his hard chest and silky chest hair up and down. He breathed deeply, his chest filling my palms, his pecs and abs moving to his breathing, his shoulder moving up and down. I leaned in close to his face and met me half way. We brushed our lips together. I felt his breath on my mouth and we kissed harder, slightly opening our mouths. He tilted his head and we pushed our bodies together. Our chests squeezed together, his big arms wrapping around to my back. Our stomachs rubbed into each other- my abs feeling his. Finally I felt his dick rigid under the towel against my own hard on. He moaned slightly and our lips parted. He smiled at me. I smiled and sort of laughed back. It was kind of awkward considering a moment ago we were more friends than anything else.

"I’ve wanted to do that for a long time" he said.

"Me too." I said. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into his room and he shut the door. His desk lamp was on and his bed was unmade- the sheets flipped to the side. We kissed again, breathing into each other- his smooth and hairy body rubbing into my. Our pecs kissed and his nipples grazed against mine. He jumped at this grunting almost. My hands moved up and down his big arms.

I broke the kiss and moved down his neck. I could smell the musky soap he used and I planted my face in between his pecs. I kissed the area and felt his hair there against my face. I moved my head to his left and kissed my way to the middle of his pecs, mouthing his hard skin. My lips found his large nipple. I kissed it and lapped the nub. My tongue worked the hair around it as my mouth open mouth kissed it and then sucked on it. He grunted and gasped, my mouth feeling his hard pec rise in and out as he breathed into me. I lapped and licked his nipple. It got larger and redder. My hands ran up and down his sides. My left hand cupped his right pecs, fingering the other nipple, squeezing his pec. I worked my mouth lower and kissed his abs and lapped the hair down the center of his body.

He grabbed my shoulders and stood me up. He hugged me close, my pecs and chest were wet from where I kissed his body. His arms wrapped around me and his thumbs hooked into the waistband of my pants. He pushed them down over my ass and I kicked them off. I stepped into his body, my boxer brief cup straining as my dick grew larger. I hugged him back and I pushed into him--my chest hair and thighs rubbing into his. He grabbed my ass and rubbed up and down over my underwear. He turned my and pushed me to his bed. I lay down. Chris sat on the edge of the bed. I guess it just hit him or something. He grabbed my hand and just held it.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, this is great. When we first met I never thought we'd be friends...well, or like this."

"I thought you were into women." I ventured.

He breathed deeply and smiled. "I would say more accurately, I'm into you." He smiled again. “I never thought of me liking guys. Some guys just get me going I guess."

"I, ah, really liked sleeping with you." I said. I sat up behind him and put my arms around his shoulders, pressing my chest into his back. I wrapped my arms around his side and hugged him. My hands moved to his stomach and lower. I pushed my hands to his lower stomach; past his athletic lower abs and hip bones. The hair got smoother and his towel parted. His cock was huge--he was thick and long-erect- pointing out from hair that was trimmed around his crotch. I rubbed my hands up and down his bare thighs, around his dick and balls.

He leaned to the side, turning and kissed my neck, his turn pushed his penis into my hands. It felt powerful in my palm and he moaned slightly into my neck. He eased me back down and kissed my mouth--adjusting his body to float above mine. His thick arms planted on both sides of my head he leaned in and smiled in that smartass way he has and kissed me. His mouth was warm on mine. His chest pushed into mine as his torso grinded into my stomach and thighs. His cock was hot on my boxer briefs and he thrust it into the fabric, leaving wet spots of pre-cum.

I hugged his body, my biceps in his arm pits, pushing the back his head and grabbing his shoulders and upper back. His body felt amazing above mine, he was heavy and hot; his chest hair ground into mine; the short soft hairs flowing against my sweaty chest, hot wet damp, flicking the hairs across my chest, pushing and breathing in and out as we grunted and signed together; our nipples flicking each others. I broke the kiss and pushed his ass into my crotch, his dick pointing down in between my legs. I could feel it under my sac between my legs, straddling his long meat.

"I gotta get these off," I moaned, and my hands went to my sides, tugging at the waist band. "Just like last time.” He breathed into me and smiled. He sat up and slid his hands to my chest. He outlined my nipples with his fingers- my chest was wet from sweat and his hard palms cupped my chest. He moved his hands down to my crotch and squeezed my dick through the fabric. I moaned. He was hot to see, sitting up above me, this dripping aroused chest, heavy breathing, hairy stud I'd worshipped.

The hair on his torso and chest was drenched sticking to his skin, flowing to his hard arousal, his thighs spread out on both sides of me. His right hand grabbed the fly front of my boxer briefs and the other grabbed a piece of the side and he pulled, ripping my briefs. My dick sprung up and out through the rip. His hands attacked it, gripping my pole and tugging it up and down. His thumb flicked the underside and I bucked my hips into his strong hands. He grabbed the sides and ripped more, showing off the tops of my thighs and balls. He lowered his face to my crotch and pushed my dick into his mouth. His warm wet mouth surrounded my shaft and I pumped pre-cum in. His tongue licked the underside of my head and he sucked, forcing his mouth to envelope my dick.

My hands clenched his thick shoulders. His mouth unclenched and ran up and down my shaft, his teeth lightly touching my cock. He licked the base of my shaft and my balls, nuzzling into my thighs and trimmed light pubes. He licked my stomach, and navel, reached down and ripped the waistband, releasing my underwear from my body. He continued up and kissed the ally between my pecs. His chest was now becoming more intimate with my crotch. My head felt his pecs hair rub into it. As his tongue slipped up my body with athletic chest and rubbing my dick. My dick was pushed into the valley between his pecs, my balls, feeling his lower pecs. He moved to the right and his hairy erect nipple scrapped the underside of my head. I gasped as he did this and at the same time took my right nipple into his mouth. I saw his ass move up and shirt his chest so my dick ran across his pecs to rub into his other nipple- my cock rubbing across his hard hairy chest, leaving a trail of cum. His mouth suckled my pectoral and he sucked my nipple hard, drooling all over my chest. I bucked my dick into him and grasped and clenched his hard shoulders, moaning from what his whole body did to me, my dick on fire. I pushed him down on to me flat and our cocks lined up.

His shaft milked into mine as our chest rubbed and slid, his hands stroking my hair. We kissed and began thrusting into each other- our wet friction moving us hard and fast. We wrestled and clung until he shouted and came into my crotch, covering my hard head, pushing his slick dick into mine and I came, erupting my cum over our chests and abs. We turned and came together over and over, arms hugging and feeling each other.

We stopped and realized we were on the floor, having fallen off the bed when turning. It was cooler there and we kissed for awhile as we calmed down. Chris signed and fell flat off me on the floor next to me. I turned over and put my arm across his chest and laughed to myself.

"That was fucking amazing." he said, and began to laugh.

"You're amazing." I said. I leaned in and kissed him again. I got up and went to the bathroom and came back. He was standing over the bed with the towel bunched up around his crotch. He wiped his chest, roughing up his chair, making him look even sexier if possible. He picked up what was left of my underwear and handed them to me.

"Sorry, but I can't help ripping cloths off you I guess." I took them and threw them into the trash next to his desk. I walked to him and grabbed the towel, throwing it to the floor. I kissed him, wrapping my hands around his midsection, our skin and hair making contact again.

"You can strip me anytime you want." I said smiling. "Chris, this is..." I shook my head and signed, almost feeling like I might cry from the power of this experience and my feeling for him finally out.

"Yeah." he said. He pushed my closer to him, our bodies aligned. "This was…yeah... I want to be with you." Is what he managed to say. We slipped into bed again and slept together, entwined--where we have been ever since.

After graduation and moving out we eventually told our other roommates. They took it well in time and see us closer roommates now once could say. He still surprises me and rips my clothes off- and I still stare at him when he steps out of the shower.


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