Gay Erotic Stories

La Blue Boy, Episode 1

by Ravyn
09 Aug 2005


This story is an Alternate Universe adaptation of the now-classic Japanese hentai series, La Blue Girl. The title is taken from the series, though the storyline and characters are my own. Use without permission is strictly prohibited. No money is being made from this, so please don't sue!

La Blue Boy

Episode #1


by Ravyn

It was quite possibly the hottest spring day of the year so far. At least, that was what the weatherman was saying. For once, Ryunosuke was willing to agree with him. Unfortunately, it was also one of the dreariest days he had ever seen. Not at single drop of sunshine was beaming through the thick blanket of clouds that covered the city of Tokyo. All the heat being radiated from the sun hidden far above was somehow managing to pour down onto the millions of people who took refuge in this city. The clouds were doing an excellent job of keeping the heat blocked in after it was reflected off the hard concrete that seemed to exist everywhere at once, as well as keeping the sunshine out. It didn't seem right for some reason that it could be this hot so early in the year, and still so cloudy. Still, Ryunosuke had been well versed in how things that weren't right happening all the same. It was one of the earliest lessons he'd ever received.

Sighing over his textbook, Ichikawa Ryu took one last forlorn look through the window at the depressing afternoon sky, and struggled to pay attention to the immediate task at hand. Given the sort of life he'd led up until now, one would have thought that something like Calculus would be a simple thing to accomplish. Math, however, had never been something his clan had pressed hard for him to learn. For some reason, he couldn't help but smile at that absurdity of that thought. Shinokura Academy was one of the most prestigious schools in all of Japan, located in the unlikely region of Ueno. Students here were pressured daily to be the best. It was enough to make Ryunosuke laugh. None of the students here had any idea of suffering. Most of them had come from wealthy families, the sons and daughters of rich financers and political figures who wanted their children to live up to their namesake. Despite whatever bittersweet feelings he might secretly harbor for them, Ryu did empathize with his fellow classmates. The pressure to succeed in his clan had been all too much the same, only a hundred times more fierce. And the punishment for failure was a high price, indeed. Ryunosuke knew of that price all too well. He'd come close to paying it himself... before running away. Everyone he knew here at Shinokura Academy was facinated with the whole concept of ninjas. It seemed the entire Tokyo culture held a certain romanticized idea about it. Ryu could have told them all from personal experience just how overrated it was. He knew, of course. Ryunosuke had been trained since birth to be a shinobi warrior. A member of the Suzuka clan, he and his shinobi brethren had continued to wage a secret war against their immortal adversaries, the Miroku clan. It was a war that had gone unnoticed by the outside world for centuries. Both clans had been at each other's throats since the time of the Shogunate over four hundred years ago. Now, he was in exile, in hiding, and the war carried on without him. And this was precisely how Ryunosuke wanted it. No one from either side knew his whereabouts, and should they ever learn them, it would be the end of his life. Ryu allowed his mind to wander back over the events that had led him up to where he sat now, as his hand absentmindedly trailed back through his hair. Long, thin, and a solid natural black, the traditional Suzuka warriors kept their hair up in a braided ponytail. The longer a shinobi warrior's ponytail, the higher up in rank they were. Ryunosuke's ponytail had been one of the shortest in his whole clan, coming down to just past his shoulders. The first thing he'd done after successfully fleeing the Suzuka's hidden village was to undo the band that kept his hair in, and cut it off to a shoulder length. Since arriving in Tokyo, he'd gotten it trimmed and shaped up to a more 'in-style' look. Still, every time he looked in a mirror (which wasn't very often), he still expected to see his hair hanging back out of his face. But this had also been one of the most distinguishing characteristics that identified him as a Suzuka shinobi. It had also given his face a much harder look and feel. With his long hair falling down around his face now, he somehow managed to look almost frail; delicate, even. It certainly had gotten him more than a few glances from some of the younger female students in school. Not to mention making it increasingly difficult to eat dinner. Hair mixed with food did not taste well.

Ryunosuke had no interest in any of the girls that eyed him innocently on a day to day basis. In his old village, there had been women who cleaned, women who cooked, women who dealt with the everyday running of things, and women who cared for the newborn infants. The only exception were the shin no tenshi, the Angels of Death. Certain houses in the Suzuka clan allowed the strongest females to train and become assassins. They were still subservant to any male shinobi warrior, but that did not make them any less deadly. Everyone seemed to fear them. Only the kagehoshi had the power and threat to reign them in. Ryunosuke had no idea how to deal with these so-called 'modern' Japanese women. In his village, women existed to deal with the mundane daily things, and to produce more warriors to continue the war with the Miroku clan. No one gave a thought to this. It was just the nature of things. Here, in Tokyo, however, women seemed to have gained some new kind of independence. Women were working in jobs that normally were reserved for men. He'd even heard stories of women who lived alone without husbands, and owned their own houses or apartments. Ryunosuke knew to keep his opinions to himself, as any kind of odd behavior might give him away. The last thing he needed was for anyone to get the idea that he wasn't from this city. So far, he'd managed to remain undetected thus far.

Finally, at last, the bell rang, shaking Ryu away from his thoughts. He'd managed to miss over half the notes taken on what they were expected to cover in preparation for the coming test on Saturday, not to mention whatever homework assignment the sensei had handed out. He wasn't nearly naive enough to believe his teacher had opted to give them a break from work. Students at Shinokura Academy received on average anywhere from two to three times as much homework as the average Japanese student. Needless to say, it had taken him a while to adjust to the constant work schedule. Shinobi training was one thing, but ninjas were not allowed to think for themselves. Learning things like advanced mathematics was a whole different concept. Fortunately, after almost two years of hiding, Ryu was finally getting the hang of it.

Tossing his books and notepaper into his bag, Ryunosuke stood up and silently bowed along with the rest of the student body as the teacher left, then began filing out the door into the hallway. Thankfully, it was his last class for the day. Normally, he would have been worried about not having all the material in time for his test. But today, given the dark and unbearable weather, he just couldn't bring himself to worry over it.

I'll just have to get the notes and assignment from someone before Saturday, he thought restlessly.

There wasn't any point in worrying about it, now. His classes were finally over for the day, and now he was free to devote his time to one of the two things he enjoyed most. Walking past a few of his sempai, Ryu gave them a slight nod without pausing, and continued down the long stretch of hallway in front of him. When he had first arrived here, the building had appeared even more depressing than the climate today. His first thought upon glimpsing the inside of it was that it somehow resembled pictures of a prison. The walls were threadbare and showed very little personality or color. And each classroom was directly opposite another, like the cells of a jailhouse. The irony had not escaped him then, any more than it did now. He had escaped from one prison, only to find himself inside another. Still, this particular prison was much preferable to the one he'd left behind. At least here it was less likely for someone to try and kill him. Unless, of course, you counted his sensei trying to drown him in homework.

Finally, Ryunosuke reached the bottom floor of the school building. Without speaking to anyone, he silently walked over to his locker and spun the combination lock. Reaching inside for his shoes, he quickly changed them out and placed the regulation loafers Shinokura required all students to wear inside. At last, with his feet placed in something comfortable, he began his trek out the door and around the school building to the soccer field in back.

Somehow, it just felt right for him to be doing something, anything, athletic. After spending so many years training his body to be a perfect fighting machine, a simple game of soccer was actually the most fun way he could think of to pass the afternoon. The only downside to this lay in the fact that Ryu had to be extra careful about how well he played. Compared to the other members of his team, Ryunosuke might as well have been in the pro leagues. All soccer players were expected to be able to run up to an hour without stopping. Ryunosuke had been able to run over whole mountain tops in the space of a night without slowing down once. Everything about his body was lean and solid as steel; perfect for swiftness and combat. It had seemed comical at first that he could have out-performed everyone on the field without even trying.

But Ryu didn't dare let anyone see just how good he was. The last thing he need to do was compromise his position by drawing undue attention to himself. As long as the coach and his teammates never suspected him, never saw him as anything more than a slightly above-average player, he was safe. Or, at least, as safe as he would ever get. Ryunosuke could never once let his guard down. He had been a member of the Suzuka clan all his life, and was way too realistic to think that somewhere, the shin no tenshi were searching tirelessly for him. It was the greatest threat the kagehoshi had to keep everyone in line. No one, no matter how frightened or desperate, wanted to be hunted down by the Angels of Death. Relentless and deadly, they were the most feared warriors the Suzuka clan had. Had they been allowed to enter the frontlines in the war against the Miroku, the war might have ended a long time ago. Many people within his former clan had thought so, including him. Yet, the kagehoshi had refused to allow them to enter the heart of the fray. In their own words, the shin no tenshi were incredible warriors, but few in numbers. It would be a waste to risk losing their greatest assassins by placing them in the heat of battle. Ryunosuke strongly suspected, however, that the kagehoshi's real reason for not allowing the shin no tenshi to fight was out of fear that, once gone, there would be no threat to keep their people in line. Most of the Suzuka genin, or junior shinobi, had spent their whole lives hearing about the outside world, beyond the Suzuka village. More than a few of them might have been willing to risk leaving and finding out for themselves, if not for the threat of the Angels of Death. It had been this threat from the kagehoshi that kept everyone leading the simple life that the village elders had insisted was all anyone needed. Nevertheless, the threat was not enough to quel anyone's curiosity.

* * * * *

Practice went fairly well, though Ryunosuke didn't get to spend nearly as much time on the field as he would have liked. The coach kept him running through a series of exercises alongside a number of the less valuable players. Though he would have much rather played, Ryu didn't really mind. He was used to being shunted aside by now. At the very least, no one was trying to challenge him to a death duel for his position on the team. Besides, running through the routines with the rest of his team members had a strange sense of purpose to it. It felt good to use every bit of his body this way. Finally, the coach allowed him to face off against the other players. It was here that he had to be careful. Though the coach was a good bit of distance away, Ryu could still feel his eyes on him. It was nothing new, of course. This had been happening for a number of months now, though it still made him tense. Knowing that he was being watched set off every warning system in his body. Though he doubted the coach meant him any harm, being on the run this long made him incredibly suspicious. Which only made slowly down his reflexes all the more a struggle.

As he parried a block from one of his teammates, Ryunosuke deliberately took aim at the frame that surrounded the goal and kicked. Predictably, the ball went flying towards the goal, sending the goalie running to block it. It was a wasted effort, however. Ryu had carefully knocked the ball directly into the edge of the framework to make it appear that he'd missed by just centimeters. With his razor-sharp eyes, however, it had struck right on target. Turning around, Ryu felt before he even saw the coach scowling at him. Somehow, he didn't think Genma-sensei was fooled completely.

Ryu had suspected for a couple of months now that Genma-sensei knew he was not putting forth his full effort. At first, it had made him ill at ease. For all he knew, Genma could have very well been a spy, though it seemed unlikely. After digging thoroughly through every record he could find for any sort of clue, Ryu had been forced to finally admit that his soccer coach was just a rather gifted and intuitive teacher who wanted the best from all of his players. Unfortunately, though it gave him peace of mind, it did nothing to help his situation.

Once the whistle had blown to signal the end of practice, Genma sensei immediately called Ryunosuke over to where he stood. As Ryu shifted nervously underneath his coach's gaze, the rest of the team filed away to the locker room to shower down. Genma-sensei continued to stare at him for a moment, before speaking.

"Ichikawa-kun," he began in a deep voice. "Is everything okay? You seemed a little distracted today on the field."

Ryunosuke managed to hold the empty, emotionless face he'd perfected since childhood, and smiled. "Daijoubu desu," he reassured the older man. "I just have a lot on my mind today. We have this big test in Calculus Saturday, and I didn't get the homework assignment before class ended."

Genma-sensei stroked the slight shadow that etched over his chin, and appeared thoughtful. "It's not just today, though. I've noticed for a long time. You always seem to be holding back a little."

Ryu wanted to sigh, but refrained. His suspicions had just been confirmed, though he wasn't in any way surprised. "It looked as though you should have made that last shot. You looked like you were aiming in the right direction, and yet you hit the frame."

Ryu continued to not say anything. Silence, in his old world, was what always worked best. You could be beaten within an inch of your life for not answering, but saying the wrong thing would definitely get you killed. The coach wasn't likely to try and kill Ryu, or even beat him, but he kept quiet all the same. If Genma-sensei continued to pry into his business like this, however, Ryu would have to seriously consider dropping out of the team. There was no way he could allow the coach to demand things from him that he couldn't deliver on. And he doubted very much that Genma-sensei would believe his reason for not excelling.

"I know you can do better," Genma-sensei stated, as though reading his thoughts. "I've seen you play. You're in terrific shape. You move in and out of other players like they aren't even there, and no one can kick half as hard as you. There's no reason for you to not do your best. If the other team members aren't up to the same par as you, then that just means they should work harder."

Ryunosuke wanted to laugh, then. The coach actually thought he was pulling back out of concern for his teammates?

"Why in the world would I not try my best?" he asked plainly, in what he hoped was a confused voice.

The coach didn't answer for a moment, but continued to observe him as though he were something curious. Finally, he smiled and shook his head.

"Hai!" Genma-sensei answered. "Why would you not try your best? I'll speak with Mizuho-sensei concerning your Calculus test on Saturday. She might be willing to let you take it at a later date."

Ryu didn't know what to say to this, so he just nodded. "Go on, then," Genma-sensei told him, gesturing towards the locker room. "Just always give people your best effort, ne?"

"Hai!" Ryu answered, before dashing off to the showers as quickly as he dared.

The locker room was already filled up with the rest of the soccer team by the time he stepped inside. Moving in-between the rows of young men standing in various stages of undress, Ryu found his locker flung it open without preamble. His school uniform was laying in a neat pile inside, along with his shoes and bag. Neatness had always been a habit of his, for some reason. A habit, it seemed, that wasn't shared by many of the other students his own age. Sighing, Ryu silently pulled his soccer uniform shirt over his head and dropped his shorts. Standing now only in a pair of white underwear, Ryu walked over to a nearby shower and stood inside a moment, before shirking his drawers as well. Now totally nude, he quickly spun the twin dials and let the hot water pour down over his body. Letting the steamy water roll over him to sooth his muscles, Ryu remained perfectly still for a moment, enjoying the warm sensation.

Even with the calming effect the shower had on him, he still could not get the coach's words out of his head. It really didn't come as a surprise to him. Ryu could have guessed before now that Genma-sensei would eventually confront him about his performance on the field. The coach wasn't a fool, despite whatever anyone might whisper behind his back. Genma-sensei had, after all, kept a close watch on him for some time now. Even though Ryunosuke was fairly sure he had no connections whatsoever with his clan, it still made him uneasy. Should the coach start making demands on him to put forth more effort, Ryu might actually have to seriously consider quitting the team. There was just no way he could play to his full abilities, and not draw undue attention to himself.

The Suzuka clan were still undoubtedly hunting for him. This single thought remained with him no matter what. Ryu couldn't afford to let himself forget.

The locker room was almost completely deserted by the time Ryu had turned the shower off. Looking around, he saw that only a few members were still lingering, and most of them were almost completely dressed. Shaking the water from his head, Ryu rung it out, letting the last remaining droplets fall down to the drain at his feet, and reached for a towel. Several seconds when by as he fumbled along the railing in vain before realizing that he'd neglected to bring one with him.

Ryu looked around the locker room once more and did a quick head count. There were only four guys left, and they each looked as though they were ready to leave. Modesty and Ryu were total strangers. In the Suzuka clan, no one bothered to worry about such petty things. Indeed, the first time he'd shared a room with someone, the poor guy had finally gone to the dorm mother to complain of his constant strutting around in the buff. It shouldn't have bothered him now, but for some reason, the thought of walking dripping wet across to his locker while four other guys stood fully clothed unnerved him. It was a ridiculous feeling, and he couldn't imagine where it originated from.

Sighing, Ryunosuke steeled himself, and strode purposely over to where his locker was left wide open. Not paying the others any attention, he quickly snatched a towel free and began rubbing himself down vigorously. He was already having the beginnings of a chill when he reached down to his legs and scrubbed the last few droplets away. Raising up, Ryu pronounced himself satisfied and looked around. To his utter shock, the room was completely empty now. Everyone else, it seemed, had already gone for the day. What bothered Ryu most about this, though, was not that he was left alone. In truth, he rather preferred it this was. What troubled him so was the fact that he managed to lose track of his surroundings long enough for four people to leave his presence without him realizing it! Since his training had first began, Ryu had been forced to learn that a shinobi that was not alert at all times was dead.

A cold chill that had nothing to do with him being wet crept through his blood. What would have happened had one of the shin no tenshi come in? Would he have realized it in time? Somehow, Ryu doubted it very much. Sighing again, he slowly pressed his head against the cool metal of the locker frame. He was preoccupied. That was all it was. Being on the run for so long, hiding in one place after another for months before finally settling down in a place that seemed inconspicuous enought, it was all very nerve-racking. And, of course, once he'd gotten used to being just an everyday high school student, there had been the constant worrying, with every day spent looking over his shoulder wondering how long it would be before he would have to flee this place. Wondering if he shouldn't just leave anyway so as to not give the Angels of Death a good enough length of time to find him.

Eyes wandering down aimlessly, Ryu was somewhat surprised to find that he had an erection. It shouldn't have shocked him. Shinobi warrior or not, Suzuka clan member or no, he was still a seventeen year old boy. Even standing naked in a locker room, however, it seemed somewhat inappropriate given the current train of his thoughts. Without meaning to, Ryunosuke ran his hand along the length of his abs, feeling the tight, firm muscles tense and flex at his touch. At the end of them, he reached for his shaft and began stroking the length of it. Slowly at first, then faster and faster. Not really having any particular fantasy in mind, Ryu just let the sensations roll over him as he flung himself back against the locker wall. Soon, his knees were buckling.

"Chi... Chikusho!" he swore breathlessly. "Kisama!"

He was coming close, now. He could feel it. Ryu could feel his balls churning as they drew up in his sac. Over and over he flogged himself, letting the cold, empty feeling build to a shuddering head. There was no one in his mind right now, except for him. No single person he was thinking of, dreaming of, pretending to thrust inside over and over again. Just himself and his cold erection. He could feel drops of precum leaking off the tip onto the floor. He was almost there. Just himself... No one else in the world but him... All alone...

Without warning, the door to the locker room swung open, revealing the sillouette of a tall, imposing figure. Ryu immediately spun around and formed a defensive fighting stance, only to recognize the figure of Genma-sensei as he strode into the room. With a jolt, Ryunosuke realized then that he was still clutching himself in his hand, with the beginnings of ejaculation forming on the tip of his penis. Focusing, he quickly released himself and forced the orgasm back down deep inside himself. All Suzaku were skilled in Sekusojutsu, the Arts of Lust. It was one of the things that had made his clan so unique when they had first been formed centuries ago. That, and the Miroku clan. It may have, in fact, been this very reason that both sides had been at war for so long.

Seeing the coach approach him, Ryu righted himself and managed to surpress the last bit of his release. The effort did not come quite as easily as it should have, but nevertheless, he was successful. Ryu stood there for several moments as the coach looked him over. Completely at ease, despite being utterly buff, he wore an expression of the utmost calm as Genma-sensei eyed him curiously.

Then, Genma-sensei's eyes spotted something on the floor. Following his gaze, Ryu looked down at his feet and realized, to his immense embarrassment, that a spot of cum, his cum, lay splattered on the floor. Raising up slightly, Genma-sensei eyed him silently for a moment, as Ryunosuke felt the heat raise in his cheeks.

"Ichikawa-kun," Genma-sensei began, with a knowing grin dotting his face. "You have a club meeting after practice, ne?"

"Hai!" he said quickly, wondering if he was about to be punished. In the Suzuka clan, boys were punished most severely for abusing themselves outside of Sekusojutsu training. Ryunosuke could count on one hand the number of times he'd given in to temptation and relieved himself, only to be beaten within an inch of his life shortly afterwards. The more rational part of his mind told him that the school wasn't likely to beat him at all for jerking off in the locker room. Still, he seriously doubted he would escape unscathed. Not to mention what would happen if word of this got around!

"Hurry and finish up, then," was all the coach told him. "I need to lock this place up once you leave."

"Hai!" Ryu repeated.

Without another word, the coach then turned around and left. Ryu just stood there for a moment, utterly frozen. Somehow, someway, he'd gotten away with it?! Reaching for his clothes, Ryu quickly dressed back into his school uniform and ran a comb through his hair. Whether the coach had meant for him to 'finish up' by getting dressed, or continuing to beat off, he didn't care. Ryu wasn't about to take the chance, and besides that, he was far too embarrassed to try now. Nevertheless, he was going to have a boner in his pants for the rest of the afternoon. And his club meeting this afternoon was for the Shojo Manga Club, of all things. Ryunosuke was going to have to sit still in a room full of mostly girls for the next hour or so. Clearly, he had done something terrible in a past life to bring this sort of karma down on himself!

* * * * *

One of the truly great things about being in the Shojo Manga Club was that it was the only class Ryu got to share with his roomate, Satoshi. Morisato Satoshi was the same age as Ryu, and had lived in Tokyo his entire life. It had been Satoshi who moved into his student dorm after Ryu's first roomate had asked to leave on account of his 'weird behavior'. The two of them had hit it off immediately, for some reason. Ryu couldn't quite put his finger on it, but there was something almost soothing about the young man. Satoshi was not quite as tall as Ryu was, coming up to his nose, and had even longer hair that him. Indeed, if Ryu hadn't known for a fact that he couldn't be a member of the Suzaku clan, he would have thought Satoshi was announcing his status as a jonin. The jonin were, of course, the elite shinobi warriors of his clan, and had some of the longest ponytails in the tribe, second only to the kagehoshi. Satoshi, too, kept his hair up in a long ponytail that trailed down all the way to his ass. And if Ryunosuke looked delicate with his hair left undone around his face, Satoshi was outright effeminate. The number of times he'd seen Satoshi come out of the shower with his hair lying loose around him, Ryu had almost mistaken him for a girl. Somehow, keeping it up in a ponytail actually made Satoshi look more masculine.

Ryunosuke smiled at Satoshi slightly as he took a seat next to him. His roomate nodded, grinning in return, before continuing to read the manga that was laid out before him. Satoshi had an almost unhealthy obsession for girl's comics. It was, in fact, the very reason he'd chose to join the club in the first place. It was also Satoshi's fault that Ryu had come to be here as well. For some time now, the school's guidance councelors had been egging Ryu on about joining another school activity. Ryu hadn't really seen the need to. Soccer kept him occupied enough, along with his after school job. Most students were forbidden to have any jobs off campus, but Shinokura Academy officials had made an exception in his case, buying his story of being an orphan with no family. Still, it didn't stop them from getting on his nerves about having more extracurricular activities on his student record. And then, Satoshi had found out he could draw. Ryu still didn't see what the big deal was. No one in his clan had ever taken notice of his talent for drawing before. It seemed odd that someone would make a big deal of it here, in a place where he was doing his best to not stand out. Satoshi had been insistent, however, so Ryu had reluctantly tagged along to one club meeting. Before long, he had become a late member, and was attending it every few days. Surprisingly, no one made fun of him for being a member of a club that was generally reserved for girls. If anyone at the school thought it odd, they kept it to themselves. And that was just perfect with him!

Today, they were putting the finishing touches on the first issue of the club's joint original project, called "Samurai Ninja Catgirl!" Ryu still had trouble believing he was taking part in this. The storyline was trite, the dialogue a joke, and the title an oxymoron! Still, after a little while, he'd actually found himself getting into it. No matter how silly it seemed, it was nice to get involved with other people in something that didn't deal with killing, or hurting someone.

Getting his arts supplies from the cabinet where he stored them, Ryu sat down in a group with the other members and joined in the ridiculous endevour. For the next hour or so, they all laughed, argued, made random jokes about the absured chiches found in shojo manga, and just generally had a good time. Amazingly, Ryu found that this was one of the few times he could ever truly relax. There was something peaceful about being here. Like, for just a little while, he was an ordinary person like everyone else.

An hour and a half later, Ryu was packing up along with everyone else. The club meeting had run longer than everyone had expected it to, but that was fine with him. Ryunosuke really didn't have anywhere in particular he wanted to be. And the only other option was for him to go back to the dorm and do his homework, which he wasn't really looking forward to, either.

"Oi!" he heard Satoshi call out. "Ryu-kun!"

Ryu turned slightly and waited for his roomate to catch up. "Oi," he repeated. "Some friends of mine from junior high school have decided to get together over in Roppongi tonight. I was going to sneak out after light's out and meet them there. Want to come?"

Ryu took a deep breath and sighed. For a while now, Satoshi had been inviting him along whenever he left to go meet old friends of his, or on family outings. Each time, Ryu had said no, making up some excuse to keep themselves at a distance. No matter how secure his situation seemed at the moment, he could never let his guard down. Which meant that Ryu could never allow himself to become close to anyone. If Satoshi ever learned who he really was... Or worse! If the Suzuka clan ever found out that he had been associated with Ryu in any way... None of it bore thinking of!

"I don't think so," he said, smiling in an apologetic sort of way. "I have a Calculus test on Saturday that I need to study for, and I let my mind wander in class again. Plus, I missed the homework assignment, so I need to get hold of it and get caught up."

"Oh, come on!" Satoshi insisted. "You never go anywhere except to school, or soccer practice. Don't you have any old friends? Or family members?"

It suddenly occured to Ryu that Satoshi knew absolutely nothing about his background. Every time the topic had come up, Ryu quickly changed the subject to something else. In retrospect, it would have been better to lie and come up with some kind of excuse. Now, when it was too late, Ryunosuke couldn't help but smile bitterly at the question.

"Friends and family? Not really, Satoshi. You see, I come from what is known as a shinobi clan. No, they aren't a made up story, and they didn't all die out during the Shogunate's purge four hundred years ago, like the history books say. At least two clans from the old days remain, and I am from one of them. The only problem is, being a shinobi warrior isn't anything like they make it out to be on the Anime Network. I was born the only son of a famous Suzuka shinobi who died shortly after my birth. My father, with whom I share the same name, had been a very powerful ninja spawned from a union between a Suzuka woman and a perverse demon from an evil hell dimension called the Shikima Realm. He, and six others, had been part of a project the kagehoshi had instigated to create a new breed of super ninja, by breeding them with demons captured from the Miroku clan. Only seven warriors survived from their efforts, and they became known as the Seven Hokage. My father was one of the most powerful, and even managed to secure a position amongst the kagehoshi before he died. You see, there in lies the heart of my dilema. As his only surviving heir, I alone have the right to claim ownership of his position. But, before I can ever do that, I must prove myself worthy of it. No one can inherit a seat in the kagehoshi by title alone. It must be earned. And since I made such a pathetic excuse for a shinobi warrior, with none of the powers my father gained from his demon lineage, everyone treated me as though I wasn't worthy to scrape the dung from the bottom of their feet. According to the village elders, by the age of fifteen, I should have at least risen to the rank of chunin. Since that wasn't the case, my position as a future kagehoshi was brought into question. Since I couldn't prove I was worthy of it, the elders decided someone else should be given the chance. And thus, the duels for my head began. After six of them, in each of which I came within a hair of loosing my life, I decided to flee like a coward. So, here I am, on the run from a squad of assassins who are even now searching tirelessly for me to end my miserable life. So, that's why I have no parents or friends, and why I refuse to leave the dorm room after dark, because that is the time when the shin no tenshi will most likely be looking for me in full force!"

"No," was all he said, instead. "Both of my parents are dead. My father died so many years ago, I don't even remember what his face looked like."

"Oh," Satoshi said quietly. "Gomen ne! I didn't know... I mean..."

"Daijoubu," he reassured him. "I don't think I ever mentioned it to you."

Satoshi was quiet for several moments as they made their way out of the building. "Listen," he said suddenly, while they waited to cross the street. "Why don't you come out with me tonight. It'll give you a chance to meet some new people. You're not from Tokyo, by any chance, are you?"

Ryu debated lying for a moment, but decided against it. It was too obvious that he was new here, and Satoshi was no idiot.

"No," he admitted, as the crosslight changed. "I'm not. I was born and raised further outside the city. This place still takes some getting used to."

"I love it here," said Satoshi, as they came up on their school housing apartment just across the street. "I've lived here longer than I can remember. There's just so much energy in this place."

Ryunosuke didn't say anything, but deep down, he couldn't have disagreed more. Granted, there was a certain appeal to Tokyo. The city itself seemed so alive all the time. Even in the dead of night, there were people everywhere, with the buildings lit up so bright you couldn't seem the stars. It wasn't that he hated any of it. Rather, Ryu's feeling came from the simple fact that he was homesick. He missed the fresh air and warm climate, as opposed to the thick, humid air clogged with so much pollution. He missed the trees to hide in, and the mountains that seemed to go on forever. He missed seeing the stars most of all. Tokyo was a beautiful, breathtaking city at night, but it just couldn't compare to the lights in the heavens.

"So, what do you say?" Satoshi asked, breaking him out of his thoughts.

"Nani?" It took Ryu a moment to realize Satoshi was still wanting him to go with him tonight. He knew he shouldn't. He was a man marked for death. The Angels of Death were hunting for him right now. Satoshi was the closest thing he had to a friend, and he would be putting him in danger. Not to mention all of his old friends. Ryu would never be able to live with himself if he caused their deaths. He couldn't do this... He wouldn't do this...

"Hai!" Ryu resigned heavily. "I'll come."

But if you all die, don't blame me!

* * * * *

Several hours later, Ryunosuke was making his way through a massive sea of bodies pulsating to the beat of some overproduced technowave music. Satoshi was just a few short feet ahead of them, leading him out of the dance floor over to some tables in a far corner. At least, that's what it looked like to him. For all he could tell in the darkened room, Satoshi might as well have been leading him to an execution block. All around him, the people on the dance floor seemed oblivious to his presence. Most of them didn't even have their eyes open as their bodies swayed and twisted in more or less time to the sounds coming from gigantic speakers above. Not that it mattered if they opened their eyes or not. The room itself was pitch black, with the only source of light being the strobes overhead. Shinobi, whatever manga might say, could not see in the dark. Most of them had excellent night vision that varied slightly from person to person, but even the most skilled kagehoshi was blind in a totally dark room. Still, Ryunosuke might have been able to make out a handful of shapes and figures even in the blackness of it all, were it not for the strobe lights that kept blinding him. Ryu couldn't imagine why anyone would want to come here. But, then again, what was he doing here in the first place.

"Konban wa!" Satoshi shouted out, saluting his friends. Ryu came up slowly behind him, eying each person who sat at the table. There were altogether nine people, four boys and five girls, and all more or less the same age as him. Everyone looked at Satoshi first, then turned to stare at him. Not knowing what else to do, Ryu just stood his ground and stared right back.

"This is Ichikawa Ryunosuke," Satoshi said, introducing him. "Or just Ryu, for short!"

"Hajimemashite," he said politely.

"Come on," Satoshi said, leading him around the table. "Have a seat over here."

Ryu followed without saying a word, and sat down on the far end of the table where Satoshi was. Next to him, a young boy with shaggy hair and what appeared to be very thick sideburns was eyeing him. Now closer, under the dim light, he could see that the boy was a gaijin.

"This is my old friend, Monty," Satoshi explained, noticing him looking. "Monty Fisk... Ichikawa Ryu."

Ryu shook hands with the boy and looked away. It shouldn't have bothered him, but it felt incredibly odd to be sitting next to someone from another county. He'd never seen a gaijin up close before. Only rare glimpses of them in the streets from time to time.

"Monty is from England. He and I met when we were in junior high together."

Ryu just nodded and kept on wandering from one person's face to the next, trying hard not to dwell on a single one for too long. He felt hopelessly out of place here. The music was too loud for him to understand what the words were, or even if words were being sung with it! And there appeared to be a thick layer of cigarette smoke, as well. This was truly an uncomfortable place. Why had he ever agreed to come here in the first place?! Being assassinated just might have been a better option after all!

Going around the table, Satoshi introduce all of his friends one after the other. Three of the girls had to introduce themselves, as they were the dates of Satoshi's four guy friends. More than one of them had to shout to be heard. Miki, it seemed, was the only girl Satoshi was familiar with. For some reason, this bothered him. Being surrounded by so many women in a strange, unfamiliar place made him twitch uncontrollably. Women, as he had learned from the kagehoshi, were dangerous creatures. The Miroku clan had proven this to be true!

Naturally, it didn't take long for everyone in the circle to begin questioning him. Ryunosuke wasn't terribly surprised by this, and struggled to come up with answers that would satisfy everyone without arousing too many suspicions. It wasn't the first time he'd been questioned about his past, and Ryu had made several stories up in advance by now to tell them all. Unfortunately, this was difficult, as the noise within the club seemed to grow louder and louder, and everyone was forced to shout at the top of their lungs to be heard. More than once, Ryu had to repeat the lie he'd just said, and was careful to get each word right, so that the few who had heard him wouldn't catch on.

"So, Ichikawa-san," the girl called Miki spoke up. "Satoshi told me a lot about you. You've been invited out by him before, but you never accepted before tonight. Why?"

"No reason," he replied calmly, hoping this conversation would die soon. "I just like to stay busy."

"He did say you had an after-school job. I thought Shinokura students were not allowed any off-campus jobs?"

"The school made an exception in my case," he explained to her. "I'm... an orphan, and had to find some means of paying my tuition on my own. It took a little doing, but they finally relented."

"You must be working hard. Satoshi said that when you weren't working or in classes, you spend all your time in the dorm room. How come? Don't you like to get out and have fun?"

Ryu cast a glance over in Satoshi's direction. The fact that his roomate had shared so much information about him with a complete stranger made him both angry, and unsettled. Miki had quickly struck him as the sort of girl who couldn't keep her mouth shut for more than a few minutes. Who knows how many other people she would blabber to if not silenced? Satoshi caught his gaze, but before he could do anything, Ryu looked back at Miki again with what he hoped was a convincing smile.

"I just like the quiet," he said, before turning back at Satoshi again.

"You don't have a girlfriend?" Miki asked him, though he was no longer looking at her.

Satoshi met his gaze with a smile, however, and spoke for the first time in several minutes.

"I think Ryu might have been raised in a place where he was considered to be the Ugly Duckling."

"The what?"

"The Ugly Duckling," Satoshi explained, laughing at her. "It's an old western fable. There was this nest of duck eggs that had a swan egg placed in it by mistake. When all the eggs hatched, the ducks made fun of the swan because it looked so different from them. And so, they named it 'The Ugly Duckling'. Much later, everyone was shocked to discover that the Ugly Duckling was actually a swan, when it grew into a beautiful bird. At least," he added, grinning. "That's how the story goes. No offense to you, by the way."

"None taken," Ryu replied, not meeting his friend's eyes. He honestly didn't think Satoshi knew just how close to the truth he'd come.

"Sugoi," Miki whispered. "That... that is so sad!"

"Actually," Ryu spoke in a soft voice that was somehow heard nonetheless. "I wasn't so much the Ugly Duckling as the Incompetent Duckling. Nothing I ever did was good enough."

No one had anything to say about this for several minutes. In the meantime, Ryu took the silence to quietly ponder just why in hell he had bothered to share this at all. It would do no good to explain his past to anyone. The past would never be changed by words.

"Hidoi desu," Miki replied when no one else did. "What makes you say something like that?"

Ryu answered, in spite of himself. "O ka-san said as much."

This seemed to turn the tide of conversation away from him shortly after; something that Ryunosuke was very grateful for. As he sat there listening politely to the various topics that got tossed back and forth across the table, he suddenly became aware that the inquisitve young girl named Miki was steadily eyeing him. Ryu met her gaze for a moment, and was shocked to find a burning intensity that hadn't been there earlier. More to the point, it was directed specifically at him. Ryunosuke was shocked, to say the least. He had, up until now, dismissed Miki as little more than a ditsy little schoolgirl who's only goal in life seemed to be to pry into as many people's personal affairs as often as possible. Yet, as he continued to glare right back at her, he found himself increasingly surprised at the level of intelligence there. Miki, it seemed, was no baka. Whatever reasons she had for keeping her brains hidden, she did it well. This made Ryu even more irritated at her, for some reason.

"So, does anyone want to dance?" Monty asked, standing up. More than one girl quickly abandoned their dates to walk out onto the dance floor holding onto his arm. Ryu could, at the very least, understand why. Monty wasn't too bad looking, though a little excessively hairy. Had Ryu been a women, he would have most likely been put off by that. That, and the huge hands and feet!

"I wouldn't mind dancing!" Miki exclaimed, jumping to her feet. Ryu looked at her again, and found she was back to being all bright-eyed and airhead. The intelligent Miki he'd glimpsed earlier, were she even real, was gone.

"Sure," Satoshi said, getting to his feet.

"Not you, silly!" Miki chided gently, giving him a cute smile as she walked up beside Ryu's seat. "We broke up a long time ago! I want to dance with him, now! Is that okay?"

Satoshi, it seemed, did not think this was okay at all. Ryu was all set to decline, when suddenly the boy just sat calmly back down and waved. "Go ahead," he told her.

"Yay!" Miki squealed, grabbing Ryu by the arm and yanking him to his feet. Ryu, however, remained glued to his seat.

"Are you sure?" he asked, worriedly. Satoshi had not looked pleased a few seconds ago. Clearly, despite Miki's declairation that they were no longer a couple, he still harbored feelings for her.

"Sure," Satoshi told him. "Go have fun, man!"

Ryu honestly didn't think his friend looked happy about the arrangement, but since he'd given them his blessing, Ryu decided not to waste it. It was only when they were both out on the dance floor that he ran full speed into the first real snag of the evening. Ryu could not dance. At all. He had, in fact, never once danced a day in his life. This, however, was not about to deter Miki in the least. No sooner were they in the very center of the dance floor, did she begin twirling and writhing to the beat of the heavy techno music coming from above. Ryu did his best to keep up, and was surprised to find it wasn't too difficult. Granted, he was in no way out-performing his partner. While Ryu was managing to maintain a steady rhythm with the beat, Miki moved her body as though she were somehow having sex with the music. It was quite an impressive spectical, and had Ryunosuke not been so embarrassed by it, he could have been impressed. At any rate, when the song finally ended around twenty minutes later, he begged a short break from her and returned to his seat. Undeterred, Miki quickly siezed another partner by the arms and dragged them out into the crowd. Ryu then turned to his roomate, who seemed to be doing a rather good job of keeping cool.

"Is she always this full of energy?" he asked, catching his breath. Even with years of shinobi training, dancing was an exhuasting ordeal.

"She used to be much worse," Satoshi replied, shaking his head for emphasis. "About a year and a half ago, Miki lost her father to a car accident. She was really depressed for a long time. A lot of people thought she would commit suicide if things didn't improve. Then suddenly, one day, she was back to her old self again. Even though her condition improved, she was never really the same."

Ryu didn't know what to say. In his world, any personal information concerning a person was kept very quiet. It was only in desperate or intimite situations that things were shared, and the people with whom you shared things with were picked carefully. There were too many old grudges amid the various families in the Suzuka clan. Should a weakness be found, especially an emotional one, people were sure to use it to the best of their advantages.

Satoshi had thrown this right out the window the day they met. For some reason, the young man liked to talk, though not in an obnoxious way. It seemed as though he radiated a warmth that was somehow essentially missing from Ryu's life. Speaking about personal things just came naturally to him, and he was always willing to lend an ear to someone in need of one. More than once, Ryunosuke had caught himself coming close to spilling his secrets. From that moment on, he'd made sure to be much more careful during their conversations. There was something about Satoshi that was far too trustworthy for his tastes. It shook him, to say the least.

"Thank you for telling me," Ryu spoke, knowing it wasn't the sort of thing a 'normal' seventeen year old would say.

Satoshi just looked at him and nodded, smiling. "Dou ittashimashite."

For the next several hours, Ryu forced himself to relax a little. Miki kept coming back for more dances, and wouldn't take no for an answer regardless of the number of times he refused. Finally, after several fast songs as one jazzy-pop dance that didn't quite qualify as a slow song, he begged himself off for the night. Finally, after several hours, it was time for them to leave. Ryu followed everyone in a group out across the dance floor to the exit, managing to keep up this time despite the floor being just as crowded as it was when they'd arrived. Once outside, the hot, thick air of nighttime greeted their lungs. Ryu took in several deep breaths to try and adjust to the change in climate. Despite the thickness of it, after being in a dark and crowded club for several hours, it felt just a few wonderful degrees cooler.

As he stood with the others, a sudden prickling began along the back of his next. Ryunosuke felt his whole body tense suddenly, as the curious itching sensation continued.

"You guys go on ahead," he told them. "I need to run by the office and find out what hours I'm supposed to work this next week. I won't be long."

"Hai," Satoshi said, nodding. "I'll leave the dorm unlocked for you. Just make sure you don't wait too long, because we both have classes tomorrow."

"Iitai!" Miki cried out, stomping her feet. "I wanted Ichikawa-kun to walk home with us!"

"Next time," he said politely. "Sayonara!"

Ryunosuke waited until everyone had walked away from him before continuing off in the opposite direction. For one whole city block, he walked along, blending in with the crowd. All the while, though, the prickling sensation continued along the back of his neck. Once he was at a safe enough distance, Ryu seemlessly ducked into a nearby alley, and waited. He had only stood there for a minute or so, when an unfamiliar voice spoke off in the shadows.

"They won't stop looking for you, no matter how long you stay hidden."

Ryu just stared as a single figure stepped out of the darkness, eyeing him. The man couldn't have been more than ten years older than him, yet his body seemed to bear the weight of someone who had aged a great deal in a short period of time. Ryu suddenly had the impression that the stranger had, at one time, been very beautiful, like him. Yet, the burden of living seemed to have robbed him of whatever softness he once possessed. Not that the man was unattractive, by any means. There was a fierce, savage kind of beauty to him. Like staring at a wild animal that was just as likely to rip you to shreds as it was lick your hand.

The stranger eyed him for a moment with the same dark, chessnut brown pupils that Ryu possessed, shimmering in the dark. Then, after a moment, he spoke again.

"And the longer you stay hidden, the more determined they'll become."

"Dare...Anata no dare?" Ryu asked him.

Smiling, the stranger stepped towards him, making Ryu tense. Even still, he didn't move away. The stranger seemed to elude some kind of aura of total calm. Though he had a sinister look to him, Ryu somehow suddenly felt totally at ease. This only made him even more suspicious. There were a number of ways to subdue a person's will before that individual even realized what was happening. The Suzuka clan were among the experts in this field. Even so, Ryu remained standing where he was, for the moment. In the dim light of the alleyway, he could now see that the stranger had jet-white hair that ran stringily down to his shoulders.

Ryu suddenly realized the man had yet to answer his question. "Who are you?" he demanded again, more forcefully.

"Kenshiro," came the man's reply. "That is all you need to know... for now."

"Why were you following me, then?"

The man, Kenshiro, didn't seem to hear him. "They're in this city even as we speak. It will only be a matter of time before they locate you. Once that happens, it'll be up to you to decide what you will do next."

Ryu eyed the man shrewdly for a moment. There was no point in trying to play dumb with him. Clearly, 'they' meant that the shin no tenshi had somehow learned he was in Tokyo.

"You aren't Suzuka," he stated, not making it a question.

"No," Kenshiro replied, grinning. "I am not."

Without preamble, Kenshiro suddenly struck out at Ryu with his fist. Ryu barely had time to catch it and counter attack, as the fist slammed full speed into the brick wall where his head had been only seconds before. Ryu immediately turned and spun around into an offensive stance, and summoned his ki. Quickly, he surveyed his opponent a moment before devising a suitable strategy. Thrusting his palm forward, he quickly drew a kanji in the air, and pulled back. Like a low hum, the ki ran through his body into his fists as he flung them forward into a series of consecutive punches.

Akuma no Mangekyo Ryu, the Devil's Kaleidoscope Style, was one of his specialties. Though not a remotely powerful attack, it was still nevertheless effective when dealing with a singular opponent. Ryunosuke had one his fourth duel with this technique when, after gaining the upperhand, Yumeji paused long enough to begin gloating. In that time, Ryu took the gamble and let loose full force with this attack. Caught off guard, Yumeji hadn't been able to recognize it for what it was, and subsequently paid for it with his life.

Most of the punches he threw now were actually just tricks of the light mixed with small, projected bursts of ki energy. Kenshiro, however, had already raised his guard up by the time the real punches came threw, and caught Ryu by the wrist. Then, before he could free himself, Ryunosuke found himself being flung through the air towards the back end of the alleyway. Righting himself in mid-air, Ryu landed on his feet and was already prepared for the next attack.

"A weak attempt," Kenshiro taunted. "With attacks like that, it's no wonder you were forced to flee the Suzuka."

"What do you want from me?" Ryu demanded. "I have no wish to fight you."

"As well you shouldn't," he replied. "In your state, the battle would be over before it began!"

Ryu paused, waiting for some sound, some giveaway, of what the next attack would be. Kenshiro, however, seemed content to speak for the moment.

"Did the Suzuka send you?" he asked, tentively.

Kenshiro actually laughed, then. "Baka!" he called out. "The Suzuka wouldn't dare come near me. And I would as soon die twice before consenting to help them. Especially if it would somehow harm that senile jiji, Gendo, and his son."

In spite of the situation, Ryunosuke couldn't help but grin slightly. Anyone, in his personal opinion, who showed any sort of outward dislike for the kagehoshi Gendo, and his son, Hikaru, could only have the best possible taste. It had been Hikaru that Ryunouske had dueled last, and realized afterward that he was going to die.

"If you hate Gendo and Hikaru so much, why are you fighting me?"

"I didn't come to fight you," Kenshiro replied. "I was sent here to test you. Just to see how much you've learned thus far."

"What for?" Ryu asked, readying for an attack.

"That... is a secret," Kenshiro replied in a joking voice. "For now, let's just get this over with. I'm going to attack you in three seconds, using only the Majin Gyakuten Bunshin Ryu. Feel free to defend yourself at any time, though I doubt it will help."

Ryu just stared at Kenshiro in disbelief. Why in the world would he tell him something like that? The Majin Gyakuten Bunshin Ryu, or Demon Reversal Doppleganger Style, allowed the accomplished shinobi to make several illusions out of refracted light and bits of ki energy to help fight with. It was an excellent way to confuse or dazzle one's opponent in order to gain the upper hand. However, there was a simple flaw to the technique, and Ryu knew what it was.

"Go ahead," he said confidently. "I'm ready."

"Yosh!" Kenshiro replied. "Iko!"

Sure enough, Kenshiro's form quickly split into five different shadowy forms. Grinning, Ryu watched calmly as all five crouched low, then leaped high into the air right at him. Closing his eyes, he willed his body to remain relaxed, and kept his arms by his side as the first blow came whizzing straight for his head. Sure enough, Ryu felt the air rush past him as the blow never came. A small trickle of ki energy waved through his body as the clone dissolved into nothingness. Still not moving, Ryu allowed the second blow to come and pass through his form as well, without striking back. As he felt the third one come, his body suddenly tensed slightly.

Ryu was prepared for the fist as it swung out at his ribs. Not opening his eyes, he quickly reached out with his left hand and blocked the punch before it connected. Feeling the blow withdraw, he righted himself once more and prepared for the next one. The following kick turned out to be another fake, while the fifth and sixth attacks were all solid kicks aimed at his head and stomach. Ryu cut each of these attacks off, as well, and continued to keep his body fully limber. This was the simplistic beauty of defending oneself from the Majin Gyukuten Bunshin Ryu. The whole principle behind the attack was to confuse your opponent by getting him to chase after the numerous copies, wearing him down in the process and getting him to jump at shadows. But the illusions were just that; an illusion. They couldn't really hurt anyone. Each of them were as insubstantial as air. Only the strikes from the original were what mattered.

"Very good!" Kenshiro commented as Ryu warded off several more attacks. "I would have been disappointed if you couldn't deal with simple measures such as these."

As Ryu turned towards the sound of Kenshiro's voice, he suddenly felt the familiar prickling sensation in the back of his head. Turning slightly, Ryu raised his hand just in time to feel something bite across the skin around his forearm. Blood poured out of the wound in a steady trickle, over the shredded remains of one of his few good shirts. Before Ryu had time to shout his outrage, Kenshiro managed to land several consecutive kicks into the small of his back.

Howling in pain, Ryu doubled over, and struggled to block the next several hits as they rained down from all sides. Ryu could feel the bruises forming on his body as Kenshiro continued to beat him over and over again. Finally, the assault let up. Slowly, Ryu got to his feet and drew in several deep breaths, tasting the coppery flavor of blood in his mouth.

"Not what I expected," Kenshiro admitted. "But, I suppose you did you best, considering. Now, to claim my prize!"

Before Ryu had time to think, he felt himself being forced down onto his knees again. The sound of clothes being reshufled filled his ears as something odd hit him on the side of his face. Opening his eyes, Ryu was shocked to find Kenshiro's dick hanging out of his pants, and fully erect.

"Nani?..." Ryu began, but Kenshiro cut him off quickly.

"You know the rules too well to try and plead ignorant of this sort of thing," he stated flatly. "So, get to it. I haven't gotten off in a while, now. Tokyo women can be such a bitch sometimes!"

Ryu opened his mouth to protest, and Kenshiro quickly seized that moment to ram as much of his cock into Ryu's mouth as he could. Ryu choked for a moment as the thick organ filled up his mouth with it's salty, rubbery texture.

"That's it," Ken said soothingly. "Give it a minute to relax your throat muscles. I don't want to hurt you with this unless I have to. Just try not to gag, and we can both enjoy this!"

Ryu barely understood a word Kenshiro was saying, but somehow, he knew what to do. Slowly, Ken backed his dick out to give Ryu a moment to breathe properly. Once Ryu had taken a deep breath or two, he thrust forward again gently and moaned as his cock filled up Ryunosuke's mouth again. Over and over, Ken fucked his mouth with about half of his manhood. To Ryu's utter surprise, he could feel his throat muscles slowly loosening up against the beating they were taking. After several minutes, he had managed to take two thirds of Ken's dick into his mouth.

"Try to swallow," Ken instructed in a tender voice. "And remember to breathe through your nose. Just let your throat relax so the rest of it will ease down."

This time, Ryu found it easier to understand Ken's instructions, and did as he baid. After one or two failed attempts, he managed to take the whole thing down his throat. Ryu felt his nose bump against the very base of Ken's dick, and opened his eyes. Inhaling the salty, mu


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La Blue Boy, Episode 1

This story is an Alternate Universe adaptation of the now-classic Japanese hentai series, La Blue Girl. The title is taken from the series, though the storyline and characters are my own. Use without permission is strictly prohibited. No money is being made from this, so please don't sue! La Blue Boy Episode #1 Secrets by Ravyn It was quite possibly the hottest spring day of

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