Gay Erotic Stories

College Ball 1

by NPhillydogg
14 Apr 2009

Black and Beautiful College Days

COLLEGE-BALL-1 Written by Eugene Marvin

Jeremiah University is a predominately black college campus in Minnesota, Maryland. It's a large school, and very well received by the College Guide Association of America. There was a large library, an auditorium, a sports center, a stadium, a student hall, an academic building where classes resumed, male and female dormitories, a clock tower, and several houses where the college fraternities and sororities pledge.

Jeremiah is well known for its sports programs, turning out more professional players in football, basketball, tennis, and soccer than nearly any other school in the country.

The new college season will start with many of the old players from the year before. While some seniors have graduated and moved on to `real life', new freshmen hopefuls will try out as replacements, hoping to score spots on the teams.

One shoe-in is Clarence Johnson, a 6'4", dark skin, 18 yr old freshman from Freemen High in Washington DC. He was instrumental in causing his high school to win their basketball championship games 3 yrs in a row. Coach Brown and (team Captain) Tyrone Smith (20, 6-2, brown skin full lips/mustache) sought after Clarence hot and heavy during the recruiting season. They wooed his family with gifts from the University, taking them out to expensive dinners, buying Clarence a new car, giving him an expense account, promising to take him straight through to the pros once he graduates, and finally seducing him with all the free sex he could get on campus. Coach Brown left Tyrone to expand on details, letting him explained how many of the female students "putout" for the sports guys because so many of them pass on into the pro leagues. A lot of the girls are hoping to latch onto the shirttails of some jock headed for the big time. Ty was sure that would be the selling point that got Clarence to sign with J.U., but Clarence's parents wanted to see the campus first before deciding which University to send their son.

Brown left Tyrone to give Clarence the tour, knowing the 20 yr old college junior would show Clarence a `good time' by giving him samples of some of the girls eager to please the ball player's every need.

That night while Coach Brown took Clarence's parents out to dinner to keep them occupied, Tyrone took Clarence to a college party on campus at one of their frat houses. It was a large building designed to hold some of the team's players, complete with exercise rooms and a pool.

The party was in full swing when the two men got there. Tyrone introduced Clarence to some of his possible future teammates; Derek Wilson, Carter Sanborne, Jason Outlaw (token white), and Mikiah Washington, all important key players in keeping Jeremiah U a contender in the championships (though they'd loss to Seymour University the past 3 yrs in a row).

After getting Clarence a few beers, Tyrone introduced him to some of the girls known to cruise the frats for hot jocks. The girls clung to Clarence's like leaches, complimenting his height and dark complexion as they openly rubbed the breasts on his back and arms to get his attention. Tyrone knew he had Clarence sewed up with all the free available pussy they could give him. Hell, that was what got his attention when Coach Brown and the team captain (back then) came calling for him in high school.

"So what do you think of the new hopeful?" asked Carter, meeting Tyrone over by the bar as they kept an eye on the former high schooler.

"We got him!" said Ty confidently, placing his drink up to his lips. "With Kandi and Jackie working him over tonight, that boy won't know what hit him in the morning! All that's left is getting Coach Brown to suck in the parents!"

As the party progressed and students began to get drunk and loose, Tyrone noticed that Clarence had broken away from the girls, and was standing up against the wall observing. Ty ran over to Kandi, as she was flirting with someone new and hoping to get her pussy fucked tonight. He grabbed her by her arm and dragged her into a nearby corner.

"What the fuck'r you doing??" he asked, staring her face-to-face angrily. "I paid you to fuck the NEW GUY, not to make your usual rounds! Why is Clarence standing over there unattended?!"

"I dunno...!" yelled Kandi, snatching her arm from Ty's strong grip. "Jackie and I gave him every opportunity to go into one of the rooms upstairs and fuck, but he's not interested! He's some sort of church-boy or something!" she explained, rubbing the growing bruise on her arm.

"So you go over there and offer him a blowjob in the alley, ANYTHING, but get that man to submit!" ordered Tyrone.

"I TRIED! He's NOT interested!" screamed Kandi, storming off.

Tyrone shook his head as he scanned the party for Clarence. When he didn't see him, he went over to one of his teammates (Carter) to ask if he'd seen him.

"Yo man, ole dude ducked out! I saw him leave about two minutes ago!" said Carter, one of his free hands up some girl's shirt.

"FUCK!" yelled Ty, sensing he was losing Clarence.

He ran for the door, stopping on the sidewalk as he scanned the area for the 6'4" stranger. He spotted Clarence about a block away, walking slowly as if in deep thought. Ty knew when a jock got to thinking deep thoughts, plans get fucked up. He ran down the street, calling Clarence's name as he ran up on him. "Yo man..., why'd you leave? The party was for YOU!" he said, breathing hard as he tried to catch his breath.

"I just needed some air." said Clarence, quietly.

"You okay man? You seem a little depressed." asked Tyrone, curiously. When Clarence didn't answer, he pressed on. "Look man..., if we're gonna be teammates soon, you might as well confide in me! Maybe I can help!"

"I..." started Clarence, growing cold feet immediately. “...I just want to go back to the hotel."

"But..., what about the party?" asked Tyrone, feeling Clarence slipping away. "The girls? Kandi was really looking forward to getting to know you better! She told me herself!"

"I'd really rather just go back to the hotel. Okay?" asked Clarence, causing Tyrone to sigh with frustration.

"Okay man..." he said finally, leading Clarence back towards the frat house. "...let me find my car keys."

Back at the party, Ty told Carter that Clarence was a "dud" and "a waste of time". He left the party knowing his boiz would keep it rolling until he got back. Hopefully he could salvage some of the wasted evening by getting his dick wet in some stupid college girl's moist pussy or hot mouth?

He drove Clarence back to the Season's Hotel, and parked just outside the entrance. Nothing was said between them during the entire ride. Tyrone waited for Clarence to get out, as the 6'4" teen sat with his head slumped into his chest.

"Thanks for the ride, man." he said, reaching for the door handle.

"I can't help you out if you don't tell me what the problem is!" said Ty, giving it ONE LAST try to break through.

Clarence hesitated as he re-closed the door. "Are you a virgin? Did Kandi come on to you too strong? If you didn't like her, we could've got you some other girl! Trust me man..., girls are at our disposal!"

"I'm not interested in girls." said Clarence, looking over at Ty in the driver's seat. "I had someone back in high school. We..., dated for two years."

"Is that all, man?" asked Tyrone, sighing with relief. "We can bring her up here to visit you. Hell..., I could talk to the Coach about getting her a scholarship! Maybe she could go to school here with you!" enticed Ty.

"It's not that easy..." said Clarence. "...when my parents found out we were dating, they broke us up and forbid us from seeing each other again!"

"What your parents don't know won't hurt them!" winked Ty, trying anything to get Clarence to stay with Jeremiah University.

"No. No.., it's over." said Clarence, shaking his head as he got out of the car.

"Wait, man...!" yelled Tyrone, following him. He threw his car keys to the valet as he ran to catch up to Clarence at the elevator. "Let's talk about it, man! It may not be as hopeless as you think!"

"Why're you so interested?" asked Clarence, getting onto the elevator and pressing the 15th floor.

"Cause man..., I REALLY want you to be a part of our team this year! We could really use a guy like you with your skills!"

"I'm just a freshmen..." said Clarence, downplaying his role. “...what can I bring to a team like the J's?"

"Are you kidding me, man?" laughed Tyrone, as the elevator doors opened and they stepped out. "You led your high school through three championship games in a row, with one of the highest single player scores in the State's history! They even televised your team's last victory on the local news; they never televise high school games! What college basketball team wouldn't want you on their side?"

Clarence fought back a smile as they got to his room, which the Coach booked separately from his parents next door. Clarence pulled out the card key and slid it through the electronic slide, unlocking the door. Tyrone followed the 18 yr old inside his room.

"So how ‘bout it man?" asked Tyrone, having given his best pitch. "You sticking with J. University or not?"

"I don't know..." said Clarence, kicking off his sneaks and unbuttoning his shirt. " badly does the team want me?"

"Very bad, man!" confessed Ty. "You're our FIRST pick to help us win the championship! Do you know how hard it is to come in SECOND three years in a row? It's humiliating! Nobody remembers second best!"

“So it's a personal thing?" asked Clarence, unbuckling his belt. "YOU want me on the team too?"

"It's MY job to make sure you get whatever it is you need to persuade you to come over with us! The best room in the frat, a new car every year we win, an account, girls, pussy whenever you want it! It's yours man, you name it!" offered Ty.

"Well..., what I could really go for right now..." said Clarence, dropping his pants to the floor to reveal his long purple cotton boxers and thick dick bulge. " some ass!"

"Sure man..." said Ty, watching Clarence massage the long bulge through his boxers. "...let me call up a couple of girls..." he added, pulling out his cell phone.

"Naw man..., I already told you, I ain't interested in no girls!" explained Clarence. Ty's eyes widened.

"You mean you're gay?" he asked, looking the 6'4", tall, dark skin Power house over from head to 14" feet.

Clarence smiled, showing a bright row of shinny white teeth. "So when you say you want some ass..., you MEAN you want some ASS?"

“That's right." said Clarence, kicking off his pants.

"Well..., it's not a usual request, but I think I know a guy who likes guys..., maybe I can get hold of him and have him meet..."

"No..." interrupted Clarence, stopping Ty in mid-dial. "I don't want some faggot campus boy-whore..., I want some jock butt, something worthy of having my dick up inside it!"

"Well playa..., I don't know any jocks that's down with that! Maybe some of the guys on the tennis team...?" thought Tyrone.

"Well..., I kinda had my eye on yours!" said Clarence, reaching for a long shot.

"ME?!?" choked Ty, offended. "I ain't gay, hommie! I ain't down with that shit!"

"I thought you wanted me on your team?" asked Clarence, still stroking his lump. "Thought you said Coach wanted you to give me whatever I wanted to keep me happy?"

"Yeah, but..., MY ASS ain't part of the equation!" said Ty, stepping back to protect his assets.

"Oh well..." said Clarence, hunching his shoulders. "...guess I'll just have to sign with Seymour University!"

Ty's mouth dropped open at the mere mention of their toughest competition.

”Maann..." he sighed frustrated. "...why can't I just get you a girl that'll let you fuck her in the ass? Hell, I'll even pop for a hooker of your choice! Why does it have to be MY ass on the line?"

"Because you need me the most!" said Clarence. "This's your last year to win a championship before you graduate, if you don't do it now, you never will!"

"You're a real asshole, you know that?" said Tyrone, feeling backed into a corner.

"That' what my Coach said before I popped his cherry!" smiled Clarence, having done this sort of thing before.

"What guarantee do I have that your parents'll let you sign after I..., after I..., give up the ass?" asked Ty, swallowing his dignity.

"You have my word, man! The final decision's up to me, my parents'll go with whatever University I feel most comfortable with, --regardless of the perks." assured Clarence, once again rubbing his dick. He could see Tyrone thinking it over in his head. He really wanted that championship over Seymour, and that was just the ammo Clarence needed to set the bait to his trap.

"Okay man..., I'll let you do it, so long as you sign with J. University, and NOBODY, and I mean NOBODY hears of this!"

"You got it, man!" smiled Clarence.

"I can't fucking believe I'm doing this...!" mumbled Tyrone, moving further into the room as he slowly began removing his clothes.

Tyrone was 6-2, 170 lbs with a medium muscular build, a brown skin complexion, full sexy sensual lips, a thin trimmed mustache, and a short tapered hair cut. He always kept himself well groomed and clean shaven, in case any of the local of college papers ever wanted to do an unexpected interview or take a picture. He was very attractive and always had his pick of women on and off campus grounds to satisfy his thick long 9 inch manhood.

This was the first sexual encounter Ty had ever had where he was more nervous than excited. His plump dick lay completely limp between his legs as he undressed, his mind preoccupied with the thoughts of horrible pain shooting through his sore and never before touched anus. Ty couldn't believe he was about to give up his anal virginity for the school. But he realized it really wasn't for the school, it for his chances to finally win a championship before finishing college. Something like that could really look good on his resume while shopping for a pro contract.

Clarence watched as Tyrome stripped completely naked. He enjoyed the straight man's perfectly toned brown body and rippled 6pack as he threw the last article of clothing to the floor. “Well...?" asked Ty, waiting for whatever came next.

"You've got a really great body..." said Clarence, walking up to him. Ty felt strange receiving the compliment from another man while completely naked about to get butt fucked in a hotel room.

"Thanks." he said nervously, watching as Clarence reached out and began feeling his muscles. "I thought you wanted my ass?" he asked, wanting to get the deed over quickly.

"I do..., what's the rush?" asked Clarence, dropping to his knees.

Ty watched in shock as the big guy leaned forward and took his limp dick into his mouth and began sucking. `Damn, this guy really is gay!' –thought Ty, feeling the mouth, lips, and tongue working over his soft flesh.

Clarence could smell the clean cologne fresh scent of Tyrone’s crotch, hinted with a slight musky smell from sweat and confinement. He breathed in deeply through his nostrils as he suckled the soft phallus, pulling at the shaft with his full dark lips. Slowly (against Tyrone’s will) the dick started to rise and harden in Clarence's mouth. Ty tried to keep his dick from getting hard, not wanting to give in to the fleshly feelings of pleasure from another man. But the hot wet mouth felt as good as any woman's who's ever sucked him. He recalled the old saying that `a hard dick has no conscious’ and he now knew what the expression meant in full.

Clarence felt the dick hardening in his mouth as he sucked. His lips wrapped around the thickening shaft as he bobbed his head back and forth on the star player's meat. Soon it was standing at its full 9 inch thickness, Clarence sucked sweetly at the fat dome, suckling for any hint of pre-cum before swallowing the entire length down into his throat. Tyrome gasped as the throat muscles clamped down around his shaft, milking him like a farmer would a cow' teat. Ty's hands instinctively went to Clarence's head as the big guy molded his throat around the pulsing shaft.

"Oh fuck..." moaned Tyrone, feeling Clarence retreat back up to the head as he sucked once again at the head for more juice.

Ty said nothing, not wanting Clarence to know how well he was getting to him. He needed to save some of his dignity for after the butt fucking, getting punked and losing his load to Clarence's mouth might be too much to deal with in one night.

But Clarence already knew what affects he was having on Tyrone, he could tell just by the volume of pre-cum forming at the tip of his dick alone. He swiped away the sticky flavorful droplets before going all the way back down on it. Clarence loved taking straight dick down his throat, shocking men with his oral skills. They often didn't expect him to be as good as he is, but Clarence had been sucking dick for as long as he'd been playing ball, and was a practical expert at both.

Ty felt the full wet lips sliding up and down his thick shaft, and closed his eyes to the awesome feeling. He loved getting his dick sucked, and had to confess (if only to himself) that Clarence was the best he'd ever had. He loved how easily the big guy took his meat into his throat, holding it there as he buried his nose in his dick bush before slowly sliding back up to the head. His dick was starting to pulse every time Clarence sucked at the tip, tasting the tasty pre-cum. It wouldn't be long before he felt himself white washing the faggot's throat if he kept this up. Tyrone started to actually look forward to flooding the ball player's throat, he thought of it as a form of payback for the butt fucking he was going to get. But just as Ty's dick started to throb, Clarence pulled his mouth completely off, leaving the brown dick bobbing wetly and oozing more pre-cream at the tip.

"Go over to the bed!" ordered Clarence, getting up off his knees. He escorted Tyrone to the bed, then helped him get into doggy position on his hands and knees. Tyrone looked back at Clarence over his muscular shoulder.

"Take it easy man..., don't hurt me!" he warned.

"I know my way around an asshole!" assured Clarence, falling to his knees behind Ty's ass at the edge of the bed. Tyrone wondered where he went, and then he suddenly felt his hands on his ass cheeks, pulling them apart.

Clarence looked into the ass crack, loving the look of the tight straight hole surrounded with a tuft of black curly anal hair. He parted the brown bubbled cheeks to expose the anus. He leaned inward and extended his long wet tongue, swiping it up the crack and across the hole, tasting it for flavor.

“Oh SHIT...!" choked Tyrone, jumping from the unexpected sensation. He'd never had his asshole licked before, never having found a female freaky enough to try it.

Clarence savored the taste of the hole on his tongue before swiping it again. He loved how Ty's body jumped and jerked every time he licked his bud. Most straight guys didn't know how to take the feeling at first. Some liked it, most learned to like it after repeated experiences, but then there were those who's manhoods were really rocked and threatened by the experience and couldn't handle it at all. Clarence wondered which type Ty would be as he buried his face between the cheeks and starting sucking the hole outright.

"Oh fuck...! Oh shit...!" groaned Tyrone, trying to crawl away from the intense sucking. It felt like someone had attached a vacuum to his anus and turned it on. Clarence suctioned his fat lips around his anal ring, and darted his long fat tongue in and out of his anus. He grabbed the man around the hips to hold him steady, keeping him from getting away.

"Shit man..., stop..." moaned Ty weakly, falling flat onto the mattress. Clarence followed him, keeping his face pressed up between the ass cheeks.

Tyrone managed to roll over onto his side, trying to twist and turn his ass out of the way, but Clarence merely twisted his head to get a better angle, scissoring Ty's legs open as he continued to suck and slurp at the pouting hole. Ty squirmed, trying to wiggle away as Clarence got him onto his back and locked his legs so he couldn't move. Ty laid his head on the bed with his ass raised high in a vulnerable position so Clarence could get full access. The younger man devoured the hole before him, tongue fucking him and sucking on the hole until he had it pulsating and dripping wet with his saliva.

He pressed a forefinger inside, feeling the relaxed muscles clamp down on the invader. Tyrone groaned aloud as the finger moved back and forth. Clarence reached up between Ty's legs, finding his hard dick and began stroking it while adding another finger to the tight ring. He alternated fingers and tongue as he slowly but surely caused the hole to open more and more. Tyrone was pre-cumming like crazy after Clarence found his prostate gland and began poking and massaging it profusely. Tyrone found himself moaning heavily as he started to spread his legs to get the fingers to go in deeper.

Primed and ready for penetration, Clarence reached for a small packet of lube he always carried for emergencies in his pants pocket. He pulled his thick fat long dark dick from the slit of his purple shorts, and started to massage the lube along the shaft out of sight. His face was still pressed between Ty's ass cheeks, licking and sucking the sweet hole as Ty slowly stroked his own dick. He'd never felt anything so nasty and so good before in his life! Was this how women felt when they got their pussies sucked? He wondered. Clarence licked his way up from Tyrone’s ass towards his balls. He rolled the ball player back onto his hands and knees, positioning his round buttock waist high as he prepared it for fucking. He kissed and licked his muscular back as he pressed his dick head up to the wet hole. Instinctively Ty's anus snapped shut, sensing an invader near. Clarence pushed his head into the center, massaging the ring as he slowly added more and more pressure. Using the same technique he used with his tongue, he pressed in and out, in and out, in and out until the hole started to open automatically. Tyrone gasped when the fat head penetrated his anal lips, the sphincter muscles clamping around the dome of the penis.


"Just relax!" encouraged Clarence, really wanting inside the hot Captain's ass. "Pretend like it's my tongue!"

"Your tongue wasn't that fat!!" reminded Ty, squeezing his eyes shut as he tried to grin and bare it. Clarence reached down and around Ty's waist to feel for his dick. Totally limp now, Clarence grabbed and massaged it while merely holding his dick head inside the anus. Eventually Ty's dick started to respond as Clarence began to feed his ass more dick. Clarence pulled Ty upright on his knees until Ty's back was flat against his chest. He kissed and sucked at the player's neck and shoulders while he slowly jacked him and inched more dick into his anal track.

Tyrone moaned and groaned as his ass was packed full. He tried to endure the pain and pressure, but there always seemed to be more dick pushing forth. Finally he felt Clarence starting to thrust back and forth, sawing his dick in and out of his anal ring. Ty felt breathless as his ass was fucked slowly from behind. Clarence was sucking at his neck (one of Ty's hot-spots), holding his torso and pinching his erect nipples with one hand, while jacking him with the other. Tyrone threw his head back on Clarence's shoulder, feeling his anal muscles relax as the dick moved through him at a nice slow pace. Soon his dick was rock hard in Clarence's hand, the pre-cum flowing once again.

"You like this?" asked Clarence, pushing and pulling back and forth faster.

“uhh..." groaned Ty. "Just fuck me and get it over with, man!" he said, trying to sound indifferent. But Clarence knew by the sucking anus and the pulsing dick in his hand, that Tyrone was enjoying this butt fucking more than he let on.

Clarence moved his lips up to Ty's ear, licking and nibbling the lobe as he stuck his tongue into the opening. Tyrone groaned louder, pushing his ass back on the dick. His breathing became heavy as he arched his back so his ass suick out further for fucking. Clarence knew he had him right where he wanted him as he picked up the pace and started to fuck the ball player harder.

"I LOVE your ass, man!" whispered Clarence between soft wet kisses on the ear and neck. "I could fuck this hole for hours if you'd let me! If I joined the University, would you let me fuck you regularly? Would you be my personal bitch, to fuck when and wherever I wanted?"

"Oh fuck, man..." moaned Tyrone, his dick jumping his Clarence's expertly jerking hand.

"Is that a yes, man? Would you be my bitch? Would you let me fuck you again?" whispered Clarence, knowing he HAD to make Ty agree before he came, before he came back to his senses. "Your pussy feels so fucking good on my dick, man! I love how it snaps down on me and holds me inside you, like it doesn't wanna let me go! Do you feel it, baby? Do you like? Would you like to let me fuck you again on a regular basis?"

"Maannn..., don't do this to me..." moaned Tyrone, feeling weak. The constant massage of his prostate and the combination of jacking and sweet talk was putting him over the edge. Tyrone didn't want to cum with another man's dick up his ass. What would that say about him as a man? He grabbed at Clarence's hand, trying to stop him from jacking him off. Only faggots came with a man fucking their asses!

"Come on, baby..., you know you like it! Tell me how much you like having me in you!" whispered Clarence, pushing even more dick up inside the hole and making Tyrone groan more. "Your ass feels so much hotter and tighter than any girl's pussy I've ever had! You're such a hot fucking dude, I could suck your dick everyday before and after I fuck you. Did you like how my mouth felt on your dick?"

"Yeeahhh..." moaned Ty, giving in more and more.

"Wouldn't you like me to blow you on a regular, man? Wouldn't you like to blow your load in my mouth..., down my throat?"

"OOOooo Fuuuuck...!" groaned Ty, losing his senses.

"I could take your dick into my mouth and let you cum straight down into my throat if you want..., so long as you give me this sweet ass-pussy to fuck whenever I want it!" whispered Clarence, --fucking, sucking, and stroking all at once. Tyrone’s mind and body was on fire with mixed emotions. "Would you like that, baby? Does that sound good to you?"

"Oh FUCK...!" yelled Ty, his asshole suddenly squeezing down on Clarence's dick like a vice. His body stiffened as his dick swelled in Clarence's hand, shooting hot thick ropes of cum all over the hotel bed sheets as he grunted and gasped for breath.

Clarence used that opportunity to hump harder into Tyrone’s spasming body. He held him tightly to keep him from wiggling away while he fucked at his clinching ass with hard deep strokes. Tyrone grunted and groaned as the dick pushed through his clamping sphincter to pound into his heated bowels. Clarence felt his own orgasm coming on strong as he gripped Tyrone’s body tighter. He humped up into the tight ass before him, his dick swelling before losing its massive load into the ball player's bowels. Tyrone could feel the dick pulsating wildly inside him, his colon growing warm with liquid. He could hear Clarence panting for breath behind him. He could feel his heavy heart beat against his back. He held his ground until he felt Clarence's grip on him loosen, allowing him to climb free.

Clarence fell out on his back on the bed, his thick long snake like dick lay dying slowly across his thigh. Tyrone couldn't help but stare at it, not having seen how long it was before it entered him. He estimated Clarence to be about 12 inches long! From the wet streaks left on it, it seemed that only about a third of it had actually made it into his ass.

"We kewl?" asked Ty, climbing off the bed to his feet.

"Yeah..., we kewl." said Clarence, peeking up over his chest.

Tyrone reached for his clothes, eager to get dressed and get out. Clarence rose up on his elbows, admiring the view of Ty's brown butt cheeks as he put one leg behind the other in his pants and underwear.

"Are we gonna do this again?" he asked, smiling as his dick started to lengthen across his leg. Ty looked back at him as he threw on his shirt.

"We'll have to work on finding someone to take you on regular, man..., my ass ain't taking no more dick!" informed Tyrone.

"But you like it! You came while I was fucking you!" defended Clarence.

"I like PUSSY, man! I ain't gay!" explained Ty, putting on his shoes.

"We'll see." smiled Clarence, as Ty practically ran for the door.

Ty couldn't believe what just happened as he stood waiting for the elevator. His asshole felt 10x as big as normal, as it still throbbed from the fucking it got. He tried blacking out what happened as he jumped onto the elevator and pressed for the Lobby. When he got back to the frat house, he'd have to grab two or three girls to fuck to prove he was still a man! That he still had what it took to fuck a girl and get her off! A man's body was made for fucking women, to cum inside them, not to be came inside! When the elevator doors opened, he was shocked to see the Coach escorting Clarence's mom and dad inside. They all met in the lobby, with Coach congratulating them on signing their son to Jeremiah University.

"What do you mean...?" asked Tyrome, confused. " mean.., they already signed?"

"Clarence signed with his parents in the Dean’s Office before we went to dinner! Why do you think we were celebrating?" asked Coach Brown, walking the parents over to the elevators.

Tyrone frowned when he realized Clarence suckered him, tricking him into letting him fuck him despite knowing he'd already signed to J. University.

Written by Eugene Marvin


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