Gay Erotic Stories

Consultant fixes more than computer

by Lovesolder1956
01 Dec 2010

Mature Straight Men, Gay Sex

First let me introduce myself. I’m a 50 year old married male that works as a computer consultant and gets called out to work on computers in residences. My work takes me all over the city and I get to meet a large variety of people.

Recently I was called out to a home of a retired elderly couple in their 70s. It seems that their computer had a virus and they were not able to access anything at all. It was a rainy day and my mind wondered as I crossed the city about my problems at home. My wife had ceased to be interested in sex and it had caused tension in our marriage. Not a lot, because in every other way we had a great relationship. She was a very devoted wife and I would never really consider running around on her because of the fear that I might lose her. I just wished there were some way to be able to discreetly relieve my sexual tension.

I had always been a very sexual person. I remember masturbating at a very young age. My father kept porn under his mattress and I would sneak in there and read it and masturbate constantly. When I became older my desire for sexual contact increased considerably. Anyway, now the only release I got was looking at internet porn and masturbating.

Recently I had even thought about trying to find other men in the same situation as me, to see if we could help each other in our dilemma. For the most part I had always been straight, but had fantasized about trying it with another male, though I was not turned on by the male physique. No, for me it would just be a way of getting some intimate contact for which I so badly longed for.

I arrived at the two-story home in a fairly well-to-do quiet neighborhood and rang the doorbell. I was greeted by an older man of about 70 with white hair and a big smile. He introduced himself as Jim and invited me into his home. Once inside I found myself in a nice home, where every wall was decorated with pictures. Some were of his family and some of his time in the service. He explained that he was a bomber pilot in the war and had flown sorties over Japan.

His skin was fairly wrinkled but he was in pretty good shape for a man his age. His wife was not home. It turned out that the computer experiencing the problems was his own personal computer located in his study. He led me through the house, stopping briefly to talk about keepsakes adorning his walls and shelves. He had led a very interesting life and loved recalling the twists and turns. I loved hearing stories of times gone by.

Finally we arrived at his study which was a medium size room on the top floor. He explained that the top floor was an addition to the house. They had remodeled their large attic and created a couple of rooms for their kids as their family expanded. One of the rooms had been converted to a study when the kids left home. The other room was still an operational bedroom with a complete bath. It was a great place for him to get away and work on the many projects that kept him busy. The walls were adorned and shelves were adorned with mementos of his war days, plus memorabilia from the days when he ran a successful business.

Finally our attention turned to his ailing computer. A special type of Trojan known as malware had attacked it and blocked any attempt to do anything. It was demanding that he purchase software to remove it. I had seen this type of thing before. An unsuspecting user might be tempted to purchase the software, but once the credit card information was entered, the user’s money would be promptly siphoned out of their account. This type of software preyed on inexperienced users and this was no exception. Luckily he was intelligent enough to call me before giving out personal information.

The first thing I did was reset his computer back to a period of time before the Trojan had infected it. I then installed virus protection on it and ran a thorough scan to find and remove any unseemly pests that were infecting it. I explained that it would take a few hours for the scans to run. I also explained that I had another project to work on and would leave while the scans were running. I told him to call me when they completed and I would return.

We talked a little as he led me out to my car. I found him to be very charming and easy to be around. I could tell that we both really enjoyed each other’s company very much. As I drove away I thought about how nice it would be to have a good friendship. I seldom had time for developing relationships and sorely needed just a good ole “buddy” so to speak.

Later that afternoon Jim called and said the computer was finished. I wrapped up some stuff I was doing and made my way through the still wet streets of the city to his home. I arrived at his place and he led me to his office. I noticed that his wife still was nowhere to be found. I figured they probably didn’t see much of each other. He had his area of the house and she had hers. They probably came together for dinners or maybe television and then retired to their own quarters. It looked as if the bedroom upstairs might be used, so he probably was sleeping there.

As promised, the computer was finished running its scan and was waiting for a human to instruct it on the next step. The software had found several pieces of malware and I told it to remove them all. I next went about checking it for other problems with the memory etc.

When I checked his browsing history, I noticed that he enjoyed looking at porn. I mentioned that I did too and we talked about it. He was interested in finding a way to remove the history so his grandkids didn’t see it. I showed him how to remove the history and we talked more about it. It was funny but I found myself telling him about my history of porn and even about the sexual problems I was having with my wife. It seemed just natural to discuss such things with him, because of the nature of our relationship. He explained that his wife also was not interested in sex and porn was his method of scratching his itch so to speak. We both laughed as I continued to work on his computer.

When I complete a job I always turn the computer over to the user to inspect it and to see if there is anything else they need. This case was no different and he began going through his files to make sure everything was still there. To his great relief, nothing had been lost and then turned his attention to browsing some of his favorite websites which included his porn sites.

I noticed that his taste were completely heterosexual in nature. He was a breast man. You could tell he delighted in looking at big breasts. I showed him a few sites that I liked to frequent which he enjoyed looking at as well. He became quiet as we looked at a few and I figured as soon as I left he would probably masturbate. It began to dawn on me that he might be the discreet encounter I was looking for. We were both in sexless marriages. We both loved masturbating to porn. We seemed to get along well and I had no reason to believe he would give away “our” secret. The only problem was who would make the first move. I certainly didn’t want to make a move. I didn’t see any gay porn and if he was turned-off by the idea, he might end up calling the police, so I put the idea to rest. If he made a move I would be there, but if not, I would not.

We surfed many sites and I got the distinct impression that he was waiting on me to make a move. He began browsing to more explicit sites and would comment on them extensively. It all seemed like to much to just be a casual conversation. He had a pair of shorts on and I noticed his right hand was resting on his leg below his crotch. After a while I noticed that his fingers were ever-so-slowly moving in a back and forth manner. I smiled. He was definitely getting aroused and would probably masturbate when I left.

I also was getting very aroused and increasingly wanted to test the waters. I was already leaning over his shoulder so we could share what he was viewing. I moved my arm up and rested it on the arm of his chair, not in a overtly sexual manner, but just to make a slight more intimate move in case we were both thinking about the same thing. When I did he shifted in his chair so that his hand and crotch were a little closer to my hand.

Wow! My head was starting to spin. I was so close to realizing a fantasy, but could I be confident. I sat there for a few minutes to let the sexual tension calm down. Then at what I considered the right time, I made my move. I moved my hand up to scratch my head, but when I put it back down, I laid it on his hand.

This was the moment of truth. I know I must have been holding my breath but to my surprise he didn’t move. He simply continued viewing the porn. After a minute or two he did however move his hand a little to give me better access to his crotch.

I sat there a few minutes and pondered as to what my next move would be. It seemed obvious that he was enticing me to make a move, but I was still reluctant to take a chance. Finally I moved my hand to point at the screen and when I returned it, I put it over his crotch with my fingers lightly brushing his bulge which appeared to be getting bigger. For several painful minutes he didn’t do anything, and then very gently he moved his crotch up to meet my fingers. I responded by very gently brushing my fingers up and down the length of his crotch. The more I stroked his crotch, the harder he got but he didn’t look at me at all.

I continued to stroke him however and thought about what all this could mean. I was certainly not gay, but was curiously enjoying the feeling of pleasing this man. He didn’t appear to be gay either, but did seem to be enjoying our situation as much as me. Could it be that neither one of us wanted to tagged as gay and that both of us were just wanting the other to lead them to a special place. A place where we could get that intimate contact we both so dearly craved. A place where our mutual sexual needs could be met. A place of safety and sexual bliss.

By this time he was moving against my hand but still not looking at me. I ever so gently reached under the leg of his shorts and let my hand moved up a short distance. I was surprised to find that he was not wearing underwear. I moved up a little closer to where I felt we both wanted me to be which was his engorged cock and gently touched it with my fingers. Not only did he not move but I discovered that he must have been holding his breath in anticipation because when I touched his bare cock he let out a little breath followed by a almost inaudible moan.

I knew then that he and I were both fixing to enter a new realm. We would both be entering the new world of bisexuality. Well at least it was new for me. I really wasn’t for sure about him. Strangely enough, neither of us seemed to be turned off by it at all. Both of our breathing seemed to be a little labored. It was obvious that both of us were extremely aroused. My cock was rock hard as was his.

I began to explore his cock with my hands. The first thing I noticed is that it was very warm to the touch with veins that protruded along it length. It seemed to be about average length and girth, but unlike mine, his was uncircumcised which was strangely appealing to me because I had never felt one before. I moved my hand up to explore the covered head more and moved the sheath back and dipped my finger to the tip of the head. He was extremely wet. Apparently he had been oozing pre-cum for some time now and it was dripping down the underside of his rock hard cock and onto his leg.

I wrapped my hand around him and began to move back and forth is a slow, gentle fashion taking care to stroke the underside a little harder. I found that I enjoyed moving his foreskin back and forth over the head. My hand and his cock were by now covered in precum and he was beginning to fuck my hand but still had not looked at me or even acknowledged anything that was going on verbally. But what he wasn’t saying with his mouth, he was definitely saying with his actions.

By this time I had thrown off all caution to the wind. I reached around and unzipped his shorts and opened them up so I could have better access. I then reached in and grabbed my new best friend and began to lovingly work my hand up and down his cock. He responded with a fucking motion and we both began to get lost in our little experiment.

I have to admit that I was enjoying the feeling of pleasing another human being sexually. I knew by the hardness and heat of his manhood that he was extremely aroused and that curiously enough was giving me a great amount of pleasure. My own cock was rock hard and I too was leaking pre-cum to the point that I could feel puddles of it on my leg. In my wildest dreams, I never thought I would enjoy being with another man so enjoyable, but it was incredibly erotic.

It was then that I noticed that we were taking on roles. Although I’ve always been a male and the dominant one in a sexual relationship, I was not becoming more of the passive one. It was me that was masturbating him. I was pleasing him. Instead of being in a situation where I was mainly concerned with fucking someone, I was now in a position where I was preparing someone to fuck me. My body was the one that would be used for the mutual pleasure of my new relationship.

As I pondered all of this, he startled me when he suddenly stood up and let his shorts fall to the floor. He then turned around stood with his erect manhood inches from my mouth. I looked up at him and he looked down at me and smiled as if to say, “go ahead, it’s ok”, but he only said it with his eyes. We both knew what we wanted. He was highly aroused and so was I. He had weeks of pent up sexual frustration. He needed someone to relieve him. I also had sexual frustration, but I needed to know that I could be of service to him. I needed to feel his power as he used me for his pleasure. I needed to be his bitch. I wanted to taste his hot seed in my mouth. I wanted to go to a place of intimacy with him where we both had clear-cut roles. I wanted to worship his cock. He wanted to feed me his manly seed. For a brief period of time, I would serve him in the way that his wife no long did. I would be his woman.

Without hesitation, I kissed the covered head of his cock and let my tongue slip into the hole as I pulled the foreskin down to unveil the prize. My lips instinctively closed around the head and my tongue swirled to lap up the first fruits of my labor. His pre-cum tasted a little salty but good. I was not at all turned off by it. His hand touched the back of my head and pulled me more onto his hungry member. The head slipped past my lips as I experienced the feeling of being fucked in the mouth for the first time. I found myself savoring the tastes and smells of his cock.

He continued to shove his dick into my mouth until it came to a place where my gag reflexes took over. I knew that I had reached my limit which was a little over half of his erect pulsing dick in my mouth. For the time being that would have to be enough. It seemed to be enough for him as he pulled back so that the covered head was resting on my tongue. I pulled his foreskin back so as to keep his most sensitive an personal area fully exposed to my loving and tongue and swirled around it a second or two and then rested the tip of my tongue in the slit. He responded by pushing back into my mouth so as to force my tongue into him. He was clearly enjoying this.

My hand grasped his cock and milked him to extract more of his juices onto my waiting tongue. This was becoming a labor of love. I found myself more and more becoming entranced by his manly cock. The feeling of a virile man, rich in the experience of this world, fucking my mouth was indescribable. To think that the same cock that pleasured his new wife on their honeymoon 50 years ago. The same cock that brought his children into the world was now being entrusted to me. It was a relationship of mutual respect and friendship, but it was a powerful intimate relationship that we were building. This was far more than a friendship. This was a relationship and I was enjoying my new role as the servicer of his cock.

We soon developed a rhythm together. As he moved into my mouth I explored the underside of his cock with my tongue. As he pulled out I clamped my lips around him and gave a slight sucking so as to give him the most pleasure. Then the head was at my lips, I used them along with my tongue to intimately make love to his head and slit.

His pee slit seemed to mesmerize me. I simply could not get enough of it. It’s as if I was frantically waiting for something to emerge. Everything that did come out was immediately lapped up by my willing tongue as if to encourage it to give me more. Like a hungry child nursing on its mother’s breasts I was nursing on his cock. The reward would be the feeling of his life-giving seed filling my mouth. I was slowly becoming his cock slave. My job was to service and worship his cock. His job was to feed me.

Because I couldn’t take him all the way, I used my hand to masturbate the remainder of his cock which was by now slick with the combination of his juices and my saliva. By now both his hands were behind my head and his pelvis was thrusting in a fucking motion. In retrospect, it kind of reminded me of how a male dog thrusts into the air as he strives to mount his bitch. But at that moment I didn’t care. His actions just caused me to strive more to please him. His manly thrusts only reminded me that he was driven to fuck his bitch. His only concern now was to impregnate something. He needed someone to take his seed. I was more than willing to fill that role for him.

Suddenly his movements became jerkier and his hands pulled harder against my head. It was only then that the first words escaped his lips. “Oh yeah baby, that feels so fucking good!” “Keep going. I’m fixing to let you have it.” “I need you to suck it out of me!” By now his cock had become really engorged and he no longer cared whether I was comfortable or not. His instinct for human reproduction took over and he simply needed to fuck my mouth. I had to keep my hand in place so that he didn’t ram his cock down my throat. Every time he pushed, the head seemed to go a little farther until my gag reflex seemed to ease up. The farther he went, the farther he wanted to go.

His hands became more frantic and his fucking action became more intense. I could tell that he was close to giving me what we both desperately wanted. Suddenly he pushed forward and his cock slipped into my throat. The feeling of having his entire cock in my throat sent him over the edge. I could feel his cock jerking violently as he let out a muffled moan and his virile seed shot straight down my throat. I pulled back so as not to choke as his cock continued to spasm and release semen into my mouth. Not wanting to make a mess, I swallowed everything he gave me as his body started to relax his once hard cock now began to deflate.

His hand continued to caress the back of my head as I slowly licked him clean. I took care not to suck him too hard knowing that he would be getting somewhat sensitive. At that point I looked up to find him smiling down at me with a look of satisfaction. Somehow we had accomplished what we set out to do. His primal instincts had been met. He found his bitch and unloaded his seed. His bloodline would go on.

I had found the love and affection I needed. I had found the intimacy of pleasing another man to the point that they lay down all restraint and give you that most intimate part of themselves. I knew from that point on, I would long for his affection. Where this would all eventually lead was unknown. One thing was certain. Our lives had changed and neither of us was unhappy about it.

To be continued. If you enjoyed this let me know it. I enjoy hearing from you. Contact me at


More Gay Erotic Stories from Lovesolder1956

Consultant fixes more than computer

First let me introduce myself. I’m a 50 year old married male that works as a computer consultant and get’s called out to work on computers in residences. My work takes me all over the city and I get to meet a large variety of people.Recently I was called out to a home of a retired elderly couple in their 70s. It seems that their computer had a virus and they were not able to access


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