Gay Erotic Stories

Snatched and Sold - Chapter Five

by Ssffww
11 Jun 2012


By the time the bastards finally returned, Phoenix was collapsed back against the wall, legs splayed, in a fit of delirium. The pump had drained his nuts nine times, the last three little more than thin, watery streams that hardly counted. He had never had so many ejaculations at one time in his young life. His pecker was beet red and swollen so large it almost appeared normal now and his nuts ached so bad his stomach cramped. Each time he squirmed, the rubber hook up his ass sparked a wave of intense pleasure through him, followed, almost instantly, by a blast of agony from his tortured bowels. It was an insidiously simple means of keeping Phoenix balanced on the very brink of pain and pleasure. Phoenix was loosed from the wall and the pump was slipped off his tortured pecker. His ass was unhooked and he was rolled onto his side. His entire body was so stiff and sore he could hardly move, much less stand. The bastards knelt on either side of him and methodically massaged his aching muscles, kneaded them like pizza dough. At first, even the slightest touch was so painful Phoenix could hardly stand it, but after a bit his sore limbs melted enough for him to endure their gropes without too much complaint. “Bitch is sure one hot piece,” said the burly fucker as he oiled Phoenix’s backside, “Fine, fuckable ass. Nice, firm legs and strong feet.” “Wish it had bigger tits,” said the other as he massaged Phoenix’s chest. “But it nipples are sure nice and juicy.” The lanky fucker squirted oil all over Phoenix’s hairless crotch and rubbed it in. Phoenix flinched and whimpered as his sore pecker and nuts were slicked. His throat was raw and his lips so dry they had started to crack. It took all his strength, but Phoenix finally managed to croak, “Water. Please. I need water.” The bastard rose and retrieved the hose. Phoenix dragged himself up onto his haunches and extended his mouth like a greedy baby bird, but the bastard held the stream just out of reach. “I’ll allow you a drink, but you have to take your pills with it.” He dug two white capsules out of his pocket and held them out for Phoenix too see. “They’re for the pain.” Phoenix did not relish being drugged by these freaks, but figured he had no choice, and besides the pills might ease his suffering somewhat. The bastard slipped them onto Phoenix’s tongue and squirted water into his mouth to wash them down. Phoenix swallowed. The bastard then spewed the water into Phoenix’s face and Phoenix slurped it down in greedy gulps. Once he had his fill, the bastard turned off the faucet and the burly fucker tossed a brown paper bag to Phoenix. Phoenix rummaged through it and pulled out hunks of bread and cheese and a bag of baby carrots. He crammed food into his mouth as fast as he could swallow, even dabbed up the few crumbs that had landed on the floor, until there was nothing left. Phoenix felt groggy after his meal. His pain had dulled to a tolerable throb and the raging inferno inside his ravaged ass had died down to little more than a smolder. He sighed in relief and curled up on the floor, didn’t care what they did to him now, he was just so grateful for some relief. The burly fucker settled onto the floor beside Phoenix. He lifted Phoenix onto his lap, cradled him there, and ever so gently rocked back and forth. “We don’t want to hurt you, boy. But you’re a whore now and must learn to do as your told. Behave from now on and we’ll go as easy on you as we can.” Phoenix was weak and dopey and so freaked out he couldn’t focus. He blubbered into the bastard’s hairy shoulder chest. “Please, sir. I can’t do this. I’m no faggot. Don’t make me. Please.” “You got a pretty, little cocksucker and a tight, rosy ass twat. Two holes to fuck. That’s all you need.” Phoenix sobbed harder than ever. He could not believe this was happening. The freaks really intended to sell his ass. The very idea was so repulsive it was ridiculous, but trapped in their clutches with no hope of escape, Phoenix figured that if he wanted to live he suspected he was going to have to do as he was told no matter how disgusting. The bastard drew Phoenix’s head back by a wad of hair and kissed him on the mouth, hard. His thick, rough tongue poked at Phoenix’s lips and Phoenix let them part. The bastard’s persistent tongue swiftly engaged with his. Phoenix closed his eyes and kissed back. If this was what it took to appease the bastard, he would do it. It was certainly better than getting raped. After a brief, frenzied tongue dance, the bastard pulled back. “You taste like shit, whore. Gotta get you a tooth brush.” The burly fucker shoved Phoenix off his lap and the two freaks rolled him onto his belly. They tucked Phoenix’s legs up under his chest so that he was rested on his haunches and shoved the back of head down until his forehead was pressed tight against the cold, stone floor. They dragged his arms long across the floor above his head and stood. Phoenix crouched at their feet, still and silent, uncertain what their next move might be and not daring to sneak a peek. “Memorize this position, boy. When we order you to attention, assume it. You got that?” “Yes, sir,” Phoenix whimpered. “Now let’s see you practice it.” The bastards hauled Phoenix up onto his knees and kicked him onto his back. “Attention, whore!” Phoenix’s mind was in a fog. It was all he could do to concentrate on their voices and try to follow their commands. He struggled back over onto his belly, drew his knees in, pressed his head to the floor, and stretched is arms out above him. The lanky fucker leaned down and gave Phoenix's hair a tousle. “Good job, boy.” The freaks made Phoenix practice that move over and over, until he must have finally executed it smoothly enough to satisfy them, because they moved on. The burly fucker barked at Phoenix. “Present ass!” “Huh?” The lanky freak marched over, snatched Phoenix by the nuts, and hiked Phoenix’s ass into the air. Phoenix shrieked. “That, bitch, is present ass.” Phoenix crouched there on his elbows and knees with his ass sticking out, humiliated, and too befuddled to object. The lanky fucker ran his hands over Phoenix’s trembling buttocks for several seconds, then shoved Phoenix on his face, and kicked him over onto his back. “Present ass!” Phoenix groaned and rolled back over onto his belly, crawled back up onto his knees, and stuck his ass in the air. Prostrate before the freaks, he flushed, mortified. If he ever got free and had the strength, he would kill the bastards. “Show hole,” the lanky bastard barked. Phoenix did not need a lesson in this command, for it was shamefully obvious. He reached back, clasped his quivering ass, and pulled his buttocks apart. “Looks like this whore learn’s fast,” said the burly fucker. “Indeed she does. Let’s see if the bitch can turn us on.” The lanky fucker retrieved the crop and teased it up and down Phoenix’s butt crack. Phoenix flinched and simpered. He reached back to shield his buttocks and the bastard swatted Phoenix’s hands away to trace the crop over Phoenix’s trembling buttocks. “Show us what you got, whore.” Phoenix sighed a heavy sigh, dismayed at the thought of what he was about to do. It was unnatural. A man's ass was for shitting and nothing more. Still, he did not want to get beaten again, so he wiggled around a bit. Apparently, his efforts fell short of the fucker’s expectations, because he was promptly popped a good one. Phoenix tried harder, traced his ass in circles, and wiggled it a bit more, but still it was not enough. The bastard strapped his ass five times, hard, until Phoenix lost it. “Ok! Ok! I’ll do it. I’ll do anything you want! Just stop beating me!” Phoenix humped the air desperately, peeled back his buttocks with his fingers, and flashed his shitter, whimpered and moaned, and performed his best imitation of a queer whore boy. “You want me to show you my ass. Ok, I’m showing you my ass. Is that what you want to see, faggot? Huh? That hot enough you. You wanna fuck this ass? You man enough?” Phoenix had crossed a line and knew it, but he just couldn’t help himself. These freaks were out of their minds if they thought they could queer him. “So that’s how you want to play it, huh, boy? Just for that, I’m going to make you beg for it!” The bastard unleashed the crop on Phoenix’s sore ass, pelted hard and fast, all the while demanding that Phoenix beg to be fucked. Phoenix scrambled along the floor on all fours, desperate to escape the ruthless thrashing. The bastard chased him down, backed him into a corner, and really let him have it. The crop sliced his nuts and that was all the convincing Phoenix needed. He would say anything to call it off. “Ok! Ok! You can fuck me! Just stop hitting me!” The bastard did not let up. “Ask nicely, boy, and show some respect.” “OW! OUCH! Oh! Oh! Oh! OWWW! OK! Stop! Please! You can fuck me! Sir! Please fuck me!” “That’s better.” The bastard backed off at last and Phoenix collapsed in a sobbing heap at his feet, out of his mind with fear and shame and grief. He was losing himself and mourned that loss, feared that, even if his rapists relented and let him go, things would never be the same again. He no longer tried to understand what was going on, for it was impossible. He merely gave himself over to the moment, did whatever he had to do in order to avoid as much pain as possible. The burly fucker snapped at him. “Attention.” Phoenix grunted and dragged himself over onto his belly, drew his knees up, and bowed before his rapists. “Present ass.” Phoenix robotically obeyed. His shut his eyes tight and pictured home. A tear rolled down his cheek. “Show hole!” Phoenix’s arms floated up and he lifted his buttocks aside. “Good job, whore.” The lanky bastard tickled his fingers up and down Phoenix’s butt crack and snickered. He seized Phoenix by the hips and forced his boner up all the way up Phoenix’s ass, buried it to the hilt. Phoenix pitched back his head and screamed. He was not expecting that. They had said they weren’t going to rape him today. The bastard danced Phoenix about on his long dick for several agonizing minutes, before he finally slipped out. Before Phoenix could catch his breathe, the bastard rammed back in, and raped him deep and hard. Phoenix struggled with all his might to crawl off, but the freak just dragged him back down onto that meaty skewer, and pounded all the harder. The bastard rode Phoenix down onto the floor and used his knees to frog Phoenix’s legs. Pinned on his belly with a dick up his ass, Phoenix could do little more than undulate beneath his rapist and wail. It was unimaginably humiliating, not to mention painful as hell. The bastard rolled Phoenix onto his side, tossed Phoenix’s leg into the air, and dogged his ass even deeper. His crotch spanked Phoenix’s ass so hard that the smacks echoed off the walls. Phoenix’s eyes rolled back in his head and he almost passed out, but unfortunately he revived just before he drifted off. Without missing a stroke, the bastard whipped Phoenix over onto his back, shoved Phoenix’s knees up to his chest, and screwed Phoenix for all he was worth. Each brutal thrust ripped Phoenix's ass asunder. At long last, the freak finally collapsed atop Phoenix with a shudder. The bastard crawled off and the other climbed aboard. Without so much as a word, he sawed his massive dong up Phoenix until was lodged deep, but mercifully Phoenix did not feel it because he blacked out. To his misfortune, however, he came to seconds later to suffer his most brutal rape to date. The bastard had been jacking off while he watched his partner rape Phoenix, so he was well down the road towards an orgasm. He let loose on Phoenix in a blitz of savage thrusts that felt like they were going to drive clean through Phoenix and out his mouth again. Phoenix lost him mind and howled. He knew better than to ask the bastard to stop, so he just begged "please finish me off." The sadistic faggot pounded so hard he fucked Phoenix all the way across the floor on his back, until Phoenix was pressed up against the wall, legs splayed, fucked silly. Phoenix anchored his stubby toes in the wall's crevices and held on for dear life. The bastard tore him up, raped him bloody, and still did not let up. By the time he finally grunted and unloaded into Phoenix’s guts, Phoenix’s ass lips were shredded, and Phoenix fretted he might never shit right again. The bastards dragged him back over to his corner and cuffed Phoenix to the wall. They crammed the rubber stopper back inside him and left him to sag there and bemoan his miserable state. “It doesn’t have to be like this, boy,” said the burly bastard, “Like we told you, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Now you just lie there and think about how you can do better tomorrow.” “The rules are simple enough,” said the lanky fucker, “Show respect. Always address your betters as sir. Follow orders and do as you’re told. Speak only when spoken to or when necessary to express pleasure or pain. Don’t piss or shit or come without permission. Most importantly, offer that pretty cocksucker and that rosy ass twat when told and without hesitation.” “You are a slave now,” added the burly fuck, “A whore slave. What you think or feel is irrelevant. You exist only to serve. You’re nothing now but two holes to fuck.” Phoenix sobbed quietly as they locked him away for the night. He could not imagine another moment of this hell, let alone an entire night. The pain was unbearable, but the mind fuck was even worse. The darkness freaked him out. He needed to take a shit bad and worried he bowels would fail before the night was over. For the first time, he was grateful for the stopper, because it might hold his spew back if they did. Phoenix wished for more of those pills the bastards had fed him earlier, for the sting was beginning to return to his limbs and ass. He no longer dreamed of escape. In less than forty-eight hours, those bastards had tortured and raped him until he was little more than a broken shell of his former self. If he made it through the night, he would do whatever they said, no matter how revolting it might be, in order to appease their perverse demands. As much as he longed for his ordeal to be over, he could not yet embrace death, so keeping his rapists happy was his only chance for survival.


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