Gay Erotic Stories


by Topcrotchless@gmail.
19 Sep 2012

S/M Tales From The Workplace

Jason was starting his second week on the job at a NYC financial brokerage. He was extremely motivated to do well in the position because of the reputation of the firm and managing partners. He made sure he was at work an hour early each day, and left an hour later than most of the other financial analysts. He took extreme measures to make sure any reports he turned in were checked and double checked for accuracy and relevance.

He had been asked to study several companies and determine long term profitability during his first week. He worked hard on the analysis and sent up several in depth reports to the three managing partners. He used a number of methods and resources to determine the health and viability of the firms in question. He made sure that his data was accurate and insightful. After only one week on the job, he was already getting attention from the executive suite. Paul, one of the senior partners, stopped by Jason’s office early Monday morning.

Paul leaned against the door frame with a winning smile and said, “Good morning, Jason! I see great minds start early! My name is Paul Thoreau.”

Jason stood and walked around his desk to greet Paul, extending his hand. “Good to meet you, Paul. I’m Jason Cross, just starting my second week.”

Paul was tall, lean, and very athletic looking. He had the build of a runner. His face was naturally tanned by the sun from training for triathlons, and had small crinkles around his eyes from smiling. He had light brown almost blond hair, in a buzz cut. Jason gauged his age around thirty-five. Jason was twenty-eight.

Paul beamed, “I can’t imagine that your second week could be any more successful than your first week. But we shall see. I actually have a wager on you. You’re my pony, so I have to make sure you succeed! That is why I am here, actually. May I sit down?”

Jason beckoned him into the office. Paul came into the office and sat down in one of the guest chairs in front of Jason’s desk. Jason, instead of sitting behind his desk sat down next to Paul in a guest chair, turning the chair toward Paul. Paul took note of this and said, “Jason you have skills. You have talent. I have a nose for it. You definitely have a good gut instinct. Of the three company profiles you sent up last week, 2 turned out to be jackpots for us. And the third is still being discussed because of the very insightful profile you provided on the executive leadership team. Well done!”

We are going to profile your analysis in a future newsletter. We’ve decided to list the both firms as “BUYS” for our preferred clients. What I liked most about your reports was the accuracy and the thoroughness. I am sure that you have an interesting method for your research. I would love to hear more about it. That is why I’m here. Are you free today for lunch?”

Happy to hear the positive feedback, Jason replied “Thank you. I’m glad the analysis was useful. I would be happy to go to lunch. Today is good for me.”

Paul smiled a 1000 mega-watt smile and stood up. “I will come by your office around 11:30am today to collect you. Book two hours on your calendar so we have enough time to talk. We will go to my club. See you at lunch!” and he left the office.

Around 11:15am Jason broke from his work and took a few minutes to meditate. His eyes were closed and he tried to clear his mind and think of empty space relaxing the muscles of his face. He felt a presence at the door, and looked up to see Paul leaning against the door frame gazing at him.

Puzzled, Paul asked, “what were you just doing? You were sitting perfectly still at your desk with your eyes closed.”

Jason answered honestly “I was collecting my thoughts. It helps me stay focused.”

“Like meditating?” Paul asked.

Jason answered “Yes. Exactly that. It is something I have always done. I have an ability to focus for really long periods of time, which is great for work and other things. Meditation helps me maintain that mental discipline.” Paul was intrigued by this.

Paul waved to Jason, “let’s head out for lunch! On the way, you MUST tell me all of your super-secret strategies for focusing for long periods of time. I have the attention span of a cockier spaniel, so please don’t leave out any crucial details!”

Jason laughed but doubted that was true. He knew Paul was the senior managing partner of the firm. He did not get into that position without exhibiting a lot of self-discipline. He pondered Paul’s light hearted question, and tried to figure out how to describe what he did. He was silent while they walked to the garage. They had taken the elevator down to the basement and approached a very sleek Black Audi A8 Sedan with darkly tinted windows. Jason had still not answered, turning over possible responses. Paul peered at him over the hood of his car, and asked, “are you holding out on me?”

Jason smiled, but answered directly “I’m just trying to figure out a way to describe what I do. Let me think on it for a while.” The truth of the matter would probably scare the hell out of Paul. His physical exercise routine consisted of kickboxing and running. He meditated every morning before work for an hour. And then there were his sexual predilections. But all of it together kept Jason very centered and focused.

“Fair enough.” Paul said as he unlocked the doors and climbed into the car. Paul buckled his seat belt and glanced over at Jason to make sure he did the same. He started the car and pulled out of the garage. He pushed a button on his dash that started a play list of calming new age music, and said “this music helps me drive sanely.” To which Jason responded, “then I am thankful for this music.” Paul grinned, and drove out of the garage and headed toward the club.

For some unexplainable reason Paul felt a little nervous around Jason. Jason seemed very together, in control, and confident. He wanted to impress Jason, and win his respect. Jason was gifted. He wanted to harness and encourage his talent. After he got the first few reports from Jason, he picked up the phone and made some calls. Every reference check he did came back superlative. Jason’s last employer raved about him. They were still smarting from their loss of him. He did not want another firm to steal him away.

As they walked through the door to the club, Paul was greeted by the head waiter who immediately recognized Paul and said “two for Welner? Right this way.”

They were immediately seated in a private booth tucked away in the corner. Paul always reserved this booth when dining with clients because of the privacy needed around financial discussions.

He handed the menu over to Jason, “order whatever you want, Jason.” Jason looked up at the waiter and said, "Two chicken Caesar salads. No anchovies."

Paul was surprised that Jason ordered for him but happy with the selection.

Paul leaned back into the booth and said, “Jason, you’re good at spotting companies on the precipice of success. I think we will be working together quite a bit. Emerging technology is my thing.” Paul reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a list of companies. “These are several small firms with very interesting patents and intellectual property. I’ve been eyeing them and I’m interested in your take on them. Two are technology firms focused on production controls for drilling natural gas. They are actually competitors. I’d like you to research and profile them and tell me which one you think is the better company to invest in. The others are software companies. I’d like to hear your thoughts on them as well”. The waiter approached with their salads and refilled their water glasses.

Jason took the list and put it in his pocket. “I’ll get something to you by the end of the week.” He paused and looked soberly at Paul. “You asked me about my method. Good solid research, no short cuts. I don’t stop with the fundamentals of the business; I look at the people who are running the companies. I do background checks on them. I do a deep dive into who they are, and what motivates them.”

Paul drew contemplative, and then said, “Well keep doing what you’re doing. I need an analyst with your skills. I can put the deals together, but I need your brains behind me.”

Changing the subject Paul asked, “are you married, Jason?”

Jason shook his head, “I like to stay loose. Monogamy is not my thing.” Paul laughed out loud drawing a few looks from surrounding tables.

Paul met Jason’s gaze and held it, and whispered “A different girl every week?” Jason considered how he should answer.

He said simply. “Kink.”

Paul’s eyes widened. He chuckled, “Okay, now you have my undivided attention.”

Jason finished his salad and leaned back in the booth gauging how much more to say. He could sense there were possibilities with Paul. He was really attractive. Very sexy. His grey/green eyes were captivating. He looked straight at Paul, down to his lips and then back up to his eyes.

Paul picked up on his eye movement and immediately asked “Are you gay?” to which Jason replied “I hate labels.”

He became a bit more guarded and spoke softer, “I like both men and women.”

Paul, eyes still wide, thought about that for a minute, and asked, “Then your bisexual?”

Jason sighed again at yet another label, and then acknowledged, “I guess that would be technically accurate.”

Turning the tables Jason queried Paul “Are you married?”

Paul sighed, looking pained. He rubbed his eyes and answered, “newly divorced, no children.”

Paul suddenly leans forward with sly wink and asks “so what exactly falls into the KINK category?” He waited expectantly for Jason's answer.

Jason looked around uncomfortable and asked, “Are you finished eating? Let’s scoot out of here, and talk in the car.” Paul immediately signalled to the waiter that they were leaving. They would automatically bill the lunch to Paul's account, so they did not need to linger for the check. Jason was quiet all the way to the car.

He considered how much he should share with Paul. Paul had handled the information he had shared so far with no sign of disgust. His question even indicated interest. He decided to play his cards face up. They sat in the car for a few minutes before Jason finally said, “I like to be in control, bondage, discipline, and subjugation. I’m what is called an EXTREME top. Topping is all I will do with either men or women.

For me sex is all about control.” He fell silent waiting for a response from Paul.

There was a pause, and then Paul asked, “do you do this in groups or one on one?”

Jason answered “Both. I always prefer one on one. But when I don’t have a regular sub, I will occasionally do groups.”

Paul laughed and said “Wow Jason, you are a nasty boy.” Jason answered in more serious voice by saying, “Not really. I’m actually very careful. I’m safe. And I take care of my lovers. I make sure their needs are met. Submissive sexual partners have boundaries, and I always respect those boundaries.”

Jason looked over at Paul to watch his reaction, Jason’s wolfish radar on high alert.

Paul rubbed his eyes again, Jason saw a weariness, “I’ve been married for ten years, Jason. The kinkiest thing I ever got from my wife was an occasional blowjob”. He reached down and rubbed his crotch, and laughed out loud, “now you’re giving me a boner talking about wild ass, bi-sexual kink.”

Jason gauged whether to ask his next question, but decided to brave it “have you ever been intimate with another man?”

Paul answered simply, “nope.”

Jason stated for the record, “for me it’s not about gender. There are a lot of straight men who sub for other guys. They do it not because they like dick. It takes them to a place they have a deep need to go. It’s about being out of control and letting someone else make the decisions. Not always about gender and sexual preference.”

Paul though about that for a few minutes, then asked, “How does all this happen? Do you meet people online?”

Jason answered, “You can do it that way, but I don’t. I meet someone I think is attractive. If there is mutual interest, I bring up the subject, like I did with you. If there is mutual consent, I will enter into an agreement with a potential submissive that covers the time frame of the relationship, the boundaries, any special needs the sub may have. I don’t do 24/7, so I typically require the sub give me 3-4 hour allotments of time 2 or 3 days a week. All of this is agreed to upfront so everyone understands the expectations.”

“Jason, you very open about your private life.” Paul rubbed his eyes again. Jason could tell Paul was disquieted with what he had shared. Paul rested his hands on the wheel and started the car.

As they drove back to the office, Paul was silent. Jason wondered if he played his cards too soon. He had been instantly attracted to Paul and picked up on his emotional vulnerability. Beneath the confident exterior, there was a delicate sensitivity, and sadness. The fact that he had never played before with kink, or been intimate with a man, was a smoking hot bonus for Jason. He realized he was very taken with Paul.

“Jason asked, “Have I scared you off?”

Paul answered honestly, “I’m intrigued. Where do you do all this?”

Jason answered “My house. I have a room.” Curious, Paul asked, “Do you mind if I ask how you got into this?”

“When I was fourteen I stumbled across some Internet porn. It was a scene with a male dominant and female submissive. It was very intense. I was lit on fire from it. It was all I could think about. After that I sought out any information about dominance and submission I could get my hands on. I met another Dom online when I was eighteen and he became my mentor. That is where I learned about agreements, the importance of communication, and aftercare.”

They had just driven into the parking garage, and were pulling into Paul’s parking spot. They got out of the car and walked toward the elevator and Paul said, “This is going to be a long afternoon. I won’t be able to concentrate on a damn thing! You have me distracted with visions of kinky sex acts.”

Jason laughed. As Paul got on the elevator, Jason touched Paul’s lower back, ever so gently, guiding him inside the elevator. It was a subtle, but very intimate touch. Paul found Jason's touch tantalizing. He became intensely aware of Jason body beside him. He glanced over at Jason and met his very beautiful brown eyes looking steadily at him. Jason let his hand slip from the small of Paul's back casually down to his side, brushing across Paul’s ass lightly. They had been standing in the elevator, but had not chosen a target floor. Suddenly, the door opened again and two people entered, startling Paul. Jason calmly reached across Paul and pressed the button for their floor.


More Gay Erotic Stories from Topcrotchless@gmail.


Jason was starting his second week on the job at a NYC financial brokerage. He was extremely motivated to do well in the position because of the reputation of the firm and managing partners. He made sure he was at work an hour early each day, and left an hour later than most of the other financial analysts. He took extreme measures to make sure any reports he turned in were checked and


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