Gay Erotic Stories

Celebrity Pickup Game #2 (Joan Collins)

by Stardog Champion
04 Oct 2000

Celebrity Fantasy

Celebrity Pickup Game #2 Joan Collins By Stardog Champion JPROBX@WEBTV.NET The year was 1977, and living for the ‘here and now’ was the order of the day. Disco was king, leisure suits and a line of coke were mandatory even for a quick trip to the corner store, and what happened yesterday or what might happen tomorrow was of little value to most everyone. One of the unfortunate byproducts of such a pop culture climate was that the stars of yesteryear had a very hard time fitting in with the new ‘in’ crowd. As wild and unpredictable as the times were in 1977 across America, for those living the highlife in New York City that fateful year, those 12 months would indelibably be engrained into the psyche for all eternity. 1977 was a year where what was real and what wasn’t, took a backseat to how the visceral gut reaction of how it all felt. It was the Summer of Son of Sam. As the grinding heat of that brutal season wore on, so did the manhunt for NYC’s most notorious serial killer. In the midst of all that, the blackout that hit the city that Summer seemed to cast a symbolic, as well as a literal, pall over the entire town’s confidence. Finally, David Berkowitz was arrested and the 5 boroughs could start heeling. Then came October, with a city desperate for a spark of rebirth...Reggie...Reggie...Reggie....Jackson hit 3 home runs in Game 6 of the World Series to help beat the Dodgers. That roller coaster ride of 1977 in New York had touched everyone from the homeless hustlers sleeping on the street corners all the way up to the highest of high society. _____________________________________ Those were also scary times for established celebrities like Joan Collins. A vital part of the Hollywood scene in the 60’s and early 70’s, Joan had made enough money to spend over 10 lifetimes. But like anyone who gets accustomed to the hot/cold glare of the spotlight of public adoration, when it is taken away, there is a distinct feeling of lose and vulnerability. Only a few stars have embraced having that glare removed, Greta Garbo. Others are rumored to have gone as far as to fake their own death to escape it, Elvis Pressley. Joan Collins wanted none of that. Stubborn, both in her determination and her vanity, she made it a point to keep her presence up at the chicest gatherings, even if many of the participants there didn’t have a clue who the ‘old’ lady flirting with everyone was. No, Joan Collins wasn’t going to disappear into the woodwork lightly. ____________________________________ It was mid December and New York City was in the throws of its first sustained cold snap. The Christmas decorations adorning midtown were especially gaudy that year, lavishly hung around the entire city for a population that was anxious to celebrate all they had to be thankful for after such a trying year. Joan Collins was in the mood to celebrate as well. As she sat stoically in the backseat of the limo that had been sent to fetch her for Malcolm Forbes’s annual Christmas party at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, Joan made it a point to continually check and recheck every detail of her long, sequenced black gown, midnight black thigh high stockings, and 4 inch black patent leather high heels. She also pristinely dabbed at her makeup, trying to insure that even the slightest hint of age on her then 44-year-old face was concealed. _____________________________________ Once at the party, Joan scanned the room for any of the familiar faces she had become accustomed to over the years at Forbes’s Christmas gatherings. To her dismay, those familiar faces were few and far between. As Joan smiled and laughed politely, mixing with the assorted “15-minute of famers” and their hangers-on, Joan gradually felt more and more out of place as the evening wore on. For one thing, she was grossly overdressed for the occasion. The wardrobe full of glamour, pomp and circumstance of the 60’s had given away to monochromatic tones and leisure suits. As Joan robotically continued pressing the flesh and sipping her cocktail, she began to feel quite ill realizing she was old enough to be most of the partygoers mother. Another reason for her distaste of the surroundings was the fact that 90% of the people there were on at least their 4th line of Coke. The ‘stars’ of Joan’s generation didn’t have the need for such a potent and expensive pick-me-up. A little booze and the aura of being famous were simply enough to intoxicate. As Joan continued to look around the crowded room, something else rather striking caught her attention as well. In all her years of attending Malcolm Forbes’s various celebratory functions, Joan could only remember a few black people ever being invited. There was the occasional VIP such as a famous athlete, politician or movie star, but Joan didn’t recognize the tall, lanky and plain black gentleman in the corner as any of those professions. As Joan peered at the black man across the room, her sightlines were continually interfered with by the bevy of young, giddy women that surrounded the dark stranger, blocking her curious view. Racking her brain, and straining her neck to see, Joan just couldn’t figure out who the man was that had the strange, silent hold over all those young women. About a half hour after the only black face at the party caught her attention, Joan finally ran into a familiar face that she hoped could shed a little light on her newly found curiosity. Bette Reasoner was close to Joan’s age and the wife of David Reasoner, the head of one of the studios that had done a few of Joan’s films back in the 60’s. “Bette....,” Joan cooed, thrilled to finally address someone by their first name. “Well...Joan....How are you...Long time don’t see,” Bette sighed, leaning towards the voluptuous brunette so the two women could share a brief, polite hug and peck on the cheek. Joan did her best to make small talk with Bette Reasoner for the next few minutes until the gnawing curiosity of the identity of the black stranger at the party was too much to handle. “ don’t know who ...’HE’... is?” Bette mocked incredulously.”!” “No.... I don’t ...come on and tell me. I feel so left out,” Joan urged impatiently to her longtime friend. “Why that’s Long Dong Silver, Joan...the porn star...come on... you can’t tell me you’ve never heard of him?” Bette said sarcastically. “Ohhh…’ve got to be kidding...he’s a porn star...what’s he doing here...and how would YOU know…he he he?” Joan quickly retorted. “Well Joan...a few years back, David got an offer from a friend to invest in one of the business ventures he was starting up. It was a new movie studio...underground you understand,” Bette whispered, trying her best to keep up a level of modest decorum even though they were surrounded by all 7 of the deadly sins. The wife of the studio boss giggled slightly, watching as Joan Collins recoiled a bit from her explanation. “Joan.... David was simply astonished how much money he could make at it,” Bette gasped. “But since he also has his legit studio and his reputation to worry about, he’s just continued investing as a silent partner. Bette watched as her long time friend’s eyes slowly lit up in a sparkling show of recognition. “And he’s...” Joan mouthed gazing over in the direction of the tall black man. “Yes Joan...he’s the guy that has the ‘thing’ between his legs that had made David and me a whole lot of money, “ Bette said demurely, causing both women to become flushed under the copious amounts of blush on their cheeks. Joan and Bette both cast a longing eye in the direction of the porn star in the corner. “” Joan tried to ask politely. “ ...Joan,” Bette quickly replied. “David won’t let me within 10 feet of the guy... he says I’ll never want to come back home with him if I do.” Joan snapped her head back and looked at Bette with an inquisitive stare on her glamorous face. “Look Joan...I’ve got a few other people to meet...I’ll catch back up with you before we leave....OK,” Bette said as she gave Joan a quick, parting hug. Joan simply was too stunned to say goodbye. _____________________________________ Left alone again in the cesspool of indulgence surrounding her, Joan was beginning to be tormented by the realization of who the curious black gentleman was. She resumed her slow, almost ambivalent stroll around the crowded room. While her mind raced, her feet guided her steadily in the direction of the group of adoring young women that had dropped anchor, flocked like horny sheep around their tall, smiling black sheppard. As Joan gracefully took a fresh cocktail off the waiter’s serving tray, she took a long, slow sip from it, allowing the alcohol to briefly sooth her parched throat. Watching with fascination as several of the giddy young women seemed to egg the porn star on, a lock of intense neediness etched across each of their stoned faces, Joan’s knees buckled and went limp when Long Dong nodded his head and appeared to finally gave in to several of the girls’ advances. In the blink of an eye, the tall black gentleman eased out of the corner where he was standing and left , hand in hand, with both a young perky blonde and a rail thin brunette. As Joan watched, she detected a sly , almost humorous smile on several of the men’s faces that had been standing near Long Dong and the two women before the threesome departed towards a nearby adjoining party room. Were they possibly the older rich husbands of those girls, content to let their brides have a little, or a lot of, strings free fun with the infamous black porn star? Confronted with the reality of having nothing else to constructively do at the party, Joan willingly followed her surreal curiosity towards the place where Long Dong had disappeared with the two white women. As Joan got closer to the room, she realized in horror that Long Dong hadn’t even had the decency to close the door after the three had made their way in. Everyone was so full of Coke, amphetamines and heroin that decency and decorum had long since evaporated for the revelers. As disgusted as Joan was about the looseness and lack of manners, it still didn’t stop the 44 year old seductress from voyeuristically peeking in on what was quickly unfolding inside the adjacent walk in closet/ nookie room. Joan could see Long Dong’s upper torso clearly as the black man haughtily shoved his mouth against that of the model-like, brown haired woman beside him. The lower trunk of his body however was obstructed by the half opened door. The blonde that had disappeared into the room was on her knees at the feet of the imposing stud. Every second or two, Joan could see the kneeling girl’s golden locks flail backwards as her head rocked back and forth, evidence that she was performing some sort of fallatio on the man above her. “But that just...can’t…be,” Joan whispered to herself. Although Joan was on her third cocktail, she knew her depth perception hadn’t faded that much. Joan guesstimated that the young blonde girl was easily two whole feet away from the man she was giving a blowjob to and there was just no way with the short, almost choppy bobs of her head, that the girl could reach his crotch as far away as he was standing from her. “There’s” Raising her right heel to take a hesitant step closer, instictively, Joan reached out with her hand and pushed against the half opened, plush mahogany door, ever so slightly, to get a better look inside. It was then Joan’s eyes waxed open spastically and her whole body went numb. In that moment of recognition, it was the closest she had ever come to being completely mortified and awestruck in her life. The slim brunette had her left hand wrapped around the stud’s back as they continued to share a carnivorous, oral embrace. With her right hand, she attempted to wrap her fingers around the trunk like base of Long Dong’s schlong. As hard as she tried however, her fingertips were still inches apart as she desperately flexed her hand around his gigantic black stalk. With her lips still planted against his, the brunette began feverishly jacking off the enormity of Dong’s cock, in 6 to 8 inch piston-like jerks, along the center of his weighty manhood. Turning her attention lower, Joan watched as the blonde on her knees, bowing at the feet of the porn star, was working on the other end of Dong’s gigantic tool. Kneeling nearly two feet away, in front of Long Dong’s arched legs, the young girl held the lower half of the stud’s joint in both hands, the same way a singer would when furtively clutching a microphone during a powerful ballad. As the blonde attempted to lurch open her mouth so that she could fit as much of the crudely imposing man-meat into her straining mouth as possible, Joan felt herself tremble when she noticed all the young nubile girl could do was barely fit the head of the beast between her lips. When the brunette’s desire and wantonness finally overtook her, almost as if she was following the lead of a siren’s song, she demurely dropped to her knees beside the blonde, opened her mouth wide and began biting at the pipe like center of Dong’s erect ebony marvel. As Joan watched both young girls do the best that they could with such a massive undertaking, she began to feel the strange liquid sensations of guilty arousal seep into her consciousness as well. With the blonde’s mouth stretched to ungodly proportions, trying to devour the tennis ball shaped cockhead of her towering black master; Joan blinked her eyes, for the life of her not believing what she was seeing. As the actress stumbled backwards and let go of the door, Joan put her hands against her chest and tried her best to start breathing again before she passed out. Her head buzzing now from the strain of the pounding dizziness in her temples, Joan retreated backwards to try and lose herself once again in the crush of her fellow partygoers. Every time Joan closed her eyes however, the illicit sight of the average looking black man cockily standing above two white girls on their knees worshiping what amounted to a nearly two foot long arm, filled every sensory void like burning acid inside Joan’s mind. Downing the rest of her third cocktail in one long gulp, Joan quickly turned to look around for the nearest waiter so she could start on her fourth. As Joan searched around for another drink, she couldn’t help but noticing the blonde and the brunette slowly stumble out from the adjoining party room where Long Dong had led them. Each of the girls were holding their throats, looking as if they had something lodged deeply in their gullet. With each of the girls, both of whom were easily half Joan’s age, sashaying back to the men that had brought them to the party, both seemingly exhausted from their efforts, Joan couldn’t help from seeing that for some reason their gifted black suitor did not follow them back out to the party. “What could he be doing in there?” Joan asked herself pensively. Joan scanned the room to see if perhaps Long Dong might be waiting for another woman to go into the room to take her turn. After a couple of moments of watching and waiting, Joan realized no one else was headed to the small party closet. With the literal power of a magnet drawing her towards it, Joan could feel her weak, trembling legs carrying her once again in the direction of the adjacent party room where she knew Long Dong Silver was still inside waiting. Swerving to miss several of the intoxicated partiers that crisscrossed her path to the walk in closet, Joan did her best not to spill a drop of the liquid courage in her crystal wine glass. Her internal temperature rising, Joan could feel a scathing blush rise up under her makeup’s foundation and a rolling knot beginning to tighten in her belly as she got close enough to reach out and push open the mahogany door that Long Dong was waiting behind. Like a nervous young child standing on the end of a diving board, scared to take the final step over the edge, Joan stood outside the foyer, biting her lip in an attempt to work up the courage to ‘dive’ in. Often times when that child is in that predicament on the diving board, sometimes it takes that little unsuspecting nudge on the back when they aren’t looking, to send them over the edge and into the abyss below. In this case with Joan, that was exactly what it took. As she continued standing in the entrance of the doorway, trying to work up her courage, a couple of intoxicated and stoned partiers, dancing to an upbeat disco song, collided solidly against Joan’s back causing the 44 year old actress to fall a few steps forward, directly into the small stuffy room whether she was ready to or not. Doing the best she could to catch herself on her four inch heels, Joan’s first reaction was to wince in disgust as most of her fresh glass of champagne spilled out onto her arm, $2,500 dress and then down onto the plush carpeted floor. As Joan rung her hands, trying to free herself of the sticky coating of top line champagne, Joan finally looked up and realized she was standing face to face with a still half naked Long Dong Silver. The intense smell of sex filled Joan’s nostrils every time she inhaled the air of the small cramped closet. Trying her best to keep her dark sensuous eyes locked directly on the porn star’s, for the life of her not wanting to look down, Joan tried her best to demurely and politely turn around and leave through the door which she just gotten nudged through. Unfortunately for her rational mind, her instinctual curiosity forced her eyes off Long Dong’s face; down the length of his body until Joan’s gaze fell onto the stud’s half deflated penis. Several moments of deafening silence passed between the two as the actress tried to register what she was seeing. As Joan eyes locked hypnotically on the black man’s flaccid 8 inch length, it slowly began reinflating as if it had some sort of internal sensory device that could tell Joan was openly glaring directly at it. Watching the subtle way the woman’s pupils steadily dilated, Long Dong felt the copious amounts of blood necessary to inflate his manhood rush forcefully down to his crotch. “I guess you’re next lady,” Dong said matter of factly, not having a clue who the woman in front of him actually was. Joan stood motionless in front of him, her mind trying to figure out just what he meant by ‘next’. As the dark sequins of her dress flickered in the dim light of the walk-in closet, Joan desperately tried gaining her bearings so she could back up and get herself out of the room. As hard as she tried however, she couldn’t bring herself to move. After a great deal of effort, Joan was finally able to pull her eyes off of the breathtaking sight between Long Dong Silver’s thighs. Lifting her gaze back up to the porn star’s wickedly grinning face, Joan tried casting a look of her own of powerful resistance, an expression that a few years down the road she would make famous in her role on ‘Dynasty’, but on that night, in that closet, the look of staunchness in her eyes faded weakly under the stud’s irrepressible power. Joan could see both Silver’s hands down at his side and she took a brief moment of solice in the fact that he wasn’t about to reach out and touch her because, deep inside, Joan didn’t know how she was react to that. Suddenly, there was a distinct pressing sensation against the front of her sheer, tight black evening gown. Immediately, Joan focused on Silver’s arms trying to figure out which hand had blindly reached out and violated her. As the actress lowered her gaze however to look at his arms, to her everlasting horror, Joan couldn’t detect a bit of motion in any of Long Dong’s arm muscles. And still, the pressing on the front of her gown continued. “Ohhh..Nooooo,”Joan mouthed, loud enough for the porn stud to hear her. Realizing the woman before him was going to be rather easy pickings, Long Dong decided to just stand there stoically for a few moments, soaking up ,with amusement, the shock and confusion on Joan Collins’s lily white face. Looking down to see his fully gorged prick pushing against the front of the starlet’s expensive dress like a third arm aiming right for the her cunt, Dong put his hands on his hips and patiently watched the helpless woman’s reaction. Shell shocked, Joan tried her best to keep from hyperventilating when the feeling of her sequenced evening gown continued to be lifted higher and higher between her legs. Fighting off the urge the best she could to look down and see the strange violation being performed on her, Joan finally gave in and let her gaze drop lower. Noticing the woman’s eyes finally dipping to the front of her dress, Long Dong eased closer, taking a full step in Joan’s direction, forcing his meaty black spear further up between the woman’s legs. The metallic sequins grazing against his dickflesh tickled it devilishly, forcing it to grow even harder as it seemed to take on a life of its own. Joan’s eyes finally locked onto the invader as a foot or so of it nudged her dress steadily up her knees, its fist like head rising between her slightly parted gams as if her molten pussy was begging for it to come closer. Realizing the elegant older woman was slipping under his spell, Dong reached out with his right arm and let his hand fall heavily on top of Joan Collins’s full bosom. Squeezing his dark fingers together tightly, Dong took a slow, methodical hand full of Joan’s perfect breasts, measuring her up just like another one of his conquests while his blood-filled monster snaked cruelly between Joan’s quivering thighs. “You’ve never seen anything like this...have ya lady?” Dong mocked. He looked down to see Joan’s lips part, but she didn’t look up at him to reply and no sound came from her mouth. Dong then took a hold of the root of his monster with his left hand and shanked it upwards, forcing Joan’s dress to rise even further, allowing the tops of Joan’s black thigh high stockings to become clearly visible. “Wanna see what it can do?” Silver asked, as he continued seesawing his joint upwards, gleefully feeling the head of his manhood smacking dangerously close to the front of Joan’s soaked, pink lace panties. As Joan’s head swirled with the surrealness of the situation, she was still able to feel clearly the invading penis and its slick, saliva coated head as it bobbed against the bare flesh of her inner thighs. Each time the massive tip of it grazed the front of her panties, Joan winced, trying her damnedest to keep her balance. The attention it took for Joan to keep her knees from giving out however, prevented her from having a chance at stopping Long Dong from finally swooping in for the proverbial ‘kill’. With his right hand holding Joan’s upper torso steady, Dong nudged his left knee between Joan’s thighs, pushing them further enough apart so that he would have a clear path to her pussy. With the ease of a professional, Dong removed his left hand from his fuck-pole and eased it up inside Joan’s swampy snatch. With a quick rolling motion of his middle finger, the porn star reeled in enough of Joan’s moistened underwear around his digit to be able to pull the covering away from Joan’s seeping pussy. Slowly working them over her thighs and thigh high stockings, Dong finally let Joan’s panties come to rest around her shaking knees. The heat coming from inside her pussy no longer concealed, Silver smiled broadly when he felt the woman’s unmistakable arousal flow around with hand and rigid black phallus. “Make no mistake’re defiantly goin’ to feel this,” Dong spat soberly. “Let’s count to three baby.” The black man then slowly began his count. “....1..........2.....,” but before he hissed three, without warning, the head of his foot and a half long appendage slammed like a missile into Joan’s wet but still unprepared vagina. “OOOOUUUCCCHHHH!” Joan yelped drunkenly, looking as if she was a pagan sacrifice, impaled on a pole, for all to see. With his right hand still clamped on Joan’s breasts, Silver could feel the woman’s heart race through her two thousand dollar dress. As Dong’s cockhead teased the outer oval of Joans’ pouty, glistening pussy lips, the 44-year-old actress’s hips flexed backwards, unconsciously forcing her pelvis forward in an insatiable show that she was ready for what he had to give her. Feeling Joan’s hairy pussy meet his advances, the black porn star took his tool back into his left hand, steadying it with the care of a laborer preparing to drive a spike into a rail line, then rammed his manhood forcefully into Joan’s soupy depths. “OOOOHHHH....AAAHHHHH...OOOOHHHHH......AAAAAAAAHHHHHH, “ Joan groaned loudly, her 4 inch heels lifting higher off the floor with each thrust the stud made. Dong laughed seeing Joan almost lose her balance. Holding her securely by the chest with his with head of his batlike cock rammed tightly into her pussy, the experienced stud knew Joan wasn’t going anywhere unless he let her. Having had over 2,000 women, Silver had developed a keen sense about when a woman was on the verge of release. From the subtle way their facial features ticked, the spontaneous spasms of their cunt muscles or the special way their heart began to beat in their chest, he was acutely aware of how much he had to ‘push’ to get what he wanted from a woman. As he stood there studying all the signs coming from Joan’s body, he sensed her circuits were preparing to blow rather quickly. Having that much hard, scalding flesh against the most sensitive regions of her body, especially after those spots had been so delightfully teased, Joan began bucking wildly as the towering black fuckstud used her like nothing more than a common whore, in the party closet of the Ritz Carlton Hotel. “How much of this can you handle oughtta see how your pink pussy wouldn’t even recognize it with my big black dick buried in it,” Dong hissed into Joan’s ear, savoring the smell of the hundred dollar perfume she had dabbed on her neck. Feeling the beat of Joan’s heart increase with his hand, Silver sensed he could make his conquest cum anytime he wanted. Continually ramming his massive cockhead, flush against the back wall of Joan’s cervix, its thick shaft stretching her rubbery vaginal lips to ungodly proportions, Long Dong Silver finally decided to push to whimpering woman over the edge. With the upper third of his dick shoved as far as it would go into the flailing actress, Dong sadistically dug his joint inside her pink quim until it pressed violently against the rarely touched intersection of nerves that formed Joan Collins’s G-spot. “EEEKKK....EEEKKK.....EEEKKKK...AAAHHHH....AAAAAHHHHHH...GGGGOOODDDDDDD, “ Joan shrieked, not able to control herself as the intense stabbing pain of the enormous schlong’s ratcheting fuckmotions burrowed inside her womb, causing Joan unmitigated and unrelenting pleasure. Keeping his right hand steady against Joan’s chest, Silver savored the sight of the actress’s nickel sized nipples as they strained outwards against the sheer fabric of Joan’s pushup bra and sequenced gown. Rubbing his thumb up and down Joan’s ample cleavage, both participants shivered as the stud traced his fingers through the beads of sweat trickling down the tight, ivory cavern between her full breasts. “You cummin’...HUH...YOU CUMMIN’...CAN”T EVEN TALK .......CAN YA.......,”Dong laughed cruelly, the satisfaction of sharing his special gift with women never for once getting old. After already blowing his main cumload minutes earlier with the young blonde and brunette, Long Dong was able to hold off his pending orgasm despite the luxurious tightness that Joan Collins’s pussy provided. When he felt that he had taken all the energy out of Joan that he could, he delicately ripped his massive black spear from her cunt and let its erect, glistening fullness hang haughtily between their sweaty torsos. “Down on your knees,” Dong ordered with quiet forcefulness. Joan tried fixing her gaze on her new lover with a mix of exhaustion and embarrassment on her face. She tried to find the words to tell him to ‘Go to Hell’ but as she attempted to gather her breath, Joan realized that her unsteady senses and weak knees might benefit from a few moments on the floor. Like a child giving in to the orders of someone in authority, Joan Collins dropped to her knees demurely, one leg at a time. Kneeling there, her body weight resting on her stocking clad knees, she apprehensively studied the still erect wonder, bobbing like a snake less than 6 inches in front of her face. “Suck it baby...clean it off real good and your new black daddy might just give you a treat, “ Dong hissed sarcastically. Steadying herself at the feet of the virile and unquenched porn star, just as the two girls that were half Joan’s age had done minutes earlier, Joan’s mouth watered from the perverse and beckoning sight, dangling like a tree limb above her. Watching as Joan let out a long gasp, Dong quickly jabbed two of his fingers into the woman’s parched mouth and held her red lipstick smeared lips apart. With a quick tug of his right hand, Long Dong grabbed his ready and waiting dick by its center and dropped it with a meaty thud on top of Joan Collins’s world famous face. Feeling the weight of Dong’s manhood draped across her head for the first time gave Joan a distinctly queasy aura of disbelief. She had to continually keep reminding herself that it was in fact a man’s penis stretching from the top of her curly black hair down past her chin and covering her face, width wise, from eye to eye. With his fingers holding Joan’s gasping mouth open, Dong cockily guided his fuckpole towards the entrance that he had created and slowly filled the actress’s picturesque mouth with his 18 inch ebony spear. “MMMMMMMM...,” Dong sighed, loving the way Joan’s warm breath felt as it tickled his pride and joy. “Take it in baby....take it all in.” And take it in Joan did. The moment her reflexes forced her to suck in a mouthful of fresh oxygen, Long Dong’s humongous cockhead entered her puckered mouth as well. Silver smiled wryly, seeing the way Joan’s cheeks puffed out grotesquely and eyes bugged wildly from having to accommodate such a beast into her overwrought mouth. Wrapping his fingers in Joan’s curly, jet black dyed hair, Dong proceeded to fuck Joan’s face over and over in a series of long, torturously slow grinding assaults, until the muffled mews of ecstasy coming from each of their mouths filled the cramped, dimly lit room. With just ov


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Guess I Should've Called First by Stardog Champion © "Mendoza is set....Garciaparra comes the 3-2 pitch....fouled off over the 1st base dug out...its still 3 and 2," the voice of Red Sox play by play man Sean McDonough boomed in his thick New England accent as he called the early May Yankees/Red Sox game. I had just gotten the chance to sit down after a long day of

Liberties Taken on Copperhead...

Liberties Taken on Copperhead Road by Stardog Champion ©© Sheriff Benjermin Deane Petitte sat patiently in his squad car outside the rundown trailer that belonged to Debby Sanchez. It was a quarter till 2 in the morning, and Sheriff Petitte was certain Debby had already gone to bed, the entire trailer was awash in darkness. He continued to sit there however in his squad car,

Living in Sin

Living in Sin by Stardog Champion ©© For the past 5 years Katie and I have been dating on and off. We met during our senior year of high school and after a failed attempt at college on each of our parts, we both kind of settled into each other, trying to latch onto some semblance normalcy in our early 20's Gen X malaise. By the time we had each hit 23, Katie and I were both

Living In Sin

LIVING IN SIN By Stardog Champion For the past 5 years Katie and I have been dating on and off. We met during our senior year of high school and after a failed attempt at college on each of our parts, we both kind of settled into each other, trying to latch onto some semblance normalcy in our early 20’s Gen X malaise. By the time we had each hit 23, Katie and I

School's Out

“So Ms. Casey, it seems all your paperwork is in order. I don’t see any reason why you can’t start first thing Monday morning,” the silver haired principal said while he halfheartedly thumbed through the resume in front of him. “Please Mr. Burkett,” the young well dressed woman nervously added, trying to contain her excitement,” Call me Kathy.” “Oh, don’t worry about that Katherine,

Strange Bedfellows Indeed: Part 1

Strange Bedfellows Indeed PART 1 Chapter 1 Struggling once again with insomnia, as a large volume of the “History of New York State” rested heavily on her lap, Hillary sat up in bed doing research. At 2:44 a.m., in actuality, Hillary was trying to find the dullest thing she could that would perhaps help her fall asleep. She had unfortunately built up a tolerance to the

Strange Bedfellows Indeed: Part 2

Strange Bedfellows Indeed Part 2 As Hillary Clinton rushed through her day, from staff meetings, to photo-ops with world leaders, and three separate meetings with her senatorial planning committee in the White House, 200 miles away, in a luxurious 14th floor apartment in Upper Manhattan, Latrell Sprewell was taking a more leisurely approach to the day. For the third time since he

Strange Bedfellows Indeed: Part 3

Part 3 “The freakin’ first lady... what the hell does she want with me?” Latrell whispered to himself as he sat in front of the glowing computer screen. He thought about the strange offer for a few moments then typed in the simple reply, “Sure” without really knowing why, to his agent, then resumed checking his other accumulated mail. As he sat there, Latrell realized an entire

Strange Bedfellows Indeed: Part 4

Strange Bedfellows Indeed (Part 4) Hillary Clinton tweeked her nipples as she lay flat against her hotel bed, her short legs splayed limply to the side as she soaked in several post orgasmic aftershocks. As she flipped her erect nipples, bathed in the blue light coming off the TV in front of her, the siren like pounding in her head slowly subsided, allowing her to attempt some

The Tape in the Top Drawer: Part II

The Tape in the Top Drawer: Pt. II by Stardog Champion © ...I started to rub my dick even harder as my eyes did a double take seeing who it was, flat on her back, in the center of the noisy group of men. It was Amanda, the tall natural blonde that I had jacked myself off to while she was throwing herself around the sandy volleyball court. Amanda was spread out on the

The Tape in the Top Drawer: Part. I

The Tape in the Top Drawer: Pt. I by Stardog Champion © Like any Father seeing his only Daughter off to college, I was full of a mix of overwhelming pride for how well she had done to get accepted to the University of Florida with a partial band scholarship. At the same time, there was also a real sadness for me because I knew how empty the house was going to feel while she was

There Goes The Neighborhood

THERE GOES THE NEIGHBORHOOD BY Stardog Champion “So here are your two sets of keys, rent is due by the 5th of every month and you have my business card with my phone number if there are any questions,” the fatherly looking landlord said in his most friendly voice to his two newest tenants. “I hope you enjoy your apartment.” “Yeah, I got a question,” a scrufy

What Goes Around ... Part 2

What Goes Around.......Part 2 Stardog Champion As surreal as it felt having two complete strangers sitting to each side of her, fondling and groping at her breasts, thighs and vagina, Sara Rutledge was still able to detach herself from the overwhelming physical sensations and focus more on the pathetic state her husband Len was in. As Marcus continued squeezing

What Goes Around... Part 1

What Goes Around......... Part 1 Stardog Champion At 47 years of age, Len Rutledge had carved out quite a nice life for himself. If anyone was, he was a prime example of the American Dream. Growing up in the blue-collar, bucolic Midwest, Len went to Vietnam when duty called and then proceeded to serve his country in the Army for the next 30 years. With Sara, his

Wrong Place, Right Time: Part 1

Part 1 The six lanes of downtown traffic surrounding Beverly Morgan grew steadily into an overwhelming foggy haze. Barhopping downtown Detroit at 1 a.m. had made her wax nostalgic back to her carefree and downright rebellious days as a teenager growing up in Little Rock. As she tightly squeezed the steering wheel in front of her however, Bev realized those days of hardcore partying

Wrong Place, Right Time: Part 2

PART 2 Hearing the shower roar to life from the bathroom, it reminded LJ of something rather important he had to do. “Damn, man, I got to take a piss really bad!” he said to Jo Jo. “I saw a row of bathrooms on the way up,” Jo Jo offered, not knowing what LJ really had in mind. “Nah, I think I’ll just use the bathroom while she’s in there taking a shower, she’ll never know I’m

Wrong Place, Right Time: Part 3

Part 3 Picking Stacy’s limp but still quivering body up, JoJo gently dropped her small naked frame down beside Bev on the bed in the center of the room, and then he disappeared into the bathroom along with LJ. Both women were exhausted from the intense fucking that they each had just received, and while their eyes met as JoJo sat Stacy beside her, neither Bev nor Stacy could muster


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