Gay Erotic Stories

What Goes Around... Part 1

by Stardog Champion
22 Sep 2000


What Goes Around......... Part 1 Stardog Champion At 47 years of age, Len Rutledge had carved out quite a nice life for himself. If anyone was, he was a prime example of the American Dream. Growing up in the blue-collar, bucolic Midwest, Len went to Vietnam when duty called and then proceeded to serve his country in the Army for the next 30 years. With Sara, his wife of 24 years, his two sons Cory and Danny, and a new successful business, Mr. Rutledge had everything a man could want. When Len decided to take retirement from the Army, he soon decided to sink his savings into purchasing a Pump and Pay gas station just off I-90 in Rockford. While at times frustrating, the never ending flow of traffic as well as the prime location he had fallen into made for a quite lucrative situation. As for his personal life, Len had always considered himself a loner. Even though he had been married for almost 25 years, he rarely if ever, opened up to his wife. He also ruthlessly pushed his two kids and although one had already gotten his degree from the University of Illinois and the youngest was still working toward it, both boys knew that to earn their Father’s respect, they would also have to pay some dues working summers in the family business, whether they really wanted to or not. Control had always been a big word for Len Rutledge. His father had raised him with a stern hand and Len’s long stint in the military had only deepened his belief in those morals and values. Unfortunately for his wife Sara, she frequently and increasingly took the brunt of Len’s controlling desires. While Len never had physically struck Sara, he had saved that dominant streak for his two kids while they were growing up; he saved his more subtle and mentally controlling techniques for his wife. Over time, Sara had gradually given in to Len’s power and by the time their 25th-anniversary was on the horizon, she was basically no more than a pawn to his whims. As the boys had grown up and left for college, Len had steadily begun a new course of eliciting influence over Sara, sexual control. The undeniable boredom that can come from sleeping with the same person for a long period of time had steadily set in for Len Rutledge. Although he had never physically had an affair with another woman, again a sign of his moral stances guiding his actions, his desires and pent up lust had piloted the sexual habits of he and his wife down a progressively darker path. Sara Kowlowski had been 19 when she met Len Rutledge, who was then 23, on one of his weekend’s home on leave. She had been hanging around the local pool hall on the outskirts of town when she noticed a handsome, tall and quiet young man watching her on and off as the night wore on. Sara was still aimlessly looking for some structure in her life. Working in a seamstress shop part time, she really had not made any clear-cut plans about her future after graduating high school. She always assumed as a little girl she would marry her high school sweetheart, have a few kids and live happily ever after. When that plan didn’t work out, and she was rapidly approaching the ripe old age of 20 without a husband, Sara was privately desperate about latching on to anything that presented itself. Upon meeting Len, who was by then a decorated war hero, with a quiet confidence and a focus to lead, Sara quickly fell under his spell of masculine charm. Less than a year later they were married and less than 2 years after that, their first son was born. Len’s military commitments had taken the family all over the country but when he decided to retire in 1995, they had decided as a family to settle back down close to their roots in Illinois. With both boys planning to attend school at the University of Illinois at Champagne and with the opportunity to buy the store staring them in the face, it seemed like a good situation for everyone. Like any marriage, the Rutledge’s had many peaks and valleys, but as time wore on, Sara Rutledge felt a gnawing sense that she had lost her identity a great deal more than her husband had. When Len left the Army, he seemed to direct more of his need to control his environment onto his wife and kids. Then when the boys had left for college, Sara began to feel the full brunt of Len’s insatiable need to dictate his position. With Len home, Sara more and more felt that her identity was rooted in being her husband’s servant. While Len was somewhat picky about the way the house was kept and the schedule and social circles Sara ran with, his controlling tendencies were increasingly being manifested in their bedroom activities. Sex was something Sara had never been taught to enjoy. A quiet, small town Catholic girl from the Midwest, she was very naive as to matters of the flesh when they met and was basically a piece of raw clay for Len to mold over the years of their marriage. Now at almost 46, Sara was still uneasy whenever sex was brought up openly. Even though their sex life had been steady, if not monotonous over the first 20 years of their time together, when Len’s military commitments began waning followed by the kids leaving for college, his sexual “demands” gradually became more vocal and probing. It had started out innocent enough. Len’s jealousy about the way Sara dressed and acted when she was out with him had slowly been replaced by a more lassie-faire attitude almost bordering on encouragement. The purchase of shorter, more revealing dresses, and nightwear from Victoria’s Secret soon followed along with various types of role playing during their time alone. Sara wasn’t exactly aware of why the change in Len’s behavior was occurring; she just figured it was phase her husband was going through. After Len had read Seven King’s book “Gerald’s Game” he had pressed the idea of incorporating things such as handcuffs and vibrators to their bedroom activities for the first time. Again, Sara wasn’t enthralled with the idea, but it was something different and she was by then programmed to try and make her husband happy. It also secretly did turn her on just a little. The extra attention, even if it was a little twisted and perverted made her feel more desirable than she had in a great many years. When Len had whispered in Sara’s ear one night while laying on top of her, pressing his cock all the way between her spread legs about whether Sara had ever thought about having sex with other men, she was completely taken by surprise. For the first 20 years of her marriage to Len Rutledge, she lived in everlasting fear at even looking at another man, much less approaching one. Now here she was having sex with her husband and could hear the urgency in his voice as he asked her about whether she ever felt those feelings. She could tell by the telltale signs of the inflection in his voice that he wanted her to say “yes” to his question. That first time, she simply laid there silently as Len came. It would not be the last time Len would ask that question. Several nights later, Len once again was on top of Sara, fucking her with an abandon akin to when they had first met. As he had a few days earlier, he once again whispered in Sara’s ear coarsely, asking if she had every fantasized about fucking other men. As his thrusts became more and more urgent, Sara involuntarily rocked her head up and down, not realizing she had done it until it was too late. Fearful of Len’s reaction, Sara tensed waiting for what would come next. What came next shocked her to the core. Len proceeded to seemingly explode into orgasm above her at the sight of her imposed admission of fantasized infidelity. She felt as if she was becoming a permanent part of the mattress below as Len pounded his body savagely down against hers as he came in endless fits. Sara looked up through her slitted eyelids to see a look she had never seen etched across her husband’s weathered face. A one of surrender and complete satisfaction as he emptied his balls inside of her. A few moments later, Len pulled off of Sara and like he had done countless hundreds of times before, he simply rolled over and went to sleep. Sara continued to lay there completly awake for easily an hour after her husband’s orgasmic display trying to believe that it was in fact the same no-nonsense, jealous bastard that she had been married to for almost 25 years sleeping in the bed beside her. As the weeks whirled by, the same nightly scene in the Rutledge bedroom continued to play over and over. Sara had spent her entire adult life married to Len, trying to block out her natural urges to at least contemplate what contact with another man would feel like. Would they be gentler with her, rougher, more endowed, would they put her in strange positions, and what would they say to her? She tried blocking out these images mainly to avoid even the hint of temptation and for fear of her safety. All of the sudden now, 25 years into the relationship, Len was encouraging, if not insisting that Sara share her fantasies of other men with him, leaving Sara scrambling to put together vague scenarios to satiate her husband’s strange desires that months earlier would have been taboo. With the proverbial Pandora’s Box opened, Sara was left to scour her brain during the long sleepless nights after sex and during the dreadfully endless days at home when Len and the kids were gone, contemplating just how “it’ would be with other men. When Len had made an offhand suggestion about whether Sara would be interested in allowing him to fix her up with a couple of men, again Sara quietly agreed figuring she was simply playing along to satisfy Len’s growing perversity. Never for a moment did she think he was serious. That night of the suggestion was one night after Len had witnessed the incident at his convenience store where Karen Willmot had serviced the long line of men and women that the store’s owner had used to get payment for her purchase. As Len fucked his wife that night, the cruel horrific images of Karen Willmot, his married high school classmate, helplessly on her knees in his back office being used as a cum receptacle for several of his customers thundered through Len Rutledge’s synapses as he emptied his lust into his unknowing wife. Rolling over to go to sleep, Len couldn’t get out of his mind how Karen Willmot looked after her ordeal was over. In his twisted mind he couldn’t resist superimposing his wife Sara’s face over Karen’s and imagining her there on her knees covered with cum as stranger after stranger emptied their cum all over her. Opening his eyes slightly, Len looked up at the bed stand beside him where his wallet rested peacefully on top. He knew the phone number he had gotten from Marcus and Tyree was concealed inside of it ready to use whenever Len worked up the courage to use it. In his head, Len could head over and over again the sheepish sounds of Sara tentatively agreeing to allow him to serve her up for another man. Len knew that his wife probably didn’t think he was serious with his suggestion but in his detached way of thinking he centered on the fact that she had clearly and audibly agreed to go through with it, and in Len’s world, once you make a promise, you keep a promise. Len made a mental note to call the boys the next day. Sitting behind his desk in the same backroom office that days earlier Karen Willmot had met her nightmare, Len Rutledge visibly shook with nervousness listening to the phone ring on the other end, waiting for one of the boys that had finished Karen Willmot off to pick up and answer. “Len Rutledge this Marcus?” Len asked hearing a deep sleepy voice moan hello. “Yeah,” Marcus groaned. “Who is this?” “Len Rutledge. From the other night at the store,” Len said as he leaned forward, nervously tapping his feet. “Man. Listen. we aren’t in any trouble are we?” Marcus said, quickly waking up. “ was just wondering if you and your friend were still interested in the offer I put out before you left the other night...about my wife?” Len asked in a uncharacteristically weak tone. As he discussed his intended scenario with the 19-year-old kid, Len’s mind seemed to fizz with arousal. Looking off to his right side, to the spot on the floor where the kid he was talking to on the phone along with his friend and the slut he they brought along with them had been the last ones in line to use Karen Willmot for their own gratification, Len’s dick started to strain the fabric of his tan slacks as he continued to lay out his plan. “So it’s set, the Super 8 right down the road from where my store is, right?” Len said jotting down the info.” The Super 8 at 9pm Saturday Night, I’ll see you then.” Len hung the phone back up and sat there feeling the warmth of his intent bubble up inside of him, vaguely wondering just what he had gotten himself into. Taking his right hand that had been holding the phone with, he eased it up into his lap and slowly began massaging his cock through his trousers with it. Looking over to the spot on the floor that Karen had been, Len mentally superimposed his wife Sara’s innocent, sweet face in place of Karen’s and jerked himself off through his slacks , visualizing how Sara would look on her knees, her face raised waiting for two virile young black men to rain down their lustful ejaculations right down onto her alabaster cheeks and red lips. Several moments later, Len’s own cock was spurting and twitching inside his pants under the desk, covering his crotch with his own sticky residue as he awkwardly grinded in the padded swivel chair he was seated in. As he sat there letting the tide of his momentary relief wash through his being, a little voice inside Len Rutledge’s head asked meekly, “Just how close to this fire do you intend to get before you get burned?” The Rutledge’s Olds Cutless sat silently in a parking space directly in front of the room Len had rented earlier in the day for the night ahead. Sara sat blankly in the passenger seat, looking out the windshield in front of her at the darkened room they would soon enter. Through the steady raindrops that had continued to fall throughout the day, Sara looked out towards the darkened room, still unsure what her husband was really up to. She couldn’t actually specifically remember agreeing to this kind of cheap rendezvous with a complete stranger and still in the depths of her mind, Sara still held out hope that this whole idea was an elaborate charade to test her limits. To add some spice to their marriage back when the kids had been very young, Len would rent a motel room near the base where they were stationed and surprise her with a night of cheap tawdry sex while a friend of the family babysitted for the night. With Len’s recent re-invigoration, Sara held out hope that this was Len’s way of perhaps trying to rekindle the past. “Time to go Hon, “Len said softly, looking at his watch. Both opened their car doors and grabbed their overnight bags before walking the short distance to the empty room. Once inside, Len slumped down into the chair beside the bed and flipped on the tv and proceeded to go into a seemingly silent holding pattern, waiting for the boys to arrive. Sara on the other hand, stood unsteadily in the center of the room, wondering when Len was going to make his move. Watching her husband sit in the chair, doing his best to avoid her, an unsettling feeling began to overwhelm a now numb Sara Rutledge. “ and you... ahhhh,” Sara stammered down to her seated husband. Len did his best to ignore her but finally, sensing is wife’s fear, he knew he had to give her some sort of explanation. “I told you wanted it.....YOU’VE been the one asking for it...tonight...YOU are going to have sex with another man ,”Len said, staring blankly at the television set. “I...waahhh,”Sara started to say knowing full well Len was the one pushing this but he wouldn’t listen to her under normal circumstances, much less under this kind of obvious stress. Instead of pleading for him to show some rationality, she did as she had been programmed to do, she kept quiet and continued to wallow in her growing fear and anticipation. A cold, bottomless chill griped Sara’s spine as she tried to think of a way to show Len just how frightened she was, but standing up to her husband of 24 and a half years was something she didn’t have a lot of practice at. Instead of probing anymore, Sara simply stood, frozen like a statue in the center of the room. Looking up slowly, Sara saw herself in the large mirror hanging on the wall and tried her best to take inventory of what she saw. Looking at the way her long curly auburn hair flowed down over her shoulders, she winced privately at how dressed up she had in fact gotten for the night. Fully expecting in her heart of hearts that she was putting on the tight black skirt and form fitting sweater she had dug through her boxed up clothes in the attic to find, for her husband Len’s satisfaction. Now she was left to look herself over in the mirror, at the way her heavy slightly sagging breasts fell like two ripe melons across her chest and how her black stocking clad legs looked as they arched out from underneath the first above the knee length skirt she had worn in years. “And this is the woman some stranger of the street was about to see and to.... fuck” she thought to herself. Sill, Sara could not bring herself to believe what was happening was real. Lost in her daydream of looking at herself, Sara didn’t hear the car doors slam shut outside the room. Trying her best to look herself in the eyes in the mirror, trying to find some shred of self-confidence, just as her eyes locked onto the ones in the mirror, the eerie quiet in the room was broken by a firm knock on the motel room’s door. Sara literally jumped 2 inches into the air in her heels, startled from the knock. Maybe somebody has the wrong room she thought to herself. She tried holding on to that hope, but when Len got up out of the chair, almost as if he had rehearsed this scene, he walked past his shaking wife and made a slow beeline to the door. The simple act of turning a doorknob and opening a door seemed to last an eternity in Sara’s racing mind. She thought to herself, maybe Len ordered a pizza when she wasn’t looking, and this is just the delivery boy bringing it to the room. As the door swung open, Sara’s heart lurched up into her throat. There were two young men standing in the doorway looking inside, and neither one was carrying a pizza. As Sara got her initial look at the two teenage boys, from the look in their eyes, the only thing they appeared to come to deliver was her. Looking as if they were gazing right through Len who was standing in front of them, Marcus and Tyree hungrily took in the lonely frame of Sara Rutledge. The nervous housewife pawed her feet into the cheap carpet below with her heels the same way a cat would to make its bed for the night, feeling the weight of the guys stare fall on her. “Come on in guys,” Len offered as he stepped aside allowing the two boys he had set up to fuck his wife into the room. He then proceeded to shake both kids’ hands as they entered the room. Watching Marcus and Tyree walk in, Sara knees began trembling as well. As they entered the room and Len closed the door behind them, the full scope of the situation began to hit home for Sara. The reality that her husband HAD in fact set her up to get dicked down by not one but two men barely the same age as her and Len’s two sons. And to top it all off, the young men Len had acquired were black. Sara had lost count long ago how many times she had heard her husband use the “N” word over the quarter century she knew him in casual conversation, and now here she was, in a motel room with her husband standing there watching as two black kids moved in on his wife for an unmistakable purpose. Sara tried looking into her husband’s face for some sort of explanation, but all she saw was a blank stare as both boys began flanking her. Absently, Len finally said, “ Sara, this is Marcus and Tyree,” as he pointed to each young man. “Boy’s, this is my wife...she’s all... yours.” Hearing her husband utter those simple instructions, Sara’s foundation suddenly gave way causing her to fall backwards against the bed. As she crashed delicately against the mattress, she looked up at the two towering teenagers who seemed even more imposing as they began to shed their clothing. “Oh my God, this isn’t really going to happen?” Sara asked herself pleadingly. Even though she had slept around some as a teenager before she had met Len, which had been another lifetime ago. When she had made her wedding vows of faithfulness, it was something that she meant...forever. But now as two strangers that were half her age, that her husband had himself brought to meet her, slowly unbuttoned their silk shirts above her, revealing their sculpted chest and ab muscles, Sara’s mind seemed to fill with fog watching them undress. Len pulled the chair that he had earlier been sitting in over to him and sat down in it as if he was preparing to watch a sporting event or Broadway play. He crossed his legs tightly to cover up the erection he was crudely ashamed of as it began to well up between his legs from watching his wife with the two boys. As Tyree and Marcus reached for Sara, she jumped back slightly as each young man placed his hand on her sweater-clad shoulders. Neither however relented, and as they began to massage her shoulder in their tight grip, Sara felt as if she was caught in a vice. “Your husband said you needed a little something...extra,” Marcus implied down towards Sara. “Is that true?” Sara looked up into his youthful face, a mix of confusion and outrage flowing through her mind. How on Earth, she thought, could her husband of nearly 25 years share their most intimate marital secrets with anyone, much less a couple of rough looking black kids that were the same age as their two sons. Once again Sara attempted to look over at her husband but this time her view of him was completely obstructed by the two well-built studs that stood in front of her. Each stood over 6 feet tall and to Sara’s numbing shock, both had completely unbuttoned their shirts and were beginning to unbuckle the belts on their baggy jeans with their meaty fingers. Her legs continued tightly crossed, trying to demurely cover herself as each young man proceeded to undress in front of her. As she grinded her silk covered thighs together, something distant and almost foreign tickled the insides of her loins. It had been so long since she had known arousal that it felt like her mind must have been inside someone else’s body. Before she knew it, both Marcus and Tyree had their pants unbuckled as well and as they let their opened jeans dangle free they both placed their hands down to onto Sara’s forehead, brushing her thick auburn curls back and forth with their powerful fingers. “She’s got a pretty face,” Tyree said, watching as Marcus hummed his agreement. Sara looked up through her slitted eyes, straight ahead at the unbuckled jeans that lewdly hung off both boys hourglass shaped waist above her. “I think she wants to see what’s inside Ty,” Marcus crooned. “Let’s see just how curious she really is,” Tyree replied. Both kids proceeded to ease their free hands down onto Sara’s forearms and with a gentle tug, lifted both of the married housewife’s arms up into the air and let her hands fall onto the opening they had each already created over their crotches. Sara fought it for a few moments but as both boys let her arms go, her arms hung in the air freely. Slowly and delicately, Sara let her grasp fall onto the denim v-shaped opening both kids had already undone on their pants. With her breathing now almost at a standstill, Sara let her tentative fingertips explore the rough fabric of the jeans and the smooth leather of each kids’ belt as she worked up the courage to go through with the ordeal. She still knew Len was behind the boys, taking it all in. She feared what seeing this would eventually do to his psyche but as Sara instinctively wetted her lips, something clicked inside of her own psyche as well, telling her in a primal Morse code, she was about to undertake a fantastic sexual journey. She looked up at both men standing above her, her lust and arousal seemingly growing by the second as they stood there as if taunting down at her, their cocks nearly exposed. “You gonna go for it Lady....or do we have to pull them out ourselves?” Marcus asked wryly. Feeling something large and alive rumbling inside both boys’ crotches, Sara nervously dug her freshly painted red nails into both guys’ jockey shorts, preparing to pull them down and expose their dark virile staffs for all in the room to see. Both Marcus and Tyree intently starred down at Sara as the married middle-aged woman went for their cocks. Still in the back of their minds however, they kept and eye open behind them just in case the crusty Len Rutledge decided he wanted to call of the endeavor at the last moment. Even though Marcus and Tyree were both full of lustful abandon, there was something about the look they had seen in Len Rutledge’s eyes that they still didn’t inherently trust. Marcus and Tyree rocked back and forth haughtily as they watched Sara Rutledge build up the courage to finally “pull down the curtain”. They could feel her nails nervously try to take a hold of their shorts and each boy playfully stood there waiting for Sara to make her move. It was only a matter of 8 inches or so, but to Sara, the distance of pulling both kids’ underwear down that far was much more of a journey than that. To her, it would be the final dagger in what she thought was a 24-year commitment of being a loyal, subservient and dedicated wife. Something deep within her told Sara that as soon as the dicks were set free above her, all bets would be off. As she began to pull both Marcus and Tyree’s jockeys down with each of her hands, she could feel the bed beneath her seemingly get warmer and more moist as inch after veiny inch of the two teenage studs’ penises came into view. Ever-lower Sara tugged on their drawers, making more and more dark flesh appear before the expanding gaze of her green eyes. Both Marcus and Tyree took great joy from the look of wonder on Sara’s stunned face. As she finally got her fingers down to where their cockheads could spill free, they both saw her mouth as it gulped from the sight of their endowments jutting out directly at her. Sara blinked her eyes several times trying to discern if what she was actually seeing was real. Once she had pulled Marcus’s and Tyree’s shorts down far enough to allow their inflated cocks to fall free, each young man took one of their hands and closed it around both of Sara’s dainty hands, in effect closing the housewife’s grip around their thick black pulsing masses. That hapless married woman’s soft sensitive touch only made their dicks throb even harder as they helped guide her hands over them. Sara couldn’t help but feel awkward, both her arms outstretched, and her palms squeezing a pair of youthful, erect cocks while her husband sat back and took in the whole thing. Sara Rutledge could feel the raw, exuberant power of Marcus’s and Tyree’s tools as she allowed the boys to clench their grips tighter and tighter over her trembling hands as she continued to explore their phallic spears. As she soaked in their heat with her hands, suddenly from behind, Sara could bear Len say calmly, “Suck them Sara, suck both their cocks.” Just the sound of her husband’s voice uttering those words caused Sara’s insides to queez. As Marcus and Tyree helped her build up friction on their jocks however, a deep swelling hunger began to egg Sara on as her husband’s words echoed in her head. Slowly, Sara’s small oval mouth parted as she desperately tried filling both her lungs with oxygen. Taking this as a cue, both Marcus and Tyree grabbed the base of their huge penises and leaned forward, aiming them right at Sara’s shell-shocked face. A few days earlier at the Len’s convenience store, where the guys had their way with Karen Willmot, they were both somehow able to jam both their fully erect cocks into her mouth at the same time. As they each measured up Sara’s mouth, they both agreed with a shared glance that doing the same thing to this woman would not prove to be so easy. Lifting their ebony masses towards Sara’s puckered lips, they each placed a hand on her shoulder to steady themselves preparing to let her suck both their cocks. As Macus and Tyree leaned forward, a small gap opened up momentarily between the boys, allowing Sara to get a brief look at her husband seated off to the side. For that brief moment, Sara simply stared at him coldly, wondering what he had become. He sat there in the chair, with an intense yet distant look on his face as he rubbed his cock between his fingers under the fabric of his pants, watching as both young men prepared to use their virile weapons on his wife. “You bastard, “Sara mouthed towards him. Both kids were incredulous as to Sara’s statement to her husband, seeing her lips open only provided an opportunity for them to ease their manhood’s between Sara’s waiting oral orifice. With a loud gasp, Sara exhaled, her eyes still fixated on the two substantial erections pointing at her like a pair of small arms. As Marcus and Tyree leaned forward, their cocks slithered across Sara’s field of vision like two thick snakes until they smacked directly against her pale cool cheek. Tilting Sara’s head back with his hand, Marcus was first to lodge his slab of meat through the opening of the housewife’s mouth. As he pulled her head back, he looked directly into the married woman’s lust filled eyes and the two shared a powerful moment of recognition. In her eyes, Marcus and Tyree could see that Sara had willingly now given herself to them for the night, even if her husband was just a mere 5 feet away. As Sara’s mouth strained open as far as she could make it, allowing Marcus shiny dark spear to slide over her teeth and tongue, Tyree saddled up to his buddy, preparing to aim his cock at Sara’s gorged lips as well. Pressing his cock against Sara’s smeared lipstick covered lips, trying to force it inside to join Marcus’s, he realized it was going to be physically impossible to jab both their cocks inside her mouth as they had done to Karen Willmot a few night earlier, she simply just had a bigger mouth. Satisfied he’d eventually get his crack at Sara’s mouth, Tyree decided to bide his time while the hussy went about servicing Marcus’s solid member. Deciding to make himself useful, Tyree eased his pants off, leaving himself completely nude, then raised up to prepare to begin undressing Sara Rutledge. Tyree grabbed a handful of Sara’s black sweater and with a gentle tug inched it over her pale, slightly chubby belly, up over her ample breasts and finally up to her neck. Feeling herself begin to be disrobed, Sara leaned her head back for a moment, allowing Marcus’s now spit soaked cock to spill free while his buddy lifted Sara’s sweater all the way off. Now clad only in her ivory white size 38c bra, black skirt and stockings, she hungrily dropped her face back down against Marcus’s jock to continue slurping at his meaty black phallus. Tyree knelt down beside the bed and eased his left hand up onto Sara’s black silk covered thigh and began to trace it slowly up her leg. With every inch he guided his hand upwards, he could feel the warmth and humidity increasing between her legs. As his hand passed the area in the center of Sara’s thigh where the stocking stopped and her flesh started, he knew he was very close. Sara parted her legs further apart, giving the teenage black kid unhindered access to the pussy that she had allowed only one man to touch for nearly a quarter century. From behind, all 3 participants on the bed could hear the gasps coming from Len Rutledge’s mouth become more and more urgent. As Tyree’s large hand initially crept up against Sara’s arousal stained panties, he pushed her thighs even further apart, giving her husband seated behind them a clear unhindered view of Sara’s pink pouty lips as they grew visibly through the dark dense patch of auburn pubic hair covering her crotch. Leering lustfully at his wife saturated pubic mound being manipulated by the 19 year old, suddenly Len could not control himself and his first orgasm of the night began leaving a sticky trail of emissions along the inside of his pants. Sensing the all too familiar sounds of her husband cumming, Sara instinctively looked up while she continued slobbering over Marcus’s cock to see her husband crudely jerking himself off in the chair, his head swinging backwards like it was attached to puppeteers string. “Son of a bitch couldn’t even hold it for 5 minutes,” Marcus thought to himself as Len’s came behind him. As Sara continued blowing him, he looked down into Sara’s distorted face and watched as his prick seesawed back and forth, deep into Sara’s hot mouth. Ever couple of seconds, Sara would still cast a nervous glance behind the boys to where Len was seated. Realizing now how desperate Len was to see this happen to his wife, Marcus decided sometimes it was better to make someone who wanted something so much, to have to work for it a little. As Sara continued to saturate his cock with her slick and froth saliva, Marcus tapped Tyree on the shoulder and pointed at his shirt laying in a clump on the floor. After a sly wink, Tyree knew exactly what Marcus was insinuating. With his left hand still embedded between Sara’s quivering thighs, he took a firm hold of her wet panties and began rolling them down her legs until he had them down to her ankles. After completely removing them, Tyree lifted shear, feminine undergarments up and laid Sara Rutledge’s soaked panties right down into her husband’s lap as he continued to ride the embarrassingly euphoric tide of his orgasm moments ago. Looking up at the powerfully built stud handing him his wife’s panties, Len Rutledge had never felt some powerless and impotent in his life, but still, he sat blankly in the chair waiting for what was going to happen next. Fumbling tentatively with his wife’s lacy white undergarment with his rough fingers, Len could smell the unavoidably pungent residue of his wife’s arousal on them. Suddenly, Tyree moved behind Len with the FUBU shirt in his hand and before Len knew what had happened , his entire world went dark. Tyree had used the shirt like a blindfold to cover Len’s eyes. Cinching it tightly behind Mr. Rutledge’s head, Tyree eased back to the bedside to resume his fondling of Len’s wife. TO BE CONTINUED... Thanks for reading


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Celebrity Pickup Game #1 Lucy Liu By Stardog Champion Trying her best to stomach a $5 box of stale, barely buttered popcorn, Lucy Liu watched from her seat in section 104, courtside at Los Angeles’s new basketball arena, The Staples Center. One of the perks she had treated herself to following her success on Ally McBeal and the subsequent movie roles, including a

Celebrity Pickup Game #2 (Joan Collins)

Celebrity Pickup Game #2 Joan Collins By Stardog Champion JPROBX@WEBTV.NET The year was 1977, and living for the ‘here and now’ was the order of the day. Disco was king, leisure suits and a line of coke were mandatory even for a quick trip to the corner store, and what happened yesterday or what might happen tomorrow was of little value to most everyone. One of the unfortunate

Comforting A Killer

Comforting A Killer Micheal Scott McKinley sat on his bunk absently reading a seven-year-old wrinkled and dusty copy of a dated National Geographic from the prison library. An article about a failed attempt by several mountaineers to scale Mount Everest had vaguely caught his eye. Being an adrenaline junkie his whole life, McKinley had sill not gotten use to the stale, monotonous

Customer Serviced: Part 1

CUSTOMER SERVICED: Part 1 The dull click of a pair of blue suede pumps layered rhythmically over the incessant humm coming from the fountain drink machine located in the far corner of the Pump and Pay convenience store, just outside Rockford, Illinois along I-90. Karen Willmot tightly held a cold bottle of grapefruit juice in her hand as she slowly made her way up the aisle to pay

Customer Serviced: Part 2

Customer Serviced: Part 2 "What... do you....urrrghhh.... mean?" Karen garbled as she rubbed her roughly fucked throat with her right hand. She spit out several pubic hairs that had become trapped in her mouth, remnants from Cory and Danny's eager attempt at collecting payment, as she looked up at Len for a shred of mercy. "It’s a nice start," he said matter of factly. He was now

Customer Serviced: Part 3

CUSTOMER SERVICED (PART 3) As her knees ground into the tile beneath, Karen Willmot's nylons had began to tear as she tried balancing herself through the previous 11 acts of fallacio. While she tried gasping for air, at the same time clearing her throat of the ejaculate from the guys she had already serviced, Karen opened her eyes slightly to see from floor level, the sight of two

Dolly Parton's Sexual Awakening

The hotel desk clerk gave the voluptuous middle-aged bleach blond a suspicious look as he processed her registration. Although the name on the reservation said Ms. Betty Smith, the woman looked and talked in an unmistakable southern drawl like Dolly Parton. The desk clerk knew his job was not to ask questions, being in L.A. he was quite accustomed to checking in stars under assumed

Fantastic Finishes: Part 1

FANTASTIC FINISHES By Stardog Champion “You have got to be crazy Mr. Melendez...why me?” the matronly 38 year old social science professor said to her boss as if she was dumbfounded by his offer. “I can’t do that...I have a four year old that needs to be picked up at Day Care and a 10 year old that has soccer practice every’s just...” “Listen....

Fantastic Finishes: Part 2

Fantastic Finishes Part 2 Stardog Champion- After a few moments of eavesdropping, Gary Paulson finally recognized the sounds coming from the bowels of the locker room as the age old gasping and groaning rhythms of sex. His natural voyeuristic tendencies tweaked, Gary froze for a moment and with baited breath, listened intently, his mind shuffling like a computer as

Guess I Should've Called First

Guess I Should've Called First by Stardog Champion © "Mendoza is set....Garciaparra comes the 3-2 pitch....fouled off over the 1st base dug out...its still 3 and 2," the voice of Red Sox play by play man Sean McDonough boomed in his thick New England accent as he called the early May Yankees/Red Sox game. I had just gotten the chance to sit down after a long day of

Liberties Taken on Copperhead...

Liberties Taken on Copperhead Road by Stardog Champion ©© Sheriff Benjermin Deane Petitte sat patiently in his squad car outside the rundown trailer that belonged to Debby Sanchez. It was a quarter till 2 in the morning, and Sheriff Petitte was certain Debby had already gone to bed, the entire trailer was awash in darkness. He continued to sit there however in his squad car,

Living in Sin

Living in Sin by Stardog Champion ©© For the past 5 years Katie and I have been dating on and off. We met during our senior year of high school and after a failed attempt at college on each of our parts, we both kind of settled into each other, trying to latch onto some semblance normalcy in our early 20's Gen X malaise. By the time we had each hit 23, Katie and I were both

Living In Sin

LIVING IN SIN By Stardog Champion For the past 5 years Katie and I have been dating on and off. We met during our senior year of high school and after a failed attempt at college on each of our parts, we both kind of settled into each other, trying to latch onto some semblance normalcy in our early 20’s Gen X malaise. By the time we had each hit 23, Katie and I

School's Out

“So Ms. Casey, it seems all your paperwork is in order. I don’t see any reason why you can’t start first thing Monday morning,” the silver haired principal said while he halfheartedly thumbed through the resume in front of him. “Please Mr. Burkett,” the young well dressed woman nervously added, trying to contain her excitement,” Call me Kathy.” “Oh, don’t worry about that Katherine,

Strange Bedfellows Indeed: Part 1

Strange Bedfellows Indeed PART 1 Chapter 1 Struggling once again with insomnia, as a large volume of the “History of New York State” rested heavily on her lap, Hillary sat up in bed doing research. At 2:44 a.m., in actuality, Hillary was trying to find the dullest thing she could that would perhaps help her fall asleep. She had unfortunately built up a tolerance to the

Strange Bedfellows Indeed: Part 2

Strange Bedfellows Indeed Part 2 As Hillary Clinton rushed through her day, from staff meetings, to photo-ops with world leaders, and three separate meetings with her senatorial planning committee in the White House, 200 miles away, in a luxurious 14th floor apartment in Upper Manhattan, Latrell Sprewell was taking a more leisurely approach to the day. For the third time since he

Strange Bedfellows Indeed: Part 3

Part 3 “The freakin’ first lady... what the hell does she want with me?” Latrell whispered to himself as he sat in front of the glowing computer screen. He thought about the strange offer for a few moments then typed in the simple reply, “Sure” without really knowing why, to his agent, then resumed checking his other accumulated mail. As he sat there, Latrell realized an entire

Strange Bedfellows Indeed: Part 4

Strange Bedfellows Indeed (Part 4) Hillary Clinton tweeked her nipples as she lay flat against her hotel bed, her short legs splayed limply to the side as she soaked in several post orgasmic aftershocks. As she flipped her erect nipples, bathed in the blue light coming off the TV in front of her, the siren like pounding in her head slowly subsided, allowing her to attempt some

The Tape in the Top Drawer: Part II

The Tape in the Top Drawer: Pt. II by Stardog Champion © ...I started to rub my dick even harder as my eyes did a double take seeing who it was, flat on her back, in the center of the noisy group of men. It was Amanda, the tall natural blonde that I had jacked myself off to while she was throwing herself around the sandy volleyball court. Amanda was spread out on the

The Tape in the Top Drawer: Part. I

The Tape in the Top Drawer: Pt. I by Stardog Champion © Like any Father seeing his only Daughter off to college, I was full of a mix of overwhelming pride for how well she had done to get accepted to the University of Florida with a partial band scholarship. At the same time, there was also a real sadness for me because I knew how empty the house was going to feel while she was

There Goes The Neighborhood

THERE GOES THE NEIGHBORHOOD BY Stardog Champion “So here are your two sets of keys, rent is due by the 5th of every month and you have my business card with my phone number if there are any questions,” the fatherly looking landlord said in his most friendly voice to his two newest tenants. “I hope you enjoy your apartment.” “Yeah, I got a question,” a scrufy

What Goes Around ... Part 2

What Goes Around.......Part 2 Stardog Champion As surreal as it felt having two complete strangers sitting to each side of her, fondling and groping at her breasts, thighs and vagina, Sara Rutledge was still able to detach herself from the overwhelming physical sensations and focus more on the pathetic state her husband Len was in. As Marcus continued squeezing

What Goes Around... Part 1

What Goes Around......... Part 1 Stardog Champion At 47 years of age, Len Rutledge had carved out quite a nice life for himself. If anyone was, he was a prime example of the American Dream. Growing up in the blue-collar, bucolic Midwest, Len went to Vietnam when duty called and then proceeded to serve his country in the Army for the next 30 years. With Sara, his

Wrong Place, Right Time: Part 1

Part 1 The six lanes of downtown traffic surrounding Beverly Morgan grew steadily into an overwhelming foggy haze. Barhopping downtown Detroit at 1 a.m. had made her wax nostalgic back to her carefree and downright rebellious days as a teenager growing up in Little Rock. As she tightly squeezed the steering wheel in front of her however, Bev realized those days of hardcore partying

Wrong Place, Right Time: Part 2

PART 2 Hearing the shower roar to life from the bathroom, it reminded LJ of something rather important he had to do. “Damn, man, I got to take a piss really bad!” he said to Jo Jo. “I saw a row of bathrooms on the way up,” Jo Jo offered, not knowing what LJ really had in mind. “Nah, I think I’ll just use the bathroom while she’s in there taking a shower, she’ll never know I’m

Wrong Place, Right Time: Part 3

Part 3 Picking Stacy’s limp but still quivering body up, JoJo gently dropped her small naked frame down beside Bev on the bed in the center of the room, and then he disappeared into the bathroom along with LJ. Both women were exhausted from the intense fucking that they each had just received, and while their eyes met as JoJo sat Stacy beside her, neither Bev nor Stacy could muster


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