Gay Erotic Stories

Slave Sister: Chapter 05

by Norm DePloom
31 Aug 2000


Chapter Five "The Raffle" Fran reached between her legs and ran her finger gently over her protruding cunt lips. It had been a full week now and she still wasn't comfortable with not being allowed to wash her self without her brother Dave's permission. The thick viscous cum she felt oozing out of her pussy onto her thighs was deposited there by her brother just moments before during his regular early morning fuck. Fran could hardly believe all that had happened in the week since her brother had slipped into her room in the early morning hours last Friday one week ago to rape her while their mother slept in the next room. As she reviewed the week she began to dress in the cloths set out by Dave. She had been relieved when Dave told her that there would always be a clear message from him telling her what to do, like the notes Mr. Roberts, her history teacher had given her before he fucked her after class on Monday. She felt safer knowing it was really up to her brother, not the boys wearing the red badges, the ones with the "FF" in large white letters as to when and where she would fuck. His original instructions were that she had to fuck anyone wearing one of those badges, anytime and anywhere they wanted. When Dave gave her the amended instructions he admitted the first instructions had been to keep her on edge all-day Monday so she would be pri med for Mr. Roberts' attentions. Although she felt relieved about the badges, she still felt concern about Dave's stated intention to rape and enslave their mother. During their after fuck cuddling this morning Dave had softly talked to her about the efforts needed to keep each day more exciting than the last. Fran immediately understood what he was talking about. A week ago just pretending the fingers touching her were Dave's instead of her own was enough to give her a great orgasm, know being fucked by her brother, while still pleasant, was an everyday common occurrence. Well actually a several times a day common occurrence, but just being fucked by him no longer gave her the 'ultimate' orgasms it used to. On Monday when Mr. Roberts had fucked her after school she had been driven to orgasmic 'deliriums', now Mr. Roberts fucking her after school was just a part of her daily life, admittedly a very enjoyable part of her daily life. She understood that the day would come when the rising tide of sexual excitement would peak, and that she would be condemned to spend every day of her life trying to reach that peak again. Fran finished dressing and as she sat on the edge of her bed waiting for her brother to come for his inspection and last minute instructions, she pondered her newfound feelings for her best friend Vickie. Since she had told Vickie about her new status as her brothers sex slave, Vickie had taken every opportunity to kiss and touch her in ways she never had before. Fran finally admitted to herself that she wanted to fuck her best friend. Fran was jerked out of her reverie when the door to her bedroom opened and her brother stepped in. Dave sat on the edge of Fran's bed while Fran stood in front of him with her legs spread. Dave reached under his sister's skirt and explored her cunt with his fingers then stroked her clitoris to its full one half inch erect state. Dave slipped the same elastic band over her clitoris that Fran had worn to church on Sunday, but this time instead of supporting a small fishing weight hanging high enough to be hidden, it supported a tiny brass bell hanging low enough to be seen below her skirt. Dave worked her nipples until they were hard then slipped elastic bands over them. Each of these bands supported another tiny brass bell hanging just below the bottom of her blouse. As Fran followed her brother out of her room and downstairs to the kitchen she heard the high pitched ding's generated from each bell with even the slightest movement of her body. She knew from experience that the constant tugging and pulling on her nipples and clitoris would keep her in a state of near orgasm all day. On Sunday the weight bouncing and tugging on her clitoris at church had been a secret. Today every one could tell on what parts of her anatomy these bells were attached. After serving her brother breakfast and standing beside him as he absent mindedly played with her pussy while he ate, Fran followed him out to the car for her ride to school. When they pulled into the student parking lot Dave reached into the back seat and retrieving a cigar box and a roll of raffle tickets handed them to Fran. Fran looked at the double roll of tickets designed to tear one ticket off for the purchaser and to drop the identically numbered ticket into the box. On the top of the box was written "The Shave Fran Raffle" under that "25 cents per ticket, 5 for a dollar". Fran did not have to ask what part of her was going to be shaved, and neither would anyone else who saw the box. "If anyone asks you for more details," she could just barely hear her brother's instructions her face and chest were already beginning to burn with humiliation, as was her cunt. "tell them there will be six numbers drawn. The first four get to hold down your arms and legs," Fran moaned and frantically tried to think of a way to get out of this. "the fifth person drawn will get to shave your pussy, and the grand winner will get to be the first person to fuck your bare cunt. The drawing will kick off the second weekly 'Fran Fuck' in our back yard tomorrow." Dave pushed Fran out of the car. "Oh, yes, they do have to be present to win." Fran walked across the street towards the school building trying to figure out which was more humiliating the tinkling bells announcing her available sex organs, or the raffle which she just knew everyone else had known about for days. Her worst fears were confirmed when virtually every male in her first period Geometry class met her with dollar bills in their hands, even the ones not wearing the 'Fran Fucker' badges. After wading her way through the crowd of hopeful pussy shavers Fran felt both touched and betrayed when Vickie held out a five-dollar bill. "I'll take twenty five tickets please." Fran blushed down to her nipples having everyone in the hallway watch as Vickie bought raffle tickets. As soon as the transaction was complete, Vickie leaned over and whispered in Fran's ear. "Would you rub these on that sweet cunt of yours for good luck?" Fran blushed even more brightly as the bell rang and she attempted to walk into class with out ringing her own bells. Raffle ticket sales were brisk all morning, as were bell ringings. Fran met back up with Vickie in gym class. Fran approached Ms Marshall for permission to set out yet another day of volleyball expecting to be denied, instead Ms Marshall looked at Fran then smiled broadly. "Why Fran what a unique idea for bells, most girls would be satisfied with having them on their fingers and toes." Ms Marshall gently bounced one of her 'tit' bells up and down a few times. "Why don't you just sit out the class today, I wouldn't want you to have to take those off and put them back on again." As Fran walked around the gym floor to the bleachers Carla stopped her. Carla was the snooty sister of one of the boys who had been involved in her first gang fuck the previous Saturday. It was the same girl that had called her a slut on Monday. The girl's snobby friends gathered round them as she dug her hand down the front of her gym shorts and produced a damp wrinkled dollar bill and held it out to Fran. "My brother asked me to by some raffle tickets for him." Carla looked around to make sure all her friends were listening. "I really don't know why he would want to fuck a little tramp like you. Much less get involved in god only knows whatever perverted little games you play with your brother." Fran felt like her whole body was on fire with humiliation. Her hands were shaking so hard she could hardly get the tickets counted out and torn apart. "Did you fuck your brother this morning, slut?" Carla sneered as she took the tickets from Fran's trembling fingers. Just then Vickie came charging through the gathering crowd. "You leave her alone you stupid little bitch." Vickie hissed at Carla as she pushed her away from Fran. "You're just jealous because you couldn't get Fran's brother, or your own, to fuck you if you paid them." The girl pushed Vickie back. "Well at least I'm not a dike running around trying to fuck another girl." The focus having left Fran she walked over, sat on the bleachers, and ignoring the hair pulling catfight starting between Vickie and Carla, began to sob. Vickie tackled Carla and the two of them rolled around the floor ripping their cloths and pulling each other's hair. The smaller but scrappier Vickie soon had Carla penned to the floor. Fran was distracted from her sobbing and started laughing at the sight of Carla kicking her legs trying to dislodge Vickie who was sitting on Carla's stomach pinching her nipples through her torn blouse. "Get off me you fucking lesbian bitch" Carla shrieked just as Ms Marshall arrived to break up the fight. After sending Vickie over to the bleachers to 'comfort' Fran Ms. Marshall jerked Carla to her feet with a bit more force than was absolutely necessary. "I don't ever want to hear talking like that in my class again." Ms. Marshall yelled her face only inches from Carla's. "If you ever talk like that again your going to be sent to the Vice Principals office for detention." Ms. Marshall winked at Fran and Vickie as she turned to gather the rest of the girls into volleyball teams. Carla's friends gathered around her as she attempted to cover her breasts with the torn remnants of her blouse. As they walked towards the gathering class the group paused in front of Fran and Vickie. "'Big dyke' isn't always going to be around to protect you slut so just watch yourself." Carla hissed glaring at Vickie. "I hope not, next time I'm going to ride you until I cum." As the group walked off Vickie slipped her hand down the front of her gym shorts and spoke quietly to Fran "Did you see the way that bitch was bucking under me when I twisted her nipples?" Fran watched in amazement as her friend stroked herself under her gym shorts. "Ah, Vickie" she reached out and put her hand on the other girls arm, "I don't think this is the proper place to be doing that." Vickie paused in mid stroke and looked at her friend. "For someone walking around with a bell hanging from her clitoris you sure are getting judgmental." The comment's sting was tempered with a gin and a quick wink as Vickie resumed her stroking. "I can't wait, thinking about what's going to happen to you and riding that bitch while she bucked around on the floor has just made me too horny." Her body tensed as she rocked back and forth, Fran could hear low moans coming from her throat, then Vickie relaxed and pulled her hand from her shorts. She held her fingers under Fran's nose. "Want to smell?" Fran fained disgust even as she resisted the urge to lick her friend's fingers clean. Her own swollen clitoris and nipples begged for attention. To Fran's dismay her new sexual slavery consisted more of being kept on the verge of orgasm than it did being fucked crazy like she had originally feared/hoped. Without realizing it Fran had begun to flick her finger back and fourth on the bell string hanging down between her legs. The gentle vibrations traveling up the string to her clitoris brought her closer and closer to her own orgasm. Fran was just a flick away from cuming when Ms Marshall sat down beside her. Fran almost screamed in frustration as she pulled her hand away from the string. "Are you girls ok?" the Teacher asked them as she watched her volleyball playing students. Ms. Marshall had not allowed Carla to change her blouse, and had assigned her to the volleyball court directly in front of where Ms Marshall was know sitting with Fran and Vickie. Carla's face became a deeper shade of red every time she had to hit the ball, allowing her breasts to bounce into view through the torn blouse. Vickie leaned forward and looked past Fran at Ms. Marshall. "If you hadn't stopped me I would have ridden that bitch until she was tamed." God, thought Fran, she's getting more outrageous every day. Ms. Marshall chuckled obviously enjoying the mental image created by Vickie's words. "Why don't you two go ahead to lunch?" Ms. Marshall gave Fran's knee a familiar squeeze as she stood up and walked back across the gym. Vickie leaned over and whispered in Fran's ear. "She's hot for you girl." Fran and Vickie stood up and under the malevolent glare of Carla and her friends walked out of the gym. The soft ding-a-lings from Fran's bells being masked by the sounds of a gym full of volleyball playing girls. Being early for lunch Fran and Vickie staked out their favorite table under a large tree on the edge of the school's central courtyard. Fran stayed at the table while Vickie went to the snack bar to get them some food. Setting her cigar box and roll of raffle tickets down on the table Fran sat on the bench and slipping her right hand to her lap began to flick the bell string hopping to finally gain some relief from her unrelenting sexual need. Just as she approached the precipice and was about to dive headlong into orgasm two boys suddenly sat down one on each side of her. Each was holding a ten-dollar bill. Fan reluctantly pulled her hand away from her bell sting and, as she began to count out raffle tickets, looked at each of the boys. She recognized them even without badges. They had both helped fuck her silly last Saturday. As she counted out the tickets the boys each slipped a hand under the table and began to explore her wet open pussy. Probing their fingers into her and gently pulling on the bell string. With their other hands they bounced her 'tit bells' up and down. "God, I don't know if I want to be the one to shave this cunt of yours, or to be the first one to fuck it after it's shaved." The boy on her right said, more to the other boy than to Fran. A tray slammed down on the table and all three of them looked up to see Vickie glaring at them as she sat sown on the other side of the table. "Hey, take it easy, everyone will get a chance at her." The other boy said to Vickie. Fran blushed and a wave of humiliation washed over her. Her cunt reacted by clamping down on the fingers that had been pushed inside her. The boys reluctantly removed their hands from Fran's crotch and, unable to stand Vickie's protective glare, retrieved their tickets and left. Fran, not sure if she really wanted to be 'saved' right know smiled weakly at her friend. Fran picked up her sandwich then paused with it in mid air. She looked across the table at her friend's mischievous grin. Then smiled back at her as she spread her legs and felt Vickie's bare foot slide up the inside of her thighs to rest gently against Fran's achingly needy cunt. Fran scooted forward on the bench and spread her legs as far as she could as the ball of Vickie's foot maneuvered in small circles around her swollen tender clitoris. Fran's clitoris nestled comfortably in the cavity formed between Vickie's big two, her second two and the ball of her foot where it was protected from being over stimulated. Fran and Vickie ate their food, grinning at each other across the table. Vickie's right hand disappeared below the table as she lifted her skirt and stroked her clitoris in time with her foot's circular massage of Fran's pussy. They were alone in the almost deserted courtyard, Vickie put her sandwich down and slipped her other hand up inside her blouse to pinch and stroke her hard nipples. Fran put her sandwich down and held onto the edge of the table. As her excitement built Fran's breathing quickened, causing her 'tit bells' to ring and the bell attached to her clitoris ding-a-linged in time with the massaging foot. Fran leaned her head back and a low moan could be heard coming from her throat. "HhhhoooooGoooooooood" Fran moaned as she rocked gently back and forth pushing her self harder onto her friends massaging foot. Every muscle in Fran's body tightened, her body jerked repeatedly driving her cunt against Vickie's toes. Fran brought her right hand to her mouth and bit down on her knuckles trying to suppress the orgasmic scream she felt growing deep inside her chest. With her other hand Vickie pushed down hard on the pit of her stomach as her entire body jerked twice more, then collapsed onto the table her face just inches above the remains of her sandwich her mouth open and panting. She reached under the table and pushed her friend's foot away. "Stop, please stop." Was all she could say until her breathing returned to normal, then she smiled at her best friend sitting across from her, "Thank you " she whispered. Vickie reached over and took Fran's hand. "Anytime." She whispered back, her own breathing not quite back to normal yet. "Why, isn't that just sooooooo sweeeeet." Carla's voice dripped sarcasm as she sat down next to Vickie, her friends gathering around. "You owe me a blouse you fucking little slut." Three of Carla's friends, who had moved around to Fran's side of the table, grabbed Fran while the rest of the girls pounced on Vickie. With hands over Fan and Vickie's mouths, and ignoring their kicking and twisting the six girls looked around, then quickly carried their two victims behind the gym and out into the middle of the football field. Even before they reached their destination Carla was tearing at Vickie's blouse. "You owe me a blouse, and I'm going to collect it. With interest." Fran lost sight of what they were doing to Vickie and tried unsuccessfully to fight off the three girls who were ripping at her cloths. A piece of her torn blouse was stuffed into her mouth and held there while the girls yanked the elastic bands holding her bell off her nipples and clitoris then laughed at her muffled screams. They elicited more muffled screams to laugh at by taking turns pinching Fran's tender swollen nipples. Fran, to her credit, got in several good kicks and several of the attackers were limping as they ran off leaving the two naked girls laying in the middle of the field. Vickie rolling over onto her hands and knees and crawling over to Fran put her arms protectively around her friend's naked shoulders. Vickie, gently rocking Fran in her arms looked around the field to see where they might take refuge. "Dave's going to be so mad at me." Vickie whispered seemingly unaware that she was talking out loud. "Why would he be mad at you?" Fran asked through her sniffles. "He told me to look after you and protect you, and it looks like I've failed miserably. I was so involved in playing with your sweet pussy that I didn't see those bitches coming." Vickie helped Fran to her feet and with her arms still around Fran's shoulders started walking her towards the nearest door to the gym. "and I didn't even have permission to play with you." "Is that why you defended me in the gym? Because my brother told you to?" Fran came to a stop as she asked the question seemingly unconcerned about the possibility of being caught outdoors naked. "No." Vickie answered frantically looking around and trying to get her friend moving again. "He told me to protect you because he knew I would do it anyway." She pulled at Fran and got her moving towards the gym door again. "OH God." Fran stopped again resisting Vickie's frantic efforts to get her moving. "Dave's going to be pissed. I lost my bells and the raffle money. " "God, don't worry about that now." Vickie pulled at her arm. "Let's get inside before some one sees us." Pulling hard Vickie managed to get Fran moving again. Just as the two naked girls reached the gym door it burst open. Fran and Vickie were engulfed in a stream of football uniformed jocks and swept by their momentum back out onto the football field. Amid yells of "Hay look what we got here." And "Let's have a fun practice for a change." After a hasty whispered conference among the team members the surrounded girls were ushered to the far end of the field and behind the grounds keeper's equipment shed. There was a lot of touching and probing during the walk, and after they reached the comparative privacy behind the shed, the boy's closed in around the naked girls reaching out with their hands and touching whatever bare skin they could reach. Fran, to her own surprise felt no fear at all. She recognized over half the team members as having been present for the 'First Weekly Fran Fuck' as her brother had called it, last Saturday. It quickly became obvious that the boys were waiting for something and the naked girls were not going to be attacked, at least not immediately. Fran relaxed and enjoyed the hands touching her bare skin. A hush fell over the crowed, and the boys parted like the Red Sea is said to have done for Moses. Dave walked up to the two girls and looked at them for a moment. Vickie stared at the ground unable to meet his gaze. Fran noticed that he was carrying the cigar box full of money and raffle tickets. After giving Fran a quick protective hug and glaring at Vickie Dave turned to the gathered boys and held the cigar box up like a treasure box. "It's ok." He pronounced. "The drawing will go on as planned." Since virtually every one of them had purchased at least one ticket they greeted the announcement with a cheer. Dave looked at the girls then back at the team. "Well, it looks like I'm going to have to get some clothes for my sluts." Fran and Vickie both blushed clear down to their nipples. "Would you guys mind keeping them, ah, 'occupied' until I get back?" The team answered with another cheer. Dave started to walk off then turned back and spoke to the boys again. "Blowjobs only." A groan replaced the cheer, but it was obvious that none of them would dare go against Dave's orders. "Oh," he continued, "would one of you gentleman kindly give the sluts a jersey to kneel on so they don't get grass stains on their knees." Fran and Vickie received a shower of jerseys as every member of the team stripped his off and tossed it at them. It's not so bad, Fran thought, I've already had most of these dicks in my mouth at least once before. Vickie had also had most of these dicks in her mouth at one time or another, just not one right after the other. As the quarterback and tight end approached the two naked girls Fran and Vickie sank down onto their knees and prepared to welcome the first of many hard cocks into their warm moist mouths. "Now we know what's for desert." Vickie whispered to Fran with a wink then turned her head back and engulfed the large hard cock waiting for her mouth. Fran sucked the quarterbacks cock deep into her throat and ran her tongue over the shaft. Without saying a word both girls had entered into a competition to see who could suck the most dicks before Dave returned with new clothes. Fran kneaded the quarterbacks thighs and buttocks as she sucked his cock in and out of her mouth leaving streaks of lipstick along its shaft. The team members were already near their peaks and it only took a few strokes for Fran to receive the team's first liquid offering. Each hard cock stayed in her mouth for only one or two minutes before she drained its juice and moved on to the next one. As Fran sucked her fifth or sixth cock she realized that it was sticking out of a pair of trousers and not a football uniform. Twisting her head slightly and rolling he eyes up Fran saw the football coach standing above her with his hands on his hips and his cock buried in her throat. Fran would have waved 'hi' to him if her hand hadn't been inside his trousers massaging his balls, after all she had not seen him since church last Sunday morning. Every member of the team had left a deposit with either Fran or Vickie and they were lining up for seconds when Dave arrived with clothes for the girls. "Come on boys, let's get some football practice in." The coach yelled, clapping his hands then blowing his whistle. The team members reluctantly stuffed their cocks back inside their pants and headed out onto the field. "Help Fran get dressed." Dave instructed Vickie handing her a blouse and skirt. Dave watched as Vickie helped Fran put on her two meager pieces of clothing, then he hugged his sister and sent her off to class. Once she rounded the corner of the building and was out of sight Dave turned his attention to Fran's friend. Vickie tried to stare back defiantly, but quickly wilted in the glare of his anger. "You've failed at your assigned task, and disobeyed me by playing with Fran before I gave you permission." He paused to let it sink in that he knew about her little foot game under the table. Then pulling two miniature c clamps from his pocket, Dave applied one to each of her nipples tightening each one until Vickie could barely keep from screaming. Once the clamps were in place Dave gave her a skirt to ware. The skirt just barely covered her pubic patch, she would not be able to walk or sit down without exposing herself to everyone. Last he handed her a small thin T-shirt to wear. "Now go to class." Dave started to walk off then turned back to her. "Mr. Robertson will let you out of last period fifteen minutes early. When he does come directly to the student parking lot." Only after she was alone did Vickie allow herself to cry. He was right and she knew it. She deserved whatever he decided to do to punish her. Vickie stopped in the girl's restroom on her way to class. After peeing Vickie looked at herself in the mirror while she washed her hands. The c clamps were clearly outlined by the thin fabric of the T-shirt. I'm going to get that bitch she promised herself as she left the restroom. By the time Vickie and Fran met back up in their last period History class, taught by the 'hunky' Mr. Robertson, Vickie's nipples throbbed. It seemed that every boy in the school had been given permission to pull on the clamps as she walked past. "Sixteen-fourteen" Fran beamed with pride as she sat down at her desk next to Vickie. Vickie looked at her best friend with total confusion. "Sixteen-fourteen what?" she finally asked. "I did sixteen you only did fourteen, I won." It still took several seconds for Vickie to realize Fran was talking about the lunchtime football team suck off. Her aching nipples had forced such mundane matters from her consciousness. "Congratulations, I'm sure your brother will be real proud of you." Vickie answered with a bit more sarcasm than even she usually used. Fran looked at her friend, her growing anger dissipated when she noticed the c clamps screwed tightly to her nipples. "Is Dave making you wear those?" "I told you he was going to be mad at me." Mr. Robertson entered the classroom, and as he walked up the isle between the desks his hand 'accidentally' brushed across Vickie's throbbing right nipple causing her to bite her knuckle and rock back and forth in her seat to silence a scream of pain. Fran and the rest of the class watched in fascination as Mr. Robertson, droning on about American history walked up the isle on one side of Vickie then back down the isle on the other side. Each time Mr. Robertson passed Vickie he would 'accidentally' bump her nipple on that side with his swinging hands. Each time Vickie winced in pain Fran felt another gush of lubrication coat the inside walls of her cunt and leak out onto her already damp thighs. About half way through the class Fran felt a sudden wave of insane jealousy wash over her. Every day for the last week Mr. Robertson had fucked her after school. Every day Vickie had waited in the hallway to help her straighten her cloths and kiss her good bye before she walked out to her brother's car. What if this time he wants to fuck Vickie, Fran thought in her jealous rage. What if this time it's me waiting in the hall to help Vickie straighten her cloths? In her jealous fantasy Fran failed to notice her own hand slipping under her short skirt. She almost thought the finger flicking gently back and forth over the tip of the clitoris belonged to some one else. Fran was pulled out of her fantasy when Mr. Roberts grabbed her arm and pulled her hand out from between her legs. She intertwined her fingers and held her hands together on top of her desk like a little girl trying real hard to be good. At fifteen till three Mr. Robertson executed a masterful double strike on Vickie's left nipple as he 'accidentally' hit it turning to check the time them 'accidentally' hit it again turning to dismiss her from the class. Vickie, folding her arms across her chest in an attempt to support her tender abused nipples, failed to notice that her short skirt had worked its way up around her waist. It looked like a wide belt leaving her ass and crotch totally naked and exposed as she walked out of the classroom. Fran was over joyed, knowing that she would indeed get the fucking she was looking forward to. Fifteen minutes later Mr. Roberts dismissed every one else, except Fran. Without waiting to be told Fran hiked her skirt up to her waist and sat on the edge of Mr. Roberts' desk spreading her legs and opening her hot wet cunt for him. Mr. Roberts' huge cock had been hard for almost the entire hour and he wasted no time pulling it from his pants and plunging its entire length into Fran's gapping pussy with one hard stroke. As the entire length of his rock hard cock sank into her Fran wrapped her legs around his waist and dug her heals into his buttocks pulling him deeper into her. She pulled her blouse over her head and grabbing one firm breast in each hand offered her hard nipples to Mr. Roberts' sucking mouth. Fran's orgasm started the instant Mr. Roberts' cockhead touched her cunt and didn't stop until she found herself laying across his desk in an empty room with thick viscous cum oozing down her thighs. Getting off the desk Fran straightened her blouse and skirt then slowly made her way through the deserted halls to the door leading out to the student parking lot. She could feel her history teachers cum running down her legs as she rounded the corner of the school building and came to a halt. Across the street the student parking lot was teaming with kids. It seemed like the entire student body had gathered there, sitting on care hoods or leaning against the sides of the cars. Then Fran noticed her brother's car slowly circling the lot. Vickie was naked and tied to the hood her legs spread as far as possible in a kneeling position. Ropes ran from her ankles to the doorposts on each side. More ropes ran from he knees to the front bumper. Her wrists were tied behind her back and additional ropes ran from her wrists to the doorposts holding her leaning forward over the front of the car like a living hood ornament. Long robber bands with weights tied to them had been attached to the c clamps on her nipples. Once the weights started bouncing the rubber bands would keep them in motion pulling on Vickie's tender engorged nipples. The student parking lot was in need of repair and was well known for its potholes. Dave drove his car slowly around the lot being careful to hit every pothole, keeping Vickie's tit weights bouncing and dancing pulling on the nipples and breasts. Vickie held her head up high, and while there were tears running down her cheeks she refused to cry out or scream with the pain. After two additional circuits around the lot Dave stopped his car and, after getting out, stood in front of his new hood ornament. With deliberate slowness he reached between her legs and pinched her clitoris. Vickie spasamed and jerked against the ropes as a wave of orgasmic pleasure mixed with her pain and flowed over her body. The watching students applauded, Dave turned and acknowledged their applause with a bow. Fran, in a moment of clarity realized that her brother was an artist. His medium was female orgasms and she and Vickie were the canvases on which he would prefect his art.


More Gay Erotic Stories from Norm DePloom

Slave Sister: Chapter 10

Chapter Ten "Lunch With Mom" Martha kissed the store clerk good bye with a friendly squeeze of his well used cock then walked down the short hallway and out the second door into the bright noon time sun. Her thighs were sticky and wet clear down below the bottom of the short skirt Dave had forced her to wear. Feeling 'frisky' after three good fucks on the floor of the bondage

Slave Sister: Chapter 01

Slave Sister By Norm DePloom -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 1998 Norm DePloom. ALL Rights Reserved This story may not be reproduced in any form for profit without the written permission of the author. This story may be freely distributed with this notice attached. The author may be contacted at normdeploom@yahoo.

Slave Sister: Chapter 02

Chapter Two "Dave's Friends" Saturday morning Fran got out of bed just after her brother finished his morning fuck and headed back to his own room. She sat on the edge of the bed, trying to make sense out of what was happening to her. She seemed to have lost all her will power. All day yesterday she did whatever her brother had asked. After sucking his cock in the parking lot of

Slave Sister: Chapter 03

Chapter Three "Fran Goes to Church" Fran laid in bed thinking. Her brother had, after his now traditional good morning fuck, just left the room heading back to his own bed before their mother woke up. How, she wondered, after the events of the last two days could she possibly go to church this morning and act like every thing was normal? How could she help teach those innocent

Slave Sister: Chapter 04

Chapter Four "Back to School" Fran was awakened by a soft buzzing under her pillow. Following her brother's instructions she got up and removed her night cloths then walked naked past her mother's bedroom to her brother's room where Dave would be waiting to have his sexual desires serviced. As Fran walked across the room Dave laid on his side against the wall making room for his

Slave Sister: Chapter 05

Chapter Five "The Raffle" Fran reached between her legs and ran her finger gently over her protruding cunt lips. It had been a full week now and she still wasn't comfortable with not being allowed to wash her self without her brother Dave's permission. The thick viscous cum she felt oozing out of her pussy onto her thighs was deposited there by her brother just moments before

Slave Sister: Chapter 06

Chapter Six "The Prize" Fran paced back and forth across her room waiting for the Saturday afternoon 'weekly Fran Fuck' to get started. The 'clit and tit' bells her brother had recovered from Carla ding-a-linged with each step. She stopped in front of her full-length mirror and looked at her naked body. Cupping her breasts Fran jiggled them making the bells attached to her nipples

Slave Sister: Chapter 07

Chapter Seven "Fran's New Family" Dave had continued driving up and down the main drag, pulling into parking lots where kids were gathered, and offering his sister for their pleasure until the early hours of Sunday morning. Finally arriving home exhausted and still naked, cum drying on every part of her body. Fran climbed the stairs to her bedroom. Before she could even smile at

Slave Sister: Chapter 08

Chapter Eight "A Day With Daddy" Fran and Daddy After church Fran walked to her Daddy's fully restored 1968 Mustang convertible nestled comfortably in his strong arm, and watching with eager anticipation the bulge growing more prominent in his pants. As the engine roared to life Fran straddled the gearshift to get closer to her new Daddy. With her legs spread, the Coach pulled

Slave Sister: Chapter 09

Chapter Nine "Mom Goes Shopping" Dave and Fran's mom sat at the kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee and enjoying the exhaustion that comes from fucking all night. A small smile spread across her lips as she thought about how nice it was to have a dominant man, make that two dominant men, in her life again. After an afternoon of trying to satiate the lust of her seemingly

Slave Sister: Chapter 11

Chapter Eleven "Vicki's Punishment" "Please Fran," Vickie begged with a whine that was rapidly becoming very irritating to Fran, "I don't want you to be mad at me." Vickie hurried breathless from trying to talk and keep up with Fran's determined steps. "I told you because I thought you would get a kick out of it." Fran suddenly stopped and spun around. By the time Vickie arrested

Slave Sister: Chapter 12

Chapter Twelve "Slave's Revenge" After Steve watched Fran rub his cum into her breasts and imitate his sister's masturbatory moans he jumped up from the bed and moved to the window where the cameras were still set up and ready to go. "Hey, I've got a great idea." Fran stopped her breast rubbing and moaning and turned toward Steve with a questioning look. "You go down to the patio

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