Gay Erotic Stories

Slave Sister: Chapter 07

by Norm DePloom
05 Sep 2000


Chapter Seven "Fran's New Family" Dave had continued driving up and down the main drag, pulling into parking lots where kids were gathered, and offering his sister for their pleasure until the early hours of Sunday morning. Finally arriving home exhausted and still naked, cum drying on every part of her body. Fran climbed the stairs to her bedroom. Before she could even smile at her own slave the buzzer under her pillow came to life summoning her to Dave's room. As Fran left her bedroom she noticed that a fine gold chain ran from the padlock holding Vickie's cunt closed to the headboard where it was locked with a matching padlock. Fran arrived in her brother's bedroom to find Dave naked and sporting a hard twitching cock. "I couldn't wait any longer" he announced as he took Fran in his arms, "I've been too busy all day to fuck." Dave sat on his desk chair and pulled Fran down on his hard cock with her legs straddling his. As his cock slipped into Fran's wet open cunt Dave sucked on her nipples tasting the cum drying on her breasts. Fran held onto her brother's shoulders for balance and plunged her cunt up and down the length of his hard rod. As her own excitement grew one more time Fran whipped her hair from side to side moaning loudly. I'm not going to be silent, Fran decided, if Mom doesn't know what's going on by this time she's going to find out right now. Dave cupped and squeezed his sisters butt cheeks pushing them together to increase the pressure on his cock. Fran leaned her head back looking at the ceiling. "Oh God Damn." She shrieked. "Nobody fucks like you." Dave clutched Fran around the waist and held his cock buried inside her cunt while his body jerked and he deposited more cum inside her already dripping pussy. Dave and Fran sat and held each other gently rocking back and forth enjoying a few moments of after fuck peace. "I mean it." Fran said laying her head on Dave's shoulder nuzzling and gently kissing his neck. "Nobody fucks like you." "It's just because I'm your brother." Dave responded in a self-effacing manner to her compliment. "Breaking the incest taboo gives us an extra thrill.” "No," Fran said squeezing his cock with her cunt muscles, "I think its because you have a huge cock. You literally touch me in places no one else can." Fran let her head rest on Dave's shoulder for a moment longer then sat up and gazed into his eyes. "Except for Mr. Roberts, he touches those places too." Fran paused for a moment faining deep thought.”And 'Big Daddy', you know Father Michael, he really touches those places." Fran looked at Dave struggling to keep a straight face. "And maybe the Coach, he seemed pretty big when he was in my mouth yesterday.” "Why don't you let your slave lick you clean." Dave suggested to Fran as he lifted her off his cock laughing at her list of the big cocked men in her life. "I don't mind if you cum again tonight." Fran smiled at her brother as she turned and left the room. Fran, walking back to her own room stopped to peak in on her mother who seemed to have slept through Fran's shrieked complement of her brother's fucking skills. Fran, finding Vickie laying curled up on the foot of the bed asleep, laid down on the bed then gave her slave a nudge with her foot. Vickie yawned and stretched then smiled at her mistress. "I need a bath." Fran announced. "Do you want me to run the water for you?" Vickie asked. "No, I want you to use your tongue. Lick me clean. Start at my toes and don't stop until your get to my hair." Vickie knelt on the floor beside the bed and began to lick Fran's toes and feet. "I'm sure you'll recognize the taste." Fran relaxed and enjoyed the tongue moving up her legs. When Vickie was ready to concentrate on her cunt Fran patted her on the head. "Get it good and clean," Fran said spreading her legs, "Thirty or forty guys dumped cum in there over the last couple of hours." Fran smiled as she stroked Vickie's hair "The fresh runny stuff is Dave's." After a thorough tongue bath the two young girls fell asleep in each other's arms. Dave, Fran and Vickie all slept soundly for the four hours they had left until the alarm went off at seven o'clock am. When Fran and Vickie hugged, kissed then sat up and stretched they could already her Fran's mom in the kitchen. "Come on down here kids" Dave and Fran's mom yelled up at them. "I want to have a little family meeting before we go to church." Fran unlocked Vickie from the bedpost, but kept the padlock on her cunt. The two girls donned robes and slippers and headed downstairs drawn by curiosity about what Fran's mom had to say and by the smell of sausage cooking. Fran's mom met them at the kitchen door. "Do you want me to go back up stairs?" Vickie asked Fran's mom, "I don't want to sit in on a family meeting if I'm not wanted." Fran's mom looked at the young girl then reached out and gently stroked her cheek. "I feel like you belong to this family already dear." Fran's mom told Vickie, "why don't you just do whatever Fran suggests." Vickie smiled at Fran's mom then sat down next to her best friend and mistress letting her robe fall open just enough to show the silver padlock between her legs. Dave came bounding down the stairs and gave his mother a hug then sat down on the other side of Fran. Dave and Fran's mom hummed cheerily but tunelessly as she brought plates of sausage links and scrambled eggs to each of the children. After placing a communal plate stacked high with toast in the middle of the table Dave and Fran's mom brought her own plate over and sat facing the three kids. "You seem to be really cheerful this morning mom." Fran commented around a forkful of eggs headed for her mouth. Fran's mom paused for a moment then smiled at her daughter. "Why yes I am, thank you dear, and the cause of my happiness is the reason I want to talk to you kids." Their mom paused to smile at her kids, not forgetting to include Vickie in her radiated joy. "All the time I was cooking I was trying to figure out the best way to share this news with you." Their mom took a bite of toast. "I know it sounds trite, but the only way to tell you is just to tell you." She finished chewing and swallowed her bite. Fran had stopped eating and stared at her mother imagining all kinds of dreadful news. Fran's mom smiled at her daughter and reached over and patted her hand. "Smile dear, it's happy news." Fran smiled weakly at her mom. "Bill and I, ah, Mr. Wilson and I have been talking about getting married for several months now... " "The football coach?" Fran asked in shock remembering his cock sticking out of his pants and into her mouth. "... Yes dear the football coach. We have decided to go ahead with our plans... " Fran was just barely aware that her mother was still talking. 'How' she thought 'can I tell her'. Surely she doesn't want to marry a man that has fucked her daughter in the mouth. "... He's such a masterful and dominant man... " I can't let mom marry him without her knowing what he's like. "... It's been so long since I've had a man like that in my life... " I've got to tell her. "... Not since your father died have I met a man who made me feel so, well, so submissive... " 'What?' Fran thought finally hearing what her mother was saying. He makes her feel so submissive? "... I'm sure you can understand that 'Sweet Stuff'." Fran's mother took Fran by the hand as she used her old baby nickname for her. Fran looked into her mother's eyes and saw a familiar need. "It run's in the family dear." Her mother continued. "Some of us just need a good dominant man in our lives to make us happy." Fran's mom squeezed Fran's hand then released it so she could continue to eat. "Your brother already knows about this." Fran gave her brother a quick glance. His smile looked almost sheepish for someone who was practicing dominance. Suddenly Fran remembered the figures she kept seeing in the window during the 'Fran Fuck' the previous afternoon. Fran's head, and her world, spun. When it stopped spinning Fran wondered if anything in her life was what it appeared to be. "You and the coach watched.... " "Yes dear. " "You've known all along... " "Yes dear. " "You... you and Dave... " "No dear, not yet." Fran's mom smiled at her son. "We feel that you need to get to know your new 'daddy' better, so we thought you should go home with him after church and spend the day with him." Fran paused and swallowed a couple of times, remembering the feel of his hard cock in her mouth. "I.. I wouldn't mind getting to know him better." She stammered, the wetness already growing between her legs. Then Fran looked at Vickie with a worried look on her face. "Hay don't worry about me." Vickie said answering the unasked question. "I have a family reunion to go to. You're going to have to handle your 'daddy' all by yourself." Vickie grinned at her friend "You're the luckiest little bitch I've ever met." Fran blushed and looked down at her plate. "Now Vickie," Fran's mom reprimanded her gently, "you know I don't approve of such language." Vickie looked down at her plate her face growing red with embarrassment. "Well she is" Vickie insisted quietly. "Yes I know honey," Fran's mom patted her hand, "but I still don't like that kind of language." Fran finished eating her breakfast with a few anticipatory squirms in her chair as she thought about spending the afternoon with the coach. Once the meal was done and the plates were rinsed and stacked in the dishwasher Fran and Vickie went up to Fran's bedroom. Fran found clothes already set out for her to wear on top of the neatly folded sweater and skirt was an electric razor and a note from Dave. "For a quick touch up. You don't want your new Daddy to find you with a five o'clock shadow." When Fran picked up the razor and turned around she found Vickie kneeling in front of her. "Will my mistress please tell this poor unworthy slave what to wear?" Vickie asked with total submission. "You really get into this shit don't you?" Fran asked the kneeling girl. "Oh God yes!" Vickie answered with a slightly less slave like demeanor. Fran walked over to her kneeling slave and, placing a hand on each side of her slave's head pulled Vickie's mouth onto her cunt. "Then lick my hot cunt bitch." She demanded. Vickie eagerly dug her tongue into Fran's hairless slit. Fran rubbed her wet cunt all over Vickie's face, concentrating on her noes, then pushed her away. "That's what you will wear today, my smell all over your face, and don't you dare wash it off. Now," Fran ordered handing Vickie the razor, "Shave me and be quick about it." This, Fran thought as she leaned back on the bed and spread her legs, I could get into. Well, quick is a relative term, as soon as the vibrating head of the battery-operated razor neared Fran's large clitoris Fran grabbed Vickie's wrist and would not let go until after her second orgasm. After the 'quick' shave Vickie dressed in a tight T-shirt that was cut off just below her breasts and a short skirt that just barely covered her thick pubic patch, then stood in front of her seated mistress with her legs spread and her hands held behind her back. Fran lifted the skirt and stroked Vickie's wet pussy, jiggling and gently pulling on the small silver padlock hanging from her cunt lips. "How does this feel?" Fran asked her submissive friend. "It hurt at first, and is still a little sore, but when I walk it pulls on my cunt lips and moves them back and forth across my clitoris." Vickie paused, "I cum about every ten steps." She finished with a giggle. Fran lifted Vickie's T-shirt and sucked on one of her nipples. God this is great, she thought, almost as much fun as being a slave. Fran released Vickie's now hard nipple and let the T-shirt fall back into place. "If I remember right you have a couple of male cousins that will be at this reunion, don't you?" Fran asked as she stroked Vickie's clitoris. "Yes, Ricky and Tom." Vickie answered breathlessly. "You don't like them do you?" "No, they're snotty little brats." Fran pulled her hand away from her slave's crotch and smiled at the disappointed moan. "During your family reunion you must get each one alone, show him your locked cunt, let him play with it then suck him off." Fran loved Vickie's look of total disgust. "Suck off those to little brats... OUCH" Vickie's protest was cut of with a hard squeeze of her left nipple by Fran. "You will do as you are told." Fran hissed with mock anger. "Yes Mistress." Vickie answered with real contrition. "Now, go home, I have to get ready to visit with my new daddy." A thrill went through Fran when she said 'daddy'. Fran had always had just two masturbatory fantasies. One was fucking her brother, which had come true. The other one was being possessed and fucked by a mysterious and powerful 'daddy'. Vickie leaned over and quickly kissed Fran on the mouth. "I love you." She shouted as she left the room and headed down the stairs. Let's see, Fran mused, six blocks with an orgasm every ten steps... Fran gave up trying to figure out how many times Vickie would cum on her way home. Instead she thought about the surprised and delighted looks Ricky and Tom would have when Vickie knelt in front of each one and submissively sucked them off. Fran quickly dressed in the clothes her brother had picked out for her. They were clothes she had never seen before. Fran put on the tight fitting gold sweater with the school name emblazoned across her chest and the short pleated white skirt. Fran looked in the full-length mirror and just knew that her new daddy, the football coach, was going to be pleased with his new cheerleader. Fran hurried down the stairs and came to a quick stop when she saw her mother. Fran looked her mother up and down. Fran's mother was wearing a shimmering gold colored blouse that draped and flowed like water over her breasts when she moved. Her nipples could just barely be made out through the constantly moving material. Her mid thigh length skirt of the same material was gathered at the waist and seemed to flow like a waterfall over her hips, and slide over her thighs with each step. The effect was both elegant and erotic at the same time. "Oh God your beautiful mom." Fran finally managed to say. Fran's mom chuckled. "I don't have to play the 'responsible single parent' any more. Bill bought me these pretty clothes and I will wear them any where he wants me to." Fran's mom leaned closer to Fran and spoke to her conspiratorially "I'd go to church naked if that's what he wanted me to do." Fran could feel a new bond growing between her and her mother. As they walked out to the car Fran felt a flare up of jealousy, Dave was paying more attention to mom than to her. The bulge in his pants obviously had more to do with their mom's barely visible hard nipples than with Fran's short skirt and tight sweater. Fran pouted in the back seat as Dave gushed and practically drooled all over their mother as he drove them to church. Why don't you, Fran thought several times, fuck her and get it over with. The coach met them in the parking lot and hugged Fran's mom first then hugged Fran with a quick, very un-fatherly squeeze of her naked butt under her short skirt. The new 'family' walked into the church building. As Fran headed off to the third grade class to assist the teacher she saw her mom, with the coaches arm around her and his hand resting on her butt walking into Father Michael's study where the 'Adult Singles' group met. Knowing what she did about the coach and Father 'Big Daddy' Michael (and her mother for that matter) Fran pondered just what type of 'Sunday School' class was going on in there. As Fran walked down the hallway toward the third grade room Dave pulled her into the same convenient alcove he had used the previous week to insure she still had the fishing weight hanging from her clitoris. Fran stood submissively with her legs apart as Dave ran his hands over her hairless crotch and dipped his fingers into her wet cunt. Then Dave produced a device from his coat pocket and after rubbing it on her pussy for lubrication had Fran turn around and bend over. "This," he announced as the pushed it against her rear hole. "Is a but plug. It is designed so that it will stay in your asshole, neither slipping all the way in nor falling out until it is removed." Fran moaned as she felt her ass stretch over the wide part of the plug. As Fran's sphincter muscle relaxed around the narrow stem of the plug Dave continued, "I just wanted to give you a reminder of who your owner is." Dave pulled Fran to a standing position then reached under her cheerleader skirt and checked the plug to insure its security. Fran could feel Dave's hard cock bumping into her as he looked at his watch then glanced up and down the rapidly emptying hallway. "Go into the women's bathroom and make sure it's empty then let me know." Fran walked across the hallway to the women's bathroom door, her walk taking on a slight 'waddle' as she accommodated the butt plug planted firmly in her ass. Fran opened the door then signaled Dave when she had determined it to be empty. Dave joined Fran and, giggling, the two of them went into the same stall they had used the previous week. The usual thrill of Dave's large cock pounding into Fran's cunt was heightened by his body pushing on her newly installed but plug with each thrust. "Oh god yes." Fran whispered to her brother, "Fuck your nasty little slave." Then Fran bit her knuckle to keep from screaming as her orgasm swept over her body. Fran's appearance in the Third Grad classroom, her hair mussed and her face flush with excitement, was met with open-mouthed stares from the boys in the class. All of the boys, and some of the girls suddenly became very clumsy dropping pencils, papers and erasers which they had to bend under the table to retrieve. Fran's exhibitionist streak kicked in and she spread her legs just enough to give them a glimpse of what they were working so hard to see. After Sunday School the family gathered back together and sat in the last pew of a small alcove off to the side of the main sanctuary. It was a small pew with just enough room for Fran, Dave, their mother and the coach. Fran was seated in between Dave and the coach, Fran's mother was sitting on the other side of Dave. Every time they stood or knelt the coach would stroke Fran's naked butt cheeks under her pleated cheerleader skirt. When they would sit the coach would gently stroke her inner thighs moving higher and higher as the service continued. When they sat down after the last pre-sermon hymn the coach slipped his hand under Fran's short cheerleader's skirt and gently massaged her inner thigh. Fran automatically spread her legs to allow him greater access to her body. "Maybe next week you can do pulpit service." The coach whispered in her ear. "What? What is 'pulpit service'?" Fran whispered back. The coach slipped his hand higher up Fran's thigh until his little finger rested against her clitoris. "Each Sunday one of the young lady's in the church is chosen to sneak into the bottom part of the pulpit." Fran bit her lip suppressing a moan as the coaches little finger moved back and forth over her sensitive clitoris. "Then while 'Big Daddy'," Fran jumped slightly hearing her future daddy use that term, "is giving his sermon she crawls up inside his robe and sucks him off." Fran rocked her hips rubbing herself on her new daddy's hand while she imagined being in the pulpit sucking on 'Big Daddy's' monster cock while he preached. Her new daddy leaned closer, "Big Daddy never stops preaching until he's cum twice." Fran struggled to keep from moaning out her pleasure as her daddy slipped a finger into her hairless cunt, she wrapped her arms around his arm and clamped her thighs down on his hand and rocked like she was riding a hobby horse rubbing her dripping pussy against him. Fran looked down and saw her daddy's cock bulging in his pants and, stimulated by the sight, rocked even harder. Fran's first wave of orgasm washed over her, she barely managed to cum without interrupting Father Michael's sermon with an ear splitting scream. Fran grinned and snuggled closer to her daddy as she listened to Father Michael's sermon on 'The Dangers of Sexual Sin'. Her daddy's hand never left Fran's crotch during the longish sermon. Once near the end he leaned over and whispered in Fran's ear. "I hope you're a better cock sucker that this bitch is. I'd hate to sit through another sermon this long next week." Fran leaned over to his ear. "You already know I am Daddy." She whispered causing the bulge in his pants to twitch noticeably. Fran's Daddy reached over and, slipping his other hand under her cheerleader sweater gently pinched her nipple. As her nipple hardened Fran saw Father Michael pause momentarily in his sermon then, his body visibly relaxing, grin at the congregation. "Looks like the sermons over she whispered to her daddy. " When the music started for the final hymn and Fran's new daddy pulled his hand out from under her skirt, Fran took his hand and pulled it up to he mouth. Staring directly into his eyes Fran licked her own cunt juice from her daddy's finger then smiled at him and snuggled under his protective arm as they shared the same hymnal. Fran had not been too busy cumming to notice that Dave's hands had been all over their mother during the sermon. As Fran, with her Daddy's arm draped over her shoulder joined the other parishioners filing out the back door of the sanctuary she nudged Dave and pointed to the girl sneaking our from behind the pulpit. Dave looked then grinned back at his sister. The girl was one of Carla's erstwhile cohorts. "Fran here has volunteered to be your special assistant next week." The Coach announced to Father Michael as they shook hands at the back door. "Oh wonderful," Father Michael beamed at Fran, "It'll be just like old times." He said to her with a wink. "I'll plan a much shorter sermon." Fran blushed and almost wiggled with pleasure at the implied complement of her cock sucking skills. "Well, come on Fran," the coach said taking her arm, "Say goodbye to your mother and brother for a while so we can go get some lunch and decide what to do with ourselves for the rest of the day. " "Yes Daddy." Fran said with a smile.


More Gay Erotic Stories from Norm DePloom

Slave Sister: Chapter 10

Chapter Ten "Lunch With Mom" Martha kissed the store clerk good bye with a friendly squeeze of his well used cock then walked down the short hallway and out the second door into the bright noon time sun. Her thighs were sticky and wet clear down below the bottom of the short skirt Dave had forced her to wear. Feeling 'frisky' after three good fucks on the floor of the bondage

Slave Sister: Chapter 01

Slave Sister By Norm DePloom -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 1998 Norm DePloom. ALL Rights Reserved This story may not be reproduced in any form for profit without the written permission of the author. This story may be freely distributed with this notice attached. The author may be contacted at normdeploom@yahoo.

Slave Sister: Chapter 02

Chapter Two "Dave's Friends" Saturday morning Fran got out of bed just after her brother finished his morning fuck and headed back to his own room. She sat on the edge of the bed, trying to make sense out of what was happening to her. She seemed to have lost all her will power. All day yesterday she did whatever her brother had asked. After sucking his cock in the parking lot of

Slave Sister: Chapter 03

Chapter Three "Fran Goes to Church" Fran laid in bed thinking. Her brother had, after his now traditional good morning fuck, just left the room heading back to his own bed before their mother woke up. How, she wondered, after the events of the last two days could she possibly go to church this morning and act like every thing was normal? How could she help teach those innocent

Slave Sister: Chapter 04

Chapter Four "Back to School" Fran was awakened by a soft buzzing under her pillow. Following her brother's instructions she got up and removed her night cloths then walked naked past her mother's bedroom to her brother's room where Dave would be waiting to have his sexual desires serviced. As Fran walked across the room Dave laid on his side against the wall making room for his

Slave Sister: Chapter 05

Chapter Five "The Raffle" Fran reached between her legs and ran her finger gently over her protruding cunt lips. It had been a full week now and she still wasn't comfortable with not being allowed to wash her self without her brother Dave's permission. The thick viscous cum she felt oozing out of her pussy onto her thighs was deposited there by her brother just moments before

Slave Sister: Chapter 06

Chapter Six "The Prize" Fran paced back and forth across her room waiting for the Saturday afternoon 'weekly Fran Fuck' to get started. The 'clit and tit' bells her brother had recovered from Carla ding-a-linged with each step. She stopped in front of her full-length mirror and looked at her naked body. Cupping her breasts Fran jiggled them making the bells attached to her nipples

Slave Sister: Chapter 07

Chapter Seven "Fran's New Family" Dave had continued driving up and down the main drag, pulling into parking lots where kids were gathered, and offering his sister for their pleasure until the early hours of Sunday morning. Finally arriving home exhausted and still naked, cum drying on every part of her body. Fran climbed the stairs to her bedroom. Before she could even smile at

Slave Sister: Chapter 08

Chapter Eight "A Day With Daddy" Fran and Daddy After church Fran walked to her Daddy's fully restored 1968 Mustang convertible nestled comfortably in his strong arm, and watching with eager anticipation the bulge growing more prominent in his pants. As the engine roared to life Fran straddled the gearshift to get closer to her new Daddy. With her legs spread, the Coach pulled

Slave Sister: Chapter 09

Chapter Nine "Mom Goes Shopping" Dave and Fran's mom sat at the kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee and enjoying the exhaustion that comes from fucking all night. A small smile spread across her lips as she thought about how nice it was to have a dominant man, make that two dominant men, in her life again. After an afternoon of trying to satiate the lust of her seemingly

Slave Sister: Chapter 11

Chapter Eleven "Vicki's Punishment" "Please Fran," Vickie begged with a whine that was rapidly becoming very irritating to Fran, "I don't want you to be mad at me." Vickie hurried breathless from trying to talk and keep up with Fran's determined steps. "I told you because I thought you would get a kick out of it." Fran suddenly stopped and spun around. By the time Vickie arrested

Slave Sister: Chapter 12

Chapter Twelve "Slave's Revenge" After Steve watched Fran rub his cum into her breasts and imitate his sister's masturbatory moans he jumped up from the bed and moved to the window where the cameras were still set up and ready to go. "Hey, I've got a great idea." Fran stopped her breast rubbing and moaning and turned toward Steve with a questioning look. "You go down to the patio


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