Gay Erotic Stories

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 06

by Dave 1
25 Aug 2000


Chapter 6 The next few days were very hectic, and yet, they seemed to pass as if I were in a fog. I had Monday and Tuesday off, and while I had plenty to do around the house, to keep me busy, I couldn't get my mind off of what had transpired over the weekend. It had truly changed the course of our lives, both Sharon's AND mine. Sharon called several times, which she never does, and it was just to chat, about nothing, she just wanted to hear my voice, she said. Every time I sat down, I'd find myself thinking about different situations in our lives, and I wondered. I couldn't help it now, had there been others? Had Sharon spread her legs before, and perhaps, been too afraid to tell me? I had no doubt she loves me, and I know that I have not been the perfect husband, but could it be, somewhere, sometime, she's given in to the moment, and let herself be conquered? Now that our lives seem to be taking a new direction, would I ever know? Sharon had to work, Monday and Tuesday. Since she is the office manager for a large hardware store in town, it fell her lot to be available when it came time to close the books for the year. This would be the time of month, when everything seems to pile up, as reports are gathered and put together, in order for a smooth closing out. It required a lot of overtime, which Sharon didn't mind, except for having to be alone with her boss. He was a man that she truly despised, as a man. Yet, as a boss, she gave him very high marks. He was considerate of her and the others employed in the store, but it was his off duty personality, that Sharon found discomforting. He was always hitting on her, to some degree. I had grown up with Milton's wife, and we knew them very well. But they were not someone we'd associate with on a social level. We'd see each other in church, and run into one another around town, but that was about it. It was also about this time, that Milton and his wife began having marital problems. Being in the office all the time, Sharon could not help but over hear some of their spats, and she tried to keep out of it. Wanting to stay neutral. But, invariably, she'd end up hearing it all, from Milton. She also began to realize that, Milton was not the total bad guy in all this. His wife was somewhat of a bitch, when she wanted to be. So, Sharon began to see more and more, Milton's side of things, and I think her attitude began to change considerably towards him. I know her comments around the house, were certainly more favorable than they had been in months past. Tuesday, I was doing some things in the basement, when Sharon came home for lunch. She normally didn't do that, so I was surprised, and as I went upstairs to greet her, she was laying a big box on the dining room table. She looked at me, and she blushed, smiling sheepishly. "What's in the box, honey?" I went to her and gave her a hug and a kiss. Her mouth was soft, and clung to mine "MMMmmmmm... I LOVE the taste of you." I whispered, as she looked at me, with those big, innocent eyes of hers. "I bought something for me." she said, a little hesitatingly. She usually don't buy for herself, choosing, as a good mother to always think of others first. I looked at the box, and I smiled. "Wonderful! I think it's about time." I kissed her again. "Gonna show me what it is?" She turned to the box, and opened it, pushing aside some tissue paper, and she lifted out the most beautiful dress I'd ever seen in my life. I could tell immediately that it was expensive, and I knew Sharon had REALLY wanted it bad, to spend the kind of money she'd had to for it. She held it up to her and I marveled at how it looked, just against her body. It would be dynamite, with her in it. Her eyes danced happily. "You like it, honey?" she was breathless, holding it against her body, as she twirled for me. "It has a slit skirt, and a pair of black slacks, so I can wear it both for formal, and casual, if the situation calls for it." "I love it." I told her, and I did. I could see how happy she was. Seeing her this happy, I didn't care how much it cost, she was worth it in my eyes. "That must have set you back a pretty penny." I chuckled. I touched it, and found it was pure silk She blushed a little. "I saw it one day, when I was out for lunch, and I just fell in love with it, Dave." she said folding it carefully, as she laid it back in the box. "So I went in, and I tried it on, and I just couldn't resist." she was bubbling over, she was sooo happy. "So I put it in lay a way, and I've been paying on it every pay day, for the past three weeks. You're not going to believe this, but it was over three hundred dollars!" she said, her eyes searching mine excitedly. "Honey I've NEVER owned a piece of clothing THAT expensive before." "I can see that you are very excited with having it, and I'm excited for you, honey. I really am." And I was, she deserved it, no matter HOW much it cost. "I haven't told you all of it yet." she finished putting the lid on the box, and she laid it aside. "I had told Milton about it one day, I was so excited. And he wanted to buy it for me, but I said no. I wanted to pay for it myself." she said, coming into my arms. "And, I had it paid down, to where I owed about one hundred and fifty dollars on it. Well, he came in this morning, and he laid this box on my desk, and he said, it was for work above and beyond the call, plus, he just wanted to do something nice for me." she said. "When I opened it, I was speechless, I just couldn't believe it. He'd gone to the store, and found out how much I owed, and he paid it off for me. Honey, I didn't know what to say." she was looking at me for some reaction. I chuckled softly, searching for one myself. "I HOPE you said, thank you." I chuckled, as her arms tightened around my neck. "I did, silly." she laughed. "I just, I don't know... you think I should give it back to him?" she asked. "Do you WANT to give it back to him?" I asked, knowing the answer before she ever replied. "No. Of course not. I love it. But I don't want you mad, or upset at me, or think that I... " she blushed, looking down a moment. "Think that you what?" I asked, grinning. She brushed something off my shirt, with her fingers, avoiding my look for a moment. "I don't want you thinking... I DID something for this." she raised her eyes now, and we stared at each other. I admit, the thought HAD crossed my mind, when she told me, but I wasn't going to admit that to HER. "I don't think that, honey." I kissed her soft mouth. "I'm happy for you, really I am. I can't wait to see you in it." I smiled. She seemed to relax a little then, and she pressed her body to mine, kissing me warmly on the mouth, her tongue seeking mine. "He told me, when he gave it to me, that he got it now, so I could wear it to our annual Christmas dinner. So I told him I would. Is that okay?" she had turned and picked up the box and was starting to carry it upstairs. "Oh, lord... I've got to get back to work. I didn't realize what time it was." she said, instead, laying it on the stairs. "Listen hon, I'm glad you came home, cause I need YOUR car this afternoon. I made an appointment to get mine worked on this afternoon, and I'll probably have to leave it over night. They said they'd have it done for me tomorrow, for sure. So I'll have it for work. Is it okay if I have you follow me to the shop, and I'll drop off my car, and then take you on to work?" I asked. "Sure, no problem honey. You know I have to work late tonight, so you'll have to come and get me when I call." she picked up her purse, and flung it over her shoulder. I noticed her outfit, and how god damn sexy she looked. She was wearing a pair of, very form fitting, wool slacks, camel colored, and her ass looked terrific, to say nothing about her legs. Her titties were prominently displayed beneath a black, turtle neck sweater, and they quivered, and jiggled with each step. My heart caught in my throat, to think she was all mine. I loved her so much. "No big deal, babe. I'll pick you up. Or," I grinned, mischievously, "You can let Milton bring you home." I chuckled. She gave me a wary, side long glance. "No thank you, I'll wait for you to pick me up." she said. "You ready to go? I need to get back, honey." "I'll get my keys, and be right out. You follow me, and I'll show you where we're going." And she went outside, and backed her car out of the drive way. Ten minutes later, I had dropped my car off, and was pulling into the alley way, behind their store, to drop her off. She leaned over, pressing her mouth firmly to mine, as she kissed me goodbye. "Just come back here to this door, tonight, when I call." she said. "This is the one we always use after hours." "Okay, honey. I'll call, if I happen to be out tonight, and see what time you think you'll be. Our answering machine is on the blink, so you can't leave me a message." I reminded her. "Okay, sweetie. See you tonight." she wriggled her fingers and turned to go in. I had to sit and watch the sexy jiggle of her ass cheeks, beneath the tight slacks as she opened the door and disappeared inside. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was getting close to nine thirty, that night, and I hadn't had a call from her, so I decided to just head on up that way, and go in and visit with her, as she finished up. I had done that before, on a couple of occasions, only I didn't make a habit of it. Milton and I seemed to get along okay, so I knew he wouldn't mind. The store had been closed now for almost four hours, when I pulled into the alley behind it, where Sharon had told me to pick her up. The main floor was on the second floor, street level. The stock room door, where Sharon had gone in, was in the basement. I locked the car, and I made my way inside the basement stock room. There was only one bare light burning, for whoever had to be down there, and I stumbled my way quietly to the wooden stairs, leading to the main floor. At the top of the stairs, was a door leading out onto the sales floor, and just ten feet from the door, was the office, where Sharon worked. The door at the top of the stairs, had a one foot window in it, so one could look out and see onto the floor. I knew from experience that it was one way,... for security purposes, so I knew I could see the office, but unless they were coming through the door, to go downstairs, they couldn't see me. The office door was directly across from the stock room door. I peered through the one way glass, and I could see Sharon at her desk. I couldn't see Milton. His desk was out of sight from the stock room door. But he was there, I could hear him on the phone. It must have been his wife, for it sounded like he was arguing. Sharon was stacking some papers, and placing them on another pile, as he talked, and soon he slammed the phone down. She turned and glanced back at him, then shook her head understandingly. "I tell you, Sharon... she's driving me crazy." he said, from out of sight. "I can tell." she said, having returned to her sorting. Having finished the big stack of papers. She placed them neatly on top of one another, and she stood up, stretching her arms out as she yawned. "That takes care of that." she sighed. "I've got those invoices all in order, so we'll be able to go right down through them, when it's time to enter them." She placed both hands on her neck, rubbing it, as she worked her head in a circle, trying to loosen up, from time spent leaning over the papers. "What do you want to do next? Want to get started on the order?" "Nope. We've done more than enough for tonight. I never imagined we'd get THIS far." he said, and I heard his chair slide back. He came into view then, and I saw him go and stand, right in front of her. "Turn around, let me." he said, reaching for her shoulders. She turned slowly, and she let out a moan, as he began to knead her neck and shoulders. Sharon loved having her shoulders and neck massaged. She leaned forward, placing her hands on the back of her chair, and it brought her ass in contact with his front. As she felt him press forward, she straightened swiftly, and she shrugged his hands away. "Thanks, I needed that." she said softly. Not looking at him. Milton is a slightly balding man in his late forties, I would guess, slightly geeky, but with a brilliant mind. He stood about three inches taller than Sharon. He reached out once again, and he grasped her shoulders, turning her to face him. They stood silent for a few brief seconds. Both growing uncomfortable. Finally he spoke. "Sharon I... I haven't made any secret, about the way I feel about you. And I know, you've made it clear, that you don't share my feelings. But, I just can't get over the feeling that, if you gave it a chance... you'd change your mind." He said, looking into her eyes. She stared up at him silently. Then she placed her hands over his, on her shoulders. "Milton, I love Dave, very much." she whispered. "It's not that I don't feel anything for... " and she was cut off, as his head came quickly towards her, and his mouth covered hers. She was caught by surprise, and she continued to look at him, her eyes open, as he worked his mouth against hers. She made no move to pull away. When he did pull away, briefly, her eyes dropped to his mouth, then back up, and she was about to say something, when he kissed her again. I saw his mouth open, and his tongue slip out, testing her lips. Slowly, almost as if in a trance, I watched her eyes close, as she gave herself to the kiss, and her jaw went slack, opening her mouth to receive his tongue. Her hands slipped out from under his, on her shoulders, and she slipped her arms around his chest, her hands sliding up under his arms, to lock onto his shoulders. She was on tip toes now, grinding her open mouth to his, and I could hear a soft, whimpering, mewing from her, as she sucked his tongue. His hands were all over her back, caressing her, as they slid downward, coming to rest on her shapely ass. His fingers dug in, kneading the firm cheeks, pulling her closer, until they were belly to belly. "MMMMmmmmm... MMMppphh... wait,... " she pulled away, gasping for breath. "What? "he looked at her. "What is it?" but she had turned her back to him, looking out through the customer service window. and towards the front door, which could be seen from the office. Reaching out, she quickly drew the sliding door closed, isolating them from prying eyes, that just might happen to pass by out front. With them working late, and the light on in the office, that was all she needed, was for someone to see her kissing Milton. When she turned back around, she blushed, letting her eyes slide downward over his body. She reached out, touching his fly, her fingers searching, and finding the tab of his zipper. With slow, deliberate moves, she tugged it downward, raising her face to look into his eyes. He was so caught up in his change of luck, that he hadn't made a move towards her. As Sharon's fingers worked their way inside his trousers, his eyes grew wide, and he licked his lips. Sharon gasped, and I could see her hand working in his trousers. "Oh Dear god." she exclaimed. Her head dropping as she looked down, hauling his cock out into the open. It was huge, huge... and it was uncut, the thick fore skin, covering the swollen head. "Milton, I... I can't believe... how beautiful... you are." she moaned. Her hand worked the foreskin back, revealing the swollen head of his cock, and she dipped her head and took a swipe of his cock, with her tongue. "UUUUunnnnngggggg... " she moaned as she licked it. "I can't believe I've turned this down, time and time again." she said softly, more to herself, than to him. The licks became longer, wetter as she swirled her tongue around his cock head. Milton looked down, not believing his incredible luck. I couldn't believe it myself. The phone rang just then, and Sharon jerked away from his cock, looking up at him, as if she'd been caught in the act. "My god, that's probably Dave. " she said. "He said he'd call." she looked at him, as it rang again. He reached around her, and he picked it up. "Hello?" he said, then looked at her, shaking his head, and rolling his eyes. "What? I thought we had this out earlier? I'll be home in a little while, so lets settle it then." he said, as Sharon moved around him, and slipped into the little rest room, off the office. "I'll be home when I get there, okay? I don't want to discuss this now. I'll talk to you then." and he put the phone down, breaking the call off. "Sharon? You okay?" He went to the door, tapping lightly. No response. "Sharon?" he tried again. checking the door knob, it was unlocked. "Can I come in?" And he opened the door slightly, sticking his head in. "Leave it open... the light don't work in here." I heard her say. "Oh my... fucking... GOD !" I heard him gasp, as he looked in, and he pushed the door all the way open, so it'd catch and stay open. I couldn't see Sharon yet, but I could see a chair, that was in the rest room, and on it, I saw her slacks, folded neatly, and I saw her panties, lying in a bundle on top of them. As he went all the way in, I saw her arms come out, and slip around his neck, and he pulled her to him, and I could see her, GOD, I could see her. She was naked from the waist down, only her high heels were on her lower body. I was looking at her from the side, but I had a clear shot of her pussy, the thick black hair, all brushed and fluffy as it now pressed against Milton's belly. She mashed her mouth against his, and recaptured his tongue, as his hands slipped between their bodies, and he cupped her hairy bush. I saw her open her legs, giving him room to maneuver. Then he slipped a finger then two, inside her, and he began to finger fuck her, her hips starting a gentle rocking back and forth, as she worked with him. As they held their kiss, her hands slipped off his shoulders, and made their way to his belt buckle. In a swift movement, she had his trousers open, and was shoving his trousers, and his shorts to the floor. They were both now naked, below the waist. His cock was trapped between their naked bellies, and Sharon moved back, breaking the kiss. "Hurry!" she gasped, taking hold of him, and working the skin back and forth. "We don't have much time." She was tugging Milton backwards, towards the sink. My heart sunk, they were going to be out of sight. They were gonna fuck, and I wasn't going to get to see it. As if hearing my thoughts, Milton hesitated, and he grasped her arm, pulling her to the chair, that was facing the door, in plain sight of where I was. She didn't hesitate, but let him sit down, and guide her onto his lap, facing him. I watched him grasp her sexy ass, as he guided her astride his lap. Bending her knees, I saw her left hand brace herself on his shoulder, as her right hand reached between them and took hold of his cock. I could see everything, as she worked his cock head through the thick forest, coating his head with her juices. Once it was seated in her, she placed BOTH hands on his shoulders, guiding his hands to her naked hips, and she slowly slid downward, taking him deep into her tunnel. I watched as they joined, pubic hair to pubic hair. "OOHHhhhhh... OOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH... !!!" was all Milton could say, as she sat there quietly, impaled on his monstrous cock! Her head dipped, and she kissed him. It was deep, and it was sensual. Her head moving side to side, as she gave it her all. Her arms once again locked around his neck. His hands pulled her ass cheeks apart, as he started to raise and lower her on his cock, and I could see her pussy, almost turned inside out, as her flesh refused to release him when he pulled back, only to be shoved back inside her, as he plunged back in. As she began to whip her hips in unison with his lunges, I could hear her moaning, and calling his name. "Milton... ! OHHHH... MILTON!" she was gasping. "So incredible! So... unbelievably INCREDIBLE!" And then... lust took over, and they started whipping their hips at each other, the chair scooting a little across the floor, it was so intense. I couldn't watch any more. My hands were trembling, and my cock was bursting at my fly, wanting out. Sharon had obviously decided that she owed Milton SOMETHING, for the dress, he'd finished paying off for her. I found myself just hoping that, THIS was the final payment on it, and there would be no further requirements to be met. But still mindful that, if there were, that would be Sharon's decision, whether to meet them or not, not mine. I quietly slipped back downstairs, and out into the night, to sit in the car and wait for my wife, and to take care of my OWN problem.


More Gay Erotic Stories from Dave 1

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 01

Chapter 1 I couldn't help but notice, as I reached out to shut off the alarm, just how light the room seemed for ten o'clock at night. I work the night shift, and it was time for me to get up and get ready to go to work. As I slipped out of bed, I glanced out the window, and I could see a heavy blanket of snow covering the ground. As I stood looking out at it, my thoughts

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 02

Chapter 2 - the Slide Downward Continues Normally, when I work a Saturday night midnight shift, I don't go to church, when I come in the next morning. I go right on to bed. But I just couldn't this Sunday morning. All night long I had thought about what I had witnessed, the previous night, before leaving for work. My wife of twenty six years, coupled with our twenty five year

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 03

Chapter 3 - She reveals even more. The ride to the church was silent for a little while. We were both lost in our own thoughts. I glanced over at Sharon, and she had her legs crossed, her hands folded ladylike in her lap, and she was gazing out the window, watching the snow white country side pass by. The navy blue dress she had chosen to wear looked fantastic on her. It had a

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 04

Chapter 4 After the service that morning, we stood around, greeting and talking to people that we normally don't see any other time but at church. Sharon was off to herself, with a group of ladies that she enjoys talking to, and Dave was busy chatting with some of his own age. I had a few people that I talked to as well, but my eyes kept flitting back to my wife, then my son. I

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 05

Chapter 5 "Hey, sleepy head." A soft voice whispered, next to my ear. "You going to sleep all day?" I rolled over onto my back, and I rubbed my eyes, as the most beautiful woman in the world's face came into focus. She was smiling warmly at me. "It's four o'clock. You told me to wake you up then." she said. I noticed as my eyes swept down her body, that she had changed clothes.

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 06

Chapter 6 The next few days were very hectic, and yet, they seemed to pass as if I were in a fog. I had Monday and Tuesday off, and while I had plenty to do around the house, to keep me busy, I couldn't get my mind off of what had transpired over the weekend. It had truly changed the course of our lives, both Sharon's AND mine. Sharon called several times, which she never does,

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 07

Chapter 7 As I sat in my car, slowly stroking my cock, and thinking about what I had just witnessed inside the store. I came to the realization that, in the past few days, since finding my wife, and oldest son, locked in an incestuous embrace on our living room floor, I am somewhat of a voyeur. I LOVE watching other people fuck. I get as much pleasure out of watching other's, as

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 08

Chapter 8 When I came home from work Friday morning, it was around eight thirty. Normally I get home around seven, but we'd had all kinds of mechanical problems at work, the night before. So I stayed over a while, to try and help. Normally, Sharon would be gone to work, by eight thirty, but as I pulled into our driveway, I could see her car still in the garage. I got out of my

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 09

Chapter 9 The ride to my in-law's house that evening was spent mainly discussing the trip coming up the next day. I could feel it in Sharon's words, and in her excitement, that she was really looking forward to going with her father. Not once, did she mention our conversation of that morning, regarding myself and Jane. Nor did I inquire about she and Milton, and him coming in for a

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 10

Chapter 10 I still had almost two hours, before I had to leave for work, and I lay on the bed, relaxing, listening to Sharon humming in the shower. I was thinking about the evening, and the time I had spent alone with my mother in law. It had made me feel like that, what Sharon had told me a few days earlier, was definitely NOT out of the question. Perhaps my mother in law WAS

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 11

Chapter 11 As I drove back towards home, I worried, and I wondered, about what was going through my mother in-law's mind right then. She was sitting silently beside me, her hand on my thigh, as she gazed out the window, into the passing night. I have never been more excited, than I was at that moment. My cock was still tingling, as I thought about the way her pussy had felt,

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 12

Chapter 12 Going to the open door of the bathroom, I looked in, watching her through the shower curtain. Her head was thrown back, trying to keep her hair dry, as she rinsed of the soap from her titties, playing with them, as she did. With her standing in profile to me, I could see the gentle curve of her belly, and the hint of a bulge, as it led down into the thick jungle

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 13

Chapter 13 After hanging up the phone, my mother in law, who was still sitting, impaled on my now revived cock, looked at me and blushed. "It looks like you're going to get your wish." she grinned, and she worked her hips back and forth slightly. Her snug pussy, was even moister now, after having talked to Sharon on the phone. "Was she upset about us?" she asked. "Are you

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 14

Chapter 14 I couldn't stand it, hidden there in the guest bedroom, not being able to see them. Listening to the sounds of the bed, creaking beneath them as they fucked. The soft, slapping sound of his belly hitting hers, and the grunt and gasp she emitted, each time he plunged into her. I had to see,... I had to, even though it meant risking getting caught in the process. "Oh

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 15

Chapter 15 The next morning, as we sat in church, trying to concentrate on the service, I had other things on my mind. The close proximity of my wife for one thing. Her thigh pressed firmly against mine, as we sat trying to look like we were paying attention. But I have a feeling we were failing miserably. I had a feeling she knew exactly what I was thinking about. Each time I

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 16

Chapter 16 The following week was pretty much a normal, humdrum week. Nothing especially out of the ordinary happened. That is through Wednesday. I worked Tuesday night as usual, and when I came in from work, there was a note from Sharon on the table, along with a plastic bad. Honey, Could you do me a favor, and see that this gets dropped off to mother today? It's something that


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