Gay Erotic Stories

Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 08

by Dave 1
29 Aug 2000


Chapter 8 When I came home from work Friday morning, it was around eight thirty. Normally I get home around seven, but we'd had all kinds of mechanical problems at work, the night before. So I stayed over a while, to try and help. Normally, Sharon would be gone to work, by eight thirty, but as I pulled into our driveway, I could see her car still in the garage. I got out of my car, and I went into the garage, the hood of her car was unlocked, and it appeared someone had been working with the engine. When I went inside the house, I found a note on the kitchen table, from Sharon. "Honey, Couldn't get the car started this morning. I called Davy, and he said it sounded like the battery was low. Something must not have been shut off last night, and it drained the battery. He couldn't come right then, to help me out. But he said he could come over on his lunch hour and bring his charger. I called Milton, and he stopped by and picked me up on his way in. (quit grinning), nothing happened. :-)) Davy will be over around noon, and I'm going to take my lunch break then, and come home, so I can get my car. (You can GRIN now), smartie. Just wanted you to know, in case you wake up about noon, and hear the kitchen table squeaking again. I love you. We're to go to mom and dad's as soon as I get off this evening. See you then. I LOVE you. Sherri I HAD to grin, so Dave was coming over at noon. It looked like the car wasn't the only thing that was going to get charged. Thinking maybe he might need my help, I picked up the phone, and I dialed his house. Jane answered, and she sounded sleepy. "Hello?" she almost whispered. "Jane? It's Dave Sr... you okay?" I asked, a little concerned at first. "Oh, hi, dad." she sounded a little more awake now. "Yeah I'm okay. I was just lying here in bed. I must have drifted back off to sleep. How are you?" I could feel a little smile in her voice. I would love to have seen her lying there in bed. "I'm okay, I guess. I just got in from work, and I saw the note from Sharon. So, I guess Dave's coming over at noon, to charge the battery? I just wondered if he needed my help." I said. "I don't know, dad. I doubt it. He should be able to do it himself. Does mom need the car this morning?" she asked me. "If she does, we have jumper cables, and I could get dressed, and bring them over, so you could get it started, and take the car up to her." she volunteered. "That won't be necessary, honey. I don't think she needs her car, at least not until this afternoon." I couldn't believe I was turning down an opportunity like that. "But, thanks anyway." I added. "You sure? I don't mind. I'm not doing anything this morning anyway." She sounded like she really wanted to bring them over. "Well, I guess it would be more convenient that way. I could let it run for an hour or so, and charge the battery that way. Sure, if you want, come on over. I'm gonna go on up and take a shower, since I just got in from work." "Okay!" she perked up then. Sounding bright and cheerful, like she usually is. I could see the sparkle in her eyes almost, and the grin on her face. "Be over in a little while." I went upstairs, I shaved and showered, and I slipped into a pair of sweat pants, leaving my shirt off. I combed my hair, put on some after shave, and I went in to put my shoes on. I heard the kitchen door open as I was tying them. "Dad?" I heard Jane call to me. "You here?" she called louder. "Yeah, honey, I'm upstairs... putting on my shoes. Come on up." I called, and I soon heard her footsteps on the stairs. When she came into view, my breath caught in my throat. She looked sexy as hell. She wearing a white tank top, and a beige mini skirt. And with her tanned, cheerleader legs, she looked GREAT. Her titties bounced a little, as she stopped in the doorway, and she grinned at me. I purposely let my eyes slowly move down her body, and I was rewarded with a bright smile, when our eyes finally met. She knew I had just scooped her out, and she didn't act like she minded at all. "I got the cables in the garage. They are all set to hook up." she said, as I got up and walked towards her. I held out my arms, wanting to hug her. Normally, Jane was a little timid about hugging. She comes from a family of non-huggers, and she's had a hard time getting used to our ways. But, for some reason, this morning she was different. She met my open arms with a big grin, and came right into mine, throwing her arms about my neck, as she pressed her sexy body against mine. "It's great to see you feeling so much better, honey." I said, holding her tight. I could feel my cock thickening in my sweats. I didn't have any shorts on underneath. When we started to pull apart, I looked into her blue eyes, and I just couldn't resist kissing her. I bent to kiss her cheek, and at the last second, she moved her head, and our mouths touched. I can't remember EVER kissing Jane on the mouth before. Her lips were soft, and clingy, and she tasted of tooth paste and mouth wash. She kept her lips together, but she held the kiss, letting me go as long as I wanted. When I DID pull away, I chuckled softly, and I looked at her. She was blushing too, but she didn't divert her gaze from mine, she returned it boldly. "Guess I better be careful. I might bite off more than I can chew." I chuckled. She blushed, but I could tell she liked the off handed compliment. "I doubt THAT." she grinned. "I got a feeling you could handle just about anything." Did her eyes just sweep down my body, and check out my cock? It was fully erect now, and I'm sure it was noticeable against my sweats. We were still standing there, just inches apart, and she was looking at me, and I couldn't help but look at her. Was it telepathy, or was it mutual need, or what, I found myself reaching for her again, and she came willingly into my arms. Our mouths opened and locked on each other, and I was tasting her tongue, sucking on it, like I couldn't get enough, and she was moaning into my mouth. I had lifted her off the floor, and her whole body was pressed against my front. Her titties were mashed against my chest, and I could feel the hard nipples, poking at me through her bra and tank top. I was just about to walk her back to the bed, when she tore her mouth away from mine, gasping for air. "The car, "she gasped, panting heavily. "Shouldn't we... do the car... first?" That first caught my ear. Damn, was she giving me the go ahead? She was watching me, grinning shyly, as I moved back a little. "I just meant... " "No, no!... You're right, Jane." I cut her off, brushing my hair back with my hand. "I got a little carried away there, I'm sorry." I looked around, I was a little embarrassed at my boldness with her. She reached out and grasped my arm, moving closer again. "Don't say that, please." she whispered. "I just meant, shouldn't we fix the car first?... and THEN... if you want... " and she looked towards the bed, and back at me. "I know... I want... if YOU want to... " Her blue eyes about melted me, right then and there. I took her firm hand, and I squeezed it, smiling at her. "Let's go fix the car." I smiled. And I slipped my arm about her waist, and I led her back downstairs, all the while, my hand on that sexy ass of hers, fondling it as we went through the house. It was simply a matter of hooking up the jumper cables, starting the car, and then letting it run for awhile. Fifteen minutes later, in our bedroom upstairs, I sat on the bed and I watched my daughter in law slowly peel off her tank top. Her breasts were magnificent, held snugly in her white lace bra. As she reached back and unclasped the hooks, they barely moved a half inch, as she slid the bra straps down her arm and let it drop to the floor. Jane cupped them, smiling at me as she displayed them for me. The nipples looked like bullets, sticking straight out from her aureoles. "Do you like them, dad?" she asked softly, coming closer, so I could hold them. She leaned forward giving them to me, and I wasted no time slipping my mouth over one hard nipple while fingering the other. I sucked like a new born baby, as Jane's hand slipped into my sweats, and her warm smooth fingers curled around my raging hard on, and she began to stroke it. I switched from one tit to the other, back and forth, nursing on them, as she worked me into a frenzy. I slipped my hands down her hips and I brought them around in front and pushed her skirt up to her waist. Her tanned thighs were mouth watering, and I pictured my son slipping between them, and fucking her anytime he wanted, and I envied him. I could see the thick blonde bush, hidden, barely, behind white lace bikini panties, little curls of kinky blonde hair peeking out from the leg bands. I hooked my fingers in the waist band, and I tugged, sliding them down over her wide seductive hips, and finally helping her as she stepped out of them. She pushed me back on the bed, and she reached for the waistband of my sweats. I lifted my hips as she tugged them down and off. My cock sprung to rigid attention, sticking straight up from my crotch. Her eyes and her smile said it all as she looked at it, then up at me. "OOOOoooooo... I LIKE IT!"... she cooed. "OOhhhhhh, dad... you're wonderful!" and she placed one knee on the bed, and crawled above me, centering her pussy over my raging erection. I was gonna fuck my daughter in law. Her hand stroked my cock lightly, as she leaned all the way forward and kissed me. I cupped her titties and fondled them as they hung right over my chest. As we sucked tongues, she moaned softly into my mouth, and soon, I felt the wet kiss of her pussy lips, as she drug my cock head slowly through the blonde curls of her bush, coating the head with the juices of her slick, wet, cunt. "UUmmmm... UUUmmmppphhhh... " she moaned into my mouth, as I felt two inches slip up into her tight heat. She withdrew her hand and she pressed down harder, and another four inches slipped inside her. It was as tight as a virgin in her sheath. I could feel the walls close tightly around my cock, sucking at it as it slid deeper and deeper. GOD, what a fantastic fuck she was going to be. More than I ever dreamed of her being. She raised her upper body off mine, and she rocked back, sitting astride me, and took me ball deep in her belly. Then she just sat there, working her cunt muscles along my cock, and smiling down at me. "You don't act a bit surprised." she chuckled, softly. "Have you been thinking about me this way too?" her pretty eyebrows arched, as she played with her nipples. I slid my palms along her smooth thighs, gripping her hips, holding her tight on my cock. "Just every time I see you, or think about you or hear your name." I admitted to her. "I think about what you'd be like." I whispered. "And... " she chuckled, and I noticed for the first time, what a sexy low chuckle she has. "Do you... jack off?" Her eyes twinkled as she rode me. She was starting to fuck me slowly, and I realized that my daughter in-law knew exactly what she was doing. She wasn't my plaything, I was HERS. "Yes I jack off, and I jack off, and I jack... " I grunted, as she laughed softly. Her hips began to rise and fall, and I was treated to the most sensational feeling I have ever felt in my life. Her pussy walls were tiny muscles, rippling along my cock, as she sucked at my shaft. I clutched her hips tighter, and I started answering her thrusts with thrusts of my own. "Do you ever think of me, when you're fucking... Sharon?" she whispered, leaning down to nibble at my mouth. This woman was fantastic. I couldn't get over how erotic she was. She didn't appear that way on the outside, and yet, here she was, a wanton, fuck machine. "Yes, lots of times." I told her. It wasn't a lie, I do think of her often when Sharon and I fuck. I only neglected to add that, I also think of Dave and his mother, lying here beside us, as the four of us complete out incestuous unions. Jane reached out and she picked up the phone, handing it to me. I looked at her, dumfounded at first. She smiled wickedly. "Call her." she giggled, handing me the phone. "Call her at work, and talk to her, while you fuck me." she didn't make it easy to refuse, as she picked up the tempo even faster. Mashing her ass down onto my belly, she whipped her hips back and forth rapidly, and I felt like I was close to shooting off in her, then she slowed down as I dialed the number. "Walker Hardware, this is Sharon. May I help you?" my wife's sexy voice came over the line. "Hey babe, it's me." I said. "Hi, honey. I was just thinking about you." I could tell she was smiling. "Did you get my note?" she asked. "Yeah, I got it. Hey, can I ask you something?" I looked up at Jane, and she was hanging on every word. "What?" her voice got softer. "I can't really talk much now, some of the sales people are in here. What do you want to ask me." her voice was like a caress in my ear. "When he picked you up, did he come in?" There was a long silence... then... "Yes!... I wasn't quite ready yet. He got here earlier than I thought he would." she explained. "And?... Did you... you two?" I felt a shiver sweep through my body. Here I was, embedded to my balls in my daughter in-law's belly, talking on the phone about my wife, and if she fucked her boss that morning. "Yes!" It was a whisper. I could barely hear it. "Honey I can't, not right now. Can we talk when I come home for lunch?" "You won't need to, unless you just want to, honey." I said. "That's why I'm calling you now. I called to see if Dave would need any help, and Jane offered to bring the jumper cables over and help me get it going now. So she did. We have it started, and it's running now, charging up." I grinned up at Jane and she winked. "Oh!... Okay, I guess. Is she still there now?" she asked. She sounded a little disappointed. "Yes she is." I said, and Jane ground her ass down hard on me, swirling my cock around inside her tight pussy. There was another awkward silence. "You still there?" I asked. She came back in an even softer, more curious tone... "Yes, I'm here!... and you are... " she let it hang there. "Um Hm... " I grinned into the phone. I heard a short quick intake of breath as she gasped. "My GOD!... Are you really? Right this moment?" she whispered. "Yes maam." I chuckled. Then I heard a devilishly wicked chuckle from her. "You are absolutely ROTTEN. You know that?" and she was giggling. "Oh God. You've got me so wet, and I have to go. I really do." she said. "Tell me, real quick... is she good?" "Outstanding! And you can take that to the bank." I winked at Jane. "You sneak." she teased me. "I'll get even with you for this. But in the meantime, have fun. You're not, going to tell her about... ?" she added, concern coming into her voice. "No!" I quickly responded. "Not yet, anyway." I heard Sharon sigh with relief. "Listen, I'll see you later, okay? I love you, honey!" "SURE you do." she laughed softly, then "I know you do." and she hung up. As Jane came down over me again, her mouth covered mine, and she sucked my tongue for a few minutes. Then she began to fuck me harder than ever, and she started intently into my eyes as my cock got bigger and bigger inside her cunt. "Jane I'm close... Honey I can't hold off... much LONGER." I growled, clutching her tightly. "Me TOO!... OHHHHH... I'm there TOO!... CUM IN ME!... CUM IN ME, DAD!" she begged me. "FUCK ME!!!!" As I felt her hot juices flow over my cock, I closed my eyes tight, and I shot glob after hot glob, deep into her tight pussy, and I felt her milk my cock, draining it, and I thought of Sharon and our son. :-)))))))).


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Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 08

Chapter 8 When I came home from work Friday morning, it was around eight thirty. Normally I get home around seven, but we'd had all kinds of mechanical problems at work, the night before. So I stayed over a while, to try and help. Normally, Sharon would be gone to work, by eight thirty, but as I pulled into our driveway, I could see her car still in the garage. I got out of my

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Winter Wonderland Surprise: Chapter 10

Chapter 10 I still had almost two hours, before I had to leave for work, and I lay on the bed, relaxing, listening to Sharon humming in the shower. I was thinking about the evening, and the time I had spent alone with my mother in law. It had made me feel like that, what Sharon had told me a few days earlier, was definitely NOT out of the question. Perhaps my mother in law WAS

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Chapter 11 As I drove back towards home, I worried, and I wondered, about what was going through my mother in-law's mind right then. She was sitting silently beside me, her hand on my thigh, as she gazed out the window, into the passing night. I have never been more excited, than I was at that moment. My cock was still tingling, as I thought about the way her pussy had felt,

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