Gay Erotic Stories

Beach Boys Bingo

by Donnie Bellew
06 Feb 2001

Straight Men, Gay Sex

It was in Fort Lauderdale, spring break of my junior year and maybe three nights into the weeklong siege of the beach. I was damn near broke already and had just enough money left for a bus ticket back to school. By nine o’clock I was so drunk I couldn’t stand up so I curled into a blanket I’d salvaged from somewhere and crawled under a raised section of boardwalk and passed out. I don’t know what time I woke up, must have been around midnight. A storm was whipping sand and misty rain over me and the temperature had dropped. Thunder and lighting crashed all around me. I turned over to look down the beach and bumped into a big warm mound of somebody huddled against me. He grunted. “Jesus! What’s going on?”, he growled. “Fuckin’ storm, man”, I told him, “We ‘bout to get our ass wet!” “Shit! I’m already soaked!” He tried to sit up and bumped his head on the wooden beams above us; fell back on top of me. He was a big guy, seemed to be wearing nothing but a pair of jams. I lifted my blanket and made a tent for our heads. It was pretty miserable, the tide was crashing so close it sprayed us with spume. “Waves are getting higher, man. We got to get out of here!”, he yelled in my ear and I could barely understand him. “Come on!” He was pulling on the blanket, I had to stay with him or give up my thin protection. An explosion of lightening showed a flash of palm trees bending over. They looked ragged as wet cats. A parking lot was behind us across a low masonry wall. “There!” He pointed towards the cars. I caught his message, maybe a van was left unlocked or something. We struggled up and huddled together, the blanket hooding us from the cold pelting rain. Sand ate into the back of my knees and itched inside my waist band. We tried several car doors, all were locked tight. I could just make out the narrow extension of roof that formed a shade over the patios outside each motel unit. I pointed and pulled him, we ran to scuttle under the few inches of protection. The motel was entirely dark. No streetlights showed anywhere. “The power must be out”, I hollered. “No shit!” He yelled back. A gust of wind hit us and I turned my face to the wall. It was glass. A dim glow inside looked like a candle. Next time lightening flashed a startled face was staring at us from just inside the glass wall. I only had time to register the round, startled eyes and open mouth and it was dark, again. The wall moved against my face. It was a sliding door, and slowly opening. My unknown partner grabbed my arm and pulled me through a narrow gap and the glass door slammed back shut. The noise of the storm wasn’t so bad with the door closed. The sudden dry air and shelter from the wind was like a magic gift! “Oh, holy shit! man! Thanks for letting us in! It’s hell out there!” My buddy was suddenly laughing. “Jesus! I thought we was gonna’ get blown away!” “What the hell were you doing out in this weather? God, your skin is freezing!” Our host’s voice was sweet and musical. He was undressed for bed, just a pair of silk boxers. He was holding onto my friend’s arm, patting his massive shoulder and smiling. When the lightening flashed, I got an impression of the small room and two beds taking up most of the floor space, then it went black and seemed darker than before as my eyes reacted to the sudden contrast of bright and dark. It felt like a bad dream. We get saved from the storm by a faggot. Damn, which was worst? I moved back from the patting hands as they reached out for my arm. “We was sleeping on the beach. I don’t know about him but I was pretty fuckin’ drunk, had no idea a storm was coming.” I explained. “Yeah, well, I didn’t have no money for a room. Didn’t have much choice but to camp out there...we was under the boardwalk, you know. Hey”, my partner announced, “I’m Warren.” He grabbed the man’s hand and pumped, “What’s your name?” He looked at me. “Uh, David. David Guthrey. How you doin’?”, I shook the guys hand, too. It was soft and warm and too damn clingy. “I’m Jerry. You mean you boys didn’t even know each other? I thought you must be friends.” “Nope. Just met on the beach. But we’re friendly enough, right David?”, He laughed and put his arm around the little guy. It gave me a weird feeling, didn’t he know the man was gay or what? I wanted to warn him, didn’t see how I could. I just kept backing away, getting more distance between us. “Oh, my! You’re covered in sand!” He brushed at his shoulder. “And so cold! Both of you get under a hot shower and rinse off. It’ll warm you up, too. There’s plenty of towels ... I’ll get the candle, over here...”, and he picked up this thing off the dresser, a chunk of driftwood with some plastic flowers and a blue candle. It looked like a cheap decoration. I hoped the flowers didn’t catch on fire. He led the way to a large bathroom and put the candle on the commode. “Get those wet clothes off, now, and rinse off the sand. You’ll feel much better, I’m sure.” His smile was close to a leer. Gave me the creeps! “Great! Just what I need, man!”, and Warren shoved down his baggies and kicked off his heavy sandals. The bathroom didn’t have a window and the lightening flashes were less blinding. He was a huge guy, built like a line backer. Short blond hair was plastered to his head and a pair of dimples made brackets around his grin. He just looked likable, you know? Pleasant and friendly. I figured he was just a dumb jock, had no idea the man was checking out his naked body with more than friendly interest. I peeled off my tee shirt, stepped out of my wet sneakers, hesitated at my shorts. Our host glanced at me with a tight smile. The candle gleamed in his moist eyes. He knows I’m onto him, I thought. “I’ll leave you to it, then”, he backed out of the bathroom watching me, then flipped his chin at the door. “I want a drink. Anybody else?” “Hell, Yeah!” Warren called after him. “Vodka if you got it, but I’ll take anything you give me!”, he winked at me, happy as the hot water sprayed over his head. I shoved my shorts down but kept on my nylon bikinis. Warren grabbed my arm with a laugh and pulled me into the shower with him. “Loosen up, dude!”, he spoke near my ear. The man wants to see some skin, so let him look! What’s it gonna cost you, huh?” He snapped the elastic waist of my shorts. “He didn’t have to let us in, did he? Show a little gratitude, for god’s sake!” He made me feel like an idiot. Sure, he knew the guy was queer; he was handling it a lot better than me, that’s all. So? He was a little guy, he couldn’t exactly rape us, could he? I began to relax, shoved down my bikinis and tossed them to the tile floor. Warren smiled down into my face. “That’s better. Much better! We play this right and we got a place to stay all week! Can you dig it?” He stepped out and grabbed a towel, scrubbed at his skin. His muscles bulged in the candle light as he bent and flexed. God, I wished I was built like that! He handed me the damp towel when I got out and he walked naked back to the bedroom. I couldn’t be that casual, I wrapped the towel around me and tucked it tight. I took the candle with me. They were sitting together on one of the beds and the storm seemed less brutal, just a pounding rain and some wind rattled the patio doors. Warren was leaned back on one elbow and the guy was sitting up beside him, obviously enjoying the display of nude male endowment. I put the light on the dresser and noticed Warren had a half hard-on. I guess he liked showing off. The guy, Jerry, held up his drink and pointed to the bar set up. “Help yourself, David. We started without you!” He grinned at Warren and got a smile in return. His silk shorts showed his interest clearly! I was embarrassed. I’d never bothered with gay men, just shrugged them off and ignored them. I’d heard stories about guys hustling them, getting money out of them and shit, but it never seemed like a thing I could do, you know? I poured myself a stiff vodka, wanted to get back to the relaxed and warm feeling I had when I crawled under the boardwalk. Sleep, oh god, I needed some sleep. I was aching all over and tired. I took a long gulp of the liquid heat. The warm shower and the vodka hit me at a weak spot. I topped off my glass and turned in time to see the guy jerk his hand back and giggle. Warren had his knees up and wide apart. The leg near me blocked my view but I could guess he was covering a big boner and the fag had been playing with it. I shivered, maybe the vodka or maybe with sheer disgust. I went to the window, tried to see out but there was nothing to see but the dark rain. I noticed the reflection from the dim candle and then I could see them, mirrored behind me. The guy leaned his head down over Warren’s body. Was he blowing him right there while I was a few feet away? Shit, I didn’t want to turn around, but how long could I stand there? I coughed, “Hey, looks like the storm is about over, huh?” The guy raised up and I turned back towards them. I didn’t want to watch; I just wanted to get out of there. “I think I’ll just go back outside, maybe try the concession stand. I can sleep under the counter, you know.” “No, no. Why go back out there?” The guy cooed, “You can have that bed all to yourself, get some sleep.” “Sure, man.” Warren added his encouragement, “Don’t get all freaked out. You have to be crazy to go back outside. Just lie down over there and chill. Everything’s cool. And blow out that candle, would you? Me and Jerry, we wanna sack out, too. Right, buddy?” He grabbed Jerry and pulled him down beside him, held an arm around him. The guy didn’t protest in the least. Warren’s legs dropped down and his erection was a huge and wet looking torpedo. I pulled my glance away and quickly blew out the candle. At least let the darkness cover that scene! Shit! Warren laughed, “Way to go, sport. You just get some sleep and I’ll just get some ... whatever!” Jerry laughed, too. I felt for the other bed, pulled the cover back and climbed in. The towel was still damp. Fuck it. I peeled it off and dropped it to the floor. I curled up for sleep and wondered why the hell my dick was hard. Tired as I was, I couldn’t go to sleep. I lay there listening to their bed creak and wondering what the fuck they were doing. They didn’t say anything I could hear, just the occasional moan or grunt. Even while I felt disgust for what was going on, I still felt the excitement of sexual tension. I knew when Warren got his nut because he was pretty noisy about it. He made a choked off groan and his breathing got loud, then he coughed a couple of times and they got quiet. I don’t know if the guy, Jerry, if he got off or what. I was just glad it was over. The rain had slacked off to a light drizzle and the whole place got quiet. I began to actually relax and drift off when the dude started to snore. Really harsh, nasal roaring. Funny, he sounded just like my dad. Warren got up, I saw him pass in front of the window and then he was fumbling around by my bed, at the dresser. A cigarette lighter flashed, he lit a smoke, then the little blue candle and picked it up, went into the bathroom. The smell of his cigarette was terrific. I wanted one so bad it hurt. I knew I’d never go to sleep, now, until I’d had a cigarette. I got up and followed him to the bathroom. He was at the sink, washing his dick, his cigarette hung from his lip. “Hey, man. That smoke smells pretty good, you got another one?” He turned his head and squinted at me. “Here, take this one, buddy.” He pushed out his chin. “My hands are wet.” I took the butt from his lips and he went back to his washing. The cigarette was damp from his mouth, but it tasted great. First one I’d had since yesterday afternoon. Warren turned around, leaned back against the sink and dried himself off. He looked up at me and grinned. “I thought he was gonna swallow me whole, man! That guy can deep throat like you wouldn’t believe! He took it right down to the balls!” He held out his softened dick and marked a spot against his bush, right at the root. “Really? I’m amazed anybody can take all you got. I saw it when it was hard. What have you got? About ten inches?” He laughed, quietly (we were almost whispering), “Naw, not really.” He dropped his dick and let it swing loose. “It’s really a little more than eight. Hell, it ain’t no bigger than yours.” He was looking down at mine. I’d forgot I was naked. My dick was at the half-mast stage, full but not stiff, you know. I took another drag, sighed it out. “Shit. Mine ain’t nowhere big as yours.” I lifted mine to show him. “I doubt I got seven, at best.” “Duh. More’n that, man. It always looks smaller to you than to anybody else. It’s really thick. I know it’s wider than mine, for real.” He reached out and cupped it in his hand, curled his big fingers around my shaft and I went stiff and hard. He grinned. I pulled away and he put his arm around my shoulder, took the cigarette from my lips and got a drag for himself, put it back to my mouth. When I let him slide it back into my lips he was looking right in my eyes with a teasing, knowing look. “I ain’t into that stuff, man.” I told him, “Don’t even think it.” “Yeah, I know. It scares you. Don’t worry, I ain’t ready to go again. I’m whipped, man. Let’s get some sleep, okay? Come on.” He took the butt, douched it in the john, picked up the candle and pulled me back to bed. “I can’t take his snoring, I’m sleeping with you, man.” he whispered. We crawled into the bed and I curled away from him, but he scooted up next to my back and put his arm over my chest. It was too close and intimate, but I was so tired I didn’t protest, just relaxed. Wasn’t so bad after a few minutes, he was warm and it felt okay. Kind of nice. I wished he wouldn’t shove his soft dick against my ass, but it didn’t matter, he wasn’t turned on or nothing. I guess my ass was safe. His palm slid down my chest and lay at my navel. I guess he would feel my hard-on, but I didn’t care, I was drifting off. Going to sleep at last was like sinking into quicksand, slow and relentless. When I woke it was bright daylight. I lay still a few minutes, taking stock, remembering the storm, remembering the guy who took us in ... the noises from the other bed in the dark. Warren was still wrapped around me and his hand was cupping my cock. I was wet and sticky down there and a flush of embarrassment washed over me. Guess I’d had a wet dream right in his hand. What a fuck up, huh? When I shifted a bit, I felt his cock poking my ass. He was hard and it was between my thighs, right up under my balls. For a guy who wasn’t into that shit, I guess I was pretty much compromised. I didn’t get bent out of shape or nothing. I guess knowing what he’d done with Jerry made me know he wouldn’t be judging me too damn harsh. He wouldn’t care that I shot on his hand, right? But I didn’t want to be there with him when he woke up to find his hand full of my jizz, either! I eased the sheets back and sat up, his arm slid off my hip. Jerry wasn’t in his bed. He was gone. I went to the bathroom, took a terrific piss and got a quick shower to wash off my belly. I picked up our clothes and rinsed them out under the shower, tried to get rid of all the sand. I hung them over the curtain rod. It was still early morning. I figured I’d go back to sleep until noon, maybe they’d be dry by then. I took a towel with me, went back to clean up Warren’s hand, wipe off the side of the bed. I must have cum a quart! He opened his sleepy eyes and grinned at me. “You dropped a hell of a load, man!” “Sorry, I must have had a wet dream, couldn’t help it, you know?” I couldn’t look at him. “Woke me up, dude! You was fucking my hand like a two dollar whore! It was all I could do to hold on! Pretty damn hot, man!” He laughed, raised his palm to his nose, “Smells like teen spirit, man!” “Aw, come on. Give me a break. Your fault for playing with my dick. Don’t blame me.” “Shit. It was cool, man. don’t sweat it. I like sex, didn’t I make that clear?” He tossed the sheet aside and pushed his hips up in the air. His massive erection pointed up and quivered in tension. “Where’s Jerry? I need some of his magic touch!” “I donno, he was gone when I woke up. Must have gone out for breakfast or something.” I was staring at his hard pole. “I want to go back to sleep, could you put that thing away or something?” “Umm,” he groaned. He grabbed it and gave it a hard jerk. “I could use a few more zees myself”, he lifted the sheet back over him and held it up for me to crawl in beside him. “No way, man!” I protested when he would slide back against my ass like before. “I ain’t letting you stick that thing up my ass! Forget it!” He laughed. “Spoil sport!, saving your virgin ass for marriage?” But he rolled over, scrunched his ass back and let me curl up behind him for a change. The bed was too narrow for us unless I put my arm over him, like he’d done to me. I felt his rubbery nipple under my hand, smoothed my palm flat over his fat pecs. He didn’t have any hair on his chest. It was smooth and warm. I snuggled closer to get comfortable, my face fit into the hollow of his neck and shoulder. My dick pressed up against his hard ass and he wriggled it, pushed back against me. We lay still awhile but sleep kept its distance. Our breathing fell into a steady rhythm and I thought he was sleeping. I was really amazed at myself. Here I was cuddled up next to a guy just like I would with a girl. It wasn’t all that different, really. Kind of nice and pleasant, just skin to skin contact. I didn’t feel disgust like I thought I would. Still I couldn’t believe I’d cum in his hand. Guess it don’t matter who plays with your dick, right? It all feels good. Who really cares? Not like it’s gonna be on the front page or nothing. Spring Break, I’m allowed to get a little wild, right? I felt sleep sliding in, sweet and gentle. My hand relaxed and slipped down his belly. Some hair down there all right. Crisp and curly stuff, tickles my fingers. Mmm, so quiet and nice, warm, relaxed ... there’s his big ol’ cock. Hell, he’s still hard as a jackhammer. It feels a lot like mine. Fits my hand just like my own ... The skin slides loose like mine... His balls’ got that same liquid velvet feeling... damn, they’re sure hot ... He’s leaking, too. The head getting all slimy and wet. My thumb slides over it and it feels like smooth oil... Funny, I didn’t think I’d get hard again, so soon. My cock fits into the pocket under his balls real natural like, don’t even have to try. It just slides in there. I’m wet, too. His ass pushes back to me. Feels so good, damn! Now he can feel what it’s like to let a guy shove it in there. Just like he did to me. Kind of sexy, ain’t it? I slow stroked, long piston rides. Right up under his balls till I was banging against his asshole, sliding over it and feeling the wet pocket. “MMmmm”, he moaned. He pushed his hips against my fist. “Feel good?” I whispered into his ear. His breath was coming out between clenched teeth. His hair tickled my cheek. His ear was right under my lips, I let my tongue slip over his earlobe. He gasped, shoved his ass against me. “Oohh, fuck! That feels good!” He moaned. “Jerk me harder!” I clenched down, squeezed him tight, pounded against his pelvis, felt the hairs grind against the heel of my hand. He bucked like a wild horse. “Jesus! Oh, my god!” and he fucked my fist, slamming back to crush my pounding cock with his hard muscled, hot ass. His face turned up towards mine and his lips were a half inch from mine. Our breath collided, he tasted like me, musky and sour and fierce. He rolled over and hugged me, shoved our cocks together and reached down between us to grip us in one hand, squeeze our rods together. My mouth was filled with his tongue and the flavor of heat. When Jerry opened the door we both jumped, pulled apart, startled and blinking. “Well, well. You couldn’t wait for me? What a gorgeous picture. You’re both so hot! David, all I can say is Wow! You guys want to be alone or can I join in?” He dropped two big bags onto the dresser, I smelled bacon, coffee. “Hell, come on in!” Warren laughed, tossed the sheets aside. “Show this guy how you can deep throat. I was bragging about you, he don’t believe me!” I thought I was gonna lose the mood when Jerry joined in. I just wanted to be with Warren ... then I watched him suck Warren’s cock and Bam! My poker went right back to full attention! He grabbed mine and held it to his cheek. I felt Warren’s cock slide against mine through his skin. Then he swapped his wet mouth to my cock and it was incredible. His lips gripped tight and slid right down to the bone! His throat was tight and hot, just like fucking a fine young virgin, tight and hot! tight and hot! My god, oh, my god. and Warren was kissing me, his tongue filing my mouth and his teeth nibbling at my lips, my chin... my neck and I was going over the edge and Jerry shoved a finger up under my balls and pushed right into my asshole .. I gripped down with a muscle spasm and shot a bolt of electric jism right down his hot throat, groaned into Warren’s mouth and the big guy’s hands were caressing my chest, my shoulders, my belly and oh my god I never felt anything so great! Fucking wonderful, man! Incredible. No wonder this queer stuff has been going on for thousands of years! No fucking wonder, man! I never knew sex could be so rave! Tremors were still running down my spine when I sat up, shoved Jerry aside and planted my mouth on Warren’s cock. Okay? So what? Who the fuck cares, huh? I’m asking you? Maybe someday I’d actually try that butt fucking shit. If it’s anything like this I’ll probably love it. Warren went wild when I went down on him. Jerry just kept laughing, patting my back, telling me I was so cool! We got Jerry’s clothes off, and then we took turns with him, and with each other. It was an amazing morning. The bacon and egg sandwiches got cold, ditto the coffee. But we were all so fucking happy, who the fuck cares? I didn’t actually turn gay or nothing. I never stopped chasing pussy and I still prefer a football game to a musical, you know? I ain’t going into hairdressing as a career, come on! But I guess I dumped some old up-tight ideas about people, let go of trying to live inside the lines, you know? Now, I’m pretty much open to anything that comes along. I meet a guy who looks good, gives me the eye? Why not? But I ain’t out looking for it. It’s like I don’t have to, you know? It’s not all tense and nervous anxiety like with women. I don’t worry about what a guy’s looking for. Hell, I know. I know damn well! Women might be looking for a daddy or a caretaker or a fantasy knight to save them, but a guy’s just looking for some touch and some good feelings, maybe a nut or two. There’s always some buddy around to curl up with when you just don’t want to be alone... It’s easy. Shit. It’s the easiest thing in the world once you learn to let it happen.


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Beach Boys Bingo

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Blow Out the Candle

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Bunk Buddies

“Aw, Pearson, you fuckin’ dumbass, don’t talk like that. They can’t help it. Tell you the truth, I always liked fags on account of gettin’ raised by my Uncle Bennie. He was the only family ever made me a home, only one didn’t run out on me or slam the door in my face. Hell, you know the only letters I ever get is from him. When you start cussing fags, you talking ‘bout him. It

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Hey, tell me something. That cop that arrested you, did he get it up? You know, did he get a bone?” I thought Butch was asleep. He’d been lying on the upper bunk for an hour while I read. “Hell yeah”, I answered, “he was real turned on. Dripping wet and ready, the son of a bitch!” Butch laughed, a deep and slow rumble in his chest. Then I watched the bottom of his mattress shift

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“Go ahead, I don’t think it matters, long as you don’t touch it.” He spread his legs wide and I hefted his balls as they hung in the crotch. They were hot and damp, but heavy with a thick gnarled twist of backed up jism. “Mmm, squeeze ‘em easy”, he muttered. I cupped them and rolled them inside their thin sac, then closed my hand around their soft resistance and tugged gently.

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Unzipped Letters

Hey Mad Mitch! How’s it going, man? Sorry to hear about your wreck. I phoned my folks last night and they told me. Said the Camero is totaled! Shit, I know that’s hell. Just so glad to hear you’re alive and kicking! You lucky SOB. Be careful, will ya? Guess you’ll have to slow down with both legs broke!!! Brutal, man! Rest up, get well soon! Take it easy Bud, Joel (Lobo Joe)


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